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The Call of The Wild
MH | IN CASE YOU MISSED IT The Call of the Wild
Six months in lockdown has got people itching to travel once more, as soon as it’s safe and feasible to do so. Meanwhile, Manila House Member Binky Dizon of exotic travel specialists A2A Safaris, together with Juan Cristobal del Pedregal of Antarctica 21, Dave van Smeerdijk of Natural Seclections, and
Jascivan Carvalho of Tropic Ecuador, certainly whet everyone’s appetite for some of the most stunning, once-in-a-lifetime bucket list destinations that in addition place an emphasis on ecological conservation
While the pandemic has had a definite financial impact on the industry, the good news is that international travel has begun to open up. And in all the properties presented at the webinar, safety measures have been put in place, although as all the panelists noted, guests would definitely enjoy being in the fresh open air—albeit with a bit of a chill in Antarctica!— and they would be far away from crowds.
Moreover, rates will not be increased for the 2021 travel season, and for the intrepid traveler, some amazing deals can be had right now for travel next year.
Heightened experiences in unusual locales is what adventure travel promises, and post-COVID, as Carvalho pointed out, “people will be looking at more contained, smaller and exclusive experiences.” Family travel will also be big, partly because lockdowns have brought families closer together, but also because the desire to be more active and explore new places together and be in the great outdoors will be strong.
Presented in partnership with A2A Safaris: a2asafaris.com

Juan Cristobal del Pedregal, Dave van Smeerdijk, Jascivan Carvalho, Binky Dizon, Bambina Olivares on Zoom