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Monetary Board holds fire; seen cutting rates in May ÂťStory on B1 ++


•• 5 SECTIONS PAGES • VOL. 120 NO. 160 28



-!,!#!ÂŤ!.' ON 4HURSDAY SAID THE GOVERNMENT WOULD kGHT kRE WITH kRE if the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) would wage war once the bill ON FEDERALISM WAS REJECTED BY #ONGRESS President Rodrigo Duterte said late Wednesday that MNLF Chairman Nur Misuari warned that he would declare war if the federal CHARTER MEASURE WAS NOT PASSED

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Trusted since 1898

Ex-govt officials sue China’s Xi before ICC BY DEMPSEY REYES


WO former government officials have accused before the International Criminal Court (ICC) Chinese President Xi Jinping and other Beijing officials of implementing a “systematic plan to control� the contested South C h i n a S e a ( We s t Philippine Sea) and violating the rights OF &ILIPINO kSHERS



Q Senators (from left) Gatchalian, Sotto, Binay, Villanueva, Legarda, Zubiri and Angara ecstatic over a model of their future offices.

Senate’s profligate P15-B edifice a lesson for the nation


E R (!03 the insistence of the Senate, led BY 3EN 0ANlIO ,ACSON TO BUILD ITS NEW LUXURIOUS STORY HECTARE OFkCE BUILDING AT THE POSH "ONIFACIO Global City at a cost likely to reach at least P15 billion will turn out to be GOOD FOR THE NATION ÂłTiglaoA5


Three women enjoy the water cascading from the Wawa dam in Rodriguez, Rizal, as the country awaits the official declaration of the start of the dry season. The Philippines marks on Friday World Water Day, which this year is focused on the importance of freshwater resources.

Former Foreign Affairs secretary Albert del Rosario and former ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales, in their “communication� dated March 15, ACCUSED 8I AND OTHER #HINESE OFkCIALS



Govt eyes new water agencies to solve crisis AS a long-term solution to the water crisis that hit the country this month, the government is drafting two bills that will create separate water bodies, a Palace of-

kCIAL SAID ON 4HURSDAY Cabinet Secretary Karlo Nograles, in a statement, said department secretaries, agency heads and representatives drafted

a bill creating a body focused on economic and financial regulation and another responsible for policy formulation and RESOURCE REGULATION

What’s inside

Managing Director Acer Philippines



President Rodrigo Duterte unveils the Marawi Heroes Memorial at the Libingan ng mga Bayani (Heroes’ Cemetery) in Taguig City on Thursday. PHOTO BY J. GERARD SEGUIA





Duterte to form new peace panel to talk to Reds


Nograles added that two draft bills were also endorsed for approval and submission to the Legislative Executive Development Advisory

Netherlands to help boost PH maritime capability 4(% .ETHERLANDS HAS ASSURED ITS close ties and firm support to the Philippines in harnessing the latter’s maritime capabilities, especially the SEAFARING INDUSTRY 4HE $UTCH GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED

this at the sidelines of the 20th Philippines-Netherlands Joint Committee on Maritime Affairs (JCMA) meeting IN -ANILA ON 7EDNESDAY Organized in 1999, the Philippines-


02%3)$%.4 Rodrigo Duterte would create a new panel to pursue localized peace negotiations with communist REBELS -ALACAĂ„ANG SAID ON 4HURSDAY 4HE ANNOUNCEMENT COINCIDED with the arrest of a National Democratic Front (NDF) consultant and a retired Catholic priest in Imus, Cavite, for alleged possession of kREARMS AND EXPLOSIVES

ÂłRedsA2 REACH US AT: E-mail: newsdesk@ Tel. Nos.: 524-5664 to 67 Address: 2/F Sitio Grande, 409 A. Soriano Avenue, Intramuros, Manila 1002



˜ The Manila Times

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FRIDAY March 22, 2019

SWS poll: China’s net trust rating improves C BY RALPH U. VILLANUEVA

().! 3 NET TRUST RATING FOR THE knal quarter of 2018 saw a boost, a Social Weather Stations (SWS) SURVEY FOUND While it remained negative, the net rating of -7 was “neutral,� the 373 SAID 4HIS WAS A POINT hike from the -23 “poor� rating in 3EPTEMBER LAST YEAR 4HE SURVEY CONDUCTED FROM $EC TO WAS TAKEN after Chinese President Xi Jin-

ping visited the Philippines in .OVEMBER Xi’s visit to the country resulted in a number of agreements beTWEEN "EIJING AND -ANILA According to the SWS, net trust in China was positive in just 9 of SURVEYS SINCE !UGUST

It reached as high as +17 in June 2010 and as low as -46 in 3EPTEMBER Japan also garnered a higher NET TRUST RATING 4OKYO RECEIVED a +34 net trust rating for December of 2018, up by 6 points from the +28 recorded in SepTEMBER 4HE HIGHER RATING PUSHED *APAN to “good� territory, from SeptemBER S gMODERATE u !USTRALIA SAW A SLIGHT DIP )TS net trust rating stood at a “good� +31, down by 5 points from +36 IN *UNE LAST YEAR

Despite the drop, the rating is STILL gGOOD u THE 373 SAID 4HE 5NITED 3TATES REMAINED VERY good at +60 for December 2018, virtually identical to the +59 in 3EPTEMBER 4HE SURVEY WAS CONDUCTED USing face-to-face interviews with 1,440 Filipinos aged 18 years AND ABOVE It had sampling error margins of • PERCENT FOR NATIONAL PERCENTAGES AND • PERCENT EACH FOR "ALance Luzon (Luzon except Metro Manila), Metro Manila, the Visayas AND -INDANAO


Duterte Citing a statement from peace ADVISER #ARLITO 'ALVEZ *R 0ALACE spokesman Salvador Panelo said sectoral representatives, local government units (LGUs) and the military would make up the panel that will supervise localized peace talks with the New People’s Army (NPA), a member of the umbrella GROUP .$& Galvez said the composition of the new panel would be based on the Colombian model, which includes representatives from different sectoral groups, LGU and the military whose presence is ESSENTIAL TO THE PEACE NEGOTIATIONS g4HE DISCONTINUANCE OF THE services of the members of the GRP (Government of the Republic of the Philippines) panel is in line with the termination of peace talks with the [NDF PANEL= "UT WE WILL RECONSTITUTE the panel at a national scope in accordance with the whole-ofnation approach we are advocating to achieve inclusive and SUSTAINABLE PEACE u HE ADDED “For 32 years, we didn’t gain anything from the talks, and it is being used by the CPP (Communist Party of the Philippines)-NPA as leverage for them to strengthen their forces and take advantage of the sincerity OF THE GOVERNMENT u 'ALVEZ SAID 4HE #00 IS ALSO A MEMBER OF THE .$& Galvez said the President also ordered a review of past agreeMENTS WITH THE .$& g4HAT IS WHY WE ARE TEMPORARILY suspending the implementation OF 4HE (AGUE $ECLARATION AND Comprehensive Agreement for THE 2ESPECT OF (UMAN 2IGHTS AND )NTERNATIONAL (UMANITARIAN ,AWS until it is fully evaluated by the /FkCE OF THE 0RESIDENT u HE ADDED Duterte dismantled the negotiating panel led by Labor Secretary 3ILVESTRE "ELLO RD ON THE GROUND


Communist central committee member Renante Gamara (center) and retired priest Arturo Balagat (front) are arrested by a joint military and police task force in Imus, Cavite on Thursday. PHOTO BY DJ DIOSINA

that the talks have been canceled SINCE .OVEMBER 4HE MEMBERS OF THE PANEL WERE former Pangasinan congressman (ERNANI "RAGANZA FORMER #OMmission on Elections commissioner Rene Sarmiento, human RIGHTS LAWYER !NGELA ,IBRADO 4RINIdad and former state prosecutor !NTONIO !RELLANO CPP founding chairman Jose Maria Sison said the panel’s dissolution was not surprising as the President had no interest in the NEGOTIATIONS g(E HAS ALWAYS SCHEMED TO USE THE ARMED CONlICT AS AN EXCUSE FOR carrying out martial law nationwide and for railroading Charter change to a bogus kind of federalism in order to realize and impose fascist dictatorship on the Filipino PEOPLE u 3ISON SAID IN A STATEMENT Panelo disputed Sison’s claim, as he reiterated the government’s plan OF HOLDING LOCALIZED PEACE TALKS


Ex-govt officials sue China’s Xi

Council of Calabarzon (Cavite, ,AGUNA "ATANGAS 2IZAL AND !LSO ON 4HURSDAY 2ENANTE 'AMA- 1UEZON (UMAN RIGHTS GROUP +ARAPATAN ra, an NDF consultant, and Arturo *OSEPH "ALAGAT A RETIRED PRIEST IN SAID 'AMARA AND "ALAGAT WERE ARRESTED ON TRUMPED UP CHARGES )MUS #AVITE g4HIS IS NOT ONLY A TIME OF Authorities recovered one pistol with magazine, two hand gre- unpeace where there is the prevanades, several electronic devices lence of human rights violations and gadgets containing subversive and impunity, but it is also a information, several subversive period of targeted persecution and intimidation against those DOCUMENTS AND 0 IN CASH Gamara was also arrested in who continue to clamor for peace,� Karapatan deputy secre FOR KIDNAPPING (E WAS TEMPORARILY RELEASED TO tary general Roneo Clamor said allow him to participate in peace IN A STATEMENT 4HE TWO ARE FACING CHARGES negotiations in Oslo, Norway for violating Republic Act (RA) IN After Duterte terminated the 10915 or the Comprehensive peace talks between the two par- Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act of 2013, RA 9516 or TIES 'AMARA WENT INTO HIDING /N THE OTHER HAND "ALAGAT IS “Illegal Possession of Explosives the provincial chairman of the and violation of the Omnibus Cooperative Development Coun- %LECTION #ODE u CATHERINE S. VALENTE cil of Cavite and vice chairman of AND ROY D.R. NARRA the Regional Co-op Development


of “committing crimes within the jurisdiction� OF THE )## 4HE COMMUNICATION TO )## #HIEF 0ROSECUTOR &ATOU "ENSOUDA WAS kLED TWO DAYS BEFORE THE Philippines’ withdrawal from the Rome Statute, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE )## TOOK EFFECT Del Rosario and Carpio-Morales explained how China’s plan to control the disputed waters constituted “crimes against humanity� within THE COURT S JURISDICTION 4HE TWO OFkCIALS SAID THEY WROTE ON BEHALF OF THE kSHERMEN gPERSECUTED AND INJUREDu BY OFkCIALS OF #HINA g4HE SITUATION PRESENTED IS BOTH UNIQUE AND relevant in that it presents one of the most massive, near permanent and devastating destruction of the environment in humanity’s history, which has not only adversely affected and inJURED MYRIAD GROUPS OF VULNERABLE kSHERMEN but present and future generations of people ACROSS NATIONS u THEY SAID Such acts “seriously undermined� food and energy security of the coastal nations in the South China Sea, including the Philippines, THEY CLAIMED g7E BELIEVE THAT THE GRAVE CONSEQUENCES OF THESE ACTIONS JUSTIFY THE (ONORABLE #OURT S INVOLVEMENT AS IT AFkRMS ONE OF THE PRINCIPLES OF the Rome Statute that ‘the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole must not go unpunished and their effective prosecution must be ensured,’� the COMMUNICATION ADDED Del Rosario and Carpio-Morales stressed that the crimes allegedly committed by the Chinese OFkCIALS gFALL WITHINu THE )## S JURISDICTION

“We urge you to initiate preliminary examination on this matter, if only so the Court can apprise itself of Chinese crimes committed not only against the Filipino people, but also against people of other nations, which crimes are already known to the international comMUNITY u THEY SAID g4HOUGH WIDELY PUBLICIZED THESE ATROCIOUSLY INHUMANE ACTIONS OF #HINESE OFkCIALS IN THE South China Sea and within Philippine territory remain unpunished, and it is only the ICC that can exact accountability on behalf of Filipinos and the international community, respecting THE RULE OF LAW u THEY ADDED China, however, is not a state party to the 2OME 3TATUTE On March 17, Manila formally withdrew from the Rome Statute amid an ICC investigation of President Rodrigo Duterte’s brutal war AGAINST ILLEGAL DRUGS -ANILA AND "EIJING HAD BEEN AT ODDS OVER THE 3OUTH #HINA 3EA UNTIL $UTERTE ASSUMED OFkCE IN AND DECIDED TO PRIORITIZE ECONOMIC TIES On July 12, 2016, the Permanent Court of ArBITRATION IN 4HE (AGUE 4HE .ETHERLANDS RULED that China has no legal basis to claim sovereign rights over most features of the busy waterway, SAID TO BE RICH IN MINERAL RESOURCES China has refused to recognize the (AGUE BASED TRIBUNAL S DECISION AND CONtinues to undertake expansion activities in THE DISPUTED WATERS $UTERTE WHO PREFERS CLOSER TIES WITH "EIJING had said he would invoke the arbitral court’s RULING AT SOME POINT IN THE FUTURE

Pagcor maintains intensified crackdown on money laundering 4(% 0(),)00).% !MUSEMENT AND 'AMING #ORP 0AGCOR ON 4HURSDAY AFfirmed its support to the government’s crackdown on illegal gambling and gamingrelated money-laundering ACTIVITIES IN THE COUNTRY Pagcor President Alfredo Lim said the state-owned firm had formed an antimoney laundering supervision department to thwart the funneling of illegal revenues through legitimate BUSINESSES AND BANKS “We ensur[e] that gaming operations nationwide will be protected by effective policies and procedures to support anti-money-laundering and any illegal activities,â€? Lim said during the Association of Southeast Asian Nations 3rd Gaming Summit in 0ASAY #ITY Lim, also the Pagcor chief operating officer, said strict REQUIREMENTS WERE BEING imposed on applicants who seek to be licensed as Philippine Offshore Gaming /PERATORS 0/'/ “One applicant did not make it‌we had to disapprove [the application] because we found out that one of the incorporators was wanted by the Interpol (International Criminal Police OrganizaTION u ,IM SAID Last year, Pagcor stepped up its crackdown against illegal online gaming operators, saying it raided some 170 establishments operating without licenses as of the FIRST SEMESTER

4HROUGH ITS #OMPLIANCE Monitoring and Enforcement Department, Pagcor ensures that POGO licensees operate within the bounds and limits of their offshore gaming licenses, comply with labor and immigration laws, and remit to government the proper TAXES Philippine offshore gaming firms cater primarily to the Chinese, through the INTERNET POGOs accounted for about P4 billion, or 7 percent, of 0AGCOR S 0 BILLION GROSS GAMING REVENUE “We have to be assured that the applicants have good standing and have to undergo a committee screenING u ,IM EXPLAINED On the second day of the SUMMIT 0ARAĂ„AQUE 2EP 'US 4AMBUNTING SAID THE (OUSE OF Representatives was considering the regulation of the online industry and the market for Filipinos due to the rise of ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES Pagcor, however, maintained that no regulation among Filipinos should be done as all POGO particiPANTS WERE FOREIGNERS “We do not allow Filipinos to engage in offshore gamING u ,IM SAID Asked whether Pagcor was willing to change that, he said it still needed to be discussed as the issue was “dynamic and we have to DECIDE AS THINGS COME u NEIL JAYSON N. SERVALLOS


Govt eyes new water agencies to solve crisis Council — bills that would create TWO SEPARATE BODIES INVOLVING WATER 4HE FIRST BILL HE SAID WOULD “act as the apex body for the water RESOURCES SECTOR u g4HIS AGENCY WILL CONSOLIDATE and reconcile water-related policy, planning and programming mandates of the different agencies involved in water resource MANAGEMENT )T WILL LIKEWISE ENSURE THE EFkCIENT ALLOCATION OF water resources across sectors,� .OGRALES ADDED On the other hand, the second body will be an independent and QUASI JUDICIAL BODY FOR WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION g4HE OFkCE WILL ENSURE QUALITY performance of water concessionaires and ensure transparency and predictability in economic regulation of water service providers,� .OGRALES SAID 4HE DRAFT BILLS CAME AFTER THE government submitted a draft Executive Order reconstituting the National Water Resources "OARD .72" WHICH WILL BE responsible for policy, directionsetting and integration of all government efforts pertaining to water, under the supervision of THE /FkCE OF THE 0RESIDENT Nograles said the draft bills were lOATED DURING A HIGH LEVEL INTER agency meeting on water security at the Department of National $EFENSE $.$ IN 1UEZON #ITY 4HE INTER AGENCY GROUP HEADed by the DND, involves at least AGENCIES Some of its members are the National Economic and Development Authority, and the departments of Agriculture, Energy, Environment and Natural 2ESOURCES (EALTH 0UBLIC 7ORKS AND (IGHWAYS AND 3CIENCE AND 4ECHNOLOGY .ATIONAL $ISASTER Risk Reduction and Management Council, Local Water Utilities Administration, Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System -733 AND .72"

Water department 4HE PRIVATE SECTOR ALSO RAISED THE need for a Department of Water to “harmonizeâ€? water management AND ENSURE AMPLE SUPPLY At the National Water SumMIT ALSO ON 4HURSDAY EXPERTS said creating a water department as well as a water regulatory commission would clarify the infrastructure and accountability for water resource management and provide a more efficient and effective governance IN THE SECTOR g4HE $EPARTMENT OF 7ATER aims to serve as the apex body for ALL WATER RELATED FUNCTIONS )T WILL harmonize and converge relevant policies and even strategies to develop, conserve and use water RESOURCES IN THIS COUNTRY u SAID $R William Dar, former Agriculture SECRETARY Former Environment secretary Elisea Gozun said the creation of an apex body for water was proposed in 1997 when the country was hit by a severe El .IĂ„O 3HE NOTED THAT THE DRAFT bill was prepared for the creation of Water Resources Authority of THE 0HILIPPINES AND WAS kLED IN "UT THE MEASURE GATHERED DUST IN #ONGRESS

Waive billing Meanwhile, the MWSS urged MaNILA 7ATER #O )NC NOT TO CHARGE its customers who were hit by SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS “If possible, waive or defer the billing; to protect customers with consumption of less than 10 CU M CUBIC METERS SINCE THEY usually belong to the low-income category,� MWSS chief regulator 0ATRICK ,ESTER 4Y TOLD REPORTERS ALSO ON 4HURSDAY  RALPH U. VILLANUEVA, EIREENE JAIREE GOMEZ AND JORDEENE B. LAGARE

˜ The Manila Times


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FRIDAY March 22, 2019

Pagcor taps 4 agencies vs illegal online gambling



HE Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corp. (Pagcor) has entered into a mutual cooperation agreement (MCA) with four government agencies to intensify the campaign against illegal online gambling.

Pagcor tapped the Philippine National Police, National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), Bureau of Immigration, and the Department of Justice to complete the interagency council that would crack down on prohibited online gaming activities, particularly offshore operations, said Andrea Domingo, Pagcor chairman and CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFkCER Fly-by-night operations were still active, but since gaming had been regulated, the illegal operators had transferred to Cambodia AND 6IETNAM $OMINGO SAID There are 57 licensed operators IN THE COUNTRY National Capital Region Police /FkCE CHIEF 'UILLERMO %LEAZAR said those engaged in illegal online gambling operate in “posh� VILLAGES Domingo said the problem persists because foreign offshore gaming operators could not be DEPORTED IMMEDIATELY Immigration chief Jaime Morente said that if a foreigner was found guilty, he or she should serve jail time before the bureau ACTS ON HIS OR HER DEPORTATION .") $IRECTOR $ANTE 'IERRAN

admitted that law enforcers were not“ubiquitous,� but stressed that the public also had a responsibility TO REPORT CRIMES The creation of the council was PURSUANT TO %XECUTIVE /RDER %/ 17, series of 2017, signed by PresiDENT 2ODRIGO $UTERTE ON &EB 2017, directing government agenCIES TO gSTRENGTHEN THE kGHT AGAINST illegal gambling and clarify the jurisdiction and authority of concerned agencies in the regulation and licensing of gambling and ONLINE GAMING FACILITIES u The member-agencies are responsible for sharing and gathering intelligence information, providing manpower required in the conduct of operations, implementing and investigation procedures such as digital forensic examination, gaming license validation and visa VERIkCATION AS WELL AS kLING OF appropriate charges against ilLEGAL OPERATORS Domingo said that the agreeMENT FORMALIZED THE COOPERATION among the member-agencies of THE TASK FORCE Under the MCA, Pagcor would provide funds for projects and OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE COUNCIL

Volunteers tour NLuzon to gather support for Bam #!-0!)'. VOLUNTEERS OF 3EN Paolo Benigno “Bam� Aquino 4th launched a four-day trip around .ORTHERN ,UZON TO CONSOLIDATE support and gather more volunTEERS TO BOOST HIS REELECTION BID From March 20 to 23, Aquino’s “Bamwagon� will go to Pangasinan, Benguet, Mountain Province, +ALINGA !PAYAO .UEVA 6IZCAYA .UEVA %CIJA AND "ULACAN WHERE the volunteers hope to gain more SUPPORT FOR !QUINO g'AGAWIN NAMIN ITO BILANG TUlong kay 3EN "AM na makabalik sa 3ENADO +AILANGAN NG TAUMBAYAN ang katulad ni 3EN "AM 7E WILL DO THIS TO HELP 3EN "AM TO RETURN TO THE 3ENATE 4HE PEOPLE NEED SOMEBODY LIKE 3EN "AM SAID Bianca Lacaba of Kaya Natin, one OF THE CONVENORS OF THE TRIP g7E WILL BE USING OUR OWN money and resources in this enDEAVOR 4HIS IS OUR WAY TO HELP 3EN "AM RETURN TO THE 3ENATE AND continue his work for the welfare of the Filipino people,� said lawyer

*ULZ %SQUIVAS %SQUIVAS SAID !QUINO DESERVES A second term, given his track record AND LEGISLATIVE ACCOMPLISHMENTS Aquino has admitted that being PART OF THE OPPOSITION WAS DIFkcult, but somebody had to put the government in check and make it ACCOUNTABLE FOR ITS ACTIONS “This is a gargantuan task, but still IT OUGHT TO BE DONE !ND SOMEBODY HAS GOT TO DO IT u THE SENATOR SAID He urged voters to select candidates who will work for the people’s welfare and uplift the LIVES OF &ILIPINO FAMILIES Aquino authored 35 laws, includING THE LANDMARK &REE #OLLEGE , AW He also pushed for the passage of THE 'O .EGOSYO !CT WHICH HAS ESTABlished more than 1,000 Negosyo CenTERS IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE COUNTRY If he wins a second term, Aquino vowed to push for reforms that would ensure good jobs for college and K to 12 graduates, enhance educational FACILITIES AND BENEkTS FOR TEACHERS JAVIER JOE ISMAEL

Scrap Meralco power deals, high court asked 4(% 3UPREME #OURT WAS URGED ON Thursday to nullify several deals MADE BY THE -ANILA %LECTRIC #OMPANY -ERALCO WITH OTHER kRMS THAT WOULD LEAD TO HIGHER POWER RATES "AYAN -UNA PARTY LIST 2EP Carlos Zarate and Chairman Neri #OLMENARES kLED A PETITION ASKING the High Court to void the order OF THE %NERGY 2EGULATORY #OMMISSION %2# THAT ALLOWED -ERALCO to enter into seven power supply AGREEMENTS 03!S UNDER YEAR contracts with affiliated power generating companies involving MEGAWATTS OF ELECTRICITY

Zarate and Colmenares claimed that Meralco’s negotiated contracts with its subsidiary companies were OVERPRICED BY AS MUCH AS PERCENT 4HE %2# ALSO ALLEGEDLY EXTENDed the competitive selection proCESS FOR -ERALCO AND ALLOWED 03!S that did not undergo the required COMPETITIVE BIDDING PROCESS g7E BELIEVE THAT SOME %2# OFkcials bent backwards several times to accommodate these Meralco POWER DEALS 7E REPEAT OUR VOW TO OPPOSE THESE 03!S AND HOLD OFkCIALS WHO ALLOW IT ACCOUNTABLE u #OLMENARES SAID GLEE JALEA



FRIDAY March 22, 2019

˜ The Manila Times

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E d i to r i a l The drug war now becomes the people’s war


ECENT developments in the war on illegal drugs, according to the authorities, signify the start of a new and critical phase in the anti-drug campaign. Success in this new engagement could make all the difference in the success of the entire struggle. It is vital for the whole society to stand behind the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) in the prosecution of the war. The new developments are almost too much to digest in one sitting: 1. President Rodrigo R. Duterte no less startled the nation with the revelation that Columbia cartels may also be operating in the country now. 2. PRRD released a new list of politicians and public OFkCIALS WHO ARE ALLEGEDLY INVOLVED OR COLLUDING IN THE illegal drugs trade. The narcolist names 46 politicians AND PUBLIC OFkCIALS MANY OF WHOM ARE RUNNING FOR election in the midterm polls in May. The list will be followed by a further disclosure of the names of judges, prosecutors, entertainers and media personalities who are allegedly involved in illegal drugs. 3. PDEA announced on Wednesday that it has seized 166 kilos of shabu worth P1.1 billion from a rented house in Ayala Alabang in Muntinlupa City. 4. PDEA Director General Aaron Aquino told the media that the authorities suspect the P1.1 billion cache of drugs may have come from the notorious Golden Triangle region. 5. PDEA seized blocks of cocaine found earlier on the coastlines of Quezon, Siargao, Dinagat Islands and Camarines to distract authorities from the entry of a bigger transshipment of drugs. 4HE CONkSCATED DRUGS IN !YALA !LABANG TELL A LOT ABOUT what is happening. Drugs previously seized in anti-drug operations in Mindanao had the same packaging method. Aquino said: “We have seizures somewhere in Mindanao that have the same packaging. That is why we have come up with an assessment that these drugs passed through our coastlines. This could be a case of ship-side smuggling coming from the Golden Triangle Region. “Such is the signature of the Golden Triangle Region. There were seizures having the same [signature] of drugs coming from Malaysia, Vietnam, Myanmar. There is a big possibility that they also came from the Golden Triangle Region.� The mention of both Columbia and the Golden Triangle underlines in black and white how serious the drug problem is in the country. It shows how huge the stakes are, and how calamitous the problem danger is. It was Aquino who disclosed to the media that the drug war has entered a new phase that is critical in every way. He explained that the drug campaign has shifted its focus to the supply of illegal drugs in the country, away from the earlier emphasis on the demand for illegal drugs by drug users and addicts. In turning their attention to the drug supply, the authorities are going full throttle to stop the supply of drugs to the LOCAL MARKET BY THE DRUG CARTELS TRAFkCKERS AND PUSHERS 4HEY ARE kNALLY GOING AFTER THE DRUG SYNDICATES IN dead earnest. The discovery of drugs in Ayala Alabang means the drug problem hits and affects all strata of Philippine society. From the slums to the condominiums, to the gated communities, the drug menace threatens everyone. .O ONE CAN BE UNINVOLVED IN THE kGHT AGAINST ILLEGAL DRUGS This is not just Rodrigo Duterte’s war. This is a war of all our people against illegal drugs. ~

FRIDAY March 22, 2019

The Manila Times


DANTE A. ANG, Chairman Emeritus RENE Q. BAS, Publisher Emeritus NERILYN A. TENORIO, Publisher-Editor ARNOLD E. BELLEZA, Executive Editor FELIPE F. SALVOSA II, Managing Editor LEENA C. CHUA, News Editor LYNETTE O. LUNA, National Editor TESSA MAURICIO-ARRIOLA, Lifestyle Editor PERRY GIL MALLARI, Sports Editor LEA MANTO-BELTRAN, Supplements Editor JOMAR CANLAS, Chief of Reporters RENE H. DILAN, Chief Photographer DANTE F. M. ANG 2ND, President and CEO BLANCA C. MERCADO, #HIEF /PERATING /FkCER RODA A. ZABAT, Advertising Director VICENTE P. CRUZ, JR., Circulation Director DENISE O. CALNEA, Marketing Communications and Services Director Telephone All Departments: 524-5665 to 66; Subscription: 524-5664 Local 222 Advertising: 524-5664 Local 121 Telefax: 310-5895 or e-mail XXX NBOJMBUJNFT OFU t F NBJM OFXTEFTL!NBOJMBUJNFT OFU Letters to the Editor THE MANILA TIMES is published daily at 2/F Sitio Grande, 409 A. Soriano Avenue, Intramuros, Manila 1002 The owners, managers, publishers and editors do not necessarily share the opinions expressed and the statements made by individual authors of columns, commentaries and other articles published in The Manila Times.

National migraine?


UR makwento President continues to be too talkative for comfort, from where I sit. Better left unsaid for instance: “I don’t care if priests die,� prattled he. Petty. Divisive. Needless negativity offensive to practicing, if trying-hard, Catholics. ) SEE NO BENEkT FROM WHAT MAY arguably be pasable for a parochial city meyor. But, a very busy Pangulo is nobler, and expected to stick to the high ground, beginning in language, as a role model for the youth we try hard to teach to be empathetic, kind, courteous AND CONSIDERATE 2EPETITIVE VILIkCAtion does not become a Prez, who is Prez of all our people, and Digong vowed, on June 30, 2016, to do justice to everyone. John Donne may be said to differ with our quarrelsome Prez, saying no man is an island entire of itself and everyone’s death diminishes him. Pugnacious candidate Digong vowed to feed and fatten the kSH IN -ANILA "AY WITH THE CARcasses of hundreds of thousands of druggies. Piscean tummies would be the graveyard of druggies, who are weak and frail, and need sympathy and rehab, and not time in our stinking overcrowded underfunded rotten jails, with no meaningful rehab programs. An inmate goes in a human being, and may go out a brute, or an animal. Digong, who suffers from assaults of migraine, to some, may


T.G.I.F. RENE SAGUISAG have become our national headache. (Daughter Sara seems to say there’s a better policy than honesty, another conceivable migraine-trigger.) He has had to skip certain very recent events because of a headache, affecting many things, such as moods, but not many people may feel bothered in our society in decay. He uses the powerful Fentanyl for his back pain but has withdrawn support for medical marijuana, a proven painkiller to others. He, with his doctors, should share the pain of the sick and their families. Compassion is a desideratum. In late 1985, Macoy’s kidney doctor, Dr. Potenciano Baccay, talked about the former’s ailment, and was terminated with extreme prejudice, kidnapped, salvaged and silenced forever, brutally. Digong’s doctors natcherly would not want a similar fate (bound by a nylon cord, stabbed to death with 20 knife wounds, in the van of the murdered National Kidney Foundation veep), leaving it to Dr. Salvatore Fun-nello to assure the public that the Prez has no major health issue. But, contortionist comedian Sal is not even a horse doctor.

Tomorrow, health issues allowing (I remain basically dayto-day), I plan to make a sentimental journey home to one of my alma maters, the UniVERSITY OF .EGROS /CCIDENTAL 2ECOLETOS IN "ACOLOD 5./ 2 PLAIN 5./ IN MY TIME THERE There, I had my freshman law and edited the school paper in 19591960. I had obtained my BA in 1959 in San Beda, where I returned for sophomore law, in 1960, to our 1963 graduation. My Daddy was helping supervise the engineering aspect of the concreting of the Bacolod airport. We lived at the construction site, in a ramshackle structure. After evening class, I worked as a security guard assisting a Caviteùo (Mang Fred Santos, and a lagalag from Taytay, Rizal), and was promoted to night checker of sand and gravel deliveries (checker was my Capitol Hills golf course 1962 summer job also, between my junior and senior law in San Beda, having been promoted from planting grass — PDEA, talaga pong damo, ha? — in senior law, and after the 1963 bar exam, I worked as a FULL TIME MESSENGER IN THE LAW kRM of Dean Feliciano Jover Ledesma, for baon and merienda). 5./ S 0ROF 4UTING OR 4UTay?) Kilayko was the source of a speech intro that could get me into trouble today. He said a good talk should be like a good bath-

ing suit, long enough to cover the subject and short enough to be interesting. In the early 1980s I tried that line in the US and was gently chided and counselled by a feminist, to avoid it. I considered myself told, until today. An atavistic relapse. Sorry. Joe Montalbo, Jr. was my Bacolod civil law teacher, who, along with others, validated what Henry Brooks Adams said, that a teacher affects eternity; he never KNOWS WHERE HIS INlUENCE STOPS /UR .EWSETTE FACULTY ADVISER WAS gentle, able and pert Tita Hojilla from Maryknoll, about my age, and when the ed-in-chief left within the schoolyear, I took over. I understand she became a nun and passed away in Latin America. Prof. Arsenio(?) AcuĂąa, from Laguna, I recall, told our class in criminal law that if we MASTERED THE kRST ARTICLES OF the Revised Penal Code, that was all we needed to know, I was astounded that the colLEGE SONG IN 5./ 2 the “Blue and the Gold,â€? was identical to San Beda’s the “Red & the 7HITE u /UR CLASS TOOK PART IN a glee club contest and I cannot forget how hard we trained to belt out “Stout-hearted Men.â€? So much for nostalgia. (I had to narrate above, just in case I am unable to fly out to Bacolod tomorrow, and to replicate the war stories Mon Tulfo and


Count the summer blessings

UDDENLY but inevitably, SUMMER IS UPON US 4HE kRST sign was the incipient higher temperatures toward noon and the second was the precipitate descent of water rationing in the eastern part of Metro Manila where I live. My garden is now dry and brown and it will be survival of THE kTTEST FOR THE PLANTS /RCHIDS will have some used dishwater every few days. They are rainforest plants and in the lowlands need special attention. Gardening will consist of sweeping away dead leaves, which seem to be more than usual this year. /NE WONDERS WHERE ALL THAT RAIN water went in the months of the wet season. Why could it not be impounded if not in large dams that seem to be in the planning for years now? Couldn’t some of that rain water have ended up at least in impoundments and small reservoirs that should not inconvenience where they will be located for being small and useful? The truth is, we cannot live according to the standards and habits of the past. The conditions of the present are different. There is climate change, there is more demand for water and other resources. We have a growing population that needs more lessons on respect for Nature. We have to accept that NATURAL RESOURCES CAN BE kNITE AND must be conserved. The use of wa-

AMBIENT VOICES MA. ISABEL ONGPIN ter, for one, must be rationalized with the target of conservation by both big and small users. Awareness and education must be drummed into the general public and each individual must be convinced he or she is a stakeholder that needs to do his or her share. Let us hope that public information and political will can do their part. Having said that, let us try to enjoy the summer. Heat can be mitigated by natural means like shade, swimming, hydration and judicious outside activities. Use loose clothing of light colors. Protect your head, eyes and skin from the sun by not challenging it at its zenith in the later morning and early afternoon hours. Meanwhile, note our summer colors. The narra trees are beginning to show their blooms, the banaba flowers are already out and the mango trees are in the early stages of fruiting. Soon the golden showers will come on, turning unprepossessing trees into chandeliers of yellow beads. If one has a summer vacation like schoolchildren do, travel to other parts of the country. Most of the

country has places for visitors to enjoy and amenities, whether simple or luxurious or in-between, for every kind of traveler to afford and enjoy. Day outings to one place like from Manila to Laguna or Cavite or Batangas should not be too difficult to organize or finance. My dressmaker has abruptly gone on vacation as her cousin from Dubai arrived and wanted to go to Boracay. She was invited gratis et amore. Boracay can accommodate the big and the small, that is what has made it such an iconic place for all of us, the new Baguio. And Baguio still lures everyone. While the residents complain about overdevelopment and observers shake their heads, the crowds still come and bear the discomforts for the experience of highland air and the highland sights. They look at the bright side. 4HERE WILL BE kESTAS AND FESTIvals that can be enjoyed by all. Some will come to Manila from the provinces for activities like trade fairs and cultural events. /THERS WILL BE OUT OF -ANILA FOR other events like the Moriones in Marinduque, the Flores de Mayo and Santacruzans everywhere, the Fiber Festival of Aklan Province, the San Isidro Fiesta in Lucban and many more provincial events that are hospitable to visitors. Check out places out of Manila like Mindanao and Palawan, too, with their urban progress in cities

like Davao and Puerto Princesa as well as rural vacation spots in Bohol, Cebu, Leyte, the Negros provinces. There is plenty to see in this country and very beautiful sights to savor that one can just stumble upon if adventurous enough to take to the road or the air. We, of course, have to accommodate the mid-term elections this summer. Enjoy the television ads of the candidates. They are creative and entertaining. But do not believe everything you see or hear that they say. And remember, only the very moneyed candidates can afford the ad blitz. Figure out where the wherewithal that pays for them comes from. It will be your considered judgment if they are from legitimate or illegitimate sources. That should be part of the fun of watching summer television as well as judging electoral messages around you. And your summer task is to choose the right candidates to take us on the journey to the future, a future that will be necessarily different because of the new and DIVERSE FACTORS THAT WILL DEkNE IT and therefore, will need leaders that can accept it and manage it for the greater good of all of us. Conserve water, enjoy the blessings of summer and be a sober and judicious voter for your country and your fellow Filipinos and yourself in the long run.

˜ The Manila Times

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FRIDAY March 22, 2019


Senate’s profligate P15B-edifice a lesson for nation It will be a stunning lesson that will drive into Filipinos’ consciousness a reality that has been hidden from them through the rhetoric of “democracy�: We are really ruled by a small, exclusive, clubbish political elite — the Senate being one of its prime institutions — who don’t really have the masses’ welfare in their heart of hearts. Instead it’s fool them in the way Senate President Vicente 3OTTO RD JUSTIkED THAT MONUMENT to their superegos, when he said it will be an “illustrious home to the servants of the people.� Give me a break. There has been no senator who became a senator because he wanted to be a “servant� of the people. Next to the presidency, it is the highest form in this country of building up one’s ego. After achieving that goal, maybe then they serve the people, especially since appearing to do so helps them get reelected. The obvious belief of our senators: “We are the gods of the country’s political Olympus. We can do what we want. Rant as long as you like.� The many comments posted in my column on this topic on Wednesday, and even in the Facebook posting of the Manila Bulletin newspaper on its new story that simply announced the groundbreaking

FOR THE EDIkCE SHOW CITIZENS SO ANGRY at the new Senate building. Just a few examples: — From Joel Vergel de Dios: "And what timing! Building this now when we see how useless most of these senators are?!Have some empathy for your countrymen who need this money more than you do! I hope your new eco building includes a mini crocodile farm to toss these creatures into!" — Herman Laurel: "The new EDIkCE IS A MONUMENT TO SENATORSf cynical self-indulgence." — From “El Presco� President: Duterte, please declare now rev govt and abolish congress, clampdown the media. Imagine the cost of this building for the likes of lito lapid, bong revile, jinggoy, pacman, hontiveros, pangilinan, soto, lacson, honasan, trillanes, nancy binay, villar, drilon? Susmaryosep." — “Scor Cesse�: This is madness!!! Pure madness. Apat na building may common parking para 24 senators sapat na ang isang building. P2bn pesos malaki na yun. Sana ipatigil ni DU30." Lacson, principal architect of the proposal, hasn’t responded at all to my criticisms of his planned P15BILLION MONUMENT TO PROlIGACY (E can advance such arguments until he

turns black and blue, that it will give the hardworking senators a better working environment, that they won’t have to work, as Sen. Win Gatchalian put it, in building with “claustrophobic� halls, that the building will be admired by foreign visitors. All such arguments are debunked by one phrase: Not at this time. There are more urgent uses for P15 billion at this time, for instance programs to alleviate poverty and eliminate diseases, to build our rundown infrastructure, or to enforce our sovereignty in the Spratlys. There will obviously be a time when we must build the kind of MAGNIkCENT #ONGRESS BUILDING THE SENATORS WANT FOR THEIR OFkCES NOW Perhaps when we have inarguably moved to developed-nation status. But that time is not now. There are two aspects to the Senate’s insistence on building LUXURIOUS OFkCES FOR THEM THAT ARE troubling. One reveals the sad fact that the Senate is an exclusive club, whose members are clubbish. Not even such senators as Dick Gordon and Manny Pacquiao have spoken in public to oppose the building of an expensive headquarters. This means that if there is a small group of senators proposing some-

thing, other senators would support it as long as it doesn’t affect their own interests. They do this in the expectation that when they in turn have their own proposals, the others won’t say something bad about it. This is dangerous to a democracy. Our Senate more often isn’t really a deliberative body, but a scratch-myback-I’ll-scratch-yours club. A second aspect involves the question: “Why are they rushing the building of new headquarters at this time when in just three months, half of the Senate could be different people?� Is the present Senate afraid that their decision to build a P15BILLION EDIkCE WOULD BE REVERSED by more responsible senators? Or is there something else in committing to a certain contractor to start building it now? This thing is one reason for me to vote for senators everyone President Duterte — who has expressed no fondness for the Senate — has endorsed. If he says that it is time to abolish the Senate, I’m sure his people in that chamber will work to do so.

