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Infra, capital spending dips to P59.7B in March »Story on B1 ++


•• 6 SECTIONS PAGES • VOL. 120 NO. 213 32

TUESDAY, MAY 14, 2019

Trusted since 1898


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Defective machines mar ‘peaceful’ polls M

ONDAY’S midterm polls were generally successful despite counting machine glitches, vote-buying and scattered incidents of violence, the Commission on Elections (Comelec) said.

JAMMED Election personnel attempt to fix a defective vote counting machine at the Manuel L. Quezon Elementary School in Manila. PHOTO



³TopA2 For more election updates and results visit


The CIA and Namfrel: Should this dog survive its scandalous past?  Last of 2 parts First word OLAND 3IMbulan’s LECTURE g4HE #)! IN -ANILA THE #)! S Covert Operations and Hidden History IN THE 0HILIPPINESu WAS DELIVERED AT THE University of the Philippines Manila on !UG ³MakabentaA4



Why PNPA cadets become rogue cops




³TulfoA6 REACH US AT: E-mail: newsdesk@ Tel. Nos.: 524-5664 to 67 Address: 2/F Sitio Grande, 409 A. Soriano Avenue, Intramuros, Manila 1002

Comelec, ‘Ditched’ Pimentel still thanks Hugpong watchdog to start counts Tuesday THE Commission on Elections (Comelec) en banc convened on Monday as the national board OF CANVASSERS ."/# FOR THE OFkCIAL 3ENATE AND party-list count. 3ESSION WAS SUSPENDED AND SCHEDULED TO REsume at 1 p.m. today, May 14, pending the transmission of results from the provincial boards of canvassers (PBOC). 4HE ."/# COUNT WILL BE BASED ON OFkCIAL 0"/# reports that in turn comprise results at the municipal and city levels. Comelec spokesman James Jimenez explained that after the canvassing of votes at the precinct

AMID reports that he had been ditched by the Hugpong ng Pagbabago (HnP) ON ELECTION DAY 3EN !QUILINO g+OKOu 0IMENTEL RD ON -ONDAY EXPRESSED gratitude to the party’s founder, Davao #ITY -AYOR 3ARA $UTERTE #ARPIO FOR HELPING WITH HIS REELECTION BID 3AMPLE (N0 BALLOTS DISTRIBUTED TO


said in a text message. 4HE (N0 ENDORSED 3ENATE CANDIDATES BUT ONLY SEATS WERE UP FOR GRABS 0IMENTEL ALONG WITH 3ARA S father, President Rodrigo Duterte, are national president and chairman, respectively, of the ruling Partido






Antonio ContrerasA4


Soldiers from the First Marine Brigade keep watch as voting is held at the Dalican Pilot Elementary School in Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao on Monday. PHOTO BY DJ DIOSINA

Crisologo casts vote, threatens raps vs police RAPTORS, TRAIL BLAZERS CLINCH GAME 7s TO REACH FINAL FOUR





ING VOTES AND SAID HE WAS CONSIDERING CHARGING AUTHORITIES WITH UNLAWFUL arrest and detention. Belmonte had yet to comment as of press time. Assistant City Prosecutor Felomina Apostol Lopez ordered the Criminal Investigation and Detection Unit to RELEASE #RISOLOGO ALONG WITH SON 7IL-





˜ The Manila Times TUESDAY May 14, 2019

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PNP personnel replace no-show poll boards



TOTAL of 1,501 police personnel nationwide acted as members of election boards in six areas because of the absence of teachers originally designated to sit on such boards, Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Oscar Albayalde said on Monday noon. These police personnel sat on the election boards in polling centers located in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region, Northern

Mindanao, Bicol Region, Marikina City in Metro Manila and Calabarzon (Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal and Quezon).

Albayalde said they had expected that some election board MEMBERS IN "ANGSAMORO WOULD not be able to perform their poll duties for safety reasons. He added that they still did NOT KNOW WHY THE ELECTION BOARD members in Marikina City and #ALABARZON FAILED TO SHOW UP g)N AREAS IN -INDANAO IT IS EXpected, especially in Bangsamoro. 4HAT S WHY IN "ANGSAMORO WE HAVE MORE THAN PERSONNEL trained to render election duties IN POLLING CENTERS u !LBAYALDE SAID g)N ;-ARIKINA #ITY= AND ;#ALABARZON= THEY ELECTION BOARD

members) just did not appear. 'OOD THING OUR PERSONNEL WITH ELECTION BOARD TRAINING WERE ON STANDBY u HE ADDED 4HE 0.0 TRAINED A TOTAL OF POLICE OFkCERS NATIONWIDE TO SERVE as members of election boards for THE -AY MIDTERM POLLS Albayalde said six voting centers in ,ANAO DEL .ORTE WERE NONOPERATIONAL AS OF NOON ON -ONDAY BECAUSE OF defective vote counting machines and 3ECURE $IGITAL CARDS AND DUE TO THE absence of election board members. (E ADDED THAT HE WAS HOPING THESE POLLING CENTERS WOULD EVENtually open and serve voters.


Defective machines mar ‘peaceful’ polls Makati Mayor Mar-Len Abigail g!BBYu "INAY AND HER HUSBAND 3ECOND $ISTRICT 2EP ,UIS #AMPOS IN -AKATI AND 3EN -ARY 'RACE 0OE IN 3AN *UAN g2IGHT NOW THE ESTIMATE IS ABOUT TO MACHINES OUT OF HAVE EXPERIENCED ISsues. It could be bigger or it could be smaller, but that’s the ESTIMATE u #OMELEC SPOKESMAN *AMES *IMENEZ SAID IN A BRIEkNG (E ADMITTED HOWEVER THAT THE COUNT WAS MUCH LARGER THAN THE 188 machine failures reported DURING THE ELECTIONS Jimenez stressed that the Comelec did not predict perfect elections, pointing out THAT WITH SO MANY MACHINES IN USE IT WAS INEVITABLE THAT SOME WOULD MALFUNCTION The Comelec spokesman also said some precincts in Isabela, :AMBALES .AGA #ITY 3AMAR AND 3ULTAN +UDARAT FAILED TO OPEN on time. g4HE GENERAL IMPRESSION WAS that elections opened in all clusTERED PRECINCTS NATIONWIDE u Jimenez said. g4HESE ELECTIONS MIGHT BE A little problematic because of all THE PROBLEMS WE RE ENCOUNTERING BUT WE ARE RESOLVING THESE ISSUES AND THAT S ) THINK THE MAIN POINT u


‘Ditched’ Pimentel still thanks Hugpong Demokratiko Pilipino-Laban ng Bayan (PDP-Laban) party. 0IMENTEL ALSO WEIGHED IN ON reports of massive vote-counting MACHINE GLITCHES QUESTIONING THE Commission on Elections for rePORTING THAT THE 6#-S HAD PASSED diagnostic tests. (E CLAIMED THAT barangay VILLAGES OUT OF IN $APITAN City, Zamboanga del Norte had


Comelec, watchdog

Glitches aplenty 4HE #OMELEC WHICH INITIALLY SAID THE 6#- USED BY "INAY HAD BEEN damaged by a cameraman, later said the former vice president had been given a defective ballot. g(E WAS ALLOWED TO VOTE (E kLLED OUT A NEW BALLOT ALONG WITH ANOTHER VOTER u SAID %LECTION AND Information Division chief Frances Arabe. /THER OFkCIALS SAID THE MACHINE had rejected Binay’s ballot because IT WAS STAINED AFTER HAVING BEEN DROPPED ON THE lOOR "INAY WHO TRIED TO VOTE AROUND A M WAS kNALLY ABLE TO CAST HIS ballot before lunch. 4HERE WERE ALSO REPORTS OF 6#- glitches in other areas, prompting LONG QUEUES !BBY HOWEVER SAID THE INCIDENT WAS gNOT ALARMING u (ER SISTER REELECTIONIST 3EN -Aria Lourdes Nancy Binay, called on the Comelec to investigate. g"Y THIS TIME WE SHOULD HAVE BEEN EXPERTS WHEN IT COMES TO automation. The problem seems TO WORSEN 4HE DELAY IS UNACCEPTABLE u SHE TOLD REPORTERS 0OE WHO QUEUED AT THE 3TA ,UCIA %LEMENTARY 3CHOOL IN 3AN Juan City, decided to go home AFTER THE PRECINCT S 6#- BROKE DOWN AT A M %LECTION OFkCIALS TRIED TO RESET



broken precinct count optical SCANNERS AND FAULTY 3ECURE $IGITAL memory cards. g!LL HAVE BEEN PROPERLY RECORDED AND FILED WITH THE "%) (board of election inspector). $ON T KNOW YET OF ANY ACTION TAKEN u SAID 0IMENTEL WHO CAST his vote at the Cagayan de Oro #ITY #ENTRAL 3CHOOL BERNADETTE E. TAMAYO


Members of the Board of Election Inspectors inspect a machine that broke down at the Sta. Lucia Elementary School in San Juan. PHOTO BY ROGER RAÑADA the machine several times but failed, prompting them to seek a replacement. The reelectionist senator managed to cast her vote before lunch.

‘Massive’ vote-buying For the Philippine National Police 0.0 VOTE BUYING WAS THE BIGgest challenge for its personnel DEPLOYED NATIONWIDE Before precincts opened, the PNP’s National Election Monitoring and Action Center (Nemac) REPORTED INCIDENTS WITH VIOLATORS OF WHOM HAD BEEN arrested. g7E CAN SEE THAT VOTE BUYING IS REALLY MASSIVE u 0.0 CHIEF /SCAR Albayalde said in the vernacular. g3OME REPORTS ARE NOT CONFIRMED AND NOT ACTUALLY TRUE u Albayalde said. The PNP Nemac also reported LIQUOR BAN VIOLATIONS AND arrests. The ban on buying and consuming alcoholic beverages BEGAN -AY AND LASTED UNTIL MIDNIGHT OF -AY 7ITH REGARD TO ELECTION VIOLENCE DO g3ONNYu !NGARA VOTES – Ilocos Norte governor María )MELDA *OSEFA g)MEEu -ARCOS VOTES – Former senator and actor -ANUEL -ERCADO g,ITOu ,APID VOTES – Former Metro Manila Development Authority chairman &RANCIS 4OLENTINO VOTES m 2EELECTIONIST 3EN -ARIA ,OURDES .ANCY "INAY VOTES




level, vote-counting machines WOULD PRINT OUT EIGHT COPIES OF ELECTION RETURNS )T WILL ONLY BE AFTER THIS THAT RESULTS WILL BE ELECtronically transmitted. 4HE ELECTION RETURNS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO RECIPIENTS SPECIkED BY LAW INCLUDING THE MAJORITY AND MINORITY PARTIES AND A COPY WILL also be posted in front of polling stations. !NOTHER COPIES WILL BE PRINTed for the media, citizen’s arms and nongovernment organizations, among others.


-ARIBEL "UENAOBRA 00#26 executive director, told reporters ON -ONDAY THAT THEY WOULD BE validating the election returns against electronically transmitted RESULTS AT THE 00#26 COMMAND center in Manila. !ROUND VOLUNTEER ENcoders are expected to be WORKING DAILY FROM -AY THROUGH 0OLL WATCHERS DEployed to clustered precincts AND VOTING CENTERS WILL RETRIEVE and send the fourth copies of the election returns. 4HE WATCHDOG ALSO SAID THERE WAS gNOTHING ALARMINGu ABOUT malfunctioning vote-counting machines. g4HAT IS JUST ABOUT LESS THAN PERCENT u "UENAOBRA SAID WILLIAM B. DEPASUPIL AND CATHERINE A. MODESTO


Crisologo casts vote g4HE SCRUTINY OF THE *OINT !FkDAVIT OF !RREST AS WELL AS THE pieces of evidence presented, failed to justify the in lAGRANTE delicto arrest of the responDENTS u IT ADDED #RISOLOGO CAST HIS VOTE AT P M three hours before the voting period ended. (IS LEGAL COUNSEL ,ARRY 'ADON A 3ENATE BET DENIED THE VOTE buying charge. He said the money SEIZED DURING THE RAID WAS FOR THEIR POLL WATCHERS TRAINING Crisologo accused the police of gUNFAIRu PROCEDURES BUT 1UEZON City Police District chief Brig. 'EN *OSELITO %SQUIVEL DEFENDED the arrest. g7E KNOW OUR LAW ) CONgratulate my men for standing THEIR GROUND u %SQUIVEL TOLD The Manila Times. He claimed that


News More oil firms Polls to gauge support slash pump prices for govt – Duterte ˜ The Manila Times

TUESDAY May 14, 2019

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MORE oil companies adjusted their pump prices on Monday, cutting the prices of gasoline and kerosene by P1.25 and 30 centavos per liter, respectively. Flying V, Petron and PTT Philippines said they would implement the price cut at 6 a.m. today, May 14. Petro Gazz and Pilipinas Shell said they would also adjust pump price today. Eastern Petroleum implemented the price cut on Monday, while Seaoil

slashed its prices on Sunday. 0HOENIX 0ETROLEUM WAS THE kRST to adjust its pump prices on Saturday, slashing the cost of gasoline by P1.30 per liter. The price of diesel was unchanged. Fuel prices tumbled as global crude prices were mixed. Reuters reported on Monday that Brent crude futures went up by 0.2 percent at $70.73 per barrel, but the US West Texas Intermediate dipped by 0.2 percent at $61.58 a barrel. JORDEENE B. LAGARE

High court affirms CA order vs Sunvar

THE Supreme Court has ruled that the Court of Appeals (CA) was right TO AFkRM A LOWER COURT DECISION ORdering Sunvar Realty Development #ORP OWNED BY THE 2UkNO 0RIETO clan, to return the property of a deceased woman in Muntinlupa City. In a ruling promulgated by Clerk of Court Librada Buena on Feb. 18, 2019 and released to the media just recently, the high court’s First Division denied Sunvar’s petition as it AFkRMED THE DECISION DATED -ARCH 22, 2018 and the resolution dated August 7, 2018 of the CA. At the heart of the controversy was unit 12 of the Corinthian Villas Condominium, which was purchased in 1995 by and registered in the name of Ma. Elena Posadas, as COVERED BY #ONDOMINIUM #ERTIkcate of Title 52165. The property was placed on public auction by the Muntinlupa government in 2004 after Posadas failed to pay real property taxes, according to Sunvar, who won the bidding. “As correctly ruled by the CA, a tax delinquency sale is void if no actual notice is given to the registered owner. Considering that no notice was sent to Ma. Elena Posadas prior to the scheduled public auction, the CERTIkCATE OF SALE AND DEED OF SALE IN favor of Sunvar Realty Development Corp. are deemed null and void.� In December 1995, Posadas purchased the property from Sunvar, as evinced by a deed of absolute sale executed and entered into by the parties. Consequently, the Bureau OF )NTERNAL 2EVENUE ISSUED A CERTIkcate authorizing registration in her favor after she paid the applicable taxes pertaining to the sale of the condominium unit. 7HILE THE CERTIkCATE COVERING THE property issued by the Registry of Deeds for the City of Makati was in the name of Posadas, the tax decla-

ration on the property remained in the name of Sunvar. In 1999, Posadas allowed her former husband Sixto de los Angeles to use and occupy the property. He continues to occupy the property with the consent of his children and Posadas’ heirs, Ma. Lourdes de los Angeles Gahol and Augusto de los Angeles. In December 2007, Posadas DIED AND 3IXTO kRST LEARNED OF THE public auction through a formal demand letter. Sunvar, through counsel, demanded a monthly rental of P20,000, commencing on October 2004 until de los Angeles vacates the unit. Sunvar alleged that because Posadas failed to pay the real taxes due on the subject property, the Muntinlupa government conducted a public auction in October 2004. Sunvar tended the highest bid at P546,676.53. Sunvar also declared that after one year from the date of sale, and with no redemption on the part of Posadas, the Muntinlupa governMENT EXECUTED A kNAL DEED OF SALE dated Nov. 18, 2005. The Regional Trial Court directed Sunvar to pay de los Angeles P200,000 in moral and exemplary damages. This prompted Sunvar to seek redress with the CA, which sided with Posadas’ heirs. According to the appellate court, Sunvar acted in bad faith for failing to inform Posadas of the bidding and eventually owning the subject property. In its decision, the Supreme Court said: “After review of the records, the Court resolves to deny the PETITION FOR FAILURE TO SUFkCIENTLY show that the CA committed any reversible error in its decision[s], as to warrant the exercise of the court’s appellate jurisdiction.� JOMAR CANLAS



RESIDENT Rodrigo Duterte believes that this year’s elections could serve as a “referendum� for his three-year-old administration.

“If you agree with me, then you can vote for my candidates or the people I’m supporting in the election,â€? Duterte told reporters in Davao City after casting his vote. “Now, [if] I am repudiated by the loss of all candidates coming from the Hugpong slate, that would indicate that the majority of the people, ayaw nila ako (rejected me),â€? he added, referring to Hugpong ng Pagbabago (HnP), which is led by his daughter Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio. Asked if he expects the a dministration-backed Senate candidates to win big, the President answered, “I would always place it at 50-50.â€? Duterte, accompanied by partner Cieleto “Honeyletâ€? AvanceĂąa, voted at the Daniel R. Aguinaldo High School in Barangay Matina in Davao City at past 4 p.m. We a r i n g a “ D U 30 â€? shirt, the President went to Precinct 1245A, where his daughter Sara also voted. On Saturday, the President urged Filipinos to vote. “Now more than ever, the Filipino nation needs us to chart a course of its future,â€? he said in a speech during the miting de avance of the PDP-Laban party in Pasig City on Saturday. “Let us not waste this chance to shape and secure the future of the Filipino now,â€? he added.

Philippines in the last three years of his term. She expressed hope that the Senate candidates supported by the administration would win so that the President would not have a hard time in pushing needed measures. “Noong nakaraang three years, nakita natin nu’n medyo nahirapan si President Duterte sa pagtulak ng mga gusto niyang mangyari para sa ating bansa, especially ‘yung mga campaign promises niya, doon sa pagkuha ng suporta sa Senate

(In the past three years, we saw how difficult it was for President Duterte to push the reforms he wanted, especially his campaign promises, gaining support in the Senate),� Sara said in an interview after casting her vote in Davao City. “That’s why we really worked hard during this campaign para ma-present sa mga tao kung sino ‘yung mga senators na nakakaintindi kung ano ang vision ng ating Presidente and, hopefully, bobotohan nila (to present to the people the senators who understand the President’s vision and, hopefully, vote for them),� she added. Surveys indicate that most of the President’s Senate candidates would likely win, allowing him to firm up his majority in the Senate, as he did in the House of Representatives


soon after his 2016 victory. Sara’s HnP is supporting 13 candidates, but only 12 Senate seats are up for grabs. “Medyo ninerbyos (I’m a bit nervous), but I’d like to request everyone to go out and vote, and choose kung sino ‘yung sa tingin nila (who they think) personally, on their personal assessment and appreciation, should lead us in the Senate and in our respective local government units,� she said. The mayor expressed hope that her party’s Senate slate would secure a landslide vote in her city. “We hope that Davao City voters will carry our candidates,� she said. WITH ALEXANDER LOPEZ

Q President Rodrigo Duterte votes at the Daniel R. Aguinaldo High School in Davao City. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Vital support M e a nw h i l e, S a r a b e lieves that the support of the Senate was crucial for the realization of her father’s “vision� for the


IBP sets ‘Bikoy’ investigation

SENATE President Vicente “Titoâ€? Sotto 3rd on Monday said he would vacate his post once his colleagues elect a new leader of the chamber in 18th Congress.  â€œ I serve at the pleasure of my peers. All you have to do is tell me that you have 13 votes and you can have my resignation as Senate President. Madali ‘yun (That’s easy). I have been here since 1992, I have witnessed eight or nine coup d’etat in the Senate, so I am familiar with how it’s done, the goings

THE Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) is set to investigate how Peter Joemel Advincula or “Bikoy� gained access to the group’s headquarters in Pasig City to hold a news conference there on May 6, 2019. Incoming IBP president Domingo Egon Cayosa ordered a formal investigation after Kabalikat party-list asked the Supreme Court to sanction IBP President Abdiel Dan Elijah Fajardo and Cayosa for violation of Rule 1.02 of the Code of Professional Responsibility, which states that “a lawyer shall not counsel or abet activities at defiance of the law or at lessening confidence in the legal system.� The group, represented by Tomas Jose Cabrido, slammed the IBP leadership for allowing

on,â€? said Sotto after casting his vote in Quezon City.  Sotto took over the Senate leadership on May 21, 2018 after Senate President Aquilino “Kokoâ€? Pimentel 3rd stepped down. Fifteen senators closed ranks and agreed to have Sotto replace Pimentel.They were Senators Loren Legarda, Maria Lourdes Nancy Binay, Emmanuel Juan Edgardo “Sonnyâ€? Angara, Emmanuel Joel Villanueva, Gregorio “Gringoâ€? Honasan 2nd, Panfilo “Pingâ€? Lacson, Juan Miguel “Migzâ€?

Zubiri, Emmanuel “Manny� Pacquiao, Cynthia Villar, Francis “Chiz� Escudero, Richard Gordon, Ralph Recto, Mary Grace Poe and Joseph Victor “JV� Ejercito. Last week, Sotto endorsed his Senate candidates — reelectionist senators Paolo “Bam� Aquino 4th, Angara, Binay, Ejercito, Pimentel, Poe and Villar. He also backed former senators Manuel “Lito� Lapid and Pilar Juliana “Pia� Cayetano, and former top aide Christopher Lawrence “Bong� Go. JAVIER JOE ISMAEL

Advincula to use the office and resources of the lawyers’ group in his press conference to attack President Rodrigo Duterte’s administration. Cayosa said the probe would look into reports that some IBP officials sanctioned the press conference and determine if there were rules violated. �Be assured that we will responsibly do our job as elected leaders of the organization and safeguard the interests and integrity of the IBP,� Cayosa said in a statement. The IBP is under the supervision and control of the Supreme Court. This year, it will receive P100 million from Congress, through the high court, for its operations, primarily in giving legal aid. JOMAR CANLAS

The right of accretion Dear PAO, A series of tragedies fell upon my wife and her family last year. After years of struggling in the hospital, my wife passed away. A few months after her death, her brother perished in a vehicular accident. Sometime this year, we found out that my brother-inlaw left a last will and testament. After going over his last will, I found out that he named my wife and I as recipients of his land in the province. However, his last will did not describe the manner of which we would share the land. Is my understanding


PERSIDA ACOSTA correct that since my wife is already gone, I can claim the whole land, which we were supposed to share, for myself? Arturo Dear Arturo, It appears that you and your wife were called to receive an undivided land as an inheritance from the last will of your brother-in-law,

who died after your wife’s passing. To answer your query based on these details, we may look at the concept of accretion in testamentary succession as provided by the Civil Code of the Philippines. According to Articles 1015 and 1016 of the said code: “Article 1015. Accretion is a right by virtue of which, when two or more persons are called to the same inheritance, devise or legacy, the part assigned to the one who renounces or cannot receive his share, or who died before the testator, is added or incorporated to that of his co-heirs, co-devisees, or co-legatees. (n)

“Article 1016. In order that the right of accretion may take place in a testamentary succession, it shall be necessary: (1) That two or more persons be called to the same inheritance, or to the same portion thereof, pro indiviso; and (2) That one of the persons thus called die before the testator, or renounce the inheritance, or be incapacitated to receive it. (928a)� These provisions on accretion are applicable in your situation. Since you and your wife were named in the last will of your brother-in-law as recipients of his undivided land, this makes the two

of you as co-devisees. Since your co-devisee wife died before your testator brother-in-law, it appears that your situation complies with the second requirement for accreTION AS SPECIkED IN !RTICLE OF the same code. From this, it is clear that accretion is appropriate in the inheritance that you and your wife should receive from your brotherin-law’s last will and testament. Thus, you are entitled to get the share of your wife as part of your own share. As stated in another provision in the Civil Code: “Article 1020. The heirs to whom the inheritance accrues

shall succeed to all the rights and obligations, which the heir who renounced or could not receive it would have had. (984)� This opinion is solely based on the facts you have narrated and our appreciation of the same. The opinion may vary when the facts are changed or further elaborated. We hope that we were able to enlighten you on the matter.

Editor’s note: Dear PAO is a daily column of the Public Attorney’s Office. Questions for Chief Acosta may be sent to dearpao@



TUESDAY May 14, 2019

E d i to r i a l

˜ The Manila Times

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PH watching the clash of economic titans


HILE OUR EYES AND EARS WERE FOCUSED ON THE kNAL DAY OF OUR midterm election campaign, the long simmering tension between China and the United States over trade erupted into a new level of testiness. Just last week a deal seemed close. Now the fear is of a full-blown COMMERCIAL CONlICT Chinese and American trade negotiators were meeting in WashingTON TO PUT THE kNISHING TOUCHES ON A NEW TRADE DEAL "UT THEN ONE minute after midnight in Washington on May 10, America carried out its threat to ratchet up tariffs on Chinese goods. Two minutes later, China vowed to hit back. And so the world’s two biggest economies have staggered a couple of steps closer to an all-out trade war. Such a prospect is still uncertain: talks are continuing and, until recently, had been making progress. But the risks of economic damage in both countries and of a rupture in their already strained relationship are rising. The increased tariffs apply to a $200-billion tranche of imports from China, including a wide range of industrial inputs, such as car parts and circuit boards. China has yet to detail its retaliation plans, though it is likely to apply proportionate tariffs: aiming at fewer goods (since it imports less from America than America does from it) but also raising duties to 25 percent. ! TRADE WAR BY TEXTBOOK DEkNITION IS AN ECONOMIC CONlICT resulting from extreme protectionism, in which states raise or create tariffs or other trade barriers against each other, in response to trade barriers put up by the other party. Increased protection causes both nations’ output compositions to move toward autarky OR SELF SUFkCIENCY One US political science professor says President Donald Trump in his recent move tendered a Don Corleone offer to China on TRADE 4HAT MEANS IT WOULD BE DIFkCULT FOR "EIJING TO COUNTER WITH Trump’s strategy involving harsh tariffs. Those he imposed overnight are punishing, not only to China but to American consumers. The longer they last, the more they will cost. Serious trade sanctions are the US’ only hope of getting Beijing to roll back its offensive economic practices and open its markets to US exporters and investors. Half measures and paper promises won’t do. The US wants a big deal, and it wants teeth in it to prevent cheating. To get it, Trump is willing to threaten a trade war. No one knows at this point if the strategy will work. As in “The Godfather� movie, after Don Corleone makes his offer, the spectator is not given an idea on what will happen next. Trump’s threats are credible. He began talking about loving TARIFFS EVEN BEFORE HE RAN FOR OFkCE #HINA HAS ESTABLISHED ITS own brand of protectionism — via tariffs and nontariff barriers, as well as in the way it deals with intellectual property rights to support its own industries. The problems may be clear, but the solutions are not. No previOUS 53 ADMINISTRATION HAS kGURED OUT HOW TO DEAL WITH #HINA S discriminatory policies. These failed policies don’t leave Washington with many options. The US can either accept Chinese protectionism, as Europeans and previous US administrations have, or it can make them an offer they can’t refuse. Trump is taking the Don Corleone option. But why try this now? That is partly China’s fault, partly Trump’s choice. Beijing forced the issue when it reneged. The timing is also Trump’s preference since he loses leverage as the 2020 election approaches. The Chinese are certain to hit back, and, when they do, they will target industry and agriculture in states Trump needs for reelection. Waiting doesn’t help him. President Trump is forcing his Chinese counterpart to choose beTWEEN TWO DIFkCULT ALTERNATIVES 4HAT IS WHY HE HAS THROWN A SEVERED horse head into the bed. Trump wants to force the issue and make it hard to resist the American offer. The Philippines will watch and see what happens.


TUESDAY May 14, 2019

The Manila Times


DANTE A. ANG, Chairman Emeritus RENE Q. BAS, Publisher Emeritus NERILYN A. TENORIO, Publisher-Editor ARNOLD E. BELLEZA, Executive Editor LEENA C. CHUA, News Editor LYNETTE O. LUNA, National Editor TESSA MAURICIO-ARRIOLA, Lifestyle Editor PERRY GIL S. MALLARI, Sports Editor DINO RAY V. DIRECTO 3RD, Motoring Editor CONRAD M. CARIÑO, Special Sections Editor LEA MANTO-BELTRAN, Supplements Editor ALVIN I. DACANAY, Assistant Business Editor MARIO F. FETALINO JR., Assistant Business Editor REMIA B. EUGENIO, Deskman (Regions) MARISHELLE R. MEDINA, Deskman JOMAR CANLAS, Chief of Reporters RENE H. DILAN, Chief Photographer DANTE F. M. ANG 2ND, President and CEO BLANCA C. MERCADO, #HIEF /PERATING /FkCER RODA A. ZABAT, Advertising Director VICENTE P. CRUZ, JR., Circulation Director DENISE O. CALNEA, Marketing Communications and Services Director Telephone All Departments: 524-5665 to 66; Subscription: 524-5664 Local 222 Advertising: 524-5664 Local 121 Telefax: 310-5895 or e-mail • e-mail Letters to the Editor THE MANILA TIMES is published daily at 2/F Sitio Grande, 409 A. Soriano Avenue, Intramuros, Manila 1002 The owners, managers, publishers and editors do not necessarily share the opinions expressed and the statements made by individual authors of columns, commentaries and other articles published in The Manila Times.

In defense of cockroaches


OCKROACHES have always been depicted as despicable creatures. They are seen as indicators of the existence of dirt and filth. They bring diseases and germs. They are not loveable. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it is very rare to see someone who would like them. )T IS DEkNITELY NOT A COMPLIMENT to call anyone cockroach-faced, or “mukhang ipis.� And it doesn’t end there. During the genocide in Rwanda, the Tutsis were called cockroaches by the Hutus to image the former as worthy of extermination. It is therefore an indication of the sorry, hapless state of cockroaches as a much-maligned creature THAT EVEN THOSE WHO kGHT FOR HUman rights and accuse President Duterte of having genocidal tendencies would now take pleasure

ON THE CONTRARY ANTONIO CONTRERAS in associating him with this poor insect in the same way that those who committed genocide labeled their victims. The political opposition and critics of the President took pleasure in making fun of the incident when a cockroach landed on his shoulder while he was praising Ilocos Norte Gov. Imee Marcos in a campaign rally in Bohol. They never missed a beat to associate the insect not only with the President, but also with Ms Marcos. They pointed out how appropriate it was for such a creature associ-

ATED WITH kLTH AND THAT HAS THE habit of being attracted to dirt, to have made an appearance to perch on the shoulder of a president THEY IMAGE AS kLTHY AT THE EXACT moment he was praising someone from a family they also brand as embodying everything that is dirty about politics. For his part, the President in fact also demeaned the poor critter when in jest he quipped that it was probably sent by the Liberal Party, or if not, a shapeshifting member of it. In short, both the President and his critics have partaken of the pleasure to further insult the cockroach. Indeed, it is easy to demean a cockroach. However, one needs to be informed that behind the seemingly despicable representation of this insect, there lies an array

of functions that gives value to its existence. Indeed, cockroaches thrive in dirty environments. As such, they perform a role in the breaking down of organic matter and help in the process of decomposition. They eat whatever is left by other organisms, thus breaking it down and optimizing the amount of nitrogen in the soil through their excrement. This greatly helps in the natural soil fertility that enSURES THE HEALTH OF THE lORA IN THE natural environment. In addition, cockroaches help in transporting POLLENS FROM lOWERING PLANTS AND thus help in the natural process of plant reproduction. In fact, their ability to thrive in germ-infested environments that would otherwise prove fatal to other organisms indicate that they

ÂłContreras A6


The CIA and Namfrel: Should this dog survive its scandalous past? Simbulan opens the talk with these words: “For a long time, Manila was the main station, if not the regional headquarters, of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for Southeast Asia. This is perhaps so because the Philippines has always been regarded as a stronghold of US imperial power in Asia. Since the Americanized Filipinos were under the spell of American culture, they were easy to recruit without their realizing they were committing treason to their own people and country.â€? “Easy to recruit,â€? “committing treason to their own people and country.â€? The lecture hurts at the get-go. It gets worse and worse as you read the entire story. Simbulan’s revelations are extensive and explosive. I will summarize here the key observations and highlights.

Marcos rule and Marcos’ health 1. CIA human intelligence assets in Manila are said to have provided vital information to Washington at crucial times. According to declassikED DOCUMENTS UNDER THE &REEDOM of Information Act, on Sept. 17, 1972, a CIA asset in the Philippines who was in the inner circle of Marcos informed the CIA station in Manila that Ferdinand Marcos was planning to proclaim martial law on Sept. 21,1972. The CIA station in Manila was also provided in advance a copy of Proclamation 1081—the proclamation that declared martial law in the country. The CIA’s assessment of the Sept. 21, 1972 declaration of martial rule boosted the prestige of the CIA station in Manila. In 1982, the CIA was able to verify from a high-ranking Philippine imMIGRATION OFkCER THE NAMES OF THE two doctors who visited the Philippines to treat Marcos for kidney failure, giving the CIA a clear picture of Marcos’ health problems.

CIAÂ goes beyond original mission 2. The CIA is the covert overseas intelligence agency of the United

States government and is likewise an “action-orientedâ€? vehicle of American foreign and military policy. The 1975 Church Committee Report of the US congressional investigations into the CIA’s covert activities abroad revealed how countless foreign governments were overthrown by the CIA; how the CIA instigated a military coup d’Êtat and assassinated foreign political leaders like Chilean President Salvador Allende, who merely tried to safeguard the interests of their own country; and how “special opsâ€? and paramilitary campaigns contributed to the death, directly or indirectly, of millions of people, as a result of those actions. The CIA has gone beyond its original mission of gathering intelligence AND WAS CONDUCTING -AkA TYPE OPerations not only in its own territory but against foreign governments and their leaders.

CIA covert action in the Philippines The CIA in the Philippines has engaged in countless covert operations for intervention and dirty tricks, particularly in Philippine domestic politics. On top of all this is the US diplomatic mission, especially the political section that is a favorite cover for many CIA operatives. CIA front companies also provide an additional but convenient layer of cover for operatives assigned overseas. The agency’s assets and technical infrastructure in Manila were drastically affected by the withdrawal of the bases in 1992 because, before this, the CIA operated jointly with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) major listening posts into most of Indochina and southern China. The loss of the bases in the Philippines was a tremendous blow to the CIA’s Asian infrastructure, if not a major setback.

Legitimation of colonial domination The US places a high premium on the ideological legitimation of its continuing neocolonial domination over the Philippines and, as such, depends heav-

ILY ON 53 kNANCED AND 53 SPONSORED institutions, especially on the ideological front. Thus, grants are generously poured in by such agencies like USAid, National Endowment for Democracy, Asia Foundation and the big businesssponsored Ford Foundation. The objective is to constantly lure and lull the masses into the elite-dominated electoral process, thus legitimizing the neoliberal economic system and its political apparatus, producing a fragile social peace and a “peaceful mechanism for competition among the Filipino elite and oligarchy.�

CIA fronts in Manila Among the most prominent CIA fronts in Manila is the Asia FoundaTION WITH OFkCES AT -AGALLANES 6ILLAGE Makati. According to a former US State Department bureaucrat William Blum in a recent book, the “Asia Foundation is the principal CIA front� and funding conduit in Asia. The Asia Foundation funds and supports known antiCOMMUNIST GROUPS OR INlUENTIAL PERsonalities, i.e. academics, journalists, LOCAL OFkCIALS AND INSTITUTIONS Simbulan said his interviews with former CIA operatives in the PhilipPINES IN CONkRM THE ACTIVE USE of this foundation for the “Agency.� A complete cut-off after 1967, however, would have forced the foundation to shut down, so the AGENCY MADE IT THE BENEkCIARY OF A large “severance payment� in order to give it a couple of years to develop alternative sources of funding.

