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SETLabs Briefings VOL 9 NO 1 2011

Green IT Maturity Model: How does your Organization Stack up? By Mitesh Desai and Vaibhav Bhatia

A maturity model to assess the green quotient is needed for an enterprise’s sustainable future


reen IT goals are part of every CIO’s charter today. But even when animated

Given the existing piecemeal demand, many service providers have developed similar

discussions on green IT happen at the strategic

silo-ed approach to green IT consulting. As the

level there are only a handful of companies

demand for green services are sector specific,

that know what green IT is all about or are

vendors offer specific services like green

able to help clients deliver on green IT goals.

data center, green user level computing, etc.

Most large organizations focusing on green

Though there are a few select vendors who

IT today have various internal teams working

cater to the entire gamut of green IT most of

on separate areas and each team looks into

them focus on specific areas. The other rising

how their efforts can be environment friendly.

concern is that there is no way to report the

In other words, the IT team works on ways

level of environmental maturity attained by

to make data centers consume less energy;

an organization to be made available and

facilities team concentrates on ways to make

transparent across all industries.

the facility greener; and the product engineering

This paper introduces a green IT

team focuses on making greener products.

maturity (GITM) model for assessment and

In doing so, all teams work toward the same

implementation of green IT services. This

goal, but in silos and are unaware of the efforts

model can be used to measure and grade

of each other. Often when some or all of such

an organization’s maturity in being green

green efforts are outsourced, only a part of an

and its efforts towards a greener future. The

organization’s efforts get outsourced as some

proposed model helps connect the standalone

team/unit may decide against outsourcing.

green efforts of various teams and provides


a transparent way to certify the maturity level attained by an organization vis-à-vis

Green IT Benefit Realization

environmental awareness and execution.

Questionnaires, toolkits and templates for assessment

GREEN IT MATURITY MODEL GITM model focuses on IT functions of organizations irrespective of the industry domain. Even though the model does not intend to assess the maturity of corporate sustainability initiatives, individual functions

Data Center


Asset Lifecycle


People Practices

Required Components for each Pillar

Expected Components for each Pillar

in an organization can use specific pillars of this model to assess greenness of services provided by the IT function to them. For example, finance function can use this model to assess green

Figure 1: Green IT Maturity Model Source: Infosys Research

IT maturity of their end user computing and people practices. GITM measures various aspects

Expected Components: These components

of an organization’s operations, behavior

describe what an organization may implement to

and achievements. In order to have a

achieve a goal and guide those who implement

comprehensive report, the model carefully

improvements. In addition to the pillars, the

analyzes various functions within the

model is supported by common guidelines.

organization and each unit of a function

Such guidelines consist of level progression

is independently surveyed and judged.

criteria and assessment methodology.

The units that are typically integrated in the

The green IT benefits contribute to

maturity model are -

the topmost layer of the framework [Fig. 1]. This layer helps organizations to identify

Data center and facilities

the value gained from implementing the

■ End user computing

recommendations identified after the maturity

■ Asset lifecycle

assessment. This framework aims at helping

the organizations measure timely return on

IT service management

■ People practices.

investment (RoI) on their green IT initiatives.

Each pillar contains two categories of model components:

UNDERSTANDING THE LEVELS Levels are used in GITM model to describe an evolutionary path recommended for an

Required Components: These components

organization that wants to reduce the carbon it

describe what an organization must achieve to

emits while providing services. GITM supports

satisfy a competence level. This achievement

two improvement paths using levels. One path

must be visibly implemented in an organization’s

enables organizations to gradually improve

IT. Required components in GITM model are the

processes corresponding to an individual pillar.

carbon reduction goals.

The other path enables organizations to improve


Maturity Level

Model Pillar


PG 2

PG 5

Competence Levels

Pillar 1 Competence

Figure 2: Competence Level Definition Source: Infosys Research

Pillar 2 Competence

Pillar 5 Competence

Figure 3: Maturity Level Definition Source: Infosys Research

overall GITM by addressing each of the pillars.

2. If condition 1 is satisfied, the green

These two improvement paths are associated

IT initiatives should have resulted

with two types of levels - competence levels and

in reduction of carbon emission by a

maturity levels. Regardless of the representation

percentage prescribed for a particular

selected, the concept of level remains the same.

maturity level.

Levels characterize improvement from an environmentally ignorant state to a state that

Let us assume that an organization

uses quantitative information to determine and

has implemented virtualization solution for

manage improvements that are needed to meet

its data centers. Virtualized infrastructure

an organization’s green IT objectives.

indicates possibility of the organization being

To reach a particular competence level,

at competence Level 3 for the data center pillar.

an organization must satisfy the relevant goal

However, if the organization is at competence

for the pillar in scope. However, to reach a

Level 1 for people practices then organization’s

particular maturity level, an organization must

overall green IT maturity would be at Level 1.

satisfy the relevant goals for all the five pillars.