Email: tiglao.manilatimes@ Facebook: Rigoberto Tiglao Twitter: @bobitiglao Archives at:


US-led forces oust IS but victory may not last

Q President Donald Trump holds up a chart documenting ISIS land loss in Iraq and Syria as he delivers remarks at the Lima Army Tank Plant on Wednesday, March 20, 2019, in Lima, Ohio. AP PHOTO/EVAN VUCCI WASHINGTON, DC: In a campaign that spanned five years and two US presidencies, unleashed more than 100,000 bombs and killed untold numbers of civilians, the US military engineered the destruction of the Islamic State group’s self-proclaimed empire in Iraq and Syria. That’s a military success, but not necessarily one that will last. The Islamic State group is down, but it is not done. President Donald Trump on 7EDNESDAY lASHED A COLOR CODED map to illustrate what he called the imminent demise of IS in its last speck of Syrian territory. At its peak, in 2014-15, it controlled an area the size of Britain across Syria and Iraq and launched a series of terrorist attacks around the world. (IS SUGGESTION OF kNALITY FOR the anti-IS struggle, however, seemed premature. If history is a guide, the reconquering of IS-held territory may prove a short-lived victory unless Iraq and Syria fix the problem that gave rise to the extremist MOVEMENT IN THE kRST PLACE GOVernments that pit one ethnic or sectarian group against another. The USmilitary has been through this scenario before. In 2001, after the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington, the US invaded Afghanistan, ousted the ruling Taliban regime in a matter of weeks and installed Hamid Karzai as the country’s leader. The war seemed over. But

the Taliban regrouped while Washington shifted its attention to Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, and by 2009 the top U.S. commander in Kabul was calling the war a stalemate. The U.S. military is still in Afghanistan amid uncertain peace prospects. The Iraq experience followed a similar path. The US military had seemingly conquered the Sunni insurgency in Iraq by 2011 after eight years of war. American forces departed, only to see sectarian tensions revive and provide an opening for Syria-based IS to take over large parts of Iraq in 2014. As Army Gen. Lloyd Austin, architect of the plan for defeating IS in Iraq and Syria, put it in 2015, the majority of Sunnis in Iraq simply REFUSED TO kGHT FOR THEIR GOVERNMENT when IS swept across the Euphrates and took control of much of the country’s north and west. “They allowed — and in some cases facilitated — ISIS’s push through the country,� Austin said. The reason for their complicity, though he didn’t say it, was a deep Sunni distrust of Shiite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. President Barack Obama, who had called the 2003 US invasion of Iraq a mistake, sent small numbers of US military advisers back to Iraq in the summer of 2014, followed by an air campaign. This time a new approach was adopted: train and EQUIP THE )RAQIS TO DO THE kGHTING RATHER THAN DO THE kGHTING FOR them. Thus was born a counter-IS

strategy that ultimately prevailed in both Iraq and Syria. The problem now is achieving the political goal of reconciling the rival internal groups in both countries. Stephen Biddle, a professor of international and public affairs at Columbia University, sees a strong chance that IS will remain an insurgent threat in Iraq and Syria with an intensity that is likely to grow. “If it gets worse, which it probably will, then I suspect that analysts in 2025 looking back on this will see the eviction of ISIS from its last contiguous territory and the associated American celebrations as yet another example of overly narrow, shortsighted reactions to secondary events,� Biddle wrote in an email exchange. Brett McGurk, the former special US envoy to the counter-IS coalition, wrote on Twitter Wednesday that the Islamic State group is “near finished� in Syria “thanks to the campaign plan designed under Obama and carried forward under Trump.� McGurk, who resigned in December after Trump abruptly declared that American forces would withdraw entirely, said the military success “requires follow-through.� A new analysis by the Institute for the Study of War says IS is reestablishing insurgent networks in historical strongholds in northern Iraq and setting the stage for future attacks on the Iraqi government. “The US and its partners should not view the current relative security in "AGHDAD AS CONkRMATION OF THE DEFEAT

of ISIS,� the Institute’s Brandon Wallace wrote in a recent analysis. Gen. Joseph Votel, who oversees US military operations in the Middle East as commander of Central Command, told Congress earlier this month that extremism in Iraq and Syria is a “generational problem.� When the US military began its counter-IS campaign it focused mainly on Iraq, in part because Baghdad itself seemed in danger. The going was slow, and in May 2015 the whole effort appeared in doubt when Iraqi defenders were routed at Ramadi. The U.S. defense secretary at the time, Ash Carter, questioned the Iraqis’ will to kGHT BUT GRADUALLY THE TIDE BEGAN TO turn in their favor. The Syria campaign also began slowly and was marked by startling setbacks. In September 2015, Austin, the commander of US Central Command, acknowledged during congressional testimony that despite hopes of putting several thousand US-backed Syrian rebels into battle against IS, THEY HAD MANAGED ONLY FOUR OR kVE “This is a total failure,� Sen. Jeff Sessions, D-Ala., declared, prematurely. But the effort gained momentum, and by early 2016 the US had recruited and organized what came to be called the Syrian Democratic Forces, which US special operations troops trained, advised and assisted. Despite new complications on the BATTLEkELD SUCH AS 2USSIA S ENTRY INTO THE CONlICT THE CAMPAIGN METHODIcally recaptured IS territory and cut AP off the extremists’ lifelines.



Mindset and habits of mind Part 3


AVE we noted differences in how our learners think? Our learners have different mental habits. Given a problem which rests on some kind of choice to be made from several alternative actions or options, some learners would try suggesting a choice and would be ready to “defendâ€? the choice with a well-thought-out explanation. Others would stay silent and listen intently to the classmate whose turn is to argue. Another would voice disagreement, raise his/her hand to speak out what seems not acceptable and propose another choice. In such a scenario, one might say the class is alive. We wouldn’t label this a lousy class — no one seems to wait for the teacher to supply the answer to one’s own question. We feel lucky having such a lively interactive class. Time spent is not in vain. We may not be conscious of what indeed makes the difference — a silent or an interactive class. This difference is due to the students’ varying habits of mind and their respective mindsets. What is a mindset? A mindset and habit of mind are two related terms. A mindset is a mental attitude, a consistent internal motivation to engage problems in a certain way, such as having a tendency to either cope with a situation or run away from it. Hence, a mindset can be either positive or negative. It is a tendency or inclination, a belief that orients us to action or nonaction — urges us either to face a challenge or give up. A strong-thinking or “positive mindsetâ€? is an internal motivator to go through thinking our way to resolve “novel, high stakes, complex, questions in contexts of risk and uncertainty.â€? A “negative mindset,â€? or a weak mindset, discourages us from making UHĂ€HFWLYH MXGJPHQW ,W PDNHV XV avoid making a decision even if this were necessary, encouraging us to leave the response to chance. A healthy or positive or growth mindset summons our “intellectual behaviorsâ€? which lead to productive actions. It is these intellectual behaviors that we teachers should develop and nurture in our learners. As Carol Dweck points out in “A Summary of The Two Mindsets and The Power of Believing That You Can Improveâ€? “. . .the growth mindset creates a powerful passion for learning.â€? < /2015/03/carol-dweck-mindset/> Developing habits of mind. At one time or another, we must have experienced facing contrasting kinds of situations where each situation promises some advantages and disadvantages as well. We come face to face with uncertainties and we crack our head to arrive at a wise decision. We face a dilemma — a situation which calls for decisionmaking which leaves us a very narrow time to decide. If we stay calm as we confront these situations, if we collect our thoughts to have the most effective response, if we think through the problem, face it squarely, determine the pros and cons to arULYH DW D ZHOO WKRXJKW RXW MXGJPHQW then likely we have a healthy habit of mind that disposes us “toward

FLASHBACKS/ INSIGHTS TERESITA TANHUECOTUMAPON behaving intelligently, analyzing a problem.â€? A growth mindset spurs us to put into action our habits of mind, consisting of thinking skills, to intellectually confront a situation. A growth mindset makes us settle for no less than arriving at a better choice, the better win; ever VDWLVÂżHG WR ODQG RQ WKH WRS QHYHU settle for the mediocre. <http://the. com/habits-of-mind-strategies-fordisciplined-choice-making>. And when we do make a choice, this would have to be “ethical, committed, focused and honest.â€? A positive or growth mind-set ‘is the voice we hear within us which motivates us to go through thinking intellectuallyâ€? or if it is a negative mindset, discourages us to think through the problem, making us give up and face come what may. Bahala na! Evidently, a mindset which could be either a growth mindset or a negative mindset, shapes our habits of mind. Our mindset shapes “the life we lead, the actions we take and the future possibilities of the world we live in.â€? < BENEkT MINDSET THE NATURE OF MIND sets-18afba2ac890>. Implications to learners. In traditional educational settings, given premium was the number of correct answers learners come up with. But what about errors committed as leaners in coming up with their assigned lessons? Are these wrong answers simply marked with a cross usually in red pencil? Wouldn’t the wrong responses of learners become instead tools to start them off using thinking processes to arrive at the correct responses? Would learners kND OUT FROM US TEACHERS HOW THEIR essays were graded? That their answers were below the norms? What do such learners do — just hang their heads, keep silent, hide their papers from their peers and change the topic if the conversation veers towards how they performed or how well their essays fared? From the web, we have this advice: “When we teach the Habits of Mind, we are interested also in how students behave when they don’t know an answer. The Habits of Mind are performed in response to questions and problems, the answers to which are not immediately known. We are interested in enhancing the ways students produce knowledge rather than how they merely reproduce it. We want students to learn how to develop a critical stance with their work: inQUIRING EDITING THINKING lEXIBLY and learning from another person’s perspective. The critical attribute of intelligent human beings is not only having information but also knowing how to act on it.â€? “What behaviors indicate an efficient, effective thinker? What do human beings do when they behave intelligently?â€? < publications/books/108008/.../ Describing-the-Habits-of-Mind. aspx>. These questions are food for thought.



National migraine? Manong Emil Jurado wrote last Tuesday on their proletarian past.) Our fighting Prez must learn to heal, not kill. He should avoid saying, "[d]apat nga kayo ang pagbabarilin,� apostrophizing priests. He should not underrate the powerful effect of rhetoric on human conduct. King Henry 2nd wondered aloud who would rid him of a turbulent priest. And Canterbury Archbishop Thomas Becket was sent to the Promised Land by four knights who had considered themselves told. Less divisive prattling, more unifying healing, a consummation devoutly to be wished. Hindi po sana kunsumisyon, generated by our national migraine, father and daughter. Digong should not try to be bet-

ter than PNoy and all the way to Quezon. Rather, he should heed what iconic coach John Wooden learned from his father, an Indiana farmer: “Don’t try to be better than somebody else, but never cease trying to be the best you can be.� As I fantasize with my students — that we may never cease to dream. It helps, like legendary John Wooden, to be able to say: “Like my Father, Mother placed her faith in the Good Lord and they taught us to do the same.� Sara, please listen to Mama, and pass on to Papa. I want you to succeed in giving our people a better life, by the grace of a Compassionate Providence.



˜ The Manila Times

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FRIDAY March 22, 2019


Pyongyang sanctions workarounds failing to soften impact SEOUL: North Korea’s illicit and highly sophisticated efforts to circumvent UN sanctions may have sought to cushion their impact, but they offer no long-term solution to the fallout of tightened economic isolation, analysts say. Sanctions relief was top of leader Kim Jong Un’s agenda for his Hanoi summit with US President Donald Trump last month, but the meeting broke up without a statement or even a lunch as the two sides disagreed over walking back Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons programme in exchange for relaxation. The North publishes virtually no economic statistics of its own, but ACCORDING TO kGURES FROM #HINESE #USTOMS EXPORTS TO BY FAR ITS BIGgest trade partner have plummeted by more than 90 percent. 5NTIL ‡WHEN THE kGURES SAY THE .ORTH SOLD #HINA billion-worth of goods — the UN 3ECURITY #OUNCIL SANCTIONS LARGELY targeted technology that could be used for weapons development. Since then new measures have taken aim at a variety of broad economic sectors, including some of Pyongyang’s key foreign currency earners, with exports of coal, iron ore, seafood and other commodities banned, trade in textiles

blocked in both directions, and curbs on oil and fuel deliveries. %XPORTS TO #HINA WERE JUST MILLION LAST YEAR SAY THE #HINESE #USTOMS STATISTICS ‡ ALthough some observers question their reliability.

-AERSK SAID in a statement to AFP that its policy was “not to trade with North Koreaâ€? and that it had Due diligence “guidelines and processA report released last week by es in place to the UN’s independent Panel of ensure comExperts found that Pyongyang pliance with was employing increasingly sointernationphisticated and varied ways to al sanctions circumvent the rules, including and trade the “physical disguise of tankersâ€? controls.â€? and illegal name-changing, as But while well as ship-to-ship cargo transsanctions fers on the high seas. (UGH 'RIFkTHS THE COORDINATOR OF Q In a photo taken on Nov. 21, 2017 trucks leave North Korea’s Rason Special Economic Zone across were being “successfulthe UN panel, likened Pyongyang’s a bridge toward China’s border (top). AFP / ED JONES ly evaded on efforts to high-net-worth tax avoid- member-states in the region are vessel identity fraud as “the most ers and multinational corporations. allowing or aware of any systemic sophisticated caseâ€? it had yet seen, a case by case basis,â€? Griffiths “They are exploiting interna- import of coal onto their territory. which had “defeated the due dili- SAID g4HEY ARE WORKING AND “It all has to be primarily in in- gence efforts of the region’s lead- that’s very evident from the Hational waters and the offshore ternational waters through ship- ing commodity trader,â€? US and noi summit. What was the sole economy,â€? he told AFP. The North uses ship-to-ship to-ship transfers. It takes more Singaporean banks and “a leading demand of the North Koreans? That sanctions be lifted.â€? transfers for “most of its mari- time, more effort and more cost.â€? United Kingdom insurer.â€? The North was using “inThe world’s biggest container time related coal trade,â€? the report said, adding that “such creasingly advanced evasion shipping line has also been Not enough illegal deliveries became regular- techniquesâ€? to circumvent a cap caught up in the efforts, with OF BARRELS OF REFINED the UN report saying it had con- !NALYSTS SAY THE kVE SANCTIONS ized and systemic in 2018.â€? "UT 'RIFkTHS POINTED OUT g.O petroleum products imports a tinued to “unwittingly transport the North wanted withdrawn in prohibited items.â€? member-state has supplied me year, the panel said. Hanoi make up the bulk of the # O P E N H A G E N B A S E D ! 0 - pressure that has helped bring It described one example of with evidence to show that other

Belt and Road Initiative vs Washington Consensus BYÂ JOMO KWAME SUNDARAM KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: With the 7ASHINGTON #ONSENSUS FROM THE 1980s being challenged, President Donald Trump withdrawing the 5NITED 3TATES FROM THE 4RANS 0ACIkC 0ARTNERSHIP 400 AND #HINA PURsuing its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), most notably with its own initiatives such as the multilateral Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the political and economic landscape in East Asia continues to evolve. Jomo Kwame Sundaram was interviewed about likely implications for developing countries in the region and beyond.

Belt and Road Initiative What do you think of world growth prospects and China’s Belt and Road Initiative? Although there are some hopeful signs here and there, there are few grounds for much optimism around the North Atlantic (US and Europe) for various reasons. Unconventional monetary policies, especially quantitative easing (QE), have helped achieve a modest recovery in the US, but appears less likely to succeed elsewhere. Such measures have also accelerated massive wealth concentration, which is why a few of the world’s richest men own more than the bottom half of the world’s population. The situation is more promising IN %AST !SIA DUE TO #HINA S DIMINished but sustained growth, and its almost unique rising labor share of NATIONAL INCOME -OST IMPORTANTLY FOR OTHERS #HINA HAS BEEN WILLING TO kNANCE MASSIVE INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS ALTHOUGH THIS HAS GIVEN rise to a host of problems. For EXAMPLE #HINESE CONTRACTORS ARE KNOWN FOR USING #HINESE MATErial and human resources as far as possible, minimizing multiplier BENEkTS FOR HOST ECONOMIES ! FEW YEARS AGO #HINA S AMBASSADOR TO Tanzania publicly apologized for THE CONDUCT OF #HINESE FIRMS IN Africa, but most others tend to see ALL #HINESE IN MONOLITHIC TERMS -EANWHILE 53 %UROPEAN *APAnese, Indian and other competition FOR INlUENCE HAVE HELPED INCREASED options for other developing countries. However, it is not yet clear THAT #HINA S "2) AND �ALTERNATIVE GLOBALIZATION� WILL BE ENOUGH TO sustain rapid progress in the region.

Trade liberalization? You once said that “If President‌ Trump lives up to his campaign rhetoric, all plurilateral and multilateral free trade agreements will be affected.â€? Now, with the US

having withdrawn from the TPP, why are the Japanese, Australians and Singaporeans still pushing for the CPTPP (Comprehensive and Progressive TPP) with all the others without the US? It must be emphasized that the US, the EU and Japan have done little to advance trade multilateralism and keep the promise of the Doha Round of World Trade OrGANIZATION NEGOTIATIONS lAWED AS they are against developing country INTERESTS -EANWHILE THE *APANESE Australians and Singaporeans are TRYING TO HYPE UP THE #0400 AS A POLITICAL COUNTERWEIGHT TO #HINA But as a trade agreement, it will not do much except to strengthen foreign corporate power and further weaken governments, e.g., through its investor state dispute settlement (ISDS) provisions. Why will the CPTPP have little impact on growth, but will strengthen the power of foreign enterprises? Let us be clear that even with THE ORIGINAL 400 ALL PROJECTIONS including the most optimistic ones BY THE 0ETERSON )NSTITUTE PROJECTED very modest economic growth attributable to trade liberalization. US GOVERNMENT PROJECTIONS WERE MUCH MORE MODEST !BOUT PERCENT OF THE 0ETERSON )NSTITUTE S PROJECTED Ă?GROWTH GAINSĂ? WERE ATTRIBUTED TO Ă?NON TRADE MEASURES Ă? MAINLY broadening and strengthening intellectual property rights (IPRs) and foreign corporate legal rights against host governments with its ISDS provisions, which they are promoting as features for so-called 21st century free trade agreements. So, for example, if stronger IPRs raise the prices of medicines, the value of trade will also rise! With ISDS, if a government decides to ban the use of a toxic agrochemical to protect farm workers and consumers for instance, it will have to compensate THE SUPPLIER FOR LOSS OF PROkTSĂœ

effects when it has clearly accelerated concentration of power and wealth, albeit with the rapid ascendance of innovative new players able to quickly consolidate lucrative monopolies. I wish the new multilateral development banks would be bolder, but thus far, they have largely chosen to work within the dominant framework shaped by the Washington #ONSENSUS PROBABLY TO SECURE MARKET CONkDENCE #REDIT FROM #HINA S BANKS USUALLY BENEkTING #HINA S CORPORATIONS is far more important than what the AIIB and NDB offer. Of course, LENDING BY #HINA S BANKS HAS UNdermined the BWIs’ monopolies, AND THIS HAS ALREADY BEEN RElECTED by new policy initiatives by the West and Japan, e.g., to more generously PROVIDE INFRASTRUCTURE kNANCE -EANWHILE THE 7ORLD "ANK HAS aligned itself more closely with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in order to provide its new initiatives to promote market-based PRIVATE kNANCE SUCH AS SECURITIES and derivatives besides public private partnerships.

Capital controls

You have pointed out that both SRUWIROLR LQYHVWPHQW LQĂ€RZV WR GHveloping countries have in recent years. Do you think it appropriate to resume capital controls, as Malaysia did during the 1997-1998 $VLDQ ÂżQDQFLDO FULVLV WR FRXQWHU FDSLWDO RXWĂ€RZV" 7ITH EVEN #HINA REINTRODUCING capital controls, it is important to consider such options. I have long ADVOCATED COUNTERCYCLICAL Ă?CAPITAL ACCOUNT MANAGEMENTĂ? TO SMOOTHEN kNANCIAL CYCLES RATHER THAN TO ONLY impose controls after a crisis, as effective capital account management MUST BE PRO ACTIVE AGILE AND lEXIBLE Almost by definition, capital account management is context SPECIkC 4HERE ARE FEW Ă?ONE SIZE kTS International financial ALLĂ? RULES 7HAT ) SPECIkCALLY CALLED institutions for in the early and mid-1990s is probably no longer relevant or apDo you think the Washington Con- propriate. The challenge is not to sensus is threatened by South-led expect the last crisis to recur, but to ÂżQDQFLDO LQVWLWXWLRQV OLNH WKH $VLDQ protect national economic progress Infrastructure Investment Bank from likely future threats. and New Development Bank? #APITAL INFLOWS TO SUSTAINABLY !LTHOUGH STILL VERY INlUENTIAL THE enhance the real economy should 7ASHINGTON #ONSENSUS IS ACKNOWL- be prioritized, not portfolio flows edged to have been superseded by new which tend to be speculative, easpolicy prescriptions. Despite recent ily reversible, and do not enhance ethnonationalist Western reactions, the real economy. IPS all too many developing country governments still believe that further Jomo Kwame Sundaram, a former trade liberalization will boost growth. economics professor, was United -EANWHILE FINANCIAL GLOBALIZATION Nations Assistant Secretary-Gencontinues despite its adverse effects for eral for Economic Development, growth, stability and equity. and received the Wassily Leontief Now, digital globalization is sup- Prize for Advancing the Frontiers posed to have wonderful progressive of Economic Thought.

Kim to the table, and without them the US would lose leverage. The current sanctions were the “most excruciating� the North had yet faced, said Jeong Hyung-gon of the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, and the “dramatic� drop in its exports to #HINA gUNDERSCORES THE EFFECTIVENESS OF "EIJING S ENFORCEMENTu Under-the-table trade would always fall far short of offsetting LOST OFkCIAL REVENUES SAID #HEONG 3EONG #HANG A SENIOR RESEARCHER AT THE PRIVATE 3EJONG )NSTITUTE And those earnings were “not enough� for North Koreans, especially for those in the ruling class, he added. Last April Kim declared the development of his nuclear program complete and said that “socialist economic construction� was now Pyongyang’s top priority. He has slowly introduced some liberalizing economic reforms in recent years, and the North regularly stresses that it wants to improve its citizens’ livelihoods. But “no matter how hard the regime tries to get around the sanctions,�said Koh Yu-hwan, professor of North Korean studies at Dongguk University, without relief from the restrictions Kim’s economic goals were “doomed to fail�. AFP

Depression is more than a stigma BY MANOJ K. PANDEY, VANI S. KULKARNI AND RAGHAV GAIHA CANBERRA, Philadelphia and Manchester $EPRESSION is often distinguished from other noncommuNICABLE DISEASES OR .#$S E G CANCER DIABETES cardiovascular diseases, hypertension) because of the stigma attached to it. Among other consequences, those suffering from depression are often denied access to medical care. Indeed, the latter is an outcome of interaction between supply of and demand for medical care. On the provider side, stigmatizing attitudes by service PROVIDERS ARE IDENTIkED AS A BARRIER TO ACCESS /N the demand side, stigma and low mental health LITERACY BY COMMUNITY MEMBERS ARE JUST AS EMphatically reported as barriers to accessing care. But there are striking similarities between dePRESSION AND OTHER .#$S TOO 4HERE ARE STRONG inter-relationships between them (e.g., between depression and cancer, depression and diabetes, depression and strokes). -ANY .#$S SHARE COMMON RISK FACTORS SUCH as tobacco use, physical inactivity, and unhealthy diets that are associated with cardiovascular DISEASES #6$S DIABETES AND CANCER 4HE 3OUTH African adult population has high levels of these risk factors, and large proportions of the disease BURDEN CAN BE ATTRIBUTED TO THESE MODIkABLE RISK FACTORS -ENTAL DISORDERS INCREASE THE RISK OF ALL these diseases, which in turn increase the risk of mental disorders (Patel et al. 2018 a). Our recent study focuses on the association FROM DEPRESSION TO OTHER .#$S BASED ON A STATE OF ART ANALYSIS OF THE kVE WAVES OF THE National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS) panel SURVEY DATA FOR 3OUTH !FRICAN ADULTS YEARS and above) for 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 0ANDEY ET AL .#$ OUTCOMES are the dependent variable with depression in the initial year and other explanatory variables that vary with time or do not. Examples of the former include age, wealth, whether living alone AND AFkLIATION TO SOCIAL NETWORKS AND OF THE latter gender and ethnicity. Although much has BEEN WRITTEN ON THE ASSOCIATION FROM .#$S TO depression, the research on the reverse associaTION FROM DEPRESSION TO .#$S REMAINS PATCHY Hence the focus here is on the latter. There are robust associations from depression TO OTHER .#$S IN 3OUTH !FRICA 7ITH CONTROLS for socioeconomic factors, the initial condition of moderate and severe depression is robustly ASSOCIATED WITH .#$S SUCH AS HIGH BLOOD PRESsure, stroke, heart diseases, cancer and at least ONE .#$ IN SUBSEQUENT YEARS 4HIS RESULT IS also consistent for mental health conditions where poor baseline mental health condition INCREASES THE RISK OF .#$S LATER -OREOVER THE RISK OF .#$S IS HIGHER WHEN SEVERE DEPRESSION or poor mental health conditions are present WITH OR WITHOUT .#$S ‡ WITH A SLIGHTLY LARGER risk when severe mental health conditions coOCCUR WITH AN .#$ IN THE INITIAL YEAR Although there is no evidence of a gradient BETWEEN .#$S AND WEALTH QUARTILES THERE ARE A few striking contrasts. Relative to the wealthiest IN THE TOP PERCENT BRACKET OR TH QUARTILE THE LEAST WEALTHY BOTTOM PERCENT FIRST quartile) are less likely to suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke, while those in the second quartile show a lower risk of stroke. 3O THE PROPOSITION THAT .#$S ARE DISEASES OF AFlUENCE CANNOT BE REJECTED OUTRIGHT Relative to the Africans, the Whites are less likely to suffer from diabetes but more vulnerable to heart diseases, cancer and at least one

.#$ 4HE #OLOREDS HAVE HIGHER RISKS OF .#$S while the Asians/Indians are more vulnerable to diabetes and heart related problems. At older ages, the proportion of black Africans is higher than it was previously which accounts for the decrease in lung cancer because black Africans have a lower rate of smoking than White and #OLORED PEOPLE 4HE 3OUTH !FRICAN )NDIAN COMmunity is more insulin resistant than other ethnic groups and therefore at greater risk of diabetes type 2 and ischaemic heart disease. The Lancet #OMMISSION ON GLOBAL MENTAL health and sustainable development (2018) AND 7(/ REPORT ADVERSE IMPACTS ON THE HEALTH OF THE CAREGIVERS #ARING FOR A PERSON WITH A CHRONIC DISABLING .#$ OR MENTAL DISORDER such as cancer or dementia, is stressful and associated with an increased risk of chronic health problems, including depression, hypertension, sleeping problems and fatigue; increased use of psychotropic drugs; and premature mortality. Indeed, such indirect impacts on caregivers, who are often members of the patient’s household, result in sick households. 4HE -ENTAL (EALTH #ARE !CT OF IN South Africa requires that service users undergo a 72-hour emergency management and observation period for involuntary admissions to designated general district and regional hospitals across the country, before they are referred to specialist psychiatric hospitals. However, implementation remains daunting, with inadequate infrastructure and specialist staff. Indeed, several studies are emphatic that this requirement has negatively affected the quality of care provided (Petersen et al. 2017). A policy shift from a singular disease focus to individual patient as one unit is needed. In the South African context, for example, diabetes and depression are separated within the healthcare institution so that someone with depressive symptoms during routine diabetes care does not simultaneously get medical attention for the former. Of particular importance is integraTION OF DEPRESSION AND .#$ CARE IN PRIMARY health care with a view to increasing prevention, screening, self-management, treatment and REHABILITATION IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE EQUITABLE EFkcient and quality health services in South Africa. Arguably, simultaneous medical care for mental DISORDER AND OTHER .#$S ALSO HAS CONSIDERABLE potential for overcoming the stigma of a mental disorder. However, the integration has been impeded by lack of trained doctors and nurses, essential equipment, its poor maintenance and adequate funding. A case could be made for substantially higher investment in primary healthcare systems (Patel et al. 2018 b). On the supply side, these investments include greater accountability of services to local communities, enhanced sensitivity of providers to local conditions and beliefs, and provision of care to the needy. On the demand side, effective local services can address complex problems of patient access, offset the financial burden of adult chronic illness, and restrict unnecessary use of expensive private care. Although additional resources are needed, the magnitude is likely to be less than PROJECTED IF THE EFFICIENCY OF INVESTMENT IN IPS primary medical care is factored in.

-ANOJ + 0ANDEY IS LECTURER IN %CONOMICS !USTRALIAN .ATIONAL 5NIVERSITY 6ANI 3 +ULKARNI IS LECTURER IN Sociology, University of Pennsylvania; and Raghav Gaiha is (Hon. ) professorial research fellow, Global $EVELOPMENT )NSTITUTE 5NIVERSITY OF -ANCHESTER

Regions Borongan bishop: Absolve abortion sin

˜ The Manila Times

FRIDAY March 22, 2019

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ISHOP Crispin Varquez has granted priests in the Borongan diocese in Eastern Samar the privilege to absolve the grave sin of abortion until Easter, April 21. The privilege took effect on Thursday. In a diocesan bulletin, Fr. Neil Tenefrancia, chancellor of the Borongan diocese said three of their newly ordained priests were not subject to the grant of faculty. )N 0OPE &RANCIS GAVE permission to all priests to grant in confessions absolution to those faithful who had com-

mitted abortion. “I wish to restate as firmly as I can that abortion is a grave sin, since it puts an end to an innocent life. In the same way, however, I can and must state that there is no sin that God’s mercy cannot reach and wipe away when it finds a repentant heart seeking to be reconciled with the Father. May every priest, therefore, be a guide, support and

comfort to penitents on this journey of special reconciliation.� Pope FranCIS SAID IN HIS APOSTOLIC LETTER IN It was routine for the world’s bishops to permit their priests to declare someone free of guilt, but the Holy Father made it across the board during a jubilee or holy year, a religious EVENT EVERY YEARS IN WHICH SINS OF Catholics were forgiven. )N THE 0ARAÄAQUE DIOCESE under Bishop Jesse Mercado, granted the same faculty to all parish priests, diocesan or religious, parochial vicars, guest priests and priests on loan in the diocese and other religious prelate exercising their ministry within the diocese. The power was exercised only within the diocese and during the ,ENTEN SEASON

the apostolic nuncio to the Philippines, and Archbishop Adolfo Tito Yllana, apostolic nuncio Meanwhile, Bishop Rex Andrew to Australia, was attended by Alarcon, the youngest Catholic PEOPLE AT THE #ATHEDRAL prelate in the country, was in- of the Most Holy Trinity, also stalled as the new head of the dio- known as the Daet Cathedral, cese of Daet in Camarines Norte. on Wednesday. “I want to accompany you. Alarcon, 48, is fourth bishop of the Daet diocese, succeeding May we walk together in the spirit Bishop Gilbert Garcera, who was of synodality in the heart of the transferred to the Archdiocese of #HURCH u !LARCON TOLD HIS lOCK during the ceremony. ,IPA "ATANGAS ON &EB Pope Francis named Alarcon as The youngest member of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of bishop in January. Prior to Alarcon’s appointment, the Philippines (CBCP) is now in CHARGE OF PARISHES AND MORE he was serving as superintendent than half a million faithful in at Naga Parochial School, as well as the spokesman and director of Camarines Norte. Alarcon’s installation, led by the stewardship program of the Archbishop Gabrielle Caccia, Archdiocese of Caceres, a position

New Daet diocese head

Ammo seized in Ampatuan mansion SHARIFF AGUAK, Maguindanao: The Police Regional Office in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (PRO"!2-- CONkSCATED SOME rounds of live ammunition of a CALIBER RIlE AND TWO RIlE grenades from the compound of the late Gov. Datu Andal Ampatuan Sr. here. Chief Supt. Graciano Mijares, PRO-BARMM director, said the police teams launched the operation after reports that workers named Kamsa Salik, Kuryano Usop, Babai Mama Usop, Nasri Salik, Benhar Salik and Pangandaman Salik were keeping unlicensed guns inside the fenced compound where the family of the late former Maguindanao governor resides. The 5.56 ammunition is being USED FOR AN !2 RIlE Ampatuan died more than two years ago of liver cancer while in detention at Camp Bagong Diwa in Taguig City for his alleged involvement in the infamous Maguindanao massacre that left 58 DEAD AMONG THEM MEMBERS OF the media, in Central Mindanao. But Mijares said none of the workers of the Ampatuan family named in the search warrants were found in the compound when the raiding team arrived. “Our intelligence units are now validating reports from residents of Shariff Aguak that they escaped just as the operatives reached the premises of the compound,� he added. JULMUNIR I. JANNARAL


Netherlands Netherlands JCMA’s main objective is the backing of high-level bilateral consultations and support on maritime affairs, highLIGHTING THE SIGNIkCANCE OF THE maritime relations between the involved countries. For over a decade, the Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners (KVNR) has supported the enhancement of maritime educational programs of the Palompon Institute of TechnolOGY 0)4 IN ,EYTE Vice Admiral Narciso VingSON *R OFkCER IN CHARGE OF THE


HE HAS HELD SINCE (E kNISHED PHILOSOPHY AT THE Holy Rosary Major Seminary in Naga City, Camarines Sur, and theology at the University of Santo Tomas in Manila. )N HE OBTAINED HIS LICENTIATE IN (ISTORY AT THE 0ONTIkCAL Gregorian University in Rome, Italy, and taught at the Holy Rosary Minor Seminary Rosary. Alarcon was ordained as priest on Nov. 9, 1996 for the Archdiocese of Caceres, which has jurisdiction over the dioceses in Camarines Norte. Other posts he held were vicar in the Saint John the Evangelist in Naga and educator at the minor seminary from 1996 to 1997, a post from the CBCP News site said.

Lanao Sur launches network vs violence


Former special assistant to the President Christopher Lawrence ‘Bong’ Go thanks members of Davao-based Kababayan Riders Association for A New Cultural Harmony and Order (Karancho) Inc. for their assistance to the community in times of calamity and emergency. Go, an honorary member of Karancho, also shared his legislative agenda to the riders group, who expressed full support for his Senate bid. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Revive death penalty – Jimenez DANTE Jimenez, founding chairman of the Volunteers Against Crimes and Corruption (VACC), has urged the public to support the crusade for the reinstatement of capital punishment. Jimenez made the call on Thursday in connection with the gruesome murder of Christine Silawan, ON -ARCH IN ,APU ,APU City, Cebu. “This outrageous incident should now send the message for the government to draw the line and put an end to such heinous and bestial acts. It is now time to reinstate the death penalty and restore public order and sanity in society,� he said. Silawan was found in a vacant

lot on March 11, naked from the waist down, her head and face peeled off, exposing her skull. She also bore multiple stab wounds in the body and the initial medico-legal report showed that her tongue, esophagus, trachea and right ear were ripped from her body. Jimenez, at the same time, commended the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)-Region 7 for the arrest on March 16 of one of the suspects in the Silawan case. He said the NBI strictly followed protocol in arresting the 17-year-old suspect in Maribago, ,APU ,APU #ITY NBI-7 Director Tomas Enrile said, “We were very careful in

handling the suspect. He was not forced to make any admission in the absence of a lawyer and a representative of the Department of Social Welfare and Development-Region 7.� The NBI also conducted a parALLEL INVESTIGATION WITH THE ,APU ,APU #ITY 0OLICE /FkCE EVEN AS THE /FkCE OF THE 0RESIDENT ORDERED A speedy resolution of the case. Meanwhile, Jimenez also lauded the Philippine National Police for the arrest of suspect Jones "UENO IN THE KILLING OF A YEAR old farmer in Danao City, Cebu in January. Bueno was also being investigated for his possible involvement in Silawan’s murder.

Maritime Industry Authority (Marina), during the meeting informed The Netherlands on the signing of Executive Order (EO) 63 and its implementing rules and regulations (IRR). EO 63 strengthened the authority of the Marina in the implementation of the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) for Seafarers 1978, as amended. Vingson presented the agency’s latest digital platform known as the “Marina Integrated Seafarers Management Online (Mismo)� system being utilized in the application and processing of the Seafarers Identification and Record Book (SIRB) and STCW certificates,

among others. He expressed his confidence in The Netherlands’ technical expertise to help the Philippines establish the infrastructure needed in the successful implementation of the agency’s plans and programs, especially THOSE INCORPORATED IN THE year maritime industry development plan (MIDP), which the Dutch visitors commended. ,IESKE 3TREEFKERK !RTS OF THE Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment assured the Philippines of its continuous support in all of its efforts to enhance the country’s maritime industries. Both parties agreed to maintain an open line of communica-

tion to receive important reports on the country’s maritime indusTRY UNTIL THE ST *#-! MEETING SCHEDULED IN -ARCH Filipino seafarers have been active contributors to DutchREGISTERED MERCHANT lEETS )N THE $UTCH GOVERNMENT AND THE $EPARTMENT OF ,ABOR AND Employment sealed partnership in producing world-class seafarers through intensive, free trainING WHICH SOME &ILIPINOS have received. The Dutch maritime industry HAS BEEN lOURISHING IN YEARS AS it supplies a lot of specialized vessels such as offshore, superyachts and sustainable ships used BY lEETS WORLDWIDE RAFFY AYENG

ILIGAN CITY: A new and more powerful early response network (ERN) was launched on Thursday for the local disaster risk reduction and management officers (LDRRMO) in Lanao del Sur’s 39 municipalities and one city for information sharing using advanced technologies to deter violent conflict, disasters and displacement. The ERN will use the International Alert’s Critical Events Monitoring System, a short message systembased reporting method, which captures violent conflict incidents and tensions arising in communities and coordinates prompt multistakeholder response to emergencies and potential flashpoints. Saripada Pacasum Jr., Lanao del Sur Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office chief, said the Marawi siege taught them to strengthen every individual and evolve into more responsive disaster and conflict risk reduction management officers. “We also need to create the rules and protocols for human-induced disasters, not just natural calamities,� he added. In 2017, the Islamic Statelinked Maute terror group took over Lanao del Sur’s provincial capital Marawi City in a five-month siege, which decimated the city center, killing more than a thousand and displaced some 300,000 people. Pacasum led some of his staff and Lanao del Surwide rescue group Saracan volunteers to aid the rescue and recovery operations of the military, saving some 1,700 lives. “Looking back, I know that we could have helped avert the war, saved more [lives], and prevented the suffering of our people if we already had a system to pool and piece together relevant information on the ground,� he said.

Local response to conflict “It was the local people who

are closest and most vulnerable to conflict, and they were also the ones who had the knowledge, capability and agency to resolve issues that challenge them at the local level,� Nikki de la Rosa, International Alert Philippines country manager said. De la Rosa added that the ERN mechanism goes beyond recommending a security-centric approach to violent conflict. Instead, “it puts premium and harnesses traditional, normal, and hybrid institutions and arrangements� to prevent conflict. “Since 2010, International Alert has been establishing ERNs across Muslim Mindanao composed of multiple stakeholders in building conflict-resilient communities. We involve traditional, religious and clan leaders, alongside local governments, who all have a key role in resolving clan feuds and resource conflicts in Muslim Mindanao.� “We involve women and the youth who lead community change projects that promote their participation in economic activities and governance. We also involve the business sector in our advocacy of fighting discrimination in the workplace based on religious and cultural beliefs and in espousing conflict-sensitive practices in areas where they operate,� de la Rosa said. She added that having an ERN in Lanao del Sur is an important step in consolidating efforts to support the peace process in the critical period of Marawi’s rehabilitation and the transition to the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. During the launch, members of the ERN signed a manifesto stating their commitment to sharing information and “championing inclusive, innovative and conflict-sensitive ways of responding to the needs of communities, cities and municipalities, and the entire province in times of crisis.� MASIDING NOOR YAHYA

Discrimination vs HIV carriers punishable under the law Dear PAO, My friend was asked by his landlord to leave his rented apartment after receiving news that my friend MAY HAVE HUMAN IMMUNODEkciency virus (HIV). Is the landlord’s action legally permissible? Harry Dear Harry, Restricting someone from having shelter, whether permanently or temporary, because of his/her HIV status may amount to a discrimina-


PERSIDA ACOSTA tory act pursuant to the provision of Section 49 (d) of Republic Act (RA) 11166, or the “Philippine HIV and AIDS Policy Act,� which provides:

“Section 49. Discriminatory Acts and Practices. — The following discriminatory acts and practices shall be prohibited: (d) Restrictions on Shelter. — Restrictions on housing or lodging, whether permanent or temporary, solely or partly on the basis of actual, perceived or suspected HIV status;� Corollary, the said prohibited ACT IS PENALIZED UNDER 3ECTION (g) of RA 11166, viz: “(g) Any person who shall vio-

late any of the provisions in Section 49 on discriminatory acts and practices shall, upon conviction, suffer the penalty of imprisonMENT OF SIX MONTHS TO kVE YEARS AND OR A kNE OF NOT LESS THAN Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000), but not more than Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000), at the discretion of the court, and without prejudice to the imposition of administrative sanctions such as fines, suspension or

revocation of business permit, business license or accreditation and professional license; xxx.� (Emphasis supplied) In your friend’s situation, he was asked to leave his rented apartment as he was perceived or suspected of having HIV. Clearly, restrictions on housing or lodging, whether permanent or temporary, because of a person’s HIV status is a discriminatory act, which is punishable under the law.

This opinion is solely based on the facts you have narrated and our appreciation of the same. The opinion may vary when the facts are changed or further elaborated. We hope that we were able to enlighten you on the matter.