Tancangco report In her 1992 book, The Tancangco Report: The Anatomy of Electoral Fraud (Matrix Manila, 1992), Luzviminda G. Tancangco, a former commissioner of the Commission on Elections, PROVIDES kRSTHAND DOCUMENTATION on Namfrel’s work as a watchdog of Philippine elections. Because of its well-documented association with the CIA in the Philippines, Namfrel tried to scrub its history by alleging that it started election watching only in the snap elections in 1986. This way, it sought to wipe away its shadowy activities in

previous national elections. But even the historical revisionISM WAS INSUFkCIENT FOR CLEANSING )N the 1986 snap elections, it promptly returned to its old ways. It became a partisan for the presidential campaign of Corazon Aquino. It took part in a plot to deprive Marcos of VICTORY AND PROPAGANDIZE A kCTITIOUS Cory Aquino victory. No matter what it did Namfrel could not credibly document the alleged Aquino victory in a way that WOULD INVALIDATE THE OFkCIAL #OMELEC count of the votes, which saw Marcos as the victor. The most that the Aquino partisans could do was claim that Marcos had stolen the snap election. To this day, foreign correspondents like Tony Lopez of the defunct Asiaweek, will swear that Marcos won the snap 1986 elections. Tancangco in her book documents Namfrel’s numeracy. She noted: “Comelec charged that Namfrel tabulated spurious election returns and that it withheld results from the Kilusan ng Bagong Lipunan bailiwicks. g.AMFREL WAS kNALLY CHARGED WITH engaging in trending or extrapolation of results, and hiding of election returns favoring the KBL, and resorting to selective posting.� In the subsequent 1987 election, Tancangco noted a twist in the image of Namfrel. Its image as a countercheck on possible fraud by the ruling KBL as changed to that of a possible collaborator with the ruling coalition under the Aquino administration. The shortcomings of Namfrel as an election watchdog in the 1986 and 1987 elections are documented in the Tancangco Report. It could never attest to the credibility or accuracy of its election count. It had no authentication process in the various stages of vote tallying and vote aggregation. To this day, the questionable and incomplete Namfrel count is the only documentation available for Cory Aquino’s alleged victory in the February 1986 snap elections. Was Namfrel in 1986 still doing work for the CIA? Was it receiving US funding?

˜ The Manila Times

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TUESDAY May 14, 2019


Tense future for US-China ties, with or without trade deal BEIJING: With or without a trade deal, US-China relations are destined to deteriorate as they enter an era of increasingly nationalistic rivalry in the diplomatic and economic arena, according to analysts. The United States faces a growing challenge to its lone superpower status from a Communist-ruled China whose global influence, military might and high-tech capabilities are rapidly rising. The toughening stances on both sides in their trade war showed that the two powers are ready to play hardball to protect their national interests. President Donald Trump followed through Friday on a threat to target all remaining Chinese exports with tariffs, then warned Saturday any trade deal would be “far worse for [China] if it has to be negotiated in my second term.� Beijing said it would make no concessions on core principles, even as the two sides eye more talks. There are many other sources of tension RIPE FOR lARE UPS 53 MILITARY AID TO SELF ruled Taiwan, Chinese territorial claims in the disputed South China Sea, US criticism of Beijing’s Belt and Road global infrastructure program, and US security warnings against Chinese telecom champion Huawei. “US-China relations are continuing their steady deterioration, which I think is an inevitable consequence of national interests that are starting to overlap and bump into each other

na’s nationalist Global Times tabloid, Hu Xijin, wrote on Twitter on Saturday. “I am very worried the mutual hostility could spiral out of control, causing a big retrogression of the entire international relations.� The trade war has made “many more Clash of civilizations people in China, not just the paranoid cadres, but a much broader swath of the The downward spiral coincides with elite and population realize or believe increasing top-level nationalism in that America’s goal is to keep China both countries. down,� said Bill Bishop, publisher of Xi touts his “Chinese dream of national the Sinocism China Newsletter. rejuvenation� — a return to the nation’s Beijing could attempt to harness former glory — which sounds like nationalism in the trade war, he added, Trump’s “Make America Great Again.� though it is a “double-edged sword� that The director of policy planning at the US could spiral out of control. State Department, Kiron Skinner, raised “There’s a pretty deep wellspring of eyebrows last month when she described anti-foreign, anti-American sentiment,� THE RIVALRY AS A gA kGHT WITH A REALLY DIFFERENT Bishop told AFP, which could trigger civilization and a different ideology.� consumer boycotts of US goods or even Skinner put it in racial terms, tell- protests, like those that followed the ing a security forum the China was 1999 US and NATO bombing of the first US “great power competitor that Chinese embassy in Belgrade. is not Caucasian.� g7E VE YET TO SEE ANY REAL SIGNIkCANT Chinese foreign ministry spokesman news for boycotts of American goods,� Geng Shuang hit back, calling it “absurd he said, “but that’s something that’s in and utterly unacceptable� to look at bi- the toolkit.� lateral ties “from a clash-of-civilizations or even racist perspective.� ‘Key is high-tech’ The trade war is stirring nationalist sentiment in China. The two countries are also locked in a “Objectively, trade war has unprec- BATTLE FOR GLOBAL INlUENCE WITH 7ASHINGedentedly mobilized hostility between ton calling Xi’s cherished Belt and Road Chinese and American societies toward Initiative — a project to connect Asia, each other,� the editor-in-chief of Chi- Europe and Africa via a network of ports, and cause friction,� said Jonathan Sullivan, a China specialist at the University of Nottingham. “Despite the Trump wild card factor, I would suggest that the current trade war is a symbol of things to come.�

railways and roads — a “vanity project.� On the military front, China is rapidly modernizing its army with big spending on aircraft carriers, stealth warplanes and other state-of-the-art weaponry. Even if China and the US sign a trade agreement, competition will remain gkERCE AND FREQUENT u SAID (UA 0O A Beijing-based independent political commentator. “The US’s concerns about China are well-founded,� Hua told AFP. “Even though China is still a developing country, it is working hard to catch up to the US.� Technology has taken center stage in the battle for economic supremacy. One company, Huawei, is in the middle of the skirmish as it seeks to become the global leader in ultra-fast 5G wireless technology. The United States has pressed Western allies to shun Huawei over fears that its equipment can serve Chinese intelligence services, and a top executive was detained in Canada on a US warrant over Iran sanctions violations. “The trade war has little to do with SURPLUS AND DEkCIT u SAID 3HI 9INHONG A professor at Renmin University’s School of International Relations. “The key is high-tech,� he said, adding that the trade dispute is also a way to “force China to change many parts of its economic system and industrial policies.� AFP

Cyprus ‘serial killings’ spark horror, anger at police NICOSIA: Seven foreign women and girls murdered, some dumped in a toxic lake ‡ THE gkRST SERIAL KILLINGSu IN #YPRUS HAVE provoked horror and sparked accusations of police racism. Since mid-April, the Mediterranean ISLAND S PRESS HAS SLAMMED OFkCIAL FAILings over the murders, which 35-year-old ARMY OFkCER .ICOS -ETAXAS HAS ALLEGEDLY confessed to carrying out. Andreas Kapardis, a criminologist and emeritus professor at the University of #YPRUS SAID THE KILLINGS WERE kRST SUCH case since the island won its independence in 1960. “For Cypriots, discovering a serial murderer in their own society is... unique,� he said. The victims were four Filipinas, including a mother and her six-year-old daughter, a Romanian woman and her eight-year-old daughter, and a woman reported to be Nepalese. All the women had been reported missing, but police failed to follow up the cases, allowing the alleged killer to carry on for nearly three years. “The more the investigation advanced, the more it became clear that the police botched the searches because these were

immigrant women,� said Maria Mappouridou, who has organized protests over authorities’ handling of the cases. The killings “hit many of our weak spots — our relationship with women, immigrants and the lack of care of the police,� she said. 4HE DISCOVERY OF kVE BODIES IN JUST A FEW weeks has shaken the popular holiday island’s normally stable political landscape. The justice minister has been forced to resign and President Nicos Anastasiades HAS kRED THE POLICE CHIEF The head of state criticized the police for “apparent negligence and dereliction of duty� and acknowledged that better initial investigations could have prevented some of the killings. The Cyprus Mail has reported that police fobbed off pleas to investigate individual disappearances by claiming the women had left the island via the north — a breakaway Turkish-backed republic that remains unrecognized by the international community. g)F THE POLICE HAD DONE THEIR JOB kVE lives could have been spared,� the paper said in a recent editorial. “Perhaps the police’s utter disregard... RElECTS THE ATTITUDE OF OUR SOCIETY u

For Lissa Jataas, founder of Obreras Empowered, an NGO that promotes the rights of housemaids, the murders were a “wake-up call.� “Now we need to talk — to make government and immigrants sit at the same table� to discuss sexual and physical violence, she said. In late April, as police trawled the toxic waters of a manmade lake near Nicosia, Mappouridou took to social media to call for a protest outside the presidential palace. Hundreds of people, both Cypriots and foreigners, gathered at the site in the capital on consecutive Fridays. Among them was Nicoletta Georgiou, an event organizer who voiced anger that authorities had failed to protect the women. g9OU HAVE TO REMEMBER MIGRANTS ARE part of our society,� the 26-year-old said. “I don’t know a family here who doesn’t have a nanny, a cleaner.� But, she said, “the victims were doubly invisible — female and foreign.�

‘Isolated and vulnerable’ Mappouridou has been digging back into unresolved disappearances on the island, and has found 35 dating back to 1990.

Most were foreign women, several adolescents. She is now campaigning to “ensure that the police do their job properly� and investigate the cases. But criminologist Kapardis cautioned that the police are often faced with “disappearances of foreigners that are very DIFkCULT TO RESOLVE u The killer chose “immigrant women, isolated and vulnerable,� he said. If he had targeted “a Cypriot woman, her family and friends would have rallied TO kND HER AND THE POLICE INVESTIGATION would have been easy.� With 864,000 residents, Cyprus has a reputation as an oasis of peace in a troubled region. The sunny tourist hotspot attracted nearly 4 million visitors last year. 9ET IT HAS ONE OF THE HIGHEST MURDER RATES in the European Union, according to the MOST RECENT kGURES FROM %UROSTAT After the killings, “Cypriots seem to have discovered that immigrant women are not safe here,� said one Ethiopian domestic worker, who asked not want to be named. “But we knew it from the beginning,� she said. AFP


Environmental, social and corporate governance sustainability key to China’s BRI success BY SUN XI & HERTA MONICA MONTESINO CUCOS THE Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), previously known as the One Belt One Road (OBOR) Initiative, consists primarily of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st century Maritime Silk Road. The BRI is a grand and ambitious vision initiated by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013, aiming to improve regional cooperation and connectivity between Asia, Europe and Africa through a comprehensive network of ports, roads, railways and trading hubs — reviving ancient overland and maritime trade routes. Currently, the BRI links China and some 65 other countries that account collectively for over 30 percent of global gross domestic product (GDP), 62 percent of the population and 75 percent of known energy reserves. However, along with some other western countries, the US has been sitting out of the BRI since the very beginning, criticizing the BRI’s OPAQUE kNANCING PRACTICES POOR GOVERnance and disregard for internationally accepted norms and standards. On April 25 to 27, 2019, China hosted the 2nd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) in Beijing, in which almost 40 foreign leaders (including President Rodrigo Roa Duterte of the Republic of the Philippines) and as many as 5,000 representatives from 150 countries participated. The US was not present.

During the forum, President Xi pledged to MAKE THE "2) CLEAN GREEN AND kNANCIALLY sustainable so as to address international CRITICISM %ASY TO SAY DIFkCULT TO DO To embrace the highest international standards, it may be wise for the BRI to comprehensively integrate the environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) considerations into its business practices. On the one hand, Chinese companies participating in the BRI, regardless of whether they are state-owned or private, should fully fulfil their corporate social responsibility (CSR) in their daily operational activities in all ESG aspects, with accountability, transparency, ethical behavior, as well as respect for stakeholder interests, the rule of law, international norms of behavior and human rights. Those companies should adhere to the United Nations (UN) Global Compact’s 10 universal principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption, and can follow the guidance on social responsibility (ISO OF THE )NTERNATIONAL /RGANIzation for Standardization (ISO). On the other hand, and more importantly, the BRI’s key loan and investment vehicles, especially the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) founded in January 2016 and the Silk Road Fund (SRF) established in December 2014, can wisely adopt the Socially Responsible Investing

(SRI) strategy, which seeks to consider BOTH kNANCIAL RETURN AND %3' S GOOD The BRI’s main activities, infrastructure developments, generally can cause serious negative impact on both the environment and the community. Moreover, infrastructure investments in developing countries usually involve corruption, pollution and human rights abuses. Therefore, the BRI’s success will not only rest on how many projects it can fund, but also how to fund them. The 70-year-old World Bank has accumulated some good practices, such as declining to fund controversial giant dam projects and blacklisting companies found guilty of collusion, corruption, fraud or coercion. If the brand-new AIIB and SRF want to do better, they have to be more innovative and decisive in integrating ESG facts. They may follow the UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Initiative, which provides six basic principles for international institutional investors to fulfil fiduciary responsibilities. And they may also refer to the Equator Principles (EPs) to manage the environmental and social risks of its lending and investment activities. Broadly speaking, the AIIB and the SRF, together with their clients, should comprehensively identify, assess and manage the ESG risks and impacts in a structured way on an ongoing basis. Meanwhile, THEY SHOULD NOT PROVIDE PROJECT kNANCE OR

project-related corporate loans to projects where the clients will not, or are unable to, FULkL THEIR %3' RESPONSIBILITIES Concretely speaking, in the environmental aspect, pollution should be avoided or minimized and the importance of climate change and biodiversity should be recognized; in the social aspect, universal human and labor rights should be respected, local communities’ interests should be protected, and the same requirements should be extended to suppliers or contractors; and in the governance aspect, any form of corruption should be prohibited, and ethical, democratic and transparent business culture should be advocated. The BRI can be viewed as a touchstone to test China’s global leadership. Its temporary popularity is not the conclusion but just a start of its long and tough journey. The Chinese model of infrastructure development has been widely criticized for ignoring ESG’s impact, although it has certain merits of being pragmatic, fast and cost-effective. Therefore, the key challenge is showing the skeptical western world that this Chinaled BRI will run differently, professionally and responsibly, while ESG sustainability can be the key to its future success.

Sun Xi is a China-born independent commentary writer based in Singapore. Herta Monica Montesino Cucos is a sustainability advocate from the EU.



Economists’ ignorance gap WASHINGTON POST WRITERS GROUP



!3().'4/. 4HE MOST INTRIGUING AND indisputable thing we have learned about economists in recent decades is that they don’t know nearly as much as they thought they knew. We see evidence of this all the time. Just recently, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the economy had created 263,000 payroll jobs in April. This was almost 40 percent more than the 190,000 that economists had previously predicted. Something new and different seems to be happening in labor markets, as the growth in jobs has continued to be unexpectedly strong. But just what it is, how long it will last and whether it might soon be reversed are mysteries to most of us, including most economists. It’s part of the larger problem. As an economic journalist for roughly half a century, I have slowly and somewhat reluctantly come to the conclusion that many economists (and this applies across the political spectrum) often don’t know what they’re talking about — a shortcoming that is sometimes acknowledged and sometimes isn’t. Before I appear unbearably arrogant and superior, let me state the obvious. Most economists I’ve dealt with over the years are extremely smart and well-informed. They’re a lot smarter than me. I’ve learned much from them; it’s been one of the rewards of the job. Most are also publicspirited and generous with their time. With a few exceptions, they generally elevate the level of public discussion. Still, the record is what it is, and it’s not pretty. Time after time, economists have failed to foresee major economic trends. In recent years, global interest rates have plunged to historically low levels (a 10-year Treasury bond fetches 2.5 percent). Given the importance of interest rates in economic decisions — they affect everything from housing to the stock market — this is a big deal. But most economists did not anticipate the declines and still can’t fully explain them. Going back a bit further, economists did not PREDICT DOUBLE DIGIT INlATION MONTHLY PEAKS OF 12 percent in 1974 and 1975 and 15 percent in 1980). Its emergence frightened and demoralized millions of Americans. Indeed, policies advocated by Democratic economists in the 1960s kindled THE INlATION .OW IRONICALLY INlATION HAS UNexpectedly remained low (generally less than 2 percent annually), and many economists have BEEN BAFlED BY THAT TOO Productivity is another disappointment. As you probably know, productivity is just another TERM FOR EFkCIENCY )T MEANS DOING MORE WITH less. Higher productivity is the ultimate engine of higher living standards. It is crucial to economic success. /VER THE PAST kVE DECADES ) CANNOT REMEMBER one instance when economists have correctly forecast a major shift in productivity growth, whether up or down. Not in the late 1960s and early 1970s when productivity growth slowed. Nor in the 1990s when productivity accelerated. And not now, when there’s been a pronounced slowdown. (From 2010 to 2017, productivity growth has averaged 0.5 percent annually compared with a post-World War 2 average of 2 percent.) The Trump administration’s economists believe they will reverse these trends. Their corporate tax cuts will stimulate investment and productivity gains, the thinking goes. Maybe, but I’m skeptical. My view is that the ignorance gap is huge — that is, the separation between what economists know (and by extension the rest of us) and what we need to know. Of course, the most conspicuous example of this IGNORANCE GAP IS THE RECENT kNANCIAL CRISIS and Great Recession. “Why did nobody notice it?� Queen Elizabeth famously asked. The answer is actually fairly easy. Economists and others are conditioned by their OWN EXPERIENCES AND A WIDESPREAD kNANCIAL PANIC in a rich society was not among those experiences. It hadn’t happened in their lifetimes and couldn’t happen. We had solved that problem through sensible government regulation and sophisticated kNANCIAL MANAGEMENT So it seemed. In reality, the belief that we had outlawed a financial panic rationalized more risk-taking behavior, which ultimately led to a kNANCIAL PANIC The larger cause of the ignorance gap is the very complexity and obscurity of a $20-trillion economy (the United States) or an $85-trillion economy (the world). To say that it is changing in detailed and often-unanticipated ways is simply to AFkRM THAT MERE MORTALS INCLUDING ECONOMISTS have never been very good at predicting the future. What I think can be held against economists — not all, but many — is that they exaggerate what THEY KNOW AND HOW MUCH THEY CAN INlUENCE THE economy. The aim is usually to gain and retain political relevance and power. But the actual result is often disappointment, as government performance falls short of promises. A little more humility might be in order. (C) 2019, THE WASHINGTON POST WRITERS GROUP



˜ The Manila Times

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TUESDAY May 14, 2019

Actionable information


(%2,/#+ (OLMES SAID IN g! Scandal in Bohemia� (1891): g)T IS A CAPITAL MISTAKE TO THEORIZE before one has data. Insensibly, one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.� Campaign politics is all about data from introspection, pre-campaign, campaign and EDay. A potential candidate would have to know his/her voter base and the terrain as well as his opponent, whether incumbent or one who is going for his or her THIRD OR kNAL TERM ! NEOPHYTE offers hope, while an incumbent runs on record. Communications framing and targeting become crucial when the candidate knows his voter base and their psychographics. Gone are the days when one message kTS ALL )N HIGHLY URBANIZED CITIES the digital landscape matters but using digital depends on data, too. Those who join campaigns AND DISLIKE DATA WILL NOT kND A GOOD kT IN THE OR DAYS OF the campaign because the drill has always been numbers. Actionable information is key in any political campaign. It is key because campaigning is for a definite time and there is an objective end, which essentially is a zero-sum proposition. A candidate wins or loses depending on the number of votes he received. From election history analysis to measured capacity to bailiwicks

ZILCH MA. LOURDES TIQUIA and bellwethers to geolocations of voters and polling centers and so much more, these are all about numbers and terrain. Campaigns are all about numbers and elections are a numbers game. Data should therefore be timely, accurate and precise, credible and relevant. And that includes survey results, which COVER THE DATE OF THE kELDWORK AND when the results are made public, and if independent and noncommissioned. A commercial SURVEY kRM SHOULD ALSO PROPERLY label reports that are made to appear like survey runs but certain months were not made public at that point in time. If there is no honesty in the process of releasing results, accusations of gaming the process become real. Actionable information is meaningful data that is useful to making a decision or solving a problem. The term is used to distinguish information that can improve things from information that serves as interesting trivia. You need actionable data to gain insights and put together strategies that builds traction and enhances conversion.

In #PahayagNationwide, an independent/noncommissioned SURVEY DONE ON !PRIL AND released to the public on April 26, several takeaways were made: Mindanaoans indicated that they INTEND TO VOTE FOR AT LEAST CANdidates, which is higher than the AVERAGE OF CANDIDATES 4HE kLL UP RATES OF THE .ORTHERN AND Central Luzon cluster and the Southern Luzon cluster reinforce the notion that regions contained IN THESE CLUSTERS HAVE gPREFERREDu candidates (i.e. provinces/regions as bailiwicks). These clusters indicated that they will vote for six or fewer candidates — markedly higher than the national average. The metrics awareness, trust and preferences are the key measurements for national candidates in all surveys. The midterm national elections show a clustering effect of 2-1 percent gap from four clusters prominent in all polls. An awareNESS LEVEL OF PERCENT A NET TRUST RATING OF A MINIMUM OF PERCENT are the cut-offs to Top 12, given conversion rates. Vote share cut-off IS PERCENT Given this awareness factor, only 17 candidates are in contention: Poe, Villar, Revilla, Binay, Estrada, Lapid, Angara, Aquino, dela Rosa, Cayetano, Roxas, Marcos, Enrile, %JERCITO 'O 0IMENTEL AND /Smeùa. In terms of awareness, Poe and Villar appear to be the most popular candidates throughout

Luzon. While they remain popular throughout the country, they are eclipsed by Revilla and Binay in the Visayas. Poe is eclipsed by dela Rosa in Mindanao. Villar is eclipsed by dela Rosa, Revilla, Binay and Go in Mindanao. The endorsement of PRRD appears to be a strong factor in Mindanao given the numbers of dela Rosa and Go. A similar argument can be extended to Tolentino given that his awareness in Mindanao is higher than in any Luzon cluster. Poe and Villar appear to be the most trusted candidates in Luzon and Visayas. They, however, are eclipsed by dela Rosa and Go in Mindanao, again emphasizing the power of the endorsement of the PRRD among Mindanaoans. The endorsement power of PRRD also appears to be potent in the NCR with both Go and dela Rosa occupying top spots. In terms of preference, Poe and Villar are the top vote-getters in all clusters except in Mindanao, where Go and De la Rosa are estimated to garner overwhelming support. The Top 17 would show seven distinct clusters: the first three clusters are occupied firmly by Poe, Villar and Binay. The fourth cluster is occupied by dela Rosa, Angara, Revilla and Cayetano. These candidates are in relatively safe positions but it is unclear which among them would garner THE MOST VOTES 4HE kFTH CLUSTER


Colonel Villasis, according to my SOURCE IS #APTAIN /RNALES SUPERIOR The source said Villasis and his wife, a policewoman, are involved in drug TRAFkCKING IN !NGELES #ITY AND THE ENTIRE Pampanga province. Camp Crame, according to my source, knows about the activities of Villasis and his wife. If this is true, God help this country! Who can the citizens trust with their lives and property now? N N N If the above story doesn’t come out in the other newspapers today, Tuesday, then THIS WOULD CONkRM THAT THERE IS AN ATTEMPT to cover up the case, as my source told me. ) WROTE THIS REPORT LAST &RIDAY -AY 7HEN ) TALKED TO 0.0 #HIEF 'EN /SCAR !LBAYALDE THAT MORNING HE SEEMED unaware of the case in its entirety. I had to add to the sketchy information that Albayalde got from his subordinates: the arrest of Aguilar as reported by the PNP counter-intelligence task force (CITF). As I write this now (Friday, 6 p.m.), I hope I was given the wrong information by my source: there is a move to cover up the case. As I said earlier, citing my source, poLICE #APTAINS !GUILAR AND /RNALES WERE classmates at the PNPA. Like the PMA, the PNPA trains cadets for four years and confers a baccalaureate degree. After graduation, PNPA and PMA cadets become lieutenants in the regular force.

However, there’s a whale of difference between the PNPA and PMA. PMA cadets are very disciplined, while PNPA cadets are the complete opposite. The laxity in the discipline at the PNPA spills over after graduation when a cadet BECOMES A FULL lEDGED POLICE OFkCER At the police academy, many instructors, who are policemen themselves, teach cadets how to go around the law. During his or her early days at the PNPA, a cadet is sometimes made to unDERGO gkNANCIAL HAZINGu BY SOME OF HIS her upperclassmen. This means that an UNDERCLASS CADET HAS TO gPRODUCEu MONEY for his/her upperclassman. What does that mean? An underclass cadet is taught to beg, steal or borrow upon orders from an upperclass cadet because he/she has no means of income yet. A PNPA alumnus more likely than not becomes a rogue policeman. That’s what he/she was taught at the academy. N N N Every day, members of the police force get implicated in all kinds of crime The public seems to have become inured to the news that the PNP is a hotbed of criminals. +IDNAPPING MURDER DRUG TRAFkCKING DRUG PEDDLING CAR THEFT OR gCARNAPping� as police call it), abusing innocent citizens, protecting crime syndicates or criminals, extortion and receiving bribes are the daily fare within the national police force. When will this ever end?


In defense of cockroaches

possess a natural antibiotic. Scientists are now researching on how to tap this natural capacity in looking for ways to combat human infection that have proven to be resistant to traditional antibiotics. Hence, this much maligned insect may in FACT POSSESS THE KEY IN kNDING NEW WAYS FOR US TO kGHT STAPHYLOCOCCUS INFECTIONS which include the dreaded superbug, the methicillin-resistant staphylococcus infection, or MRSA. Cockroaches also contribute to the ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENTIkC KNOWLEDGE IN most basic ways. Biology students, many of whom will end up as scientists and MEDICAL DOCTORS HAVE THEIR kRST LESSONS in anatomy by dissecting cockroaches in their lab classes. While seemingly despicable on the outside, the internal placement of the organs of cockroaches is a good start for studying human anatomy. In addition, the powerful legs of cockroaches are now used as a template by researchers in robotics and in the engineering of artikCIAL LIMBS AND ARE PARTICULARLY USEFUL IN research and development in prosthetics. What cockroaches represent, therefore, are things that are misunderstood

and negatively labeled because of their external appearances and circumstances for existence. A cockroach is an image of a perceived ugliness based only on the external, and symbolizes prejudice drawn from the obvious and the physical. Demeaning a cockroach becomes a mere embodiment of the quickness to judge, and of allowing biases to cloud critical inquiry. Indeed, the readiness by the critics of the President and the Marcoses to derisively make fun of what they perceive as an apt imagery of a cockroach perched on the shoulders of a president they hate, at the very moment he was praising a candidate they detest, speaks of how they clearly have not gone beyond their blinded views towards these politicians, and toward a lowly insect. And the President as guilty when in his quick retort he associated the insect with his political enemies whom he also equally detests. In the end, it must be said. As deSPICABLE AND kLTHY AS THEY MAY APPEAR cockroaches are signs of resilience. These crawling creatures have the abil-

ity to endure perhaps even a nuclear holocaust, and may just outlive humans and survive such a cataclysmic event. As such, cockroaches personify unwarranted stigma based on sheer bias, which right now is what many politicians suffer. President Rodrigo Duterte is painted by his critics and political enemies as the embodiment of how a REVOLTING POLITICAL kGURE CAN BE IMAGED The Marcoses are equally represented by what can be considered as a grand NARRATIVE OF EVIL PERSONIkED /N THE other hand, to the eyes of the Duterte and Marcos loyalists, the political opposiTION ARE THE ONES WHO PERSONIFY THE kLTH and dirt that has infested our politics. For each side of the political divide, the other side is the one deserving to be labeled as cockroaches of Philippine politics. By the time you read this, the results of the May 13 elections would have begun to come out. And in the next few days, we will know which side of our politics would emulate the cockroach THAT PERSONIkED RESILIENCE AND THE ABILITY to survive despite being misunderstood and maligned.

margin of error of the survey. In vote-rich regions, provinces and cities would tend to exhibit more heterogeneity from province to province as well as from municipality to municipality. The science of actionable information becomes more succinct when confronted with dated results of a survey taken a month and a half ago. The two commercial firms should invest in technology that ensures candidates and campaigns are aided with relevant, transparent and timely information for the price of their service. Firms that offer services to massage results for a staggering AMOUNT OF 0 MILLION SHOULD BE EXPOSED FOR IT MUDDLES kELDWORKS of commercial survey houses. New POLLING kRMS SHOULD BE WELCOMED but they should be able to inform the public who they are and the methodology used in their surveys, and media should not just report the results for the heck of it. Worse, some media personalities do not even understand sample size and margin of errors and they comment liberally exposing their inadequacies. The best survey of course is Election Day and if you have done so, you have done the 2EPUBLIC A LOT OF GOOD /UR 2EPUBlic rises and falls based on what we did yesterday and from then on, we join hands and work for country. Election day, after all, is just a day, Filipinos are for life.

China’s millionaires ponder: Leave or remain?

Why PNPA cadets become rogue cops Upon investigation, Aguilar pointed TO 0 #APT *OHN #ARLOS /RNALES CHIEF of the station drug enforcement unit of Mabalacat, Pampanga, as the source of the stolen car. !GUILAR AND /RNALES THIS COLUMNIST was told, were classmates at the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA), the police counterpart of the Philippine Military Academy (PMA). Now the plot thickens in the Aguilar/RNALES CASE 4HE CAR THAT WAS CONkSCATED FROM #APtain Aguilar was owned by Barry Mauhay of Bacolor, Pampanga. Its original color was white with plate NUMBER 566 When Aguilar took possession of the stolen vehicle, he changed its color to black and threw the plate away. The car had been forcibly taken at gunpoint from Mauhay by armed men at the parking lot of Bingo Pinoy, Dau, Mabalacat, 0AMPANGA ON /CT A CLOSED CIRCUIT television (CCTV) footage showed. Barry Mauhay was never seen or heard from again. Laine C. Mauhay, Barry’s brother, reported the car theft and Barry’s disappearance to the police. And here’s a disturbing report that this columnist got from an unimpeachable source, which authorities should look into: P/Lt. Col. Maharlika Villasis, chief of police of Mabalacat, Pampanga, is alleged to have been involved in the kidnapping of Barry Mauhay.

is occupied by Go, Aquino and Lapid [and Estrada]. While they are within the Top 12 given the margin of error, they are within reach of those directly below them. The sixth cluster is occupied by Estrada, Marcos, Roxas and Pimentel. Estrada is in a strange position given his overlaps with members of two clusters. This cluster rounds out the most competitive candidates. All candidates in this cluster have a realistic chance of breaking into the Top 12. All it takes is one critical kicker for them to push past the other candidates and into the Top 12. The seventh and last cluster is COMPRISED OF /SMEÄA %JERCITO Tolentino and Enrile. While they can be viewed to still retain realistic chances of winning, they have a steeper climb ahead of them given the top-heavy competition. ComPETITION IS EXPECTED TO BE kERCE FOR ranks 8 through 12. This is where factors such as the endorsement of PRRD/the Mindanao vote, bailiwicks, and the endorsement of INC would be critical. Actionable information tells you provinces and municipalities are heterogeneous and surveys do not capture that. The resulting sample of a survey may underestimate or overestimate the scores of certain candidates — particularly those with highly localized support (e.g. bailiwicks, LGU connections, endorsements). Heterogeneity is not also accounted fully by the


VERY year for the last decade or so media reports would appear focusing on the plans of China’s millionaires to leave the country. It was unclear how candid such high net worth individuals were in responding to interviewers but, usually, an alarming story would appear — alarming, that is, to the country’s leaders — to the effect that many rich people were planning to pull up stakes. Although its per capita income is still LOW #HINA TODAY HAS BILLIONAIRES MORE THAN THE IN THE 5NITED 3TATES ACcording to the Global Rich list published by Shanghai-based Hurun Research Institute, which tracks rich people worldwide. Mere millionaires are far more nuMEROUS &AMILIES WORTH MILLION OR MORE WERE ESTIMATED AT MILLION IN EARLY !MONG THEM WERE WORTH MILLION AND WORTH MILLION 4OGETHER THEY CONTROLLED trillions of dollars. Five years ago, a note of urgency entered the reports. )N "ARCLAYS 7EALTH REPORTED that almost half of China’s high net worth individuals (HNWIs) aimed to MOVE WITHIN kVE YEARS THAT IS TO SAY BY 4HE STUDY DONE JOINTLY WITH ,EDBURY 2ESEARCH SAID THAT PERCENT of Chinese millionaires planned to emiGRATE WHILE PERCENT HAD NOT MADE UP their minds. The study said China presented the highest rate of planned millionaire lIGHT IN THE WORLD EXCEEDING 1ATAR AT PERCENT AND ,ATIN !MERICA AT PERCENT Asked why they wanted to leave, 78 PERCENT SAID THEY WERE SEEKING gBETTER educational-employment opportunities� for their kids, 73 percent said they WERE LOOKING FOR gECONOMIC SECURITYu AND PERCENT SAID THEY WANTED A gDEsirable climate.� )N THE (URUN 2EPORT AND ITS ASsociate Visas Consulting Group reported THAT MORE THAN PERCENT OF #HINA S richest people planned to invest in properties abroad in the next three years as part of their migration plans. The survey included conversations WITH WEALTHY PEOPLE WITH AVERAGE NET ASSETS OF MILLION 3OME HAD already emigrated, while others were planning to do so. The most popular destination of those planning to leave was the United States. But a problem has arisen with its %" INVESTMENT VISA PROGRAM WHICH gives green cards to those who invest AND CREATE JOBS 4HE PROgram has been so successful that there is NOW A WAIT PERIOD OF WELL OVER YEARS This makes it impractical for parents to plan for the education of their children

since kids can no longer qualify for dependent visas when they turn 21. China-born invesFRANK tors have accounted CHING FOR ABOUT PERCENT OF THE %" visas available each YEAR SINCE Similarly, Canada’s Federal Immigrant Investor Program attracted so many Chinese applicants that the government shut down the program IN BECAUSE OF THE LOGJAM /PTIONS FOR WOULD BE IMMIGRANTS are narrowing though new ones, primarily in Europe, are opening up. Greece, Spain, Portugal and Malta all offer investment visas. And, of course, there are island nations that offer passports for cash. Vanuatu, a Pacific island nation, is probably the most successful. Citizenship is available to those who invest OR MORE 3O POPULAR IS THIS THAT THE MONEY ACCOUNTS FOR PERCENT of Vanuatu’s total government revenue. Clearly, China has been shedding capital and talent through migration of its wealthy elite. The government HAS TAKEN STEPS TO STEM THE OUTlOW OF capital. The crackdown on corruption, no doubt, also had an impact. )N THERE WAS A SHIFT IN SENTIment. Hurun reported that while a majority of mainland millionaires still SAID THEY WANTED TO LEAVE PERCENT said they would stay. /N *UNE (URUN AND 6ISAS Consulting released their latest report. It said that about 37 percent of HNWIs WERE CONSIDERING MIGRATION A PERCENT drop compared to the previous year. )NTRIGUINGLY IT ALSO REPORTED THAT g percent of Chinese HNWIs considering emigration plan to retire in China.� That suggested that the vast majority of those who plan to go abroad also intend to retire in China. That is, they were not turning their backs on the land of their ancestors. Instead, what was driving them away were the problems they faced in China, beginning with getting their children a good education. At the most basic level, they were concerned with the polluted air they were forced to breathe and the lack of food safety as well as the quality of healthcare and social welfare in China. China’s leaders should be pleased that fewer people want to leave and that those who leave plan to return. Making China a country where people want to bring up their children and to live out their retirement years is something well within the control of the Chinese authorities. It can be done. Twitter: @FrankChing1

˜ The Manila Times w w


TUESDAY May 14, 2019



Rampant vote-buying, harassment BY REGIONS REPORTORIAL TEAM


ASSIVE vote-buying, harassments, defective vote counting machines (VCM) and disenfranchised voters came to fore in various parts of the regions during Monday’s elections.

