PEPY Leaning Center - Workbook Ms. Word

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Microsoft Office Word

Information and communications technology

Information and communications technology (ICT) is often used as an extended synonym for information technology (IT), but is a more specific term that stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals), computers as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audio-visual systems, which enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information.

Microsoft Office: Microsoft Office is an office suite of desktop applications, servers and services for the Microsoft Windows and OS X operating systems, introduced by Microsoft on August 1, 1989. Initially a marketing term for a bundled set of applications, the first version of Office contained Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Photoshop and Microsoft PowerPoint.

Internet: The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to serve several billion users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. What is a teacher? I'll tell you: it isn't someone who teaches something, but someone who inspires the student to give of his best in order to discover what he already knows.

Information and communications technology

Information and communications technology (ICT) is often used as an extended synonym for information technology (IT), but is a more specific term that stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals), computers as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audio-visual systems, which enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information.

Microsoft Office: Microsoft Office is an office suite of desktop applications, servers and services for the Microsoft Windows and OS X operating systems, introduced by Microsoft on August 1, 1989. Initially a marketing term for a bundled set of applications, the first version of Office contained Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Photoshop and Microsoft PowerPoint.

Internet: The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to serve several billion users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. What is a teacher? I'll tell you: it isn't someone who teaches something, but someone who inspires the student to give of his best in order to discover what he already knows.

Work Book (ICT class)

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Microsoft Office Word

យុវជនកម្ពុជា យុវជនជាសរសរទ្រូងរបស់ទ្បទរសជាតិគឺជាពាក្យទលោក្មួយឃា្ោដែលទសទើរដតទ្គប់ បណ្ត ា

ទ្បទរសទៅទលើពិភពទោក្ដែលទគដតងដតយក្មក្ទទ្បើ ក្ុងវ ន ិស័យទផេងៗក្នុង ការអភិ វឌ្ឍន៍ ទ្បទរសមួ យ ទោយមានភាពរ ីក្ចំទរ ើនទលើទ្គប់ វ ិស័យទទ្ពាោះថាពួក្ទគជា ទ្ក្ុមមនុសេដែលសថិតទៅក្នុងវ ័យមួយដែល ទពាទពញទោយក្ំោង ំ កាយនិងក្ំ ោង ំ ទ្ាជា​ាផទុយមក្វ ិញទបើកាលណ្តពួ ក្ទគដែលជាយុវជនទ


មិនានយក្ចិតារុក្ ោក្់ ក្ុងការសិ ន ក្ាទរៀនសូទ្តដបរជាយក្ទពលទវោទៅទែើ រទលងឥតទ្បទោជន៍ ជួន កាលពួក្ទគយក្ទពលទវោទំងទ

ោះទៅទសពទទ្គឿងទញៀនែូចជាជក្់ារ,ី ផឹក្ស្រល ...។


អនក្ទញៀនថានំររួលរងនូវផលលំាក្ទទ្ចើនោ៉ា ងែូចជា៖ ខូចសុខភាពធ្ងន់ធ្ងរ លារតីចុោះទខាយ ាត់ បង់ការចងចំ ភាពកាចលហាវហា៊ានទ្បទ្ពឹតាអំទពើឃូរទៅ ទលាើសចាប់ ទផេងៗ និ ងមានជំងឺផូវចិ ោ តា ជាទែើម ។


ិ ថ្ន ាំញញៀនមនររឹ មតរបាំផ្លលញអនាគរ់របស់យវុ ជនបញុ ្ ណ ោះញេ តរតែមទងបាំ ាំ ផ្លលញអាយុជីវរ ិ

ិ របស់អនកញររើរាស់ញេៀរផង រួមទងជ ាំ ីវររគួ សាររបស់ពក ួ ញគតែលជាមនុសសតែលជាេស្សលាញ់ របស់ ី