Editor’s note: Dear PAO is a daily column of the Public Attorney’s /FkCE 1UESTIONS FOR #HIEF !COSTA may be sent to



FRIDAY March 22, 2019

˜ The Manila Times

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D E N G VA X I A ‘ D E AT H S ’

Charge Duque, DoJ urged BY JOMAR CANLAS


HE Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) on Thursday asked the Department of Justice (DoJ) to indict Health Secretary Francisco $UQUE RD AND 3ANOk OFkCIALS OVER THE USE OF $ENGVAXIA VACCINE THAT ALLEGEDLY CLAIMED LIVES In its motions for partial reconsideration in behalf of families of

THE ALLEGED VICTIMS 0!/ ASKED THE DoJ panel of prosecutors to revisit

Food security is my priority – Manicad FORMER journalist Rodrigo “Jiggy� Manicad Jr. has vowed to push laws that would ensure food security if he wins a seat in the Senate. In a speech during his campaign sortie in Tacloban, Leyte, Manicad recalled how the people suffered during the food crisis that happened after Typhoon Yolanda hit the region in 2013. “My number one platform is food because I saw what we experienced here, not just in Tacloban, not just in Eastern Visayas [during Yolanda]. We got to a point where we had money in our pockets, but we could not buy any food,� he said. Manicad was deployed to Eastern Visayas to report on the impact of the super typhoon. “There was looting. There were people who got food from the stores and went back to pay after the typhoon, but others were so hungry, they forgot to go back,� he added. Manicad, who is seeking a Senate seat in the May midterm elections, pointed out that food crisis triggers chaos. “That is why my priority is to strengthen our agricultural sector by helping farmers and giving them subsidies, especially for

diesel and gasoline that they need for their equipment,� he said. Manicad also batted for benefits to boost the coconut industry and additional investments on irrigation in places with insufficient irrigation systems. “The President is right to make irrigation free, but there are still places where there is not enough water, so we should really support this,� he said. “The effect of all these reforms is that when we bring more supplies of food to the cities, they can be bought at cheaper prices.� The Hugpong ng Pagbabago Senate bet also said the Philippines should lay-out a plan to sustain the sufficiency of its food supply. Citing a study from the University of the Philippines School of Statistics, Manicad said the incidence of self-rated hunger increased from 9.4 percent in the second quarter of 2018 to 13.3 percent in the third quarter of 2018. “Some Filipinos only eat rice. If there is no rice, they will just drink water. If there is salt, that’s the only thing they will eat with their rice. There are still many Filipinos who are hungry,� he added. CATHERINE S. VALENTE

its earlier ruling clearing Duque AND 3ANOk It said Duque should be charged with reckless imprudence resulting in homicide and violations of the !NTI 4ORTURE !CT AND #ONSUMER !CT PAO Chief Persida Rueda-Acosta also asked the DoJ to indict former $EPARTMENT OF (EALTH OFkCER IN charge Hermenigildo Valle and 3ANOk OFkCIALS FOR THE CRIME OF

homicide and violation of the ANTI TORTURE LAW The investigating panel led by Senior Assistant State Prosecutor -A %MILIA 6ICTORIO FOUND PROBable cause against former Health secretary Janette Garin and nine OTHER (EATH OFkCIALS )NDICTED ALONG 'ARIN WERE $R 6ICENTE "ELIZARIO *R $R +ENNETH (ARTIGAN 'O $R 'ERARDO "AYUGO

$R ,YNDON ,EE 3UY $R )RMA !SUNCION $R *ULIUS ,ECCIONES $R -ARIA *OYCE $UCUSIN $R 2OSALINDA 6IANZON AND $R -ARIO "AQUILOD The DoJ recommended the kLING OF FOUR COUNTS OF RECKLESS imprudence resulting in homicide AGAINST -A ,OURDES 3ANTIAGO AND Melody Zamudio of the Food and $RUG !DMINISTRATION PAO believes that Duque

should also answer for the alleged $ENGVAXIA LINKED DEATHS According to forensic examinaTION CONDUCTED BY 0!/ THE VICTIMS died of multiple-organ hemorrhage AND .EUROTROPIC ,IKE $ISEASE AND Viscerotropic-like Disease secondary TO $ENGVAXIA VACCINATION -ORE THAN CHILDREN WERE vaccinated under the government’s ANTI DENGUE VACCINATION PROGRAM

Blue Ridge residents visit USS Blue Ridge HAVING a namesake can be a BLESSING SOMETIMES Residents of Quezon City’s Barangay Blue Ridge B were allowed to tour the United States’ 7th Fleet Flagship USS Blue Ridge ,## 19) while the ship was docked in -ANILA ON -ARCH g4HIS IS A BIG HONOR FOR US .OT JUST GETTING THE CHANCE TO SEE THE ship but seeing all the crew and beING WELCOMED SO WARMLY 7E REALLY feel like we are part of the ship’s LEGACY u 3ESSAN #ASTRO ,EE CAPTAIN OF "ARANGAY "LUE 2IDGE " SAID Upon learning that USS Blue


STAFF ,ANUZA IS ONE OF MORE THAN 150 Filipino-American personnel on the USS Blue Ridge /N THE BRIDGE THE SHIP S COMMAND AND CONTROL STATION CHIEF #HARLES ,UDWIG THE 0UBLIC !FFAIRS officer for the USS Blue Ridge explained how watch standers supervise the ship’s movement and NAVIGATION !S THE SECOND OLDEST SHIP IN THE 53 .AVY S lEET THE Blue Ridge still has analog controls for SPEED AND NAVIGATION )N THE DECK 3EAMAN 3ILVIA "OHORQUEZ TH &LEET S FIRST FEMALE SEARCH AND RESCUE SWIMMER

demonstrated how to use rescue EQUIPMENT ,UDWIG ALSO EXPLAINED HOW the helicopters on board provide RESUPPLY TRANSPORT AND SEARCH AND RESCUE SUPPORT “Next time the Blue Ridge comes TO -ANILA WE WOULD LOVE TO WELCOME THE CREW JUST AS WE WERE WELCOMED TODAY u SAID #ASTRO ,EE g7E WANT TO GIVE THE SAILORS here a chance to see what our Blue Ridge IS LIKE AS WELL 7E HOPE THAT we can contribute to keeping the bond and friendship between our TWO COUNTRIES STRONG u



Palace spokesman Salvador Panelo said that while the go vernment would WANT PEACE IN -INDANAO IT WOULD NOT BACK DOWN IF WAR WAS DECLARED He said that after Misuari threatENED TO DECLARE A WAR THE 0RESIDENT answered by saying they would gDIE TOGETHER u “The President’s response is a THREAT 4HAT MEANS ) WILL kGHT YOU


“He was very happy with the reSPONSE OF THE 0RESIDENT HE SHOOK HIS HAND AND EMBRACED HIM u 0ANELO SAID $UTERTE HOWEVER TOLD -ISUARI that the fate of the federalism MEASURE RESTS ON #ONGRESS Panelo said the government does not view Misuari’s statement A gREAL THREAT u


ASIAN STOCKS: V S h a n g h a i 0 . 3 5 %

V S i n g a p o re 0 . 1 9 %

PSEi 7,954.72 UP 1.23%

P52.84 TO $1








»Corporate NewsB3




» V Seoul 0.36%

To k yo ( c l o s e d )

V Jakarta 0.29%



ONETARY authorities on Thursday decided to keep key interest rates unchanged for the third TIME SINCE $ECEMBER NOTING THAT INlATION IS expected to settle within target this year and the next AMID kRM DOMESTIC ACTIVITY The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas’ (BSP) overnight borrowing, lending and deposit rates will remain at 4.75 percent, 5.25 percent and 4.25 percent, respectively, following the Monetary Board’s second policy meeting for 2019. g4HE w DECISION IS BASED ON ITS assessment that prevailing


g)NFLATION PRESSURES HAVE EASED further since the previous monetary POLICY MEETING RElECTING MAINLY THE decline in food prices amid improved SUPPLY CONDITIONS u $IOKNO ADDED Central bank Deputy Governor Diwa Guinigundo announced that the Monetary Board had also cut its 2019 INlATION FORECAST TO PERCENT FROM 3.1 percent. The 2020 projection was retained at 3.0 percent. g4HE MAJOR REASON IS THE &EBRUARY ACTUAL INlATION WHICH CAME IN AT percent, a little lower compared to FORECAST OF AROUND PERCENT u HE SAID /THER FACTORS SEEN DRIVING INlATION down, Guinigundo added, are lower Dubai crude oil prices, negative base

Q Traders work ahead of the closing bell on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), March 20, 2019 in New York City. The Federal Reserve announced on Wednesday that interest rates would remain unchanged. AFP PHOTO

³Hikes B4

PSEi nears Dominguez touts benefits from PH-China ties 8,000; Fed move cheered

³Fed B2

V B a n g ko k 0 . 3 9 %

2019 inflation forecast trimmed to 3.0% from 3.1%, at midpoint of 2.0-4.0% target

WASHINGTON, D.C.: The Federal Reserve sent a strong signal the US economy IS SLOWING INDICATING 7EDNESDAY IT WILL not raise the benchmark lending rate again this year amid a drop in spending and broader global uncertainty. It was an aggressive downshift that came as a shock to many economists, since as recently as September the Fed expected to raise rates three times in 2019. g)T MAY BE SOME TIME BEFORE THE OUTLOOK FOR JOBS AND INlATION CALLS CLEARLY FOR A CHANGE IN POLICY u &EDERAL 2ESERVE Chairman Jerome Powell told reporters

STRONGER ties between the Philippines and China will help the two countries weather global headwinds, the Finance chief said. Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez 3rd, in a keynote speech during 7EDNESDAY S 0HILIPPINE %CONOMIC "RIEkNG 0%" IN "EIJING NOTED THAT both countries were leading Asia in


W Hong Kong 0.85%


Monetary Board holds fire; seen cutting rates in May

Fed now expects no rate hikes in 2019

4(% STOCK MARKET RALLIED TO A NEARly one-month high on Thursday as investors cheered news that the US Federal Reserve would likely not raise rates this year. The benchmark Philippine Stock Exchange index (PSEi) rose by 1.23 percent or 96.52 points TO kNISH AT ‡ A LEVEL last seen on February 26 when the market closed at 7,988.16. The wider All Shares grew by 0.85 percent or 41.30 points to end at 4,888.79. Regina Capital Development Corp. head of sales Luis Limlingan said market players bought shares after the Fed’s policymaking Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) indicated that further rate hikes were unlikely given slower US growth. The announcement took markets by surprise, with most observers expecting the Fed would tee up at least one rate hike this year, and fueled concerns about the state of the economy. US stocks initially rallied shortly but later pulled back. In the end, both the Dow and S&P 500 kNISHED IN THE RED WHILE THE .ASdaq eked out a narrow gain. analyst Patrick / (ARE DESCRIBED THE MARKET S initial surge as a knee-jerk reaction to a dovish central bank that investors later rethought.




Business Times



RNEST Lawrence Lim Cu is a member of the 11-person board of Globe Telecom Inc. (GLO). At the same time, he is also the company’s president and chief EXECUTIVE OFkCER (E USED TO OWN 100,853 GLO common shares On March 14, 2019, Cu sold 1,000 GLO common shares for P1.908 million, or P1,900 each, and 2,000 GLO common shares at P3.860 million, or P1,930 each. On March 15, 2019, he sold 1,000 GLO common shares at P1.931 million, or P1,931 each. The sales, which grossed him P9.611 million, left him with 95,853 GLO common shares of which he directly owned 22,309 GLO common shares and indirectly held 73,544 GLO common shares. In addition to GLO common shares, Cu also directly owned one GLO preferred share with par value of P5, which he said he HELD SINCE &EB (E ALSO invested in 16,700 non-voting GLO preferred shares with par VALUE OF 0 EACH (E SAID HE HAS been holding the balance since Aug. 22, 2014.

terms of growth. g7ITH OUR INCREASED COOPERAtion, we can better defy the adverse developments at the global level and continue our rapid expansion TO BENEkT OUR PEOPLES u HE SAID Dominguez also said that China was gearing up to meet forecasts of slower global growth via a

policy mix that included boosting domestic consumer demand and expansionary monetary policy. g4HE REST OF THE REGION DEpends much on China’s impressive GROWTH 7E ARE CONkDENT THIS GREAT nation will continue its remarkABLE ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION u

³Ties B2

effects, a decline in world non-oil imports growth and some mitigation coming from the impact of the Rice 4ARIFkCATION !CT WHICH WILL TAKE EFFECT next month. $IOKNO SAID gRISKS TO THE INlATION outlook remained broadly balanced for 2019 even as it observed that FURTHER RISKS COULD EMERGE FROM ;A= prolonged El Niño and higher-thanexpected increases in global oil and FOOD PRICES u (E ADDED THAT FOR NEXT YEAR THE risks lean toward the downside as tighter global financial conditions and geopolitical issues are expected to temper global economic activity

³Rates B2

Reenacted budget to slow GDP growth A REENACTED budget will lead to slower Philippine growth, analysts SAID ON 4HURSDAY AFkRMING WARNings aired by economic managers. g;!= FULL YEAR REENACTED BUDGET will probably pull GDP (gross domestic product ) growth to about PERCENT u 3ECURITY "ANK Corp. Assistant Vice President and chief economist Robert Dan Roces told reporters. Infrastructure spending will be PRIMARILY HIT AND RESULT IN A kRST half slowdown, he pointed out. g7HAT S CRUCIAL FOR THEM THE government) now is to get the budget passed after the elections FOR SPENDING TO GO UP u 2OCES SAID g7E HOPE BUDGET GETS PASSED because a lot of stuff depends on THAT u The economy grew by 6.2 percent last year, lower than government’s downwardly-revised target of 6.5-6.9 percent, as inflation surged. The expansion was also slower compared to the 6.7 percent and 6.9 percent recorded in 2017 and 2016, respectively. Economic managers last week cut their 2019 and 2020 targets to 6.0-7.0 and 6.7-7.5 percent, respectively, from 7.0-8.0 percent, citing the budget impasse, an ongoing El Niño and the US-China

trade war. 7HILE LAWMAKERS HAVE ALREADY ratified a reconciled version of the 2019 budget bill, the measure has yet to be transmitted to Malacañang given the Senate’s CLAIMS THAT THE (OUSE OF 2EPREsentatives made post-bicameral conference committee changes. A meeting called by President Rodrigo Duterte failed to resolve the impasse and both sides appear to be digging in. The dispute, political economist and Foundation for Economic Freedom President Calixto Chikiamco said, highlights the effects of politics on the economy. !CKNOWLEDGING THE gNEGATIVE IMPACTu HE NONETHELESS SAID this could be offset by election spending. g . O R M A L L Y C O N S U M P T I O N SPENDING GOES UP IN ELECTION YEAR u Chikiamco noted. The government has been operating on last year’s P3.767trillion budget since the start OF THE YEAR 7HILE LARGER AGENcies can only spend for items detailed in the 2018 outlay and cannot embark on programs and projects supposed to be implemented this year. MAYVELIN U. CARABALLO

Republic Biscuit top stockholder of AUB Â Â On March 19, 2019, Globe Telecom common shares opened trading at P1,940, hit a high of P1,987, fell to a low of P1,940, and closed the session at P1,987. The stock hit a 30-day high of P2,118 and a 30-day low of P1,851.

Corp., RediMoney Express PTE Ltd. (Singapore), Rural Bank of Angeles Inc. and Cavite United Rural Bank Corp. Of AUB’s 124 stockholders, 106 Filipinos fully paid their subscriptions to 392,572,967 AUB common shares while eight foreigners Acquisition trading at P35, hit a high of fully paid theirs to 92,737,571 P35.05, dropped to a low of AUB common shares. The bank Luis Miguel Aboitiz is one of the P34.50 and closed the session at CLASSIkED THE ALIENS AS gVARIOUSu directors of the nine-person board P34.50. The stock recorded a 30- for not indicating their individual OF !BOITIZ 0OWER #ORP !0 (E IS day high of P39.45 and a 30-day nationality. also the company’s chief strategy low of P33.10. Of 485,310,538 AUB common OFkCER shares, Republic Biscuit Corp. Before selling some of his Asia United Bank (RBC) owned 158,399,535 AUB AP common shares, he owned common shares, or 32.64 per12,847,081 AP common shares, or An amended general information CENT AS OF DATE OF kLING +UO 9U 0.1746 percent. Of his total hold- sheet (GIS) showed the autho- (OLDINGS HELD MILLION !5" ings, he directly held 11,167,081 rized capital stock (ACS) of Asia common shares, or 18.54 percent. AP common shares, or 0.1518 United Bank (AUB) at 500 million As record stockholder, PCD PERCENT (IS INDIRECT HOLDINGS common shares with par value of Nominee Corp. held for Filipinos totaled 1.68 million AP common P10 each. Of the bank’s ACS, it 50,117,766 AUB common shares, shares, or 0.0228 percent. reported 485,310,538 common or 10.33 percent, and 16,185,469 On March 14, 2019, he reported shares as subscribed and paid- AUB common shares, or 3.54 his acquisition of 820,000 AP up by 106 Filipinos and eight percent, for foreigners. common shares at P35.05 per foreigners. AUB opened trading on March share. The additional acquisi19, 2019 at P58.10, hit a high of )N THE SAME kLING POSTED ON tion increased his ownership to the website of the Philippine P58.75, fell to low of P58.10 and 13,667,081 AP common shares, Stock Exchange (PSE), AUB listed closed the session at P58.75. Its or 0.1857 percent. four subsidiaries/affiliates such common shares hit a 30-day high On March 19, 2019, AP opened as Asia United Leasing & Finance of P59.50 and dropped to a 30-day

low of P58.10

AUB’s owners A public ownership report (POR) as of Dec. 31, 2018 listed the nine directors of Asia United as holders of 98,890 AUB common SHARES /NLY THREE OF kVE BANK OFkCERS HELD !5" COMmon shares. The same POR showed AUB’s 17 other stockholders but only eight of them owned 267,620 common shares, or 0.06 percent. Minus all these holdings, AUB public stockholders were deemed holders of 164,544,643 AUB common shares, or 33.91 percent of 485,310,538 outstanding AUB common shares, which are all listed on PSE. In summing up the entries in its POR, AUB said foreigners held 104,060,823 AUB common shares, or 21.44 percent, which is 18.56 percent below the 40-percent maximum foreign ownership limit. As AUB’s top three stockholders, RBC has 185,399,535 AUB common

³Perez B4


Business Times

˜ The Manila Times

w w

FRIDAY March 22, 2019

PCCI: Longer maternity leave to affect businesses T BY TYRONE C. PIAD

HE business sector cannot help but worry OVER THE IMPACT OF THE %XPANDED -ATERNITY ,EAVE ,AW ON THE COSTS AND PRODUCTIVITY THE Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry 0##) SAID

Philippines had one of the most number of paid holidays. For 2019, the government has scheduled 19 regular and special nonworking holidays. g;!DDING= ALMOST FOUR MONTHS MORE FOR MATERNITY LEAVE ;ON TOP OF PAID HOLIDAYS= THESE AFFECT productivity and costs to employERS ESPECIALLY SMALL BUSINESSES u she said. The ECOP survey showed MANY kRMS WERE CONCERNED OVER gHIGHER COST IMPLICATIONS IN TERMS OF THE BENEkT AND THE COST of hiring and training a tempoRARY REPLACEMENT u 4HEY ARE ALSO troubled over output, saying productivity could decrease with

the extended period of absence of female workers on maternity leave, the survey added. (OWEVER ,IMJOCO ADMITTED there would always a need to hire female employees. g&OR SOME INDUSTRIES LIKE GARments. Beauty products, etc, they NEED TO HIRE WOMEN u SHE SAID g#OMMITMENT EXCELLENT LEARNING AND ANALYTICAL SKILLS AND ;COMPATIBILITY= TO POSITIONu SHOULD BE THE BASES OF QUALIkCATION IN HIRING employees, she added. The survey was conducted from -ARCH TO AMONG kRMS The results provided were only preliminary and will be completed by March 30.

In a text message to The Manila Times , PCCI President Alegria ,IMJOCO SAID g"USINESSMEN WILL BE BUSINESSMEN u ADDING THAT THE law might affect their decision in hiring women. Limjoco’s statement was in response to the recent survey conducted by the Employers’ Confederation of the Philippines

(ECOP) which indicated that maJORITY OR PERCENT OF THE kRMS are bothered by the effects of the Expanded Maternity Leave Law on businesses. Signed by President Rodrigo Duterte last month, the law allows pregnant employees to take a maternity leave of up to 105 days. Limjoco pointed out that the

PH bond market growth tagged

Property firms urged to embrace tech

4(% Philippine bond market recorded the fastest growth among emerging East Asia’s local currency bond markets in the fourth quarter of 2018, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) said on Thursday. In a quarterly report on the emerging East Asia bond market, the ADB said the country’s bond market grew by 5.3 percent to P6.09 billion ($116 million) in the fourth quarter of last year from P5.79 billion ($107 million) during the third quarter. The fourth quarter result was also higher by 11.4 percent compared to the P5.47 billion ($110 million) recorded in the fourth quarter of 2017. The amount of outstanding government bonds also went up by 7.4 percent to P4.78 billion ($91 million) from P4.45 billion ($89 million) supported by the growth in Treasury bills and bonds. g4HE STRONG DEMAND WAS FUELED by improved investor sentiment on hopes the US Federal Reserve would engage in fewer interest rate hikes in 2019 and that the Philippine central bank may rein in monetary tightenING u THE !$" SAID IN A STATEMENT The ADB said corporate bonds went up by 28.9 percent to P1.31 billion ($25 million) from P1.02 billion ($20 million) a year ago. g"ANKS INCREASED THEIR ISSUANCE of bonds as an alternative funding source after the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas relaxed its rules to allow banks to tap the domestic capital market without prior approval from THE CENTRAL BANK u THE !$" SAID For foreign holdings of local currency bonds, the ADB said the Philippines saw the largest increase OF PERCENT gAS LOWER INFLATION expectations and a likely pause in monetary tightening helped boost DEMAND FOR GOVERNMENT BONDS u The ADB said that while investor sentiment toward emerging East Ais’s local currency bond markets IMPROVED CONCERNS LIKE kNANCIAL stability and the effects of the ongoING TRADE CONlICTS BETWEEN #HINA and the United States continue to persist. g2ISKS TO FINANCIAL STABILITY IN emerging East Asia have receded SOMEWHAT RECENTLY u !$" #HIEF %CONOMIST 9ASUYUKI 3AWADA SAID g(OWEVER SOME UNCERTAINTIES persist, notably from the unreSOLVED TRADE CONlICT BETWEEN THE PRC and the US, a potentially DISORDERLY EXIT OF THE 5+ FROM THE European Union, and slowdown of global growth momentum. The rapid buildup in private debt during the past decade could also DAMAGE ECONOMIES AND kNANCIAL STABILITY IN THE REGION u 3AWADA added. The ADB said as of end-2018, there were $13.1 trillion in local currency bonds outstanding in emerging East Asia, up by 11.9 percent from 2017. ANNA LEAH E. GONZALES

LOCAL companies including property developers should embrace digital transformation so that they can adapt to an industry boom brought by the “Build Build Build� program of the government. In an interview at the sidelines of a forum in Taguig City on Thursday, NOAH Business Applications Chief Software Architect Dada del Carmen said companies should have a strong foundation in technology advancements to serve digitally transformed markets — the millennials and Generation Z. Digital transformation is the integration of advanced

technologies to solve traditional business problems. Del Carmen said companies could be digitally transformed with an investment not exceeding P100 million. “In the Philippines, the realty and construction industries foresee a significant surge in the market as the government’s ‘Build Build Build’ program is seen to sustain growth in 2019 [and] market trends in these sectors are expected to rise yet again this year,� NOAH Business Applications said. “With this positive outlook, digital transformation plays a key role for these industries to adapt to the continued increase

Most stock markets in Asia rose, however, with Shanghai 0.4 percent higher while Singapore added 0.2 percent. Sydney, Taipei, Bangkok and Jakarta also 4HE &ED S DOVISHNESS gINVITES ROSE THOUGH (ONG +ONG REVERSED some concerns about what it really course in the afternoon to close 0.9 implies about the global economic percent lower. OUTLOOK u / (ARE SAID ADDING THAT Tokyo was closed for a holiday. IT RAISES THE POSSIBILITY gTHAT 53 In early European trade, London ECONOMY WILL DISAPPOINTu was up 0.2 percent, Paris slipped


PSEi nears

in demand and growth,â€? it added. NOAH Business Applications focuses on the advancement in the digital transformation of organizations in real estate through providing automated solutions that capture end-to-end process from land banking, project planning, sales, operations, and finance. Through its online application, it also features construction planning and management, real estate inventory, sales and collection, broker management, property management office, leasing, and document controls, among others. ANGELICA BALLESTEROS 0.1 percent, while Frankfurt was down 0.3 percent. )N -ANILA ALL SECTORAL INDICES kNished in the green with the holding kRMS UP THE MOST BY PERCENT More than 1.38 billion shares valued at P5.39 billion were traded 7INNERS LED LOSERS TO while 42 issues were unchanged. ANGELICA BALLESTEROS AND AFP

Gearing up for the SEA Games


IENTIANE, LAOS: Ten years ago, this capital city of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic was the host of the biennial Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games) held here at the New Laos National Stadium in December 2009. Laotians fondly remember the 25th SEA Games not only because IT WAS THE kRST AND ONLY TIME THEY ever hosted the regional multisport event. Making it doubly memorable for them was that it coincided with the 50th anniversary of the SEA Games, with all 11 member-countries of the SEA Games Federation in attendance. One of the poorest countries in the world, Laos pulled off the successful hosting despite controversies hounding the Lao SEA Games organizing committee. It was mainly criticized for reducing the number of sports to an all-time low of 25, due in part to this landlocked country’s lack of coastline that rendered many water-based events infeasible. In contrast, the forthcoming 30th SEA Games in the Philippines this year will have a total of 59 sports – the highest number in the 60-year history of the region’s top sports competition. Preparations are shifting to high gear in the run-up to the opening ceremony on Nov. 30 at the Philippine Arena in Bulacan all the way to the Dec. 11 closing ceremony at the New Clark City in Tarlac. For several decades now, the development of Philippine sports has been fraught with mismanagement and corruption. Officials allegedly line their pockets with public funds that should have been better spent on training Fili-

But with barely eight months to before the premier sportFINEX FILES inggoevent commences, I’ve heard from the grapevine about a plan TO WRESTLE THE 0()3'/# CHAIRmanship from Cayetano allegedly hatched by Congressman Prospero pino athletes and providing them g"UTCHu 0ICHAY OF THE 0HILIPPINE much-needed logistical support. Olympic Committee and ChairIn frustration, promising athletes MAN 7ILLIAM g"UTCHu 2AMIREZ OF either give up or end up represent- the Philippine Sports Commission ing other countries. (PSC). There’s a glimmer of hope, The Sandiganbayan has susthough, with President Rodrigo pended Pichay for 90 days in Duterte’s decision to initially ap- CONNECTION WITH GRAFT CHARGES kLED point Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri against him when he was chairand subsequently, former Foreign MAN OF THE ,OCAL 7ATER 5TILITIES Affairs Secretary Alan Peter Cay- Administration over the alleged etano to head the Philippine SEA anomalous acquisition of a thrift Games Organizing Committee bank, without the approval of 0()3'/# RATHER THAN ALLOW the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas’ corruption-ridden sports agencies Monetary Board. Ramirez was to handle the preparations. also suspended for 90 days by the Cayetano is up to the challenge same anti-graft court for entering of raising additional funding into a government contract with needed from private sponsors and NO BENEkT OF PUBLIC BIDDING AND in ensuring Malacanang’s com- without the PSC board’s approval. mitment to supplement the SEA Our hosting this year provides 'AMES BUDGET (E HAS EARNED A an opportunity to reverse the Philreputation as a graftbuster, having ippines’ declining overall perforchaired the Senate blue ribbon MANCE IN THE 3%! 'AMES 7E HAVE committee in the 14th Congress A kGHTING CHANCE TO ACCOMPLISH where he exposed several scams. the feats achieved during previous Reports have been circulating stints as hosts in 1981, 1991, and about delays in preparations for m BUT ONLY IF OFkCIALS WITH the 30th SEA Games, although integrity are overseeing the event Cayetano refuted them by pointing preparations. out that work on the sports venues (OPEFULLY WE WILL HAVE A HAPPY is six percent ahead of schedule. ending, just like the generally posiIf ever there was any delay, it was tive outcome of the SEA Games’ caused by the failure of Congress golden jubilee edition here in to transmit the 2019 national Vientiane exactly a decade ago. budget bill for Malacanang’s approval and compounded by the The author is CFO of the Asian legislators’ slashing of the 30th Center for Legal Excellence and SEA Games budget from P7.5 bil- Chairman of the FINEX Golden Jubilee Book Project. lion to P5.0 billion.


Change is coming, again T

(%9 say the only thing constant in this world is change, and accounting guidance and standards are living proof that change is a way of life. The year 2018 ushered in the mandatory adoption of new standards effective January 1, 4HE MORE SIGNIkCANT ONES are PFRS 15 - Revenue from contracts with customers, and PFRS 9 - Financial instruments. Moreover, PFRS 16 - Leases is mandatory for adoption by January 1, 2019. 7E EXPECT THAT CHANGES IN the accounting standards will continue to happen as the users’ NEED FOR kNANCIAL INFORMATION continues to evolve. Come 2020, we are expecting another major development, which is the new IFRS conceptual framework.

WHICH IS DEkNED AS THE EXERCISE of caution when making judgments under the conditions of uncertainty, as a component of neutrality. r $EkNING A REPORTING ENTITY which might be a legal entity or a portion of a legal entity. r 2EVISING THE DEkNITION OF AN asset as a present economic resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events. r 2EVISING THE DEkNITION OF A liability as a present obligation of the entity to transfer an economic resource as a result past events. • Removing the probability What is conceptual threshold for recognition, addframework? ing guidance on derecognition. • Adding guidance on the inA business dictionary will de- formation provided by different kNE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AS A measurement bases, explaining theoretical structure of assump- factors to consider when selecttions, principles and rules that ing a measurement basis. holds together the ideas comr 3TATING THAT PROkT OR LOSS prising a broad concept. is the primary performance In research, a conceptual indicator and that, in principle, framework is used to under- income and expenses in other stand the place of, and inform comprehensive income should the direction of, a research be recycled where relevance or project. faithful representation of the In summary, a conceptual kNANCIAL STATEMENTS WOULD BE framework provides guidance enhanced. and direction for next steps and !RE WE TO EXPECT SIGNIkCANT ensures alignment with one changes in the standards as a common goal. result of the above changes? The answer is both no and yes Why is conceptual – No, because the conceptual framework important? framework is not considered as a standard itself and it will For the accounting standard set- not override any standards, ters, a conceptual framework is a BUT ALSO A 9ES SINCE THE REVISED system of ideas and objectives that framework will be used by the leads to the creation of consistent standard setters as guidance in standards. These standards then set making changes and updates in the nature, function and limits of the standards. kNANCIAL ACCOUNTING AND kNANCIAL statements. What does this As mentioned above, the mean to preparers International Accounting Stan- of financial dards Board (IASB) has revised statements and other its conceptual framework and it stakeholders? will become effective for annual periods beginning on or after The adoption will not overJan. 1, 2020. ride any existing standard, therefore we do not expect Why the change? ANY SIGNIkCANT CHANGES IN THE short term, but preparers of The current accounting frame- financial statements may use work has been there and has the new conceptual framework remained untouched for years, in developing internal company so one would question the need policies for areas not directly to change it. ADDRESSED BY AN EXISTING SPECIkC As the business world evolves, standard. For stakeholders, it the pattern of how investors WOULD BE BENEkCIAL FOR THEM and other stakeholders make in- to understand the conceptual formed decisions drives changes. framework concepts and see The IASB’s main objective in how they could affect changes completing the comprehensive in the existing standards in the project to change the conceptual future as they could have a bearframework is to ensure that IFRS ing on their decision-making. kNANCIAL REPORTING GIVES kNANCIAL In summary, it is important information useful to investors that we are aware of these and other stakeholders when changes because accounting of deciding to provide resources to the future is anchored on this the reporting company. new conceptual framework. *** What can we expect? Jocelyn J. De Chavez is an Assurance Director of Isla Lipana The key changes to be expected & Co., the Philippine member in the new accounting frame- kRM OF THE 0W# NETWORK &OR work include: more information, please email • Increasing stewardship This in the objective of financial content is for general informareporting, which is to provide tion purposes only, and should information useful in making not be used as a substitute for resource allocation decisions. consultation with professional • Reinstating prudence, advisors. ture program was working in concert with China’s much larger and broader Belt and Road initiative. g)MPROVED INTERCONNECTIONS he added. between the economies in this Like China, the Philippines part of the world will raise all is well positioned to sustain its SHIPS 7E LOOK FORWARD TO A economic expansion, the Finance seamless network for the flow secretary said. of goods, the exchange of best g$ESPITE THE ADVERSE TRENDS IN practices and boundless coopTHE GLOBAL ECONOMY WE ARE CONk- ERATION IN THE COMING YEARS u dent our internal growth engines he said. will continue driving the economy Trade and tourism between the to support a GDP (gross domestic 0HILIPPINES AND #HINA gHAS GROWN product) expansion of 7 percent AT A BREATHTAKING PACE u $OMIN‡ THIS IS OUR kGHTING TARGET u HE guez continued, noting 13-percent added. growth in total trade last year and D o m i n g u e z a l s o c l a i m e d a 27-percent expansion in tourist that the Duterte government’s arrivals in 2017. g"UILD "UILD "UILDu INFRASTRUCMAYVELIN U. CARABALLO



˜ The Manila Times

w w

FRIDAY March 22, 2019

FPH 2018 earnings surge 76% to P10.3B FIRST Philippine Holdings Corp. (FPH) reported on Thursday that its net earnings soared to P10.3 billion last year on the back of strong power sales. In a filing on Thursday, the Lopez-led holding company said the amount was a 76-percent increase from P5.9 billion in 2017. Recurring net income attributable to FPH jumped by 52 percent to P10.4 billion in 2018 from P6.8 billion the year before. Its topline climbed by 20 percent to P125.4 billion from P104.9 billion. FPH attributed the growth to the “higher sale of electricity following favorable spot market prices and the effectivity of the San Gabriel plant’s power-supply agreement with Meralco (Manila Electric Co.); higher completion and sales booking of Rockwell’s residential devel-

Corporate News SEC approves Robinsons Bank’s capital stock hike

opment projects; higher earnings from construction and leasing contracts; and higher volume of electrical transformer sales.� The company also said its board of directors had approved the plan to delist the group’s 43 million series “B� preferred shares. Incorporated and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as Meralco Securities Corp. on June 30, 1961, FPH has interests in power generation, real estate development, manufacturING AND CONSTRUCTION kNANCING and other service industries. )TS AFkLIATES AND SUBSIDIARIES INCLUDE Meralco, First Gen Corp., Energy Developing Corp., First Philippine Industrial Corp. and Rockwell Land Corp. Shares of FPH added P2.70 or 3.53 percent to close at P79.20 apiece on Thursday. LISBET K. ESMAEL



HE Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has approved the increase in the authorized capital stock of Robinsons Bank Corp. (RBank) from P15 billion to P27 billion. In a March 20 disclosure to the Philippine Dealing & Exchange Corp., the Gokongwei-led lender said the P12-billion increase was composed of 1.2 million shares of common stock with a par value of P10 apiece.

3ISTER kRMS *' 3UMMIT #APITAL Services Corp. and Robinsons Retail Holdings Inc. subscribed to at least 25 percent of this increase, or P3 billion, and paid the amount in full, it added. The hike was approved by

RBank’s board of directors on June 27, 2018 and by stockholders owning or holding two-thirds of outstanding capital stock during a special meeting on August 23. In an August filing, RBank said the increase would allow the bank to issue new shares to current stockholders by way of a stock rights offering and go public through an initial public offering. Earlier this month, RBank and JCB International Co. Ltd. (JCBI), the international operations subsidiary of JCB Co. Ltd., teamed up for JCB merchant acquiring and card-issuing business.


The partnership allows the acceptance of JCB cards at merchants that use Robinsons Bank payment terminals and gateway at their place of business. )N THE kRST NINE MONTHS OF RBank saw its net income increase by 32 percent increase to P292.4 million from P222.2 million in the same period the year before, driven by its interest earnings, but may miss its full-year earnings goal as borrowing rates rise. Founded in 1997, RBank is JG Summit Holdings Inc.’s banking arm that provides banking services to retail and business customers.

Cathay Land eyes P12-B sales from Las PiĂąas project DMCI Mining aims to ship more nickel ore CATHAY Land is looking to generate P12 billion in sales from its mixed-use project Anantara Square in Las PiĂąas City. In a statement on Thursday, the real estate company said the development would have four condominium towers. It boasted that these would be located between two major shopping malls and

near the central business district in that part of Metro Manila. The first tower would be a 20-story mixed-use building with 700 studio units and one-bedroom suites. Construction is expected to begin next month, and the turnover is set for 2023. The three other towers would be built in the next few years.

Cathay is targeting young professionals and new families as its primary market for Anantara Square, “given that [it] offers mainly 24-square-meter studio units starting at P2.6 million and one-bedroom units with a P3.1million starting price.� Expected amenities are a pool area, pocket gardens, courtyard,

social hall, study lounge, and mini-mall with retail and service shops. Last year, Cathay Land invested P1 billion in two new condominium projects in South Forbes Golf City in Silang town, Cavite province, which is the property developer’s biggest township project to date. TYRONE C. PIAD

New mill to hike Universal Robina’s flour production UNIVERSAL Robina Corp. (URC) said on Thursday its new P1BILLION lOUR MILL IN $AVAO #ITY would expand its milling capacity to help it meet the Philippines’ rising demand for the ingredient. In a statement, the Gokongweiled food giant said the facility would lift its production of exportQUALITY lOUR FROM METRIC TONS to 900 MT daily and increase its milling capacity to 2,150 MT a day. URC Flour and Pasta Division Busi-

ness Unit General Manager Ellison Lee said his company was bullish about the expansion “because we are buoyed by� the propsects of growing wheat demand in the country. Wheat imports are expected to reach 6.3 million MT this year from 5.98 million MT in 2017. “We remain steadfast in our commitment of using only imported high-quality wheat to mill in our plants, following stringent standards and control, to ensure

the achievement of desired quality and consistency for our customers’ needs,� Lee said. “This plant expansion is also part of our ambition to become globally competitive and cater to the needs of a growing sophisticated market,� he added. According to him, the expansion would allow URC to serve not only the Visayas and Mindanao markets, but also those in Southeast Asia.


Index PSEi

Value 7,954.72

Chg 96.52

%Chg Ÿ

All Shares












Holding Firms








Mining and Oil









Stock indices as of March 21, 2019




Designed and supplied by Swiss TECH kRM "UHLER THE NEW PLANT ALLOWS FOR FULLY AUTOMATED lOUR processing, URC said. “The expanded capacity of the plant features milling and blending facilities and an advanced, quality-control laboratory that WORKS ON IMPROVING lOUR FOR A better yield, as well as customizing products to meet the customers’ SPECIkC NEEDS u IT ADDED EIREENE JAIREE GOMEZ

DMCI Mining Corp. aims to ship a 24-percent higher volume of nickel ore in 2019, despite expecting the year to be tough. In a regulatory filing on Thursday, the Consunji-led mining firm said it shipped 643,000 wet metric tons of nickel ore last year, a 22-percent increase from 525,000 WMT in 2017. DMCI Mining President Cesar Simbulan had told reporters his company targeted to ship 800,000 WMT of nickel ore, while bracing for a more challenging year in light of its diminishing inventory. “We will be shipping mostly lower grade nickel, which fetches a lower price in the market,� Simbulan said in the filing. Average nickel grade of the shipments stood at 1.70 percent, up 13 percent year-on-year from 1.51 percent. Meanwhile, the company expects

to ship nickel ore with an average grade of 1.57 percent. Simbulan said all new shipments would come from its Berong mine in Palawan province, now fully operational, as operations of subsidiary Zambales Diversified Metals Corp. (ZDMC) remained suspended after the Department of Environment and Natural Resources ordered the move in 2016. Last November, the department partially granted ZDMC’s motion for reconsideration by modifying its earlier closure order to suspension. It also declared that ZDMC might operate again once it met certain conditions. These include the continued rehabilitation and reforestation of the mine site, as well as the management of environmental structures in the area. Last year, DMCI Mining’s net income surged by 93 percent to P190 million from P99 million in 2017. ANGELICA BALLESTEROS

TOP ACTIVE STOCKS No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Security Name Ayala Land, Inc. Ayala Corporation BDO Unibank, Inc. Megaworld Corporation SM Prime Holdings, Inc. JG Summit Holdings, Inc. Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company SM Investments Corporation

Last Price Chg 44.7 1 931.5 4.5 133 1 5.74 0.17 39.3 -0.1 64.9 4.3 79.95 0.4 966 16

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

International Container Terminal Services, Inc. LT Group, Inc. Jollibee Foods Corporation Universal Robina Corporation San Miguel Corporation Robinsons Land Corporation PLDT Inc. Alliance Global Group, Inc. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, Inc. 0HWUR 3DFLÂżF ,QYHVWPHQWV &RUSRUDWLRQ Bank of the Philippine Islands San Miguel Food and Beverage, Inc.

121.4 17.3 312.4 145 175.2 24.45 1,180.00 15.78 58.5 4.86 88.1 101.4

-0.6 0.78 -1.2 -3 0.2 0.95 20 0.06 2.3 0 0.2 -2.6

%Chg 2.29% 0.49% 0.76% 3.05% -0.25% 7.10% 0.50% 1.68% -0.49% 4.72% -0.38% -2.03% 0.11% 4.04% 1.72% 0.38% 4.09% 0% 0.23% -2.50%

Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ ź Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ ź Ÿ ź ź Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ ź

Volume 13,282,700.00 324,580.00 2,025,730.00 46,443,500.00 6,207,300.00 3,518,290.00 2,283,560.00 189,320.00

Value(P) 588,139,130.00 301,693,780.00 268,016,524.00 264,644,313.00 243,842,635.00 223,896,956.00 182,557,293.00 181,906,145.00

1,271,930.00 8,621,500.00 472,780.00 956,470.00 725,890.00 4,803,600 93,395 7,015,800 1,775,580 20,339,000 1,043,450 879,230

154,354,068.00 148,050,966.00 148,047,020.00 140,290,138.00 128,027,516.00 116,056,795.00 110,397,285.00 110,299,330.00 104,140,642.00 99,326,280.00 92,214,705.50 90,128,981.00

*amounts in peso, except for volume, %chg




INDEX HISTORY Date Mar 21, 2019 Mar 20, 2019 Mar 19, 2019 Mar 18, 2019 Mar 15, 2019 Mar 14, 2019 Mar 13, 2019 Mar 12, 2019 Mar 11, 2019 Mar 08, 2019 Mar 07, 2019 Mar 06, 2019 Mar 5, 2019 Mar 4, 2019 Mar 1, 2019 Feb 28, 2019 Feb 27, 2019 Feb 26, 2019 Feb 22, 2019 Feb 21, 2019 Feb 20, 2019 Feb 19, 2019 Feb 18, 2019 Feb 15, 2019 Feb 14, 2019 Feb 13, 2019 Feb 12, 2019 Feb 11, 2019 Feb 08, 2019 Feb 07, 2019

Open 7,876 7,848 7,864 7,795 7,748 7,742 7,726 7,728 7,815 7,869 7,807 7,675 7,700 7,632 7,712 7,920 7,962 7,996 7,940 7,947 7,849 7,923 7,925 7,965 7,960 8,040 8,077 8,088 8,092 8,093

High 7,955 7,876 7,879 7,873 7,798 7,764 7,766 7,774 7,824 7,884 7,882 7,821 7,735 7,698 7,754 7,920 7,973 7,996 7,962 7,947 7,945 7,939 7,964 8,000 7,996 8,040 8,084 8,106 8,096 8,127

Low 7,869 7,824 7,843 7,761 7,702 7,719 7,725 7,728 7,709 7,797 7,795 7,675 7,667 7,596 7,588 7,705 7,878 7,945 7,895 7,893 7,848 7,831 7,911 7,909 7,921 7,889 7,984 8,062 8,036 8,088

Close 7,955 7,858 7,843 7,873 7,798 7,750 7,766 7,748 7,709 7,797 7,882 7,821 7,671 7,675 7,642 7,705 7,889 7,988 7,962 7,931 7,939 7,834 7,911 7,909 7,991 7,920 8,010 8,062 8,071 8,100


No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Security Name Zeus Holdings, Inc. Acesite (Philippines) Hotel Corporation Petroenergy Resources Corporation Century Properties Group Inc. )RUXP 3DFLÂżF ,QF JG Summit Holdings, Inc. Island Information and Technology, Inc. ATN Holdings, Inc. “Aâ€? NOW Corporation Abra Mining & Industrial Corporation LT Group, Inc. Swift Foods, Inc. PTFC Redevelopment Corporation ATN Holdings, Inc. “Bâ€?

15 16 17 18 19 20

Lepanto Consolidated Mining Company “B� PHINMA Petroleum and Geothermal, Inc. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, Inc. Robinsons Land Corporation D.M. Wenceslao & Associates, Incorporated Asiabest Group International Inc.

