E-Newsletter: April 16, 2021

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E-Newsletter dsfsfa An update from MBP April 16, 2021


MBP Made Presentation to Legislative Committee on Bill 63 This week Manitoba Beef Producers made a presentation to a Manitoba legislative committee (Justice) on Bill 63 – The Petty Trespasses Amendment and Occupiers’ Liability Amendment Act. In a March 10 news release the Manitoba government said the proposed changes in these two bills, along with proposed amendments to the Animal Diseases Act, are to “help landowners respond to concerns about trespassing on private property.” Changes to the Petty Trespasses Act that would “remove the need to confront trespassers where possible, by making entry onto certain specified premises without permission an offence, unless the person has a lawful reason for doing so.” Proposed amendments to the Occupiers Liability Act “would ensure a landowner’s legal responsibility for injury is fair and reasonable when someone is on their property without permission… amendments would reduce the duty of care that is owed to criminal trespassers and certain noncriminal trespassers to not creating a danger with the deliberate intent of doing harm or damage to the person or their property, and to not acting with reckless disregard of the safety of the person or their property.”

MBP’s comments on Bill 63 focused on the importance of biosecurity and trying to protect livestock from potential risks caused by people’s actions upon entering agricultural operations. These risks could include the introduction of foreign animal diseases and the devastating animal health, economic and trade consequences that could accompany them. Another concern cited was the possible introduction of invasive species and noxious weeds which can have negative production implications. MBP also commented on public safety, as farm families and their employees need to be safe from those trespassing with ill intent, such as to commit crimes. The potential for harm to people or injuries to animals could arise. Examples were cited of trespassing activities which have adversely impacted MBP members and their farms and ranches such as: theft of property, including cattle; dangerous use of firearms; gates left open or damaged thereby allowing cattle to get out and be placed in harm’s way; damage to other farm infrastructure or supplies; and, damage to forages, pastures and crops caused by people driving across them.

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BSE suit underway The Western Producer Beef sector survived COVID shocks The Western Producer Small packers called unlikely The Western Producer

MBP continued from page 1 MBP is supportive of the proposed provisions of this legislation which removes the requirement for farmers and their employers to themselves have to confront trespassers, a role which it believes would be better placed with law enforcement officials. This should help better protect the safety of all parties by discouraging confrontation. Another area MBP touched upon is the importance of informed access whereby people seeking to access agricultural Crown land (ACL) utilized by beef producers would inform producers of their intent to do so. This is needed to help protect the safety and wellbeing of both the livestock and the land users. It would allow for a discussion about biosecurity considerations, and advise of the presence of livestock, dugouts, equipment in use, etc. It would also help remind prospective land users of the importance of closing gates and not engaging in practices that might damage

pastures and forages or sensitive areas of ACL. As well, in the event of a disease outbreak, having knowledge of who accessed the land and when would be invaluable from a traceability and disease management perspective. With respect to the proposed changes regarding when limited duty of care applies, MBP noted this information needs to be conveyed to landowners and the general public, and easily understood by all should a situation arise where duty of care has to be considered. MBP requested that the provincial government undertake awareness activities in this regard. MBP stated it is supportive of the proposed exemption provision for listed authorized persons such as instances where they are entering or remaining on lands or premises to fulfill their employment duties, to voluntarily provide emergency services, and so on.

Province Advises Outflow From Shellmouth Reservoir Will Increase (April 14, 2021 Province of Manitoba News Release) Manitoba Infrastructure’s Hydrologic Forecast Centre

reports the outflow from the Shellmouth Reservoir will be increasing effective April 14 due to anticipated run-off from the upper Assiniboine River. The current outflow is 52 cubic feet per second (cfs). The outflow will be increased to 600 cfs. This will result in a two-to-three-foot level increase on the Assiniboine River from the Shellmouth to Russell and one-to-two-ft. level increase from Russell to Brandon. The increase will diminish as the river reaches Winnipeg. River users should be cautious. However, the rise in water levels is not expected to impact properties and the river will remain within its banks. The province will continue to monitor conditions in the upper Assiniboine River as well as downstream river levels.