This condition emphasizes the importance of a

Figures 2 and 3 illustrate the structures for

holistic approach towards green IT that results

competence level and maturity level.

in a positive environment in addition to cost

The maturity level of an organization’s


green IT approach is a function of competence levels achieved by the organization for each pillar

Level 5 - Sustainable

[Fig. 2]. There are two conditions that an

At Level 5, information technology is expected

organization must satisfy to achieve a specific

to assist business in reducing business carbon

maturity level.

footprint. The initiatives can involve assessing

1. The organization has a uniform

business processes and automating manual,

competence level across the pillars.

paper-intensive activities.


Level 4 - Dynamic


At Level 4, the IT organization is close to carbon

The competence levels for the maturity model

neutrality. Green IT results are reported to

pillars are listed in this section.

external stakeholders through organizational or IT sustainability reports.

Data Center and Facilities Pillar Data center and facilities are the biggest

Level 3 - Optimized

contributors of green IT. In order to tap their high

At Level 3, carbon emission from IT components is

potential following levels have been defined:

reduced by at least 50%. The IT organization will also have a dedicated green IT governing

DFG 5: Building Sustainable Infrastructure

body to ensure ongoing reduction of

through Innovative Practices: Data center power is

environmental impact of IT.

obtained from renewable sources of energy. Infrastructure is also self-healing and innovative

Level 2 - Monitored

solutions are deployed.

At Level 2, the IT organization measures environmental impact of IT components and

DFG 4: Utilizing Automation to Provision

An enterprise’s green maturity can be gauged in how it harnesses its data centers and infrastructure

would have implemented few initiatives

Infrastructure Components: All data center

resulting in reduction of carbon emission by 10%.

resources (power, cooling, IT) are dynamically allocated/de-allocated based on demand/

Level 1 - Deficient

supply. Sensor-based technology is utilized for

At Level 1, the organization is assessing the

dynamic cooling and lighting.

benefits from green IT initiatives but is yet to embark on a concrete sustainability journey.

DFG 3: Optimizing Infrastructure to Reduce

The competence level can be achieved by

Energy Consumption and Carbon Emission:

implementing required components mentioned

Utilization of resources is optimized by

in each pillar. The required components are

intelligent deployment of technologies like

named using the initial letters of the pillar name

virtualization and optimal placement of servers

appended by ‘G’ and a number specifying the

to manage cooling.

competence level addressed by the specified component. For example, DCG1 stands for Data

DFG 2: Monitoring Energy Consumption and

Center Goal for Competence Level 1.

Carbon Emission and Implementing Quick


Wins: Energy usage and heat dissipation of

assets, environment friendly procurement and

devices in data center is monitored closely

handling of assets when they turn into scrap.

and few corrective measures are taken. Also, business requirements of IT resources in

ALG 3: Spreading Awareness on Asset Lifecycle

a data center are tracked and corrective steps

Perspective among Relevant Stakeholders: Assess

are taken.

environmental impact of all phases of asset lifecycle and document them. Spread awareness

DFG 1: Implementing Fundamental Initiatives:

about the impacts among the asset management

There is little management of IT resources. Data

and procurement teams to ensure appropriate

center cooling is in adherence to the American

handling of assets.

Society of Heating, Refrigerating and AirConditioning (ASHRAE) standards. Manual

ALG 2: Understanding and Curtailing Impact of

efforts are made to monitor energy wastage.

Pre-use Phase of Asset’s Lifecycle on Environment: Optimize the asset refresh cycle and optimize the

Asset Lifecycle Pillar

procurement process to reduce environmental

One of the critical components of green IT is the


Managing asset lifecycle in an environment-friendly manner forms a key element of green IT initiative

management of asset lifecycle in environment

ALG 1: Introducing Energy Efficient Devices in the

friendly manner. Organizations need to consider

Environment: The organization emphasizes on

entire asset lifecycle to reap real benefits of

procurement of energy efficient devices while

green IT. Levels have been defined to help

procuring new devices.

organizations achieve efficiency in facilities: IT Service Management Pillar ALG 5: Enabling Sustainable Handling of Assets

Environment friendly business practices call for

beyond the Scope of IT Organization: Suppliers’

transformation in the way businesses operate.

business processes are certified for environment

Organization culture can be effectively altered

friendliness. The organization ensures that

by organizational processes. Following levels

vendors handle assets appropriately when they

have been identified to utilize IT management

turn into scrap.

processes for greener IT:

ALG 4: Optimizing Management of IT Assets:

ITG 5: Enabling Sustainable ITSM through

Policies have been formed for usage of IT

Innovative Practices: Service-based carbon


management is implemented by the IT

footprint (non-IT) through solutions like video

organization. Service improvement plans are


utilized for continual reduction in carbon emission of IT.

ECG 4: Utilizing Automation to Dynamically Provision Infrastructure Components: End

ITG 4: Dynamically Reporting on Green IT

user computing resources are provisioned

Adherence of ITSM processes: Green IT checkpoints

dynamically wherever possible through

in various ITSM processes are incorporated and

technologies like virtual desktop infrastructure.

adherence is measured at regular intervals for reporting to management.