Volume 76,000,000.00 10,000.00 637,000.00 100,298,000.00 70,000.00 3,518,290.00 3,880,000.00 7,206,000.00 1,408,000.00 685,000,000.00 8,621,500.00 80,000.00 800.00 2,154,000.00

Value 30,312,350.00 13,090.00 2,564,940.00 54,753,050.00 16,220.00 223,896,956.00 506,460.00 10,227,380.00 3,632,450.00 1,469,300.00 148,050,966.00 10,440.00 38,875.00 3,108,710.00

Last Price 0.405 1.33 4.15 0.56 0.242 64.9 0.131 1.44 2.62 0.0022 17.3 0.134 50 1.45

Chg 0.035 0.1 0.3 0.04 0.017 4.3 0.008 0.07 0.12 0.0001 0.78 0.006 2.1 0.06

%Chg 9.46% 8.13% 7.79% 7.69% 7.56% 7.10% 6.50% 5.11% 4.80% 4.76% 4.72% 4.69% 4.38% 4.32%

10,000.00 1,000.00 1,775,580.00 4,803,600.00 2,054,500.00 147,700.00

1,250.00 3,270.00 104,140,642.00 116,056,795.00 23,813,884.00 3,123,945.00

0.125 3.27 58.5 24.45 11.7 21.3

0.005 0.13 2.3 0.95 0.44 0.8

4.17% 4.14% 4.09% 4.04% 3.91% 3.90%

Chg -0.74 -1.4 -0.18 -0.28 -0.08 -0.02 -0.05 -0.14 -0.02 -0.18 -0.007 -0.0002 -1.5 -0.02 -0.03 -0.12 -0.14 -2.6 -0.06 -0.001

%Chg -15.16% -6.11% -5.00% -4.24% -4.23% -3.77% -3.38% -3.18% -2.94% -2.92% -2.89% -2.78% -2.75% -2.63% -2.54% -2.53% -2.50% -2.50% -2.33% -2.27%

*amounts in peso, except for volume, %chg



No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Security Name Volume Value Last Price F & J Prince Holdings Corporation “A� 1,000.00 4,140.00 4.14 Philippine Bank of Communications 40,000.00 854,420.00 21.5 Mabuhay Vinyl Corporation 12,000.00 41,160.00 3.42 Cebu Holdings, Inc. 11,700.00 72,524.00 6.32 Leisure and Resorts World Corporation Warrants 210,000.00 383,430.00 1.81 Lodestar Investment Holdings Corporation 649,000.00 338,070.00 0.51 I-Remit, Inc. 17,000.00 24,250.00 1.43 Cebu Landmasters, Inc. 294,000.00 1,247,850.00 4.26 Abacore Capital Holdings, Inc. 9,469,000.00 6,278,950.00 0.66 Panasonic Manufacturing Philippines Corporation 61,000.00 363,320.00 5.99 Basic Energy Corporation 290,000.00 68,620.00 0.235 United Paragon Mining Corporation 23,000,000.00 162,800.00 0.007 Liberty Flour Mills, Inc. 1,300.00 67,813.00 53 Anglo Philippine Holdings Corporation 101,000.00 74,750.00 0.74 Benguet Corporation “A� 200,000.00 230,040.00 1.15 PH Resorts Group Holdings, Inc. 193,000.00 905,550.00 4.63 GMA Holdings, Inc. (PDR) 2,000.00 11,060.00 5.46 San Miguel Food and Beverage, Inc. 879,230.00 90,128,981.00 101.4 Victorias Milling Company, Inc. 8,000.00 20,160.00 2.52 Apollo Global Capital, Inc. 5,500,000.00 236,900.00 0.043

*amounts in peso except for volume, %chg

Foreign Business Trump: China tariffs Singapore exec hopeful unlikely to be lifted soon for China-backed RCEP W B4

˜ The Manila Times

w w

FRIDAY March 22, 2019

critics said the bill was rammed through without sufficient time for input from businesses.

whelmingly positive about the US but a little tentative about the rest OF THE WORLD u "OLTEN SAID HE WAS gCAUTIOUSLY OPTIMISTICu ABOUT THE PROSPECTS of a US-China trade deal following recent progress on the talks between the two countries. The business lobby plans to meet with US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer this week at a quarterly meeting, he said. g)T WOULD BE A BIG POSITIVEu TO have tariffs removed and for the United States and China to reach a trade deal that protects intellectual property and addresses other longstanding US corporate criticisms of China, Bolten added. AFP

WASHINGTON, D.C.: US President Donald Trump said Wednesday that US tariffs on Chinese imports could remain in place for a “substantial period,â€? dampening hopes that a new trade agreement would see them lifted soon. Top American trade negotiators are due to travel to Beijing next week for a fresh round of talks, and officials have said they were in the final stages of negotiations on resolving the eight-month trade war with China. Washington and Beijing are battling over the final shape of an agreement, with American officials demanding profound changes to Chinese industrial policy. While recent comments that the talks are going well has fueled optimism, Trump seemed to dash hopes trade relations between the world’s two largest economies would return to normal. “We are talking about leaving them for a substantial period of time,â€? Trump said of the tariffs. “We have to make sure that if we do the deal with China, that China lives by the deal.â€? Trump again told reporters at the White House the talks with Beijing were “coming along nicely.â€? But American officials have insisted that any agreement have teeth — including the ability to impose tariffs unilaterally should China begin backsliding on any commitments to end alleged unfair trade practices. Over the last eight months, the United States and China have slapped tariffs on more than $360 billion in two-way goods trade, weighing on the manufacturing sectors in both countries. On Friday, China’s rubberstamp parliament approved a foreign investment law to strengthen protections for intellectual property — a central US grievance — but

g7E ARE EXPECTING THE kRST CUT AT THE "30 S NEXT MEETING IN -AY u he said. (OLMES ALSO CLAIMED THAT another reason for interest rate and potential upward pressures impasse, an ongoing El Niùo and continue to monitor develop- cuts was the worsening outlook on commodity prices. the US-China trade war. MENTS AFFECTING THE INlATION OUT- for the economy. Meanwhile, a projected recovThe National Economic and look to ensure that the monetary Fourth quarter 2018 growth of ery in household spending and Development Authority has policy stance remains consistent 6.1 percent undershot expectathe continued implementation warned that 2019 growth could WITH ITS PRICE STABILITY OBJECTIVE u tion and the full-year result of 6.2 of the government’s infrastruc- slow to as low as 4.2-4.9 per- he added. percent was the weakest in three TURE PROGRAM WILL SUPPORT kRM cent, from last year’s 6.2 peryears, he pointed out. domestic activity. cent, if the government was Policy reversal g7ITH EXPORTS SET TO WEAKEN g(OWEVER THERE ARE RISKS TO ECO- forced to operate on a reenacted expected on the back of sluggish global nomic growth in 2019 if the cur- 2018 budget. growth and the lagged impact rent budget impasse in Congress is g'IVEN THESE CONSIDERATIONS Reacting to the Monetary Board of last year’s rate hikes likely to NOT RESOLVED SOON u $IOKNO SAID the Monetary Board is of the decision, analysts said the contin- weigh on activity, a rebound is Economic managers last week VIEW THAT THE WITHIN TARGET INlA- ued pause strengthened views of UNLIKELY u THE ECONOMIST ADDED cut the economic growth targets TION OUTLOOK AND kRM DOMESTIC a policy reversal going forward. ING Bank Manila senior econfor this year and the next to to growth support keeping mon!LEX (OLMES !SIA ECONOMIST omist Nicholas Antonio Mapa, 6.0-7.0 and 6.7-7.5 percent, re- etary policy settings steady at this for Capital Economics, believes meanwhile, said the central bank spectively, from 7.0-8.0 percent TIME u $IOKNO SAID interest rate cuts are now looking remained data-dependent and previously, citing the budget g,OOKING AHEAD THE "30 WILL increasingly likely. could await further signs that in-

lATION WOULD SETTLE WITHIN TARGET g"30 S INlATION FORECASTS VALIdate that the BSP is likely done with its tightening cycle, with a policy reversal in sight given slowing growth momentum, a dovish Fed and inflation back WITHIN TARGET u HE ADDED Sanjay Mathur of ANZ Research, for his part, said the BSP was progressively becoming comfortable with the evolving INlATION SCENARIO g7E CONCUR WITH THIS COMFORT Our view is that the ongoing corRECTION IN INlATION HAS OPENED THE DOOR TO AN EASING CYCLE u HE ADDED !.: 2ESEARCH EXPECTS A kRST rate cut of 25 basis points to be delivered in May when headline INlATION WOULD HAVE MOVED CLOSer to the mid-point of the central bank’s 2.0-4.0 percent target.


!3().'4/. $ # 3INGAPORE S TRADE minister said Wednesday he was hopeful that an Asia-wide trade pact, which is backed by China and excludes the United States, COULD BE SEALED BY THE END OF THE YEAR

/N A VISIT TO 7ASHINGTON 4RADE and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing said that a clearer picture would emerge on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) in May after elections in four countries that are part OF IT ‡ )NDIA !USTRALIA )NDONESIA and Thailand. g) THINK THE GAPS ARE NARROWING and I think we have a fair chance TO GET IT DONE THIS YEAR u #HAN TOLD

the US-ASEAN Business Council. (E SAID THAT 2#%0 WHICH WOULD be the world’s largest trading pact, had both economic and geostrategic benefits as it would mark A STRONG STATEMENT THAT gWE ALL continue to believe in a rule-based, OPEN TRADING SYSTEM u Singapore, as chairman last year of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, had pushed hard for the conclusion of RCEP which

linking nearly half the world’s population including China, India, Japan and Southeast Asia. But China pushed back the timeline for the 16-member pact to this year amid sticking points over market access and particular resistance in India to opening its borders to a raft of duty-free Chinese goods. China has championed RCEP amid its prolonged trade showdown with US President Donald Trump, a protectionist who has imposed billions of dollars’ worth of tariffs as he accuses China of scamming the United States. RCEP gathered steam after 4RUMP ON TAKING OFkCE PULLED

Levi’s raises $623M ahead of NYSE debut NEW YORK: US jeans company Levi Strauss & Co. announced Wednesday strong pricing ahead of its Wall Street return, enabling it to raise a better-than-expected $623 million. The iconic brand, which was set to begin trading Thursday (Manila time) on the New York Stock Exchange, said it would initially price at $17 a share, above the $14 to $16 per share range it had previously targeted. Strong demand for the shares means the IPO will raise $623 million. First founded in 1853 in San Francisco as a wholesale dry goods business, Levi’s invented the blue jean 20 years later, a product that was initially worn by primarily by miners and cowboys before becoming ubiquitous in the 20th century. The brand has had its ups and downs since in terms of its cultural relevance, but has been seen as again rising under Chief Executive Charles Bergh, who joined Levi’s in September 2011 after a lengthy stint at Procter & Gamble. Levi’s plans to use proceeds from the offering for general corporate purposes, as well as for potential acquisitions, the company said in the filing. Thursday’s marks Levi’s return to the public markets after it exited in 1985 in a leveraged buyout, 14 years after it first went public. AFP

OUT OF THE 4RANS 0ACIkC 0ARTNERship, a trade pact advocated by his predecessor Barack Obama that did not include China and, unlike RCEP, established labor and environmental standards. The trade minister of SingaPORE ‡ A MAJOR COMMERCIAL HUB THAT IS A LONGTIME 53 ALLY ‡ APpealed for the United States to maintain a strong leadership role in the world. g7HAT MAKES !MERICA GREAT IS not just a set of trade numbers. 7HAT MAKES !MERICA GREAT IS THE innovation that is present in this ECONOMY FUELED BY THE FREE lOW OF TALENT AND IDEAS u #HAN SAID AFP

BEAN HANDLER Sam Flaim (R), a Starbucks store manager from Boise, Idaho, learns about the coffee raking with help from Starbucks barista JJ Montellano at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders in Seattle, Washington on March 20, 2019. AFP PHOTO

US CEO sentiment down anew NEW YORK: Business sentiment among large US companies fell for the fourth straight quarter, according TO A REPORT ON 7EDNESDAY THAT highlighted worries about slowing growth outside the United States. The economic outlook rating among US chief executives deCLINED TO IN THE kRST QUARTER from 104.4 in the third quarter, according to the Business Roundtable. Roundtable Chairman Jamie Dimon, the chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, said sentiment was dented by weakness in the fourth quarter in overseas economies, including Germany and Japan. Dimon also said Brexit un-

certainty posed a near-term risk, adding that Britain’s travails over its impending divorce from the EuROPEAN 5NION HAD BEEN A gNEGATIVE FOR A WHILEu AND THAT gTHERE S A growing risk in 10 days that you’ll HAVE A SO CALLED @HARD "REXIT u Plans for capital investment and hiring and sales expectations all declined compared with the prior quarter. (OWEVER ALL THREE CATEGORIES REmain high by historical standards, said the lobbying group, which is composed of the leaders of Apple, General Motors, IBM and other US giants. Roundtable President Joshua "OLTEN SAID #%/S WERE gOVER-


Monetary Board holds fire

A 7ALL 3TREET SELL OFF AND SIGNS OF weakening economic activity, was aimed at demonstrating the central bank’s independence from Trump. The shift in the closely-watched following the announcement. forecast released meant nine of the And he said global growth which 17 members of the policy-setting had been a tailwind to the US econ- Federal Open Market Committee OMY HAD BEGUN TO SLOW ‡ NOTABLY lowered their projection for this year. in Europe and China where tariffs "UT THE FORECAST 7EDNESDAY ALSO and Brexit are weighing. CONkRMS THE NEXT MOVE IS STILL EXThe Fed’s surprising change of pected to be an increase in the key direction follows the four rate policy interest rate, though that is increases last year, frequently in not now expected to come until the face of vociferous antagonism sometime in 2020. from President Donald Trump, The explanation can be found in WHO CALLED THE CENTRAL BANK gCRAZYu the stark change in language in the for tightening monetary policy as statement from FOMC, which voted the economy grew. unanimously to keep the key rate The change could prompt specu- unchanged at 2.25 to 2.5 percent. lation that the most recent hike in In its second meeting of the year, December, implemented despite THE COMMITTEE SAID gGROWTH OF ECO-


Fed now

nomic activity has slowed from its SOLID RATE IN THE FOURTH QUARTER u AS household and business spending is expected to drop off and annual INlATION HAS DECLINED In contrast, in January, the FOMC said economic activity was GROWING AT A gSTRONG RATEu AND household spending continued to gGROW STRONGLY u

REPORTERS THE &ED S OUTLOOK gIS A POSITIVE ONE u The committee members forecast a median federal funds rate THIS YEAR OF PERCENT ‡ THE CURRENT LEVEL ‡ DOWN FROM THE percent forecast in December, and 3.1 percent in September. Central bankers also cut their median forecast for economic growth this year to 2.1 percent, from 2.3 About-face percent in December. That is a sharp contrast to the expectation of more Powell explained the about-face, say- than three percent this year, forecast ING THAT WHILE kSCAL STIMULUS BOOSTED BY THE 7HITE (OUSE #OUNCIL OF %COthe economy in 2018, there had been nomic Advisers. gDATA ARRIVING SINCE 3EPTEMBER SUG7ALL 3TREET FELL FOLLOWING THE ANgesting that growth is slowing some- nouncement, with the Dow losing WHAT MORE THAN EXPECTED u 0.5 percent and the broader S&P "UT WHILE gDEVELOPMENTS AT 500 dropping 0.3 percent. home and around the world that Economists warned that a foreBEAR CLOSE ATTENTION u 0OWELL TOLD cast of zero hikes could encourage

markets to expect and demand a rate cut, and they warned of the potential for rising wages. But Ian Shepherdson of Pantheon Macroeconomics called the DOVISH STANCE AN gACCIDENT WAITING TO HAPPEN u )T WAS gAN UNNECESSARILY BOLD move... and it runs the risk of the Fed having to reverse course in the SUMMER u WHEN WAGE PRESSURES could pick up. The FOMC also decided to slow the shrinking of its securities holdINGS ‡ INCLUDING 4REASURY NOTES AND MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES ‡ which were built up to $4.5 trillion in the years after the 2008 global kNANCIAL CRISIS Starting in May, the Fed will reduce the balance sheet by $45 billion a month, down from $50

‘A lot of concerns’

Beijing also has expressed willingness to increase purchases of American commodities such as energy and soybeans but analysts say they will be reluctant to accede to demands that could weaken the communist party’s hold on power — such as fully exposing state enterprises to market forces. Trump initially said he expected to seal any final bargain at a summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping later this month but that expectation has faded as momentum in the talks has slowed. Despite Trump’s trade wars, the US trade deficit with China last year hit a record, as avid US consumers drew in foreign-made goods while weakened US sales of agricultural commodities weighed on American exports. Elsewhere on Wednesday, the Federal Reserve cut its growth forecasts for the US and Chairman Jerome Powell told reporters the global economy had begun to slow, notably in China, where tariffs were one obstacle to faster growth. “I would say tariffs may be a factor in China,â€? Powell said. “I don’t think they’re the main factor.â€? US businesses continue to express “a lot of concernsâ€? about the tariffs, raising materials costs and cutting off access to foreign markets, he said. On a volatile day of trading and with investors mostly preoccupied by the Fed policy meeting, Wall Street shuddered at Trump’s trade remarks before closing the day mostly negative, with the benchmark Dow Jones Industrial Average down 0.6 percent. AFP

Republic SHARES OR PERCENT ,AMBDA (OLDings has 71,999,850 AUB common SHARES OR PERCENT AND +UO 9U S has 90 million AUB common shares, or 18.54 percent. Summing them up will total to 320,399,385 AUB common shares, which are equivalent to 66.02 percent of outstanding. All these ownerships of AUB common shares plus those held by the bank’s public stockholders equals 100 percent of the 485,310,538 outstanding AUB common shares. 7HY DOESN T !5" HAVE TREASURY shares as of Dec 31, 2018? Is this good for the public? Just asking. billion previously. But from October, it will no longer reduce its Treasury holdings, while continuing to runoff $20 billion a month of MBS, the Fed said in a separate statement. Powell said the total holdings will fall to a bit above $3.5 trillion. The central bank in January pledged to revisit the process after financial markets late last year were thrown into turmoil in part because of concerns the Fed was TOO RIGID IN THE gBALANCE SHEET NORMALIZATIONu PLAN 0OWELL ALSO SAID 7EDNESDAY he did not see major risks to the kNANCIAL SYSTEM THAT COULD LEAD TO ANOTHER kNANCIAL CRISIS g) WOULD SAY OVERALL WE DON T SEE kNANCIAL STABILITY VULNERABILITIES AS HIGH u HE TOLD REPORTERS AFP

˜ The Manila Times

w w


FRIDAY March 22, 2019


Hundreds of couples livestreamed in SKorean motel spycam porn SEOUL: More than 800 South Korean couples were livestreamed having sex in love motels, Seoul police said on Thursday in one of the largest-scale and most intrusive examples yet of the country’s spycam epidemic. The hyper-wired South has been battling the increasingly widespread proliferation of socalled “molka,” or spycam videos, which largely involve men secretLY kLMING WOMEN IN SCHOOLS AND toilets, among other places. The latest case is unusual for involving couples and the livestreaming element. According to police, four

men installed tiny cameras — all of them with a lens just one millimeter wide — in 42 rooms in 30 motels, hidden inside hairdryer holders, wall sockets and digital TV boxes. They then livestreamed the footage 24 hours a day to a subscription website with some 4,000 members, hosted on a server overseas. Some viewers also paid a 50,000 won ($44) monthly supplement for access to “exclusive” content — edited highlights available on repeat. More than 800 couples were shown on the site over three months, mostly having sex,

police said. “About 50 percent of the 1,600 victims are male,” an official from the National Police Agency told Agence France-Presse. The gang earned 7 million won from the scheme, he said, adding that two suspects had been arrested and two more were being investigated. More than 5,400 were arrested for spycam-related crimes in South Korea in 2017, but fewer than two percent were jailed. Last year, Seoul several times witnessed thousands of women protesting against spycam vid-


This picture taken on March 20, 2019 shows a police official testing a detector in front of a hidden mini-camera installed in a hairdryer holder as South Korean police talks to the media about the latest spycam-related crime at the Korean National Police Agency in Seoul. AFP PHOTO/YONHAP

eos as part of the country’s #MeToo movement. In South Korea, motels are a relatively affordable option for many travelers from home and overseas, and a popular destination for couples seeking privacy away from parents or other family members. But they have also long been associated with illicit sex business and crime. In response to the livestreaming case, a woman from Uruguay tweeted: “Now I won’t feel safe, literally anywhere” in South Korea. AFP

Finland happiest country – UN H

ELSINKI: Finland ranked as the world’s happiest country for the second year running while war-torn South Sudan sank to the least contented in a United Nations report released on Wednesday (Thursday in Manila). The Nordic nation of 5.5 million people, known for their love of forests, lakes and saunas, topped the study which used survey data asking citizens in 156 countries how happy they perceive themselves to be, as well as measures such as life expectancy, income and social support. The other Nordic countries, as well as the Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada, New Zealand and Austria also made the top ten. As well as performing well on all the indicators, the most content countries all tended to have very stable societies, with happiness levels changing comparatively little since 2005. Despite the political turmoil brought by Brexit, Britain rose four places in the rankings to 15th. The United States, meanwhile, continued its slide of recent years,

dropping one spot to 19th place. “This year’s report provides sobering evidence of how addictions are causing considerable unhappiness and depression in the US,” said professor Jeffrey Sachs, one of the report’s authors. The unhappiest nation was South Sudan, where the UN recently said 60 percent of people face food insecurity following a bloody civil war which has claimed the lives of an estimated 400,000 people. /THER CONlICT RIDDEN COUNTRIES such as Yemen, Afghanistan and the Central African Republic, also featured at the bottom of the table. Released on the International Day of Happiness on March 20, the report warned that world happiness has declined in recent years, driven by a sustained fall in India, which this year ranked in 140th place.

This has coincided with a rise in negative feelings, “comprising worry, sadness and anger, especially marked in Asia and Africa, and

more recently elsewhere,” it said. This year’s publication also looked at how countries have performed in the happiness rankings

New Zealand bans assault weapons after massacre CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand: New Zealand imposed a ban on assault weapons on Thursday, moving swiftly following the Christchurch massacre and triggering renewed calls from leading American politicians for gun controls in the United States. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern SAID ASSAULT RIlES AND SEMI AUTOmatic weapons were now banned with immediate effect, making good on a pledge to the country of the military-style weapons used in last week’s slaughter of 50 people. The killings at two Christchurch mosques by an Australian white supremacist have caused national soul-searching over New Zealand’s lax gun laws. But the crackdown promises to have political repercussions beyond the country’s shores, including in the United States where gun

control is one of the most divisive national political issues. “In short, every semi-automatic weapon used in the terrorist attack on Friday will be banned in this country,” Ardern said. She added that high-capacity magazines and devices similar to bump stocks — which allow users TO kRE WEAPONS FASTER WILL ALSO be banned. Proponents of gun control in the United States and around the world praised the move and denounced the powerful US pro-gun lobby on social media, while American gun supporters defended their constitutional right to bear arms.

‘Follow NZ’s lead’ “This is what real action to stop gun violence looks like,” Demo-

cratic US Senator and presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders tweeted. “We must follow New Zealand’s lead, take on the NRA (National 2IlE !SSOCIATION AND BAN THE SALE and distribution of assault weapons in the United States.” High-profile Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez contrasted Ardern’s swift action with US failure to enact even modest CONTROLS FOLLOWING RECURRING HORRIkC shootings such as at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut in 2012, in which 20 children and six school staff died. “Sandy Hook happened 6 years ago and we can’t even get the Senate to hold a vote on universal background checks,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “Christchurch happened, and within days New Zealand acted

to get weapons of war out of the consumer market. This is what leadership looks like.” US President Donald Trump did not immediately react on his Twitter feed, but NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch responded to Sanders by tweeting that “the US isn’t NZ.” “While they do not have an inalienable right to bear arms and to self defense, we do,” she said. Accused shooter Brenton Tarrant livestreamed the carnage in real-time, sparking worldwide revulsion and concern over access to guns and the use of social media by extremists. Tarrant had written that he PLANNED TO USE kREARMS FOR HIS attacks to encourage US gun control advocates to push for curbs, thus tearing open the bitter political debate. AFP

Worldinbriefs CHINA PROTESTS TAIWAN LEADER’S US TRANSIT BEIJING: China on Thursday protested Taiwanese LeaderTsai Ing-wen’s stopover in the United States after a visit to three Pacific nations, calling on Washington to block her transit. Following a trip to Palau, Nauru and the Marshall Islands, Tsai is scheduled to transit through Hawaii on March 27. Chinese Foreign Affairs spokesman Geng Shuang said in a press briefing that any attempt to create “one China, one Taiwan” will be opposed by all Chinese people and added that “China has already repeatedly stated its position and has made solemn representations to the US.” During the Taiwanese leader’s last US visit, China lodged an official protest after she gave a speech in Los Angeles — the first time in 15 years that a Taiwanese leader spoke publicly on American soil. Beijing also protested when Tsai transited through Hawaii and the US territory of Guam during her first official visit to the Pacific in 2017.

VIETNAM POLICE SEIZE 300KG OF METH IN MANSION BUST HANOI: Vietnam police busted a massive methamphetamine ring in a Ho Chi Minh City mansion allegedly run by a Chinese national who used a textile company as a cover for the operation, police and state media reported Thursday. Police on Wednesday stormed the luxury property, guarded with private security and outfitted with cameras during an hours-long raid which unearthed sacs of meth believed to have been smuggled in from Laos. Around 300 kilos (660 pounds) of methamphetamine was seized, and images in the press later displayed dozens of bricks of drugs. A police official from Binh Tan district requesting anonymity said eleven people were arrested including eight Chinese and three Vietnamese. The primary suspect was a 56-year-old Chinese national, whose Vietnamese girlfriend was reportedly registered as the owner of a textile export business.



ROME: Italian police on Wednesday rescued 51 children taken hostage by their school bus driver, who doused the vehicle in petrol and set it alight apparently in protest of migrant deaths in the Mediterranean. Some of the children were tied up during the 30-minute ordeal, which saw the bus slam into a car but was brought to an end by police after one of the children was able to call for help. No one was seriously injured. Driver Ousseynou Sy — a 47-year-old Italian citizen of Senegalese origin — explained under questioning that he wanted “to draw attention to the consequences of migration policies,” according to his lawyer. The 51 students were coming back from a sports outing accompanied by three adults when the driver abruptly changed route, announcing he was taking them all hostage. A dozen children and two of the adults were taken to hospital for smoke inhalation while the arrested driver also needed treatment for burns to his hands.

LOS ANGELES: A “meteor” that tore across the Los Angeles skyline set Twitter alight with speculation it was a real life “Deep Impact.” A bright orange fireball that arced over Hollywood — home of countless disaster movies — sent people scrambling to capture the scene for social media — even if it later turned out to be more fiction than fact. “Anyone else just see the Meteor over LA?,” one person wrote on Twitter. “Incredible. Coolest thing I’ve seen.” The Los Angeles Police Department weighed in to calm people’s nerves with a Public Service Announcement, and remind them that theirs is the city of fantasy and dreams. “PSA: A meteor did not crash into Downtown Los Angeles, and no, it’s not an alien invasion ... just a film shoot. This is Tinseltown after all,” the LAPD wrote on Twitter. The phenomenon was a publicity stunt by Red Bull, which fitted skydivers with LEDs and pyrotechnics as they plunged out of a helicopter 4,000 feet (1,200 meters) above the city. AFP

since 2005. three in Latin America. Of the 20 largest gainers, half 4HE kVE LARGEST DECLINES SINCE are in Central and Eastern Europe, 2005 were in Yemen, India, Syria, kVE ARE IN SUB 3AHARAN !FRICA AND Botswana and Venezuela. AFP

UK’s May asks wary EU to delay Brexit until June 30 LONDON: Exactly 1,000 days after Britain voted to leave the European Union and nine days before it is scheduled to walk out the door, Prime Minister Theresa May hit the pause button on Wednesday (Thursday in Manila), asking the bloc to postpone the UK’s departure until June 30. EU leaders, who are exasperated by Britain’s Brexit melodrama, will only grant the extension if May can win the UK Parliament’s approval next week for her twice-rejected Brexit deal. Otherwise, the UK is facing a chaotic “no-deal” departure from the bloc within days, or a much longer delay that May says she will not allow while she is in power. May, who has spent two and a half years trying to lead Britain out of the EU, said it was “a matter of great personal regret” that she had to seek a delay to Brexit. In a televised statement from 10 Downing St., May said she shared the frustration felt by many Britons who have “had enough” of endless "REXIT DEBATES AND INkGHTING though she did not accept a role in causing it. Instead, she blamed Parliament for the deadlock, and warned that if lawmakers did not back her deal it would cause “irreparable damage to public trust.” “It is high time we made a decision,” May said. In a letter to European Council President Donald Tusk, May acknowledged that the Brexit process “clearly will not be completed before 29 March, 2019” — the DATE kXED IN LAW TWO YEARS AGO FOR Britain’s departure. May asked to delay Britain’s withdrawal until June 30, and said she would set out her reasons to EU leaders at a summit in Brussels on Thursday. Her longshot plan is to hold a third vote in Parliament on her deal next week, then use the

EU-granted extension to pass the legislation needed for an orderly departure from the EU. “As prime minister I am not prepared to delay Brexit any further than June 30,” May told the House of Commons — a hint she could quit if Britain is forced to accept a longer pause. Tusk said he thought a short delay to Brexit “will be possible, but it would be conditional on a positive vote on the withdrawal agreement in the House of Commons.” May’s request — and Tusk’s response — leaves Britain and the bloc facing Brexit uncertainty right up to the deadline for departure. Withdrawing without a deal could mean huge disruptions for businesses and U.K. residents, as well as those in the 27 remaining EU countries. “Even if the hope for a final success may seem frail, even illusory, and although Brexit fatigue is INCREASINGLY VISIBLE AND JUSTIkED we cannot give up seeking until the very last moment a positive solution,” Tusk said in Brussels. Tusk made clear what other EU leaders have long hinted: The EU is unwilling to give Britain more time UNLESS THE GOVERNMENT CAN kND A way out of the Brexit impasse. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said that “if the (EU) Council is to decide on extending the deadline for Britain, then we would like to know: Why, why, why?” French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said a delay could only be granted if May guaranteed that its PURPOSE gIS TO kNALIZE THE RATIkCAtion of the deal already negotiated.” EU leaders are united in saying that the divorce deal it spent more than a year and a half negotiating with Britain can’t be renegotiated. But the deal has twice been rejected twice by hefty margins in Britain’s Parliament, amid opposition from pro-Brexit and pro-EU lawmakers. AP

FRIDAY March 22, 2019



Digital age guru gay); guyabano (soursop); neem, a fastgrowing medicinal tree; and tamarind. Its donations during a seven-year partnership with the GreenEarth Heritage Foundation to reforest the Bulacan land where farmers turned trees into charcoal have reached 18,493 trees. In partnership with Adamson University, Acer initiated in 2011 a Mobile Computer Classroom, which, since February 2018, has produced over 1,000 graduates WITH A #ERTIkCATE OF #OMPLETION FROM THE Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (Tesda). The 2016-2018 Adamson and Acer partnership generated 2,070 graduates in Calasiao, Pangasinan; Dingalan, Aurora; and Nasugbu and Laurel in Batangas. The company donated to Fil-Chi Love and Care Foundation Inc. 21 laptop units used to train 2,511graduates from 2016 to 2018 in Miagao, New Lucena and Tubungan in Iloilo; Jordan and Buenavista in Guimaras; and Nueva Valencia and Ibajay in Aklan. It repairs donated units. Fifteen blind girls and young women, poor and abandoned, take computer lessons from a desktop, a monitor and three Notebook units Acer donated to the Margaretha Home for the Blind of the Sisters of Christian Charity based in Paderborn, Germany.

Gaming plus Wong says: “Playing computer games was seen as a waste of time and a bad vice. Today, it can lead to a legitimate career. Filipinos are world champion DOTA players. “Creative Filipinos can develop the games’ contents and designs, which can be exported. A lot of talents work behind the scenes in computer-generated movies and animation. “Electronic gaming is a big professional league like the NBA. The Philippines WILL BE HOSTING IN THE !SIA 0ACIkC Predator League, an online video sports competition using the most powerful gaming hardware.� Wong says professional electronics gaming (esports) involves teamwork, strategy, tactics collaboration and training. 7ONG IS THE FOURTH OF kVE CHILDREN OF Uy Chun Boc, a Divisoria wholesale shopkeeper, and Leung Sau Chel, a Hokkienspeaking native of Fujian, China. Before the war, Wong’s grandfather, Uy Chak Tek, immigrated from southern China to the Philippines, along with his bachelor son Chun Boc. The pair sold T-shirts, towels and general merchandise wholesale in Divisoria, the dividing line between the Spaniards’ Walled City and Parian, where THE #HINESE SETTLED #HUN "OC BRIElY WENT home to China to get married. When Mao Tse-tung declared the creation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 after the civil war against Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist Party or Kuomintang (KMT), Wong’s mother and THREE YOUNG CHILDREN lED &UJIAN AS gBOAT people.� “My mother said she was throwing up during the sea voyage,� says Wong, the fourth son, who was born in Hong Kong, along with his youngest sister. While both live in Manila, three elder siblings still reside in the former Crown Colony. 7ONG kNISHED SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL AT Wellington College in the city’s Kowloon Bay. He studied and stayed in the Philippines after an “unintended visit� when his father died in Tondo in April 1977. He was just 17.

Computer games used to be seen as a bad vice. But it can lead to a legitimate career. Creative Filipinos have developed games’ contents and designs Interim Batasang Pambansa assemblyman for the Las PiĂąas district, Metro Manila. Wong married Ruby, whose business is importing and distributing food, from INGREDIENTS TO kNISHED PRODUCTS #HILDREN +ARLA kNISHED MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING AT THE !TENEO +YLE AND +IM kNISHED BUSIness courses at De La Salle; and Kyra is an accounting student. Wong prefers dinner at home. “Kailangang kasama ang pamilya palagi (The family has to stay always together). They holiday often, and join the annual Bulacan tree-planting program. Viber and email with scholars and graduates, whom Acer supports, inundates Wong with invites to graduation ceremonies he is often too busy to attend. “The learning journey is forever,â€? says Wong, who uses technology as the glorious medium to educate, pass life with lYING COLORS AND KEEP VERDANT THE ROAD to sublime knowledge.

BIT AND BYTES Once this Hong Kong-born immigrant sets his mind to accomplish something, he always gives it his 100 percent.

Q He learned Pilipino in six months, which enabled him to wheel and deal in wholesaling in Divisoria. He learned English so much so he can now speak extemporaneously. Q He describes himself as an “opportunity grabber� such as when he saw the grand potential in personal computers years ago. Q He regards both success and failure as a chance to learn. The company pays for the mistakes but what the employees learn, they keep and bring with them when they leave. Q He believes that employees with integrity and trustworthiness are a company’s real treasures. Q He says during the tough times, one should not only learn to survive, but also to excel.

Real bloomer His father’s passing led Wong to help his grandfather sell the cheapest goods in Divisoria. From the Tondo Church, near where he lived, Wong walked to Recto to take the jeepney to Divisoria and heard “noise, which was not English that he didn’t understand.� Lesson no. 1: “I had to learn Tagalog in the shortest time. I had to speak Tagalog in six months.� A Filipino-Chinese tutor taught Wong to memorize the things in the house such as kuwarto (room), bintana (window), pader (wall), silya (chair). He started with simple communication: Magkano (How much)?� He also had to learn basic English. “To speak before the class was my biggest challenge,� he remembers. “My knees shook. I was made to speak on science in public speaking. Today, I can speak extemporaneously.� In his 40 years of living here, HE BECAME TRI LINGUAL GROWING lUENT IN English, Pilipino and computerese. Born on January 1, Wong was named after his godfather, Manuel A. Camara, a former KBL (Kilusang Bagong Lipunan)


(Clockwise) Acer team gets happy in Hong Kong where their boss was born, GreenEarth Heritage foundation scholars also enjoy a trip to the former Crown Colony, charcoal farmer’s son Romnick Blanco, who was accepted bhy Harvard University, and his benefactor share an emotional moment, Wong and revved up team and holding a standing meeting with Ann P. Magana, digital marketing and PR lead, in their two-story office in Paco,Manila

FRIDAY March 22, 2019


MANUEL WONG Managing Director Acer Philippines

Digital age guru He pushes technology to help others pass life with flying colors ing partner since 2006, remarks: “Acer not only hears: It listens.�

BY ANTONIO Q. ALABASTRO Photos by Hermes Singson FROM HONG KONG ISLAND’S TEEMING western neighborhoods where he lived in the 1970s, Manuel Wong used make his way to The Peak, which remains to this day one of the city’s most expensive real estate with jaw-dropping views, to tutor an elementary school student. Four decades later, Wong recalls to Boardroom Watch how he earned his allowance during those hard-scrabble years. “Ang amo ko sa tutor, mayaman. Umaakyat pa ako ng bundok para magturo (The parent of the student I tutored was wealthy. I had to climb a mountain to teach).�

PC potential “Focus on education,� says Wong, managing director of Acer Philippines, exclusive distributor of the popular Taiwan brand’s computer products. “Develop your strengths and pursue them. Learn to improve your weakness and overcome it.� A father figure to his staff, Wong’s leadership since 2003 made Acer Philippines reportedly the leading brand in the information-technology industry in the



People run the company. When you take care of people, you create value. Just scramble Acer and you get the word ‘Care’

Greening and growing

From the heart

Language skills

Acer’s business partners laud Wong’s leadership, saying it permeates the company’s service, which is not only professional, but personal as well.

Family bonding

As an immigrant to the Philippines, Wong knew he had to learn Pilipino and English in months. He became bi-lingual, and is also fluent in computerese.

Wong enjoys himself most by just being at home with his wife Ruby and four children. They travel together regularly and participate in Acer’s tree planting.



The year Acer entered the local scene, offering PCs notebooks and peripherals.


Shows how Acer grew in sales revenues in 2018 from the year before.

country for the last decade. With investing in education as its mantra, the company boasts among the fastest sales growth in Southeast Asia. Acer posted record-high sales revenues in 2018, increasing by 14 percent from the previous year. Acer’s commercial personal computer trend is driven by the government’s Build, Build, Build and modernization programs, mainly enterprise verticals, including manufacturing and telecommunications; strong small and medium business (SMB) demand for personal computer adoption and refresh (process of updating a personal computer) and its Acer Academy Program to drive technology adoption in schools. “The company gives (employees) the opportunity. If you will learn or not, “bahala ka na (It’s up to you). Go grab it. Walang hulog ng langit (No such thing as heaven-sent).� What Wong knows about the computer industry, he learned by experience, not in formal schooling. Studying chemical engineering at Adamson University in Manila, he also enrolled in a computer


Represents Acer’s PC growth in 2018 in areas outside of the National Capital Region.

school on Recto Avenue, also in the nation’s capital. He learned to assemble a simple personal computer with a mother board and its components when computer programming used punch cards with rectangular holes. Wong received the 2007 Most Outstanding Adamsonian Award when he graduated. After college, he and some friends started a company that distributed computers, introduced Acer as a brand and became its distributor. In the 1980s, Wong saw opportunity in personal computers and its business potential. In bits and bytes, PCs allowed individuals to communicate and share digitally words, photos, videos and music. 4EN YEARS LATER 7ONG LEFT HIS kRST COMputer company to explore new horizons. When Acer invited him to be its managing director in 2003, he learned, technology, business management and managing people. He observes: “People run the company. When you take care of people, you create value. Scramble Acer and you get the word ‘Care.’� “Every interaction is an opportunity.


Pillars that help Acer remain stable: Consumer, Commercial and Enterprise and Gaming.

Failure comes with a price like money, image and cost. The company will pay the cost but learn from it. What you learn is forever with you.�

Listening post Sue Ong-Lim, Acer sales and marketing director, says Wong “allows subordinates to make mistakes and learn from them.� She adds: “But his most essential trait as a leader is his strong emotional intelligence, with a leadership style that is inspiring, motivating and coaching. I liken him to a fortune teller, his uncanny ability to predict the future, especially his business outlook.� Columbia Technologies, a systems solutions provider and among its top distributors and resellers, has this to say about its industry partner: “Acer is different from other companies because it serves its clients and partners, not only professionally but with a heart. Regardless whether they are big projects or even menial tasks, the vision of providing premium service is embedded in its every action.� Bridges Distribution Inc., another lead-

7ONG SAYS g4RUST AND CONkDENCE ARE MY biggest treasures. Revenue is not the only target. I don’t look solely at numbers. I’m not after that. Just do the right things and the numbers will follow. “Computers play a strong part in education, which is most important for the future generation. Virtual reality will show the desert during a geography lesson. Marine engineers can use virtual reality to visit the engine room, show the ship’s engines and dismantle them. “The computer laboratory will help TEACHERS TO TEACH EFkCIENTLY -OST STUDENTS are computer literate, so, we do not push the technology and hardware.� Acer Philippines helps bridge the digital and values divide through information technology, to educate and promote good values and save the environment though social-concerns partners. At the foothills of Sierra Madre, the Philippines’ longest mountain range, over 100 hectares of land ravaged for decades by illegal deforestation and environmental neglect were donated in May 2009 to GreenEarth Heritage Foundation. To reach the community’s Learning Center, Wong and his volunteers travel three hours north of Manila to reach San Miguel, Bulacan. They cross the Madlum River by bamboo raft because there is no bridge. Wong listens to Romnick Blanco, the seventh of a charcoal farmer’s nine children, speak with an American accent. Computers that Acer donated to the center, an hour’s walk from home, taught Blanco the English language. As a GreenEarth Heritage Foundation SCHOLAR "LANCO IS THE kRST FARMER S SON TO WIN A kVE YEAR ONE MILLION PESO A YEAR scholarship in the International School of Manila’s 92-year history. Having graduated with Class 2017 at the country’s oldest international high school, Blanco chose to continue his studies until 2022 at Harvard University. He says: “I love its motto, ‘Veritas: I will go where truth leads me.’� Since 2011, Acer Philippines has been funding and planting moringa (malung-

Âł Manuel Wong B7


C1 FRIDAY MARCH 22, 2019

Butler, Embiid star as Sixers rattle Celtics


A different breed


OR handily beating former fourdivision world champion Miguel Angel "Mikey" Garcia, IBF welterweight (147 lbs.) champion Errol Spence Jr. is being hailed as the new top dog of pro boxing. In fact, not a few have called on Filipino ring icon Manny Pacquiao to stay away from Spence as he risks taking a thorough beating. Spence is joining the fun, promising to hand Pacquiao his “retirement check� iff A kGHT BETWEEN THEM TAKES PLACE 3PENCE and Pacquiao both compete under Al Haymon’s Premier Boxing Champions GROUP PUTTING A UNIkCATION SHOWDOWN within the realm of possibility. There is no question that Pacquiao will BE A HEAVY UNDERDOG IF THE kGHT COMES into fruition. Spence is bigger, younger and presumably more powerful. However, it is insulting to say that Pacquiao will be cannibalized alive if he ends up meeting Spence in the squared circle. For all the praises Spence is receiving, you have to pinch yourself on the cheek and remind yourself: Spence defeated Garcia, a bloated lightweight (135 lbs.) who moved two divisions up strictly for the payday. An established champion in the lower ranks, Garcia was expected to give Spence a decent run for his money, BUT HE INSTEAD SHOWED UP WITH NO kGHT plan and seemed more interested in collecting his purse. Spence looked fast but only because a beefy Garcia offered the mobility of a statue. Spence’s jab looked spectacular, but only because Garcia offered no head movement and was attracted to the jab like metal to magnet. Spence reduced Garcia into a human PUNCHING BAG THROUGHOUT THE kGHT BUT he could not take him out and even appeared hesitant to go for the jugular in the last few rounds. Spence supposedly brandishes Thanos-like punching power, but the smaller Garcia took his best shots and lived to exclaim, “I am Groot!� Spence will likely say that he just took pity on Garcia, but there are people on the other side of the fence who are advancing the opinion that he played it safe out off fear that Garcia, an unbeaten champ going in, still had a few tricks left up his sleeve. The bottom line is that Spence was supposed to huff, puff and blow Garcia away but this he failed to do. Pacquiao may already be 40 years old, but boxing’s only eight-division champion is a freak of nature. Despite his advanced age, Pacquiao’s legs are still pretty mobile and his defense has actually improved since he started invading heavier weight classes. Pacquiao will never be caught standing lAT FOOTED IN FRONT OF AN ADVERSARY AS HE moves his head well and he continues to impress with punches thrown even at the most unimaginable angle. Pacquiao’s volume punching may not be the same, but his combinations still rattle foes. Those who are saying that Pacquiao will collapse the moment he gets a taste off Spence’s body shot may have forgotten that he took arguably the hardest body shot ever thrown by Antonio Margarito and lived to post a lopsided decision win. Unlike Garcia, Pacquiao is a legitimate welterweight and will have no weight issues opposite Spence. Pacquiao has fully adjusted to the POUND WEIGHT CLASS SINCE HE kRST won the WBO welterweight plum over Miguel Angel Cotto in 2009. Pacquiao has absorbed and survived THE BOMBS OF BIGGER kGHTERS LIKE #OTTO and Margarito and it is a safe bet that he can handle Spence’s power which is now under microscopic scrutiny. Pacquiao himself mused that Spence’s power may not be as frightening as advertised. Spence has scored his share of pulsating knockouts, but it came against a collection of patsies and journeymen. Garcia provided THE kRST TRUE TEST OF 3PENCE S POWER AND THE guy went the full distance. If Spence held back to some extent against Garcia (“intimidated� may be the right way of putting it), imagine him taking on the legendary Pacquiao. The 29-year-old Adrien Broner (same age as Spence) talked tough going into his kGHT WITH 0ACQUIAO IN *ANUARY BUT IN THE kGHT PROPER "RONER WAS SO PETRIkED he hardly threw a punch. Broner was limited to single-digit total connects in EVERY ROUND OF THE kGHT WHILE 0ACQUIAO EXCEEDED DOUBLE DIGITS kVE TIMES In sum, it is very disrespectful to say that Pacquiao will just roll over and count STARS IF HE ENDS UP kGHTING 3PENCE 0ACquiao did not win eight division titles by feasting on softies; he faced and defeated the best champions each division offered. Among the young champions looking to challenge Pacquiao, WBO welterweight champ Terence Crawford, not Spence, is the real threat from where this writer sits. Crawford hardly makes a mistake and gets the job done. Spence still has NOTICEABLE DEFENSIVE lAWS AND HIS MENTAL toughness remains a question mark. You can understand why Pacquiao hardly feels threatened when talking about Spence. The Pacman has come a long way to feel threatened by a tyro who is still taking baby steps.