A failure of elections was declared in Panglima Estino town in Sulu after violence broke out; unidentified gunmen, shot and WOUNDED kVE PEOPLE Authorities did not release a report on the incident but brought the wounded to the hospital. Malfunctioning VCMs were reported in the provinces of Bataan, Batangas, Quezon, Isabela, Cagayan and Sulu. In Olongapo at least two provincial buses allegedly to be used in votebuying were intercepted in separate areas on Sunday night, while two UNIDENTIkED MEN RIDING A MOTORCYCLE kRED A GUN AND THREW A SMOKE SIGnal cannister in front of the house of a barangay (village) captain in Botolan, Zambales. The unnamed driver and conductor admitted they were from Nueva Ecija and were sent to Olongapo on Saturday to pick up passengers at the corner of 10th Street and Gordon Avenue and bring them to Saulog terminal near Admiral Hotel. The unmarked bus was plying the Manila-Candon, Ilocos route. Olongapo City Mayor Rolen Paulino said he went to the area after receiving report that a bus was parked along Gordon Avenue near Pag-asa Market with some 20 passengers onboard. He introduced himself as the mayor, but the driver sped off and was eventually blocked. Another bus with “LLI� mark on both sides was also stopped at the corner of Magsaysay Avenue and Rizal Avenue. It was loaded with passengers and was on the way to an unknown destination. Meanwhile, Sen. Richard Gordon issued a statement on his Facebok account saying, “I strongly condemn the series of harassments by incumbent Mayor Rolen Paulino, threatening the poll watchers of Team Gordon who were on their way to a poll watchers training.� Three buses carrying the poll watchers to the training venue suffered harassment at the hands of Paulino and his henchmen, Gordon added. In Botolan, Zambales, two unidentified men riding a motorcycle threw a smoke signal cannister


AND kRED A GUN IN FRONT OF THE HOUSE of Ernesto Balintay Juliano, barangay chairman of Villar.

Denounced Concerned citizens in many parts of Zamboanga Peninsula or Region 9 strongly denounced numerous incidents of vote-buying. Retired Police Col. Rex Miravite, a vigilant election observer, disclosed in an exclusive local radio interview that vote- buying and selling have become a “way of life� in numerous urban and rural communities in Zamboanga City as well as in the provinces of Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay and Basilan and the component cities of Pagadian, Dipolog, Dapitan and Isabela. Miravite, former police chief in Zamboanga and Basilan, alleged the malpractice, usually conducted a day or two before May 13 or very early on election day, involved not only giving money but also rice, canned goods and soap to voters. He said a local candidate would double the amount their opponent gave to voters and their family members. Meanwhile, not a few voters in Region 9 complained they could not kND THEIR NAMES IN THE VOTERS LISTS IN the polling precincts. The Board of Election Inspectors (BEI) would request the voters to check their names in adjacent precincts in the same school. Each clustered precinct comprises some 10 to 15 precincts, each with an average of 800 to 2,000 electors.

30Â nabbed in Negros Police arrested 30 suspects and conkSCATED CASH TOTALING 0 USED in alleged vote-buying in the towns of Moises Padilla and Pulupandan in Negros Occidental. In Moises Padilla, Lt. Col. Adrian Acolador, commander of Task Force Molai (for the towns of Moises Pa-

Muslims (left photo) troop to poll centers in Jolo, Sulu while senior citizens in Baguio City are being assisted by a volunteer in casting their votes. PHOTOS BY AL JACINTO AND THOM PICAÑA dilla, La Castellana and Isabela), said they arrested 28 people, three of them minors, on Sunday night for votebuying and violating the ban against campaigning on the eve of elections. Acolador said they seized 12 sample ballots with two P500 bills stapled to each, and at least 600 loose sample ballots during a series of raids in the town and neighboring Barangay Odiong. The police also seized a passenger jeepney from the coastal town of Pulupandan. The sample ballots recovered from the jeepney were printed with the names of candidates in the line-up of reelectionist Mayor Magdaleno Peùa. Acolador said Peùa admitted he hired residents of his hometown Pulupandan to distribute sample ballots. Moises Padilla had been placed under Comlec control after a series of shooting incidents that claimed the lives of two councilors running for reelection — Jolomar Hilario, who was killed by the New People’s Army guerrillas on March 31, and Michael Garcia, slain with his uncle Marc, a former town OFkCIAL WHEN GUNMEN ATTACKED THE convoy of Vice Mayor Ella Garcia-Yulo on April 25. Garcia- Yulo is running against Peùa, her estranged uncle. Similarly, Police Capt. Jaynick BerMUDEZ OFkCER IN CHARGE OF %" -AGalona Municipal Police, said brothers Jocel and Daniel Etang were intercepted early on Monday morning by the police in Barangay Tuburan for violation of the Omnibus Election Code. Bermudez said the Etang brothers yielded 127 brown envelopes containing a sample ballot with the names of EB Magalona mayoral bet Board Member David Lacson and his party mates and P1,000 cash each. The suspects told investigators they got the money from a person they claimed they did not know in Barangay Lugway, Silay City.

to cast their votes in their respective precincts. A 97-year-old man was carried by Reelectionist councilor Ronjie Daquia man to cast his vote at Commonal gan of Gerona, Tarlac was allegedly Elementary School in the vote-rich mauled by his rival and his supporttown of Solano. ers, whom he accused of buying votes. “I came to vote not for my perDaquigan’s opponent Teddy Lusonal interest. I really wanted to magui, also a reelectionist, ganged vote for the future of my grandup on him after confronted by the sons and granddaughters and authorities for alleged vote-buying the generation after them,â€? Apo in his barangay in Abagon and in Defective VCMs Puguwen said. Barangay Ligtasan. Also in the same village, an 87-yearDaquigan said there were reports In the provinces of Batangas and that Lumagui’s team were involved Quezon, reports of malfunctioned old mother was accompanied by her in vote-buying through his emissary, VCMs swamped Comelec hotline, grandchild to cast her vote. Older people were among those village councilman Larry Advincula extending to radio airwaves and the who came early in their respective who went house-to-house distribut- social media sites. ing money. At Pahinga Norte Elementary precincts, which made the voting Daquigan confronted Advincula School in Candelaria, Quezon, one processes slower than usual. Bernie Tabalbag of Barangay Bangwho immediately left, but after one of the eight VCMs failed to read the hour, continued distributing envelopes secure digital (SD) card, forcing the got in Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya said with cash and was against told to stop. BEI to resort to manual process while they waited for hours to give priority to a great number of senior citizens A heated argument later ensued waiting for the back-up SD card. between Lumagui and Daquigan, As of 3 p.m., 79 VCMs malfunc- who came to cast their votes. Amor Visaya in Ilagan City, Isabela resulting in Lamagui slapping and tioned in the province of Batangas. punching the victim on the face. In Cagayan province, some VCMs said they had to wait for hours, standLumagui’s brother Allan and an un- in different municipalities reportedly ing in a long line outside the precincts. While Bataan police provincial ofIDENTIkED NEPHEW REPORTEDLY THREW encountered technical errors. punches at Daquigan, too. A man in Tuguegarao City who kCE DECLARED THE ELECTIONS IN PROVINCE Daquigan was brought to the hos- refused to be named, said there were was peaceful, 33 VCMs malfuncpital for medical treatment. He then incorrect results in the receipt. He tioned in the towns of Orani, Orion filed a complaint, while Lumagui said he only shaded three names for and Bagac. But Gilda Rodrigo, assistant was held by the police for inquest board member but his receipt showed PROVINCIAL ELECTION OFkCER SAID THE proceeding. four names. VCMs were immediately replaced since, aside from 695 principal Massive vote-buying Long queue VCMs for all clustered precincts, Police Brig. Gen. Joel OrduĂąa, Police Residents of Barangay San Carlos, Bi- they had 73 additional units for Regional Office 1 acting director, nangonan, Rizal expressed disappoint- contingency. But the BEI chairmen in affected said they arrested four persons for ment following the long lines of voters precincts said voters consented to cast vote-buying and -selling in Bugallon, even during the early hours of voting. Pangasinan on Sunday. g4HEY COMBINED kVE PRECINCTS IN their votes and feed the ballots when Arrested were Clarisse Sancying one classroom, resulting in longer the defective VCM was replaced. AL JACINTO, PATRICK ROXAS, Nabhez, 34; Marilyn Dela Cruz, lines,â€? Gigi Clemente said. ANTONIO P. RIMANDO, 25; Rico Almazan, 25; and Denver They limited the number of EUGENE Y. ADIONG, Bejar, 29. precincts even after the number JERRY M. HERNANDEZ, #ONkSCATED FROM THE SUSPECTS WERE of voters increased, which the THOM PICAĂ‘A, sample ballots, election paraphernalia Comelec explained as clustering BELLY M. OTORDOZ, and P443,300 cash in different de- of precincts. GABRIELA BARON, nominations. LEANDER C. DOMINGO Massive vote-buying was also Elderly votes AND ERNIE B. ESCONDE reported by citizens, confirming In Nueva Vizcaya, people came early

Tarlac council bet mauled

BALDO WAIVES RIGHT TO VOTE LEGAZPI CITY: Detained Daraga Mayor Carlwyn Baldo waived his right to vote in this midterm elections for personal reasons, Senior Insp.Rodolfo Verzosa Jr. said. Quoting the statement of Baldo’s counsel Merito Lovenzky, Verzosa said Baldo’s decision to not exercise his constitutional right to vote was made on Sunday, the eve of election day. Verzosa said Baldo decided not to vote after he was told that he could only vote for Senate candidates and a party-list group, and not for local

candidates in accordance with the Commission on Elections (Comelec) Resolution 10482 or its guidelines.  Baldo was accused as the mastermind behind the killing of Ako Bicol party-list Rep. Rodel Batocabe and his police escort Senior Police Officer 2 Orlando Diaz on Dec. 22, 2018. The Comelec put up a polling precinct inside the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology to allow the 172 inmates to cast their votes including Baldo, but the detained mayor still opted not to participate.

His two opponents, Battocabe’s wife G er trudes “Gertieâ€? Batocabe of the National Unity Party and Victor Perete of Partido Demokratikong Pilipino-Laban, cast their votes in their respective precincts early morning in Daraga. Baldo surrendered on Friday to Legazpi City Regional Trial Court Branch 10 Judge Maria Theresa San Juan Loquillano after the warrant for his arrest for cases of double murder and six counts of frustrated murder was issued last Monday.

 Baldo has maintained his innocence and denied involvement in the killing of Batocabe and Diaz. He served for six months as Daraga mayor after he succeeded former mayor Gerry Jaucian, who died of cancer.  The people of Daraga said under Baldo’s short stint as mayor, gradual change took place as the perennial traffic problem was resolved and the delinquent stall owners in public market were compelled to pay rent. RHAYDZ B. BARCIA

May 12 declared Eufranio Eriguel day THE Sangguniang Panlalawigan (Provincial Board) of La Union approved an ordinance declaring May 12 as Eufranio “Franny� Eriguel Day. Former Second District Rep. Eriguel was killed while speaking before a village caucus on May 12 of last year; three of his supporters also died. “I express my gratitude to the Sanguniang Panlalawigan and the entire provincial govern-

ment of La Union, headed by Gov. [Emmanuel] ‘Pacoy’ Ortega, for remembering Franny and dedicating this day (May 12) as Eriguel Day,� his widow, La Union Second District Rep. Sandra Eriguel, said. “I implore our dear constituents, our Second District family, to remember congressman Franny, who, to his last day, did what he loved most: To be with the people. Let us remain hopeful

that justice will soon be served, and peace may once again reign in our beloved La Union,� she said. “Though up until today, we HAVE YET TO kND JUSTICE FOR THE deaths of congressman Franny, Patrick Manabat, Mac Roel Tubera and Bobby Ordinario, I am consoled by the outpouring of support from our constituents here in the 2nd District of La Union,� Sandra said.

“[Former] congressman Franny treated everyone as his family. With his vision of hope and unity, he transformed the Second District of La Union to what it is today. Eleven towns were united to attain a single goal, to ensure that no one is left behind,� she said. The late lawmaker, who was a medical doctor, served as Agoo mayor before being elected to the House of Representatives. REINA C. TOLENTINO

Comelec’s statement that vote-buying was the biggest challenge for 2019 elections. In Lucena City, Arnel Magbanlac, chairman of Barangay 10, was caught with brown envelopes containing P500 bill with a candidate’s name while loitering beside a mosque in his village.

Zambo Sibugay falls up for rehab THE National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) Region 9 said the Regional Project Monitoring Committee (RPMC-9) of the Regional Development Council (RDC-9) had recommended the rehabilitation of Busay Falls in DoĂąa Josefa, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay.  The small lake in Busay Falls and the slopes were destroyed during the construction of Phase 3 of the tourism road project from the national road junction leading to Busay Falls.  The Tourism Road Infrastructure Project is being implemented by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)-9’s Second District Engineering Office of Zamboanga Sibugay, in partnership with the Department of Tourism (DoT)-9.  The RPMC-9 conducted a problemsolving session in response to a question during the RDC-9’s consultation and review earlier this year on whether the tourism road project had an Environmental Compliance Certificate, cconsidering that the damaged portion of the DoĂąa Josefa Watershed had been attributed to the project.   â€œThe issue on watershed destruction was again raised during the 165th Regular Meeting of RDC-9 on March 14, 2019. The [problem-solving

session] was presided by NEDA-9 Officer in Charge Regional Director Phlorita Ridao, acting chair[man] of RPMC-9,â€? said NEDA.  The NEDA said the Environmental Management Bureau of Region 9 issued a Notice of Adverse Findings to DPWH-9 and scheduled a technical conference to discuss the violation committed and possible imposition of a fine.  On March 18, members of the technical team composed of the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office, Municipal Planning and Development Office, Municipal Engineer, Community Environment and Natural Resources Office, and private sector representatives created by the DoĂąa Josefa Watershed Management Council, in coordination with the DoT-9, conducted an ocular inspection of the road leading to Busay Falls, and reported their assessment of the damages to the environment by the project and recommendations for its rehabilitation. â€œThe RPMC-9 Monitoring Team inspected the project on April 24 and it recommended a road setback to protect the environment of Busay Falls from further degradation,â€? NEDA said. ANNA LEAH E. GONZALESÂ



TUESDAY May 14, 2019

˜ The Manila Times w w

Duterte wants children ‘out of politics’ H BY RALPH EDWIN U. VILLANUEVA

IS family may have been in politics for decades, but President Rodrigo Duterte on Monday advised his children, especially Davao Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio, to “get out of politics. “The earlier they go out of politics, the better,� Duterte said.

Sara, also known as “Inday,� is seeking reelection as Davao City mayor, while her

brothers Sebastian and Paolo ran for vice mayor and congressman, respectively. Sebastian was unopposed in Monday’s poll, while Paolo went up against independent candidates Rex Labis and Susan Uyanguren. The President again urged Sara not to run for president in 2022. He warned that the media would make things hard for her. “Inday, I am publicly warning her. The presidency will not educate you, it will

just destroy you; especially with the kind of media now, paid hacks, hyenas. And they themselves know that they are dishing lies,â€? Duterte said. He said some media outlets were being funded by the “western world.â€? Recently, MalacaĂąang released matrices tagging the Magdalo party-list, Liberal Party and some media outlets for supposedly colluding to oust Duterte. All those tagged had denied involve-

CELEBRITIES ALSO QUEUE TO VOTE CELEBRITIES also exercised their right to vote ON -ONDAY QUEUING IN THEIR PRECINCTS kLLING OUT BALLOTS AND HAVING THEIR INDEX kNGER DIRTIED Actress-host Anne Curtis posted on Instagram A SELkE AFTER CASTING HER VOTE “I hope everyone exercised their right to vote and votes wisely today!â€? she wrote. Angel Locsin, lead star of “The General’s Daughterâ€? and kin of Senate aspirant Neri Colemenares, also shared a photo of her inkMARKED kNGER AND SAID g9OUR COUNTRY S FUTURE IS IN YOUR kNGER TIPSĂœ 6OTE FOR A BETTER TOMORROW u Meanwhile, Karla Estrada posted a photo of her lining up in a polling station. With her son Daniel Padilla and his loveteam Kathryn Bernardo, they are supporting her ex-husband Rommel Padilla, who is running as congressMAN OF THE kRST DISTRICT OF .UEVA %CIJA

“Waiting sa pila para bumoto!sira ang machine ng precinct namin kaya tulala lang kami dito sa pila!Pati pag boto sakripisyo! Kaya kayong mga mahahalal galingan n’yo talaga!!! Nakuuu!!!! Bangon mga kababayan at bumoto para May karapatan kang punahin ang mga maluloklok na hindi mag tratrabaho! #exerciseyourright,� declared Estrada on her Instagram account. Celebrity couple Mariel and Robin Padilla cast their votes together at 6 a.m. “I woke up at

5:30 a.m. because I wanted to be at the voting hall by 6 a.m. I said ‘gusto ko ako yung unang bibigyan ng balota’ hahaha please exercise your RIGHT to vote and vote wisely!!!� Showbiz’s It Girl Heart Evangelista and husband, former senator Francis “Chiz� Escudero, who is running for provincial governor of Sorsogon, voted around 6 a.m. as well in Buhatan Elementary School in Sorsogon. Escudero’s mother, Evelina, is seeking reelection for her last term as representative of the kRST DISTRICT Reigning Miss Universe Catriona Gray also asked Filipinos to vote. “To all Filipinos, I encourage you to do your part in deciding the future of our beloved Philippines by exercising your right to vote,� she said. IZA IGLESIAS

ment in such plot. In a speech on Saturday, the President told Sara not to run for president because she would get nothing from the position “for as long as there are parasites and there are leeches and there are people who can be [bought], people bereft or totally bankrupt of their principles in life.� In February, Sara said she would decide in 2021 whether or not to join the presidential race on the presidential race.

‘Vote-buying integral part of elections’ PRESIDENT Rodrigo Duterte on Monday called vote-buying an “integral� part of the country’s election process, saying this practice was “normal� among Filipinos. Speaking to reporters after voting in his hometown Davao City, Duterte noted that vote-buying incidents were rampant because most Filipinos remained poor. “If they are caught, they should be prosecuted to the full length of the law. Now, the practice of buying votes has been an integral part of an election in the Philippines,� Duterte said amid reports of rampant vote-buying nationwide. The President said some people gave or received cash, but it might simply be to ensure that a voter could commute to the polling

precinct, cast a ballot, and return home. “Hindi naman lahat ng tao may pera (Not everyone has money)... Or, you send food to your leaders WHO ARE HERE SACRIkCING AND WAITing for the food to eat, so they can last until the last vote is counted,� he said. The President admitted that it would be hard to pin down vote-buying as it comes in “many forms.� He said vote-buying would continue “for as long as the Philippines remains to be a poor country, for as long as the feudal system exists lalo na sa (especially in) rural areas, aggravated by the communists.� CATHERINE VALENTE

Isko Moreno vows to accept voters’ will FORMER Manila vice mayor Francisco “Isko Moreno� Domagoso said he would accept whatever the outcome of the electoral exercise held on Monday, May 13. “Panahon na po ng bagong dugo, bagong umaga at bagong simula sa Lungsod ng Maynila. Ano man po ang maging hatol ng bayan, ito po ay buong puso naming gagalangin at tatanggapin ( It is time for new blood and a new beginning in the city of Manila. Whatever the judgment of the people, it will be wholeheartedly respected and accepted),� he said. Domagoso and two other mayoral candidates — Alfredo “Fred� Lim and reelectionist Joseph “Erap� Estrada — cast their votes early on Monday. Lim, who at 89 is the oldest candidate running under the banner of the PDP-Laban, arrived at the Rosauro Almario Elementary School in Tondo, Manila before 8 a.m. The former Manila mayor voted at precinct 60A. In an interview, Lim belied rumors that he has conceded to Domagoso. g4HE kGHT CONTINUES u HE SAID

Q Francisco ‘Isko Moreno’ Domagoso Lim, who lost to Estrada in the last two local elections, thanked President Rodrigo Duterte for his support. Meanwhile, Domagoso voted at the Manuel L. Quezon Elementary School in Tondo. His running mate, incumbent 6ICE -AYOR -ARIA 3HIELAH gHoney� Lacuna, cast her vote at the Legarda Elementary School in Sampaloc. Estrada, the first Philippine president ousted for plunder, voted at the P. Burgos Elementary School in Sampaloc. CATHERINE A. MODESTO

Makati ‘votebuyers’ released SIXTY persons, including eight barangay (village) officials arrested on Saturday night for allegedly buying votes, were released on Monday by the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) upon the order of the Office of the City Prosecutor.  Jose Solis, the suspects’ legal counsel, made public the release order from the Makati Prosecutors’ Office.  â€œUnless otherwise detained for some other legal cause, [the NCRPO] is hereby directed to release the persons... [with] the office having found the need to set the matter for further investigation,â€? Assistant City Prosecutor Jose Vizcarra Jr. said in the order.  Solis said the arrest was illegal and the accusations against his clients were “false and inaccurate.â€?  â€œContrary to the claims of the NCRPO, the eight barangay officials and 52 individuals were not engaged in any purported vote-buying activity,â€? he added.  Police arrested the suspects, including the village treasurer, secretary and administrative officer, inside the barangay hall of San Isidro.  NCRPO chief Maj. Gen. Guillermo Eleazar said they recovered P410,000 from

the suspects, along with lists of voters and precincts.  Eleazar said police chiefs and station commanders in Metro Manila were tasked to monitor several areas and run after vote-buyers and sellers. He said they received a tip that vote-buying activities were taking place inside the San Isidro Barangay Hall.  Solis, however, said only the village officials were in the barangay hall when the police officers stormed the building. He said the arrested individuals were outside the barangay hall.  â€œClearly, there was no illegal activity to justify the NCRPO’s action of forcibly opening the locked doors and even drawers inside the barangay hall,â€? Solis said.  The lawyer maintained that the money seized was intended for official purposes. “The money was found inside a locked drawer that was forcibly opened by the police. The money was not in plain and full view. Moreover, the money in this locked drawer was intended for legitimate and official purposes,â€? Solis said.  â€œThe watchers list is intended to confirm if those listed are actual residents of the barangay,â€? he added. NEIL JAYSON N. SERVALLOS

ASIAN STOCKS: W S h a n g h a i 1 . 2 1 %







Corporate NewsB3


ÂťCorporate NewsB3


ÂťForeign BusinessB4



W S i n g a p o re 1 . 2 0 %

W Seoul 1.38%

W To k yo 0 . 7 2 %

W Jakarta 1.19%


V H o n g Ko n g 0 . 8 4 % W B a n g ko k 0 . 5 2 %

Infra, capital spending dips to P59.7B in March BY MAYVELIN U. CARABALLO


TATE infrastructure and capital spending fell to P59.7 billion in March on account of the limitations of the reenacted budget the government was forced to operate on early this year, according to the Department of Budget and Management (DBM).

In a statement over the weekend, the Budget department said the amount was a 5.7-percent decrease from P63.4 billion in the same month in 2018, EVEN AS kRST QUARTER SPENDING ROSE BY 13.4 percent year-on-year to P178.1 billion. According to DBM, the Department of Public Works and Highways was a

major spender in the month, disbursing P11.7 billion to pay for the accounts payables of previous years for completed roads, bridges and school buildings. 4HIS kGURE WAS A PERCENT INCREASE from 2018’s. DBM traced the March spending drop to a significant decline in the capital expenditures recorded in some

agencies, such as the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) and the Department of Education. “The said agencies were unable to implement new CO (capital outlay) projects, such as the construction of POLICE STATIONS PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT under the Capability Enhancement Program of [the] DILG, and repair and rehabilitation of school buildings due to limitations in [the] release of funds under the reenacted budget,� it said. A dispute between the Senate and the House of Representatives over alleged insertions resulted in the delay of the passage of the 2019 national budget. This forced the government to run on last year’s budget, limiting it to spend for items detailed in the 2018 outlay

and not on programs and projects supposed to be implemented this year. President Rodrigo Duterte signed the 2019 budget on April 15. The January-to-March figure put total national government spending — which include expenditures for maintenance, personnel services and subsidies — at P778 billion for the period, up 0.8 percent or P6 billion from the amount in the same period last year.

Outlook Despite the decline, the Budget department still expects government spending to normalize in the coming months, especially after the election ban, follow-

Act] No. 7721, as amended by RA No. 10641.� Signed in July 2014, RA 10641, or the Act Allowing the Full Entry of Foreign Banks in the Philippines, paved the way for the entry of new players. Foreign banks can operate in the country as a branch or wholly owned subsidiary, with the Bangko Sentral taking into consideration strategic relationships and reciprocity rights in accepting applications. “While the said law fully liberalizes the entry of foreign banks in the Philippines, it provides safety nets, such that at least 60 percent of the banking system’s total resources shall be controlled by domestic banks, which are

ÂłBanks B2

Plastic is suddenly in vogue


LASTIC suddenly seems to be in fashion. Last week – coincidentally just a few days after the Philippines announced it had come to terms with Canada for the return of several dozen containers of smuggled trash sent from the LATTER MORE THAN kVE YEARS AGO m most forms of plastic and mixed plastic waste were added to the Basel Convention, meaning that their trade can be restricted by receiving countries. The new pact, which was signed by 187 countries, applies the restrictions to every form of plastic and mixed waste except

ROUGH TRADE BEN KRITZ for polypropylene, polyethylene, and polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which are the easiest kinds of plastic to recycle. The US, the world’s biggest producer and consumer of plastic, is not a signatory to the Basel Convention, which has made it the target of bitter and probably well-deserved criticism. However,

ÂłKritz B3

ÂłSpending B2

Pag-IBIG Fund net income hits P8.96B in Q1

BSP: Foreign banks can still enter PH THE Philippine banking system can still accommodate more foreign players, as their share to total assets of the industry remains below the level allowed by law, the central bank said. In its “Report on the Philippine Financial System� for the second semester of 2018 released over the weekend, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) said the aggregate share of these banks remained stable at 7.1 percent last year. With this, the BSP said, “there is still room to accommodate further foreign bank entry and participation, since the aggregate share of FBBs (foreign bank branches) and subsidiaries currently operating in the Philippines remained well below the 40-percent ceiling set under Section 3 of RA [Republic



TUESDAY MAY 14, 2019

Business Times


Asia markets down on deal lack HONG KONG: Markets in Asia were down on Monday as the lack of a US-China trade deal cast a cloud over nervous traders. Investors watched the latest developments warily in the trade war between the world’s top two economies, after negotiations in Washington ended on Friday without an agreement and a tariff hike on Chinese imports went into effect. Almost all Asian markets were lower as the week’s trading began, with Tokyo’s benchmark Nikkei 225 index closing down 0.7 percent. Shanghai was down 1.2 percent and Singapore shed 1 percent, while Taiwan and Seoul both dropped 1.4 percent. White House economic advisor Larry Kudlow said US President

Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping could meet next month on the sidelines of the Group of 20 (G-20) summit to hash out their differences on trade — but no new talks are yet scheduled. With another round ending without a deal, markets are underpricing how long the US-China trade talks may drag on, Eleanor Creagh, a Sydney-based Australia market strategist at Saxo Capital Markets, told Bloomberg Television. The “underlying relationship is going to be fraught with much deeper tensions,� she said. Trump had accused Beijing of reneging on its commitments and ordered new punitive duties — which took effect on Friday — on $200 billion worth of Chinese im-

ports, raising them to 25 percent from 10 percent. He then ordered a tariff hike on almost all remaining imports from China, which are worth about $300 billion, according to US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer.

Retaliatory measures Beijing’s top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He, had warned earlier that Beijing “must respond� to any US tariff, while China’s state media blamed Washington for the lack of progress. “US-China trade relations will continue centre stage this week with most other data and events relegated to a distant second place,� said OANDA senior market

ÂłDeal B3

THE Home Development Mutual Fund or Pag-IBIG reported that its net income rose to P8.96 billion IN THE kRST QUARTER OF )N A STATEMENT THE STATE RUN kRM said the amount was a 10.5-percent increase from its earnings in the same period last year. Its gross income grew by 7.3 percent to P12.05 billion in January to March, it added. g7HILE THE kRST THREE MONTHS OF the year are usually slow for most companies, we have once again bucked the trend as we continue to achieve double-digit growth,� Pag-IBIG Fund Chief Executive /FkCER !CMAD 2IZALDY -OTI SAID in the statement. Pag-IBIG attributed the higher PROkT TO HIGH DEMAND FOR ITS LOANS and to improving collections. “The demand for our home loan and cash loan programs exceeded our projections by a considerable margin and marked increases from the same period last year,� Moti said. The Fund said the home loans it released surged 22 percent yearon-year to P17.21 billion and the number of borrowers increased 13 percent to 19,696. Short-term loans (STL) or cashloan releases rose 8 percent to P12.05 billion as the number of borrowers grew to 593,269, which IS PERCENT HIGHER THAN THE kGURE in the same period last year. Collections amounted to P40.24 billion, an overall increase

ÂłIncome B3


Business Times

˜ The Manila Times w w

TUESDAY May 14, 2019

PH seen to reduce rice imports BY EIREENE JAIREE GOMEZ


HILIPPINE rice imports is expected to fall by 3.5 percent or 100,000 metric tons (MT) for marketing year (MY) 2019/2020 due to ample stocks and larger forecast production, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) said.

In its latest ‘Grain: World Markets and Trade’ report, the USDA

said that despite the projected lower rice imports, the country

is seen to be the second largest rice-importing country, following China which is expected to import 4 million MT. Since the last few years, the country’s total rice imports have been increasing. In MY 18/19, rice imPORTS STOOD AT --4 SIGNIkCANTLY higher than the 2.5 MMT and 1.2 MMT recorded in MY 17/18 and MY 16/17 respectively. For MY 19/20, the USDA attributed the projected lower rice imports

on ample stocks of the staple due to the projected larger crops. g4HE QUANTITATIVE RESTRICTIONS ON rice imports have been replaced with tariffs, with a tariff advantage for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations member countries,� the USDA explained on the projected lower rice imports for MY 19/20. On the other hand, consumption is expected to increase by nearly 4 percent to 14.45 mil-

MPTC unit eyes NLEx extension project THE North Luzon Expressway (NLEx) Corp. is looking at the second half of the year to submit to the government its proposal to build the P20-billion Phase 3 of NLEx. Metro Pacific Tollways Corp. (MPTC) President Rodrigo Franco said the group may submit by that time its proposal to the Toll Regulatory Board (TRB) to pursue the uncompleted segment of the expressway. The third phase of NLEx aims to extend the expressway to Bataan.

“We’re hoping second half we’ll submit to TRB, but that will take some more time because ROW (right of way) will have to be acQUIRED u &RANCO SAID RECENTLY “A classic inter-urban is phase 3 of NLEx. It will be an extension going to Dinalupihan, Bataan. That’s the alignment of Phase 3. That’s part of the concession of NLEx that has not been built, delayed a little bit because SCTEx (Subic–Clark– Tarlac Expressway) was built also,� he explained. NLEx Corp., operator of NLEx and

Old plants supply 80% of power in Luzon

German firms upbeat on PH

THE Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) said almost 80 percent of electricity generated in Luzon comes from aging power plants or those built about two decades ago. In a roundtable discussion on Friday, ERC spokesman Florensida Digal said power plants in existence for 16 years and above constitute 72 percent of all facilities in the region. Some 29.8 percent of all plants in operations have been supplying power for 16-20 years while 23.84 percent of facilities have been running for 21-25 years. Those providing electricity for less than five years comprise 15.69 percent of the total number; while those in operation for 30 years and above form 15.02 percent; six to 10 years, 9.08 percent; 26-30 years, 3.06 percent; and 11-15 years, 2.59 percent. The ERC presented the data amid the supply deficiency that struck the region over the past few months. For this year, the National Grid Corp. (NGCP) issued red alert notice once and yellow alert notice four times in the Luzon grid as certain power plants were on unscheduled shutdown or running at a limited capacity. The country’s grid operator first hoisted yellow alert notice on March 5 and then red alert notice on April 10. The NGCP declares a red alert when contingency reserves reach zero which could lead to power outages in the grid while a yellow alert is raised when reserves are less than the capacity of the biggest plant in the grid which is 647 megawatts (MW) for Luzon. Digal said based on their initial information review, the ERC discovered that 62 percent of power plants in existence for 16 years and above contributed to power outage that hit Luzon from March 5 to April 25. “We could easily justify that facilities in operation for 26-30 years are easily damaged because of its wear and tear nature but for 0-5 year power plants, we are yet to delve into the reasons provided by power generation companies as to why these plants went on outage,� she said. Prior to last Friday’s roundtable discussion, ERC Commissioner Catherine Maceda said the agency is awaiting the report of gencos on the cause of plant shutdowns and that they will validate their submissions with their own figures. The commission sees as ‘allegations’ the claims that there is a collusion among market players to cash in on the unscheduled power outages. “How can you regulate when you don’t know the state of affairs,� she said. “We impose the necessary sanctions, if necessary and after due process. The due process is always important,� she added. JORDEENE B. LAGARE

GERMAN companies are bullish in doing business in the Philippines this year, an economic report and outlook by the German-Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GPCCI) indicated. The GPCCI study said 59 percent of German firms in the country are expecting better operation in 2019 due to improved perception towards economic development (29 percent), employment (46 percent) and investment (34 percent). It added that the government’s infrastructure program ‘Build, Build, Build’ (BBB) is seen driving the positive sentiments from German enterprises as it brings opportunities for the construction sector. “The BBB program is seen as an economic catalyst propelling the construction industry and associ-

SCTEx, is a unit of MPTC, the tollways arm of the Pangilinan-led Metro PaCIkC )NVESTMENTS #ORP -0)# With an estimated project cost of “more than P20 billion,� Franco said the 40-kilometer phase 3 will run “before San Fernando after Apalit then cuts across Guagua to Dinalupihan.� The 97-kilometer expressway stretches from Balintawak, Quezon City to Sta. Ines, Mabalacat City, Pampanga. Late in April, NLEX started preliminary works on the P23.3-

ated sectors. It may drive the entire economy for years to come,� the GPCCI said. German companies, the report said, are also banking on the “dynamic economic growth� of the country. It likewise noted the above-6 percent gross domestic product growth rate of the country for the past eight years. “The German-Philippine business community is very keen on doing business in the Philippines and that companies continue to have positive expectation on market development and opportunities,� the GPCCI study said. The report is also indicative that more trade and investment opporTUNITIES ARE IN THE OFkNG BETWEEN the governments of the Philippines and Germany.