ECG 3: Optimizing the Infrastructure to Reduce Energy Consumption and Carbon Emission: The

ITG 3: Implementing Governance Structure for

organization has optimized existing resources

Green IT and Increasing Utilization of Automation:

using technologies like centralized power

ITSM processes are automated using various

management and has introduced multi-function

software packages. Green IT metrics for ITSM


are incorporated in the tools. A green IT governance body is formed to ensure efficient

ECG 2: Monitoring Energy Consump tion and

implementation of green IT initiatives.

Carbon Emission and Implement Quick Wins: The organization monitors power consumption

ITG 2: Defining Green IT Metrics for ITSM

of end user computing devices continuously.

Processes: Organization has employed metrics

Also, quick wins like disabling screen savers,

to measure environmental impact of IT

sleep settings for monitors and CPUs have been

services. These metrics are reported to manage


development of green IT strategy. ECG 1: Implement fundamental initiatives: The ITG 1: Automating Critical ITSM Processes:

organization has only implemented sharing

Only few ITSM processes are automated and

of printers, scanners and copier devices.

the processes do not have specific inputs for

The approximate ratio of user to device is 250:1.

green IT. People Practices Pillar End User Computing Pillar

People practice is one of the most important

End user computing devices currently

pillars of this model. Studies indicate that user

contribute substantially to IT carbon emission.

awareness can offer twice the energy savings

It is important for businesses to form effective

as compared to centralized power management

strategy to reduce workplace carbon emission.

solutions. To tap the high potential of people

Following levels have been identified to utilize

practices, the following levels have been

IT management processes for greener IT:


ECG 5: Building Sustainable Infrastructure through

PPG 5: Utilizing People Awareness to Spread

Innovative Practices: End user computing devices

Environmental Awareness in Other Functional

are efficiently used to reduce business carbon

Units or Outside Organization: Implement


initiatives to utilize employee awareness to spread awareness in other business functions or outside the organization. PPG 4: Aiding Proactive Green IT Initiatives by Employees: Help motivated employees to start environment related initiatives or include them in green IT governing body. PPG 3: Ensuring User Participation in Organization’s Environmental Initiatives:

Complexity of Implementation

Changing User Behavior

Data Center Facilities

End User Computing

Asset Lifecycle Management

Green ITSM Processes Green Contribution

Initiate various environment related initiatives in organization that are governed by the

Figure 4: Complexity-Contribution Matrix Source: Infosys Research

employees. PPG 2: Monitoring User Awareness through Multiple Channels: Monitor user awareness

action points into IT operational activities. On

through multiple channels like quizzes,

the other hand, organizations that have already

competitions and open forum of discussions.

started their green journey can use this model to streamline their approach to green IT.

PPG 1: Initiating User Awareness Campaign:

Effectiveness of a GITM model can be

Employees are reluctant to accept or understand

truly measured vis-Ă -vis three parameters -

environmental issues at this stage. Organization can communicate about internal initiatives and

Planet - where every business is socially and

their effects on environment.

environmentally conscious to some degree. But

Figure 4 shows the green contribution of the pillars discussed in this paper against their

unless these efforts are measured, they cannot be used for reporting, advertising, etc.

complexity of implementation. It is evident that data centers can contribute to green IT

Profit - where while going green reducing

program in a major way as they form the

operating expenditure has to be one of the

largest contributors to carbon emission and

primary goals. Green IT initiatives not only

energy consumption. However, changing user

help reduce energy consumption, they reduce

behavior is more difficult to achieve than a data

the total cost of ownership (TCO) of IT assets,

center transformation even though the green

data center space, etc.

contribution is lower compared to data center. People - where green IT initiatives create CONCLUSION

environment related awareness among

Organizations that are yet to embark on their

employees and among people at large.

journey of green computing can utilize the

To sum it up, GITM model goes beyond

guidance provided in this paper, right from

business benefits as it lays equal stress on

defining an IT strategy to incorporating green

environment and awareness.



Data Center Temperature Requirements,

1. IT Infrastructure Library version 3.

ASHRAE Publications - Meeting Data

Available on http://www.itil-

Center Temperature Requirements.

Available at docLib/20070425_Schmidt.pdf.

2. Capability Maturity Model, Software Engineering Institute. Available at

5. Green IT for Dummies. Available at


reports/93tr024.pdf. 3. The Green Grid. Available at http://

environment/productdesign/ GreenITforDummiesSpecialEdition. pdf.

4. Schmldt, R. (2005), Data Centers, Meeting


Authors’ Profile MITESH DESAI is a Senior Associate Consultant with the Infrastructure Transformation unit of Infosys. He an be reached at

VAIBHAV BHATIA is a Consultant with the Infrastructure Transformation unit of Infosys. He can be reached at

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