OS O SA ANGELES: NG S Jimmy i Butler led a fourth quarter comeback as the Philadelphia 76ers overpowered the Boston Celtics 118-115 in a stormy Eastern Conference duel on Wednesday (Thursday in Manila). Butler scored 15 points in the kNAL PERIOD AS THE 3IXERS OVERk TURNED A NINE POINT DEkT CIT C TO SEAL THEIR kRST win w of the season against Boston while extendw ing i their winning streak to n six s games. Butler, who was slow to settle in Philadelphia following his acrimonious o move from the Minnesota TimBERWOLVES IN .OVEMBER kNISHED WITH B 22 2 points including a decisive jump shot s late in the fourth quarter. Centre Joel Embiid also delivered a towering performance for the Sixers, t kNISHING WITH POINTS A CAREER HIGH k 22 2 rebounds and four assists. Embiid was also at the center of the BRUISING ENCOUNTER S lASHPOINT IN THE B third quarter which led to Celtics star t Marcus Smart being ejected. M Replays appeared to show Embiid b obstruct Smart with an elbow, prompting a furious reaction from p the t Celtics guard. Smart shoved %MBIID FORCEFULLY TO THE lOOR AFTER their collision, triggering a melee. t Embiid refused to react, and OFkCIALS WASTED NO TIME IN TOSSING O

Q Philadelphia 76ers’ Joel Embiid (right)

AFP FILE PHOTO Smart from the contest. Boston meanwhile were left to reflect onafrustratingeveningwhichsawthem fail to capitalize on a big early lead of 60-46 in the second quarter. Kyrie Irving led the scoring with 36 points for the Celtics, who fell to 43-28 with the loss. The 76ers improved to 46-25 to keep a firm grip on third place in the Eastern Conference table.

‘Unstoppable’ Embiid Embiidmeanwhilesaidhehadbeendetermined to produce a big performance after being riled by suggestions that the Celtics defense had his measure. “I’ve been hearing that these guys can guard me better than anyone else, so I just had to come out and show that I’m the most unstoppable player in the league,� the 7ft tall

Cameroonian said. Celtics coach Brad Stevens took a dim view of Smart’s loss of control that saw him ejected. “We needed him out there,� Stevens said. “We love all that Marcus is. !ND PART OF -ARCUS IS HIS kRE ! TIME or two a year, it gets the best of him.� Embiid meanwhile had special praise for Butler’s decisive fourth quarter contribution. “He’s a closer,� Embiid said. “My job is to get him in the forecourt and let him do his thing. The last few games he’s been fantastic.� In other games Wednesday, James Harden exploded for 57 points but could not prevent the Houston Rockets stumbling to a shock 125126 overtime defeat to the Memphis Grizzlies. Harden’s half-century led the scoring but Memphis grabbed victory

courtesy of 35 points from Mike Conley and 33 points from Jonas Valanciunas. It was a similar story in Oklahoma City, where Russell Westbrook delivered a virtuoso display which ultimately proved to be in vain as the Thunder fell 123-114 in overtime to the Toronto Raptors. Westbrook finished with 42 points, 11 rebounds and eight assists while Paul George had 19 points. The Raptors however got over the line after an all-round offensive EFFORT THAT SAW ALL kVE STARTERS MAKE DOUBLE kGURES Pascal Siakam led the scoring for Toronto with 33 points with support from Fred VanVleet (23) and Kawhi Leonard (22). In Cleveland, Colin Sexton and the Cavaliers took full advantage of Giannis Antetokounmpo’s injury

absence to score a 107-102 upset of the Eastern Conference leaders. Cavs point guard Sexton led the scoring with 25 points while Jordan Clarkson had 23 off the bench to complete a remarkable reverse for the Bucks, who lead the standings with 53 wins and 19 defeats. The Cavs meanwhile remain one place off the bottom of the East with the third worst record in the league, with 19 wins and 53 losses. However a determined Cavaliers performance jolted the Bucks at the Quicken Loans Arena as the visitors struggled to adjust to the absence of Antetokounmpo, Malcolm Brogdon and Nikola Mirotic. Khris Middleton led the scoring for the Bucks with 26 points and 12 rebounds while Eric Bledsoe added 24 with eight rebounds and eight assists. AFP

NBA-best Bucks lose Mirotic with broken left thumb C CHICAGO: Milwaukee Bucks forward Nikola Mirotic has suffered a broken left thumb dealing another blow to tthe NBA leaders. The Bucks announced Wednesday that an x-ray and examination d by team physician William Raasch revealed the fracture, but did not list a timetable for his return. The Bucks are already without guard Malcolm Brogdon who is out g indefinitely with plantar fasciitis in his right foot. ESPN and The Athletic each reporteed Mirotic will miss from two to four

weeks, with only three weeks remaining in the NBA season for the Bucks. At best, the 28-year-old Montenegro-born Spaniard would return in time to be available for Milwaukee’s last four regular-season games. At worst, he would miss the start of the playoffs, which begin April 13. Milwaukee is already ensured a playoff place. The Eastern Conference-leading Bucks are 53-18, three games ahead of the Toronto Raptors for the best record in the NBA -- and a home-court edge throughout the playoffs y -- with 11 g games remaining. g

Mirotic, who was acquired from New Orleans in a February 7 trade, has averaged 11.6 points, 5.4 rebounds and 1.4 assists in 14 games for the Bucks, who are 10-4 with him in the lineup. For the full season, Mirotic is averaging a career-high 15.6 points plus 4.5 rebounds and 3.2 assists. He spent his first four NBA seasons with Chicago until a trade to New Orleans last year. AFP Q Nikola Mirotic of the Milwaukee Bucks has been sidelined for the NBA with a broken left thumb. AFP PHOTO


Q TNT’s Troy Rosario (No. 18) shoots past Alaska’s Noy Baclao during a Season 44 PBA Philippine Cup game last week at the Cuneta Astrodome in Pasay City. PBA MEDIA BUREAU PHOTO

4.4 +A4ROPA KEEPS ITS EYES ON THE TWICE TO BEAT QUARTERkNAL BONUS AS #OLUMBIAN $YIP kGHTS FOR SURVIVAL WHEN THEY COLLIDE TODAY IN Season 44 Philippine Basketball Association Philippine Cup at the Ynares Sports Center in Antipolo City . The KaTropa, running No. 3 with a 6-3 win-loss record, are gunNING FOR THEIR kFTH CONSECUTIVE VICTORY IN THEIR P M ENCOUNTER with the Columbian Dyip. Phoenix Pulse (9-2) is leading the race followed by Rain or Shine (8-3). TNT could dislodge the Elasto Painters at No. 2 and claim a twice-to-beat bonus if it sweeps its remaining two games against Columbian Dyip and Northport, and if Barangay Ginebra San Miguel (5-3) suffered loss in one of its three remaining games in the elimination round. But in the case TNT lost to Columbian Dyip, Rain or Shine will automatically clinch the last twice-to-beat bonus even if Ginebra swept all its remaining games because of the “win over the other� rule. “We just have to execute the same game plan particularly on our defense and keep our consistency. We must take our last two games seriously. We have no problem with our offense so we have to focus on defense,�TNT coach Bong Ravena told The Manila Times on Thursday. Roger Pogoy, TNT’s top offensive player, is averaging 21.3 points and 8.3 rebounds in the last eight games. But the No. 9 Columbian Dyip (4-6) is expected to go all out FOR AT LEAST A KNOCKOUT PLAYOFF GAME FOR THE LAST QUARTERkNAL SLOT “TNT is going to be a tough game but we are ready,� said Columbian Dyip coach John Cardel. “TNT has a lot of playoff experience too but I believe we can beat them since we already defeated strong teams before like San Miguel Beer and Rain or Shine.� In the 7 p.m. game, Magnolia coach Chito Victolero said they would take on Blackwater with extreme caution to stay in the hunt FOR A QUARTERkNAL TICKET “We cannot underestimate Blackwater because we know they will not going to give this game up easily,� said Victolero. The No. 7 Hotshots (4-5) are coming from a 103-90 comefrom-behind win over Northport on Wednesday behind Paul Lee’s 24 points with six triples and Ian Sangalang’s 20 points. 4HE %LITE AT ARE ALREADY ELIMINATED IN THE QUARTERkNALS RACE


Chinese, Croatian teams to join NBA Vegas Summer League NEW YORK: China and Croatia will send national teams to compete in the NBA Summer League, an annual showcase for top new talent, next July in Las Vegas, the league announced Wednesday (Thursday in Manila). The 15th NBA Summer League will be an 83-game competition from July 5-15 on the campus of the University of Nevada Las Vegas. China previously played in the 2007 event in Las Vegas but Croatia will make its Summer League debut. This will mark the first time two global squads will join NBA clubs for the off-season competition. All 32 teams will play four preliminary games before the top eight clubs are seeded in a tournament that culminates in a championship game July 15. Each team that misses the tournament will play a consolation game so every club gets at least five games to test top newcomers and reserve talent against their elite counterparts. Attendance and television viewership reached record levels last year, when the Portland Trail Blazers beat the Los Angeles Lakers in the final. Portland’s K.J. McDaniels was named Most Valuable Player of the final. Josh Hart of the Lakers was named the Summer League MVP. Nine of the top 10 players taken in last year’s NBA Draft took part in the event, including top pick Deandre Ayton of Phoenix. Among former NBA Summer League players were future NBA MVPs Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, James Harden and Russell Westbrook. AFP



˜ The Manila Times

FRIDAY March 22, 2019

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Tracksters Raguine, Ledina smoke rivals in Isabela I BY JEAN RUSSEL V. DAVID

LAGAN CITY, Isabela: Pangasinan’s Rufo Aidan Raguine and Zambales’ Janine Ledina bagged their second gold medals in athletics in the Batang Pinoy 2019 Luzon Qualifying leg on Thursday at the Ilagan Sports Complex here. Raguine ruled the boy’s triple jump WITH METERS BESTING 'ILBERT !NDREI 6ELASCO OF #AMARINES 3UR and Rex BJ Banzuelo of Ligao City “I am overjoyed getting my second gold,� said the Grade 8 student of St. Anthony Abbot Academy in Villasis, Pangasinan. Raguine who celebrated his birthDAY LAST -ARCH WON HIS kRST GOLD IN LONG JUMP WITH METERS ON Wednesday. Ledina, who also dominated the discus throw tilt with 29.82m the other day, grabbed her second gold by posting M IN THE GIRLS JAVELIN The 14-year old athlete beat DasMARINAS )RENE ,AMOSTE M and Pangasinan’s Gennalyn Estrada M Laguna’s James Bryle Ballester and Magvrylle Chrause Matchino shone in the 2000m boys’ and girls’ steeplechase,

BY CLOCKING AND RESPECTIVELY Angelo Justine MuĂąoz of Pangasinan emerged as the fastest male runner in the 100m dash event with a time record of 11.2 seconds. The eighth-grader of Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation surpassed his personal best of 11.6 seconds, which he posted in his 10-month training . “I have God beside me during the race. This medal is for my family, coach, and co-athletes,â€? said the fivefoot-five MuĂąoz. The Batang Pinoy first-timer was happy he was now past the mistake he committed during the Region 1 Athletic Association (R1AA) meet early this month. “The feeling is indescribable. At least, I’ve made for the mistakes I did in the past,â€? said the 14-year old proud son of a tricycle driver and a teacher. John Dave Magtangob of Pasig

City and Franz Michael Matos of San Fernando, Pampanga finished second and third with 11.4 and 11.7.62 seconds, respectively. Calamba City bet Erica Marie Ruto won the 100m girls’ in 12.6 seconds, followed by Kyla Elona of Laguna Province (12.8) and Reah Bacani of Ilagan City (12.9). The other gold medalist tracksters were Shane Kean Sison of Baguio City (110m hurdles), Pangasinan Province’s Rufo Aidan Raguine (long jump), Janine Ledina of Zambales Province (discus throw), and San Fernando’s Joy Angel Brua (100m hurdles). Laguna Province’s James Bryle Ballester and Magvrylle Chrause Matchino topped the 2000m steeplechase events while Rufo Aidan Raguine of Pangasinan won the triple jump with Zambales’ Janine Ledian carting away the javelin throw crown. Meanwhile, Philippine Swimming League stalwart Micaela Jasmine Mojdeh sustained her winning ways by bagging her last gold medal in the event at the Isabela Sports Complex. The reigning Palarong Pambansa most bemedalled tanker ruled the 200m BUTTERlY EVENT IN SECONDS Mojdeh, a veteran international competitor, defeated Mariah Genara 5BALDO OF ,AGUNA 0ROVINCE and Puerto Prinsesa City’s Maglia

*AYE $IGMADICE Other gold medalists in swimming were Laguna’s John Cyprus Fa c t o r ( b oys ’ 1 2 - u n d e r 20 0 m free), Dave Daryl Bandillo (boys’ 1 2 - u n d e r 10 0 m b r e a s t ) a n d Philip Miguel Mendoza (boys’ M FREE $ASMARINAS Renavive Subida (girls’ 12-under 200m free), Dagupan’s Janelle ! L I S A & R A N C E , I N G I R L S 200m free), Gabriel Angelo * I Z M U N D O B OYS M breast), Pasig City’s Mikyla Guzman (girls’ 12-under 100m breast), Puerto Princesa’s Mary 3OPHIA -ANANTAN GIRLS 100m breast) and San Jose, Del Monte’s Meynard Geoff Marcelino (boys’ 12-under 200m fly). Sta. Maria Bulacan sepak takraw girls’ team dominated the regu event followed by the Province of Pangasinan while Pasig City claimed the 1-2 position in the regu boys’ division held at the covered court of Brgy. Agassian. Over at the NorthStar Mall, Joshua Manlapaz of Makati trounced 'ABRIEL $OCTO OF -UNTINLUPA to snare the gold in table tennis. CJ Yamson of Muntinlupa and Alfaizar Grageda of Santa Rosa finished third and fourth, respectively, in the mini-cadet boys’ singles table tennis match.

Blue Dragons batter SMDC-NU DILIMAN College-Gerry’s Grill compounded SMDC-NU’s woes with an 82-70 victory, their second win, in the 2019 PBA DLeague on Thursday at Ynares Sports Arena in Pasig. The Blue Dragons fought back from a 12-point first half deficit as Joseph Brutas caught fire and nailed three straight treys with four minutes left to play turning a 6763 lead to a 76-64 advantage. “I know Brutas for three years now. He’s a young player pero kilala ko ‘yung puso ng batang ‘yan,� lauded coach Rensy Bajar of Brutas, who had 13 markers, five rebounds, and two assists. Beninese big man Kevin Gandjeto led Diliman-Gerry’s with 16 points and 13 rebounds to hike its record to 2-2. Marco Balagtas supplied 14 points along with seven boards and one block, as John Mahari chimed in 13 markers as well as seven caroms off the bench. “ The defense made this win for us,� said Bajar, as Diliman limited NU to just 28.2-percent clip from the field . “ Yun ang sinasabi ko sa kanila lagi. ‘Di kami kilala sa tournament na ‘to but were striving. We want to prove to ourselves that we can compete.� John Lloyd Clemente had 22 points and six rebounds to lead SMDC-NU, who have fallen to 0-4. John Galinato made 16 points, as Issa Gaye had 10 points and 15 rebounds. GAMES MONDAY (JCSGO Gym, Cubao) 2 p.m. —The Masterpiece Clothing-Trinity vs Marinerong Pilipino 4 p.m.— Che’Lu Bar and Grill vs McDavid THE SCORES: DILIMAN-GERRY’S82—Gandjeto 16, Balagtas 14, Mahari 13, Brutas 13, Torrado 8, Bonsubre 5, Bauzon 5, Cabanag 6, Brill 2, Darang 0, Enriquez 0, Sombero 0. SMDC-NU 70—Clemente 22, Galinato 16, Gaye 10, Sistoza 8, D. Ildefonso 6, Gallego 3, Mangayao 3, Diputado 2, Rangel 0, Yu 0, Sinclair 0, S. Ildefonso 0.

Q PetroGazz’s Jonah Sabete will see action in the BVR on Tour Santa Fe Open this weekend. BVR PHOTO


The Filipino team competes in rhythmic gymnastics during the Special Olympics World Games in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates on March 20, 2019. AFP PHOTO

24 teams compete in BVR on Tour Santa Fe Open A CRA CRACK ACK field of 24 teams teams—12 12 each from the women’s and men’s divisions—will vie for supremacy in the Beach Volleyball Republic On Tour Santa Fe Open this weekend. The Beach Placid Resort in the scenic Bantayan Island in Cebu will play host to the country’s best sand court players for the third year in a row, as the previous leg’s champions Bea Tan and Dij Rodriguez, representing Negros, and Ranran Abdilla and Jessie Lopez, carrying the banner of Air Force, battle for the crown. Completing the lineup are teams from PetroGazz, Cebu, Visayas, National University, Cebu, Bacolod, University of San Carlos, Southwestern University and Russia.

Commis Cebu Provincial Sports Commission (CPSC) Commissioner Nimrod QuiĂąones is looking forward for the province’s successful hosting of the BVR on Tour Santa Fe Open. “The CPSC continues to support BVR on Tour because volleyball is one of the most popular sports in Cebu. Beach volleyball is also a major crowd drawer and is in line with our thrust to push sports tourism,â€? said QuiĂąones. Last year, the Visayas-based squads ruled the Santa Fe leg, with UNO-R’s Alexa Polidario and Erjane Magdato topping the women’s side, while Cebu’s Jade Becaldo and Calvin Sarte emerging

triumphant triumph in the men’s section. Tournament format calls for 12 teams divided into four brackets battling it out in a single round-robin affair. The top two teams per group will ADVANCE TO THE QUARTERkNALS WHERE THE WINNERS WILL PROGRESS TO THE SEMIkNALS The Finals and the battle for third are one-match affairs. The Sandroots program, BVR’s community development platform where athletes provide skills focused workshops for children in the community, will also be held. For more updates and livestream of the BVR On Tour’s Santa Fe Open, visit its Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts.

Velez, Novis bag PPS MCF crowns Local star John David Velez and Malita find Ma. Angelica Novis fashioned out a pair of emphatic victories to share MVP honors in the PPS-PEPP MCF Global National tennis tournament at the GSIS Tennis Club in Davao City on Monday. Velez stayed hot despite coming off a long break from the Palawan Pawnshop-Palawan Express Pera Padala circuit, dropping just 14 games in four matches to capture the boys’ 16-and-under crown via a 6-1, 6-3 result over Andrei Lago in the final. He proved more imposing in the premier 18-U side, blasting Nikhel Nowlakha, 6-1, 6-1, to complete a two-title romp in the Group 1 event staged as part of the Davao City’s 82nd anniversary celebrations and held in partnership with the Mac’s Crankit Foundation, a non-profit organization from Australia

whose aim is to help change lives and empower underprivileged communities through sports. Novis, meanwhile, kept her impressive run in the girls’ division of the nationwide circuit presented by Dunlop, crushing Coleen Carvajal twice to sweep the 16-U (6-3, 6-2) and 18-U (6-1, 6-3) diadems, her third straight after pulling off similar feats in the Digos and Tagum stops of the Mindanao swing of the circuit sanctioned by the Unified Tennis Philippines made up of PPS-PEPP, Cebuana Lhuillier, Wilson, Toby’s, Dunlop, Slazenger and B-Meg. “While Velez and Novis kept their win run going, new faces continued to emerge which should serve as motivation for the other bidders and further boost our talent-search,� said Palawan Pawnshop president/CEO Bobby Castro. Other singles winners were Cian Ramirez from

Kabacan (10-unisex), Kendrick Bona from Puerto Princesa and member of the MCTA, Davao’s Andre Sing (boys’ 14-U), Tagum’s Chelsea Bernaldez (girls’ 12-U) and Juliana Carvajal from Digos (girls’ 14-U). Ramirez upended top seed Pete Bandala, 4-0, 4-2, in the semis then beat No. 2 Yusuf Maldo, 4-2, 4-2; No. 2 Bona held off Raphael Duay, 6-2, 7-5; Sing ripped Reyman Saldivar Jr., 6-1, 6-2; Bernaldez clobbered Mae Anoba, 6-1, 6-3; and Carvajal defeated Jemarie Manggarai, 6-2, 6-4. Sharing the spotlight were men’s doubles Legends winners Edgar Quinones and Ken Mamontuan, who edged Renato dela Cruz and Jojo Idpan, 8-5, in the 40s; Roland Diamante and Quinones, who nipped Arnold Sarabia and dela Cruz, 8-6, in the 50s; and Gabriel Perez and Bando Cariga, who repulsed Jonathan Palac and Rogelio Estano. 8-4, in the Open division.

˜ The Manila Times

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Celebs vie in IRONMAN 70.3 Davao MATTEO GUIDICELLI and Piolo Pascual take time out from their hectic schedules to showcase their sporting prowess again as they head a big number of celebrities suiting up for the second Alveo IRONMAN 70.3 Davao presented by Petron on Sunday (March 24) at Azuela Cove. Guidicelli and Pascual have been competing in the annual event the past few years as part of their healthy lifestyle and their presence has boosted each IRONMAN staging in terms of participation and popularity. Joining them are Kim Atienza, Dingdong Dantes and Bubbles Paraiso with a lot more vying either in individual or team competition of the grueling 1.9K swim, 90K bike, 21K run event. Meanwhile, the IronGirl ushers in the Ironman weekend with 1,000 participants taking part in the 5k fun run put up by Herbalife Nutrition for 12-years-old-and-above at 5 p.m. today (Friday, March 22). Still, focus will be on the centerpiece Elite division with Mexican Mauricio Mendez and Czech Radka Kahlefeldt bracing for a tougher, fiercer challenge from a slew of topnotch rivals out to foil their back-toback title bids in the event organized and conducted by Sunrise Events, Inc. The crack Aussie side, for one, is going all out to re-stamp its class in the event it used to dominate with former world champion Tim Reed leading the charge along with Sam Betten, Tim Van Berkel, David Mainwaring, Matt Lewis and Fraser Walsh. Meanwhile, Kahlefeldt gears up for a showdown with regular Phl campaigners Caroline Steffen of Switzerland, Dimity Lee Duke, Kirra Seidel and Lisa Tyack of Australia, and Guam’s Manami Iijima in their side of the duel. Bets from the United Arab Emirates, Czech Republic, Hong Kong, Mexico, Ukraine, India, Malaysia, Qatar, the US, Belgium, Spain, Italy, New Caledonia, Singapore make up the bulk of more than 2,200 triathletes vying in the event. The other entries are from South Africa, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, Great Britain, Korean, Norway, Thailand, Switzerland, Greece, Kuwait, New Zealand, Turkey, China, Guam, Mexico, Panama and Taiwan. For details, visit the event’s website at davao703. Backers of the event are title sponsor Alveo, an AyalaLand company, presentor Petron, venue hosts Lungsod ng Dabaw, Azuela Cove and the Enderun Tent, bike course partners Davao del Norte, Panabo, Tagum and Carmen, official courier and logistics partner 2Go Express, official swim cap TYR, official energy gel GU, official nutrition Vitargo, official eyewear Rudy Project, and Aboitiz Power, Davao Light, David’s Salon, Davao Metro Shuttle, Prudential Guarantee, and media partners ONE Sports on Cignal, the Philippine Star, Trilife, and Finisher Pix.

FRIDAY March 22, 2019



Park back after break to defend LPGA Founders Cup crown


OS ANGELES: Seven-time major champion Park In-bee, who ended a long break two weeks ago in Singapore, isn’t feeling any rust as she defends her title at this week’s LPGA Founders Cup.

LPGA Tour, so I think it gives me a good motivation,� she said.

The 30-year-old South Korean star and reigning Olympic champion tees off in Thursday’s (Friday in MaNILA OPENING ROUND AT 7ILDkRE 'OLF Club in Phoenix, Arizona, trying to match Australia’s Karrie Webb as a two-time winner of the event. “I feel a little bit still fresh, but I’m looking forward to playing the stretch starting in this event,� Park said. “I thought I was going to be a little rusty on the ball striking, but it was really the opposite. g) M JUST TRYING TO kND THE BEST putter for me and best stroke for me and just trying to roll the ball a little bit more consistently.� Sixth-ranked Park shared 14th AT 3INGAPORE IN HER kRST EVENT SINCE sharing eighth at last September’s Evian Championship in France, THE ONLY ONE OF THE ,0'! S kVE major she hasn’t won. The break helped revive Park’s love of the game. “There were times when I was

Among the others in the field is American Brittany Lincicome, who last month announced she is expecting a baby daughter in September. “It has been crazy,� she said. “ O b v i o u s l y we ’ ve been trying for a while, so TO kND OUT THAT WE WERE PREGNANT again, obviously super excited. I found out two days before Christmas and told my husband on Christmas Day, which was pretty cool. “I’ve just been trying to take it easy. Obviously I didn’t go overseas. Trying to do all the right things to make sure we have a healthy girl at the end of this.� Lincicome, 33, is looking at ending her season in May after either San Francisco or Kingsmill

like, ‘Wow, I think I’m really sick of golf. I really don’t want to play anymore.’ Some moments I was really burned out,� Park said. “But since a little bit of time off from golf and as much of a busy schedule as before, I kind of realize that I really still love golf and this is what I want to do. I missed golf. I think that’s really good thing that I caught in the time off.� Park has not won an LPGA event since taking her 19th tour title at last year’s Founders Cup. “I played really well last year here,� Park said. “This golf course HAS BEEN A VERY GOOD kT FOR ME This golf course is definitely scorable and everybody scores really well. Got to make a lot of birdies out here.� Park’s goal for the season is simply for a victory. “Any type of win will be really nice. I didn’t realize since last year this event was my last win on the

Lincicome plays while pregnant

US teen phenom Bhatia makes PGA debut at Valspar MIAMI: US teen golf prodigy Akshay Bhatia makes his PGA Tour debut Thursday (Friday in Manila) at the Valspar Championship with plans to turn professional later this year after a groundbreaking amateur career. The lanky 17-year-old lefthander from North Carolina starts in the last group off the 10th tee at the Innisbrook Copperhead course in Palm Harbor, Florida, thanks to a sponsor’s exemption. Bhatia, who intends to skip college for his shot at the pro ranks, has already practiced with Spanish star Jon Rahm and chatted with top-ranked Dustin Johnson this week. “It’s cool because I’m slowly building relationships out here and for the future,� Bhatia said in a posting on the PGA website. “It’s going to be great just to lean on them a little bit.� A mutual friend set up his practice opportunity with Rahm, who made his jump to the pros at the ripe old age of 21 in 2016. “I just asked him some stuff about what his experiences was WHEN HE WAS PLAYING IN HIS kRST PGA Tour event and just got to know him a little bit,� Bhatia said. “Hopefully in the future, I’ll be talking to him more.� Bhatia, who wears thickrimmed glasses, took a silver medal at last year’s Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires, helped

Q US teen prodigy Akshay Bhatia makes his PGA Tour debut Friday at the Valspar Championship with plans to turn professional later this year. AFP PHOTO

the 2018 US team win the Junior Ryder Cup over Europe and won the 2017 and 2018 Boys Junior PGA Championship. In 2017, he won by three strokes, shooting a course-record 61 and breaking the old 72-hole tournaMENT RECORD BY kVE STROKES ,AST year he holed a 40-foot chip for eagle to win by a shot. “I have so much self-belief in what I do,� said Bhatia. “I’m stepping up and performing at the level I need to perform. I feel like I have a really good plan and I’m ready to do it.� Bhatia, ranked eighth on the

world amateur list, won the Jones Cup last month in a playoff and captured the Dustin Johnson World Junior Championship earlier this month in South Carolina, where he’s booked into the RSM Classic later this year. Bhatia, who learned the game watching his older sister Rhea, HOPES TO BECOME THE kRST 53 HIGH school player in September’s Walker Cup, the amateur version of the Ryder Cup, then turn professional. “I think I have a pretty good game plan as far as turning pro and my scheduling going forward,� he said. AFP

Q South Korea’s Park In-Bee AFP PHOTO

so next month’s ANA Inspiration will be her only chance at a third major title, having won the event in 2009 and 2015. “I’ve never done this before,� she said. “The consensus is everyone

played until they were about six months, give or take. That’ll be through San Fran. I would love to play Kingsmill. I’m going to play as long as I can assuming I’m healthy. AFP Just see what happens.�


Ateneo arranges title showdown vs La Salle CAN archrivals La Salle and Ateneo translate their storied UAAP rivalry in basketball to baseball? This question cropped up after the Blue Eagles outlasted University of Santo Tomas, 11-10, in their winner-take-all playoff for the second Finals seat at the Rizal Memorial ballpark. The victory that broke a standoff between the Eagles and the Growling Tigers in second place after the two-round eliminations earned for manager coach Randy Dizer ‘s boys the right to dispute the 2K19 UAAP baseball plum against the waiting Green Archers. The Archers of coach Jasper Cabrera emerged as N. 1 qualifier in the qualifying phase with a superior 7- 2 win-loss record to advance to the gold medal round outright. Ateneo and UST ended up even at identical 7-3 slates, thus, needing a tie-breaking playoff. The Eagles and the Archers had actually battled three times in the past for the baseball title with Ateneo bagging the plum twice and La Salle prevailing once both before empty galleries unlike in basketball where games BETWEEN THE TWO SCHOOL ARE kLLED to the rafters. The Archers seemed to spoil the potential La Salle-Ateneo championship encounter zooming ahead

to what looked like a comfortable ADVANTAGE AFTER kVE COMPLETED innings. The late-starting Eagles struck back, though, in the last three frames where they lumped toGETHER kVE RUNS INCLUDING THREE at the top of the ninth. The Tigers’ battery opened the door for the Eagles to comeback, GIFTING kRST BASEMAN 'IO 3ALVATIERRA FREE ACCESS TO kRST IN THAT pivotal ninth that served as signal, to designated hitter Fausto Martin %SMENDI RIGHTkELDER 2ODRIGO *OAquin Bitong and second baseman Roque Francisco Andaya to react positively. Esmendi drove Salvatierra home on a single in the next play, Bitong followed with a double sending his designated hitter teammate crossing the plate and Andaya connecting with another base-hit, ENDING !TENEO S QUEST FOR THE kNALS slot and ending UST’s. National University, meanwhile, completed the semifinal cast in the UAAP women’s softball tournament with a 4-2 spanking of University of the Philippines in their separate playoff to join early qualifier Adamson, La Salle softbelles over the Tigresses, respectively, in separate best-of-three series to arrange a showdown for the title. EDDIE G. ALINEA

Osaka silent over ex-coach lawsuit as Miami Open begins MIAMI: World No. 1 Naomi Osaka refused on Wednesday (Thursday in Manila) to become embroiled in a dispute with one of her former coaches who is suing her for 20 percent of her career earnings. Christophe Jean, who helped the Japanese two-time Grand Slam champion when she was a junior, wants at least $2 million of the $10 million of her earnings to date. Jean insists Osaka’s father, Leonard Francois, had signed a contract when he was coaching the 21-yearold and her sister Mari in 2011. Osaka told Agence France-Presse she was “not allowed to say anything� about reports of the lawsuit, although sources close to the Japanese star stressed they are not fearful of the outcome and believe the matter will be resolved shortly. 7HEN ASKED ABOUT THE DIFkCULTY of dealing with the trappings of fame and becoming the world’s top

player, however, Osaka admitted she is still learning. “I am still relatively new at this so I can’t really say yet,� she said. “But maybe as more time goes on I will be able to get a better grasp of the situation,� she added. TMZ, which reported the lawsuit, says Osaka attorney Alex Spiro calls Jean’s claim “absurd� and adds: “This case has no merit and we will move past it.� Osaka spoke as tournament play began at the Miami Open, being staged at Hard Rock Stadium, home of the NFL’s Miami $OLPHINS FOR THE kRST TIME AFTER decades at Key Biscayne. After losing in the round of 16 while defending her title at Indian Wells, Osaka hopes to regain the form that has seen her win the past two Grand Slam titles at this year’s Australian Open and last year’s US Open. “Everyone knows that Indian Wells

and Miami are like two slams so I feel there is a lot of motivation to win these tournaments,� Osaka said. “Beating Serena Williams in Miami last year was such a good memory — the first time I had played her — and I came straight off winning Indian Wells. I just wanted to test myself against her and from then on it felt like a dream. “To win here would mean so much. I grew up watching so many great players winning here and was actually in the stands for one of the kNALS *UST TO COME FROM BEING A KID in the audience to be the person holding the trophy would be special.� There have been 13 different winners in 13 WTA events so far this year, with Canadian teen Bianca !NDREESCU THE kRST WILDCARD TO WIN at Indian Wells. Osaka, whose sister Mari was due to face American Whitney Osuigwe IN THE kRST ROUND IS ON HER GUARD

“Everyone is really motivated by whoever wins the week previous and you can see that,� she said. “Everyone is at the same level so it comes down to who wants it the most and is willing to put in the work,� she added.

New home for event The $72 million spent on turning a former Super Bowl stadium into a tennis venue has received good reviews from players. A 13,800s e a t main court —where former world number one Victoria Azarenka defeated Dominika Cibulkova 6-2, 3-6, 6-4 — has been created while 10 other courts have been built atop parking lots.

“I’ve never imagined ever playing tennis at Dolphin Stadium,� Osaka said. “We actually drove past it a lot when I was a kid. There’s a lot space here, which is good.� Defending champion Sloane Stephens celebrated her 26th birthday on Wednesday and admitted she struggled TO kND THE NEW VENUE

“I didn’t even know where this place was,� Stephens said. “When I drove here this morning, I drove to the Hard Rock Hotel.“I’ve been going (to Key Biscayne) since I was 14 years old. Sad

times. We’re going to miss it. But they worked so hard on this venue and it looks great so far.� AFP

Q Naomi Osaka AFP PHOTO


FRIDAY March 22, 2019


The Manila Times ˜

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Ronaldo signing signals Serie A renaissance – Baresi


ONDON: Cristiano Ronaldo signing for Juventus last year was a shot in the arm for Serie A and bolstered the impression that the league is undergoing a renaissance, Italy and AC Milan legend Franco Baresi told AFP.

Q Juventus’ Cristiano Ronaldo scores his side’s third goal from the penalty spot during the Champions League match between Juventus and Atletico Madrid at the Allianz stadium in Turin, Italy. AP PHOTO

Baresi, widely considered to be one of the greatest ever defenders, said that Ronaldo’s arrival in Serie A was a clear statement the Italian championship is once again attracting star names. Baresi, who won the European Cup/Champions League three times in his 20 years at Milan, added that it was good for European football that Serie A is becoming a force again. “Yes, there is a renaissance in Italian football, it is growing again,� said the 58-year-old Baresi, after appearing at the Betting on Football conference at Chelsea’s Stamford Bridge ground. g4HERE IS SIGNIkCANTLY MORE INterest and the arrival of some great footballers like Ronaldo. “His signing is a very clear and positive signal. Italian football has always been at a high level but is growing again. “Italian teams are doing well in Europe again, so it is on the up.� In the last six seasons, either Napoli or 2OMA HAS kNISHED SECOND IN 3ERIE ! BUT Baresi believes that only the two Milan clubs can hope to end the Juventus dominance of which seems certain to stretch to an eighth straight title this season. Napoli is again the closest chal-

lenger but are 15 points adrift. Inter and AC Milan are third and fourth RESPECTIVELY WITH 2OMA kFTH While Baresi played for Milan, his older brother Giuseppe was an Inter stalwart. When they played each other and it was a “very emotional time� though their parents remained neutral. He says he is impressed at how former -ILAN HARD MAN MIDkELDER 'ENNARO 'ATtuso is faring as coach of his former club. Baresi experienced contrasting World Cup emotions, winning a medal in 1982 though he did not play A GAME AND MISSING THE kRST PENALTY in a shootout loss to Brazil in 1994. He says the resurgence in the league is havingaknock-oneffectonthenationalside. Italy was a nation in shock when their team failed to qualify for the 7ORLD #UP kNALS BUT "ARESI HAS CONkDENCE IN 2OBERTO -ANCINI Baresi, who says Arrigo Sacchi was the greatest coach he played under due because he was an innovator, said that his favorite current defenders are Virgil van Dijk at Liverpool and Matthijs de Ligt of Ajax, though he is reluctant to compare them to players of his era. AFP

Libya stuns Nigeria in Olympic qualifier JOHANNESBURG: Libya stunned former gold medallists Nigeria, 2-0, on Wednesday (Thursday in Manila) in the first leg of a 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games second round qualifier. Montenegro-based Zakaria Alharaish scored after six and 69 minutes in a match moved from Libya to Ben Guerdane in neighbouring Tunisia for security reasons. Nigeria suffered a major blow just before halftime when goalkeeper Adamu Abubakar was sent off for handling outside the box. The teams meet again on Monday in Asaba with Nigeria, the 1996 Atlanta Olympics champions, seeking to avoid a shock early exit. Olympic qualifiers are restricted to under-23 footballers with three over-age players permitted at recent finals. The Democratic Republic of Congo, a strong football nation but with a poor age-limit competitions record, built a 2-0 home lead over Morocco in Kinshasa thanks to Jackson Muleka. The striker from the top Congolese club, TP Mazembe, put the home side ahead just before half-time and netted again midway through the second half. DR Congo has never qualified for an Olympics

football tournament while Morocco have achieved the feat seven times, most recently for the 2012 London Games. Sudan was another country to build a 2-0 first-leg lead at home, against highly rated Kenya in Omdurman, with in-form Waleed Bakhet bagging a brace. Bakhet has played a pivotal role in Al Hilal reaching the CAF Confederation Cup quarterfinals, scoring six goals. He struck after 33 and 60 minutes, leaving Kenya needing to score at least twice in Nairobi when the teams meet again on Tuesday. Guinea edged Senegal 2-1 in a showdown between western African neighbours with Morlaye Sylla snatching the winning goal three minutes into the second half in Conakry. Jules Keita had converted a Guinean penalty after 34 minutes and Ibrahima Ndiaye equalized four minuteslater with a potentially crucial away goal for the Senegalese. Zambia look set to secure a place among the qualifiers for the third round during June after building a 1-0 lead away to Malawi in Blantyre. Fashion Sakala scored after 77 minutes and Zambia need only draw the return match in AFP Lusaka this Sunday to progress.

Pogba says Real Madrid is 'a dream club' CLAIREFONTAINE-EN-YVELINES, France: Paul Pogba said on Wednesday (Thursday in Manila) he is “happyâ€? at Manchester United but that Real Madrid, “is a dream club.â€? Playing for Real, “is a dream for every kid, for every football player,â€? the midfielder told a press conference at France’s training base. “It’s one of the biggest clubs in the world. I’ve always said

Q Paul Pogba (right) and James Milner. AP PHOTO

Real Madrid is a dream club for every player,� the 26-year-old said. The Spanish outfit recently reappointed another World Cup winning French midfielder in Zinedine Zidane as head coach taking over from Santiago Solari. United have also changed bosses this season, bringing in Ole Gunnar Solskjaer to replace the sacked Jose Mourinho. “At the moment, I’m happy in Manchester. I play. There’s a new coach,� he said. Pogba, who was interviewed on British television earlier in the day, was asked again about his difficult relationship with Mourinho, and again attempted a sidestep. “What was wrong? Bah, We did not win,� he said. “That’s why they changed coaches. It’s not necessary to go into details. “If the results had been more positive, the coach would have stayed,� he added with a smile. AFP




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Q Travelers who wish to feed, bathe and pamper the gentle giants can make their goals come true at Chiang Mai's Patara Elephant Farm (above) or Elephant Jungle Sanctuary (right photo). PHOTOS FROM DESTINATIONS' FACEBOOK PAGES

Every sustainable tourist’s guide to Chiang Mai W

ITH its lush greeneries, cool weather, rich traditions and vibrant communities, Chiang Mai is a dream destination for everyone who wants to indulge in nature’s glory. Set in the mountainous regions of Northern Thailand, Chiang Mai is on the rise as a hub for sustainable tourism, giving visitors a perfect backdrop full of natural and cultural wonders.