Infra, capital ing the signing of the new budget. Although the President vetoed some P95.4 billion in DPWH allocations, the total P3.661-trillion budget for 2019 is still higher by 10.1 percent or P335.7 billion, compared to the cash-based EQUIVALENT OF THE BUDGET OF P3.326 trillion, it added. DBM noted that a preliminary analysis of the impact of the direct veto suggests that the effect could be minimal, since the vetoed items refer to local infrastructure projects introduced after the bicameral approval of the 2019 General Ap-

propriations Bills, not the national GOVERNMENT S lAGSHIP INFRASTRUCture projects. “While in general it could still result to lower disbursements, the reduction may partly be offset by payables from prior years’ infrastructure projects‌ changes in the appropriations of non-DPWH projects, and potential payables from continuing appropriations and unobligated allotments due to the extension of the validity of the 2018 appropriations for MOOE (maintenance and other operating expenditure) and CO,â€? it said.

billion NLEx-SLEx Connector Road, which is seen to cut travel time between NLEx and SLEx from two hours to 20 minutes. The infrastructure is also expectED TO EASE TRAFkC WOES AND CATER TO around 35,000 motorists per day. The main line of NLEx Harbor Link Segment 10, from MacArthur Highway Karuhutan, Valenzuela City, passing through Malabon City and C3 Road, Caloocan City, was also opened to the motoring public in February. LISBET K. ESMAEL

Last year, Philippine exports to Germany rose 4.87 percent to $4.3 billion from $4.1 billion on the previous year. Bulk or 67.8 percent of the total exports comprised of electronics, followed by electrical engineering (12.1 percent), measurement technology (3.6 percent), food products (3.1 percent) and more. Imports from Germany, meanwhile, grew 30 percent to $3 billion last year from $2.3 billion in 2017, majority of which composed machines (23.1 percent), electronics (19.4 percent) and chemicals (14.9 percent). The study said 37 percent of 'ERMAN kRMS IN THE COUNTRY ARE expecting the same level of operations while the remaining 4 percent saw 2019 as “poor or low.� TYRONE C. PIAD The department also said personnel services expenditures were expected to increase starting last month, after Mr. Duterte issued on March 15 Executive Order (EO) 76, which IDENTIkES THE FUNDING SOURCE FOR THE implementation of the fourth tranche of the compensation adjustment for civilian personnel pending the enactment of the 2019 budget. 3UBSEQUENTLY THE DEPARTMENT issued National Budget Circular 575 dated March 25 to prescribe the guidelines for this tranche’s implementation, it added. “It also provides for the charging OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COMpensation adjustment against any available appropriations under the 2018 Budget, as reenacted, pursuant to EO No. 76,� it added.

The subgroup was also said to HAVE KEPT SUFkCIENT BUFFER AGAINST credit losses, as its non-performing loans and non-performing assets coverage ratios were above 100 majority-owned by Filipinos,� the EIGN BANKS THAT SIGNIkED INTEREST percent at 179.8 percent and 144.1 [in establishing a] presence in the percent, respectively. central bank said. Since the law’s implementation, Philippines, due to its sound macOn the other hand, distressed the BSP’s policymaking Monetary roeconomic fundamentals and assets ratios of the industry hit 1.3 Board has approved 12 foreign stable growth prospects,� it said. percent as of end-December. BANK APPLICATIONS /F THESE kVE Total funding reached P1.204 are from Taiwan: Chang Hwa Bank Surge in industy profit trillion, an 11.2-percent increase Commercial Bank Ltd., Cathay FROM THE YEAR AGO kGURE United Bank, Yuanta Commercial Also, the central bank reported “Deposit liabilities remained Bank, First Commercial Bank and that the banking industry’s net the principal source of funding income grew by 26.9 percent to by foreign banks,� the BSP said, Hua Nan Commercial Bank Ltd. South Korea’s Woori Bank, P12.3 billion last year. noting that it accounted for 59.0 Industrial Bank of Korea and It generated a total operating in- percent of total resources as of Shinhan Bank; Singapore’s Unit- come of P63.2 billion on account of end-December. ed Overseas Bank Ltd.; Japan’s the net interest income from loans Outstanding deposits rose by 4.1 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp.; receivables of P43.0 billion, as well percent to P710.5 billion as of yearMalaysia’s CIMB Bank Berhad; as non-interest income from fees end, which can be attributed to the and China’s Industrial and Com- and commission and other income. 20.3-percent growth in time deposits. mercial Bank of China are the rest. Foreign banks’ total resourcLastly, the industry’s capital level This number, according to the es expanded by 11.2 percent to grew by 11.4 percent to P186.7 Bangko Sentral, is expected to P1.204 trillion as of end-Decem- billion as of end-December, “due further increase due to the ongo- ber 2018, thanks to the 61.2 per- to the combined effect of the ing Asean Banking Integration cent year-on- year increase in their earnings accumulated through the Framework. investment portfolio. years, as well as capital infused by “Outside this regional integra,OAN QUALITY REMAINED STABLE AT both existing and new FBBs.� tion initiative, there are more for- 1.0 percent as of year-end. MAYVELIN U. CARABALLO


BSP: Foreign banks

lion MT in MY 19/20 from 13.90 million MT a year earlier “on both abundant local supplies and relatively low-priced imports,� the USDA said. The agency said the country’s ending stocks of the staple would hit 3.634 million MT for MY 19/20, a 14.2-percent increase from 3.174 million MT in the previous MY. Meanwhile, the USDA kept its earlier projection for Philippine wheat

imports unchanged at a record-high of 7 million MT due to “strong growth in both food and feed use.� The country’s wheat imports have consistently increased since 2016. Total imports in that year reached 4.918 million MT, which SIGNIkCANTLY EXPANDED TO million in 2017 and 5.987 million MT last year. About 95 percent of the counTRY S WHEAT REQUIREMENTS ARE BEING sourced from the US.

Why managers should reject OT work L BEYOND

AST week, I conducted an informal survey on Facebook on the practices of organizations about mandatory overtime work. It’s not a scienTIkC APPROACH BUT IT SERVES THE PURPOSE FOR A REAL TIME QUICK search on how today’s people managers are doing with one of the most important approach to PROkTABILITY m COST CUTTING ) POSTED MY ONE QUESTION survey on the pages of the Philippines HR Group (PHRG) which has an active, dynamic and fast growing membership base of 134,797 members as of this writing. It was an excellent platform to discover the general sentiments of HR professionals on anything related to people management. -Y QUESTION WAS SIMPLE AND succinct: “Do you practice regular paid overtime (OT) schedule where workers are forced to work at least one hour extra every day?� The answers came IN QUICK AND EASY IN LESS THAN two days with 56 ‘No’ votes and 14 ‘Yes’ votes. The total number of respondents was 70 – a small fraction of PHRG’s growing population. But that’s OK. The minority ‘Yes’ votes gave me an insight on how some managers could be so frank and honest on the things they’re doing wrong without knowing it, and yet they appear proud of it. If you were born yesterday, I must tell you there’s no such thing as regularly mandated OT work. My dear managers, if you know what you’re doing, you should accomplish your task and that of your workers, during regular work hours. If your company is doing regularly mandated OT work, then you have a problem you don’t know or, worse, you’re ignoring. I’ve yet to appreciate the BENEkTS OF AN /4 WORK BECAUSE there’s none. The only thing where OT work matters is in case of an emergency or to meet service or production exigency. Otherwise, a regularly-mandated OT is pure and simple RElECTION OF POOR MANAGEMENT There are many disadvantages of a mandated OT work. Number one on my list is its unnecessary cost implications on the part of the company, not to mention that many employees abhor it because it ruins their family and social life. Besides, not so many people care about receiving OT premium at 1.25% for ordinary days. Let’s do a conservative estimate using 1.25%. Suppose the daily wage rate is P500, then THAT S EQUIVALENT TO 0 PER hour. If a worker performs OT on ordinary days, then he must be paid P78.13 per hour. This is not much for ordinary workers. But wait until you see how much an organization is spendING IN ACTUAL kGURES MULTIPLIED by the number of workers times the number of months in a year. The survey respondents for THE YES VOTE WERE REQUIRED TO EXPLAIN BRIElY WHY THEY RE DOing “forced� overtime work. However, no one from the yes voters gave their reason except for Outlier X who said his company is doing a 15-minute paid OT work. Note that I was asking


REY ELBO for at least an hour of mandatory OT work but Outlier X appears proud telling the whole world that theirs is a dynamic management strategy: g)T S NEEDED 7E ARE REQUIRED to clock in 15 minutes every start of shift for the endorsement meeting. That 15 minutes are counted as automatic overtime. Co-workers just need to clock in at least 10 minutes and they will be paid for 15 minutes. Lower than 10 minutes will not be counted. So the outgoing shift need not to extend and can go home right away.� I pressed on: “Why can’t you do all the things you mentioned during regular working hours and eliminate 15-minute OT work? Or why can’t you do paper endorsement to eliminate face-to-face interaction?� Outlier X mutters a mouthful without ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS Using a conservative estimate of P500 daily wage of say, 100 workers, I calculated that his company is probably spending about P39,060 a month or P468,720 a year for the OT premium. If you’re in management, would that be enough reason for you to review it? What’s revolting about Outlier X’s claim is that his company is paying OT premium for 15 minutes even if the worker clocks in at 10 minutes. What a generous management we got here. Or shall we say, we have stupid managers out there composed of HR, operations and accounting. But wait. Did you know that Outlier X has responded to my survey on Facebook during office hours? I’ve to take a brisk walk at a nearby park to suppress my irritation about Outlier X’s false bravado. After one hour, I came BACK TO MY DESK AS ) RElECT ON MY OWN QUESTION 7HY SHOULD a company, even if it’s earning a lot of money, bother itself with a ‘small’ thing like OT? Why not? Why would you spend money, no matter how small it is for something not necessary in the first place? So, what’s the solution? Spend much on training employees on how to spot unnecessary wastes and eliminate them, like the stupid 15-minute OT policy. If you’re in top management, you can issue a decree forcing managers to reduce at least 20 percent of every department’s administrative costs. Ninety percent of the time, you’ll be surprised to know that your managers could exceed your expectations. That’s assuming they’re not busy upDATING THEIR PROkLES ON SOCIAL media.

Rey Elbo is a business consultant specializing in human RESOURCES AND TOTAL QUALITY management as a fused interest. Send feedback to elbonomics@ or via

Corporate News

˜ The Manila Times w w

TUESDAY May 14, 2019


FPH earmarks over P30B as 2019 capex BY ANGELICA BALLESTEROS


OPEZ-led First Philippine Holdings Corp. (FPH) has set aside more than P30 billion in capital expenditures (capex) this year to fund the expansion needs of its subsidiaries.


Phoenix Petroleum to buy Circle K in H2 PHOENIX Petroleum Philippines Inc. is set to add convenience store chain Circle K to its portfolio in the second half of 2019 in a bid to further expand the business empire of its Davao City-based owner Dennis Uy. In a mobile message to The Manila Times, Raymond Zorrilla, the listed oil company’s vice president for external affairs, business development and security, said Phoenix Petroleum could seal the acquisition deal as “soon as next month.� “Depending on the completion by the parties of the closing deliverables, it [acquisition] could be as [early] as next month or in the second half [of the year],� he said. His message comes after Phoenix Petroleum announced in a disclosure last Friday that FamilyMart — the franchise of which the oil firm has owned since last year — “is set to complete the asset purchase of the Circle K network in the Philippines.� Although Phoenix Petroleum did not close the financial terms of the transaction, it said this would allow the conver-

sion of Circle K sites into FamilyMart stores in the coming months. It will “expand FamilyMart’s presence and establish its position as a destination for food for now/food for later,� it added. FamilyMart’s products and services include ready-to-eat or fast food items, auto-loading, bills payment and automated teller machine services. According to its website, Circle K has more than 10,000 branches worldwide. Super 8 Retail Systems, the consumer retail arm of wholesale distribution company Suy Sing Commercial Corp., currently owns and operates Circle K stores in the country. Incorporated in 2002, Phoenix Petroleum is into trading and marketing refined oil products, including liquefied petroleum gas and lubricants; operating oil depots and storage facilities; and offering hauling and into-plane services. Phoenix Petroleum shares added 12 centavos or 1 percent to close at P16.08 apiece last Friday. JORDEENE B. LAGARE

On the sidelines of the listed conglomerate’s annual stockholders’ meeting last week, FPH President and Chief Executive Officer Francis Giles Puno said that out of the total allocation, about P12 billion would go to First Gen Corp., another P12 billion to Rockwell Land Corp., a significant chunk to its industrial park business, and the rest

to other subsidiaries. The conglomerate said it WOULD NOT TAP THE DEBT AND EQuity markets to fund the expenditures this year, and that most would come from internally generated cash. “With [internally] generated funds, we can proceed at least to start [building] the LNG LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS TERMI-

nal,� Puno said, referring to First Gen’s $1-billion facility in Batangas province that is targeted for groundbreaking this month. First Gen partnered with Japan-based Tokyo Gas Corp. to develop the facility, in which the energy firm holds a 80-percent stake and the latter the remaining 20 percent. Puno, also First Gen president and chief operating officer, said his company was looking to invite more firms to own a stake in the terminal and lower its share to at least 50 percent. First Gen saw its consolidated net income soar by 118 percent to

MILLION IN THE kRST QUARTER of the year from $53.8 million in the same period last year. Other companies FPH owns are the recently delisted Energy Development Corp., First Philippine Industrial Corp., First Philippine Industrial Park, First Philippine Properties Corp., First Philippine Realty Corp., Philippine Electric Corp., First Philec Inc., First Sumiden Circuits, Inc.; First Sumiden Realty Inc. under First Philippine Electric Corp.; and First Balfour Inc. It also has a stake in Manila Electric Co. FPH shares finished up by 40 centavos or 0.55 percent to P77 apiece last Friday.

SEC: Beware of LDT Agro-Nutriwealth scheme THE Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has warned investors against dealing with two companies for allegedly soliciting public funds without authority. In a recent advisory, the state-run commission said it received information against individuals representing LDT Agro Industrial Hub Corp. through its president, Armando Gabriel, in partnership with Nutriwealth Multipurpose Coop. — now VCM-NW Corp. — which also operates under different names. These include Value

Chain Methodology, VCM Network and VCM Network Livelihood Association, all of which were operated by a certain Jay Galang. According to the SEC, both entities invited people to investment online through “The BNP Client Project� on Facebook. It asked individuals to invest at least P10,000 and be locked in for five years in exchange for interests and sacks of rice for every investment paid. Both entities were SECregistered. LDT Agro is registered with a primary

purpose of managing and operating agriculture-related facilities and activities, including rice milling, processing and distribution. Meanwhile, VCM-NW is registered as a stock corporation formed to manage and operate agricultural and pasture lands, farms and fish ponds, as well as cultivate crops, among others. “The public is hereby warned that such investment schemes are considered investment contracts under the definition of securities in the SRC and subject to the

regulatory authority of this commission,� the SEC said. “Since this scheme involves the sale of securities to the public, the SRC requires that the said securities offered are duly registered and that the appropriate license and/or permit to sell securities to the public are issued to the corporation and/or its agents,� it added. The SEC warned that those participating in this scheme may pay up to P5 million as penalty or face up to 21 years in prison. ANGELICA BALLESTEROS

MPTC optimistic about tollway business in Southeast Asia



Asia analyst Jeffrey Halley. “China will, no doubt, announce retaliatory measures, while the US may provide more concrete start dates for the newly imposed tariffs. Markets can expect short-

PANGILINAN-LED Metro Pacific Tollways Corp. (MPTC) remains bullish on the strong growth potential of its business in Southeast Asia. MPTC President Rodrigo E. Franco said last week the tollway operator expected its regional operations to increase their revenue contributions by “at least 25 percent in the next THREE TO kVE YEARSu FROM THE CURRENT 10 percent. The company’s optimism is fueled by the strong performance of its Thailand operations, as well as its plans to explore more opportunities in Vietnam and Indonesia.

term whipsaw price action as the street hangs on every little comment emanating from Washington DC and Beijing,� he added. Amid nervousness in China markets, state funds reportedly intervened to prop up shares on Monday and again on Friday, when the Shanghai Composite closed up more than 3 percent. “Trade talks have come to a

Franco noted that Don Muang Tollway Public Co. Ltd. (DMT), a major toll road operator in Bangkok, had been “earning very well.� “DMT is a solid contributor [to] THE PERFORMANCE OF -ETRO 0ACIkC Tollways,� he said. MPTC’s parent company, Metro Pacific Investments Inc. (MPIC), holds a 29.45-percent stake in DMT, which operates a 21.9-kilometer (km), six-lane elevated toll road stretching from central Bangkok to Don Muang International Airport, and to the National Monument, north of Bangkok.

deadlock and it’s unlikely we’ll see the situation turn for the better in the near term,� said Raymond Chen, a portfolio manager with Keywise Capital Management Beijing Ltd. “Now all eyes will turn to China’s policies and how it will stimulate domestic consumption to maintain its growth,� he added. The yuan dropped 0.6 percent


Plastic is suddenly in vogue it will still be obliged to abide by it as its exports of plastic waste can be refused by destination countries. The US has been exporting most of its plastic waste to China and Malaysia, but both of those countries have already initiated bans on waste imports. Other countries in South and Southeast Asia are following suit; Thailand and Vietnam have recently begun to crack down on waste imports, Indonesia is reportedly considering it, and the Philippines is being urged to do so by various environmental advocates. Even though the Basel Convention does not actually confer any new authority to control waste imports for any of its signatories, it is a worthwhile symbolic measure. It stigmatizes excessive reliance on plastics as well as waste exports. From a practical point of view, it

will force countries to apply greater effort toward developing better waste management within their own borders. That, however, will present serious problems for countries like the Philippines for two different reasons. This country has an enormous appetite for plastics, and thanks to geography, is among THE TOP kVE SOURCES OF PLASTIC POLlution in the oceans. Solid waste management and recycling services ARE WOEFULLY INADEQUATE BUT THE extent of the industry as it is creates a large number of informal livelihoods. Reducing plastic use to a degree that has a noticeable impact on the amount of waste THE COUNTRY GENERATES WILL REQUIRE lifestyle changes that are probably beyond the grasp of most of the population. And developing environmentally sustainable

waste management and recycling infrastructure will eliminate tens of thousands of lower-class jobs. If the Philippines follows the lead of neighboring countries and bans waste imports, which seems likely, it will prevent repeats of problems like Canada’s wayward trash, or other smuggled shipments of waste that have turned up in other ports across the country, but it will still leave a huge domestic waste management challenge. And it is not necessarily one that the Philippines can solve at its leisure; with global attention focused on the issue of plastic waste, the country’s dubious reputation as a large-scale ocean polluter is going to become more than an embarrassment. The idea has already been raised by more than one commentator (and by this one more

In a press briefing in Thailand last Friday, DMT Executive Vice President Sakda Panwai said his kRM SAW TRAFkC VOLUME GROWING BY 3 to 5 percent year. In 2018, about 100,000 vehicles use the Don Muang tollway daily. MPTC also targets to further strengthen its presence in Vietnam and Indonesia, embodied by MPIC’s 44-9 percent interest in the former’s CII Bridges and Roads Investment Joint Stock Co. (CII B&R) and 77.94-percent stake in the latter’s PT Nusantra Infrastructure Tbk.

“Indonesia is never lacking in opportunities,� Franco said. “ Like the Philippines, there is catching up that [is] needed to be done for road infrastructure.� PT Nusantra’s construction of the AP Pettarani elevated toll road project in Makassar City is expected to be done by middle of next year, he noted. For Vietnam, Franco said MPTC saw new highways that could be bidded out as expressways. He noted the group still wanted to focus on Ho Chi Minh “because it’s a growth area. LISBET K. ESMAEL

in offshore trading on Monday after having lost about 2.4 percent in May, making it one of the worst performing currencies in the world. The Japanese yen — often a safe haven in time of crises — extended gains after capping its fourth weekly advance against the dollar on Friday. Traders will also be watching

this week for earnings reports from Chinese tech giants Tencent and Alibaba, and key data on China’s industrial production and retail sales slated for Wednesday, the same day kGURES ARE DUE FOR 53 RETAIL SALES AND industrial production. In Europe, stock markets rose at the start of trading on Monday, with London and Frankfurt both opening up 0.1 percent. AFP

than once), but the current intense interest in reducing the risk of the planet choking to death on plastic waste may provide an opportunity for the Philippines. Developing a large-scale recycling and reprocessing industry is already a necessity for dealing with the amount of waste generated domestically, and it would not be too far a leap beyond that to create an industry that would be a sustainable export destination. Processing recyclable plastics, ewaste, and even low-value refuse suitable only for use in waste-toenergy systems can all be done with current technology without posing grave risks to the environMENT AND AT A PROkT 7ITH THE new restrictions that are being imposed by other countries, a virtually limitless supply of raw materials is assured. In order for the opportunity to bear fruit, however, the country needs to move past the “not in my backyard� mentality that dictates much of its approach to environ-

mental policy. While that is not always a bad perspective, it stymies development that would produce better results. For instance, the blanket prohibition against waste incinerators is preventing the development of controlled incineration and waste-to-energy options. That might be tolerable, if the ban was not completely mocked by the virtual non-enforcement of the Clean Air Act and the blind eye turned to the open burning of trash. Likewise, resistance to the development and expansion of LANDkLLS m WHICH IS OBVIOUSLY NOT a desirable option, but is still better than doing nothing – encourages open dumping. The Philippines has often presented itself as the victim of the rest of the world’s bad habits, but the new global focus on plastic pollution is at least a partial response to the country’s lament. A more proactive approach than “victimhood� is now called for.


Pag-IBIG Fund net income hits of 13 percent year-on-year. Collected members’ monthly savings jumped 16 percent to P11.15 billion. Meanwhile, payments for home loans and STL amounted to P15.25 billion and P13.67 billion, growing 15 percent and 8 percent, respectively. g/UR FIRST QUARTER FINANCIALS prove once again how robust the workers’ Fund really is. We achieved our best year yet in 2018,� Moti said. “If the upward trend continues IN THE NEXT THREE QUARTERS WE MAY well be on the way to achieve another best year in 2019,� he added. Fund’s total assets have reached P552 billion as of March, about 12 PERCENT HIGHER THAN LAST YEAR S kGURE “Because Pag-IBIG Fund stands AS ONE OF THE MOST PROkTABLE GOVernment corporations, we remain in a strong position to provide social services to more Filipino workers,� said Eduardo del Rosario, chairman of the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council and of the Pag-IBIG Fund Board of Trustees. MAYVELIN U. CARABALLO

Foreign Business Trump defends tariffs Trade war poses threat to China’s tech ambitions after ‘suffer’ comment W B4

˜ The Manila Times

TUESDAY May 14, 2019

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ASHINGTON, D.C.: US President Donald Trump on Sunday (Monday in Manila) defended his tariff policy, insisting again that China will pay billions in duties to the US, after Trump’s economic advisor raised eyebrows by saying both sides will suffer.

“We are right where we want to be with China,� Trump said on Twitter. “Remember, they broke the deal with us & tried to renegotiate. We will be taking in Tens of Billions of Dollars in Tariffs from China.� In fact, research shows it is Americans that bear the brunt of the tariff impact, as the levies are paid by importers and ultimately passed on at least partially to consumers. Trump’s comments came after economic advisor Larry Kudlow earlier Sunday conceded that China is not the one paying the tariffs. “Fair enough. In fact, both sides will pay. Both sides will pay in these things,� Kudlow told “Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace.� Trump had accused Beijing of reneging on its commitments in trade talks and ordered new punitive duties, which took effect Friday, on $200 billion worth of Chinese imports, raising them to

25 percent from 10 percent. He then ordered a tariff hike on almost all remaining imports from China, which are worth about $300 billion, according to US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer. “The Chinese will suffer GDP losses and so forth with respect to a diminishing export market and goods that they may need,� Kudlow said, before agreeing with Wallace that even though #HINA MAY SUFFER CONSEQUENCES US businesses and consumers are the ones who will pay the tariffs. “Yes, to some extent. Yes, I don’t disagree with that. Again, both sides will suffer on this,� Kudlow said.

No new talks scheduled But he also assured that because the US economy “is in a boom,� it would not be damaged “in any appreciable way� by the tariffs. Trump ordered the increased duties on Friday after two days

of talks to resolve the trade battle ended with no deal, although without a breakdown. Trump began the standoff last year because of complaints about unfair Chinese trade practices. The United States is pressing China to change its policies on protections for intellectual property, as well as massive subsidies for stateowned firms, and to reduce the yawning trade deficit. Since last year the US and China had exchanged tariffs on more than $360 billion worth of two-way trade, gutting US agricultural exports to China and weighing on both countries’ manufacturing sectors. Kudlow told Wallace that Trump and China’s President Xi Jinping could meet next month on the sidelines of the G20 summit to discuss their differences on trade, but no new talks are scheduled. While making it clear that the US was unwilling to settle, Kudlow sought to tamp down concerns, insisting the process was ongoing. “We need to see something much clearer and until we do, we have to keep our tariffs on,� Kudlow said, adding: “We can’t accept any backtracking.� As for future negotiations, WHILE THERE ARE gNO CONCRETE DEk-

nite plans yet,� Kudlow said China had invited Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Lighthizer to Beijing -- and higher-level discussions could be possible. The chances of Trump and Xi meeting during the Group of 20 summit in Japan in late June “are probably pretty good,� he said. The G20 summit of the world’s largest advanced and emerging economies is scheduled to take place in Osaka June 28-29. “We have to change the trading relationship between two COUNTRIES FOR THE BENEkT OF THE United States and its workforce and its ranchers and farmers and so forth. We have to do this,� Kudlow said. “The relationship has been too unbalanced.� Earlier Saturday Trump struck a more belligerent tone, urging China that it would be “wise for them to act now.� “They know I am going to win... and the deal will become far worse for them if it has to be negotiated in my second term,� Trump tweeted. While supporters laud Trump as a tough negotiator, freetrade-minded Republicans have warned that the tariffs could do real damage to the economy, and many farmers — including Trump supporters — say the tariffs have hit their bottom line. AFP

Toshiba net profit up on chip business sale TOKYO: Struggling Japanese engineering firm Toshiba on Monday reported improved full-year net profit thanks to the sale of its chip business, but said operating profit was sharply down. In the year that ended March, Toshiba’s net profit jumped 26.0 percent to 1.01 trillion yen ($9 bil-

lion), chiefly because of “profit from completion of the sale of the Memory business,� it said in a statement. Toshiba “achieved a healthier financial condition by closing the sale of the Memory business, advancing structural reforms that included finalising the sale of the PC business and decided to withdraw

from a nuclear power construction project in the UK,� the company said. But the firm said its operating profit dropped 58.9 percent to 35.4 billion yen, partly due to restructuring costs, on sales of 3.69 trillion yen, down 6.4 percent. For the current year to March 2020, it forecast a jump of 295 percent in operating profit to 140 billion yen, after the completion of restructuring and other projects, on sales of 3.4 trillion yen. It did not provide net profit forecast, saying it did not have sufficient information on the chip business — which remains an affiliate. The Tokyobased company used to sell everything from rice cookers to nuclear plants and has long been a household name. But a series of scandals and business losses in recent years have forced the company to withdraw from many operations, such as appliances and personal computers that gave it brand recognition. To stay afloat, the cashstrapped group sold its lucrative chip business for $21 billion to K.K. Pangea, a special-purpose company controlled by a consortium led by US investor Bain Capital. AFP

BEIJING: #HINA S INTENSIkED TARIFF war with the Trump administration is threatening Beijing’s ambition to transform itself into the dominant player in global technology. The United States is a vital customer and source of technology for Chinese makers of ELECTRONICS MEDICAL EQUIPMENT and other high-tech exports — industries that the ruling Communist Party sees as the heart of its economic future. Yet to the Trump administration, they’re a threat to America’s industrial leadership. Beijing managed to keep Chinese economic growth steady in THE MOST RECENT QUARTER DESPITE a drop in exports to the United States. It did so by boosting government spending and bank lending. But China’s technology exporters suffered huge sales drops of up to 40 percent, WHICH ATE INTO PROkTS THAT PAY for technology research. The tariff war is compounding the pain felt by many Chinese companies. They are already enduring stiffened resistance in the United States and %UROPE TO #HINESE ACQUISITIONS of technology through joint ventures with foreign compaNIES OR WITH kNANCING BY STATE run banks, outright purchases. China might now have to take the “tougher route� of developing more of its own technology, with less access to foreign partners and knowhow, said Rajiv Biswas, chief Asia economist for IHS Markit. “It may be a slower path,� Biswas said. The government and companies are pouring billions of dollars into research. Huawei, THE TELECOM EQUIPMENT GIANT and China’s first global tech brand, spent $15 billion last year — more than Apple Inc. All of this has helped make China an emerging heavyweight IN TELECOMS ARTIkCIAL INTELLIGENCE AND OTHER kELDS 9ET THE 5NITED States, Europe, Japan and other governments complain that Beijing has done so in part by stealing technology or pressuring foreign companies to hand over trade secrets. Washington is pushing Beijing to roll back plans for a government-led creation of global competitors in robotics, electric CARS ARTIkCIAL INTELLIGENCE AND an array of emerging technologies. Beijing’s trading partners argue that such plans violate its commitments to further open its vast consumer and business markets. The struggle compounds the challenges for President Xi Jinping’s government by threatening to delay or disrupt its economic plans. China’s leaders are reluctant to yield; they need higher-tech industries to keep incomes rising. Many producers of textiles, shoes and toys have already migrated to Vietnam, Cambodia and other lower-cost economies. China’s ruling Communist Party responded to an economic downturn last year by stepping up spending and lending. That effort reversed a campaign to curb reliance on debt, which had soared so high that rating agencies had downgraded China’s credit rating for government borrowing. Abroad, Xi has been forced to overhaul his multibilliondollar “Belt and Road� initiative to build railways and other infrastructure. In response to complaints that some countries are left with too much debt, the government has written off some loans and renegotiated contracts. The tariff war was sparked

by years of yawning U.S. trade deficits with China and by complaints — by the Trump administration and many independent trade experts — that Beijing was engaging in predatory and illicit practices, including the theft of technology. The first U.S. penalties targeted high-tech Chinese GOODS THAT !MERICAN OFkCIALS SAID BENEkTED FROM IMPROPER support from Beijing. Its impact spread as President Donald Trump extended tariff increases to Chinese exporters of handbags, furniture and other goods. Those higher import taxes heightened the threat of job losses — a political risk for an unelected party that derives its claim to power in no small part from having managed three decades of explosive economic growth. On the surface at least, the impact of Friday’s U.S. tariff hike “is relatively modest,� Brian Coulton, chief economist for Fitch Ratings, said in a report. But if Trump proceeds with his threat to extend 25% tariffs to all imports from China, that “would be a much more material threat to China’s growth outlook,� Coulton said. “Renewed weakening in China would rekindle financial market concerns about global growth risks,� he said. Xi’s personal standing has been hurt by slowing growth and by last year’s decision to eliminate term limits for his OFkCE AS PRESIDENT SAID :HANG Lifang, an independent political commentator in Beijing. “I think these two things are very stressful for him, both economically and politically,� :HANG SAID The United States and Europe have been increasing the cost and complexity of Chinese ACQUISITION OF FOREIGN TECHNOLogy or blocking it outright. In October, the European Union tentatively approved the trade BLOC S kRST RULES ON FOREIGN INvestments in sensitive sectors. That step followed criticism of Chinese purchases of European technology vendors that are considered vital national assets, including German robot maker Kuka. Chinese buyers have also ACQUIRED 3WEDEN S 6OLVO #ARS Swiss agri-tech supplier Syngenta and IBM Corp.’s low-end server business. In the United States, Trump vetoed the 2017 purchase of a chipmaker, Lattice SemiconDUCTOR THAT WAS kNANCED BY A Chinese government fund. Foreign manufacturers of consumer electronics and other goods already are shifting investments to Southeast Asia to cut costs, thereby hurting demand for Chinese parts suppliers and sapping revenue they would use to develop technology. “Boardrooms of multinationals, including possibly Chinese companies, might decide they need to have more manufacturing capability outside China to reduce this risk,� Biswas said . That shift, accelerated by the pressure from U.S. tariffs, promises a potential windfall for other Asian economies. Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen has suggested that the U.S.-China tariff war might help her government woo back manufacturers who had moved to the mainland in search of lower costs. “Our goal is to speed up Taiwanese business people’s coming back to rebuild a high added-value supply chain and encourage industries to transform and upgrade themselves,� Tsai said. AP

World IS still sows fear, recruits members I

˜ The Manila Times

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China heightens anti-quake efforts CHINA will hold over 1,000 lectures on earthquake resistance and disaster relief nationwide this year, as the country made persistent efforts on raising public awareness and capability of disaster reduction. The lectures would be held in schools, government agencies, enterprises, communities and villages in forms including expert instruction, emergency first-aid training and evacuation drills, the China Earthquake Administration said on the launch ceremony of the lectures Sunday. )N ADDITION THE kRST OPEN ONline course on earthquake resistance and disaster relief was also held, showing the correct way to respond to earthquakes by introducing a number of vivid cases. Sunday also marked China’s 11th national day for disaster prevention and relief, which commemorates the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake that left more than 80,000 people dead or missing. The day was established in 2009 to raise public awareness of disaster prevention and to increase knowledge and skills to enable survivors to better cope during and after disasters. The theme for 2019 aims to raise capability of disaster prevention and reduction, and construct safety line for life, according to the Ministry of Emergency Management. Plenty of activities on disaster reduction had been carried out, INCLUDING kRST AID SKILL CONTESTS and drills to beef up the country’s disaster prevention capability, the ministry said. GLOBAL TIMES

TUESDAY May 14, 2019

T was a chilly January evening, and Khadija Abd and her family had just kNISHED SUPPER AT THEIR FARM WHEN THE two men with guns burst into the room. One wore civilian clothes, the other an army uniform. They said they were from the Iraqi army’s 20th Division, which controls the northern Iraqi town of Badoush. In fact, they were Islamic State (IS) group militants who had come down from the surrounding mountains into Badoush with one thing on their mind: Revenge. Around 13 more gunmen were

waiting outside. The fighters pulled Khadija’s husband and his two brothers into the yard and shot them dead, leaving them in a pool of blood — punishment for providing information to the Iraqi military. “How can we live after this?� Khadija said. The three brothers were the providers for the entire family. “They left their children, their livestock, their wives and

their elderly father who doesn’t know what to do now.� A year and a half after the IS was declared defeated in Iraq, the militants still evoke fear in the lands of their former so-called caliphate across northern Iraq. IS militants, acording to intelligence reports, were still recruiting youths mostly from Al Raqqa, Syria and other east Asian countries as the dreaded group believes there is widespread sympathy for Muslims in these areas. The fighters, hiding in caves and mountains, emerge at night to carry out kidnappings, killings

and roadside ambushes, aimed at intimidating locals, silencing informants and restoring the extorTION RACKETS THAT kNANCED )3 RISE TO power six years ago. It is part of a hidden but relentless fight between the group’s remnants waging an insurgency and security forces trying to stamp them out, relying on intelligence operations, raids and searches for sleeper cells among the population. The militants’ ranks number BETWEEN AND kGHTERS around Iraq, according to one Iraqi INTELLIGENCE OFkCIAL “Although the territory once


held by the so-called caliphate is fully liberated, Daesh fighters still exhibit their intention to exert influence and stage a comeback,� said Maj. Gen. Chad Franks, deputy commander for operations and intelligence for the US-led coalition, using the Arabic acronym for the group. In towns around the north, Iraqi soldiers knock on doors in the middle of the night, looking for suspects, based on intelligence tips or suspicious movements. They search houses and pull people away for questioning. AP

Sri Lanka blocks FB,WhatsApp

WORSHIP A Buddhist monk prays for peace at the Tam Chuc pagoda in Ha Nam province, Vietnam. AFP PHOTO

COLOMBO: Sri Lanka blocked access to Facebook and WhatsApp on Monday after a posting sparked anti-Muslim riots across several towns in the latest fallout from the Easter Sunday suicide attacks. Christian groups attacked Muslim-owned shops in the northwestern town of Chilaw on Sunday in anger at a Facebook post by a shopkeeper, police said. Muslims make up around 10 percent of Buddhist-majority Sri Lanka’s 21-million population and Christians about 7.6 percent. Security forces fired in the air to disperse mobs, but the violence spread to nearby towns where Muslim businesses were also attacked. Sri Lanka has been on edge since the April 21 attacks by jihadist suicide bombers on three hotels and three

churches, which left 258 dead. Police said a night curfew in Chilaw and nearby areas was relaxed Monday, but the social media ban was brought in to prevent incitement to violence. “Don’t laugh more, 1 day u will cry,� was posted on Facebook by a Muslim shopkeeper, and local Christians took it to be a warning of an impending attack. Mobs smashed the man’s shop and vandalised a nearby mosque, prompting security forces to fire in the air to disperse the crowd. A curfew was imposed from Sunday afternoon until dawn Monday. The main body of Islamic clerics, the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama, said there was increased suspicion of Muslims after the Easter attacks carried out by local jihadists. AFP

Vietnam seizes $21M worth of ketamine from 4 couriers HANOI: Vietnamese police have seized half a ton of ketamine worth $21 million in Ho Chi Minh City, a key transit hub that has seen record busts of synthetic drugs in recent weeks as narcotics gangs use its ports and air links to shuttle drugs across the region.