ពួកញគ តែលមនែ ង ចជាការជក់បារជាញែ ី ម សារខារបង ់ រាក់កាស សាំ រាប់ ឹ ខ្នែូ ើ ជាពិញសសគញ្វ ិ ឺ ឲ្យរគួ ើ ួល

ិ ិ សងគមជារវិ ញគ បានឲ្យខារបង ់ែវការជារ កន ឺ ិ ុងការពាបាល និងបារ់បង ់កាំលា ាំងពលកមមញៅកនុងសងគម តែលយុវជនជាកាំលា ាំងចលករែ ៏សាំ ខាន់ កនុងការអភវឌ្ឍន ៏សងគមជារិ ។ ិ

Work Book (ICT class)

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Microsoft Office Word

7 Keys to Successful Studying How do you study? If you ask students this question, you will get a variety of answers, including the following:  Cramming the night before  Osmosis (sleeping on the textbook)  Study groups (i.e., parties) If you really want to learn how to study successfully, to do well on your tests and actually learn something, you should use these seven keys to successful studying and you will be well on your way to better learning habits. 1. Read the entire syllabus 2. Set up a calendar 3. Read the material 4. Build your vocabulary 5. Rewrite your notes 6. Use study guides 7. Apply what you have learned

Please read all questions belows: A. B. C. D.

How did you hear about the job opening? Tell me about yourself. Why are you leaving your current position? Tell me about your work history. a. What are some things that motivate you? b. Of the employers you have worked for recently, which did you like most? Why? c. Give me an example of how you would solve a problem in the workplace. i. What do you know about our company’s products and services? ii. In what way do you feel you can E. What do you consider your greatest strengths and assets? 1. Of which job accomplishments are you most proud and why? 2. Tell me some of your weaknesses and how you can improve them. 3. Tell me about your education.

Work Book (ICT class)

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Microsoft Office Word


he computer is one of the most important inventions in the 20th century, which has changed our lives since it was first introduced. It is undeniable to say that the computer has resulted in both positive and negative effects which must be addressed accordingly.

To begin with, the computer has contributed to our lives in many beneficial ways. The main use of computers is to help us store and organize information even tons of files within hard disk drives. Thanks to the advancement in technology, computers nowadays can process information far faster than the human brain can do. It simply means that the computer helps us work efficiently and save time. Furthermore,

the computer is a good entertaining place where people can play games, watch movies and listen to music. For instance, I can watch my favourite TV show on with just one click, or have some fun with the Pac Man game. It is impossible to imagine our lives without computers.

The Main Computer Box The main computer box is made of several computer hardware components and subcomponents which include:The case - The outside component which provides protection for the parts inside and provides a fan and power supply which is used to both cool the working parts inside and provide power to them.The motherboard -

Hold the following computer hardware subcomponents: Memory - Used to provide temporary storage of information as discussed earlier.Microprocessor - Used to provide the processing of

data function as discussed earlier.Video interface card which is also called the video card - This card is an interface between the computer monitor and the motherboard and its subcomponents such as the microprocessor and memory. This card may be included as part of the motherboard or it may plug into a card slot on the motherboard.


fortunately, one cannot deny the drawbacks of the computer. Despite the fact that computers help us, they make us dependent. Instead of thinking, people can Google the answer easily with just a few clicks. In addition, using computers too much can cause health problems such as shortsightedness, eye strain and mental disorders. Later, psychologists suggest that being on computers too much can also lead to anti-social behavior and depression, especially young people.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.� ― Nelson Mandela

Work Book (ICT class)