To visit Chiang Mai is to fully experience Thailand’s concept of the 7Greens, which represents Green Heart, Green Logistics, Green Attraction, Green Activity, Green Community, Green Service and Green Plus.

Through the 7Greens, which the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) introduced, Thailand brings together different sectors in addressing climate-change related challenges and creating a pattern for sustainable tourism. For the eco-oriented traveler, this means having a more immersive experience basking in nature, learning about heritage, while helping preserve them. So for those planning to visit Chiang Mai and but not sure where to start, TAT shares with The Manila Times a few ideas for anyone’s itinerary:

Interact with elephants.

Q Doi Inthanon National Park is home to a number of waterfalls, challenging trails and picturesque villages.

Travelers who wish to feed, bathe and pamper the gentle giants can make their goals come true in Chiang Mai. At the Patara Elephant Farm, one can spend a day taking care of mother and baby elephants. Chiang Mai is also home to the Elephant Nature Park, where tourists can spend up to two days with an elephant herd. The Elephant Jungle Sanctuary also offers opportunities for tourists to learn about elephants’ personal behavior and history. Visit a national park. Chiang

Mai’s national parks and their raw visual spectacle would be a feast for the senses. Doi Inthanon National Park, nicknamed “The Roof of Thailand,� is a must-visit as it is home to a number of waterfalls, trails, villages. The crowning glory of this place is no other than A PERFECT SPOT FOR A SUNRISE SELkE Doi Inthanon Summit, which is Thailand’s highest peak at 2,565 meters above sea level.

Q Akha Ama Coffee educates visitors how a coffee beans go from farm to cup.

Get immersed on local communities. Community-

based tourism in Thailand lets tourists participate in hands-on activities LIKE TRADITIONAL kSHING PREPARING LOcal cuisine and creating local crafts. A plantation called Akha Ama Coffee, for example, allows interaction with a local Akha hill tribe. Here visitors can learn about a coffee bean’s journey from farm to cup. Another unique destination to try is the Jim Thompson Farm where the nitty-gritty of the silk-making process is being offered.

Go on a volunteer vacation. Sparing some time to

volunteer can make anyone’s experiences more meaningful, something that can be achieved with the help of grassroots organizations.

Q Trash Hero Chiang Mai accepts volunteers to join regular cleanups. Trash Hero Chiang Mai, for instance, lets tourists join group cleanups by local and Thai joggers, walkers and bikers. They also allow volunteers in their education program, where anyone can help teach zero-waste,

Taiwan’s colorful lantern festivals The 30th Taiwan Lantern Festival ESTABLISHED A LOT OF kRST TIMES ‡ THE kRST TIME IN 0INGTUNG #OUNTY THE kRST TIME THE FESTIVAL WAS HELD NEAR THE OCEAN AND THE kRST TIME THE main lantern was not patterned after the current Zodiac sign. Pingtung County unveiled their MAIN LANTERN A GIANT BLUEkN TUNA with extravagant water and pyromusical display and a drone light show Taiwan Lantern Festival by multinational corporation Intel. 4HE GIANT "LUEkN TUNA SYMBOLIZES People of all ages were dazzled by NOT ONLY THE TOWN S LIVELY kSHERY INcreative lantern art pieces at the dustry but also Pingtung Country’s 30th Taiwan Lantern Festival held rich and beautiful history. The drone light show, which drew from February 19 to March 3 at Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area in amazement from the crowd, was said Pingtung County, located almost to be the alternative to sky lanterns after considering the environmental 380 kilometers south of Taipei. 4HE ACRE PORT WAS kLLED WITH A factors of the festival, particularly its total of 784 lanterns made by locals location at the Dapeng Bay. from 33 townships. With 184 themes, the lanterns extended messages of en- Yanshui Beehive vironmental protection, pop culture, Fireworks Festival history, ecotourism immigrants and While the Yanshui Beehive Fireeven aborigines in Taiwan. TAIWAN: When it comes to colorful LANTERN FESTIVALS AND MAJESTIC kREworks displays, Taiwan instantly comes to mind. And while these celebrations have ended with the Lunar New Year in February, this list will come in handy for vacationers who want to plan early and partake in the revelry next time around.

Q Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival is also considered a religious activity by the Taiwanese.

Q The Taiwan Lantern Festival’s bluefin tuna lantern grand fireworks display. CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS

works Festival in Tainan, Southern Taiwan is considered by the Taiwanese as one of the most significant religious activity in the country, it also serves as the perfect place for thrill-seeking foreigners who want to experience kREWORKS CLOSER The festival is dubbed by some AS THE gMOST DANGEROUS kREWORKS festival in the world� because of ITS WAR LIKE SETTING WHERE kREWORKS are shot directly to the people while following a holy sedan char parading in the streets of Yanshui. People who are participating in this activity are only protected with a low-budget protection suit consisting of full-face helmet, cotton face masks, cotton towel, cotton jacket, cotton gloves, and sports shoes. Despite its raggedy suit, residents of Yanshui District assured its safety as it has been around for years. Yanshui locals believe that being hit by fireworks is an effective way of removing bad luck for the rest of the year.

Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival

Q The famous Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival.

For those who feel the Taiwan Lantern Festival is “overwhelming� and the Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival is “dangerous,� going to the Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival in the quiet rural district of Pingxi in New Taipei is another option. ! TOTAL OF TOURISTS lOCK TO the festival to write their wishes on

lanterns and later release 100 to 150 lanterns to the sky, hoping the gods would grant what they wrote there. The lanterns used in the festival vary in size and there are different colors on each of its sides,

sustainable lifestyle in schools. By visiting these sustainable tourism hotspots and participating in these activties, lifting people and protecting the planet become a part of sustainable tourism.

depending on the kind of wish: Red symbolizes good fortune; pink is for romance; peach-red is for decisions and opportunities; orange is for money; yellow is for success in school and/or job;

white for health; light green for growth; light purple is for idealism; and light blue is for wishing something to become true. Pingxi is also the only allowed place in Taiwan where people can light up a lantern to the sky. Since Pingxi is the highest rainfall AREA IN THE COUNTRY ‡ RECEIVING 6,000 millimeters of rain per year ‡ IT IS CONSIDERED ENVIRONMENTALLY SAFE FOR THE SKY LANTERNS TO lY SINCE the fuel inside will be extinguished before reaching to the sea. Residents who also make lanterns make sure every material is recyclable from the paper to its frame. ROY NARRA



FRIDAY March 22, 2019

˜ The Manila Times

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Solution to puzzle



»HOROSCOPE Today’s Birthday (03/22/19). Explore fresh terrain this year. Steady action leads to career advancement. Household renovations sparkle this summer, before a work challenge grabs your attention. A professional opportunity pays off this winter, before family matters switch course. Share your discoveries with the ones you love. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. ARIES (MARCH 21-APRIL 19) -- Today is an 8 -- Resolve financial matters with your partner. Professional advice may come in handy. A balanced checkbook is only one piece of the puzzle. Tend your garden. TAURUS (APRIL 20-MAY 20) -- Today is a 7 -- Distractions and time-consuming opportunities abound. Handle an agreement that you’ve been putting off or avoiding with a partner. Get it over with. Restore your word. GEMINI (MAY 21-JUNE 20) -- Today is a 7 -- Don’t waste your physical energy. Use it for exercise, to build strength and practice movements. Your work is picking up steam. Avoid sudden stops or starts. CANCER (JUNE 21-JULY 22) -- Today is a 7 -- Love blossoms when least expected. Enjoy the company of someone attractive. You’re developing a new perspective. Focus on the heart of the matter. LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- Pour your love into home and family for a few days. Have patience with unpredictable circumstances. Things could seem chaotic or disordered. Keep cleaning up. VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22) -- Today is an 8 -- Unexpected news could shake things up. Catch your breath. Wait for developments before rendering judgment. Share soothing, gentle words. Express support, kindness and understanding.


BY NANCY BLACK LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22) -- Today is a 9 -- Accept generous support, and offer it when you can. Pay it forward. Keep cash flowing in a positive direction. Make new arrangements when needed. SCORPIO (OCT. 23-NOV. 21) -- Today is a 9 -- Use your power responsibly. Don’t tromp on anyone. Call if you’re going to be late. Indulge your desire for personal time. Pamper yourself. SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22-DEC. 21) -- Today is a 7 -- Do the work behind the scenes that allows for powerful action later. Sort, file and organize. Clean and clear out clutter. Rest and recharge your batteries. CAPRICORN (DEC. 22-JAN. 19) -- Today is a 7 -- Confer with allies and friends over the next few days. Coordinate changes with plans. Guard against impetuous moves. Postpone expansion. Talk it over. AQUARIUS (JAN. 20-FEB. 18) -- Today is an 8 -- New career opportunities could include a test, challenge or puzzle. Compete for greater responsibilities and influence. Focus, and winning is a distinct possibility. PISCES (FEB. 19-MARCH 20) -- Today is an 8 -- Adventure calls. Fly away, little bird. Your wings are missing the breeze. Conditions are better for long-distance connections. Explore your subject from another view.

(Astrologer Nancy Black continues her mother Linda Black’s legacy horoscopes column. She welcomes comments and questions on Twitter, @lindablack. For more astrological interpretations visit Linda Black Horoscopes and NANCY BLACK. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC BY ROGER SEVILLA

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 square contains the digits 1 to 9 with no repeats. Solution from yesterday’s puzzle.


Today, we look back at an old front page of The Manila Times, the oldest national daily that was founded on October 11, 1898. (Note: This image was adjusted to fit the page.)




Kyline Alcantara to lead ‘Blusang Itim’ millennial cast I

F you were a child of the ‘80s, then you must be reading this piece by now from that headline. “Blusang Itim� was one of the biggest movies of the decade starring a young Snooky Serna whose character’s unpleasant looks would magically transform into her beautiful face whenever she wore a special black blouse. Almost three decades later, Blusang Itim is getting a reboot and an “upgrade� as the millennials call it for their generation. Following a story conference, it was announced that the movie will be titled “Black Lipstick� and will have fast rising star Kyline Alcantara in the lead. Happily, the cast will also include the original Blusang Itim star Snooky Serna in a very special role along with Kate Valdez, James Teng, Manolo Pedrosa and Migo Adecer. Here now are the changes in plot that were made for a more millennial feel. The plot is different though and the scenes are more millennial. In Black Lipstick, the lead character does not suffer the fate of being born with undesirable features like its frontrunner but from a skin disease that goes away when she uses t h e

that I portrayed the role of a young Snooky Serna in an indie movie already? And the producers said they cast me for the role since I look like a young Snooky.� Neither Kyline nor Snooky remember the title of the movie where they worked together but they can definitely spot similarities between them when they were the same age. “I’m not surprised Kyline blossomed into a very beautiful young woman because she was a really pretty kid. And now that she’s been chosen for the lead of a movie inspired by Blusang Itim, I’m happy to relinquish my crown to her so to speak. Yung pag-portray ko as her mom means

they think,� he added. Finally Migo admitted, “I’m scared because this is the biggest challenge for me at this point in career and one that I really hope I — and all of us — can conquer.� Shooting for Black Lipstick will begin in the next few days and go on through April. Scheduling is PROVING TO BE DIFkCULT TOO SINCE the young stars are all busy with their respective series for GMA Network but they’ve all cancelled their planned Holy Week vacations, eager to give their hundred percent to what is sure to be a DEkNING MOVIE OF THIS GENERATION NNN 4O BE PART OF THE COMEDY lICK “Family History� is an opportunity Michael V couldn’t pass up. Besides signing a contract with GMA Pictures for ipinapasa ko na sa kanya ang his movie career, korona ‘di ba,� Snooky enthused. he was taken on as The rest of the cast are also this one’s writer, revved up by the movie project actor, director and ESPECIALLY SINCE IT LL BE A kRST FOR co-producer. most of them. He admits “Just the thought of doing a wearing four MOVIE FOR THE kRST TIME IS ALREADY different hats a big deal for me,� Kate averred. for a single “This is a dream come true and p r o j e c t i s the happy part is that I’m working quite dauntwith people I know na nakakatra- i n g b u t i s baho ko na sa TV.� grateful all James, meanwhile, considers the the same to movie as his biggest break in his BE GIVEN SUCH CONkDENCE BY ALMOST kVE YEAR OLD CAREER GMA that he can do it all. “I’m thankful for the roles I got “When my bosses called me and on TV after joining ‘Starstruck’ asked if I’d be willing to produce no matter how small they were. and direct a movie where I’ll also Ganun naman talaga when you’re be the lead actor, medyo napa-isip starting but when this movie offer ako. Kakayanin ko ba? But with came along, I was just ecstatic. the trust they gave me, here I go!� Tapos si Kyline pa ang kasama ko.� Realistic he needs help, the As for Manolo who’s even read comedic genius aka Bitoy asked THE ENTIRE kRST DRAFT OF "LACK ,IP- his wife Carol to become the stick, he guarantees, “It’s really a movie’s line-producer. Happily beautiful story.� she accepted and everything’s The story and the dialogue are going smoothly. very millennial too so I’m sure “At least yung management side that so many people will be able hindi ko na pinroproblema, so to relate to our characters and how I can concentrate on the artistic


magical black lipstick. According to the young star, she was overwhelmed when she was given the title role but lately, SHE S BECOME MORE CONkDENT TO do the movie what with Snooky giving her all-out support as part of the cast “I am so grateful that Miss Snooky accepted the role of my mother in Black lipstick because she was Jessa in Blusang Itim. For the remake, I go by the names of Jessie and Ikay,� Kyline shared. S h e t h e n g a v e Showbuzz a piece of Q Miss World Philippines Katarina Rodriguez will trivia: “Did add beauty to 'G! LU.' INSTAGRAM PHOTO you know

Âťglobalspotlight What Disney gets with $71.3B-Fox acquisition IT’S finally complete. Disney closed its $71 billion acquisition of Fox’s entertainment assets on Wednesday (Thursday in Manila), more than a year after the mega merger was proposed. Disney gets far ranging properties ranging from Fox’s film studios, including “Avatarâ€? and X-Men, to its TV productions such as “The Simpsonsâ€? and networks including National Geographic. The acquisition comes as Disney plans to launch its streaming service Disney Plus later this year.

Movies X-Men and other movies from Fox’s studios could be added to Disney’s upcoming streaming service. Fox’s Film studios, with “Avatar,� X-Men, the "Fantastic Four" and "Deadpool," would pair well with Disney’s studios. This includes reuniting the Marvel franchises X-Men and the Avengers, as some of those characters were already in Fox’s hands when Disney bought Marvel in 2009. Disney also has the Muppets, Pixar and “Star Wars.� On Tuesday actor Ryan Reynolds tweeted a picture of his “Deadpool� character in a Disney-branded school bus. “Feels like the first day of ‘Pool,� he wrote.

Q The young star is set to portray the millennial version of Snooky Serna's classic movie role. demands of the movie,� he added. They’ve already started shooting Family History, and Bitoy is ecstatic he was able to cast the very beautiful and talented Dawn Zulueta as leading lady, fellow “Bubble Gang� stalwart Paolo Contis and GMA’s prime time stars Bianca Umali and Miguel Tanfelix. As the movie’s title says, the movie is about family relationships, but Bitoy insists it’s not just a comedy. “While we aim to

NNN Still from the movie beat, 3HOWBUZZ S kNAL ITEM FOR THE DAY is about retail giant Ben Chan’s first movie foray in partnership with Arnold Vegafria’s ALV Films. Naming their production outfit Benchingko Films, the co-producers are capitalizing on the success of the “Bench Underwear� fashion shows and bringing together a bunch of uber sexy male and female celebrities to La Union to shoot the barkada movie, “G! LU.� Apparently, the acronym is millennial speak for “Go La Union.� The movie’s cast boasts of the day’s hottest stars, among them GMA Kapuso hunks Derrick Monasterio, Ruru Madrid and David Licauco, Q The male leads of G! LU:' Derrick Monasterio, with Kiko Estrada, Ruru Madrid, Kiko Estrada, David Licauco and Enzo Pineda and Teejay Marquez. Teejay Marquez. make the audience laugh, we also For the women, get ready for make sure that the situations they an all-beauty queen line up of see is something they can relate to goddesses namely 2018 Miss WITH THEIR OWN FAMILIES 3PECIkCAL- World Philippines Katarina Roly, this movie deals with an illness driguez, Miss Multi-National that strikes a family member and Philippines 2018 Kimmy Mugposes such questions as will the ford, Miss World Philippines 2018 problem break them or strengthen kRST RUNNER UP #HANEL -ORALES them? Can they still laugh toge- Miss Muti-National 2017 Sophia THER CONFRONTED BY SUCH A DIFkCULT Senoron and Michelle Dy. situation? Ultimately, the movie With those names, need we will answer the question whether say just how hot this movie’s goa family’s love is ever enough to ing to be? Didn’t think so. Watch weather any storm,� Bitoy ended. out for G! LU!


and “The Simpsons.� Its networks include FX Networks and National Geographic. The Fox businesses add to Disney’s roster of channels like ABC, the Disney Channel and Freeform. “Modern Family� already airs on ABC.

Streaming Disney gets controlling stake in streaming service Hulu. Comcast, Disney and Fox now own 30 percent apiece, with AT&T owning the other 10 percent through Time Warner. With Fox’s share, Disney has a controlling 60 percent stake. It has said it plans to keep operating Hulu for general programming, with its own Disney Plus service offering more familyfocused fare.



Though it dropped its bid for Fox’s stake in Sky, Disney gets other international properties from Fox, including Star India, a major Mumbai-based media company with dozens of sports and entertainment channels; and stakes in Tata Sky, an Indian satellite TV provider and Endemol Shine Group, a Dutch-based media company.

Fox’s TV productions include “The Americans,� ‘’This Is Us,� ‘’Modern Family�

Theme parks

Q The only asset Disney left out from the Fox acquisition is Fox Corp., comprised of Fox News and Fox Sports among others.

Disney has made extensive use of its portfolio at its theme parks in California, Florida and overseas. Disney, for instance, is expanding its attractions related to “Star Wars.� On the flip side, Disney turned its Pirates of the Caribbean ride into a major movie franchise. Disney would be able to expand its opportunities with Fox, though theme parks have historically been able to reach licensing deals with rival studios. Comcast’s Universal, for instance, has rides based on Fox’s “The Simpsons� and Warner Bros.’ “Harry Potter.� Disney has licensed Fox’s “Avatar� for its “Pandora� park within Walt Disney World. What doesn’t Disney get? Fox Corp. is a new stand-alone company that comprises of the assets Disney didn’t buy. It includes Fox News, Fox Sports, the Di Fox Network, and Fox TV stations. AP

Q The story follows a team of elite mercenaries ordered to abduct a North Korean official.

Ha Jung-Woo tries to stop World War 3 in ‘Take Point’ KOREAN superstar Ha Jung-Woo (from “Along With the Gods� franchise) brings a different kind of action in “Take Point.� Take Point is set in the year 2024, on the day of the US Presidential election. Ahab

Q Korean superstar Ha Jung-Woo.

(Ha Jung-Woo) and his team of elite mercenaries are ordered by the CIA to take on the SECRET MISSION OF ABDUCTING A HIGH PROkLE .ORTH +OREAN OFkCIAL Ahab’s team sneaks in an underground bunker below the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), and suddenly gets caught in A CROSSkRE BETWEEN #HINA AND THE 53 !HAB and his team have to deal with abandonment, betrayal and at the same time have to stop tensions from escalating that could likely start a third World War. Along with Ha Jung-Woo is another Korean star Lee Sun-Kyun. They are joined by American actors Jennifer Ehle, Malik Yoba and Kevin Durand (“CSI� and “Lost� TV series). Take Point is directed by Kim Byung-Woo, the director of the 2013 award-winning movie, "The Terror Live.� With his directing, Take Point has combined a clever plot of action and political power games. Take Point opened on March 20 and is still running from VIVA International Pictures and MVP Entertainment. 524-5664 local 121, 3105895 and 3105582

Classified Ads

w w

Republic of the Philippines ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION San Miguel Avenue, Ortigas Center Pasig City

(“FA�) of the instant Application. In the event that the PA or FA, as the case may be, does not state a particular date of effectivity, the Agreement shall be effective on the date agreed upon by the Parties. 17. The capacity of the Generation Facility accomodates not only the instant ASPA, but also the Amended MOA and Supplemental Agreement with the Central Negros Electric Cooperative, Inc. (CENECO), as detailed in the Summary of Agreements with CENECO, attached as Annex “D�.



The Amended MOA and Supplemental Agreement were executed by Energreen Power Inter-Island Corp. (formerly Energreen Power Development and Management, Incorporated) and thereafter transferred to CENPRI as “Project Company� by virtue of the Assignment and Assumption Agreement executed on 15 December 2015, a copy of which is attached as Annex “D-1�. CENPRI has prepared a simulation projecting intervals for nomination per type of service to ensure that CENECO’s requirements will be met. A copy of the Projected Intervals for Nomination Per Type of Service is attached as Annex “D-2�.

ERC CASE NO. 2019-____RC NATIONAL GRID CORPORATION OF THE PHILIPPINES AND CENTRAL NEGROS POWER RELIABILITY, INC., Applicants. x--------------------------------------------------------------------------x APPLICATION (With Prayer for the Immediate Issuance of a Provisional Authority) Applicants NATIONAL GRID CORPORATION OF THE PHILIPPINES (“NGCPâ€?) and CENTRAL NEGROS POWER RELIABILITY, INC. (“CENPRIâ€?), by their respective counsel, respectfully state: NATURE OF THE CASE 1. This Application is for the approval of the Ancillary Services Procurement Agreement (“ASPAâ€?) between the NGCP and CENPRI dated 18 December 2018, pursuant to the Decision dated 18 October 2007 in ERC Case No. 2006-049RC entitled: “In the Matter of the Application for the Approval of Ancillary Services – Cost Recovery Mechanism (AS-CRM) of the Ancillary Services Procurement Plan, with Prayer for Provisional Authority.â€? THE PARTIES 2. Applicant NGCP is a corporation created and existing under the laws of the Philippines, ZLWK RIÂżFH DGGUHVV DW 1*&3 %XLOGLQJ 4XH]RQ $YHQXH FRUQHU %,5 5RDG 'LOLPDQ 4XH]RQ &LW\ It holds a franchise under Republic Act No. 95111 to engage in the business of conveying or transmitting electricity through high-voltage back-bone systems of interconnected transmission lines, substations and related facilities, and for other purposes. The franchise also includes the conduct of activities necessary to support the safe and reliable operation of the transmission system. $SSOLFDQW &(135, LV D FRUSRUDWLRQ GXO\ RUJDQL]HG DQG H[LVWLQJ XQGHU DQG E\ YLUWXH RI the laws of the Republic of the Philippines with principal place of business at Purok San Jose, %DUDQJD\ &DOXPDQJDQ %DJR &LW\ 1HJURV 2FFLGHQWDO ,W PD\ EH VHUYHG ZLWK RUGHUV QRWLFHV and other legal processes through its undersigned counsel. It is the owner and operator of the &DOXPDQJDQ 'LHVHO 3RZHU 3ODQW Âł*HQHUDWLRQ )DFLOLW\´ ZKLFK ZDV FHUWLÂżHG DQG DFFUHGLWHG E\ NGCP to be capable of providing Ancillary Services (“ASâ€?) in the forms of Dispatchable Reserve (“DRâ€?) and Reactive Power Support (RPS). ANTECEDENT FACTS 4. Republic Act No. 9136 provides that it is the responsibility of NGCP to ensure and maintain the reliability, adequacy, security, stability and integrity of the nationwide electrical grid in accordance with the performance standards for its operations and maintenance, as set forth in the Philippine Grid Code (“PGCâ€?), adopted and promulgated by the Honorable Commission, and to adequately serve generation companies, distribution utilities and suppliers requiring transmission service and/or ancillary services through the transmission system.2 5. Similarly, the PGC provides that NGCP is responsible for determining, acquiring, and dispatching the capacity needed to supply the required Grid AS and for developing and proposing Wheeling Charges and AS tariffs to the ERC.3


18. CENPRI, as a generation company, falls within the ambit of Section 6 of the EPIRA. Attached are copies of relevant documents proving CENPRI’s due registration as a generation FRPSDQ\ UHOHYDQW SHUPLWV WR RSHUDWH WKH *HQHUDWLRQ )DFLOLW\ DQG DXGLWHG ¿QDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV as follows: Document Articles of Incorporation /DWHVW *HQHUDO ,QIRUPDWLRQ 6KHHW ¿OHG ZLWK WKH 6HFXULWLHV DQG ([FKDQJH &RPPLVVLRQ Statement of Management Responsibility for Financial Statements (Latest Audited Financial Statement) &HUWL¿FDWH RI &RPSOLDQFH FRYHULQJ WKH *HQHUDWLRQ )DFLOLW\ CENPRI’s WESM Registration in respect of the Generation Facility

“H� “I series�

22. Applicants respectfully submit that the immediate approval of the ASPA by this Honorable Commission is a necessity to maintain the reliability, adequacy, security, stability DQG LQWHJULW\ RI WKH 9LVD\DV *ULG ,Q VXSSRUW RI WKHVH DOOHJDWLRQV 1*&3 VXEPLWV D FRS\ RI WKH -XGLFLDO $IÂżGDYLW RI (QJU 5L]D & (UHxR RI WKH 5HYHQXH DQG 5HJXODWRU\ $IIDLUV 'HSDUWPHQW RI NGCP, which is attached as Annex “K.â€? PRAYER WHEREFORE, premises considered, Applicants respectfully pray that the Honorable Commission: a)

Immediately ISSUE a provisional authority to implement the subject ASPA executed on 18 December 2018; and


APPROVE, after notice and hearing, the subject ASPA.

Applicants pray for other just and equitable relief.

LUIS MANUEL U. BUGAYONG 375 1R 4XH]RQ &LW\ ,%3 /LIHWLPH 1R 560 0&/( &RPSOLDQFH 1R 9, Roll of Attorneys No. 38002 Email address:

MARK ANTHONY S. ACTUB 375 1R 4XH]RQ &LW\ 0&/( &RPSOLDQFH 1R 9, ,%3 /LIHWLPH 1R 0LVDPLV 2ULHQWDO Roll of Attorneys No. 45707 Email address:

RAYCELL D. BALDOVINO 375 1R 4XH]RQ &LW\ 0&/( &RPSOLDQFH 1R 9, ,%3 /LIHWLPH 1R 560 Roll of Attorneys No. 50672 Email address: -and-

Available Capacity of Reactive Power outside the range of 85% lagging only. CECILIA R. LAYUG Counsel for Central Negros Power Reliability, Inc. 8QLW 2QH 6DQ 0LJXHO %XLOGLQJ 6DQ 0LJXHO $YHQXH FRUQHU 6KDZ %RXOHYDUG Ortigas Center, Pasig City PTR No. 5209079; 01/03/19; Pasig City 0&/( &RPSOLDQFH 1R 9, ,%3 /LIHWLPH 1R 0LVDPLV 2ULHQWDO 5ROO 1R 3DJH 1R %RRN ;; Tel. No.: (+632) 2341868 E-mail:

Note that the capacities listed above are the maximum ancillary service capacity that can be provided for each unit. However, nomination and schedule shall be based on the latest AS &HUWLÂżFDWH 12. The Applicable Rates for the capacity covered by the ASPA as provided in Schedule 4 are as follows: A.

Non-Firm Contracted Capacity:

1. 2.

Dispatchable Reserve (Tertiary Reserve); PhP1.25/kW/Hr Reactive Power Support (RPS): PhP4.00/kVAR/Hr



Where: G = Summation of actual energy generated or dispatched due to Firm and Non-Firm Contracted Capacity, in kWh AR = Applicable Rate per AS type Variable Costs = Actual Fuel and oil Costs plus Variable O&M costs at P0.35/kWh x (USCPIn/ USCPIo) x (XRn/XRo). Actual Fuel Cost shall be the cost of total actual fuel and oil consumption of Firm and Non-Firm Contracted Capacity including start-up and shutdown.


USCPIn – US Consumer Price Index, current period USCPIo – US Consumer Price Index, base period (January 2011) XRn – Average Foreign Exchange Rate, current period XRo – Average Foreign Exchange Rate, base period (P43.00)

REVWESM = Summation of WESM revenue based on Final Ex-post market clearing price of the AS Provider’s trading Node arising from G above. 13. Applicants submit that the rates represent a reasonable recovery of its opportunity cost in making available generation capacity to provide the procured AS. 14. The rates under ASPA were subjected to a simulation by NGCP, the results of which are as follows: Ancillary Service Dispatchable Reserve Reactive Power Support

Indicative Rate Impact P/kW-month P/kWh equivalent 13.6421 0.0290 12.1116 0.0258

A copy of the Rate Impact Simulation is attached as Annex “Câ€?. 15. Consistent with the AS-CRM, all the related and incidental expenses which NGCP will incur as a result of the procurement and operation of the ancillary services shall be recovered IURP DOO WKH ORDG FXVWRPHUV LQ WKH 9LVD\DV *ULG 7KH $63$ VKDOO EH HIIHFWLYH IRU D SHULRG RI ÂżYH \HDUV WR FRPPHQFH LPPHGLDWHO\ XSRQ WKH HIIHFWLYLW\ RI WKH SURYLVLRQDO DSSURYDO Âł3$´ RU LQ WKH DEVHQFH WKHUHRI WKH ÂżQDO DSSURYDO



I, MA. CYNTHIA Y. MANRIQUE, )LOLSLQR RI OHJDO DJH VLQJOH ZLWK RIÂżFH DGGUHVV DW nd )ORRU 1*&3 %XLOGLQJ 4XH]RQ $YHQXH FRU %,5 5RDG 'LOLPDQ 4XH]RQ &LW\ DIWHU KDYLQJ EHHQ duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby depose and say that: 3. 5.

, DP WKH &KDLUPDQ 3UHVLGHQW RI &(175$/ 1(*526 32:(5 5(/,$%,/,7< ,1& (CENPRI), joint Applicant in the instant case entitled "In the Matter of the Application for Approval of the Ancillary Services Procurement Agreement Between the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines and Central Negros Power Reliability, Inc., With Prayer for the Issuance of Provisional Authority"; , DP WKH GXO\ DXWKRUL]HG UHSUHVHQWDWLYH RI &(135, UHODWLYH WR WKH VDLG $SSOLFDWLRQ Together with the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP), I have read its contents and the allegations therein pertaining to CENPRI are true and correct, and of my personal knowledge and based on the authentic records in my possession; , KHUHE\ FHUWLI\ WKDW &(135, KDV QRW FRPPHQFHG DQ\ DFWLRQ RU ÂżOHG DQ\ FODLP involving the same issue(s) in any other court, tribunal, or quasi-judicial agency, and to the best of my knowledge, no such other action or claim is pending therein. 6KRXOG , WKHUHDIWHU OHDUQ WKDW WKH VDPH RU D VLPLODU DFWLRQ RU FODLP KDV EHHQ ÂżOHG RU LV SHQGLQJ , VKDOO UHSRUW VXFK IDFW WR WKLV +RQRUDEOH &RPPLVVLRQ ZLWKLQ ÂżYH GD\V therefrom.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, , KDYH DIÂż[HG P\ VLJQDWXUH WKLV 0DUFK DW 3DVLJ &LW\ Philippines. VICENTE A. SARZA $IÂżDQW 68%6&5,%(' $1' 6:251 72 EHIRUH PH WKLV 0DUFK DW 3DVLJ &LW\ 3KLOLSSLQHV DIÂżDQW H[KLELWLQJ WR PH KLV 7D[ ,GHQWLÂżFDWLRQ 1XPEHU 7,1 DV SURRI RI LGHQWLW\ Doc. No. 164 Page No. 23 %RRN 1R Series of 2019. 5(38%/,& 2) 7+( 3+,/,33,1(6

PASIG CITY ) S.S SECRETARY’S CERTIFICATE I, ARACHELLE A. GALBAN, of legal age, married, Filipino, with address at Suite 807 5LFKPRQGH 3OD]D 6DQ 0LJXHO $YH 2UWLJDV 3DVLJ &LW\ DIWHU KDYLQJ EHHQ GXO\ VZRUQ WR LQ accordance with law do hereby depose and state that 1.

I am the Corporate Secretary of CENTRAL NEGROS POWER RELIABILITY INC.. ³&RUSRUDWLRQ´ D FRUSRUDWLRQ GXO\ RUJDQL]HG DQG H[LVWLQJ XQGHU DQG E\ YLUWXH RI WKH laws of the Republic of the Philippines with principal place of business at Purok San Jose, Brgy. Calumangan, Bago City, Negros Occidental.

$W WKH VSHFLDO PHHWLQJ RI WKH %RDUG RI 'LUHFWRUV KHOG RQ January 25, 2019, at which a quorum was present and acted throughout, the following resolution was unanimously approved, to wit: BOARD RESOLUTION No. 19-0200

“RESOLVED FURTHER WKDW WKH %RDUG RI 'LUHFWRUV RI WKH &RUSRUDWLRQ DXWKRUL]HV $WW\ &HFLOLD 5 /D\XJ WR ÂżOH DQG UHSUHVHQW WKH &RUSRUDWLRQ ZLWK (QHUJ\ 5HJXODWRU\ &RPPLVVLRQ (5& in relation to its application for approval of the Ancillary Services Procurement Agreement {ASPA) between the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) and Central Negros Power Reliability Inc. (CENPRI)â€?. “RESOLVED FINALLY, that all the foregoing authorities shall remain in full force and effect unless revoked by written notice by the corporation.â€?


Represent NGCP in any claim, complaint, petition, application, protest, suit, or DQ\ FDVH IRU RU DJDLQVW 1*&3 EHIRUH DQ\ MXGLFLDO FRXUW SURVHFXWRUÂśV RIÂżFH UHJXODWRU\ ERG\ TXDVL MXGLFLDO RU DGPLQLVWUDWLYH ERG\ DJHQF\ RU RIÂżFH RI WKH government; LL ([HFXWH VLJQ DQG REWDLQ DQ\ GRFXPHQW LQFOXGLQJ YHULÂżFDWLRQ DQG FHUWLÂżFDWLRQ of non-forum shopping or any other document which may be required or in connection with the preceding paragraph; (iii) Appoint, name or designate a representative of NGCP during inquest, preliminary investigation, preliminary conference, pre-trial, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, trial, execution, and all proceeding or action; and (iv) Do and perform on behalf of NGCP any act and deed necessary to be done in the premises;

“RESOLVED, that VICENTE A. SARZA, LWV &KDLUPDQ 3UHVLGHQW LV KHUHE\ DXWKRUL]HG to represent the corporation to sign, initiate, execute, deliver and receive all documents necessary for the said ASPA Agreement.

Payment of Cost of Incidental Energy (IE) computed as follows: IEDR = G x (AR + Variable Costs) - REVWESM IERPS = (G x Variable Costs) - REVWESM


“RESOLVED WKDW WKH %RDUG RI 'LUHFWRUV RI WKH &RUSRUDWLRQ DXWKRUL]HV WKH &RUSRUDWLRQ DV LW LV KHUHE\ DXWKRUL]HG WR ÂżOH VXEPLW DQG LQLWLDWH LWV DSSOLFDWLRQ ZLWK WKH (QHUJ\ 5HJXODWRU\ Commission (ERC) for the approval of the Ancillary Services Procurement Agreement (ASPA) between the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines {NGCP) and Central Negros Power Reliability Inc. (CENPRI)â€?.

Courtesy Copy: The Cost of Incidental Energy (“IE�) is the cost of actual energy generated for the Firm and Non-Firm Contracted Capacity which shall be paid and computed using the formula below:


"NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the request for authority is hereby approved and adopted for the President & &(2 &KLHI $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2IÂżFHU &KLHI )LQDQFH 2IÂżFHU IRU ÂżQDQFH UHODWHG FDVHV General Counsel, Revenue And Regulatory Affairs Department Head, Engineering Construction Department Head and concerned Project Division Heads, or their DSSRLQWHG DQG GHVLJQDWHG RIÂżFHUV RI 1*&3 WR

Non-Firm Contracted Capacity:

Reactive Power Support (RPS)


11. Under Clause 3 of the ASPA, CENPRI shall provide NGCP with the following AS as VSHFLÂżHG LQ 6FKHGXOH RI WKH $63$





Up to 4.4 MW for Unit 1 Up to 4.4 MW for Unit 2 Up to 4.4 MW for Unit 3 Up to 6.6 MW for Unit 4 Up to 6.6 MW for Unit 5



10. During the period of negotiation, NGCP conducted several tests on the Generation )DFLOLW\ DQG FHUWLÂżHG WKDW WKH JHQHUDWLQJ XQLWV KDYH PHW DQG FRPSOLHG ZLWK WKH 6WDQGDUG $QFLOODU\ Services Technical Requirements of the ASPP as capable of providing DR and RPS. A copy of WKH $FFUHGLWDWLRQ &HUWLÂżFDWH 1R 9 GDWHG 0D\ LV DWWDFKHG DV Annex “Bâ€?.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


7KH FXUUHQW OHYHOV RI DYDLODEOH FRQWUDFWHG $6 LQ WKH 9LVD\DV *ULG KDYH QRW \HW UHDFKHG the desired levels necessary for the system security and reliability. Thus, Applicants executed the ASPA. A copy of the relevant actual data showing the required and available levels of AS in WKH 9LVD\DV *ULG HQWLWOHG DV 9LVD\DV 'LVSDWFKDEOH 5HVHUYH $YDLODELOLW\ DUH DWWDFKHG DV Annex “J�.

9. NGCP agreed to procure, and CENPRI agreed to supply, AS in the forms of: (a) Dispatchable Reserve [Tertiary Reserve] (DR); and (b) Reactive Power Support (RPS), both XQGHU D QRQ ÂżUP DUUDQJHPHQW $ FRS\ RI WKH Ancillary Services Procurement Agreement between NGCP and CENPRI GDWHG 'HFHPEHU ZLWK DWWDFKHG $GGHQGXP Âą &ODULÂżFDWLRQ RQ WKH Schedule 1) is attached as Annex “Aâ€?.

Dispatchable Reserve (Tertiary Reserve)

5(38%/,& 2) 7+( 3+,/,33,1(6 &,7< 2) 48(=21 6 6

19. It is a declared policy of the State to ensure the quality, reliability, security and affordability of the supply of electric power (Section 2(b), EPIRA). To this end, there is a need to comply with the system requirements for AS to ensure grid system security and reliability. As mentioned above, NGCP has the mandate to procure the required AS.

8. Pursuant to its mandate, NGCP on different dates published in newspapers of general circulation a Notice of Invitation for Prospective Ancillary Services Providers, inviting all gridconnected merchant plants and independent power producers to participate in the provision of ancillary services. Upon receipt of the intention from CENPRI to provide ancillary services, NGCP commenced negotiations with CENPRI for the execution of an ASPA.


Doc. No. 472 Page No. 96 %RRN 1R Series of 2019.


$V WKH GHPDQG IRU SRZHU LQ WKH 9LVD\DV LQFUHDVHV WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV RI WKH V\VWHP WR ensure stability, reliability, and security likewise increases. Ensuring the integrity of the system is essential to protect the interests of the public. The absence of system reliability and stability will certainly discourage investments and growth. The importance of AS, from CENPRI to ensure DQG PDLQWDLQ WKH UHOLDELOLW\ DGHTXDF\ VHFXULW\ VWDELOLW\ DQG LQWHJULW\ RI WKH 9LVD\DV *ULG FDQQRW EH RYHUHPSKDVL]HG


68%6&5,%(' $1' 6:251 WR EHIRUH PH WKLV 0DUFK LQ 4XH]RQ &LW\ DIÂżDQW exhibited to me her Philippine Passport No. P7964484A valid until 16 July 2028 issued by the DFA NCR West.


While CENPRI is a co-applicant, it manifests that the instant Application shall neither modify, diminish or constitute a waiver of CENPRI’s rights nor expand its obligations and responsibilities as a generation company under EPIRA.

$6 DV GHÂżQHG LQ 6HFWLRQ E RI WKH (3,5$ Âłrefer to those services that are necessary to support the transmission of capacity and energy from resources to loads while maintaining reliable operation of the transmission system in accordance with good utility practice and the Grid Code to be adopted in accordance with this Act.â€? These services are essential in ensuring reliability in the operation of the transmission system and consequently, in the reliability of the HOHFWULFLW\ VXSSO\ LQ WKH /X]RQ 9LVD\DV DQG 0LQGDQDR JULGV 7. In order to implement and regulate the procurement of AS, the Honorable Commission approved the Ancillary Services Procurement Plan (“ASPPâ€?) through its Order dated 9 March 2006 in ERC Case No. 2002-253 and the Ancillary Services-Cost Recovery Mechanism (“ASCRMâ€?) through its Decision dated 3 October 2007 in ERC Case No. 2006-049RC.