Three Taiwanese citizens and one Chinese man were arrested in the weekend bust at a warehouse in the southern city, according to state-run Thanh Nien newspaper on Monday. More than 500 kilograms (1,100 pounds) of ketamine

was found stashed in industrial-grade machinery in an operation carried out after months of surveillance. The ketamine was brought in overland to Vietnam and was destined for Taiwan, Thanh Nien reported.

State media said the cartel leader had received overland shipments from China, but the POLICE WOULD NOT CONkRM WHERE the ketamine originated. g4HE LUXURY DRUG IS kVE TIMES more expensive than other synthetics and is often consumed by

the rich,� Maj. Gen. Pham Van Cac was quoted as saying. The bust follows several other massive hauls in recent weeks of drugs believed to have been shuttled into the country from neighbouring Laos. AFP

Indian cyclone death toll Pakistan’s Shiite minority group fears for their lives rises to 77 NEW Delhi: The death toll from a major cyclone that hit eastern India and Bangladesh in early May rose to 77 on Monday, as anger grew over millions of people still without power and water. #YCLONE &ANI THE kRST SUMMER cyclone to hit India’s Bay of Bengal coast in 43 years, made landfall in Odisha state on May 3, packing winds up to 200 kilometers (125 miles) per hour. The winds damaged half a million houses, uprooted hundreds of thousands of trees, and knocked out power, telecommunications and water for millions of people in one of India’s poorest states. The Indian death toll, which earlier stood at 41, shot up with fresh casualties reported from Puri and Khurda districts on Sunday. Thirteen people also perished in Bangladesh after Fani barrelled northwards. “The toll has gone up to 64 with maximum deaths [39] reported FROM 0URI u AN OFkCIAL AT THE 3TATE Emergency Operation Centre told AFP. India initially won praise, including from the United Nations, for moving some 1.2 million people to safety before the storm arrived, in what Odisha’s chief minister called the “biggest human evacuation in history�. But this praise has turned to anger for many local people at what they see as the slow pace of reconstruction and apathy from the authorities. “I have lost my thatched house in the cyclone. No one from the government has come to see my damaged house,� Shantilata Mishra, a resident in the Puri district, was quoted as saying by the Press Trust of India news agency. “I do not know when they will assess the damage and give me assistance to construct my house,� she said. AFP

QUETTA, Pakistan: Crowded into “ghettos� surrounded by armed checkpoints, Pakistan’s Shiite Hazara minority say they were being slaughtered by sectarian militants in the southwestern city of Quetta, with authorities seemingly unable to halt the killings. For years, hundreds of thousands of the Shiite community’s members have been hemmed into two separate enclaves cordoned off by numerous checkpoints and hundreds of armed guards designed to protect the minority from violent militants. “It’s like a prison here,� said Bostan Ali, a Hazara activist, about conditions inside the enclaves. “The Hazaras are experiencing mental torture,� he added, complaining the community had been effectively “cut off from the REST OF THE CITYu AND gCONkNEDu TO such areas. The Shiite community’s presence is particularly strong in Quetta — the uneasy capital of impoverished Balochistan province where sectarian violence, suicide bombings and banditry are common. Hazaras are technically free to roam around Quetta at their will, but few do, fearing attacks. To further protect the group,


Pakistani paramilitary soldiers escort vehicles carrying Shiite Hazara minority traders on the way back from a market to a heavily guarded enclave where they live in Quetta, Pakistan. Crowded into ‘ghettos’ surrounded by armed checkpoints, the Shiite Hazara minority said they were being slaughtered by sectarian militants for no valid reasons. AFP PHOTO day traders and market vendors are also given armed escorts when they leave their neighbourhoods, while ongoing military operations are said to be targeting militants in the restive province. But even these measures have proven inept at stopping major attacks on Hazaras. Just last month a bombing at a vegetable market left 21 dead and 47 more wounded — with the MAJORITY OF THE VICTIMS IDENTIkED

as Hazara. The incident is all the more disturbing considering the group was under the protection of Pakistani paramilitary forces, who failed to stop the suicide bomber from detonating in the crowd. The attack — claimed by the Islamic State and its local anti-Shiite AFkLIATE ,ASHKAR E *HANGVI ‡ IS JUST the latest in a long series of assaults targeting the group, including backto-back bombings in early 2013 that

killed nearly 200 of its members. The situation across the border in Afghanistan is equally if not more dangerous, with Hazara mosques, schools, and community events regularly attacked by insurgents. Pakistan has long been a cauldron of unrest and sectarian vioLENCE WITH THE OFkCIALLY )SLAMIC Republic home to myriad sects of Islam and religious minorities that have been targeted by violent extremists for decades.

The Hazara have proven to be particularly vulnerable with their distinct central Asian features, making the members of the community easy targets for Sunni militants who consider them heretics. At the entrance to Hazara town — one of the two enclaves in Quetta — a grim scene plays out every day as Hazara men squeeze into the backs of a long line of trucks headed in the city to buy food from the markets. AFP

Cambodia PM prepares for top oppositionist’s return CAMBODIAN Prime Minister (PM) Hun Sen has issued a letter telling the people to be ready to prevent a colour revolution should former opposition leader Sam Rainsy return to the Kingdom. Rainsy, who is currently in exile, has been vowing to return in order to restore democracy and human rights in the country. In the letter obtained by Khmer Times on Saturday, Hun Sen said authorities must be well prepared. “I wish to inform His and Her Excellencies (Cambodian People’s

0ARTY OFkCIALS THAT THE CONVICT 3AM Rainsy has announced his plan to return to Cambodia in 2019 to renew his plan of a colour revolution,� he said. “He appealed to the armed forces and the people to topple the legitimate royal government that was created from a free and fair election that heeds to the principle of a liberal multi-party democracy.� “His activities have seriously violated the constitution and other existing laws in the Kingdom of Cambodia,� Hun Sen added. “This could lead the country to fall into

unfathomed crisis and chaos.� He noted that whether Rainsy would eventually return or not, authorities must educate citizens in the Kingdom over the consequences of a colour revolution. “The most important key is that we must better manage the situation across the country,� Mr Hun Sen said. “In order to manage the situation at the sub-national level, you must lead working groups, ofkCIALS AND MEMBERS OF THE ARMED forces to organise public forums in communes and villages to educate

citizens on the consequences of overthrowing a legitimate government through a colour revolution, which is illegal.� (E ALSO SAID THAT OFkCIALS WOULD need to improve public services and rural development for people. “At the same time, we must work hard to push for internal reforms and increase cooperation in solving issues at the local level,� Hun Sen said. In a May 10 statement, Rainsy renewed his call for a change of government in a Facebook post to which

he attached Hun Sen’s letter. “Cambodian people must topple Hun Sen’s regime because this regime is illegal and was created from a fake election in 2018,� he said. “The election that had no participation from the Cambodian National Rescue Party (CNRP) — which represents half of the people in the Kingdom — was a fake election and undermined the principle of democracy.� Political analyst Hang Vitou yesterday said it is unlikely the CNRP will ever return to politics. KHMER TIMES



˜ The Manila Times w w

TUESDAY May 14, 2019

Saudi Arabia oil tankers attacked in Persian Gulf D UBAI, United Arab Emirates: Saudi Arabia said on Monday two of its oil tankers were sabotaged off the Persian Gulf in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in ATTACKS THAT CAUSED gSIGNIkCANT DAMAGEu TO THE VESSELS ONE OF THEM AS IT WAS EN ROUTE TO PICK UP Saudi oil to take to the United States.

economy into crisis. Last week, Iran warned it would begin enriching uranium at higher levels in 60 days if world powers failed to negotiate new terms for the deal. In related develoment, Iran called tha attacks on ships in the Gulf “alarming,� after the UAE and Saudi Arabia said several vessels, including oil tankers, were damaged in acts of sabotage off the Emirati coast. “The incidents in the Sea of Oman are alarming and regrettable,� Mousavi said in an English-language statement on the ministry’s website, calling for a probe into the attacks and warning of “adventurism� by foreign players to disrupt maritime security. The UAE said four commercial

vessels of various nationalities had been targeted by acts of sabotage off the UAE port of Fujairah. Fujairah port is the only terminal in the UAE located on the Arabian Sea coast, bypassing the Strait of Hormuz, a global shipping route through which most Gulf oil exports pass, and which Iran has repeatedly threatened to close in case of a military confrontation with the United States. The incident comes amid rising tensions between Iran and the US which has strengthened its military presence in the region, including deploying a number of strategic B-52 bombers in response to alleged threats from Tehran. AP/AFP

The announcement by the kingMousavi also warned against dom’s Energy minister, Khalid any “conspiracy orchestrated by al-Falih, came as the US issued ill-wishersâ€? and “adventurism by a new warning to sailors and the foreignersâ€? to undermine the mariUAE’s regional allies condemned time region’s stability and security. the reported sabotage Sunday of Tensions have risen in the year four ships off the coast of the port since President Donald Trump city of Fujairah. withdrew the US from the 2015 The statement came just hours after nuclear deal between Iran and Iranian and Lebanese media outlets world powers, restoring American aired false reports of explosions at the sanctions that have pushed Iran’s CITY S PORT %MIRATI OFkCIALS have declined to elaborate on the nature of the sabotage or say who might have been responsible. However, the reports come as the US has warned ships that “Iran or its proxiesâ€? could be targeting maritime trafkC IN THE REGION AND AS America is deploying an aircraft carrier and B-52 bombers to the Persian Gulf to counter alleged threats from Tehran. Shortly after the Saudi announcement, Iran’s Foreign Ministry called for FURTHER CLARIkCATION ABOUT what exactly happened with the Saudi tankers. The ministry’ spokesman, Abbas Mousavi, was quoted by the official IRNA news agency as saying there should be more informaMap of the United Arab Emirates where two Saudi Arabian oil tankers were damaged in a tion about the incident. ‘sabotage attack.’ AFP PHOTO


Patriot missiles off to Middle East amid tensions MORE military hardwares led by the accurate Patriot missile defense battery and another warship were headed to the Middle East amid increasing tensions between the US and Iran, the US Defense department said in a statement. The USS Arlington will join the USS Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group which is currently sailing in the Red Sea. The US says the deployments of military hardware to the region comes in response to “heightened Iranian readiness to conduct offensive operations�. The Patriot missile system is a defence mechanism against aircraft, drones, cruise missiles and ballistic

missiles, and is currently deployed in Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. “The Acting Secretary of Defense has approved the movement of USS Arlington and a Patriot battery to US Central Command as part of the command’s original request for forces from earlier this week,â€? a Pentagon statement said. Last week, a US air force bomber task force, including B-52 bombers, also arrived at the US airbase Al Udeid in Qatar, US Central Command said. “The Department of Defense continues to closely monitor the activities of the Iranian regime, their military and proxies. AFP

Republicans recruiting women for Congress WASHINGTON, D.C.: Top Republicans are hunting district-by-district for just the right candidates — women and minorities in many cases — to help them recapture the House six months after a political tidal wave swept Democrats into control of the most diverse majority in history. Among the recruits are a Republican woman in the Oklahoma state Senate, and a black political novice from Houston with Iraq combat experience and three Ivy League degrees on his resume. They are part of the Grand Old party (GOP) drive to gain at least 18 seats in the 2020 elections to win the majority — historically a tall order for the party out of power in presidential election years. Finding women and minority candidates is an imperative for an overwhelmingly white GOP openly embarrassed that just 13 of its 197 House members are women. By contrast, 89 of the 235 House

Democrats are women and nearly 90 are black or Hispanic. But Republicans want challengers with other qualities, too, following a 2018 election that saw the GOP lose 31 districts that President Donald Trump had won just two years earlier, many in moderate suburbs. Desirable attributes include an ability to woo moderate GOP voters who’ve turned against Trump, whose name will be atop the ballot. In some districts they want political outsiders without voting records to attack, in others it’s political veterans with a proven ability to win votes. Enticing personal stories and an aptitude for raising money also help. “You will see a party that’s relECTIVE OF THE ENTIRE NATION 4HAT would mean from gender to race to others, but it will also show that we can compete in every single district,� said Rep. Kevin McCarthy. AP


Indigenous Australians sue government before UN SYDNEY: Indigenous residents of low-lying islands off northern Australia will submit a landmark complaint with the United Nations (UN) on Monday, accusing the government of violating their human rights by failing to tackle climate change.

The Torres Strait Islanders will tell the UN Human Rights Committee in Geneva that rising seas caused by global warming were threatening their homelands and culture, lawyers representing the group said. 4HE LAWYERS FROM THE NON PROkT

ClientEarth, said the case was the kRST OF ITS KIND TO BE LODGED WITH the UN equating government inaction on climate change to a human rights violation. In their complaint, the islanders ASK THE 5. TO kND THAT INTERNAtional human rights law requires

Australia to reduce its emissions to at least 65 percent below 2005 levels by 2030. The country should become carbon neutral by 2050, phasing out its use and export of coal completely, they say. The complaint also demands the government allocate Aus$20 million (US$14 million) for emergency infrastructure like sea walls to protect Torres Strait communities. “Advancing seas are already threatening homes, as well as damaging burial grounds and sacred cultural sites,� the claimants said in a statement. “Many islanders are worried that their islands could quite literally disappear in their lifetimes without urgent action.� Kabay Tamu of Warraber Island said his community had a “right to practice our culture in our traditional homeland�. “Our culture starts here on the land. It is how we are connected with the land and the sea. You wash away the land and it is like a piece of us you are taking away,� he said in a statement. The complaint is being lodged just days before Australian elections in which the conservative government of Prime Minister Scott Morrison trails in opinion polls. AFP

WARSAW, Poland: The Polish government says it had canceled a visit by an Israeli delegation because the Israeli government made last-minute changes that suggested they would raise the issue of the restitution of former Jewish property. The visit had been originally scheduled for Monday but the Foreign Ministry announced Sunday that it was being called off. The issue of former Jewish property in Poland is emerging as an emotional issue ahead of European elections this month and national elections in the fall. AP

FAMOUS WRESTLER DIES AFTER COLLAPSING LONDON: A well-known Mexican wrestler who co-starred in the film comedy “Nacho Libre� died in London after he collapsed during a match that a witness described as so elaborately staged it wasn’t immediately clear something was seriously wrong. Cesar Cuauhtemoc Gonzalez Barron, who wrestled with the ring name Silver King, was one of the featured wrestlers of “The Greatest Show of Lucha Libre� on Saturday night. The north London performance venue, the Roundhouse, tweeted just after 12:30 a.m. Sunday that the 51-year-old “sadly lost his life� during the event. Lucha Libre World said in a statement the lucha libre star “suffered what we believe was a cardiac arrest. AP

MEGHAN, HARRY SHOW SON’S FEET LONDON: Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, have released a photo of their newborn baby’s feet to mark Meghan’s first Mother’s Day as a mom. The image posted Sunday on Instagram showed Meghan’s hand cradling the feet of her son, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, with a bed of spring flowers below serving as the background. The text reads: “Paying tribute to all mothers today — past, present, mothers-to-be and those lost, but forever remembered. We honor and celebrate each and every one of you.� AP

6.1-QUAKE HURTS 5 IN PANAMA PANAMA City: A strong earthquake struck a lightly populated area of Panama near its border with Costa Rica on Sunday (Monday in Manila), hurting five people and causing some wooden porches to collapse and products to shake from store shelves. Panamanian authorities said at least two people had been injured in a village but gave no details. Sigifredo Perez, head of operations for Costa Rica’s National Commission of Emergencies, said no major damage or injuries had been reported in his country. The US Geological Survey said the quake had a 6.1 preliminary magnitude and was centered seven kilometers (four miles) southeast of the town of Plaza de Caisan. The quake occurred at a depth of about 37 kilometers (22 miles). AP

GUNMEN KILL 6 IN BURKINA FASO OUAGADOUGOU: Gunmen killed a priest and five parishioners during mass Sunday in an attack on a Catholic church in Dablo, northern Burkina Faso, security sources and a local official said. “Towards 9 a.m., during Mass, armed individuals burst into the Catholic church,� Dablo Mayor Ousmane Zongo told AFP. “They started firing as the congregation tried to flee.� The attackers — between 20 and 30, according to a security source — managed to trap some of the worshippers, Zongo added. “They killed five of them. The priest, who was celebrating Mass, was also killed.� AFP

NORTH MACEDONIA’S NEW PRESIDENT SWORN IN STEVO Pendarovski was sworn in on Sunday as North Macedonia’s new president during a Parliament session, starting his five-year mandate. Addressing the inauguration ceremony, Pendarovski vowed to fight against the division in society, protect the rights of political minority, make maximum efforts for the country to join the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and to focus on inter-ethnic relations. “I want to publicly say and commit myself that I will be the President of all citizens, not just to those who voted for me,â€? Pandarovski said after taking presidential oath. GLOBAL TIMES

TUESDAY MAY 14, 2019

Public Square


Public Square appears on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. For contributions, email to

World-class speakers to inspire 26th NRCE attendees THE 26th National Retail Conference and Stores Asia Expo (NRCE) — the biggest and most important retail event in the country where top retailers converge — will again bring in some of the world’s luminaries and experts in retail leadership and marketing on August 15 to 16, 2019 at the SMX Convention Center - Manila. Two world-class speakers will share their knowledge on leadership practice in the biggest retail group in the world and shed light on the neuroscience of successful retail marketing. Technology evangelist Jesus Vega will serve as keynote speaker and will share best practices in people management and leadership. The Spain-based advisor and speaker has worked as managing director for Zara-Inditex, the biggest and fast-growing fashion retail group in the world. During his time with Zara, Vega contributed to the clothing giant’s IPO and to the opening of thousands of new stores in various parts of the world. At Zara, he also helped launch new brands and formats including Oysho and Uterqße. 53 CERTIkED .EURO ,INGUISTIC 0ROgramming (NLP) practitioner Ben Ampil will also grace this year’s NRCE who will discuss neuroscience of successful retail marketing. NLP is a management tool widely used by Fortune 500 Companies and worldclass celebrities and athletes. The NRCE is an annual event orGANIZED BY THE 0HILIPPINE 2ETAILERS

I Q Frederick D. Go

Q Jesus Vega

N celebration of the national Heritage Month, the Museo ng Muntinlupa will host a series of activities that will gather the community and visitors to experience the city’s heritage and culture. Every Friday of the month of May, Muntinlupa residents and visitors can enjoy cultural performances from homegrown talents Yaman ng Kalinangan Dance Company, Himig Muntinlupa, and many more in the museum lobby. The program is in partnership with the Tourism, Culture and Arts Department of Muntinlupa. In coordination with the Muntinlupa City Public Library, a Pop-up Library will be installed inside the museum showcasing heritage books. The public is also encouraged to donate books in the reading space installation. Storytelling activities also await visiting kids and “kids-at-heart.�

Museo ng Muntinlupa is also launching the Director’s Cut feaTURING &ILIPINO kLMS IN ITS STATE of-the-art Theater located at the kFTH lOOR &URTHER A “Baybayin� Workshop will be hosted in the museum this month. Mayor Jaime Fresnedi invites the public to visit Museo ng Muntinlupa and experience the city’s history, story, and culture. “To neglect history, heritage, and cultural preservation is to slow down a nation’s progress. Our failure to put arts and culture as one of our priorities hampers collective and personal development. That’s why in Muntinlupa City, we want our community to be proud of our history including the trials and tribulations for them to be well-rounded and forward-thinking,� Fresnedi said. Museo ng Muntinlupa is a kVE STOREY MUSEUM INSPIRED BY A

Q Museo ng Muntinlupa

SALAKAB A TRADITIONAL kSHING TRAP USED BY -UNTINLUPA kSHERMEN IN the shores of Laguna de Bay. It is THE kRST CITY MUSEUM OF ITS KIND infusing history, interactivity and communal spaces. MmMun is complete with interactive galleries for kids and kids-at-heart; a research center and meeting spaces;

and a state-of-the-art 200-seater theater. Museo ng Muntinlupa is located at Centennial Avenue, Barangay Tunasan and opens from Wednesdays to Sundays from 10a.m.-4p.m. Admission is free this summer. For more information, email

Somerset Olympia Makati’s first Puppy Hour Q Ben Ampil !SSOCIATION 02! THE RECOGNIZED trade association of retailers and retail suppliers in the country. NRCE 2019 Overall Chairman and Robinsons Land President Frederick Go said that NRCE is the PRA’s commitment to provide the industry with updated knowledge and insights to help them in their business.

Chelsea, PNOC to jointly explore development of LNG logistics hub CHELSEA Logistics Holdings Corp. (Chelsea), the market leader in shipping and logistics industry in the country, and the Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC) are exploring a possible joint DEVELOPMENT OF A FUEL AND LIQUEkED natural gas (LNG) storage and terminal for commercial and logistics use at the PNOC site in Mabini, Batangas. Chelsea continues to build its logistics portfolio, which currently consists of warehouse and distribution facilities through Worklink Services, Inc. and 2GO Group, Inc., with a potential inclusion of a logistics facility for holding and distribution of fuel and LNG products. The fuel and LNG terminal

Museo ng Muntinlupa hosts cultural performances, ‘baybayin’ workshop

project will be part of the development plan for a downstream LNG NETWORK BETWEEN AN AFkLIATE OF Chelsea — the Phoenix Petroleum Philippines, Inc. (PNX), CNOOC Gas and Power Group Co. Ltd (CNOOC G&P) and PNOC. “This collaboration with PNOC provides opportunities for both Chelsea’s shipping and logistics businesses. Further to the potential inclusion of a fuel and LNG storage and terminal to our logistics arm, we are studying how to serve the future vessel requirements for the transportation of PNX’s LNG products,� said Chelsea Logistics Holdings Corp. President & CEO Chryss Alfonsus Damuy.

THE Ascott Limited’s Somerset /LYMPIA -AKATI CELEBRATED ITS kRST Puppy Hour on April 30. In line with the international celebration of pet month, Somerset Olympia Makati celebrated the value of pet ownership that brought together dog owners, bloggers, and A NON PROkT ORGANIZATION IN RAISING awareness for a good cause. The participants had a chance to tour around the facilities of the serviced-residence together with their dogs as Somerset Olympia Makati is THE kRST PET FRIENDLY PROPERTY OF 4HE Ascott Limited in the Philippines. Susan Salcedo, The Ascott Limited Philippines’ city manager

said, “Because there are only a few pet-friendly properties in the hospitality industry in our country, Somerset Olympia Makati offers a home for your pets.� “Moreover, we are not just your mere serviced-residence because our service is perfect for those travelers or families who would not want to leave their pets in the corners of their homes,� Salcedo added. The event also discussed the current state of the lives of military working dogs and contract working dogs in the Philippines through the invited guest speakers and founders of Hound Haven Philippines, Maxin Arcebal, CEO

Q During the first Puppy Hour (from left) Joyce Agsaway, Somerset Olympia Makati operations manager; Maxin Arcebal, CEO Hound Haven Philippines; Chelsea Pecson, COO Hound Haven Philippines; Susan Salcedo, The Ascott Limited city manager. and Chelsea Pecson, COO. The success of Puppy Hour was made possible by its partners name-

ly Fur Magic, Sleeky, St. Roche, Nutram, Bow House, Pet Express, Vitality and Whole Pet Kitchen.

First Metro wins FMAP awards FIRST Metro Investment Corp., the investment banking arm of the -ETROBANK 'ROUP AND ITS OFkCERS reaped various recognitions at the 19th FMAP (Fund Managers Association of the Philippines) Awards. The investment bank ranked third in the Best Fixed Income House category. First Metro Vice President David Ignacio Estacio and Senior ManAGER "ERNICE *OYCE .OBLEZA WERE named Best Local Traders, ranking

kRST AND SECOND RESPECTIVELY WHILE Assistant Vice President Percival PeĂąa ranked 3rd Best Global Trader. In the Best Salesperson category, First Metro Senior Manager Mary Grace Singson and assistant manager Ignacio Pardo ranked kRST AND THIRD RESPECTIVELY %STABlished to foster solidarity among the different investment sectors, &-!0 IS THE TRADE ORGANIZATION OF Philippine fund managers.

Q In photo are First Metro officers and 19th FMAP Awards winners (from left) Vice President Peter Anthony Bautista, Vice President Annagraziela Banaad, Percival PeĂąa, Mary Grace Singson, Senior Vice President Christopher Ma. Carmelo Salazar, Senior Vice President Lalaine De Guzman, Bernice Joyce Nobleza, Ignacio Estacio, and Ignacio Pardo.

Hotels and Homes PH celebrates continued success and excellence Taipan National Business Summit 2019 OYO “It gives me great pleasure OYO Hotels and Homes, the world’s sixth largest chain of hotels, homes, AND PRIDE TO RECOGNIZE SOME OF rolls back with a lot more to offer and living spaces celebrated its suc- our hotel owners here in the FROM its successful conquership into national summit last year, Taipan National Business Summit rolls back with a lot more to offer this May 29, 2019, 9a.m. to 4p.m. at Solaire Resort and Casino Function Room, as it gives a different perspective to success through the main theme: #FailingForward. It features a strong batch of worldclass Filipino-Chinese professionals FROM DIFFERENT kELDS OR SIMPLY CALLED Taipans, namely David Leechiu of Leechiu Property Consultants, Bernie Liu of Golden ABC, William Tiu Lim of Mega Global, Myrna Yao of Richwell Trading Corp., and Rikki

Dee of Foodee Global Concepts. We hear about rags and riches stories, innovative solutions and disruptive thinking but we seldom hear about failing forward. On this second year of Taipan Summit, we invite you to be one of the lucky participants to witness a rare knowledge experience through Taipan National Business Summit 2019: Failing Forward. Registration is ongoing at http:// Taipan National Business Summit 2019 is presented by Chinoy TV and co-presented by Solaire Resort and Casino, with Globe myBusiness and PTT Philippines as major sponsors.

cessful take-off in the Philippines, adding over 86 asset owners to its chain in four months. The company celebrated its quick expansion in the 0HILIPPINES WITH ITS kRST /9/ (OTELS Meet 2019 held on May 3. The event RECOGNIZED OUTSTANDING /9/ HOTELS that have helped the company establish its footprint in the country since its launch early this year. The event highlighted milestones achieved by the company in the Philippines under the leadership of OYO Country Head Ankit Arya. Arya discussed OYO Hotels’ business model and shared his plans to bring the entire OYO family forward.

Philippines who have showcased exceptional quality performance since our launch early this year. With the warm feedback that we received till date, plus the backto-back successes we had so far in growing OYO Hotels in the country to now more than 50 live properties, we are more eager to bring the team to greater heights in the coming years. With our strengthened business direction and program, unceasing technological innovation and deeper collaboration with all our asset hoteliers, Filipinos are rest assured that OYO Hotels will bring

Q OYO Philippines executives and marketing team wrap up the first OYO Philippines Hotels Meet with a toast. more good fortune to the country’s tourism industry and further empower the small-scale business

574 complete community drug Enjoy the biggest music and arts festival in Subic May 17, inside Zoobic 50 tigers and more than 200 rehab program in Quezon City ON Safari in Subic, Zambales species. 4(% 1UEZON #ITY !NTI $RUG !BUSE Advisory Council (QCADAAC) announced the graduation of 574 participants from the fourth batch of its community-based drug rehabilitation program. In its commencement ceremony, QCADAAC Chairperson and QueZON #ITY 6ICE -AYOR *OY "ELMONTE congratulated the graduates for completing the program, saying that a total of 2,800 have already completed the community rehabilitation modules and prescribed counseling since it started in 2016.

Meanwhile, she also vowed to further support the graduates in terms of their livelihood as she cited that lack of employment usually causes illegal drug abuse, according to their data from the QC Integrated Drug Abuse 0ROkLING 3YSTEM 1# )$!03 "ELMONTE EXPRESSED CONkDENCE as the chairperson of QCADAAC THAT 1UEZON #ITY HAS ALREADY IMproved in terms of alleviating the number of drug users and pushers WITH THE INTENSIkED GOVERNMENT intervention on rehabilitation and prevention among communities.

comes “Binagbag, the biggest music and arts festival in Subic� with Franco and more local and hottest bands right now. Zoomanity Group, the organiser, is expecting more than 3,000 to 5,000 attendees to join the festivities that will start at 5a.m. Guests can also enjoy the whole 50 hectares theme park facility which is dubbed as the only Tiger Safari in the Philippines with more than

4HE EVENT IS FOR THE BENEkT of Subic Gala Aningway- Sacatihan ES Annex (The Aetas in Subic. For their livelihood and to help the indigent Aetas children). Zoomanity Group is the leading theme park management in the Philippines that’s composed of Zoobic Safari in Subic, Zoocobia in Clark PampanGA 0ARADIZOO IN -ENDEZ Cavite, Zoocolate Thrills in Bohol and Zoori inside Residence Inn Tagaytay.

sector,� said Arya. For more information, visit

Build&Design g

B8 TTUESDAY MAY 14, 2019 M

EDITOR: Mario F. Fetalino Jr.

Damping technology in Federal Land’s project

AS a country located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, seismic and volcanic activity in the Philippines are frequent. Luckily though, these earthquakes are more often than not, short and weak. Most people are completely unaware that one happened up until when they read the news. In fact, only three significant quakes were felt by Metro Manila in more than 10 years. This long interval, coupled with the recent 6.1 magnitude and the two smaller ones that followed in quick succession, suggests the frightening possibility that the “Big One� is soon to follow. The question then is, are we sufficiently prepared when it does happen? Are we fully equipped to handle the Big One? Japan, on the other hand, considers earthquakes as part of daily life. Their something that locals have come to expect and have grown accustomed to. When tremors happen, earthquake drills are automatically performed like clockwork, after which everything goes back to normal. This seemingly casual nonchalance is owed to their confidence that advanced measures are in place, ensuring them that if a big quake does hit, they’ll be safe. By constantly being hit by earthquakes, Japan has through the years adapted its buildings and infrastructure to resist various natural disasters, gaining a unique insight one can only attain from first-hand experience. Through these seismic events, it is able to gather information that help plan for the future. One of its biggest innovations

in earthquake vibration control technology, the Visco-elastic dampers (VCDs), is actually used by the world’s tallest buildings like Tokyo Skytree and Taipei 101. The Seasons Residences at Grand Central Park, the residential project born of Federal Land’s partnership with Japanese conglomerates Nomura Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd., also employs state of the art Japanese damping technology. The mixed-use, lifestyle center features the marriage of Japanese innovation and design with the Philippines’ unique brand of community. True to its roots, The Seasons Residences uses special highperforming damping technology that’s used to protect over 300 buildings across the world from Japan, Taiwan, Canada, Mexico, the US, and now the Philippines. On April 27, 2019, Federal Land held a short talk led by experts in the field namely Keisuke Sugihara, general manager of PNS Advanced Steel Technology, Inc. (Nippon Steel Engineering Group) and Raul Manlapig, managing director of Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Ltd. where they discussed earthquake preparedness, structural design and the intricacies behind the damping technology of The Seasons Residences. One of the features highlighted was the use of the VCDs system which acts as shock absorbers to ensure that residents are safe and comfortable during earthquakes and typhoons.

Q Left to right: Keisuke Sugihara, general manager of PNS Advanced Steel Technology Inc.; Raul Manlapig, managing director of Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Ltd.; Cathy Ko, executive vice president of Federal Land Inc.; Yasuhiro Ohira, Residential Development Division manager of Nomura Real Estate Development Co. Ltd.; and Cherie Fernandez, Project Development Group head of Federal Land Inc.

Q An ESL center in Cebu. More of them are seen to rise in the locality in the coming years. PHOTO BY ESL CEBU


HE English l h as a Second d Language (ESL) tutorial segment is seen emerging as a new DRIVER OF THE #EBU OFkCE MARKET BASED on a study conducted by a giant property service company. In its recent report, global propERTY SERVICES kRM #OLLIERS )NTERNAtional-Philippines said the growth of ESL centers is expected to continue and will boost demand for OFkCE SPACES IN #EBU “Colliers sees continued expansion of existing ESL centers as well as the entry of new players,� it said. “We encourage developers to asSESS THE OFkCE SPACE REQUIREMENTS OF THESE kRMS u IT ADDED Colliers said ESL companies initially require smaller office

cuts and occupy larger space as they expand. Last year, locators led by the Philippine Online Gaming Operators (POGOs) drove the Cebu ofkCE MARKET TO BREACH THE MILLION square meter (sqm) mark. /FkCE SPACE INVENTORY IN -ETRO #EBU HIT MILLION SQM IN A PERCENT RISE FROM THE SQM IN #OLLIERS SAID Among the office towers accounted for the new supply were HM Tower, Pacific World Tower,

-ABUHAY 4OWER AND 4ECH 4OWER Over the next three years, Colliers said Cebu would see the compleTION OF OFkCE BUILDINGS AT THE )4 and Business parks, including the Latitude Corporate Center, -ABUHAY 4OWER #ENTRAL "LOC AND 3KYRISE " AND " 0." Tower, Johndorf Tower, and the Cebu Exchange Tower, which was CONSIDERED THE LARGEST OFkCE TOWER to be built in the Visayas-Mindanao area, covering a gross leasable area OF SQM &ROM TO #OLliers projects the completion of SQM OF NEW OFkCE SUPPLY PERCENT HIGHER THAN THE ANNUAL AVERAGE FROM TO Interestingly, the reports said despite the new spaces, vacancy rates DECLINED TO PERCENT LAST YEAR FROM PERCENT IN AS NEW SUPPLIES

were offset by higher take-ups. “For the entire Metro Cebu, we see vacancy reaching an average OF PERCENT PER YEAR FROM TO DESPITE THE SUBSTANTIAL amount of new supply due to be completed during the period,� Colliers said. From Mactan, Colliers said the CITY OF -ANDAUE WOULD BENEkT FROM POGOs after its local government APPROVED GAMING kRMS TO OPERATE in the area. “We still see outsourcing companies such as call centers as well AS OFFSHORE GAMING kRMS DRIVING office space demand in Metro [Cebu],� it said. “Mactan will probably continue to be a hub for offshore gaming operations and the expansion of THESE kRMS SHOULD SPILL OVER TO Mandaue,� Colliers added.