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Microsoft Office Word

ពពលកូននកដល ់ការតសូ ឹ

ពុកជាគំរូផល ត ់ឱ្យកូន

ិ មិនឱ្យសូ នយ គ ុណសាងជីវត

ព្ពោះពៅដូចកបូនឱ្យសពរមច ។

បណុ ត ោះឆនទៈឱ្យស្សលាញ់

ពធវឱ្យអស់ អញរួ ចជាពស្សច ើ

ពាយាមពុោះពារការច ំបាច ់

ការងារសពរមចជាររពយាជន ៍ ។

ពុកពររៀនររពៅអប់រច ំ តត ិ

ឱ្យកូនខំខតចកអពសាច ិ

រតួតពមើលសា​ាដដដដលដាច ់ពដាច

ពបាោះបង ់ផ ុយពលលចតរមង ់ចតត ិ ។

គ្មានអវី តបសាងពសមើគណពុ ុ ក

មានដតច ំទ ុកធម៌ពិសិដឋ

ររណិប័តន ៍បណ្ ត ច ំ ំជាប់ចតត ិ

រកាលអលិតពករ អ រតកូ ត ិ៍ ល។

ពពលកូននកដល ់កតស្សលាញ់ ឹ ី

រក ី រាយចកកា​ាញ់ នកដល ់មាតយ ឹ

គ ុណធំអពនកខ ពស់សសន្ាយ

ដសនធាន ់គ ុណមាតយពលើសររឹថពី ។

អា កចញ្ ិ ច ឹ មកូនថាមរកា

ចំណីពោកាតសាងជីវ ី

អប់រសំ ណន ំតាមនទ ី

រួ មរស់មូលមីរពដាយសីលធម៌ ។

អា កសាងសាមរតន ចរត ិ ី ងសុ ិ

កាយវាចចតត ិ ដថលបវរ


មូ លមិតតបនតពលើសផនដី ។

គ្មានអវី តបសាងពសមើគណអា ុ ក

មានដតពជឿជាក់នងភកត ិ ី

ដម៉ែមានគ ុណធំជាងពមឃដី

គ ុណអា កគ្មានអវី ររដូចព



ន ំគ្មាររណិប័តន ៍បានបវរ

សាងផលពសាមោះសរតរុងពរឿង ៕

Work Book (ICT class)

ើយ ។

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Microsoft Office Word

Table of Budget Plan of Non-formal Education Program in Siem Reap District/Province 1. Salary Expense Nยบ 01

Description Teacher Payroll

Salaries $ 100.00

Quantity 03

Payroll per Month $ 300.00

Payroll per Year $ 3600.00

2. Other Expense Nยบ 01 02 03

Item Description Cloths Shoes Books

Quantity/Unit 02 02 20


Amount Item 218 218 2180

109 109 109 Total Item Expense

Unite Price $ 2.50 $ 2.00 $ 0.20

Cash Amount $ 545.00 $ 436.00 $ 436.00 $ 1,417.00

3. Yearly Expense Nยบ 01 02 03

Description Salary Expense Other Expense Health Care Total Yearly Expense

Work Book (ICT class)

Expensing $ 3600.00 $ 2005.60 $ 2180.00 $ 7785.60


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Microsoft Office Word

ររះរាជាណាចរកកម្ពជា ុ ជាតិ សាសនា ររះម្ហាក្សរត

323 មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលបណ្​្តុះបណ្តាលសមត្ថភាពយុវជន

ពាក្យសុច ុំ ្ាប់ សូម្គោររជូន គោករបធានររប់ររងកម្មវធ ិ ីជាន់ខ្ស ព ់ តាមរយៈ កមមវត្ថថៈ

- លោករគូបលរងៀនជំនាញកំពយ្ ូទ័រ។ :


ើអនញ្ញាតសំចា ្ ប់។

ខ្ញំបាទ/នាងខ្ញំ ល្មោះ.......................................................លភទ.........................អាយ........ឆ្នំ អតតលលខៈ.........................ជាសិស្ស.............................................ននអងគការលផពភី។ អនញ្ញាតសច ំ ្ាប់រយៈលពល........... លគយគិតប់ប់ពីលង.ង...................នទីទ.ី .......ខ.........ឆ្នំ......... រហូតដល់លង.ង......................នទីទ.ី .........ខ..........ឆ្ន.ំ ................។ -ចូលលរៀនវិញវិញលៅលង.ងៈ........................នទី...........ខ.........ឆ្នំ...................។ មូលហេត្ុ