Annex “E� “F�

FRIDAY March 22, 2019

, DP SUHVHQWO\ WKH 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW DQG +HDG RI WKH 5HYHQXH 5HJXODWRU\ $IIDLUV RI WKH National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP); , DP GXO\ DXWKRUL]HG WR VLJQ WKH 9HUL¿FDWLRQ DQG &HUWL¿FDWLRQ RI 1RQ )RUXP 6KRSSLQJ LQ WKLV FDVH IRU DQG LQ EHKDOI RI 1*&3 DV HYLGHQFHG E\ WKH 6HFUHWDU\œV &HUWL¿FDWH hereto attached as $QQH[ ³$ 9HUL¿FDWLRQ ´ I have caused the preparation of the foregoing Application and I have read it. I attest that the allegations therein are true and correct of my personal knowledge and based on authentic records; , IXUWKHU DWWHVW WKDW 1*&3 KDV QRW ¿OHG DQ\ VLPLODU FDVH RU DFWLRQ EHIRUH DQ\ FRXUW tribunal or quasi-judicial agency involving the ASPA subject of this case and, to the best of my knowledge, no such other case or action is pending therein; and If I should thereafter learn that a similar case, action or claim other than those PHQWLRQHG DERYH LV ¿OHG RU SHQGLQJ EHIRUH DQ\ FRXUW WULEXQDO RU TXDVL MXGLFLDO DJHQF\ , VKDOO UHSRUW WKDW IDFW WR WKLV +RQRUDEOH 2I¿FH ZLWKLQ ¿YH GD\V WKHUHIURP


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 04 February 2019 in Pasig City, Philippines ARACHELLE A. GALBAN Corporate Secretary 68%6&5,%(' $1' 6:251 72 EHIRUH PH D 1RWDU\ 3XEOLF IRU DQG LQ WKH DERYHPHQWLRQHG ORFDOLW\ DIÂżDQW H[KLELWLQJ WR PH KHU 7,1 12 Doc. No. 407 Page No. 83 %RRN 1R 9 Series of 2019




MT - Mar. 22, 2019

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˜ The Manila Times

FRIDAY March 22, 2019

RESOLUTION MSC.410(97) (adopted on 25 November 2016)

w w 2


In paragraph 1.2, the following new subparagraphs.7 to .9 are inserted after the existing subparagraph .6: “.7 ships engaged in anchor handling operations;

18 MARCH 2019 MARINA Advisory No. 2019-08 Series of 2019 TO:

5(&$//,1* $UWLFOH E RI WKH &RQYHQWLRQ RQ WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 0DULWLPH 2UJDQL]DWLRQ concerning the functions of the Committee,

$OO 6KLSRZQHUV 6KLS 0DQDJHUV 0DVWHUV DQG 2IÂżFHUV RI 3KLOLSSLQH Registered Ships Engaged in the International Trade, Recognized Organizations and Other Concerned Entities

127,1* $/62 DUWLFOH 9,,, E DQG UHJXODWLRQ ,, RI WKH &RQYHQWLRQ FRQFHUQLQJ WKH procedure for amending the FSS Code,

Notice is hereby given, that the following Circulars and Resolutions are approved during the MSC Sessions 97 and 98:


MSC Resolutions

Entry into force

1. IMO Resolution MSC.409 (97) – Amendments Tacit acceptance date is 01 Januto the International Convention for the Safety ary 2019 of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as amended which is attached as an integral part of this Advisory as Annex A. Entry into force – 01 January 2020 2. IMO Resolution MSC.410 (97) – Amendments Tacit acceptance date us 01 Januto the Fire Safety System (FSS) Code on ary 2019 Arrangement of Means of Escape which is attached as an integral part of his Advisory Entry into force – 01 January 2020 as Annex B. 3. I M O R e s o l u t i o n M S C . 4 11 ( 9 7 ) – Tacit acceptance date is 01 JanuAmendments to the International Code for ary 2019 the Construction and Equipment of Ships &DUU\LQJ /LTXH¿HG *DVHV LQ %XON ,*& Code which is attached as an integral part Entry into force – 01 January 2020 of this Advisory as Annex C. 4. IMO Resolution MSC.413(97) – Amendments Tacit acceptance date is 19 July 2019 to the Introduction and Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code) which is attached as an Entry into force – 01 January 2020 integral part of this Advisory as Annex D.

$'2376 LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK DUWLFOH 9,,, E LY RI WKH &RQYHQWLRQ DPHQGPHQWV WR the FSS Code the text of which is set out in the annex to the present resolution;


6. IMO MSC.1/Circ. 1564 on the Revised Tacit acceptance date is 16 July 2017 Guidance for Watertight Doors on Passenger Ships which may be Opened During Entry into force – 01 January 2020 Navigation which is attached as an integral part of this Advisory as Annex F.



The complete copies of the above-enumerated MSC Resolutions/Guidance attached herein should be directed to: (632) 523-9078 or (632) 526-0971

E-mail address:

3DUNYLHZ 3OD]D 7DIW $YHQXH FRUQHU 7 0 .DODZ Street, Ermita, Manila

Overseas Shipping Service Telephone No: E-mail address:

(632) 525-7890

For the information and guidance of all concerned. Issued on 21 March 2019 at Manila, Philippines.

“Case 2: Passengers in public spaces occupied to 3/4 of maximum capacity, 1/3 of the crew distributed in public spaces; service spaces occupied by 1/3 of the crew; and crew accommodation occupied by 1/3 of the crew.�


5(&$//,1* $UWLFOH E RI WKH &RQYHQWLRQ RQ WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 0DULWLPH 2UJDQL]DWLRQ concerning the functions of the Committee,

5(&$//,1* $/62 DUWLFOH 9,,, E RI WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO &RQYHQWLRQ IRU WKH 6DIHW\ RI /LIH DW Sea, 1974 (“the Convention�), concerning the amendment procedure applicable to the annex to the Convention, other than to the provisions of chapter I, +$9,1* &216,'(5(' DW LWV QLQHW\ VHYHQWK VHVVLRQ DPHQGPHQWV WR WKH &RQYHQWLRQ SURSRVHG DQG FLUFXODWHG LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK DUWLFOH 9,,, E L RI WKH &RQYHQWLRQ

$'2376 LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK DUWLFOH 9,,, E LY RI WKH &RQYHQWLRQ DPHQGPHQWV WR the Convention the text of which is set out in the annex to the present resolution;


,19,7(6 &RQWUDFWLQJ *RYHUQPHQWV WR WKH &RQYHQWLRQ WR QRWH WKDW LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK DUWLFOH 9,,, E YLL RI WKH &RQYHQWLRQ WKH DPHQGPHQWV VKDOO HQWHU LQWR force on 1 January 2020 upon their acceptance in accordance with paragraph 2 above;


AMENDMENTS TO THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974, AS AMENDED CHAPTER II-1 CONSTRUCTION – STRUCTURE, SUBDIVISION AND STABILITY, MACHINERY AND ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS PART A GENERAL Regulation 3-12 – Protection against noise The existing paragraph 2.1 is amended to read as follows: “.1 contracted for construction before 1 July 2014 and the keels of which are laid or which are at a similar stage of construction on or after 1 January 2009; or� CHAPTER II-2 CONSTRUCTION – FIRE PROTECTION, FIRE DETECTION AND FIRE EXTINCTION




Existing paragraph 3.2.5 is replaced with the following: “3.2.5 Windows and sidescuttles facing the cargo area and on the sides of the VXSHUVWUXFWXUHV DQG GHFNKRXVHV ZLWKLQ WKH OLPLWV VSHFLÂżHG LQ H[FHSW wheelhouse windows, shall be constructed to “A-60â€? class. Sidescuttles in WKH VKHOO EHORZ WKH XSSHUPRVW FRQWLQXRXV GHFN DQG LQ WKH ÂżUVW WLHU RI WKH VXSHUVWUXFWXUH RU GHFNKRXVH VKDOO EH RI Âż[HG QRQ RSHQLQJ W\SH ´ ANNEX 5 RESOLUTION MSC.413(97) adopted on 25 November 2016) AMENDMENTS TO THE INTRODUCTION AND PART A OF THE INTERNATIONAL CODE ON INTACT STABILITY, 2008 (2008IS CODE)


Ship engaged in coastal or ocean-going towing means a ship engaged in an operation intended for assisting ships RU RWKHU ÀRDWLQJ structures outside sheltered waters in which the forces associated with towing are often a function of the ship’s bollard pull.


Ship engaged in lifting operation means a ship engaged in an operation involving the raising or lowering of objects using vertical force by means of winches, cranes, a-frames or other lifting devices¡.¡


Ship engaged in escort operation PHDQV D VKLS VSHFL¿FDOO\ HQJDJHG in steering, braking and otherwise controlling of the assisted ship during ordinary or emergency manoeuvring, whereby the steering and braking forces are generated by the hydrodynamic forces acting on the hull and appendages and the thrust forces exerted by the propulsion units (see also ¿JXUH 1). _________________________________ 5HIHU WR WKH Guidelines for safe ocean towing (MSC/Circ.884). )LVKLQJ vessels should not be included in the GH¿QLWLRQ of lifting operations. Reference is made to paragraphs and of chapter 2 of part % For anchor handling operations reference is made to section 2.7 of chapter 2 of part % ´ PART A MANDATORY CRITERIA 4

The following footnote is added to the existing title of chapter 2: Paragraphs,, DQG LQ SDUW % VKRXOG RQO\ EH FRQVLGHUHG as recommendations.�

RESOLUTION MSC.414(97) (adopted on 25 November 2016)

“Regulation 2-1 – Harmonization of survey periods of cargo ships not subject to the ESP Code )RU FDUJR VKLSV QRW VXEMHFW WR HQKDQFHG VXUYH\V XQGHU UHJXODWLRQ ;, notwithstanding any other provisions, the intermediate and renewal surveys included in regulation I/10 may be carried out and completed over the corresponding SHULRGV DV VSHFLÂżHG LQ WKH (63 &RGH DV PD\ EH DPHQGHG DQG WKH JXLGHOLQHV GHYHORSHG E\ WKH 2UJDQL]DWLRQ DV DSSURSULDWH

5(&$//,1* $UWLFOH E RI WKH &RQYHQWLRQ RQ WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 0DULWLPH 2UJDQL]DWLRQ concerning the functions of the Committee, RECALLING ALSO resolution MSC.267(85) by which it adopted the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (“2008 IS Code�), NOTING the provisions regarding the procedure for amendments to the introduction and part A of the 2008 IS Code, stipulated in paragraph (16).1 of regulation I/3 of the Protocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (“1988 Load Lines Protocol�), as amended by resolution MSC.270(85), 5(&2*1,=,1* WKH QHHG WR LQFOXGH SURYLVLRQV UHJDUGLQJ VKLSV HQJDJHG LQ DQFKRU handling, lifting and towing operations, including escort towing, in the 2008 IS Code, +$9,1* &216,'(5(' DW LWV QLQHW\ VHYHQWK VHVVLRQ DPHQGPHQWV WR WKH LQWURGXFWLRQ and part A of the 2008 IS Code, proposed and circulated in accordance with paragraph D RI $UWLFOH 9, RI WKH /RDG /LQHV 3URWRFRO

$'2376 LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK SDUDJUDSK G RI $UWLFOH 9, RI WKH /RDG /LQHV Protocol, amendments to the introduction and part A of the 2008 IS Code, the text of which is set out in the annex to the present resolution;

'(7(50,1(6 LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK SDUDJUDSK I LL EE RI $UWLFOH 9, RI WKH Load Lines Protocol, that the said amendments shall be deemed to have been accepted on 1 July 2019, unless, prior to that date, more than one third of the 3DUWLHV WR WKH /RDG /LQHV 3URWRFRO RU 3DUWLHV WKH FRPELQHG PHUFKDQW ÀHHWV RI ZKLFK FRQVWLWXWH QRW OHVV WKDQ RI DOO WKH PHUFKDQW ÀHHWV RI DOO 3DUWLHV KDYH QRWL¿HG WKH 6HFUHWDU\ *HQHUDO RI WKH 2UJDQL]DWLRQ RI WKHLU REMHFWLRQV WR WKH amendments; ,19,7(6 3DUWLHV WR WKH /RDG /LQHV 3URWRFRO WR QRWH WKDW LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK SDUDJUDSK J LL RI $UWLFOH 9, RI WKH /RDG /LQHV 3URWRFRO WKH DPHQGPHQWV shall enter into force on 1 January 2020 upon their acceptance in accordance with paragraph 2 above; 5(48(676 WKH 6HFUHWDU\ *HQHUDO RI WKH 2UJDQL]DWLRQ IRU WKH SXUSRVHV RI SDUDJUDSK H RI $UWLFOH 9, RI WKH /RDG /LQHV 3URWRFRO WR WUDQVPLW FHUWL¿HG copies of the present resolution and the text of the amendments contained in the annex to all Parties to the 1988 Load Lines Protocol; 5(48(676 $/62 WKH 6HFUHWDU\ *HQHUDO RI WKH 2UJDQL]DWLRQ WR WUDQVPLW FRSLHV RI WKLV UHVROXWLRQ DQG LWV DQQH[ WR 0HPEHUV RI WKH 2UJDQL]DWLRQ ZKLFK DUH QRW 3DUWLHV to the 1988 Load Lines Protocol. ANNEX AMENDMENTS TO THE INTRODUCTION AND PART A OF THE INTERNATIONAL CODE ON INTACT STABILITY, 2008 (2008 IS CODE) INTRODUCTION 1



The chapeau of paragraph 1.2 is replaced with the following: “1.2

RECALLING Article 28{b) of the Convention on the International Maritime 2UJDQL]DWLRQ concerning the functions of the Committee, 2 RECALLING ALSO resolution MSC.267(85) by which it adopted the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (“2008 IS Code�),

Unless otherwise stated, this Code contains intact stability criteria applicable to ships and other marine vehicles of 24 m in length and above, as listed below. The Code also provides intact stability criteria applicable to the same ships and marine vehicles when engaged in certain operations:�

In paragraph 1.2, the following new subparagraphs .7 to .9 are inserted after the existing subparagraph .6: “.7 ships engaged in anchor handling operations;

NOTING the provisions regarding the procedure for amendments to the introduction and part A of the 2008 IS Code, stipulated in regulation 11-1/2.27.1 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (“the Convention�), as amended by resolution MSC.269(85), 5(&2*1,=,1* the need to include provisions regarding ships engaged in anchor handling, lifting and towing operations, including escort towing, in the 2008 IS Code, +$9,1* CONSIDERED, at its ninety-seventh session, the amendments to the introduction and part A of the 2008 IS Code, proposed and circulatedin accordance with Article 9OOO E L of the Convention, 1



5(48(676 ALSO the Secretary-General of the 2UJDQL]DWLRQ to transmit copies of this resolution and its annex to Members of WKH 2UJDQL]DWLRQ which are not Contracting Governments to the Convention. ANNEX AMENDMENTS TO THE INTRODUCTION AND PART A OF THE INTERNATIONAL CODE ON INTACT STABILITY, 2008 (2008 IS CODE)



The chapeau of paragraph 1.2 is replaced with the following: “1.2 Unless otherwise stated, this Code contains intact stability criteria applicable to ships and other marine vehicles of 24 m in length and above, as listed below. The Code also provides intact stability criteria applicable to the same ships and marine vehicles when engaged in certain operations:�

ships engaged in lifting operations;�


The following new paragraphs 2.27 to 2.31 are inserted after the existing paragraph 2.26: “2.27 Ship engaged in anchor handling operations means a ship engaged in operations with deployment, recovering and repositioning of anchors and the associated mooring lines of rigs or other vessels. Forces associated with anchor handling are generally associated with the winch line pull and may include vertical, transverse, and longitudinal forces applied at the towing point and over the stern roller. 2.28

Ship engaged in harbour towing means a ship engaged in an operation LQWHQGHG IRU DVVLVWLQJ VKLSV RU RWKHU ÀRDWLQJ VWUXFWXUHV ZLWKLQ VKHOWHUHG waters, normally while entering or leaving port and during berthing or unberthing operations.


Ship engaged in coastal or ocean-going towing means a ship engaged in DQ RSHUDWLRQ LQWHQGHG IRU DVVLVWLQJ VKLSV RU RWKHU ÀRDWLQJ VWUXFWXUHV RXWVLGH sheltered waters in which the forces associated with towing are often a IXQFWLRQ RI WKH VKLSœV EROODUG SXOO


The Maritime Safety Committee, at its ninety-eighth session (7 to 16 June 2017), adopted resolution MSC.421(98), containing, inter alia, amendments to the SOLAS chapter II-1 subdivision and damage stability regulations. In this regard, one of the amendments removed a provision in regulation II-1/22 that had permitted FHUWDLQ ZDWHUWLJKW GRRUV WR UHPDLQ RSHQ GXULQJ QDYLJDWLRQ LI DXWKRUL]HG E\ WKH Administration.


Consequently, the Committee, with a view to providing updated guidance for watertight doors on passenger ships which may be opened during navigation under SOLAS regulation II-1/22 and their impact on the damage stability survivability, approved the annexed Revised guidance for watertight doors on passenger ships which may be opened during navigation, prepared by the Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction, at its second session.




,19,7(6 Contracting Governments to the Convention to note that, in accordance with Article 9OOO E YLL of the Convention, the amendments shall enter into force on 1 January 2020 upon their acceptance in accordance with paragraph 2 above;

ships engaged in harbour, coastal or ocean-going towing operations and escort operations;

DETERMINES, in accordance with Article 9OO l(b)(vi)(2)(bb) of the Convention, that the said amendments shall be deemed to have been accepted on 1 July 2019, unless, prior to that date, more than one third of the Contracting Governments to the Convention, or Contracting Governments the combined merchant ÀHHWs of which constitute not less than 50% of the gross tonnage of the world’s PHUFKDQW ÀHHW KDYH QRWL¿HG WKH Secretary-General of the 2UJDQL]DWLRQ of their objections to the amendments;

5(48(676 the Secretary-General of the 2UJDQL]DWLRQ for the purposes of Article 9OOO E Y RI WKH &RQYHQWLRQ WR WUDQVPLW FHUWLÂżHG FRSLHV RI WKH SUHVHQW UHVROXWLRQ DQG the text of the amendments contained in the annex to all Contracting Governments to the Convention;


and the remaining subparagraphs are renumbered accordingly.

ADOPTS, in accordance with Article 9OOO E LY of the Convention, amendments to the introduction and part A of the 2008 IS Code, the text of which is set out in the annex to the present resolution;


CHAPTER XI-1 SPECIAL MEASURES TO ENHANCE MARITIME SAFETY The following new regulation 2-1 is inserted after existing regulation 2:




Ship engaged in harbour towing means a ship engaged in an operation LQWHQGHG IRU DVVLVWLQJ VKLSV RU RWKHU ÀRDWLQJ structures within sheltered waters, normally while entering or leaving port and during berthing or unberthing operations.

3.2 Accommodation, service and machinery spaces and control stations

5HJXODWLRQ Âą )LUHÂżJKWLQJ In paragraph, the last sentence is replaced with the following:

,19,7(6 &RQWUDFWLQJ *RYHUQPHQWV WR QRWH WKDW LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK DUWLFOH 9,,, E YLL RI WKH &RQYHQWLRQ WKH DPHQGPHQWV VKDOO HQWHU LQWR IRUFH on 1 January 2020 upon their acceptance in accordance with paragraph 2 above;

The following new paragraph is added after existing paragraph 2.8:


'(7(50,1(6 LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK DUWLFOH 9,,, E YL EE RI WKH &RQYHQWLRQ WKDW the amendments shall be deemed to have been accepted on 1 July 2019 unless, prior to that date, more than one third of the Contracting Governments to the &RQYHQWLRQ RU &RQWUDFWLQJ *RYHUQPHQWV WKH FRPELQHG PHUFKDQW ÀHHWV RI ZKLFK FRQVWLWXWH QRW OHVV WKDQ RI WKH JURVV WRQQDJH RI WKH ZRUOGœV PHUFKDQW ÀHHW KDYH QRWL¿HG WKHLU REMHFWLRQV WR WKH DPHQGPHQWV

5(48(676 WKH 6HFUHWDU\ *HQHUDO IRU WKH SXUSRVH RI DUWLFOH 9,,, E Y RI WKH &RQYHQWLRQ WR WUDQVPLW FHUWLÂżHG FRSLHV RI WKH SUHVHQW UHVROXWLRQ DQG WKH WH[W RI the amendments contained in the annex to all Contracting Governments to the Convention;

Regulation 1 – Application

“2.9 Regulation, as amended by resolution MSC.409(97), applies to ships constructed before 1 January 2020, including those constructed before 1 July 2012.�

$'2376 LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK DUWLFOH 9,,, E LY RI WKH &RQYHQWLRQ DPHQGPHQWV WR the IGC Code, the text of which is set out in the annex to the present resolution;




THE MARITIME SAFETY COMMITTEE, NOTING resolution MSC.5(48), by which it adopted the International Code for the &RQVWUXFWLRQ DQG (TXLSPHQW RI 6KLSV &DUU\LQJ /LTXHÂżHG *DVHV LQ %XON ÂłWKH ,*& &RGH´ ZKLFK KDV EHFRPH PDQGDWRU\ XQGHU FKDSWHU 9,, RI WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO &RQYHQWLRQ IRU WKH Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (“the Conventionâ€?),

5(&$//,1* $UWLFOH E RI WKH &RQYHQWLRQ RQ WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 0DULWLPH 2UJDQL]DWLRQ concerning the functions of the Committee,


“2.27 Ship engaged in anchor handling operations means a ship engaged in operations with deployment, recovering and repositioning of anchors and the associated mooring lines of rigs or other vessels. Forces associated with anchor handling are generally associated with the winch line pull and may include vertical, transverse, and longitudinal forces -applied at the towing point and over the stern roller.


RESOLUTION MSC.409(97) (adopted on 25 November 2016)


The following new paragraphs 2.27 to 2.31 are inserted after the existing paragraph 2.26:




RESOLUTION MSC.411(97) (adopted on 25 November 2016)



MARINA Administrator Telephone No: $GGUHVV


ships engaged in lifting operations;�

In paragraph, the text of case 2 is replaced with the following:

All Philippine overseas shipping companies, ship managers and other concerned maritime entities are required to prepare for the implementation of these respective amendments of Circulars and Resolutions including the revised guidance as cited in item No. 06 above.



,19,7(6 &RQWUDFWLQJ *RYHUQPHQWV WR WKH &RQYHQWLRQ WR QRWH WKDW LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK DUWLFOH 9,,, E YLL RI WKH &RQYHQWLRQ WKH DPHQGPHQWV VKDOO HQWHU into force on 1 January 2020 upon their acceptance in accordance with paragraph 2 above;


5. I M O R e s o l u t i o n M S C . 4 1 4 ( 9 7 ) – Tacit acceptance date is 19 July 2019 Amendments to the Introduction and Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability, Entry into force – 01 January 2020 2008 (2008 IS Code) which is attached as an integral part of this Advisory as Annex E.


ships engaged in harbour, coastal or ocean-going towing operations and escort operations;

and the remaining subparagraphs are renumbered accordingly. NOTING resolution MSC.98(73), by which it adopted the International Code for Fire Safety Systems (“the FSS Code�), which has become mandatory under chapter II-2 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (“the Convention�),

List of Approved IMO Resolutions/Circulars Approved Amendments on the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) During the 97th and 98th Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) Sessions



Classified Ads

˜ The Manila Times

w w 3

The Revised guidance contains the following appendix: Floatability assessment.


Member States are invited to apply and bring the annexed Revised guidance to the attention of passenger shipowners, operators and all other parties concerned for application to passenger ships constructed on or after the date of entry into force of the associated amendments to SOLAS regulation II-1/22.



Considerations to be made on categories B and C watertight doors which may be opened for limited periods, or for passage

7.1 $ ZDWHUWLJKW GRRU RI FDWHJRU\ % RU & VKRXOG EH FOHDUO\ LQGLFDWHG LQ WKH VKLS¶V VWDELOLW\ information and should always be ready to be immediately closed. Category D doors should also be clearly indicated in the ship’s stability information.


1.1 Watertight subdivision is vital to ship stability and survivability to protect life, property and the marine environment in cases of hull damage after collision or grounding. The number of openings in watertight bulkheads on passenger ships is to be kept to a minimum in accordance with SOLAS regulation II-1/13.1. 1.2 In order to maintain watertight subdivision, while allowing for the safe and effective operation of the ship, all watertight doors are to be kept closed during navigation, except in certain limited circumstances. SOLAS regulation II-1/22.3 allows a watertight door to be temporarily opened to permit the passage of passengers or crew, or when work in the immediate vicinity of the door necessitates it being opened. In this case, the door must EH LPPHGLDWHO\ FORVHG ZKHQ WUDQVLW WKURXJK WKH GRRU LV FRPSOHWH RU WKH ZRUN LV ¿QLVKHG 1.3 The SOLAS chapter II-1 regulations referred to in this guidance means SOLAS chapter II-1 regulations amended by resolution MSC.421(98) (entry into force on 1 January 2020). 2

$GGLWLRQDOO\ ZDWHUWLJKW GRRUV ¿WWHG LQ ZDWHUWLJKW EXONKHDGV GLYLGLQJ FDUJR between deck spaces in accordance with SOLAS regulation II-1/13.9.1 or dividing cargo spaces in accordance with SOLAS regulation II-1/14.2, shall be closed before the voyage commences and shall be closed during navigation according to SOLAS regulation II-1/22.5.


Factors restricting the operation of watertight doors

Certain operating conditions, or combinations of several factors, should necessitate FDWHJRULHV % DQG & ZDWHUWLJKW GRRUV EHLQJ FORVHG GXULQJ QDYLJDWLRQ WR SUHVHUYH survivability. In particular, the area in which the ship is operating should be FRQWLQXDOO\ HYDOXDWHG IRU DVVRFLDWHG ULVNV ZLWK DQ\ SRWHQWLDOO\ KD]DUGRXV FRQGLWLRQV ,W LV UHFRPPHQGHG WKDW FDWHJRULHV % DQG & ZDWHUWLJKW GRRUV DUH NHSW FORVHG GXULQJ navigation while the ship is operating:


FRIDAY March 22, 2019





the inboard compartment is within the longitudinal damage extent; and


the inboard compartment is connected by the watertight door under consideration. If any lesser damage extents than indicated above would result in a more severe FRQGLWLRQ ZLWK UHVSHFW WR WKH ÀRDWDELOLW\ FULWHULD WKHQ VXFK GDPDJH H[WHQWV VKRXOG EH assumed in the calculations. In this context, the damage extent should be assumed as both penetrating and not penetrating the double bottom.




near coastal waters;

This guidance is intended to ensure that watertight doors which may be opened during navigation do not inadvertently provide a weak link in the required damage stability survivability of passenger ships.


in heavy weather;


in dangerous ice conditions;



Importance of watertight doors



in waters where soundings are unreliable;

3.1 )DLOXUH WR UHFRJQL]H WKH LPSRUWDQFH RI ZDWHUWLJKW GRRUV FDQ KDYH JUHDW LPSDFW RQ the watertight integrity of the ship and have catastrophic consequences. When structural damage occurs to a ship, especially during collision or grounding, there is potential risk for bulkheads and decks to be deformed, thus rendering watertight doors not able to be FORVHG 7KH ULVN RI SURJUHVVLYH ÀRRGLQJ IROORZLQJ VXFK GHIRUPDWLRQ RI WKH VKLS¶V VWUXFWXUH may increase if watertight doors are either left open or unable to be closed.


during periods of restricted visibility;

7KH EXONKHDG GHFN PD\ EH LPPHUVHG SURYLGHG WKDW QR SURJUHVVLYH ÀRRGLQJ occurs (i.e. weathertight openings may not be immersed; only watertight openings may be immersed).


within port limits or compulsory pilotage waters;


The maximum positive righting lever should not be less than 0.05 m.


when loose objects are nearby, which could potentially prevent the watertight door from being closed; or


The range of positive righting levers should not be less than 7°.


The maximum equilibrium heel angle should not exceed 15°.

$QRWKHU SRWHQWLDO ULVN WR VKLS VXUYLYDELOLW\ LV ZKHQ ODUJH DPRXQWV RI ZDWHU ÀRRG D ship, especially after extensive structural damage. The rate of water ingress, which GHSHQGV RQ WKH VL]H RI WKH GDPDJHG RSHQLQJ DQG WKH ZDWHU SUHVVXUH FDQ TXLFNO\ ÀRRG D FRPSDUWPHQW ,W LV WKHUHIRUH HVVHQWLDO WKDW D VKLS KDV VXI¿FLHQW VXUYLYDELOLW\ LQ case of damage, keeping in mind that when adjacent watertight doors are open, several FRPSDUWPHQWV PD\ EH ÀRRGHG DV ZDWHUWLJKW GRRUV KDYH XS WR V WR FORVH SHU 62/$6 regulation II-1/13.5.1.


under any condition when the ship’s master considers the situation to necessitate all watertight doors to be closed.


Operation of watertight doors


Operational instructions for watertight doors should be included in the ship’s stability information and address the situations described in paragraphs 9.2 and 9.3. Additionally:




.2 .3

SOLAS regulations and technical standards for watertight doors

SOLAS regulation II-1/13 provides the technical standards for watertight doors in passenger ships. The basis of this regulation is that all watertight doors shall be kept closed during navigation according to SOLAS regulation II-1/22.1, except as follows: 1. watertight doors may be opened during navigation to permit the passage of passengers or crew. The door must be immediately closed when transit through the door is complete; and watertight doors may be opened during navigation when work in the immediate vicinity of the door necessitates it being opened. The door must be immediately closed when the task which necessitated it being open is ¿QLVKHG

the operational instructions should state the means of verifying the correct position of all watertight doors; and the operational instructions should cover procedures for operating watertight doors to permit safe passage of passengers, in particular, that watertight doors VKRXOG RQO\ EH RSHUDWHG E\ TXDOL¿HG SHUVRQV DQG QRW E\ SDVVHQJHUV

$ SRWHQWLDOO\ KD]DUGRXV VLWXDWLRQ LV GH¿QHG DV D VLWXDWLRQ ZKHQ WKH VKLS LV RQ a voyage and operating in conditions as described in paragraph 8.

Notes: In case of a ship carrying less than 400 persons, the breach should only be considered between transverse bulkheads (if spaced by more than 0.03L). &DWHJRU\ % ZDWHUWLJKW GRRU XQGHU FRQVLGHUDWLRQ DQG DVVXPHG RSHQ 2WKHU FDWHJRU\ % ZDWHUWLJKW GRRUV DVVXPHG FORVHG 'LUHFW ÀRRGLQJ SDUDJUDSK


9.2.2 The operational instructions should specify that, while the ship is navigating LQ SRWHQWLDOO\ KD]DUGRXV VLWXDWLRQV HYHU\ ZDWHUWLJKW GRRU RI FDWHJRU\ % RU C be closed except when a person is passing through it. If such doors are opened for passage then it should be closed immediately after passage. 9.3 Operational instructions in normal situations 9.3.1 $ QRUPDO VLWXDWLRQ LV GH¿QHG DV D QRQ KD]DUGRXV VLWXDWLRQ ZKHQ WKH VKLS is on a voyage and operating in conditions other than as described in paragraph 8.

In order to assist Administrations, passenger ship owners and operators in determining to what extent watertight doors may be opened during navigation, watertight doors may EH FDWHJRUL]HG LQWR RQH RI WKUHH GLIIHUHQW W\SHV RI GRRUV

9.3.2 The operational instructions should specify that while the ship is navigating LQ QRUPDO VLWXDWLRQV HDFK ZDWHUWLJKW GRRU RI FDWHJRU\ % RU & EH RSHUDWHG LQ accordance with the assigned category (see paragraph 6).



a copy of the operational instructions should be located at the central operating FRQVROH DW WKH QDYLJDWLRQ EULGJH VR DV WR EH UHDGLO\ DYDLODEOH WR WKH RI¿FHU LQ charge of the navigation watch;

9.2 Operational instructions in potentially hazardous situations

Categories of watertight doors

A watertight door that may be opened during navigation when work in the immediate vicinity of the door necessitates it being opened, according to SOLAS regulation II-1/22.3. The door must be immediately closed when the WDVN ZKLFK QHFHVVLWDWHG LW EHLQJ RSHQ LV ¿QLVKHG


9.1 Operational instructions

Power-operated watertight doors are designed to be remotely closed in a short period of WLPH ZLWK D IRUFH WKH PDJQLWXGH RI ZKLFK LV VXI¿FLHQW WR RYHUFRPH QRW RQO\ WKH ZHLJKW RI WKH GRRU EXW DOVR ZDWHU ÀRZLQJ WKURXJK LWV RSHQLQJ ERWK ZKLOH D VKLS LV OLVWLQJ ž LQ either direction. The operation of watertight doors involves possible dangers to persons passing through a closing door and injury or loss of life is likely to occur to anyone trapped in the door’s path. The audible alarm that sounds for a few seconds before the door starts moving, and continues sounding while the door is in motion, is intended to reduce the human element risk. 5

Operational instructions, markings and postings

7KH $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ PD\ DFFHSW DOWHUQDWLYH PHWKRGRORJLHV LI LW LV VDWLV¿HG WKDW DW OHDVW the same degree of safety as represented by this procedure is achieved (reference is made to SOLAS regulation II-1/4.3).

9.4 Markings and postings 9.4.1 The assigned category and meaning of each category should clearly be marked on both sides of either the watertight door or the bulkhead adjacent to the door in order to ensure correct operation.

Category C watertight doors: 9.4.2 The assigned category for each watertight door should be indicated on or near the central operating console located on the navigation bridge in order that the correct status of all doors can be ascertained.

A watertight door that may be opened during navigation to permit the passage of passengers or crew, according to SOLAS regulation II-1/22.3. The door must be immediately closed when transit through the door is complete.


Category D watertight doors: FLOATABILITY ASSESSMENT .1

A watertight door of a width of more than 1.2 m in machinery spaces as permitted by SOLAS regulation II-1/13.10, shall remain closed during navigation except in case of urgent necessity at the discretion of the master according to SOLAS regulation II-1/22.4.




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Classified Ads

FRIDAY March 22, 2019 Republic of the Philippines 2I¿FH RI WKH 3UHVLGHQW HOUSING AND LAND USE REGULATORY BOARD Lupong Nangangasiwa sa Pabahay at Gamit ng Lupa SOUTHERN TAGALOG REGION – (STR)

Republic of the Philippines 2I¿FH RI WKH 3UHVLGHQW HOUSING AND LAND USE REGULATORY BOARD Lupong Nangangasiwa sa Pabahay at Gamit ng Lupa SOUTHERN TAGALOG REGION – (STR)




Notice is hereby given that HAMIGUTAN VIEW RESIDENCES 6RFLDOL]HG +RXVLQJ ORFDWHG DW %UJ\ %DWREDWR 'DQ ,VLGUR 'DYDR 2ULHQWDO RZQHG E\ )(/,&,$12 % <8 -5 DQG GHYHORSHG E\ $%2,7,= LAND INC. thru Memorandum of Agreement dated January 23, 2019 by and among MUNICIPALITY OF SAN ISIDRO (LGU), HOUSING AND /$1' 86( 5(*8/$725< %2$5' 3$*,%,* )81' DQG )(/,&,$12 % <8 -5 5(35(6(17(' %< -$<621 % <8 HYLGHQFHG E\ a Special Power of Attorney) is EHLQJ XWLOL]HG DV &RPSOLDQFH IRU THE VILLAGE AT LIPA: SIERRA VILLAGE ORFDWHG DW %UJ\ %XJWRQJ QD 3XOR /LSD &LW\ %DWDQJDV LQ accordance with Section 18 of Republic Act No. 7279 as amended by Republic Act No. 10884.

Notice is hereby given that DONVICTOR VILLE HOUSING PROJECT located at Purok ,ODQJ ,ODQJ .DQOXUDQJ 0D\DR /XFHQD &LW\ 4XH]RQ RZQHG E\ CITY OF LUCENA and developed E\ $%2,7,= /$1' ,1& WKUX Memorandum of Agreement by and among CITY OF LUCENA (LGU), HOUSING AND LAND USE 5(*8/$725< %2$5' 3$*,%,* )81' DQG $%2,7,= /$1' ,1& LV EHLQJ XWLOL]HG DV &RPSOLDQFH IRU THE VILLAGE AT LIPA: BROOK VILLAGE ORFDWHG DW %UJ\ %XJWRQJ QD 3XOR /LSD &LW\ %DWDQJDV LQ accordance with Section 18 of Republic Act No. 7279 as amended by Republic Act No. 10884.

Notice is hereby given that RAEMULAN LANDS, INC. (Owner/ Developer) thru Deed of Absolute Sale has filed with this Office a sworn registration statement for the sale of residential house and lot in PAGSIBOL VILLAGE SOUTH located DW %UJ\ 7LPDODQ 6DEDQJ 1DLF &DYLWH and more particularly described as Lot Nos. 3038; 3039; 3042; 3040; and 3041 Naic Estate Cavite, GLRO No. 8340) containing an area of 117,059 sq.m. and covered by TCT Nos. 0572017065323; 057-2014074130; and 7 7KH SURMHFW LV XQGHU %3 220 (Economic Housing).

Republic of the Philippines 2I¿FH RI WKH 3UHVLGHQW HOUSING AND LAND USE REGULATORY BOARD Lupong Nangangasiwa sa Pabahay at Gamit ng Lupa SOUTHERN TAGALOG REGION – (STR)

All papers relative thereto shall upon request and payment of processing fee, be available for inspection during business hours by any person having legal interest thereon.

All papers relative thereto shall upon request and payment of processing fee, be available for inspection during business hours by any person having legal interest thereon.

Republic of the Philippines 2I¿FH RI WKH 3UHVLGHQW HOUSING AND LAND USE REGULATORY BOARD Lupong Nangangasiwa sa Pabahay at Gamit ng Lupa SOUTHERN TAGALOG REGION – (STR) NOTICE Notice is hereby given that PASINAYA HOMES WEST ORFDWHG DW %UJ\ 6DEDQJ Naic, Cavite with License to Sell No. 034000 dated 21 November 2018, developed by RAEMULAN LANDS, CORPORATION is being XWLOL]HG DV &RPSOLDQFH IRU PAGSIBOL VILLAGE SOUTH ORFDWHG DW %UJ\ 7LPDODQ Sabang, Naic, Cavite in accordance with Section 18 of Republic No. 7279 as amended by Republic Act No. 10884..

7KH IRUHJRLQJ SURMHFW LV XWLOL]LQJ PASINAYA HOMES WEST located at %UJ\ 7LPDODQ 6DEDQJ 1DLF &DYLWH DV its Compliance pursuant to Section 18 of Republic Act No. 7279 as amended by Republic Act No. 10884.

All papers relative thereto shall upon request and payment of processing fee, be available for inspection during business hours by any person having legal interest thereon.

All papers relative thereto shall upon request and payment of processing fee, be available for inspection during business hours by any person having legal interest thereon.

Absent legal impediment, the above-cited project is deemed UHJLVWHUHG DQG D FHUWLÂżFDWH LQ evidence thereof, shall forthwith be issued after five (5) days from the last day of publication.

Absent legal impediment, the abovecited project is deemed registered DQG D FHUWLÂżFDWH LQ HYLGHQFH WKHUHRI VKDOO IRUWKZLWK EH LVVXHG DIWHU ÂżYH days from the last day of publication.

Absent legal impediment, the above-cited project is deemed registered and a certificate, in evidence thereof, shall forthwith be LVVXHG DIWHU ÂżYH GD\V IURP WKH last day of publication.

Calamba City, Laguna, 20th day of March 2019.

Calamba City, Laguna, 20th day of March 2019.

Calamba City, Laguna, 8 th day of March 2019.

Recommending Approval:

Recommending Approval:

Recommending Approval:

Engr. EMMANUEL G. GLIPO Head- Planning, Registration and Licensing Division (PRLD)

Engr. EMMANUEL G. GLIPO Head- Planning, Registration and Licensing Division (PRLD)

Engr. EMMANUEL G. GLIPO Head- Planning, Registration and Licensing Division (PRLD)

Approved by:

Approved by:

Approved by:

Approved by:





MT - Mar. 22, 2019

Absent legal impediment, the abovecited project is deemed registered DQG D FHUWLÂżFDWH LQ HYLGHQFH WKHUHRI VKDOO IRUWKZLWK EH LVVXHG DIWHU ÂżYH days from the last day of publication.

Calamba City, Laguna, 8 day of March 2019. th

Recommending Approval: Engr. EMMANUEL G. GLIPO Head- Planning, Registration and Licensing Division (PRLD)

MT - Mar. 22, 2019

MT - Mar. 22, 2019

MT - Mar. 22, 2019


SCN CASE NO. 000725

3XUVXDQW WR WKH SURYLVLRQV RI 5HSXEOLF $FW 1R SHWLWLRQHU KHUHE\ VXEPLWV D SHWLWLRQ IRU QDWXUDOL]DWLRQ WR EHFRPH D FLWL]HQ RI WKH 5HSXEOLF of the Philippines and respectfully declares: 1. My full name is JOANA JANE TO SIO but I have also been known since childhood as JOANA JANE TO SIO or I have been judicially DXWKRUL]HG WR XVH WKH alias name(s) N.A. 2. My present place of residence is .,1* 5,&( 0,// %5*< &$/$2&$1 City/Municipality of SAN JOSE, Province of 18(9$ (&,-$ and all my former places of residence are: 35(6(17 .,1* 5,&( 0,// %5*< &$/$2&$1 6$1 -26( &,7< 18(9$ (&,-$ 3. I was born on AUGUST 12, 1998 in &$%$1$78$1 &,7< 18(9$ (&,-$, Philippines. I have been a resident of the Philippines since ELUWK $W SUHVHQW , DP D FLWL]HQ RU VXEMHFW RI 3(23/(œ6 5(38%/,& 2) &+,1$. 4. My father’s name is PENG SIO and he was born on 2&72%(5 in CHINA +H LV D FLWL]HQ RU VXEMHFW RI PRC (CHINA). My mother’s name is PAAH TO and she was born on MAY 18, 1965, in CHINA 6KH LV D FLWL]HQ RU VXEMHFW RI 3(23/(œ6 5(38%/,& 2) &+,1$. 5. My trade, business, profession or lawful occupation is N/A and from which I derive an average annual income of P N/A inclusive of bonuses, commissions and allowances. My wife’s/husband’s trade, business, profession or lawful occupation is N/A and from which she derives an average annual income of P N/A. (Where the above does not apply): I am exempt from the requirement of lucrative trade or occupation and from submitting income tax returns for the past three (3) years because I am a college degree holder [please state (1) degree obtained: N/A (2) name of school: N/A and (3) year graduated: N/A who cannot practice my profession (the practice of which requires a government licensure examination) by reason of P\ FLWL]HQVKLS 6. My civil status is Single. I was married on N/A in N/A. My wife’s/husband’s name is N/A and she/he was born on N/A 6KH +H LV FLWL]HQ or subject of N/A and presently resides at N/A. 7. I am legally separated from my spouse; my marriage was annulled, per decree of legal separation/annulment dated N/A granted by N/A (please indicate the particular court which granted the same). I am a widower/widow and my spouse died on N/A in N/A. 8.

I have N/A child/children, whose names, dates and places of birth and residences are as follows: Name N/A

Date of Birth N/A

Place of Birth N/A

Residence N/A

, UHFHLYHG P\ SULPDU\ DQG VHFRQGDU\ HGXFDWLRQ IURP WKH IROORZLQJ SXEOLF VFKRROV RU SULYDWH HGXFDWLRQDO LQVWLWXWLRQV GXO\ UHFRJQL]HG E\ the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS), where Philippine history, government and civics are taught and prescribed as part of the school curriculum and where enrollment is not limited to any race or nationality: Name of School %(77%,(1 0217(6625, %(77%,(1 +,*+6&+22/ 81,9(56,7< 2) 7+( ($67 10.