Integrity a major selling point A

PROFESSIONAL is one that completed college education, passed the licensure examination and got himself registered with the regulatory commission. After the rigorous drills in school, field and laboratory comes h i s n e w d i s c ove r i e s of the real world. The practical application of education is interesting and an eyeopener. In school, learners are fed with what is theoretically correct, legally right and ideally applicable. But in the business world, professionals rely on themselves to work and earn. Surprises abound in the jungle of commerce. One may get into a rough deal with a party, which could be a supplier hungry for a contract. Professionals like architects should be careful in dealing with these kind of suppliers. Architects are taught how to identify products that suit them and their clients. There is always an array of products chosen by architects. To be chosen, suppliers market their products. He finds ways to sell his product. He can hold a seminar or a symposium, facilitate an educational plant tour or sponsor events. These are his marketing tools to influence architects. There is nothing wrong with these “persuasive� tools. But when does a supplier go overboard in marketing? The problem arises when the persuasion becomes a dictation. One’s trust in a product starts from knowing the facts about it to having it applied. For example, doctors read their guide book PIMS . They read the data about drugs and source out similar medicines in the market. They also look at the drugs’ history, previous application and results before trying these out. The same goes for architects who specify products for use. The supplier sends out marketing guys, representatives or business development officers to orient and educate architects on his products. That is fine. However, somewhere along the architect’s career, he becomes dependent on certain products and the supplier

takes advantage of this. His persuasion becomes a dictation. He starts to interfere on other matters like trying to decide what gets included or not in an activity of the architect or his professional organization. Such isn’t new to architects who have been using the products of a supplier and, at one time or more, have requested support for various endeavors from the latter. But being told what to do by suppliers is not good for architects. Being tied down to a supplier or his product limits an architect’s potential to gain more knowledge and grow as he will lose opportunities to develop more partnerships. I should know that well. So many good products are out in the market, and I’m exposed to them. One time, as president of the country’s organization of architects, I got invited to an event on architecture. At the last minute, however, my invitation was recalled. I suspect also attending the event were sponsors or partners of the industry not aligned to my progressive thinking. Well, that is life. I may have been unable to grace that occassion, but clearly, it wasn’t a loss on my part. The best marketing strategy is to win the hearts and minds of consumers by establishing integrity. If one stumbled in the past, there is always time to make amends and rectify mistakes to be whole again. Professionals like architects should know when he is being used. He should know that when leverages instead of acceptable persuasive tools are applied on him, the profession and the public are endangered.



(The writer is the current national president of the United Architects of the Philippines and the first national president coming from Mindanao. He has been in the Private practice for more than 33 years and is a FelLOW OF THE 5!0 (E IS ALSO THE kRST !SEAN architect and APEC architect coming from Davao City. He is a graduate of BS Architecture from the University of Mindanao and is also a doctor fellow of the Royal Institute of Architects Singapore.)

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TTUESDAY, TUESDA U E S DAY DAY AY, Ma May M ay 14 ay 14, 20 14, 201199 2019 T H E M OTO R I N G S E C T I O N O F

Q Audi took a number of wins in AUTO BILD Allrad magazine’s All-Wheel-Drive Car of the Year 2019 awards.

Audi wins in AUTO BILD Allrad Germany A

UDI celebrated a resounding success as part of the readers’ choice All-Wheel-Drive Car of the Year 2019 awards: the Q2, Q5, A6 allroad quattro and the all-electric powered Audi e-tron models won in their respective class, making Audi the most successful brand among the competition. “We’re delighted with the four awards because they are testimony to our quattro expertise which we’ve built up over many years,� said Hans-Joachim Rothenpieler, Audi Board of Management member for Technical Development. “We’re particularly proud of the award for the Audi e-tron. Our all-electric powered SUV has taken all-wheel drive into the electric era, setting new standards in terms of handling, traction and safety in the process.� As part of the readers’ choice AllWheel-Drive Car of the Year 2019 awards, the line-up put together by editors from AUTO BILD Allrad magazine included 211 models from 43 brands

in ten categories. Readers could cast a vote for their favorite in each vehicle category. In the Off-roader and SUV up to 35,000 euros category, the Audi Q2 scored 8.5 percent to COME OUT ON TOP OF THE kELD of 34 rivals. As such, this was THE MOST kERCELY COMPETITIVE category. Twenty-nine models featured in the next-largest category from 35,000 to 50,000 euros. Here the Audi Q5 won with 6.7 percent of the readers’ votes. The Audi A6 allroad quattro was almost 2 percent ahead of the secondplaced car in the All-Wheel Crossover cat-

egory. A full 13.99 percent of the cast votes went to the brand’s popular all-road model. The Audi e-tron enjoyed an equally comfortable victory in the All-Wheel Hybrids and Electric category, beating 24 competitors with 8.65 percent of the readers’ votes. The sporty full-sized SUV is powered by

an electric motor on each axle, providing the ideal power source for the high-precision, ultrafast electric all-wheel drive system. This system ensures the continuous and fully variable regulation of the ideal distribution of drive torque between the two axles – within a fraction of a second. In most driving situations, the Audi e-tron mainly uses its rear electric motor in order to achieve

Q The Audi e-tron won in the All-Wheel Hybrids and Electric category of AUTO BILD Allrad magazine’s awards.

MAXIMUM EFkCIENCY 7HERE NECESSARY THE electric quattro shifts torque to the front axle. The dynamic talents of the electric SUV are especially apparent at low coefkCIENTS OF FRICTION SUCH AS ON SNOW Germany’s AUTO BILD Allrad is best-selling all-wheel-drive magazine in Europe and has been running the competition since 2002. The awards were presented at the Axel Springer Haus in Berlin. Audi has continued its success by winning in four categories of the readers’ choice awards. In the past ten years alone, the brand’s models have graced the top step of the podium 17 times, including the A6 allroad quattro on three occasions. The Q5 won one award in 2017. For more information, contact Audi Philippines at 7270381 to 85 or visit an Audi showroom in Greenhills, Global City, Alabang and SM Seaside City Cebu.

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TUESDAY, May 14, 2019 Q The all-new Sonata features the latest safety, connectivity and convenience technologies from Hyundai.


Hyundai unveils cars for Chinese market

EIJING Hyundai d Motor Co. (BHMC) ( ) unveiled its all-new Sonata and all-new Hyundai ix25 at the recently concluded Auto Shanghai 2019. The new models spearhead the company’s “New Era� theme for the event, which highlights new, future technologies; allnew models; plus Hyundai Motor’s new design philosophy – “Sensuous Sportiness.� Making its Chinese premiere at the Shanghai show, the all-new Sonata features the latest safety, connectivity and convenience technologies. The global “signature vehicle� for Hyundai, the latest generation Sonata is a stylish, thrilling and beautiful coupe-style sedan, rather than a conventional four-door model. It expresses Hyundai Motor’s Sensuous Sportiness design language through elegance and lOWING LINES USING LIGHT AS THE DEkNING styling feature inside and out. The all-new ix25 compact SUV also premieres in new sporty and muscular form. Perfectly positioned for the Chinese market, the new model is clearly inspired by the same design language as the all-new Sonata, but it is interpreted differently. From its strong, shoulder line wheel arches and SUV-like ground clearance, to its

unmistakably distinctive lighting design, it is a stylish model that will stand out from the crowd. China leads the world for uptake of new forms of vehicle propulsion, a fact capitalized on by BHMC in the form of the new Encino EV and new Elantra PHEV. These vehicles form a crucial piece of Hyundai Motor’s future-focused strategy for clean mobility in China and around the world.

This vision for future mobility is communicated clearly through BHMC’s New Era theme on its booth. Among the human centric technologies on display are Personal Mobility Device E-bike and E scooter exhibits that sit alongside a suite of other future technology and vehicle exhibits including: a Sonata deSIGN STUDIO A kRST IN #HINA connected car 3.0 and Fingerprint Authentication Entry tech

Prior to his regional postings, Umashankar served for nearly 19 years at Ford India in roles of increasing responsibility, including leadership positions across customer service, marketing and operations. This includes nearly four years as vice president for customer service operations, where he led efforts to implement a new nationwide parts distribution center and set up a new modification center connected to Ford’s Chennai manufacturing facility. Prior to this, Umashankar served for almost four years as general manager for product marketing, during which time he helped to launch the all-new Figo, Ford’s first vehicle designed and built for the Indian market. As general manager for customer service operations from 2005 to 2008, Umashankar led process improvements in customer service across the organization, which helped drive observed customer satisfaction improvements.

our future mobility strategy,� said Albert Biermann, president and head of research and development at Hyundai Motor Group. “With a focus on constantly anticipating and adapting to our customers changing needs, we will deliver clean mobility, freedom in mobility, and connected mobility without losing sight of what makes our vehicles fun to drive,� he added.

Q The all-new ix25 compact SUV is perfectly positioned for the Chinese market.

PK Umashankar appointed Ford Philippines managing director FORD Motor Company has announced the appointment of PK Umashankar (‘Uma’) as managing director, Ford Philippines, effective July 1. Umashankar is currently serving as director, Customer Service Division at Ford Asean, based in Bangkok. Umashankar will relocate to Manila and continue to report directly to Yukontorn “Vickie� Wisadkosin, president, Ford Asean. He will replace Bert Lessard, who would repatriate to his home country of Canada. In his new role, Umashankar would be responsible to continue to driving Ford’s momentum in the Philippines, including sustaining the success of Ford’s nearly fully refreshed vehicle line-up in the market, continuing the ongoing expansion of the Ford dealership network, and further enhancing the aftersales experience including driving a more competitive cost of ownership structure for Ford customers. “Uma’s leadership and real hands-on approach, coupled with his extensive experience across the business, will help us continue to grow our business and further strengthen our brand in the Philippines,� said Wisadkosin. In his current regional customer service role, Umashankar has been working with both the Ford dealer networks and Ford customer service teams across the Southeast markets to implement a number of successful initiatives aimed at improving and enhancing the overall Ford customer experience. This includes leading efforts to streamline parts sourcing and delivery across the Ford network, the appointments and launch of the Ford Authorized Parts Distributor Network in Thailand, as well as the launch of the Ford-owned Quick Lane brand in Thailand. From 2015 to 2017, Umashankar served as brand manager, Ford Asia Pacific, based in Shanghai, where he oversaw the region-wide launch of the new EcoSport compact SUV, as well as the new Ford Figo compact car in India, the Middle East and Africa.

EXPERIENCE BOOTH ANOTHER kRST IN #HINA a digital key experience booth; the Veloster N Performance Car; and the NEXO air PURIkCATION “Hyundai Motors is developing advanced technologies to support three pillars of

From 2002 to 2005, Umashankar served in various roles that included divisional operations manager, North and East, which represented more than 40 percent of Ford India’s sales; national parts operations and service marketing manager, where he led the company’s spare parts operations and business development of service operations; and national service planning and marketing manager, where he helped deliver service marketing initiatives to improve customer service. From 2000 to 2002, Umashankar served Ford India as a Six Sigma Master Black Belt, during which time he helped promote and support improvement activities for the business, most notably in the area of parts distribution. Umashankar earned a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Madras, and an MBA in Finance from the Loyola Institute of Business Administration.

About Ford Motor Co. Ford Motor Company is a global company based in Dearborn, Michigan. The company designs, manufactures, markets and services a full line of Ford cars, trucks, SUVs, electrified vehicles and Lincoln luxury vehicles, provides financial services through Ford Motor Credit Co. and is pursuing leadership positions in electrification, autonomous vehicles and mobility solutions. Ford employs approximately 196,000 people worldwide. For more information regarding Ford, its products and Ford Motor Credit Co., visit www.

Xado Black Edition synthetic oils revitalize engines XADO Chemical Concern Philippines (Xado PH) has introduced into the country a line of synthetic oils that has the highest content of the brand’s famed “Revitalizant� formula that can revitalize engines. The Black Edition oils has a “Revitalization Factor� of 33.3, which results in the surfaces of an engine that are subjected to friction to have smoother surfaces from a special action that binds ceramic nano particles and metal shavings from the engine, to the parts of the engine that are subjected to friction. The Black Edition forms part of the Xado Atomic Oil line-up. “Xado Revitalizant, made up of a ceramic-metal alloy, are incorporated in the Xado Atomic oils to address metal imperfection that is the very issue of friction. It can be said then that this can be the only lubricant in the world that restores compression and maintains it for the longest possible,� said Marlo Colimbo, president of Xado PH. He added Xado Atomic oils offer up to 160,000-kilometer oil change interval. The premium-class Xado Black Edition oils also contain the best synthetic base oil, an ultra-modern additive package called EXPAO, as well as a bonus

additive set called the 2D sliding agent. %80! IS AN ADvanced synthetic additive package that helps to preserve main oil properties between oil changes under the most extreme of conditions. Meanwhile, the 2D sliding agent provides extremely easy sliding of parts which helps save fuel. The most distinct component of the Xado Black Edition oils is the “1 Stage AR Revitalizant� that provides the following benefits: rebuilds worn engine metal and reverses metal wear; restores lost compression in cylinders; improves engine power and acceleration; reduces fuel consumption; restores oil pressure; double or triple the life of an engine; protects against damage from cold starts; and decreases toxic carbon monoxide and dioxide emissions. Also, among the most noticeable BENEkTS OF USING 8ADO !TOMIC OILS IS smoother engine operation and better acceleration. For more information on Xado products sold in the Philippines, visit or

TUESDAY, May 14, 2019

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OTOR Image Pilipinas Inc., the exclusive distributor of Subaru vehicles in the Philippines, has drawn up an irresistible offer for the Subaru Outback 3.6 R-S with EyeSight, available only this month of May.

Fully equipped with Subaru’s signature Symmetrical All Wheel Drive, Boxer Engine, EyeSight Driver Assist Technology and all the top-of-the-line features, 3UBARU S MOST REkNED 356 YET IS YOURS TO take either through two options. Under the first option, a P250,000 discount can be availed of that comes with a Blue Voucher providing P50,000 worth of service maintenance, paint protection, car care services, fuel and Subaru merchandise For the second option, a rare low downpayment with zero-interest combination, or 20-percent down-payment and zeropercent interest over six months. Also included are free Land Transportation /FkCE REGISTRATION #-& AND INSURANCE Experience all-terrain, uncommon luxury with the Subaru Outback by booking

Subaru offers special summer deal for 3.6 Outback in May a test drive today. Know more by visiting your nearest Subaru Showroom and avail of the exclusive deal available only until May 31, 2019. About Tan Chong International Ltd. Tan Chong International Ltd. (TCIL) is listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong and is a major motor, property and distribution company with operations

in Singapore, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. Since its inception in 1957, the Group has grown its assets substantially through continuous expansion of its existing diverSIkED BUSINESS PORTFOLIO IN MANUFACTURING distribution and retail. Other businesses that TCIL engage in across Asia include automotive, commercial, manufacturing, trading and property investment businesses.

About Motor Image

Motor Image is a wholly-owned subsidiary of TCIL and exclusive distributor of Subaru vehicles across nine countries in Asia. Established in 1986 and headquartered in Singapore, the company has since opened OFkCES IN #AMBODIA #HIna, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines,

Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. As part of Motor Image’s growth strategy, the comPANY HAS IDENTIkED 3OUTHEAST !SIA AS THE key engine of the company’s future growth. In July 2011, a partnership was established with Subaru Corp. (formerly Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd.) for the production of Subaru vehicles at a completely-knocked down assembly plant in Malaysia. On February 8, 2017, Subaru Corp. and TC Manufacturing and Assembly (Thailand) Co. Ltd. (TCMA TH), a wholly-owned subsidiary of TCIL entered into a joint venture agreement for the local assembly of Subaru vehicles in Thailand to reinforce their existing business foundations in Southeast Asia. The vehicles produced in both Malaysia and Thailand would be distributed by Motor Image through its Subaru network. Learn more about Subaru’s presence in Asia by visiting

About Subaru

Founded in Japan in 1955, Subaru has

since grown to become one of the world’s leading carmakers. In 1972, Subaru BECAME THE kRST IN THE WORLD TO MARKET an all-wheel drive (AWD) passenger car and pioneered the market in Japan for high-performance station wagons by combining a turbo-charged engine with an AWD system. 3UBARU HAS IMPROVED AND REkNED ITS !7$ system, to create a Symmetrical AWD system that enables optimal driving pleasure and safety. Subaru is well known by motoring organizations worldwide for its engineering, design, functionality, safety and reliability. The Subaru range of vehicles includes the BRZ, Forester, Impreza, Legacy, Levorg, Outback, WRX, WRX STI and XV. Collectively, they have been known to be “driver’s cars� offering superb handling because of core technologies such as the Symmetrical AllWheel Drive and Subaru Boxer engine built into every model. Learn more about Subaru’s global activities and presence at

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You can’t spell Santa Fe without spelling SAFE

TUESDAY, May 14, 2019




HE 2019 Hyundai Santa Fe is presented in a brand new packaging, with a plethora of new tech and safety features. With the mid-sized crossover market still on the rise in the Philippines, it only made sense for Hyundai TO ENTER THE kGHT WITH A FAMILIAR MODEL BADGE Introduced in the local market during the 2018 Manila International Auto Show, does this fresh Hyundai Santa Fe live up to “The Greatest Show� theme of Hyundai?

The styling The most striking feature of this 2019 Hyundai Santa Fe is the exterior styling. Love it or hate it, Hyundai applied similar design principles to the Sante Fe as its brand sibling, the Hyundai Kona. Both the front fascias of the two models have the headlights in a lower position, rather than the location traditional design would dictate. The daylight running lights can be mistaken for the headlights to unknowing eyes. Apart from that, Hyundai incorporates its iconic hexagonal “cascading� grille. The 2019 Hyundai Santa Fe has a clean center visual line from end to end, giving it the illusion it’s sitting lower to the ground. The styling of the rear tailgate is simpler compared to the front fascia, with the large LED brake light cluster being the main focal point. The profile is unmistakably Santa Fe, retaining much of the styling cues of the previous generation. Accents on the exterior make the 2019 Santa Fe appear a class above, with aluminum and chrome accents around the vehicle. Standard 19-inch alloy wheels finish out this beautiful new package from Hyundai. Being inside the 2019 Hyundai Santa Fe is as much of a treat as it is standing outside and appreciating it in the metal. Premium brown leather predominantly wraps the interior panels, with wood and silver accents on the door panels and dashboard. The seats are ventilated and stitched in a cascading pattern similar to the design of the speakers and the dashboard shelf. For a driver, the 2019 Hyundai Santa Fe is a great place to sit in, but the real treats are for the passengers. Seven seats fill the 2019 Hyundai Santa Fe, a feature that never made it to the United States. Seats for the sixth and seventh passenger easily Q The front fascia has the headlights in a lower position, rather than the location traditional design would dictate.

tumble down 50/50 with a press of a button. Ventilation and climate controls are also provided for third-row passengers. The second row also tumbles 60/40 with a press of a button, providing easy access for passengers, or even loading large objects. There are easy access controls to move the front passenger seat and tilt it forward, providing the rear passengers more leg room.

The going The Philippines gets a single 2.2-liter CRDi GLS 8-speed automatic variant for the 2019 Hyundai Santa Fe. Power comes in at 200 PS with 441 Nm of torque, effortlessly delivering power on demand. New for the 2019 Hyundai Santa Fe is the departure from the previous generation’s six-speed automatic transmission, upping the ante with eight speeds. This gives the new Santa Fe wider gear ratios and improved economy. Return on fuel economy comes at an average of 8.8 kms/liter with very spirited driving. This writer was surprised at how frugal the Santa Fe sipped fuel from its 64-liter tank and struggled to get it towards half a tank during one week worth of tests.  Driving the 2019 Hyundai Santa Fe really shows its new sense of refinement. Yes, it is running with a diesel engine, but the smooth delivery of power has you thinking otherwise. On the highway, switch the driving mode to sport to bring the engine alive. Steering gets tighter, the display in the instrument cluster turns red, and the gears are held to the redline. Step on the accelerator and give it an opportunity to show off the 441 Nm of torque during passing and sudden bursts of power.

Little do you know it, you’re way past the legal speed limits in a seven-seater crossover! As stated earlier, the 2019 Hyundai Santa Fe is a treat for passengers. Not just because of the plush leather interior, but also the smooth ride. Generally flat through corners and supple over bumps, the 2019 Santa Fe feels more like a large sedan rather than a cumbersome mid-sized crossover.

The gadgets The very first tech should be tinkered with would be the “floating� supervision seven-inch TFT LCD resting above the center console. Connectivity has Apple Carplay and Android Auto, Bluetooth streaming with voice recognition, AUX and USB. Of course there’s the radio AM/FM tuner with metadata, delivering sound through a six-speaker system. Though in other territories you can option in an Infinity soundsystem, with the standard speakers more than enough to give an experience. This could be from the great effort to insulate the interior from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. You definitely can spell SAFE within the name SAnta FE. Not just a move you can use during your next scrabble tournament, but something this Hyundai lives by with this 2019 model. Airbags for the driver and his knees, passenger, along with curtains, and sides will keep your mind sound, especially if your family is in the back. Cameras are a plenty, giving the driver options for multiple views, even a 360-degree top angle. Radar guided cruise control, which can bring you to a complete stop, is standard in this variant. Keep your eyes on the road with the heads up display reflected on the windshield, rather than a glass shard on the dashboard. Leave the mess at home and utilize the wireless charging in the center console shelf, giving you more creature comforts.

A feature of the Santa Fe, which has been shown to me in the United States, but I haven’t had the chance to try in the Philippines, because of my fear of damaging the unit, is Safe Exit Assist. Using the blind spot monitors, the 2019 Santa Fe’s doors will not let the occupant out if it detects oncoming traffic. This would be perfect in dealing with provincial tricycles popping out of nowhere like Dhalsim in Street Fighters.

area when removed in order to utilize the last row of rear seats. It is too long to simply rest on the cargo floor. Imagine having to suddenly carry two more passengers, so where would you place this lengthy piece of metal? In addition, no sunroof or Hyundai’s HTrac AWD system in the single variant offered, which is not exactly a deal breaker for a market that’s constantly beaten down with sun rays. Yet if I had to purchase one vehicle, which I

Q The styling of the rear tailgate is simpler compared to the front fascia, retaining much of the styling cues of the previous generation.

All-in-all The 2019 Hyundai Santa Fe comes in at a hefty P2.338 million (as of date tested), but it also is a far departure from the previous generation in terms of refinement, safety, tech and styling. As with all cars, it comes with its quirks. The rear cargo visor has no stowing

had to share with my family with, it would be the 2019 Hyundai Santa Fe. There’s still a sense of exclusivity and luxury as compared to its counterparts in the segment, along with a hand full of safety features for your kids in mind. On top of that, it comes with a five-year unlimited mileage warranty.

Q Wireless charging for smart phones is available with the 2019 Hyundai Santa Fe.

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TUESDAY May 14, 2019


Mitsubishi unveils Montero Sport concept M ITSUBISHI UK recently unveiled a sporty version of its best-selling SUV, the Mitsubishi Outlander Shogun Sport SVP Concept, known in Southeast Asia as the Montero.

The Mitsubishi Shogun Sport is already established as an extremely rugged and capable all-terrain vehicle, but the new SVP Concept bolsters these impressive off-road credentials with black, 18-inch, Predator alloy wheels with a red split-rim design, BF Goodrich all-terrain tires, and special wheel arch extensions to accommodate the 40- millimeter wider track. The Shogun Sport SVP Concept’s suspension has also been tuned in collaboration with Walkinshaw Performance ,TD AND +ONI TO MATCH THE SPECIkC WHEEL and tire package, offering both additional

off-road comfort and improved on-road dynamics. To compliment the enhanced capabilities, new high-clearance side steps, kNISHED IN BLACK ARE ALSO kTTED For all-weather off-roading purposes, THE 3HOGUN 3PORT 360 #ONCEPT IS kTTED with a special LED light bar on the roof, as well as rally-style PIAA driving lamps set ahead of the front grille. Completing the exterior cosmetics package, there is a rear spoiler, a new front grille with red and black accents, a black Shogun Sport bonnet badge, black head lamp and tail lamp surrounds and a distinctive decal package, including a black boot-lid badge panel. Inside, the Shogun Sport SVP Concept package includes special upholstery with additional side bolstering, front and rear, and a distinctive pattern matching that of the exterior decals. Red LED mood lighting matches the red exterior detailing. Mechanically, the Shogun Sport SVP

ÂłMontero D2

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TUESDAY May 14, 2019

Shell pushes the envelope of fuel efficiency TEXT AND PHOTOS BY DINO RAY V. DIRECTO 3RD


EPANG, Malaysia: Dubbed as one of the world’s longest running student competition and campaign to develop young minds to design and build ultra-energy EFkCIENT CARS THE 3HELL %CO -ARATHON HAS grown exponentially through the years. It was kRST CONCEIVED IN 3HELL S 7OOD 2IVER RESEARCH laboratory in 1939 wherein scientists conducted a friendly bet to see who could drive their own car furthest on a gallon of fuel.

4HE kRST WINNER MANAGED A FUEL ECONO- ceremony was led by Nagulendran KanMY RATING OF LITER PER KILOMETERS ! gayatkarasu, deputy secretary general for repeat of the eco-challenge yielded more the Malaysian Ministry of Energy, Science, dramatic results and has vastly improved Technology, Environment and Climate over the years. #HANGE -%34%## AND $ATUK )AIN ,O Eco-Marathon events are held in the chairman of Shell Malaysia. “This year, United States, Europe and in Asia. This Shell Eco-Marathon has returned to Mayear, the Eco-Marathon was held in Malaysia’s premier race track in Sepang, which is about an hour’s drive from its capital Kuala Lumpur. With the theme “Make the Future Live Malaysia 2019,� the Asian leg of the series was participated in by more than 100 students from 18 countries across the Asia Pacific and the Middle East to test which car can go the farthest utilizing the least amount of energy. Teams compete in two vehicle classes; Prototype and Urban Concept; and in three other categories -battery-electric, hydrogen fuel cell and internal combustion engine. With Shell executives and Malaysian government representatives in attendance, the flag-off Q The DLSU team.

laysia to celebrate a decade of competition between Asian universities. Each year, we see an increase in innovations in vehicle DESIGN IN FUEL EFkCIENCY PERFORMANCE AS WELL AS IN PARTICIPANT TEAM SPIRIT 4HE lAG off that kick-started Shell Eco-marathon Asia today will not just start the competition but also signals the beginning of many journeys of discovery in cleaner energy,� said Lo. “I thank MESTECC for their support and look forward to working with more leaders to provide more platforms that encourage our youths to explore sustainable solutions to meet future energy demands,� he added. “It is an educational program and competition for students the World over to COME UP WITH IDEAS THAT ENABLE EFkCIENT mobility whichever energy you use, be it hydrogen, battery-electric or gasoline, as long as you can maximize the usage, to BE THE MOST EFkCIENT VEHICLE OUT THERE u Marathon General Manager. “This is a hotbed for learning, and we explained Norman Koch, Shell EcoARE TEACHING THE FUTURE SCIENTIkC AND ENgineering leaders to think what drives us is energy,� added Koch.

Donations from the school and corporate sponsors helped them with their project car. The same story can be said of their fellow competitors from De La Salle, whose CAR IS ALSO MADE FROM CARBON kBER 4HE De La Salle car costs just below a million Representing pesos, but they had the most number of the Philippines ground crew working on the car. For the This year, college teams from all over the University of Mindanao, budget seemed 0HILIPPINES CARRIED OUR lAG WITH TEAMS to be the problem because they were not from the University of Mindanao-Wild- ABLE TO PROCURE kNANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM cats, National University-Sprinter, Paman- their school and just worked on a measly tasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila-Agsikapin, budget of P80,000. De La Salle University DLSU Team ICE Among the Philippine teams, the most and DLSU Dasmarinas D Stallions Hiraya, well-funded eco-car was the entry of the University of the Philippines-Alamat and University of the Philippines, which had Dagsik-UP, University of Sto. Tomas-UST a sticker price of P1.2 million. Eco Tigers, University of Perpetual Help Despite their efforts, the 11-member System-Dalta and Polytechnic University Philippine contingent fell short of their of the Philippines-ATLAS-Valor pooling goal but managed a respectable 10th place their resources for the prestigious event. at the Shell Eco-Marathon Malaysian leg. “We have been participating in this The current Shell Eco-Marathon record Eco-Marathon for four years now,� said for a combustion engine was set in Europe Jonathan Louie Castro, team manager of in 2004 by a team from France, which University of Perpetual Help. According COVERED KILOMETERS KMS ON SINGLE to Castro, their eco-car entry took three liter of fuel. In 2005, a Swiss team set a months to design, engineer and build. record for the hydrogen-powered category With an external shell made from car- BY POSTING AN IMPRESSIVE KMS ON A BON kBER THEIR ECO CAR COSTS 0 liter of fuel.


Mitsubishi Concept uses Mitsubishi’s proven 2.4-liter turbo diesel engine, which produces 181 HP AND .M OF TORQUE AS WELL AS ITS eight-speed automatic transmission and advanced Super Select 4WD system with center and rear locking differentials. and advanced driver aids such as four-setting Off Road Mode and hill descent control. The Mitsubishi Shogun Sport SVP Concept vehicle previews a brand new SVP Pack that would be made available on the Shogun Sport later in the summer, and is being used to gauge public opinion on the PACK S FEATURES -ORE DETAILS OF THE kNAL pack, including pricing, would be avail-

Q Team University of Perpetual Help.

Q Team University of Mindanao.

Q Team UP Diliman.

Q Team Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila.


TUESDAY May 14, 2019

D 3

Aston offers driving nirvana with new Vantage AMR


AUNCHED ahead of the penultimate round of the FIA World Endurance Championship Super Season – a world where Aston -ARTIN 2ACING COMPETES WITH THE 6ANTAGE '4% m THE 6ANTAGE !-2 FULkLS !STON -ARTIN S PROMISE to deliver a product with the involvement and driver engagement that only a manual can offer.

The heart of Vantage AMR remains Aston Martin’s potent new alloy, 4.0-liter twin-turbo V8 engine. Set low and as far back in the chassis as possible for optimal center-of-gravity and near perfect 50:50 weight distribution, this high perforMANCE HIGH EFkCIENCY ENGINE DEVELOPS 03 AT RPM AND .M FROM 2,000 to 5,000 rpm, propelling Vantage !-2 FROM ZERO TO MPH IN SECONDS AND ZERO TO MPH IN SECONDS !S with the existing Vantage model, top speed is met at 195 mph. However, while performance is still at the forefront of all Vantage models, its delivery in the Vantage AMR is very different. 4HE 6ANTAGE !-2 IS EQUIPPED WITH a motor sports-inspired seven-speed transmission developed by Graziano, FEATURING A gDOG LEGu kRST GEAR )NSIDE the driver is presented with the opportunity to deliver each gear with both PRECISION AND kNESSE VIA A HAND STITCHED

leather-clad gearstick. Second to seventh gears – those that will be used most FREQUENTLY WHEN ON THE MOVE m ARE positioned in a traditional double HPATTERN CONkGURATION 4O ENSURE A MORE rewarding and engaging experience expected of a manual, the Vantage AMR’s transmission is mated to a limited-slip differential, tuned and calibrated by Aston Martin’s leading dynamics team, headed by Chief Engineer Matt Becker, from the team’s base at the Silverstone Race Circuit. The Vantage AMR’s manual transmission also features AMSHIFT. The system, which is driver selectable, uses clutch, gear position and prop shaft sensors, together with finely-tuned engine management PROGRAM TO MIMIC THE TECHNIQUE OF HEEL and-toe downshifts; the act of blipping the throttle while braking and changing gear to allow smoother deceleration and cornering as a result. AMSHIFT also of-

fers the capability of full-throttle upshifts for maximum smoothness and minimal interruption in acceleration. Removing the automatic transmission and including carbon ceramic brakes as standard not only creates a purer driver experience, but also assists in removing 95 kilograms of weight. Known already for its handling prowess, the Vantage AMR pushes the boundaries further and continues to exploit Aston Martin’s latest adaptive damping system incorporating

Skyhook technology - with Sport, Sport + and Track modes – to ensure the car’s character can be tuned to the driver’s preference or road conditions. Limited to 200 units, Vantage AMR is AVAILABLE IN kVE DESIGNER SPECIkCATIONS Also, 141 of the 200 would be available in either Sabiro Blue, Onyx Black, China 'REY OR 7HITE 3TONE )N CONTRAST THE knal 59 would be crafted in celebration of THE thanniversary since Aston Martin’s triumphant 1959 24 Hours of Le Mans victory with DBR1. N a m e d

“Vantage 59,â€? the fixed specification features a Stirling Green and Lime exterior paint scheme and Dark Knight LEATHER AND ALCANTARA INTERIOR kNISHED with a signature AMR lime stripe and STITCH 0RICED AT a IN THE 5+ â‚Ź209,995 in Germany and $204,995 in the United States, the package is availABLE ON A kRST COME kRST SERVE BASIS TO customers worldwide. Speaking of Vantage AMR, Andy Palmer, PRESIDENT AND GROUP CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFkCER at Aston Martin Lagonda said: “When I joined this company, customers asked and, as a gearbox engineer and racer, I promised that we would always offer a manual transmission in our line-up. The Vantage AMR not only honors that commitment but sets us apart from our competitors in continuing to offer a threepedal option. In a world of autonomous robo-taxis, Aston Martin will continue to advance the art and science of performance driving.â€? “With the Vantage AMR, we have created a thoroughly modern sports car that rewards effort and focus from the driver; the antidote to driving a computer game. With the Vantage GTE set to race again at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in June, I hope that those customers who are lucky enough to take ownership of a Vantage 59, will have even more reason to celebrate with their new car,â€? he added. NEWSPRESSUK


Motul powers Suzuki driver SUZUKI rider Alex Rins has claimed a caREER kRST -OTO'0 VICTORY AT #IRCUIT OF 4HE Americas, coming through from seventh on the grid in a thrilling race. For the Motul-supported Suzuki team, there is much to celebrate since this WAS ITS kRST SINCE AND ONE THAT WAS hard-fought, overcoming legends such as Valentino Rossi. Motul has sent its warm congratulations to Rins and the whole Suzuki Racing team. Reigning champion Marc -ARQUEZ HAD LOOKED WELL on course for a seventh consecutive win at the Circuit of the Americas but crashed out midway through the race. Rossi then took the lead but was powerless to shake off a hard-charging Rins, the 23-year-old Spaniard slipping past Rossi on

LAP OF $ESPITE SEVERAL ATTEMPTS TO retake the lead by the Italian legend, Rins held on for the win by a margin of just SECOND The famous JapaNESE CORPORATION kRST entered a works team in MotoGP in

AND SINCE THEN HAS GONE ON CELEBRATE two World Championship titles and no fewer than 40 victories, this weekend’s at the Grand Prix of The Americas being the 40th. All these have been on Suzuki machinery lubricated to success by Motul. Over this time, Suzuki’s engineers and Motul’s technical experts have forged a deep understanding and symbiotic working relationship. Tailor-made oils have been developed especially for Suzuki’s engines, including an exclusive lubricant for use in the MotoGP prototypes that responds perfectly to the extreme conditions seen at the top level in two-wheeled competition. Other products used by Suzuki MotoGP are from Motul’s racing-dedicated Factory Line range and maintenance MC Care line.