លសចកតដ ី ច ូ បានជំរាបជូនខាងលលើលនោះ សូមលោករបធានរគប់រគងកមមវធ ិ ីជាន់ខស ព ់លមត្តាអនញ្ញាត ច្ាប់ឲយ្ ខ្ញំបាទ/នាងខ្ញំ លគយកតីលគយកតអ ី នលររោះ។ សូមលោកនាយក ទទួលនូវការលររពដ៏ខពងខ ់ ពស់អព ំ ខ ី ្ញំ៕

លធវើលៅលសៀមរាប, នទីទ.ី ........ខ........ឆ្នំ២០... លិខត ិ ភ្ជាបៈ់ ............................................................

ហតថលលខាសាមីខន លួ


បានលឃើញ និងរតួតពិនិត្យ បានលឃើញ និង ឯកភាព

បញ្ជូនមកលោករបធានលដើម្បីពិនិត្យ និងសលរមច

លធវើលៅលសៀមរាប, នទីទី......ខ............ឆ្នំ២០..



Work Book (ICT class)

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Microsoft Office Word

REPORT ACITIVITIES Summary Information Name of NGO Address

: : : : : :

Telephone Number Fax Number Supporter



Battam Bang


-Village: Norea -Commune: Norea -District: Sangke

August 4, 2006

Kampong Cham


-Village: Roka Korng -Commune: Roka Korng -District: Koh Sotin

August 4, 2006




-Village: Khnar -Commune: Loloksar -District: Sampovmeas

August 4, 2006


Kg. Chhnang


-Village: Prey Poeu -Commune: Chreh -District: Kg. Tralach

August 4, 2006




Total 4 Sessions

Work Book (ICT class)

Participants & ethnicity’s Khmer Khmer Cham Krom F M M F M F








Better: 55% Fair: 25% Low: 20%

Better: 50% Fair: 40% Low: 10%










Better: 35% Fair: 40% Low: 25%

Better: 60% Fair: 20% Low: 20%


105 Persons

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Microsoft Office Word

Computer Monthly Test Name Date Class

: …….............. : …………….. : ……………..

Sex : …………………. Time : …………………. Duration : ………………….

I. Choose answer the question: 1. Microsoft Word use for:  a. Reporting  b. Caculating 2. Microsoft Excel use for:  a. Calculating  b. Scan Virus 3. Microsoft Power Point use for:  a. Reading  b. Presentation 4. Photoshop use for:  a. Design  b. Report 5. Internet use for:  a. Research  b. Printing

 c. Designing  c. Game  c. Cleaning  c. Presentation  c. Scanning

II. Computer Hardware definition: 1. Monitor : ....................................................................................................... 2. System Unit : ....................................................................................................... 3. Mouse : ....................................................................................................... 4. Keyboard : ....................................................................................................... 5. UPS : ....................................................................................................... 6. Scanner : ....................................................................................................... III. Match on the table:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A Monitor Printer Scanner Headphone Keyboard

A. B. C. D. E.

B Typing Output sound Display Output paper Input data

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Answer – – – – –

IV. Computer the sentence: programmed information

arithmetic external



central processing unit

A computer is a general purpose device that can be _____________ to carry out a set of _______________ or logical operations. Since a sequence of _______________ can be readily changed, the computer ___________ can more than one kind of problem. Conventionally, a computer consists of at least one processing element, typically a _______________________________ (CPU) and some form of memory. The processing element carries out arithmetic and logic operations, and a sequencing and control unit that can change the order of operations based on stored ______________. Peripheral devices allow information to be retrieved from an __________source, and the result of operations saved and retrieved.