Dates of Study 2006-2012 2012-2016 2017-PRESENT

Highest Grade Completed GRADUATED GRADUATED N/A

I am able to read, write and speak Filipino and/or any of the following dialects of the Philippines: ENGLISH AND TAGALOG

, KDYH HQUROOHG P\ PLQRU FKLOGUHQ RI VFKRRO DJH LQ WKH IROORZLQJ SXEOLF VFKRROV RU SULYDWH HGXFDWLRQDO LQVWLWXWLRQV GXO\ UHFRJQL]HG E\ WKH Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS), where Philippine history, government and civics are taught and prescribed as part of the school curriculum and where enrollment is not limited to any race or nationality: Name of Child N/A

Name and Place of School N/A

Date of Enrollment N/A

12. I shall never be a public charge. I am of good moral character. I believe in the principles underlying the Philippine Constitution. I have conducted myself in a proper and irreproachable manner during the entire period of my residence in the Philippines in my relations with the constituted government as well as with the community in which I am living. I mingled socially with Filipinos and have evinced a sincere desire to learn and embrace the customs, traditions and ideals of the Filipino people. I have all the qualifications and none of the disqualifications under Republic Act No. 9139. , DP QRW RSSRVHG WR RUJDQL]HG JRYHUQPHQW RU DIILOLDWHG ZLWK DQ\ DVVRFLDWLRQ RU JURXS RI SHUVRQV ZKR XSKROG DQG WHDFK GRFWULQHV RSSRVLQJ DOO RUJDQL]HG JRYHUQPHQWV , DP QRW GHIHQGLQJ RU WHDFKLQJ WKH QHFHVVLW\ RU SURSULHW\ RI YLROHQFH SHUVRQDO DVVDXOW RU DVVDVVLQDWLRQ for the success and predominance of one’s ideas. I am not a polygamist nor a believer in the practice of polygamy. I have not been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude. I am not suffering from mental alienation or from any incurable contagious disease. The FRXQWU\ RI ZKLFK , DP D FLWL]HQ RU VXEMHFW LV QRW DW ZDU ZLWK WKH 3KLOLSSLQHV DQG JUDQWV WR )LOLSLQRV WKH ULJKW WR EH QDWXUDOL]HG FLWL]HQV RU subjects thereof. ,W LV P\ WUXH DQG KRQHVW LQWHQWLRQ WR EHFRPH D FLWL]HQ RI WKH 3KLOLSSLQHV DQG WR UHQRXQFH DEVROXWHO\ DQG IRUHYHU DOO DOOHJLDQFH DQG ¿GHOLW\ to any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty, and, particularly to PRC (CHINA) RI ZKLFK DOO WKLV WLPH , DP D FLWL]HQ RU VXEMHFW , ZLOO UHVLGH FRQWLQXRXVO\ LQ WKH 3KLOLSSLQHV IURP WKH GDWH RI WKH ¿OLQJ RI WKLV SHWLWLRQ XS WR WKH WLPH RI P\ DGPLVVLRQ WR 3KLOLSSLQH FLWL]HQVKLS 14. My character witnesses are $77< &$5/2 0$5&2 0 %$87,67$ and 05 $/(;$1'(5 */(1 ( %$87,67$ ERWK )LOLSLQR FLWL]HQV RI legal age, and residing at 15 PASCUAL ST., F.E. MARCOS, SAN JOSE CITY and 0$+$5/,.$ 5' $%$5 67 6$1 -26( &,7<, respectively, who have executed sworn statements attached hereto in support of my instant petition, together with: (a) brief biographical data about themselves; E GHWDLOHG VWDWHPHQWV RQ WKH GDWHV WKH\ ¿UVW FDPH WR NQRZ PH WKH FLUFXPVWDQFHV RI RXU LQLWLDO DFTXDLQWDQFH DQG WKH UHDVRQV DQG H[WHQW RI RXU FRQWLQXLQJ IDPLOLDULW\ DQG F WKH QXPEHU RI WLPHV WKH\ KDYH DFWHG DV FKDUDFWHU ZLWQHVVHV LQ RWKHU SHWLWLRQV IRU QDWXUDOL]DWLRQ 15. Attached hereto as annexes and made part of this petition are the GXSOLFDWH RULJLQDOV RU FHUWL¿HG SKRWRFRSLHV of the following documents (please check the appropriate box):

[ @ D [ @ E [ @ F > @ G > @ H [ ] f. > @ J [ ] h. > @ L [ @ M [ @ N [ @ O [ ] m. [ @ Q

[ ] o. [ ] p.

w w

Republic of the Philippines 2I¿FH RI WKH 3UHVLGHQW HOUSING AND LAND USE REGULATORY BOARD Lupong Nangangasiwa sa Pabahay at Gamit ng Lupa SOUTHERN TAGALOG REGION – (STR)



Ipinagbibigay alam na ang LIMA LAND INC. (May-ari/Taga-debelop) ay naghain sa Tanggapang ito ng sinumpaang aplikasyon para sa pagbebenta ng bahay at lote sa THE VILLAGE AT LIPA: SIERRA VILLAGE QD PDWDWDJSXDQ VD %UJ\ %XJWRQJ QD 3XOR /LSD &LW\ %DWDQJDV DW VLQDVDNRS QJ PJD /RWH %OJ % 10623-A, 10624, 10621, 10617, 10613, 10614, 10619-A, 10622, % % $ % % $ $ DW /RWH %OJ QD VXPDVDLODOLP VD PJD 7LWXOR %OJ 7 7 T-115359, T-113453, T-1134552, T-113451, T-113450, T-113456, T-114545, T-114544, T-114543, T-114542, T-113456, T-113445, T-115361, T-116998, T-10256, T-25809, T-20145, T-54213, T-48834 at T-2014000029. Ang nasabing proyekto ay sumasailalim sa PD 957.

LIMA LAND INC. (Owner/Developer) has filed with this Office a sworn registration statement for the sale of subdivision house and lot in THE VILLAGE AT LIPA: SIERRA VILLAGE ORFDWHG DW %UJ\ %XJWRQJ QD 3XOR /LSD &LW\ %DWDQJDV DQG more particularly described as Lot % 10620, 10623-A, 10624, 10621, 10617, 10613, 10614, 10619-A, % % $ % % $ 10628-A & Lot 10595 and covered by TCT’s No. T-161685, T-161684, T-115359, T-113453, T-1134552, T-113451, T-113450, T-113456, T-114545, T-114544, T-114543, T-114542, T-113456, T-113445, T-115361, T-116998, T-10256, T-25809, T-20145, T-54213, T-48834 & T-2014000029. The project is under PD 957.


7KH IRUHJRLQJ SURMHFW LV XWLOL]LQJ HAMIGUTAN VIEW RESIDENCES 6RFLDOL]HG +RXVLQJ ORFDWHG DW %UJ\ %DWREDWR 6DQ ,VLGUR 'DYDR 2ULHQWDO as its compliance pursuant to Section 18 of Republic Act No. 7279 as amended by RA 10884.

Ang mga kasulatang kaugnay nito ay maaring suriin ng sinumang tao na nagtataglay ng ligal na interes doon pagkatapos ng wastong aplikasyon at kaukulang bayad. Pagkaraan ng limang (5) araw mula sa huling araw ng pagkalathala ang proyektong nabanggit ay ituturing na rehistrado na at maaring bigyan ng sertipiko bilang katibayan nito kapag wala nang sagabal na ligal.

All papers relative thereto shall upon request and payment of processing fee, be available for inspection during business hours by any person having legal interest thereon. Absent legal impediment, the abovecited project is deemed registered DQG D FHUWLÂżFDWH LQ HYLGHQFH WKHUHRI VKDOO IRUWKZLWK EH LVVXHG DIWHU ÂżYH days from the last day of publication.

Lungsod ng Calamba, Laguna, ika-20 ng Marso 2019.

Calamba City, Laguna, 20th day of March 2019.

Recommending Approval:

Recommending Approval:

Engr. EMMANUEL G. GLIPO Head- Planning, Registration and Licensing Division (PRLD)

Engr. EMMANUEL G. GLIPO Head- Planning, Registration and Licensing Division (PRLD)

Approved by:

Approved by:



MT - Mar. 22 & 25, 2019

MT - Mar. 22 & 25, 2019

Republic of the Philippines National Capital Judicial Region REGIONAL TRIAL COURT %UDQFK 0DNDWL &LW\



Republic of the Philippines 2I¿FH RI WKH 3UHVLGHQW HOUSING AND LAND USE REGULATORY BOARD Lupong Nangangasiwa sa Pabahay at Gamit ng Lupa SOUTHERN TAGALOG REGION – (STR)

˜ The Manila Times


16. Other documents submitted by the petitioner in support of her petition: 1%, &/($5$1&( 32/,&( &/($5$1&( %$5$1*$< &/($5$1&( MTC AND RTC COURT CLEARANCE; PROSECUTOR’S CLEARANCE PRAYER :+(5()25( LW LV UHVSHFWIXOO\ SUD\HG WKDW SHWLWLRQHU EH FRQIHUUHG 3KLOLSSLQH FLWL]HQVKLS SXUVXDQW WR WKH SURYLVLRQV RI 5HSXEOLF $FW 1R Dated at Makati City, Metro Manila, this 15th day of January 2019.

JOANA JANE TO SITIO Name and Signature of Petitioner Address: .LQJ 5LFH 0LOO %UJ\ &DODRFDQ San Jose City, Nueva Ecija

5(38%/,& 2) 7+( 3+,/,33,1(6

&,7< 081,&,3$/,7< 2) 48(=21 &,7< I, JOANA JANE TO SIO RI OHJDO DJH DQG D UHVLGHQW RI %5*< &$/$2&$1 6$1 -26( &,7< 1 ( DIWHU EHLQJ GXO\ VZRUQ GHSRVH DQG VD\ that I am the petitioner herein, that I have need the foregoing petition and know the contents thereof, and that the same is true of my own knowledge. JOANA JANE TO SITIO Name and Signature of Petitioner ACR NO. F0000284126 10 OCTOBER 2021 68%6&5,%(' $1' 6:251 WR EHIRUH PH DW 48(=21 &,7< WKLV -DQXDU\ _________________________________________ 2IÂżFLDO DXWKRUL]HG WR DGPLQLVWHU RDWKV 1RWDU\ 3XEOLF

MT – Mar. 8, 15 & 22, 2019

ERRORS & OMISSIONS Any incorrect advertisement published in The Manila Times Classified Ads must be brought to our attention on the same day the advertisement came out. We will not be held liable for any incorrect ads not reported to us immediately.

METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Plaintiff; YHUVXV 5 0.7 &9 )RU 5HFRYHU\ RI 'HÂżFLHQF\ WILLIAM GILBERT SANTIAGO, d.b.a. Fox Electronics Manufacturing; SUSAN SANTIAGO and ALEXANDER VINCENT MONTOYA Defendants. x------------------------------------------------x ORDER Filed with this Court is the Motion to Serve Decision by Publication by plaintiff. Finding the same to be meritorious and consistent with Section 91, Rule 13 of the Revised Rules of Court, the Court hereby GRANTS the said motion. Accordingly, let the decision of this case be published in a newspaper of general circulation at least ONCE a week for TWO consecutive weeks at the expense of the plaintiff. SO ORDERED. Given in Chambers this 6th of February 2019 Makati City. (SGD.) MA. CARIDAD SJ. VILLAMOR-YEE Acting Presiding Judge Republic of the Philippines National Capital Judicial Region REGIONAL TRIAL COURT %UDQFK 0DNDWL &LW\ METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Plaintiff; YHUVXV 5 0.7 &9 )RU 5HFRYHU\ RI 'HÂżFLHQF\ WILLIAM GILBERT SANTIAGO, d.b.a. FOX ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING; SUSAN SANTIAGO and ALEXANDER VINCENT MONTOYA Defendants. x--------------------------------------------------------x DECISION 7KLV LV DQ DFWLRQ IRU WKH 5HFRYHU\ RI 'HÂżFLHQF\ XQGHU $FW 1R (An Act to Regulate the Sale of Property under Special Powers Inserted in or Annexed to Real Estate Mortgages), praying that defendants be KHOG OLDEOH WR SD\ IRU WKH GHÂżFLHQF\ EDODQFH RI WKHLU RXWVWDQGLQJ ORDQ obligations to plaintiff. The facts of the case are: On June 2, 2016, plaintiff filed a Complaint 1, alleging that Defendant William Gilbert Santiago d.b.a Fox Electronics Manufacturing obtained a loan from plaintiff in the amount of Php6,400,000.00 at a Âż[HG UDWH RI SHU DQQXP IRU D SHULRG RI WZR \HDUV WR EHFRPH due on December 14, 2012, as evidenced by Promissory Note No. 915.214442.129536.000.992. To secure payment of the loan, defendant Susan Santiago, wife of defendant William Santiago, executed the Agreement on Existing Mortgages3, wherein defendants Susan Santiago included the subject loan with her April 26, 2006 Real Estate Mortgage. /LNHZLVH GHIHQGDQW $OH[DQGHU 9LQFHQW 0RQWR\D DQG GHIHQGDQW Susan Santiago, executed a Continuing Surety Agreement4 in favour of plaintiff. Defendants failed to pay. On account of non-payment of her loan, plaintiff and defendants restructured the terms of payment of the loan covered by Promissory Note No. 915.214442.129536.000.99. On March 20, 2013, the parties executed Debt Settlement Agreement5, wherein debtors, defendants William and Susan Santiago, together with their Surety, defendant Montoya, agreed to pay the outstanding amount of Php5,349,240.97 LQ PRQWKO\ LQVWDOOPHQWV DW D Âż[HG UDWH RI SHU DQQXP LQWHUHVW IRU RQH year to be repriced the next year. Defendants William and Susan Santiago executed Promissory Note No. PN915.214442.137733.000.996 to evidence the Php5,349,240.97 ORDQ 'HIHQGDQW $OH[DQGHU 9LQFHQW 0RQWR\D DQG GHIHQGDQW 6XVDQ Santiago executed another Continuing Surety Agreement dated March 22, 20137 to secure the loan. Defendants allegedly again failed to pay the loan when it became due and demandable. Plaintiff then extra-judicially foreclosed the Real Estate Mortgage constituted over the mortgaged property to answer for the loan obligation, which amounted to Php5,263,547.07 as of February 28, 2014. The mortgaged property was sold at public auction for Php4,352,000.008 with plaintiff as the highest bidder. Allegedly, DIWHU DSSO\LQJ WKH SURFHHGV WR WKH ORDQ D GHÂżFLHQF\ EDODQFH H[LVWV which amounted to Php2,032,612.48 by March 30, 2016, inclusive of interests and penalties. Plaintiff demanded payment from defendants to no avail. Thus, in its Complaint, plaintiff prayed for payment of Php2,032,612.48 plus 7% per annum interest starting April 1, 2016 until the same is fully paid. Plaintiff likewise prayed for payment of attorney’s fees in the amount equal to 10% of the total obligation and Php2,500.00 per hearing. Plaintiff prays for the payment of the costs of suit. Initially, summons to defendants cannot be served personally9, because defendants Spouses Santiago had already moved out of their known address, while there was no occupant in the last known address of defendant Montoya. After ascertaining the whereabouts of defendants in their other known addresses, upon motion 10 of plaintiff, alias summons to defendants were served by publication11. However, even with the publication of the summons, all defendants GLG QRW ÂżOH WKHLU $QVZHU 2Q 0D\ SODLQWLII ÂżOHG D 0RWLRQ12 to Declare Defendants in Default. On May 18, 2018, the Court, through the previous Presiding Judge, declared defendants in default13. Plaintiff thereafter presented its evidence ex-parte. Plaintiff presented its lone witness, Mr. Ferdinand Allan Dominador & /HRQHV WKH SDUDOHJDO IRU SODLQWLII 0U /HRQHV WHVWLÂżHG WKDW KH LV in-charge of the monitoring of bank accounts for plaintiff, and that he has personal knowledge of the status of loan account of defendants. Allegedly, upon maturity of the loan, plaintiff repeatedly demanded from defendants the payment of the loan amounting to Php5,263,547.07. Defendants failed to pay, which prompted plaintiff to extra-judicially foreclose the mortgage constituted by defendants. On August 20, 2014, the mortgaged property was sold at public auction for Php4,352,000.00, with plaintiff as the highest bidder. According to Mr. Leones, there VWLOO UHPDLQV D GHÂżFLHQF\ EDODQFH LQ WKH DPRXQW RI 3KS The Court rules: The Court is aware that defendants were declared in default WKH GD\ DIWHU WKH ÂżOLQJ RI SODLQWLIIÂśV Motion to Declare Defendants in Default. However, seeing that up to this time, in spite several notices on the progress of the case, defendants have not offered any objection or opposition, the Court sees no reason to disturb its Order of default issued by the Previous Judge of this Court. Defendants therefore have lost their standing in court. However, a declaration of default does NOT amount to an admission by defendants of the truth or validity of plaintiff’s Claims. “It does not imply admission by the defendant of the facts and causes of action of the plaintiff. xxxxx Nor could it be interpreted as an admission E\ WKH GHIHQGDQW WKDW SODLQWLIIÂśV FDXVHV RI DFWLRQ ÂżQG VXSSRUW LQ WKH ODZ or that the latter is entitled to the relief prayed for14. Thus, while defendants have lost their standing in court, law and jurisprudence dictate that judgment against them must nevertheless be in accordance with the law and with the evidence required by law.15 Plaintiff, despite the default of defendants, is nevertheless required to still substantiate its allegations in the complaint16 by preponderance of evidence.17 Here, a review of the records of the case show that plaintiff, by preponderance of evidence, is entitled to recover from the defendants WKH GHÂżFLHQF\ EDODQFH RI WKH REOLJDWLRQ DIWHU GHGXFWLQJ IURP WKH WRWDO obligation the proceeds of the sale of the mortgaged property. Plaintiff’s Exhibits “Hâ€? (Debt Settlement Agreement) 18 and Âł.´ 3URPLVVRU\ 1RWH 1R 19, show that defendants had an obligation to pay plaintiff the amount of 3KS ([KLELW Âł%´ 5HDO (VWDWH 0RUWJDJH 20 shows that a Real Estate Mortgage was constituted to secure payment of the Loan; Exhibit “Jâ€? shows that the obligation is further secured by a Continuing Surety Agreernent21 executed by defendants Susan Santiago and Alexander Montoya; Exhibits “Lâ€?22, “Mâ€?23 and “Nâ€?24 (demand letters to defendants) show that demand to pay was made by plaintiff to each RI WKH GHIHQGDQWV RQ 0DUFK ([KLELW Âł5´ &HUWLÂżFDWH RI 6DOH 25 shows that the mortgaged property was sold at public auction on August 20, 2014 for Php4,352,400.00, to settle defendants’ obligation which as of February 28, 2014 amounted to Php5,263,547.07, inclusive of interests and penalty charges. ,QGHHG WKHUH UHPDLQV D GHÂżFLHQF\ EDODQFH Evidence is simply overwhelming that defendants are under obligation to pay plaintiff the amount of Php5,263,547.07, as of February 28, 2014, and that the proceeds of the foreclosure sale only amounted

NOTICE OF DECREASE IN AUTHORIZED CAPITAL STOCK OF FORT BONIFACIO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Notice is hereby given that on July 10, 2018, majority of the PHPEHUV RI WKH %RDUG RI 'LUHFWRUV DQG 6WRFNKROGHUV UHSUHVHQWLQJ at least two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital stock of FORT BONIFACIO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (the “Corporation�) KDYH DSSURYHG WKH GHFUHDVH RI DXWKRUL]HG FDSLWDO VWRFN from TWENTY FIVE BILLION ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY THREE MILLION ONE HUNDRED FOUR THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FIFTY THREE PESOS (P25,183,104,653.00) divided into 13,217,198,882 Common Shares with a par value of One Peso (P1.00) per share and seven (7) classes of Preferred Shares namely, Preferred “A� 1,625,405,117 Shares, Preferred “B� 1,329,876,914 Shares, Preferred “C� 10,623,740 Shares, Preferred “D� 1,000,000,000 Shares, Preferred “E� 2,000,000,000 Shares, Preferred “F� 5,000,000,000 Shares, Preferred “G� 1,000,000,000 Shares with a par value of One Peso (P1.00) to SEVENTEEN BILLION TWO HUNDRED SEVENTEEN MILLION ONE HUNDRED NINETY EIGHT THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED EIGHTY TWO PESOS (17,217,198,882.00) divided into 13,217,198,882 Common Shares with a par value of One Peso (P1.00) per share and Preferred “F� 4,000,000,000 Shares with a par value of One Peso (P1.00) per share, in view of the redemption and retirement of Preferred “A� 1,625,405,117 Shares, Preferred “B� 1,329,876,914 Shares, Preferred “C� 10,623,740 Shares, Preferred “D� 1,000,000,000 Shares, Preferred “E� 2,000,000,000 Shares, Preferred “F� 1,000,000,000 Shares, Preferred “G� 1,000,000,000 Shares of the corporation 7KLV ZLOO VHUYH DV QRWLFH WR DOO FRQFHUQHG RI WKH GHFUHDVH LQ DXWKRUL]HG capital stock of the aforesaid corporation. Shelah Mae W. Famador Corporate Secretary MT - Mar. 22 & 25, 2019

WR 3KS $ GHÂżFLHQF\ EDODQFH WKHUHIRUH H[LVWV LQ WKH DPRXQW of Php911,147.07, as of February 28, 2014. Defendants are bound to pay their full obligation to the plaintiff. “A contract is the law between the parties, and courts have no choice but to enforce such contract so long as they are not contrary to law, morals, good customs or public policy.â€?26 To extinguish the obligation, payment must be complete. Article 1233 RI WKH 1HZ &LYLO &RGH SURYLGHV WKDW ÂłD GHEW VKDOO QRW EH XQGHUVWRRG WR KDYH EHHQ SDLG XQOHVV WKH WKLQJ RU VHUYLFH LQ ZKLFK WKH REOLJDWLRQ FRQVLVWV KDV EHHQ &203/(7(/< GHOLYHUHG RU UHQGHUHG DV WKH FDVH PD\ EH ´27 Settled already is the rule that a creditor-mortgagee is not precluded WR FODLP WKH GHÂżFLHQF\ RQ WKH SULQFLSDO REOLJDWLRQ DIWHU H[WUD MXGLFLDO foreclosure sale. As explained by the Supreme Court in the case of Rosalina Carodan vs. China Banking Corporation28, “the mortgage is merely a security for, and not a satisfaction of indebtedness. If the SURFHHGV RI WKH VDOH DUH LQVXIÂżFLHQW WR FRYHU WKH GHEW LQ DQ H[WUD judicial foreclosure of mortgage, the mortgagee is entitled to claim the GHÂżFLHQF\ IURP WKH GHEWRU´ Guided by the above-mentioned laws and jurisprudence, the &RXUW DJUHHV ZLWK SODLQWLII WKDW LW LV HQWLWOHG WR FROOHFW WKH GHÂżFLHQF\ balance. Defendants therefore are bound to fully satisfy their outstanding obligation to the plaintiff. Plaintiff is entitled to recover WKH GHÂżFLHQF\ EDODQFH The Court however cannot agree with plaintiff that defendants are liable to pay the amount of Php2,032,612.48, with 7% interest and 18% penalty, from August 28, 2014 up to March 30, 2016.29 Since the total obligation of the defendants as of February 28, 2014, when the real estate mortgage was foreclosed is -- Php5,263,547.07, and since the proceeds of the foreclosure sale amounted to Php4,352,400.00 PDWKHPDWLFDOO\ WKH GHÂżFLHQF\ EDODQFH DV RI )HEUXDU\ 28, 2014 is only Php911,147.07. Also, while the Court agrees with plaintiff that plaintiff is entitled to interests, the Court however cannot agree with plaintiff that the interest imposable is 7% per annum. The computation prayed for by the plaintiff is NOT supported the agreement executed by the parties. Pursuant to Article 1956 of the New Civil Code, interest is indeed due and payable when expressly agreed upon, and such agreement is reduced in writing30. However, the parties’ Debt Settlement Agreement 31 explicitly SURYLGHV WKDW Âł , QWHUHVW UDWH VKDOO EH DW D Âż[HG UDWH RI 6HYHQ 3HUFHQW (7%) per annum Âż[HG IRU RQH \HDU and subject to repricing on the second yearâ€?. This is the law between the parties, and they are bound thereby. 32 Applying the agreement of the parties, the 7% per annum interest RQ WKH REOLJDWLRQ LV Âż[HG RQO\ IRU RQH \HDU WKDW LV IURP 0DUFK up to one year thereafter, or until March 2014. Meaning, on the second year, or from April 2014, the parties undertook to reprice the interest, which the parties never did. 6LQFH WKH SDUWLHVÂś IDLOHG WR DJUHH WKH H[DFW RU VSHFLÂżF UDWH LPSRVDEOH as interest on the loan obligation after one year, there is no basis for plaintiff to claim 7% interest. The legal interest should be imposed. The Supreme Court in 6SRXVHV 6DOYDGRU $EHOOD DQG $OPV $EHOOD YV 6SRXVHV 5RPHR $EHOOD DQG $QQLH $EHOOD33, explained that ÂłZKHUH LQWHUHVW ZDV VWLSXODWHG LQ ZULWLQJ E\ WKH GHEWRU DQG FUHGLWRU LQ D VLPSOH ORDQ RU PXWXXP EXW QR H[DFW LQWHUHVW UDWH ZDV PHQWLRQHG WKH OHJDO UDWH RI LQWHUHVW VKDOO DSSO\ ´ Guided by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Monetary Board (BSP-MB), in its Resolution No 796 dated May 16, 2013, approving the amendment of Section 2 of Circular No. 905, Series of 1982, and Circular No. 799, Series of 2013, effective July 1, 2013, cited in the case of 6SRXVHV 6DOYDGRU $EHOOD DQG $OPD $EHOOD YV 6SRXVHV 5RPHR $EHOOD DQG $QQLH $EHOOD34, the rate of interest for loan or forbearance of any money, goods or credits and the rate allowed in judgments, in the absence of an express contract as to such rate of interest, as in this case, shall be six percent (6%) per annum. ,Q VXP VLQFH WKH FRQWUDFWLQJ SDUWLHV IDLOHG WR PDNH D VSHFLÂżF stipulation as to interest rate, the legal interest of 6% shall apply. With respect to the penalty charge of 18% per annum stipulated in the loan agreement in case of default, the same partakes of a nature of a liquidated damages which is allowed under Article 2226 of the New Civil Code. 35 Nevertheless, Article 1229 of the New Civil Code provides that: “Art. 1229. The judge shall equitably reduce the penalty when the principal obligation has been partly or irregularly complied with by the debtor. Even if there has been no performance, the penalty may also be reduced by the courts if it is iniquitous or unconscionable.â€? 7KH &RXUW ÂżQGV WKH SHU DQQXP SHQDOW\ LPSRVHG E\ SODLQWLII RQ WKH GHÂżFLHQF\ EDODQFH WR EH LQLTXLWRXV DQG XQFRQVFLRQDEOH FRQVLGHULQJ that defendants had already paid more than eighty percent (80%) of their obligation by the foreclosure of their mortgage. In consonance with the prevailing jurisprudence in Security Bank Corporation vs. Spouses Rodrigo and Erlinda Mercado36, the Court reduces the penalty from SHU DQQXP WR SHU DQQXP RQ WKH GHÂżFLHQF\ EDODQFH IURP WKH time of foreclosure sale on February 28, 2014. As to the prayer for 10% attorney’s fees, the same is allowed as it is stipulated by the parties in their Agreement, and the same is sanctioned by Section 2208 of the New Civil Code. The law allows a party to recover attorney’s fees under a written agreement.37 As held in the case of Barons Marketing Corporation vs. Court of Appeals38: “xxx the attorney’s fees here are in the nature of liquidated damages and the stipulation therefor is aptly called a penal clause. It has been said that so long as such stipulation does not contravene law, morals, or public order, it is strictly binding upon defendant.â€? The Court cannot however allow payment of the appearance fees, as it is already beyond the stipulations of the parties. Pursuant to Section 1 Rule 142 of the Revised Rules of Court, costs of suit is warranted. WHEREFORE, foregoing considered, judgment of default is hereby rendered against defendants William Gilbert Santiago dba Fox (OHFWURQLFV 0DQXIDFWXULQJ 6XVDQ 6DQWLDJR DQG $OH[DQGHU 9LQFHQW < 0RQWR\D ÂżQGLQJ WKHP MRLQWO\ DQG VHYHUDOO\ OLDEOH WR SD\ SODLQWLII WKH GHÂżFLHQF\ EDODQFH LQ WKH DPRXQW RI 3KS SOXV SHU DQQXP interest, and 6% per annum penalty from time of foreclosure sale on )HEUXDU\ XQWLO ÂżQDO MXGJPHQW 7KH WRWDO MXGJPHQW DZDUG VKDOO HDUQ OHJDO LQWHUHVW RI SHU DQQXP IURP ÂżQDOLW\ RI MXGJPHQW XQWLO IXOO\ paid, attorney’s fees equivalent to ten percent (10%), plus costs of suit. SO ORDERED. In Chamber, December 10, 2018, Makati City. (SGD.) MA. CARIDAD SJ. VILLAMOR-YEE Acting Presiding Judge Copy furnished: Atty. Brian P. Ceniza - counsel for plaintiff; 6DQWLDJR *DOOHJR /DZ 2IÂżFHV th )ORRU 3DFLÂżF &HQWHU %XLOGLQJ 6DQ 0LJXHO $YHQXH 2UWLJDV &HQWHU 3DVLJ &LW\ William Gilbert Santiago – defendant, 1R %XHQFDPLQR 6WUHHW 6DQ Miguel, Manila Susan Santiago - defendant, 1R %XHQFDPLQR 6WUHHW 6DQ 0LJXHO 0DQLOD Alexander Vincent Montoya - defendant, No. 293 Jaboneros Street, Tondo, Manila ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1

6HFWLRQ 6HUYLFH RI MXGJPHQWV ÂżQDO RUGHUV RU UHVROXWLRQV -XGJPHQWV ÂżQDO RUGHUV or resolutions shall be served either personally or by registered mail. When a party VXPPRQHG E\ SXEOLFDWLRQ KDV IDLOHG WR DSSHDU LQ WKH DFWLRQ MXGJPHQWV ÂżQDO RUGHUV RU resolutions against him shall be served upon him also by publication, at the expense of the prevailing party.

Complaint dated June 2, 2016, pp. 1-5 Records Promissory Note No. 915.214442.129536.000.99. Exhibit “Aâ€?; p. 153 Records 3 Agreement on Existing Mortgages dated December 1, 2010; Exhibit “Eâ€?; p. 161 Records 4 Continuing Surety Agreement dated December 1,2010; Exhibit “Gâ€?; p. 165 Records 5 Debt Settlement Agreement dated March 20, 2013; Exhibit “Hâ€?; p. 167 Records 6 Promissory Note No. 915.214442.137733.000.99 7 Continuing Surety Agreement dated March 22, 2013; Exhibit “Jâ€?; p. 177 Records 8 &HUWLÂżFDWH RI 6DOH GDWHG 0DUFK ([KLELW Âł5´ S 5HFRUGV 9 Return of Service dated August 12, 2016; p. 65 Records 10 Motion to Revive with Motion to Serve Summons by Publication with Leave of Court dated July 12, 2017; p. 77 Records 11 Order dated October 27, 2017; p. 86 Records 12 Motion to Declare Defendants in Default dated May 15, 2018; pp. 127-128 Records 13 Order dated May 18, 2018, p. 131 Records 14 0RQDUFK ,QVXUDQFH YV &RXUW RI $SSHDOV 6&5$ 9ODVRQ (QWHUSULVHV &RUS YV &RXUW of Appeals, 310 SCRA 26 15 Roberto Otero vs. Roger Tan, GR. No. 200134, August 15, 2012 16 6RFLDO 6HFXULW\ 6\VWHP YV +RQ 1DUD] 8 &KDYHV HW DO *5 1R 2FWREHU 17 Section 1 Rule 133 of the Revised Rules of Court - “In civil cases, the party having the burden of proof must establish his case by a preponderance of evidence. xxxâ€? 18 Debt Settlement Agreement dated March 20, 2013, supra 19 Promissory Note No. 915.214442.137733.000.99 dated April 30, 2013; pp. 179-180 Records 20 Real Estate Mortgage dated Apri1 26, 2006, pp. 155-158 Records 21 Continuing Surety Agreement dated March 22, 2013; pp. 177-178 Records 22 Letter addressed to Mr. William Gilbert Santiago dba. Fox Electronics Manufacturing dated March 17, 2014; pp. 181-182 Records 23 /HWWHU DGGUHVVHG WR 0U $OH[DQGHU 9LQFHQW 0RQWR\D GDWHG 0DUFK SS Records 24 Letter addressed to Ms. Susan Santiago dated March 17, 2014; pp. 185-186 Records 25 &HUWLÂżFDWH RI 6DOH GDWHG 0DUFK S 5HFRUGV 26 +HLUV RI -XDQ 6DQ $QGUHV DQG 6DOYDFLRQ 6 7ULD YV 9LFHQWH 5RGULJXH] *5 1R May 31, 2000 27 Manuel Go Cinco and Araceli S. Go Cinco vs. Court of Appeals,, GR. No. 151903, October 9, 2009 28 GR. No. 210542, February 24, 2016 29 &RPSXWDWLRQ RI 'HÂżFLHQF\ %DODQFH DV RI 0DUFK S 5HFRUGV 30 Article 1956 of the New Civil Code -â€?No interest shall be due unless it has been H[SUHVVO\ VWLSXODWHG LQ ZULWLQJ´ 5RODQGR & 'HOD 3D] YV / - 'HYHORSPHQW &RPSDQ\ GR. No. 183360, September 8, 2014 31 Exhibit “Hâ€?, supra 32 6SRXVHV )ORUHQWLQR 7 0DOODUL DQG $XUHD 9 0DOODUL YV 3UXGHQWLDO %DQN *5 1R June 5, 2013 33 GR. No. 195166, July 8, 2015 34 ibid 35 0HWURSROLWDQ %DQN DQG 7UXVW &RPSDQ\ YV &KX\ /X 7DQ *5 1R $XJXVW 36 GR. Nos. 192934 and 197010; June 27, 2018 37 0HWURSROLWDQ %DQN 7UXVW &RPSDQ\ YV &KX\ /X 7DQ HW $O *5 1R $XJXVW FLWLQJ /LP YV 6HFXULW\ %DQN &RUSRUDWLRQ *5 1R 0DUFK 6&5$ 709 38 348 SCRA 769 1 2

MT - Mar. 22 & 29, 2019

HOUSING AND LAND USE REGULATORY BOARD Expanded National Capital 5HJLRQ )LHOG 2IÂżFH 6th Floor, Sunnymede IT Center, Quezon Avenue Quezon City NOTICE Notice is hereby given that EQUUS PROPERTY VENTURE, INC. KDV ÂżOHG ZLWK WKLV %RDUG IRU WKH FKDQJH RI RZQHUV IURP (4886 3523(57< 9(1785( INC. and GREENFIELD ' ( 9 ( / 2 3 0 ( 1 7 CORPORATION (owners) WR (4886 3523(57< 9(1785( ,1& QHZ RZQHU RI =,7$1 ORFDWHG DW 6KDZ %OYG %UJ\ +LJKZD\ +LOOV Mandaluyong City, covered by TCT Nos. 008-2012000144 and 008-2016000702. The project KDV EHHQ LVVXHG &HUWLÂżFDWH RI Registration No. 25744 and License to Sell No. 28588 on March 7, 2014. All papers relative thereto shall upon request and payment of processing fee, be available for inspection during business hours by any person having legal interest thereon Absent any legal impediment, the above-cited project is deemed UHJLVWHUHG DQG D FHUWLÂżFDWH LQ evidence thereof, shall forthwith EH LVVXHG DIWHU ÂżYH GD\V IURP the last day of publication. 4XH]RQ &LW\ 0HWUR 0DQLOD MAR. 15, 2019 (SGD)ATTY. NORMAN JACINTO P. DORAL 2IÂżFHU ,Q &KDUJH M.T.-March 22 & 29, 2019

NOTICE OF EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the estate of the late spouses Juanito M. Cruz and Veronica P. Cruz has been extrajudicially settled by and among their heirs as per Deed of Extrajudicial Settlement executed on March 11, 2019 and entered as per Doc. 1R 3DJH 1R %RRN 1R 9,,, 6HULHV RI RI the notarial registry of Atty. *HUYDFLR % 2UWL] -U QRWDU\ public for and in Makati City. MT – Mar. 15, 22 & 29, 2019


HOUSING AND LAND USE REGULATORY BOARD Expanded National Capital 5HJLRQ )LHOG 2IÂżFH 6th Floor, Sunnymede IT Center, Quezon Avenue Quezon City

HOUSING AND LAND USE REGULATORY BOARD Expanded National Capital Region )LHOG 2IÂżFH th 6 Floor, Sunnymede IT Center, Quezon Avenue Quezon City


Notice is hereby given that BRILLO DEL ESTE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, (owner/developer) KDV ÂżOHG ZLWK WKLV %RDUG IRU WKH VDOH RI condominium units at EASTGLORY CENTER RESIDENCES AND SUITES ORFDWHG DW 5R[DV %OYG FRUQHU 7 $ORQ]R 6WUHHW %UJ\ 7DPER Paranaque City, described as Lot No. 13-A, Psd-13-014422 (TCT No. 010-2018003228) and Lot Nos. 14 &15, Pcs-2348 (TCT Nos. 0102018003230 and 010-2018003229), with total area of 5,193.40 square meters.

Notice is hereby given that ARCOSOUTH DEVELOPMENT, INC. & SAVYA LAND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, (owners) and SAVYA LAND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, (developer), KDYH ÂżOHG ZLWK WKLV %RDUG IRU WKH sale of condominium units of SAVYA FINANCIAL CENTER (TOWER 2) located at Pulse Street corner Anchor Street, Arca 6RXWK %UJ\ :HVWHUQ %LFXWDQ 7DJXLJ &LW\ VSHFLÂżFDOO\ GHVFULEHG as Lot Nos. 9 & 10, Psd-00 7UDQVIHU &HUWLÂżFDWH RI Title Nos. 164-2018000374 & 164-2018000375, respectively) and Lot No. 11, Psd-00-091722 (TCT No. 164-201800713) with a total area of 5,991.00 square meters. All papers relative thereto shall upon request and payment of processing fee, be available for inspection during business hours by any person having legal interest thereon Absent any legal impediment, the above-cited project is deemed registered and a certificate, in evidence thereof, shall forthwith EH LVVXHG DIWHU ÂżYH GD\V IURP the last day of publication. 4XH]RQ &LW\ 0HWUR 0DQLOD 0$5 18, 2019 (SGD)ATTY. NORMAN JACINTO P. DORAL 2IÂżFHU ,Q &KDUJH


7KH IRUHJRLQJ SURMHFW LV XWLOL]LQJ WKH Participation Through Investment/ , Q F H Q W L Y L ] H G & R P S O L D Q F H E \ depositing the amount of Twelve Million Six Hundred Thirty Thousand Three Hundred Twenty One and 3 centavos (Php 12,630,321.03) in a Trust Account No. 001-03005652-5 under Escrow Agreement executed on 08 March 2019 between the HOUSING AND LAND USE 5(*8/$725< %2$5' %5,//2 '(/ (67( '(9Âś7 &25325$7,21 DQG $6,$ 81,7(' %$1. DV LWV compliance pursuant to Section 18 of Republic Act No. 7279, as amended by Republic Act No.10884. All papers relative thereto shall upon request and payment of processing fee, be available for inspection during business hours by any person having legal interest thereon Absent any legal impediment, the above-cited project is deemed registered and a certificate, in evidence thereof, shall forthwith be LVVXHG DIWHU ÂżYH GD\V IURP WKH ODVW day of publication. 4XH]RQ &LW\ 0HWUR 0DQLOD 0$5 19, 2019 (SGD)ATTY. NORMAN JACINTO P. DORAL 2IÂżFHU ,Q &KDUJH

M.T.-March 22 & 29, 2019

M.T.-March 22 & 29, 2019

Republic of the Philippines 2I¿FH RI WKH 3UHVLGHQW HOUSING AND LAND USE REGULATORY BOARD Lupong Nangangasiwa sa Pabahay at Gamit ng Lupa SOUTHERN TAGALOG REGION – (STR)

Republic of the Philippines 2I¿FH RI WKH 3UHVLGHQW HOUSING AND LAND USE REGULATORY BOARD Lupong Nangangasiwa sa Pabahay at Gamit ng Lupa SOUTHERN TAGALOG REGION – (STR)



Ipinagbibigay alam na ang LIMA LAND INC. (May-ari/Taga-debelop) ay naghain sa Tanggapang ito ng sinumpaang aplikasyon para sa pagbebenta ng bahay at lote sa THE VILLAGE AT LIPA: BROOK VILLAGE QD PDWDWDJSXDQ VD %UJ\ %XJWRQJ QD 3XOR /LSD &LW\ %DWDQJDV DW VLQDVDNRS QJ PJD /RWH %OJ % $ * % ) % + + + 2, 10605-A, 10606, 2-E, 2-F-1, 2-E-1 DW /RWH %OJ QD VXPDVDLODOLP VD PJD 7LWXOR %OJ 7 7 114623, 113443, P-707, T-160519, T-156128, T-114627, T-114621, T-113454, T-113442, T-113441, T-113440, T-113437, T-116996 at T-7160. Ang nasabing proyekto ay sumasailalim sa PD 957.

LIMA LAND INC. (Owner/Developer) has filed with this Office a sworn registration statement for the sale of subdivision house and lot in THE VILLAGE AT LIPA: BROOK VILLAGE ORFDWHG DW %UJ\ %XJWRQJ QD 3XOR /LSD &LW\ %DWDQJDV DQG more particularly described as Lot % $ * % ) % + + 3, 2-H-2, 10605-A, 10606, 2-E, 2-F-1, 2-E-1 & 10608 and covered by TCT’s No. T-113318, T-114620, 114623, 113443, P-707, T-160519, T-156128, T-114627, T-114621, T-113454, T-113442, T-113441, T-113440, T-113437, T-116996 & T-7160. The project is under PD 957.


7KH IRUHJRLQJ SURMHFW LV XWLOL]LQJ DONVICTOR VILLE HOUSING PROJECT located at Purok Ilang,ODQJ .DQOXUDQJ 0D\DR /XFHQD &LW\ 4XH]RQ DV LWV FRPSOLDQFH pursuant to Section 18 of Republic Act No. 7279 as amended by RA 10884.

Ang mga kasulatang kaugnay nito ay maaring suriin ng sinumang tao na nagtataglay ng ligal na interes doon pagkatapos ng wastong aplikasyon at kaukulang bayad.

All papers relative thereto shall upon request and payment of processing fee, be available for inspection during business hours by any person having legal interest thereon.

Pagkaraan ng limang (5) araw mula sa huling araw ng pagkalathala ang proyektong nabanggit ay ituturing na rehistrado na at maaring bigyan ng sertipiko bilang katibayan nito kapag wala nang sagabal na ligal.

Absent legal impediment, the abovecited project is deemed registered DQG D FHUWLÂżFDWH LQ HYLGHQFH WKHUHRI VKDOO IRUWKZLWK EH LVVXHG DIWHU ÂżYH days from the last day of publication.

Lungsod ng Calamba, Laguna, ika-20 ng Marso 2019.

Calamba City, Laguna, 20th day of March 2019.

Recommending Approval:

Recommending Approval:

Engr. EMMANUEL G. GLIPO Head- Planning, Registration and Licensing Division (PRLD)

Engr. EMMANUEL G. GLIPO Head- Planning, Registration and Licensing Division (PRLD)

Approved by:

Approved by:



MT - Mar. 22 & 25, 2019

MT - Mar. 22 & 25, 2019

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