QUALITY FLOOR MATS FROM HIPPO UNLIKE basic universal floor mats that are expensive, crumples on the edges and hassle to install, Hippo techmats are designed to precisely fit specific vehicles, providing edgeto-edge coverage of the foot wells. Aside from being the most affordable 3D digital mapped floor mats in the market today, Hippo also have raised edges around their perimeters to trap and contain liquid. All of this better protects your car’s carpets from water, dirt, mud and other messy things that can get trapped into the vehicle’s carpets or spilled onto the floor. With countless hours spent on research and development, Hippo Industries 3D digital mapped techmats are the most affordable and best designed in comparison to its nearest competitor that

is double the price. It is also the techmats of choice of automotive dealers from its competitive pricing and innovative material called Thermo Plasti Vulcanisil B, which is weather and scratch proof. Hippo Floormats have precise fitments for the Mitsubishi Montero, Toyota Fortuner, Ford Everest, Honda Mobilio and BRV, Chevrolet models, the all-new Suzuki Jimny and pick-ups such as the Toyota Hi-Lux, Mitsubishi Strada, Nissan Terra and Ford Ranger. Check out a full range of off-road accessories and floor mats at the GW2 Trading Corp. showroom at 16B Kabignayan Street, Barangay Dona Josefa, Quezon City, or call 0917-7103846/+6322420959/0929 or e-mail at gw2tradingcorp@gmail. com.

D 4



May 14, 2019

Heavy Duty

DAF invests 200M euro for cab building plant

AF opened its Westerlo plant in 1966, where - in addition to cabs has also manufactured its own axles since the early 1970s. The current workforce of 2,800 produce axles and cabs for the heavy- and medium- duty trucks that come off the production lines in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, and in Leyland, United Kingdom. IN a formal ceremony held on April 5, 2019 in Cortez, Bohol, wholesale and retail fuel distributor Universal Fuel Solutions received two EXZ and three FVM trucks, and six mu-X midsize SUVs from Isuzu Bohol. Universal Fuel Solutions, which has been a loyal client of Isuzu Bohol, has attributed much of its operational successes to the reliability, durability, power and fuel efficiency of Isuzu-branded vehicles distributed exclusively by Isuzu Philippines Corp. (IPC) and its authorized dealership network, including Isuzu Bohol. Universal Fuel Solutions also lauded IPC and Isuzu Bohol for its comprehensive customer support programs that comprise the “Isuzu Advantage.� Only IPC and its authorized dealers can offer a nationwide dealer network of over 40 outlets complete with servicing facilities, reliable and prompt nationwide parts availability, and teams of expert service technicians and field support personnel on call to provide technical assistance whenever and wherever needed. IPC also extended various training to customer such as safety driving, eco-driving techniques, and maintenance training to support their operations. Universal Fuel Solutions considers IPC’s nationwide network of aftersales customer support programs truly advantageous for its own business and operations, which has also expanded nationwide.

Leading position 4HANKS TO ITS EXCELLENT TRUCKS kRST CLASS SERVICES AND A highly professional dealer network, DAF has become the second largest truck brand in Europe and the market leader in the important tractor segment. To further strengthen its leading position in Europe as well as in international markets beyond, DAF is creating completely new state-of-the-art processes at the Westerlo plant. With the 200-million euro investment, production capacity of the cab plant will increase by 45 percent to CABS PER DAY IN A TWO SHIFT OPERATION 4HE kGURES would be in line with the capacity of the new Cab Paint &ACTORY WHICH WAS OFkCIALLY OPENED AT THE END OF following an investment of 100 million euros.


Cab trimming leading the way in ergonomics

A textbook case of innovation, talent and passion

“In our rapidly changing economy, companies that want to excel have no choice but to be innovative. But keeping our skills up-to-date and relevant is also key. DAF obviously has what it takes: a vision on sustainability, innovation and growth, combined with the commitment to transform not only their processes, but also their employees’ skills. I am proud to contribute to this textbook case of innovation, talent and passion,� said Flemish Minister for Work, the Economy and Innovation Philippe Muyters. Investment for the future Construction of the new Body and Cab Trimming facState-of-the-art “The new state-of-the-art cab body and cab trimming tories at the DAF Vlaanderen site has started. The Belgian body-in-white process For the “body-in-white� assembly of the DAF CF and FACTORIES ARE REQUIRED FOR $!& TO FURTHER GROW BOTH construction company Cordeel has been contracted to 8& CABS THE EXISTING SQUARE METER SQM CAB inside and outside Europe. Upon completion, the new ESTABLISH THE BUILDINGS INCLUDING NEW OFkCES MEETING body-welding factory would be expanded by 13,200 facilities will be the most modern of their kind, setting rooms and facilities for employees. The body-in-white SQM 4HE EXTENSION WOULD FEATURE A SINGLE LINE LAY OUT THE BENCHMARK IN QUALITY EFkCIENCY AND ERGONOMICS welding line would be supplied by VDL Steelweld from with some 130 highly advanced robots and 135 fully Above all, the investment of 200 million euros once The Netherlands. 4HE CAB TRIMMING PLANT SQM WOULD BE EXPANDED BY SQM 4HE NEW FACILITY WOULD HAVE multiple sections, including a main assembly line, a roof assembly line and door and cockpit sub-assembly lines. It would also include a highly advanced test and inspection department. In the main assembly line, an advanced “skillet system� would be applied for classleading ergonomics, enabling employees to adapt working height to suit operations and individual preferences.


Q From left: Lilet Sandiego, Isuzu Bohol sales manager; Mario Ojales, Isuzu Philippines Corp. department head for dealer sales; Isuzu Bohol owner lawyer Arturo Piollo 2nd and his wife lawyer Filipina Piollo.

TUESDAY MAY 14, 2019

Q Philadelphia 76ers forward Tobias Harris (left) fouls Toronto Raptors forward Kawhi Leonard (center) as he drives to the basket against Joel Embiid (right) during second half NBA Eastern Conference basketball semifinal action in Toronto. AP PHOTO

Raptors, Trail Blazers clinch Game 7s to reach Final Four L OS ANGELES: Kawhi Leonard bounced in the game-winning shot at the buzzer as the Toronto Raptors advanced to the Eastern Conference finals with a 92-90 win over the visiting Philadelphia 76ers in a heart-stopping game seven on Sunday (Monday in Manila). Game seven was a microcosm of the wildly-unpredictable series with each team taking turns making runs or being inept until the biggest twist of all from Leonard kNISHED IT OFF IN DRAMATIC STYLE “I got a fortuitous bounce,â€? said

Leonard. “I just shot it as hard as I could. I got some loft on it and it made the ball bounce soft and it ended up going in.� T h e Ra p t o r s a d va n c e t o THE ."! kNAL FOUR WHERE THEY WILL play the top-seeded Milwaukee

Let us not underestimate Thurman N

EWS over the weekend that Manny Pacquiao will be squaring off against Keith Thurman ON *ULY IS GETTING kGHT FANS AND analysts buzzing with excitement. And I am not surprised. Pacquiao, the World Boxing Association (WBA) “super world champion� welterweight (147 pounds) is strangely taking on the “regular� WBA champion for the division in Thurman. The stakes ARE HIGH FOR BOTH kGHTERS AS THE winner would be assured of more LUCRATIVE kGHTS WITH THE LOSER TAKING to the sidelines to recover. However, a loss by Pacquiao could result in HIS RETIREMENT FROM THE kGHT GAME I went over whatever analysis I could come across from social media on the Pacquiao-Thurman kGHT AND FROM WHAT ) HAVE SEEN Pacquiao is not expected to be bamboozled by the younger and BIGGER 4HURMAN -ANY kGHT OBservers even use Pacquiao’s recent performance against Adrien Broner as their gauge on why the Filipino would emerge victorious on July 20. Also, Thurman looked a little bit rusty in beating Josesito Lopez ON *ANUARY HIS kRST BOUT AFTER A two-year lay off. So who wins on July 26? Honestly, if a sentimental favorite goes into the ring against a YOUNGER kGHTER WHO IS ALREADY A world champion, it is very hard to go by hard facts. And in boxing, anything can happen. When taking on hard facts, it is hard to ignore that Thurman remains undefeated at 29-0 with 22 knockouts and has taken on a few prominent names like Danny Garcia, Shawn Porter and Diego Gabriel Chaves. And since he is the younger kGHTER AT HE IS EXPECTED TO HAVE more stamina that is very important

Bucks in game one of the Eastern #ONFERENCE kNALS ON 7EDNESDAY With the score tied 90-90 and the game appearing to be headed to overtime, Leonard took matters into his own hands by getting open for a long shot from the right side. His arching moon ball at the buzzer bounced twice on each side of the rim before dropping in to clinch the series for the Raptors. ,EONARD kNISHED WITH A GAME high 41 points while Pascal Siakam tallied 11 points and 11 rebounds for the Raptors whose players had a combined 21 games of experi-

ence in game sevens compared to just nine combined games by the Sixers players. Toronto has leaned heavily on Leonard all season long and Sunday he delivered with the help of his supporting staff. Serge Ibaka had 17 points, Kyle Lowry chipped in 10 and Marc Gasol grabbed 11 rebounds. Joel Embiid led the Sixers attack with 21 points and 11 rebounds and Tobias Harris had 15 points and 10 rebounds. Elsewhere, the Portland Trail Blazers rallied on the back of CJ

McCollum’s 37 points to stun the Nuggets 100-96 in Denver and book a Western Conference kNALS DATE WITH ."! CHAMPIONS Golden State. With Portland star Damian Lillard struggling to get shots to fall, Denver exploded out of the gates, SEIZING A kRST QUARTER LEAD that they stretched to as many as 17 in the second period. McCollum kept the Blazers in it, his driving basket giving them THEIR kRST LEAD OF THE GAME with 12 seconds left in the third quarter.

The Nuggets had reduced a SEVEN POINT DEkCIT TO ONE WHEN McCollum drained a step-back jumper with 12.4 seconds left to STRETCH 0ORTLAND S LEAD TO Evan Turner, who scored just FOUR POINTS IN THE kRST SIX GAMES of the series, scored 10 of his 14 in the fourth quarter for Portland. After Nikola Jokic’s last-gasp three-point attempt hit the rim Turner grabbed the rebound and the clock ran down. Despite the third-quarter departure of Rodney Hood with a hyperextended knee, Portland booked THEIR kRST TRIP TO THE CONFERENCE kNALS SINCE They’ll open their best-of-seven series against the Warriors on 4UESDAY WITH A PLACE IN THE ."! knals on the line. Despite his shooting woes, Lillard contributed with 10 rebounds and eight assists to go with his 13 points. He connected on just three OF SHOTS FROM THE lOOR BUT that included two three-pointers in the fourth quarter. “I think for us the biggest thing was just to take it one possession at a time,� McCollum said. “We came out a little tight defensively ... Our biggest thing was just one stop at a time, one possession at a time.� Portland coach Terry Stotts called the victory “arguably the biggest win we’ve had in the franchise in a long time. “To be a part of it and the way we did, I’m thrilled for our guys tonight,� he said. Jokic led Denver with 29 points. Jamal Murray had 14 points on FOUR OF SHOOTING But Denver coach Michael Malone said Jokic blamed himself for the Nuggets’ inability to hang on. “For him to be as emotional and upset as he was speaks to his caring,� Malone said. “He was upset because he thinks he didn’t do enough for us to win tonight.� AFP

Pacquiao braces for biggest challenge vs Thurman


CONRAD CARIÑO WHEN THE kGHT GOES TO THE gCHAMPIonship� or the last rounds. But Pacquiao also brings into the ring envious credentials worthy for a future Hall of Famer, like winning titles in eight divisions and being one of the top pay-per-view draws in boxing’s modern era. The Filipino is also a southpaw, which might present some problems for Thurman although the American did not have problems in knocking down and decisioning left-hander Robert Guerrero in March 2015. Also, it looks like Pacquiao has the faster hands. While we can enumerate some factors that could make Pacquiao the winner on July 20, I must state this - we must never underestimate Thurman. For one, Thurman may have the edge in punching power. And Thurman is notches above Broner and Lucas Matthysse, who Pacquiao stopped in July 2015. So we should not expect Thurman to suffer the fate of Broner and Matthysse. Broner obviously did not have the punching power to keep Pacquiao at bay, much less beat him. On the other hand, Matthysse was never known to possess fast hands. Also, just look at how good Thurman was going up against Garcia and Porter. !S THE kGHT NEARS IT WOULD BE INTERESTING TO HEAR WHAT OTHER kGHT analysts and brains of the game have to say. But I have this to say again - let us not underestimate Thurman.




Mojdeh guns for golds, records in Canada swim meet E2

Q Manny Pacquiao (right) fights Lucas Matthysse during their world welterweight boxing championship bout. AFP FILE PHOTO

REIGNING World Boxing Association (WBA) welterweight regular champion Manny Pacquiao will be TAKING THE RISK OF kGHTING AN UNDEfeated American WBA welterweight super titleholder Keith Thurman on July 20 in a still undetermined venue in Las Vegas, Nevada. International matchmaker and Pacquiao’s right hand man Sean GibBONS PRAISED THE kGHTING SENATOR ON Monday for choosing the best available and most competitive fighter

after the unavailability of the retired unbeaten Floyd Mayweather Jr. “Adrian Broner was a window DRESSING )T WAS A kGHT TO GET WARM up and now it is time to step up. Floyd Mayweather said he was retired, so the senator is picking up the next best guy available and that’s Keith Thurman,� Gibbons told The Manila Times from General Santos City. Gibbons said the fight against Thurman (29-0 win-loss record with

22 knockouts) is absolutely no joke. The 30-year-old Clearwater, Florida native has already defeated big welterweight names like Robert Guerrero, Danny Garcia and Shawn Porter in previous bouts. “At his point of his career, I think the senator is absolutely taking one of the biggest challenges in his career FOR THE LAST FEW YEARS (E IS kGHTING AN undefeated super champion in Keith Thurman who defeated three former world champions — Robert Guerrero,

Danny Garcia and Shawn Porter.� “I applaud the senator for taking on challenges like this, but these are the fights in America, in the Philippines, and the world that give people the excitement. After signing with Al Haymon and the PBC, Pacquiao has a clear play and has a MISSION TO kGHT THE BEST AND THAT S where we at,� he added. Gibbons also said veteran athletes like 41-year-old American football player Tom Brady and 43-year-old professional golfer Tiger Woods have INlUENCED THE YEAR OLD 0ACQUIAO (61-7-2 win-loss-draw record with 39 knockouts) to strive more in his professional boxing career. “At 40, the senator earlier had a huge smile on his face when he saw the Tom Brady result and then when he saw Tiger Woods coming back after all those problems at 43. He feels like he is in 20s now. He feels reinvigorated.� ! SCHEDULED PRESS TOUR OF THE kGHT promoted by Al Haymon’s Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) is set on May 20 in New York City and May 21 in Los Angeles City before his initial training camp starts in the Philippines. The Pacquiao-Thurman world TITLE kGHT DEkNITELY A CLASSIC WELTERweight showdown, will be aired on Fox Sports pay-per-view. JOSEF T. RAMOS

CEU, Marinero eye crucial wins in D-League CENTRO Escolar University (CEU) aims to close in on the top seed while Marinerong Pilipino looks to stay in playoff contention when the two traditional powerhouse teams take on also-ran foes in the 2019 Philippine Basketball Association Developmental League (PBA D-League) today at the Ynares Sports Arena in Pasig City. CEU (6-1) battles Wangs Basketball (3-5) at 4 p.m. while Marinero (4-4) duels University of Perpetual

Help System DALTA (2-5) at 2 p.m. in the Foundation Group. In a tight race to the top with Valencia City Bukidnon-San Sebastian College, the Scorpions need to bounce back from a 67-74 loss to National University last April 25. “We need to toughen up and learn how to be a better team,� said CEU head coach Derrick Pumaren, whose squad is already secured of a twice-to-beat advantage in the QUARTERkNALS

Senegalese center Malick Diouf and mainstays Judel Fuentes, Keanu Caballero and Tyron Chan ARE EXPECTED TO LEAD THE kGHT FOR the Mendiola-based cagers. Meanwhile, Marinero needs to win its final elimination game against Perpetual Help to remain in contention for the fourth spot. A loss will eliminate the Skippers while a win still does not guarantee a playoff spot, with current fourth-running Far Eastern

University (5-3) having a game at hand against CEU on May 23. “At least the chance is still there. We just need to get the win,� said Marinero head coach Yong Garcia. Garcia and his Skippers kept their QUARTERkNAL PUSH GOING WITH AN OVERTIME WIN OVER -ETROPAC 3AN Beda University last Thursday. Santi Santillan, Mike Ayonayon and Jhonard Clarito are tabbed to carry the scoring load for Marinero. JEREMIAH M. SEVILLA



˜ The Manila Times

w w

TUESDAY May 14, 2019

Mojdeh guns for golds, records in Canada swim meet P

Q Philippine national junior record holder Micaela Jasmine Mojdeh displays her prowess in the freestyle event. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

HILIPPINE national junior record holder Micaela Jasmine Mojdeh will banner the Philippine Swimming League-Swimming Pinas’ campaign in the 2019 Ralph Hicken International Swimming Championship scheduled on May 16 to 19 at the Markham Pan Am Center in Ontario, Canada. The Immaculate Heart of Mary CollegeParanaque standout is eyeing to sweep all her nine events in the girls’ 12-year category. 3HE ALSO AIMS TO BREAK kVE RECORDS IN the tournament that drew more than 500 swimmers from some 25 teams. g)T S MY kRST TIME TO COMPETE IN #ANADA and I want to make an impact. I am extra motivated this time because I want to dedicate this tournament to my mentor Coach Susan Papa,� Mojdeh stressed. Mojdeh will be seeing action in 50m BREASTSTROKE M BUTTERlY M )NDIvidual Medley, 200m Individual Medley, M BREASTSTROKE M BUTTERlY M BUTTERlY M FREESTYLE AND M BREASTstroke. The 12-year-old reigning Female Swimmer of the Year is fresh from successful campaign in the 2019 Palarong Pambansa held in Davao City. /N HER kRST YEAR IN SECONDARY DIVISION Mojdeh made her presence felt with three gold medals highlighted by two new Philippine national junior records. Mojdeh broke the Philippine record in

M BUTTERlY IN TWO MINUTES AND seconds, erasing the 2:26.13 old mark of Regina Maria Paz Castrillo in 2013. She also smashed the 200m IM record in 2:30.11, beating the 2:31.04 previous record of Raven Faith Alcoseba registered in the Batang Pinoy National Championship in 2015. Joining Mojdeh in Canada are Francisco Cordero III (boys’ 13-year), Lia Patrizia Pabellon (girls’ 10-year), Saira Janelle Pabellon (girls’ 11-year), Jie Angela Talosig (girls’ 12-year) and John Alexander Talosig (boys’ 14-year). PSL Regional Director and Swimming Pinas team manager Joan Melissa Mojdeh, whol serves as delegation head, expressed optimism of the team’s chances in the four-day competition. “They are all set and raring to compete against their foreign counterparts. We are optimistic, they prepared hard for this tournament. The kids are determined and motivated especially that this competition is dedicated for Coach Susan,� said Mojdeh, mother of Micaela Jasmine.

Sy pockets four medals in Hong Kong PHILIPPINE Swimming League standout Kaden Gabriel Sy delivered three silver and one bronze medals in the 2019 Hong Kong Stingrays Invitational Swimming Championship held at the Hong Kong International School in Tai Tam.

Sy bagged silver medals in the boys’ 9-under 50m butterfly (38.41), 50m breaststroke (44.63) and 100m Individual Medley (1:25.67) then placed third in the 50m freestyle (34.87). The other members of the team were Anthony

Acedo, John Raphel Boque, Aaron Matthew Landicho, Al-Nazzer Saggap, Al-Rasheim Saggap, Neil Tebar, Vivian Albesa, Mary Grace Batalla, Duja Mabalod, Una Mabalod, Suncel Macapobre and Summer Pacatang.

A promise sprinter Carl Lewis made at his father’s funeral AT his father’s funeral, American sprinter Carl Lewis placed his 100-meter gold medal he won during the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games. He then told his surprised mother: “Don’t worry, I’ll get another one.�  A promise he planned to fulfill a year later in the final run of the same century dash in the 1988 Games in Seoul, South Korea, Lewis returned to the track and was ranged against Canadian world record-holder Ben Johnson.    Halfway through the race, as described by, David Welle-

chinsky, a renowned Olympic historian and NBC’s color commentator for the Olympics, “Johnson stayed in front, but Lewis was convinced he could catch him.â€? But 80 meters to the finish line, Lewis was still five feet behind. â€œIt’s over, Dad,â€? he could only whisper to himself. The exasperated American noticed, though, Johnson’s bulging muscles and yellowtinged eyes, both indications of steroid use. “I didn’t have the (gold) medal but I could still give to my father by acting with class

and dignity,� Lewis said later. He shook Johnson’s hand and left the track.  Then came the announcement that Johnson had tested positive for anabolic steroids that led to the stripping him of the medal. The gold was given to Lewis, a replacement for the medal he had given to his father. In that same LA Olympics, Lewis duplicated countryman Jesse Owens’ four-gold medal harvest in the 100m and 200m runs, long jump and as part of the 4x100m relay team. After the podium ceremo-

nies, Lewis was quoted by media as saying: “Jesse Owens was my inspiration. Knowing that when had to go through the same things I had to go through at the 1936 Berlin Games inspired me.â€? “And then I heard that his wife Ruth said that my victories were like watching Jesse, because she didn’t have a chance to see him perform

Patrombon, Capadocia target title repeat J E S O N Pa t r o m b o n a n d Marian Capadocia exude confidence but wary of their respective title-retention drives in the PPS-PEPP Brookside Hills Open Tennis Championships unfolding on Wednesday at the Brookside Hills Tennis Club in Cainta, Rizal. Patrombon overpowered Vicente Anasta, 6-0, 6-3, to claim the men’s singles crown last year but the 26-year-old veteran Davis Cupper expects a tougher outing this time against the country’s best and the brightest, led by Johnny Arcilla, Fritz Verdad, Mark Alcoseba, Noel Damian Jr., Deo Talatayod, Rolando Ruel Jr. and Anasta. One thing going for the Iligan City ace is the momentum he had gained and confidence he had built from his straight-set romp over fellow national player and doubles partner Arcilla in the Gov. Umali Cup in Oriental Mindoro last month.

Like Patrombon, Capadocia hopes to re-stamp her class in their side of the duel with the Antique City bet going up against the likes of Khim Iglupas, Patricia Velez, Patricia Lim, Christine Patrimonio, Justine Maneja, Denise Bernardo and Clarice Patrimonio, who she repulsed, 6-4, 6-4, to clinch the crown in last year’s staging of the annual tournament put up by Palawan Pawnshop-Palawan Express Pera Padala headed by president/CEO Bobby Castro. Meanwhile, 32 bidders kicked off their drive for four remaining spots in the men’s Open singles draw yesterday (Monday) with the likes of Miguel Castillo, Miguel Vicencio, Philippe Coteron, Jude Ceniza,

in Berlin.â€? After winning four gold in LA, he came back four years later in Seoul, where he brought home two more in the 100m and 200m sprints. He could have won a third had the US 4x100m relay team wasn’t disqualified in a preliminary heat by passing out of the zone. EDDIE G. ALINEA

Q Marian Jade Capadocia FILE PHOTO

Rafael Liangco, Jet Esteller, Harvey Gilbuena and Pete Coteron tipped to dispute the coveted berths in the two-day elims of the event sponsored by Rep. Jack Duavit, One Cainta, Bgy. San Isidro, Cainta, Rizal, BRAI, Feeds Edition Batangas, RMJ Agricultural, board member Ross Gongora, Allan del Castillo and Dunlop as official ball. Held simultaneously with the Open qualifiers is the junior play with Loucas Fernandez, Daniel Estanislao III, Pablo Gonzaga and Exequiel Jucutan along with Patricia Lim, Justine Maneja, Amelie Mata and Kryshana Brazal leading the CHASE IN THE PREMIER AND UNDER division in the boys and girls’ classes.

˜ The Manila Times

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TUESDAY May 14, 2019



Kang captures first US PGA Tour title at Byron Nelson L OS ANGELES: South Korea’s Kang Sung kRED SEVEN BIRDIES IN A FOUR UNDER PAR on Sunday (Monday in Manila) to claim his kRST 53 0'! 4OUR VICTORY A TWO SHOT WIN OVER Matt Every in the Byron Nelson in Dallas, Texas.

Kang drained a 23-foot birdie putt at 15 to take the lead for good on a marathon day that saw the leaders play 27 holes thanks to the six-hour weather delay on Saturday. Kang, who equaled the Trinity Forest course record with a bogey-free 10-under 61 on Friday, kNISHED WITH A UNDER PAR TOTAL of 261. Every had edged ahead by one through nine holes when darkness halted play on Saturday. "UT +ANG kRED THREE BIRDIES AND BOGEY OVER THE kNAL NINE HOLES

of the third round to regain a three-shot lead. Every responded with seven birdies — including kVE ON THE FRONT NINE ‡ IN A kVE under par 66 in the fourth round. But he was unable to maintain the lead and his 21-under total of 263 was only good enough for a share of second place alongside compatriot Scott Piercy. Piercy capped a bogey-free TOURNAMENT ‡ THE kRST ON THE 53 PGA Tour since 2010 — with a

Kinhult clinches British Masters title LONDON: Marcus Kinhult’s remarkable rally on the final two holes saw the Swede win his maiden European Tour title in a thrilling finish to the British Masters on Sunday (Monday in Manila). It seemed Kinhult had blown his chance at the Hillside course in Southport, near Liverpool, when he squandered a one-shot lead with bogeys on the 15th and 16th holes. But the 22-year-old put that double disappointment behind him with birdies on the last two HOLES TO kNISH ONE SHOT IN FRONT of defending champion Eddie Pepperell, Matt Wallace and Scotland’s Robert MacIntyre. England’s Pepperell had set the clubhouse target on 15-under after a closing round 66 before MacIntyre brilliant eagle-birdie finish took him joint top of the leaderboard. There was the prospect of a

four-man play-off for the title when Kinhult birdied the 17th and playing partner Wallace missed from four feet. B u t a f t e r Wa l l a c e a l s o missed a birdie opportunity on the last, Kinhult holed from 12 feet to secure the a euros) first prize. “I’m speechless, I don’t know what happened the last two holes,� Kinhult said. “I was behind Matt and he looked really solid but I birdied 17 and all of a sudden I had a putt to win -- it’s incredible,� added Kinhult, who had missed his last four cuts on the European Tour. “I have never felt that pressure before... There’s a lot going through my mind, a lot of emotions and I am just so happy that I managed to handle those pretty well. It’s really special.� AFP

Q Sung Kang of Korea plays his shot from the fourth tee during the final round of the AT&T Byron Nelson at Trinity Forest Golf Club in Dallas, Texas. AFP PHOTO

seven-under 64. Kang strung together three straight birdies at eight, nine and 10. He was unable to get up and down from a green side bunker at the 12th, but he reeled off another trio of birdies at 14, 15 and 16 to move to 24-under for the tournament.

He was three strokes up when HE ARRIVED AT WHERE HIS CLOSING bogey proved immaterial. “I’m so happy right now,� +ANG SAID AFTER NOTCHING HIS kRST tour win in his 159th start. “Yesterday we finished too late,� Kang said. “I didn’t have

time to sleep much, only slept about three hours.� Because he knew it would be hard to concentrate, Kang said he told his caddie “I just wanted to be chill and having some fun and then when my turn came just try to really focus in — and it worked

out great.� World number three Brooks +OEPKA kNISHED STRONG CARDING A SIX UNDER PAR TO kNISH ALONE in fourth on 20-under 264 heading into his PGA Championship title defense at Bethpage Black next week. AFP

Djokovic dominates Madrid tourney MADRID: Novak Djokovic said his impressive burst of form which won him a third Madrid Open title and 33rd Masters could prove decisive in his assault on the French Open. The world number one joined Rafael Nadal on top of the alltime Masters list when he swept to a 6-3, 6-4 win over Stefanos 4SITSIPAS IN 3UNDAY S kNAL IN THE Spanish capital. “At this very important time for me in the season, the win gives ME A LOT OF CONkDENCE PRIOR TO Rome and, of course, Roland GarROS WHERE ) DEkNITELY WANT TO PLAY my best,â€? said the 15-time major winner. Djokovic dominated a clearly exhausted Tsitsipas less than 24 hours after the 20-year-old Greek HAD STUNNED kVE TIME CHAMPION .ADAL IN A SEMIkNAL WHICH ENDED around midnight on Saturday. Djokovic and Nadal will now attempt to claim a 34th Masters

title in Rome this week in a key indicator ahead of Roland Garros, which gets under way on May 26. Djokovic credits a keys wins in Madrid with helpING HIM TO HIS kRST kNAL since winning the Australian Open three months ago. He will be bidding to collect his fourth consecutive title at a Grand Slam when he plays in Paris where he was also champion in 2016. “This win was very important for my level of confidence because after

the Australian Open I wasn’t playing my best,� he said. g) WASN T kNDING THE RIGHT GAME and the consistency on the court in Indian Wells, Miami and Monte-Carlo.

The Greek, who beat Djokovic in their previous meeting last summer in Canada, was broken once in each set, enough of a margin for the top seed to take the trophy, his second of the season after the Australian Open. The Serb still needed four match points to get the job done with Tsit“I felt like SIPAS kNALLY BEATEN I was close and when Djokovic sent needed a little a win- ning volley into the corner. bit of a push, “He has the best backhand that I which came yes- have ever seen in a human being,� terday against said Tsitsipas of his opponent. Dominic “He controls it so well. He can Thiem in the play cross, he can play down the SEMIkNAL IN line the same way. And that’s very a v e r y DIFkCULT TO DEAL WITH “He deserved the victory, he played unbelievable. I couldn’t do much.� close match.� Tsitsipas was playing his Djokovic never let SECOND -ASTERS kNAL AFTER 4SITSIPAS GET INTO GEAR IN A kNAL losing to Nadal in Toronto last which lasted just over 90 minutes August. AFP

Q Serbia’s Novak Djokovic returns the ball to Greece’s Stefanos Tsitsipas during their ATP Madrid Open final tennis match at the Caja Magica in Madrid. AFP PHOTO

Hamilton rules in Spain, seizes lead from Bottas Ex pro-cyclist Hondo admits to doping

BARCELONA: Lewis Hamilton beat Valtteri Bottas in the Spanish Grand Prix on Sunday to replace his teammate as world championship leader as Mercedes’ extended their record start to the season with a fifth 1-2 finish. 4HE DEFENDING kVE TIME WORLD champion seized the initiative at the start in Barcelona and led FROM LIGHTS TO lAG WITH A CONSUMmate demonstration of his speed and race-craft at the Circuit de Catalunya. It was his third win this year, the 76th of his career and his fourth in Spain following victories in 2014, AND Responding to being outpaced by Bottas in qualifying, Hamilton came home 4.074 seconds ahead of the Finn who was second ahead of Max Verstappen of Red Bull, four-time champion Sebastian Vettel and his Ferrari teammate Charles Leclerc. Pierre Gasly was a solid sixth in the second Red Bull ahead of Kevin Magnussen of Haas, home hero Carlos Sainz of McLaren, Daniil Kvyat of Toro Rosso and Romain Grosjean in the second Haas. It was the 16th time that Hamilton won a Grand Prix after leading every lap of the race. Hamilton’s triumph hoisted him back to the top of the stand-

Q Lewis Hamilton AFP PHOTO

ings with 112 points, including one for fastest lap, ahead of Bottas on 105. “I have to put it down to this incredible team,� said Hamilton. “This is history in the making to

HAVE kVE S ) AM VERY PROUD of that! g)T S DEkNITELY BEEN A BIT OF A hard first four races. Naturally we have a great car, but we don’t always get along. I’m grateful in the

race that we managed to settle our differences.� Bottas said: “I lost it there, at the start. The clutch was strange - bite and release, bite and release. I’ve never had that before.� AFP

BERLIN: German former professional cyclist Danilo Hondo admitted to doping in an interview with public broadcaster ARD on Sunday (Monday in Manila), calling it “the biggest mistake of my lifeâ€?. “It was in 2011,â€? the 45-year-old says on the TV program, speaking about his connection with the former blood doping network based in the German city of Erfurt. “I have to say — and this has been on my mind all night — I had this moment of weakness,â€? he said. “I made the biggest mistake of my life and agreed to this thing.â€? Hondo said he expects his activity as Swiss national coach to end and that he will be suspended. “I am aware that there will be no professional future for me in cycling, neither at Swiss Cycling nor in any other form in sport,â€? said Hondo.

Hondo was a professional cyclist between 1999 and 2014. He was once German champion, in 2002, and rode for Team Telekom until 2003 and Team Gerolsteiner in 2004-05. “I’m now being punished for mistakes in my past,� Hondo said. Hondo is another athlete implicated in a wider scandal around blood transfusions carried out in locations across the world. At the center of the scandal is Mark Schmidt, a doctor from the city of Erfurt in eastern Germany, who was one of several people taken into custody earlier this year. According to the ARD, the doctor had implicated Hondo in comments with the public prosecutor’s office in Munich. “I think that he is disclosing all his actions in order to obtain a milder sentence from the public prosecutor’s office,� Hondo said. AFP



TUESDAY May 14, 2019

˜ The Manila Times

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Q Manchester City’s Belgian defender Vincent Kompany (center) holds up the Premier League trophy after their 4-1 victory in the English Premier League football match between Brighton and Hove Albion and Manchester City at the American Express Community Stadium in Brighton, England. AFP PHOTO

Manchester City wins thrilling title race, breaks Liverpool hearts L ONDON: Manchester City retained the Premier League title in style on Sunday (Monday in Manila), holding their nerve to come from behind and thrash Brighton to hold off a charging Liverpool after a nail biting campaign.

Pep Guardiola’s team won AT "RIGHTON TO kNISH WITH points — the second-highest total in Premier League history — as Liverpool beat Wolves 2-0 at AnkELD TO kNISH A SINGLE AGONIZING point adrift. City, who strung together 14 league wins at the end of the sea-

SON ARE THE kRST SIDE TO RETAIN THE title since their bitter rivals Manchester United managed the feat in 2009, and remain on course for THE kRST DOMESTIC TREBLE IN %NGLISH football history. But Guardiola’s team did not have it all their own way as they won a fourth English title in eight seasons

and the sixth in the club’s history. A day of drama on England’s south coast was in keeping with an astonishing season in which the lead switched hands time after time. Liverpool drew first blood on Sunday, with Sadio Mane striking in the 17th minute to put them mathematically top of the table AND ON COURSE FOR THEIR kRST %NGLISH TOP lIGHT TITLE SINCE BEFORE the Premier League era even started. City fans’ nerves were shredded even further when Glenn Murray put Brighton in front from a corner in the 27th minute, drawing a huge ROAR AT !NkELD But those cheers were quickly

muted, with Guardiola’s side level JUST SECONDS LATER 3ERGIO !GUERO staying onside and keeping his COOL TO kNISH AFTER A BRILLIANT BALL from David Silva. Ten minutes later, the unmarked Aymeric Laporte rose to head in Riyad Mahrez’s corner to complete the turnaround for City and second-half goals from Mahrez and Ilkay Gundogan put the result beyond doubt.