 Work Book (ICT class)

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Microsoft Office Word

Income In 2004 For 4 Month Nยบ Description (2004)01 Teaching (2004)02 Certificate (2004)03 Sale (2004)04 Rental (2004)05 De inning Total Income

Nยบ Description (2004)01 Salaried (2004)02 Service Internet (2004)03 Rental (Hour) (2004)04 Utilities (2004)05 Telephone Total Expense Net Income

1st Month $ 5,000 $ 100 $ 20 $ 50 $ 200 $ 5,370

2nd Month $ 5,500 $ 90 $ 30 $ 60 $ 210 $ 5,890

4th Month $ 5,000 $ 95 $ 35 $ 55 $ 205 $ 5,390

Total In USA $ 20,000 $ 355 $ 100 $ 205 $ 805 $ 21,465

Total In Riel 80,000,000 R 1,420,000 R 400,000 R 820,000 R 3,220,000 R 85,860,000 R

1st Month $ 3,000 $ 100 $ 500 $ 500 $ 20 $ 4,120

1$=4,000 Riles Expense In 2004 For 4 Month 2nd Month 3rd Month 4th Month $ 3,100 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 110 $ 90 $ 100 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 510 $ 480 $ 500 $ 30 $ 20 $ 25 $ 4,250 $ 4,090 $ 4,125

Total In USA $ 12,100 $ 400 $ 2,000 $ 1,990 $ 95 $ 16,585

Total In Riel 48,400,000 1,600,000R 8,000,000 7,960,000 380,000 66,340,000









3rd Month $ 4,500 $ 70 $ 15 $ 40 $ 190 $ 4,815






Income Startement 6,000

US Dollars

5,000 4,000 Total Income


Total Expence 2,000

Net Income

1,000 0 1st Month

2nd Month

3rd Month

4th Month


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Microsoft Office Word

CURRICULUM VITAE Name : SOSOVANNAREACH Address : #038A, Street 202, Group 12, Doeum Mean Village, Doeum Mean Commune, Takhmao District,Kandal Province Contact : +855 (0) 12 782 785 E-mail :


Position applied for :IT supervisor PERSONAL DATA Gender : Male Place of Birth : DoeumMeanVillage, Doeum Mean Commune, Takhmao District, KandalProvince Date of Birth : March 06, 1986 Nationality : Cambodian Marital of Status : Single PROFESSIONAL SKILLS Computer Skill

English WORK EXPERIENCES 2006-2008

EDUCATION BACKGROUND Present 2004-2008 2001-2004 OTHER TRANNING 2007-2008

: Microsoft Office Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft Power Point : Finish Headway Intermediate

: Assistance and Teaching Computer at Informatics and Foreign LanguageCenter

: Finish Bachelor for Computer Science Information Technology (IT) : Studying at RoyalUniversity of Phnom Penh : Finished high school at Hun Sen Takhmao.

: Training Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Ms. Access, Internet and E-mail at Keo San Clinic

LANGUAGES Khmer English French

: Fluently : Speaking, Reading, Writing, and listening are good : Speaking, Reading, Writing, and listening are good

HOBBIES Listening the music, Traveling, Computer, Reading books, Surfing the Internet REFERENCE Mr. Dara

Work Book (ICT class)

Food Manager hotel


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Microsoft Office Word

HOW TO TYPE EQUATIONS IN WORD រប ៀ បរៀនរាយប គណិតវ ិទ្យា Solved Example on First Degree Equations Identify the first degree equation from the following. Choices: A. 8x – y = 3 B. 5x + 4x2 = 7x C. 7x3 – 8x2 + 9x + 3 = 0 D. x2 + 2x + 1 = 0 Chemical Reaction:     

N2 + 3 H2 → 2 NH3 2 H2O → 2 H2 + O2 2 Na + 2 HCl → 2 NaCl + H2 NaCl + AgNO3 → NaNO3 + AgCl 2 S2O32− + I2 → S4O62− + 2 I−





Work Book (ICT class)

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