Educational toys the best childrens day gift item

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Author Name : Manish Dutt email ID : Company : URL : Address : 14, Mahanirban Road, Kolkata - 700029, West Bengal, India Land Line No : +03340154315 Fax No : +03322368091 Title : Educational Toys: The best Children's Day gift item Description : The article talks about the many educational toys available online that can be sent to India on

Children’s Day. It describes a few such exclusive games and also gives further details about them. Keywords : Diwali gift ideas, importance of drawing Diwali rangoli, Diwali celebration, send online gifts to India, Diwali gifts, Diwali rangolis, Diwali essential, Diwali thalis, Diwali mugs, exclusive showpieces, send gifts to India, online gifts to India, gifts to India Category : Children’s Day gift ideas, educational toys, gift to India Body :

Children’s Day is celebrated on the birthday of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India. This annual event is much awaited by the little ones and many interesting Children’s Day gift ideas are available for them. There are a variety of such gifting options available on this online gift store that your kids in India will love. These gifts contain items like school accessories, barbie dolls, boardgames, chocolates and many others. You can get educational toys for your children in India on the festive occasion of Children’s Day. These toys will help them in their mental development and also to the growth of the different faculties. The Animal Homes & Sounds game is for children above the age of three and it is quite colourful and bright. This game also contains a compact disc that has the various sounds of animals as well as a set of cards with images of animals and their homes. The Shape Match toy is suited for kids of four years and above and it is a game of interesting puzzles. It is a collection of twenty four pieces and contains all the important shapes in bright colours having a self correcting format. The Body Parts game is suitable for the little ones who are above the age of four and this is also a puzzle game. A set of twenty eight pieces of puzzle make up this game and each of them features a separate human body part. The Animals, Babies & Habitats toy comes for children above the age of four being a combo game of puzzles and cards. There are eighteen pieces of cards here that are like puzzles and have to be placed together to make the complete match. The Indian Safari Board Game is for kids above the age of eight and it is a multi player game. This educational

toy features the different important and popular places in India as a dice game. The Scrabbles toy is suited for the little ones who are at least ten years of age and this is a word making game. Scrabble is a very popular game having a large popularity among the little ones and the whole family can play this. The First Memory game is suitable for children of three and above being a visually attractive card game. There two sets of cards having pictures here that are each thirty in number which can help to develop the cognitive skills. The Colour Match toy comes for kids of three and more as a game of puzzles featuring colours. A set of twenty four puzzle pieces can be found here which will help the kids to identify the popular colours. Make this coming Children’s Day a very fun and entertaining event for the little ones through these amazing gifts. These as well as the many other gifts here can be used for sending a gift to India for your kids. You can also get a variety of other gifts here for different occasions and festivals like Mother’s Day. About the Author: The author writes for, the best online gift store. This gifting portal showcases a variety of gifts for different occasions like Children’s Day gift ideas. Clients have been using for sending gifts to India on different occasions since 1999.

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