Hardest Premier League “We have to say congratulations to Liverpool and thank you

so much — they pushed us to increase our standards,� Guardiola told Sky Sports. g)T S INCREDIBLE POINTS to go back-to-back. We made the standard higher last season and Liverpool helped us -- to win this title we had to win 14 in a row. We couldn’t lose one point.� “It’s the toughest title we have won in all my career, by far,� added the former Barcelona and Bayern Munich boss. City jetted back north to celebrate with around 10,000 of their own fans at their Etihad Stadium late into the evening,

with supporters singing along to “Wonderwall� by Oasis. Players took it in turns to hoist the Premier League trophy, with club captain Vincent Kompany and Guardiola last to lift it, together. “I’m so, so proud,� said Kompany as the party got underway at 22:45 local time. “This team is amazing. We’re able to fill this place at this time of night. Thank you so much.� City finished a record 19 points clear of Manchester United last season, but this term has been a totally different campaign. AFP

Kaya battles Singapore’s Hazard says Chelsea knows his future Home United in AFC Cup KAYA FC-Iloilo seeks a group runner-up kNISH IN A MUST WIN TIFF AGAINST REIGNING Asean champion Home United FC of Singapore in the 2019 Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Cup tonight at the Jalan Besar Stadium. The Lions need to take down the 0ROTECTORS IN THEIR P M MATCH TO seize the second spot in Group H and KEEP THEIR ZONAL SEMIkNAL HOPES ALIVE With group winner PSM Makassar of Indonesia already secured of a seat in the knockout stage, Kaya Iloilo and Home United are left to dispute the No. SPOT IN THE kNAL MATCH DAY Kaya has eight points on a 2-2-1 windraw-loss record, ahead of Home which has seven markers on a 2-1-2 slate. A victory though will not guarantee the Lions a playoff berth as only the best runner-up from the three Asean groups will advance. In case of a win, the Filipino club still needs Vietnamese squads Hanoi FC and Becamex Binh Duong FC to DROP THEIR RESPECTIVE kXTURES in order to join Philippine champion Ceres Negros FC in the next round.

Hanoi and Becamex both have 10 points in Group F and Group G, respectively. Kaya is poised to beat Home, with the Ilonggos scoring a 5-0 romp over THE 3INGAPOREANS IN THEIR kRST ENCOUNTER last March 13 at the Panaad Park and Stadium in Bacolod City. The Lion are also coming off a 5-1 thrashing of Lao Toyota FC two weeks ago at the same venue. “With this result, we now look forward to our visit in Singapore,� said Kaya head coach Noel Marcaida. Ghanian striker Jordan Mintah, who kRED A HAT TRICK IN THE PREVIOUS GAME is seen to sustain his deadly form while other scorers Connor Tacagni and Yannick Tuason are expected to support him on the attack as they shoot for a crucial victory. Home, however, will try to keep their title defense alive behind forward Shahril Ishak, midkELDER !DAM 3WANdi and South KoREAN MIDkELDER Song Ui-Yong. JEREMIAH M. SEVILLA Q Kaya Iloilo’s Jordan Mintah tries to head the ball against Lao Toyota goalkeeper Outthilath Nammakhoth during the 2019 AFC Cup last April 30 at the Panaad Park and Stadium in Bacolod City. KAYA FCILOILO PHOTO

LONDON: Eden Hazard has told Chelsea he has made his mind up over his future but has yet to publicly announce if he will stay at Stamford Bridge after persistent speculation linking him with a move to Real Madrid. The Belgium forward has just a year left on his contract after joining the Premier League club from Lille for ÂŁ32 million ($42 million) in 2012. And after a substitute outing in Sunday’s 0-0 draw at Leicester the Belgium international revealed he had made the club aware of his decision. “Yes. A couple of weeks ago. Yes I have made my decision but it is not just about me,â€? said Hazard, who blew kisses to the traveling fans, who called for him to stay. “I have made my decision, that’s it.â€? When asked if his future will

become clear after the Europa League f i n a l against Arsenal on May 29 he added:

“ I think so. We HAVE A kNAL TO play and then I will see.â€? The Blues are understood to be holding out f o r ÂŁ 10 0 million. Q Eden Hazard T h e AFP PHOTO YEAR old also

admitted he had wanted his future resolved earlier to avoid it being the seasonlong

saga it has become. “Yes, I wanted that but that’s not happened. I’m still waiting like you are waiting and like the fans are waiting,� he said. “When you are

on the pitch, you try to be focused on the pitch with the ball. That’s it. When I am on the pitch I just try to do the best. “I am not thinking about this and this, my situation or the club’s situation. I just try to win games.� (AZARD PLAYED THE kNAL minutes at the King Power 3TADIUM AS #HELSEA kNISHED third in the Premier League, 26 points behind champions Manchester City. Chelsea manager Maurizio Sarri said earlier he was still in the dark over Hazard’s future. Hazard has talked about it being “a dream� to one day play for Real Madrid boss Zinedine Zidane but Sarri said he did not know if the playmaker was set to leave swap London for Madrid. “I hope of course, like every fan of Chelsea, that he will remain with us,� he said. “But at the moment I don’t know.� AFP

Barca bounces back with win over Getafe MADRID: Barcelona’s Champions League recovery has begun and Getafe’s hopes of qualifying for the tournament could be over after they were beaten 2-0 at Camp Nou on Sunday (Monday in Manila). Arturo Vidal’s finish and a Djene Dakonam own-goal saw Barca bounce back from their capitulation against Liverpool, even if their fans had not forgotten judging by the swathes of empty seats and scattering of whistles before kick-off. g)T HAS BEEN A DIFkCULT GAME for all of us,â€? said Sergio Busquets. “We are trying to heal a wound that isn’t small.â€? Getafe might have hoped for their opponents to suffer a

longer European hangover but instead they drop out of the top four, with one match left to play, after Valencia eased to a 3-1 victory over Alaves. “We lost but I’m proud,� said Getafe coach Jose Bordalas. “We have to win our last game and then we’ll see.� Valencia now sits fourth, level on points with Getafe, but in front due to their superior HEAD TO HEAD 4HEY kNISH THE season away at struggling Real Valladolid while Getafe are at home to Villarreal. Barcelona’s victory means they stretch their lead at the top of the table to 11 points over Atletico Madrid, who were held TO A DRAW BY 3EVILLA AND ahead of Real, who lost 3-1 to

Real Sociedad after Jesus Vallejo was sent off. If they beat Valencia in the kNAL OF THE #OPA DEL 2EY ON -AY 25, Barca will claim a second domestic double in as many years but even that will not make amends for the collapse AT !NkELD Ernesto Valverde insisted on Saturday he wants to continue as coach and a smooth end to the season, including winning the cup, might reduce the apPETITE FOR CHANGE g)T IS THE kRST step,� Valverde said. They will be without the inJURED ,UIS 3UAREZ FOR THE kNAL IN Seville and the sight of Philippe Coutinho hobbling off against Getafe, clutching his hamstring, will be a concern.

The whistles before kick-off had not been unanimous, with some also chanting “Barca until the end�, but the empty seats at Camp Nou perhaps sent the loudest message. Jorge Molina thought he had put Getafe ahead in the first half but was ruled offside by VAR and then hit the post in the TH MINUTE WITH A HEADER FROM close range. In between, Vidal gave Barcelona the lead, turning in the rebound after Gerard Pique’s header was pushed out by David Soria. Molina might have equalized but instead Lionel Messi forced a late second after a one-two with Sergi Roberto was poked in by Getafe’s Djene. AFP




Q Miss Universe 2015 Pia Wurtzbach (left) and reigning Miss Universe Catriona Gray

Pia, Catriona lead ‘The Universe Gives Back’ fashion gala Benefit show advances Filipina empowerment philosophy BY IZA IGLESIAS


HOWING once more that their beauty is more than skin deep, the two Filipina Miss Universe winners of the deCADE WILL TAKE PART IN A BENEkT GALA THAT BRINGS the philosophy of women empowerment and the indomitable Filipino spirit to the fore. Dubbed “The Universe Gives Back,� the much-awaited event BRINGS TOGETHER TWO CONkDENTLY beautiful women — Miss Universe 2015 Pia Wurtzbach and current Miss Universe Catriona Gray — on a mission to celebrate and uplift the Filipino spirit through fashion and philanthropy. The Miss Universe Philippines and Binibining Pilipinas Charity Fashion Gala is spearheaded by cochairpersons Miss Universe 2015 Pia Wurtzbach, architect Richelle Singson-Michael and fashion designer Albert Andrada to bring the brand to a higher level than a one-day television special. “This is the start of having the Miss Universe brand become more active in the Philippines. Since the time that we hosted the pageant in 2016, and that we also have produced two beautiful Miss Universes recently, Miss Universe love the Philippines so much that they would like to create more events like this charity gala,� SingsonMichael said in a press conference. “We plan to do this every year, and we’ll be showcasing something new every edition. For this year we focus on fashion, next year maybe on the arts or entertainment,� she enthused. The gala, to be held on June 4 at the Marriott Grand Ballroom, showcases the talents of eight top Filipino designers — Andrada, Rhett Eala, Michael Leyva, Ito Curata, Jot

Losa, Avel Bacudio, Cherry Veric and Martin Bautista — who will be CREATING kVE PIECES EACH MODELED BY 2019 Bb. Pilipinas candidates. “The eight Filipino fashion designers featured are going to showcase evening gowns in their assigned colors. Also, each designER IS TASKED TO DRESS kVE CANDIDATES during the runway walk. It’s a very SIGNIkCANT THING FOR US BECAUSE Binibining Pilipinas has really opened the doors for Filipino designers and we’re very happy about that,� shared Andrada. “For the past 25 years, Binibining Pilipinas candidates have been dressed up by international designers or non-Filipino designers. At least through this, we have exposed our craft to the international stage and I’m so happy and so proud that we did it in this kind,� he added. The two Miss Universe queens will participate as their way of showing their support to their chosen foundations.

partner again with Love Yourself. I’ve been partnering with them for a few years now and it just felt like a natural thing to do. We promote awareness not just for HIV but also for equality, self worth and mental health even during my days as Binibini,� Wurtzbach recalled. “It’s really close to home as I have friends who are in the LGBT community and friends who are living with HIV. We started with a simple outreach program and now we have SIX COMMUNITY CENTERS ‡ kVE IN THE National Capital Region and one in Cebu. We provide free HIV testing to almost 50,000 people every year. Currently, we cater to 3,800 clients accessing free treatments for HIV and I am very happy to share that OUR TREATMENT CENTER IS THE kRST IN the country offering free viral load tests. The test tells the client if the virus is going into an undetectable

state, meaning he or she cannot transmit the infection to others because undetectable means untransmittable,� she noted. Wurtzbach also happily shared that her home city of Cagayan de Oro will have its own community center as well to be launched in July. It will be called Oro Pia Community Center which she will inaugurate soon. “Since 2011, we’ve been providing a safe space for everyone who is living with HIV. We have over a thousand volunteers now. Our plan is whatever support we provide, it would be sustainable because we do not believe in dole out and one-time things lang. Gusto natin the project lives on even after the event. We plan to support treatment hubs and empowering campaigns continuously,� she continued. According to her, aside from

Pia for Love Yourself Wurtzbach supports Love Yourself, an organization of almost 1,100 volunteers who reach out through channels such as social media to propagate ideas, attitudes, and practices to encourage self-love and equality and the spread of vital health information particularly among the LGBTQI+ community on issues such as HIV. “For this charity gala, I chose to

Q (From left) Young Focus PH’s Wabel Animoza; Miss Universe Philippines and Bb. Pilipinas Charity Fashion Gala co-chairs fashion designer Albert Andrada, Wurtzbach, Architect Richelle Singson-Michael; and Executive Director and Founder of Love Yourself Dr. Vinn Garcia-Pagtakhan

Jake Zyrus’ ex finds own spot I

T was in June 2013 when then-known as she knew such accusations were false anyway. Charice Pempengco had mustered enough Four years later, Charice and Alyssa guts to admit on national television via broke up. Reportedly, it was the latter who ABS-CBN’s “The Buzz� that, “Opo, tomboy packed her stuff and bolted the doors of po ako. But I don’t see any their lovenest. problem with it.� Left in near-penurious As far as she was constate, Charice was believed cerned, she had nothing to be staying at her fan’s to worry about her sexual house (also in Laguna). orientation (which was by Since then, nothing was choice) but asked for comheard from Alyssa. passion if not forgiveness It was in June 2017 when from people, most especially her family, if the self-confessed lesbian singer came out in they believed she wasn’t on the right track. public using Jake Zyrus, proclaiming herself That was roughly a month after Charice AS A CERTIkED TRANSGENDER MAN "ENT ON TOTAL WAS REPORTED TO HAVE ELOPED WITH HER kANCEE repackaging, the “reborn� singer had her Alyssa Quijano who, like the David Foster breasts removed, resorted to injectables or discovery, was chasing a dream whatever however adversely taking ta a toll on to become a singer. HER ONCE MELLIlUOUS VOICE HER ONCE MELLIl Charice confessed to livBut there’s ing (in) with Alyssa right life li after Alyssa in her Cabuyao, Laguna guna as a Jake has a residence which was her newfound ne love major investment, much uch named Shyre to the consternation on Aqu Aquino he hopes of the singer’s mother her m to marry. Same Raquel and Lola Tessie. e. thin with Alyssa thing Vignettes distinctlyy who aside from who, remembers the majorr havin found one, having feature story on the h rekindled too, has seemingly boundless pa her passion for mulove which Charice sic via a girl group and Alyssa had for a which auditioned for P each other on GMA “Idol Philippines,� Network’s “StarABS-CBN’s ABS-CBN reality talent Q Jake Zyrus talk,� and how search, new ne franchise of INSTAGRAM PHOTO “American Idol� in the they fiercely foughtt for it no matter what. Philippines Philippines. Mommy Raquel and d Lola l Tessie’s i ’ object bj off “ h Charice h i andd I were a couple, I felt “When ire wasn’t Alyssa, but rather on Charice who ) LOST MY IDENTITY FOR SACRIkCING WHAT ) REALLY they accused of having allegedly abandoned wanted in life. Hindi ko na kasi kilala ang her family, her savings nearly gone up in sarili ko,� Alyssa admitted. smoke. Alyssa couldn’t be any defensive as Isn’t life fair, after all?



WHO It took some time before a writerdirector-actress (WDA) got warmly accepted by her showbiz mother-inlaw (MIL). MIL felt betrayed when she seemed to be the last to know about her son carrying on a relationship with WDA. “Magkaibigan kasi sina MIL at

helping Love Yourself centers, they also plan to give part of the proceeds to support the treatment hubs of San Lazaro Hospital and Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM). “Somebody called my attention that there’s really a lot of help that needs to be done in San Lazaro and RITM. Because those two are the highest in terms of enrollees. RITM has around 8,000 clients on treatment and San Lazaro has 6,000 on treatment. People really line up there but sometimes they don’t have money for medication,� Wurtzbach said.

ing us and they’ve chosen us as one OF THE BENEkCIARIES u SHE CONTINUED “What we will do is to continue to support the education of the children especially for the outof-school youth. This past school year, we were able to have 17 college graduates and 65 Grade 12 students moving up to college. That’s a big number of college students kaya we will be also using the money we’ll get from this endeavor for that. Of course, this coming school year, we’re very excited for new students coming to our centers,� Animosa said.

For the country Catriona for Young Focus and community Meanwhile, Gray is to grace the catwalk on behalf of Young Focus, which focuses on educating underprivileged children all the way from preschool to college, with the kRM BELIEF THAT EDUCATION IS THE most effective way to end poverty in a child’s life. Young Focus has different programs that meets the many needs children experience in poverty, with approaches that depend on their age, their history, their capabilities and the scope of the family’s needs. g9OUNG &OCUS IS A NON PROkT ORGAnization located in Smokey Mountain in Tondo, Manila and we’re currently helping more than a thousand children. We’re supporting their education by means of personal coaching and holistic approach,� shared Young Focus’ Wabel Animosa during the media event. “We’re very thankful for Catriona because since nanalo siya, we’ve been put into map and we’ve been receiving a lot of donations and we’re very thankful to Miss Universe as well because they are still support-

As someone who was able to bring her best on the Miss Universe stage and make Filipinos all over the world proud, Wurtzbach said that being a beauty queen is about giving back to her country and her community. “It is about getting involved in organizations to raise awareness for issues such as HIV, antidiscrimination, and anti-bullying which are relevant to the Philippines,� the beauty queen said. “I am most proud of the fact that Filipinos are compassionate people. We care about the people around us and we’re always willing to help. 4O OUR LOVED ONES WE ARE SELlESS IN the amount of love we give. I’d like to believe that’s what we’ll see at the charity ball — people coming together showing support to the ones who need our love most,� she ended. 4ICKETS FOR THE BENEkT DINNER start at P10,000 with VIP seats for P15,000 per head. For inquiries about the Miss Universe Philippines and Bb. Pilipinas Charity Fashion Gala ticket and table selling, contact Michelle Tulagan at 0977-2391677.

When a friend becomes a daughter-in-law WDA as in very close that the former hardly thought her son would end up being the latter’s boyfriend,� informed a source. The strict MIL, however, was left with no choice but to acknowledge WDA later who, in fairness, had a way of endearing herself. “It wasn’t easy for WDA to win

MIL’s heart, but she was such a creative genius who the latter had wanted for her ‘eccentric’ son,� the source said. In fact, MIL’s son and WDA have had a number of successful collaborations, “MIL’s heart has softened on WDA who has now become a part of her illustrious family.� RC3


Cannes rocks! Tsunami of pop stars make film festival splash CANNES, FRANCE: Bono, Elton John, Iggy Pop, Tom Waits... The red carpet at Cannes is shaping up to look like a dream rock festival line-up. Not to mention Rihanna and a couple of the surviving members of Led Zeppelin, who may yet put in an appearance at the world’s biggest film festival, which starts Tuesday. The opening movie alone, the tongue-in-cheek zombie flick “The Dead Don’t Die�, is chock full of A-lister musicians. As well as Waits and Iggy Pop — who plays a rampaging member of the undead — it also stars singer Selena Gomez and rapper and Wu-Tang Clan guru RZA. Its director Jim Jarmusch is a composer in his spare time and leads Bill Murray and Adam Driver are both musical, with the “Groundhog Day� actor touring North America as a singer with a chamber orchestra in 2017. And that is all before the promise of Elton John bringing his grand piano to the Croisette to play at the premiere of his biopic, “Rocketman.� With “Bohemian Rhapsody� taking more than $900 million at the box office, cinema bosses are wetting their lips over the amount a film about the sex and drug-fuelled life story of the writer of such standards as “I’m Still Standing� will rake in.

Sex, drugs and Elton John Unlike the Freddie Mercury movie which skirted around the singer’s complex personal life, the Elton John picture prides itself on its wartsand-all portrayal.

Q Elton Q Elton ltto ton on Jo Johhn John


The singer — who has been frank about his struggles with his sexuality, drugs and alcohol — was himself deeply involved in the film, which his husband David Furnish produced. “We didn’t want to compromise the fact we felt it had to be hardhitting and truthful,� Furnish said. “I think we would have got a lot more interest (from studios) at the higher-budget levels if we’d been willing to produce a more sanitised version of Elton’s life. “That never appealed to Elton,� he added. “His life has had incredible moments of lightness but also moments of real darkness. We wanted to be very honest about those and not gloss them over.� More than a decade in the making, the film was written by Lee Hall of “Billy Elliot� fame with its star Jamie Bell playing Sir Elton’s friend and lyricist Bernie Taupin, who penned such classics as “Rocketman�, “Candle in the Wind� and “I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues� with John. British actor Taron Egerton, who shaved his hair to mimic the singer’s receding 1970s hairline and painting a gap in his teeth, said he was freaked out when the man himself walked onto the set as he was performing “Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting�. AFP

Lifestyle How to modernize the living space W


˜ The Manila Times

TUESDAY May 14, 2019

w w

ANT to modernize your space without a major overhaul? Why not upgrade your furniture and home accessories instead?


Petrified Wood Serving Board. Its Prost Accent Tables. This fun-loving table rises to the occasion with a charming shape and size. Rising high on a slender column anchored by a sculptural antiqued metal base, the table provides a round tabletop.

polished surface and asymmetrical edges tell a fascinating geological tale of a fossilized ancient tree, while speaking to the moment with a contemporary, sculptural shape. Scattered with cheeses, charcuterie and condiments, this tray is sure to spark a conversation at your next gathering.

Walker Natural Dining Table and Sideboard. Designer Blake Tovin’s inventive use of recessed detail floats a simple, clean and modern tabletop and sideboard. Made of European white oak certified sustainable by the Forest Stewardship Council, each table possesses its own unique constellation of knots, fissures and grain.

Faye Cream Terra Cotta Vase. The vase is full of subtle beauty — the elegantly pleated form evokes seed pods, parasols and paper pendant lights. A creamy white glaze reveals delicate crackles, while the earthy painted rings on the rim and base allude to its terra cotta foundation.

Mohave Lines Outdoor Pillow. Plastic bottles get new life in this beautifully textured pillow with the look and feel of real wool. The bottles are recycled into yarn that’s dyed black and white and handwoven on traditional pit looms into bold stacked stripes.

Lunea Terrazzo Melamine Oval Platter. Designed to capture the look of on-

Francesca Dinnerware, Platter and Set. Awash in watercolor hues, the Francesca

trend terrazzo, the slender oval melamine platter is adorned with flecks and chips of grey and wine.

collection adds painterly florals to the spring table with rich shades of aqua, blue, green and taupe.

Making motherhood work for new moms BEING a mother for the first time has its challenges, such as juggling various roles and thinking about the welfare of her new born child. Understandably, some new moms panic as soon as their baby cries and get wary about giving the right amount of care and attention. But the struggles, according to new moms Babyflo gathered in time for Mother’s Day, are incomparable to the joys of blissed-out cuddles, first smiles and that sweet new baby scent. And because motherhood goes beyond the mom’s special day every second Sunday of May, here are valuable parenting tips and realizations that worked for first time moms.

ment. And lastly, do not hesitate to ask for help! Your family is your biggest support system,� imparted Rina Magsaysay, sales specialist with a two-year-old girl.

breaks at work. Once I am home, I make sure I get to spend quality time with my baby especially enjoying our bedtime/storytime routine,� she added.

Respect their pace

Have your go-to ‘mom hack’

“We should respect our children as unique individuals and understand that all grow and develop at their own pace,� said Edvie Mae Valencia Baral, teacher and single mom with three kids.

It’s okay to make mistakes

“It’s not easy balancing work and mommy duties. Being a full-time working mom can lead to feelings of guilt and stress because of divided attention between work and family. Well, what I can say is that the key is to focus on a plan, get organized, and find the right balance between profession and parenthood,� shared Gie Sarmiento, brand manager with a one-year-old boy. “I stay focused on the things I need to accomplish at work so I can leave as planned at the end of the day. I always make sure to get connected during the day by checking and video messaging my baby at home during

“For me, always have an extra pair of clothes and diapers. I keep one in my car and another in the bag that I carry. Even if you carry a big diaper bag, you know how messy toddlers can get. And also baby wipes. Indeed, motherhood entails a lot of sacrifices. In these moments, the joy of being a mother overcomes all hardships. Let us show the love and care that every mom needs,� Priscilla Marie Orfanel, sales specialist with an 18-month-old baby. “During bath time, combing the hair while rinsing shampoo or conditioner helps untangle hair easily. At the toy store, I let them hold two toys at a time. Whenever they want another toy they have to choose and let go of the other. Before going to the cashier, I ask them to decide which toy to buy. They need to choose only one. I let them decide on their own. Also, during long travels, I have diapers and ziplocks ready in case any of the kids throw up,� Lorrie Ann Mascenon, working single mom with two kids finally noted.

“It is okay to cry. It is okay to make mistakes. It is okay to be tired. Breathe and kapag di na kaya, call your mom! (Ask help from your mom). It’s okay to put your crying baby down and take a moment for yourself to breathe,� said celebrity mom-preneur Neri Naig-Miranda who has a two-year-old boy.

Postpartum Depression (PPD) is a real thing “To know that PPD is real, so remember to accept any help that is being given so you can also go out and do a little something for yourself too. All children deserve the chance to have a healthy mom, and all moms deserve the chance to enjoy their life and their children,� shared celebrity host and mom of two, Iya VillaniaArellano.

Find the right balance between profession and parenthood

Pampering the ‘mompreneurs’ TO honor the triumphs and acknowledge the struggles these so-called “mompreneurs� — mothers who start their own business to have more control of their TIME AND FULkLL THEIR MOTHERLY DUTIES AT HOME ‡ FACE EVERY DAY 'LOBE MY"USINESS and Let’s Radiate Mare surprised them with AN EARLY -OTHER S $AY TREAT AT ,A 0ROVENCE (AIR AND "EAUTY 3ALON IN "ONIFACIO 'LOBAL #ITY 4AGUIG g7E ARE HAPPY THAT 'LOBE MY"USINESS INITIATED AN EVENT LIKE THIS 7E ARE GLAD TO PARTNER WITH THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE VERY MUCH aligned with our thrust to empower these ladies to become successful in business and Q Mompreneurs take a break from work become an inspiration to other Filipinas who WANT TO BECOME ENTREPRENEURS u SAID 2ACHELLE %STALILLA CO FOUNDER AND COMMUNITY DIRECTOR OF ,ET S 2ADIATE -ARE &OR HER PART 'AILE 'UEVARRA 'LOBE MY"USINESS -ARKETING 3ERVICES (EAD SAID g-ORE THAN JUST CELEBRATING MOTHERHOOD we want to celebrate mothers who are also MOMPRENEURS 7E WANT TO SAY @THANK YOU Inviting all solo moms and dads to the “So Loved for their hard work and for contributing Conference!� This conference aims to bring to light raw, TO OUR COUNTRY S GROWTH )N 'LOBE OUR open and authentic experiences of real solo parents, PURPOSE IS TO HELP BUSINESSES lOURISH including the difficulties they face and the healing AND MAKE &ILIPINOS DREAMS COME TRUE choices they make. AND THE COUNTRY ADMIRED u An event organized by former The Manila Times The pampering session was participated in Parenting columnist Bettina Carlos, the conference BY ,ET S 2ADIATE -ARE COMMUNITY BUSINESS serves as a platform for the audience to hear life stories OWNERS AND THE WINNERS OF THE 'LOBE MYfrom different solo moms and dads. In effect, the audi"USINESS g-/-PRENEUR -/-ENTSu SOCIAL ence will learn from their experiences of lessons and media contest who took time off from their victories in overcoming their personal challenges as an BUSY SCHEDULE TO HAVE THEIR NAILS DONE HAVE individual and also as a parent raising their children. A HAIRCUT OR ENJOY A RELAXING MASSAGE The “So Loved Conference� is happening on May 25, !SIDE FROM ENJOYING THEIR gME TIME u Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at CCF Center MPH in the mompreneurs were also given the opOrtigas East, Pasig City. PORTUNITY TO SHOWCASE THEIR PRODUCTS AND Registration for this free event may be done through get to know the importance of having a the So Loved booth at the lobby of CCF Main every Suntrusted digital business partner to help day or online via Google form through THEM ACHIEVE SUCCESS IN DOING BUSINESS


‘So Love Conference:’ A special event for solo parents

Don’t be afraid of the process “Just take it easy, have patience and enjoy it. You don’t need to rush everything. They grow up fast, so spend more time with them and cherish every mo-

Q (From left) Gaile Guevarra, marketing services director of Globe myBusiness; Faith Salazar, digital marketing manager, Globe myBusiness; Isa Suarez, PR, Events and Partnership Alliances manager; Grace Cabanilla of Gavrie’s Grace of Cakes, Donna Elefante of Stellarbeauty; Rachelle Estatilla. cofounder of Let’s Radiate Mare; Diana Soto Dayao of Streetlove Manila; Rosa Soriano of Rosa Manila PH; Lisa Capito of

Q Neri NaigMiranda (with son Miggy) and Iya Villania-Arellano (with son Primo).

˜ The Manila Times w w


TUESDAY May 14, 2019


Solution to Mega Maze



»HOROSCOPE Today’s Birthday (05/14/19). Your family business or shared accounts grow this year. Persistent actions expand your horizons. Good news lights up your summer, before changes impact your travel plans. Your exploration yields solid results next winter, motivating a creative shift. Work with a talented team to get farther. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. ARIES (MARCH 21-APRIL 19) -- Today is an 8 -- Remind your partner of your appreciation. Express your love, support and encouragement. Together, you can cook up something wonderful. Find ways to share your heart. TAURUS (APRIL 20-MAY 20) -- Today is an 8 -- Others give you a boost toward your goal. Hardships strengthen passion. Practice for excellence. Nurture your physical health and wellness. Take your best shot. GEMINI (MAY 21-JUNE 20) -- Today is a 9 -- Someone finds your wit attractive. Discuss fascinations and curiosities. Express your gratitude and appreciation. Charm and be charmed. Romance is in the air. CANCER (JUNE 21-JULY 22) -- Today is a 7 -- Beautify your spaces. Tend your garden, and enjoy the results. Decisions made now can have long-lasting impacts. Consider color, texture and pattern. Get family feedback. LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22) -- Today is an 8 -- Discuss creative ideas and possibilities. Discover solutions through networking and research. Add beautiful touches to a solid foundational structure. Pursue a passion project. VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22) -- Today is a 9 -- You can turn a tidy SUR¿W 0DNH D ¿QDQFLDO GHFLVLRQ \RX¶YH EHHQ DYRLGLQJ /RRN EHIRUH OHDSLQJ $YRLG GLVWUDFWLRQV DQG ÀRZ DURXQG REVWDFOHV .HHS LW SRVLWLYH


BY NANCY BLACK LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22) -- Today is a 9 -- Pursue a personal passion. Realize something new about yourself. Express your feelings openly, and take another’s advice to heart. You’re growing stronger and more confident. SCORPIO (OCT. 23-NOV. 21) -- Today is a 7 -- Think about what you love; your hopes, dreams, wishes and fantasies. Envision the TXDOLWLHV \RX¶G OLNH PRUH RI 3ODQ DQG VFKHGXOH /HW \RXU LPDJLQDWLRQ run wild. SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22-DEC. 21) -- Today is a 9 -- Collaborate with your team for a common cause. Community action gets positive results. Share what you’re learning. Enjoy parties, conferences and social gatherings. CAPRICORN (DEC. 22-JAN. 19) -- Today is a 9 -- Your passion can spark career advancement. Use the talents you’ve been practicing to accomplish fantastic results. Focus on the goal, and shoot. AQUARIUS (JAN. 20-FEB. 18) -- Today is an 8 -- Follow your heart where it leads. An exploration reveals treasures beyond your imagination. Pursue an exciting opportunity to discover new flavors, cultures and ideas. PISCES (FEB. 19-MARCH 20) -- Today is an 8 -- An idea you’ve been working on can get profitable. Collaborate to plug financial leaks and raise positive cash flow. Invest in home and family.


Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 square contains the digits 1 to 9 with no repeats. Solution from yesterday’s puzzle.

The Manila Times

7KH 3RZHU /XQFK 5RVWHU Read The Manila Times when you dine at these establishments. 7D]D 0LD &RȨHH Kasa Luntian, at The Lanai, St rosa-tagaytay road, Brgy, San Jose Tagaytay City Phone number 046 / 413 / 9449

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Landline: (02) 403-9293 Globe: 0927-793-8817 | Smart: 0939-446-9455 Visit us at UGF Festival Mall Expansion, Civic Drive Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Address: 744 General Luna St, Intramuros, Manila, 1002 Metro Manila Phone: (02) 527 3674

BINALOT FIESTA FOODS, INC. 3686 BUJ Building Sun Valley Drive, Sun Valley Subdivision, Paranaque City, 1700 Philippines Tel: +632 824-7014 Fax: +632 823-1832 Franchise: +632 822-6483 / +63 932 844 1807 Delivery: 8-10-10-10 (Metro Manila Only)

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CafÊ Terrace CAFÉ TERRACE Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City Ȏ The Paseo Center, Makati City Ȏ Rockwell Center, Makati City Ȏ Westgate Center, Muntinlupa Ȏ Entertainment Mall, SM Mall of Asia Ȏ Midtown Robinsons Place Manila Ȏ Trinoma Mall, Quezon City Ȏ The Terraces, Ayala Center Cebu Ȏ Resort World Manila, Pasay City

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ALI MALL 2nd Level Alimall Cubao, Quezon City

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Glorietta: Glorietta 2, Ayala Center, Palm Dr, Makati, 1224 Manila, Philippines

BAGUIO CITY Chalet Baguio upper Military Cuf 2ČĽ 5RDG %DJXLR &LW\

SM Mall of Asia: Main Mall, SM Central Business Park Bay City, 123 MM, Pasay, 1300 Metro Manila, Philippines

Kitsho Japanese Restaurant & Sake Bar

Hotel Jen Manila Branch 3001 Roxas Boulevard Pasay City 1305 Metro Manila Philippines (02)795-8888 local.2312

Zuelig Building. Makati City

625 4831 and 625 4832

PROVIDORE SM AURA PREMIERE Bonifacio Global City | 802 9448

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%HDQ %HOW &RȨHH 6KRS 2nd Floor Tinapayan Festival Building 1652 Dapitan St. corner Don Quijote St. Sampaloc, Manila Tel. No. 732-8718

Molvina Comm’l. Cmplx.Marcos Hiway, Brgy. Mayamot, Antipolo City | MCU - Edsa cor. B Serrano, Brgy. 86, Caloocan City | 771 km. 17 Talon II, Alabang0-zapote Rd., Las Pinas | Pasong Tamo-Makati Cinema Square Complex, Makati City | Shell Gasoline Stn. cor. Mola St., Pasong Tamo, Makati City | Penthouse Valero Tower, 122 Valero st., Salcedo Vill., Makati City | G/F Shaw Zentram Bldg., Shaw Blvd., Mandaluyong City | Remedios St., Malate, Manila | P. Sanchez Cor. Bagumbayan St., sta. Mesa, Manila | #49 National Highway, Putatan, Muntinlupa | Olivarez Plaza, Ninoy Aquino Ave., Sucat, Paranaque | Ground Level, Shopwise sucat, Paranaque | Unit 1A, Salem Int’l. Comml. Cmplx, Domestic Rd., Pasay city | El Pueblo Real de Manila cor. Ruby Rd. Julia Vargas, Ortigas, Pasig City | #32 Matalino St.,Brgy. Central, Diliman, Quezon City | #187 Mindanao Ave., Bahay Toro, Quezon City | G/F One Cyberpod, Eton Centris cor. Quezon Ave., Pinyahan, Quezon City | Quezon Ave. Cor. J. Abad Santos st., sta. Cruz, Quezon City | 295 Tomas Morato ave. Brgy. Laging Handa, Quezon City G/F Shell Logcom, C5 Road, Taguig City

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