Manitobans Reminded of Available Support and Job Protection When Leave is Required Due To Covid-19 (April 16, 2021 Province of Manitoba News Release)

Help is available to Manitobans who must miss work because of a positive COVID-19 result and are not eligible for paid leave through their workplace, Finance Minister Scott Fielding and Dr. Brent Roussin, chief provincial public health officer, said. “We need to ensure Manitobans are staying home when sick, and know what resources are available to them if they or a family member test positive for COVID-19,” said Fielding. “Our government has a job protection leave program for workers affected by COVID-19 and there are also federal programs Manitobans can access. We know that Manitobans want to get to work and provide for their families, but we need to make sure that we stay home when sick to slow the spread of COVID-19.” Last year, Manitoba introduced a temporary job-protected leave to the Employment Standards Code for employees who are unable to work due to circumstances related to the pandemic. Employees can take an unpaid jobprotected leave: • to complete quarantine, isolation or selfisolation; • when under medical examination, supervision or treatment due to COVID-19; • to comply with public health orders; • to provide care, support or assistance to a family member as a result of COVID-19 including school or day-care closures; • to reduce the employee’s exposure to others, in consultation with their employer;

• if the employee is directly affected by travel restrictions imposed by public health orders; and • if the employee has an underlying condition, is undergoing treatment or has contracted an illness that makes them more susceptible to COVID-19, in consultation with their employer. For more information, visit: https://www.gov.mb.ca/labour/standards/doc, public_health_emergency_leave_COVID19,factsheet.html. The Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba (WCB) also provides coverage for Manitoba workers with work-related injuries and illnesses. WCB covers employees who contract COVID-19 because of an exposure arising out of and in the course of their employment. Each claim is determined on a case-by-case basis. If an employee thinks that he or she has contracted COVID-19 at work, they should inform their employer and file a claim with WCB. For more information about WCB, visit www.wcb.mb.ca/how-the-wcb-is-respondingto-covid-19#employers. Manitobans can also apply for paid leave through the Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB), which provides income support to employed or self-employed individuals who are unable to work because they are sick or need to self-isolate due to COVID-19, or have an underlying health condition that puts them at greater risk of getting COVID-19. They may be eligible if they are unable to work at least 50 per cent of their scheduled work week because of self-isolation, are sick or may have COVID-19, were advised to self-isolate due to COVID-19, or have an underlying health condition that puts

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Manitobans Reminded of Available Support and Job Protection When Leave is Required Due To Covid-19 them at greater risk of getting COVID-19. They can apply for coverage after the first one-week period they are applying for has ended. For more information, visit www.canada.ca/en/revenueagency/services/benefits/recovery-sicknessbenefit.html. The Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit also provides income support to employed and selfemployed individuals who are unable to work because they must care for their child under 12 years old or a family member who needs supervised care due to COVID-19. For more information, visit www.canada.ca/en/revenueagency/services/benefits/recovery-caregivingbenefit.html. “Our contact tracing indicates that for many Manitobans, missing out on work and pay is a major barrier to seeking immediate testing, as many are not able to take an extended leave from work for various reasons including job security and loss of income,” said Roussin. “One of the most important things Manitobans can do to halt the spread of the virus, particularly as

variants of concern become prevalent in our province, is to stay home when sick to avoid spreading the virus to others. That’s why we want to make sure Manitobans know there is support they can access so they can focus on keeping themselves and their neighbours safe.” Turnaround times for receiving a COVID-19 test results have consistently been under 24 hours in the last month, which means that Manitobans and their family will not have to spend much time self-isolating while awaiting a COVID-19 test result, noted Roussin. If a result is negative, the household can return to daily activities while the person with symptoms should continue to self-isolate until symptoms have been gone for 24 hours. Should the result be positive, the entire household should continue to self-isolate and await further direction from a public health nurse. At this point, individuals and their household may be eligible for the programming outlined above. For more information on COVID-19 testing and supports, visit: www.manitoba.ca/covid19/testing/.

Manitoba Expanding Vaccine Eligibility Criteria to Protect Manitobans (April 15, 2021 Province of Manitoba News Release) In response to the threat of a third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, Manitoba will expand vaccine eligibility criteria to include all adults in priority communities as well as first responders, Health and Seniors Care Minister Heather Stefanson announced.

"Manitoba is taking action to ensure our immunization campaign responds to the risks facing our communities,” said Stefanson. “This comprehensive approach, built on the advice of our medical experts, is the next step in slowing the spread of COVID-19 and protecting people at risk. Thousands of people are immunized in Manitoba every day and this approach will help ensure doses reach those who need protection from the virus the most, including our first responders such as police and firefighters and those who are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19.” Based on COVID-19 and public health data, people living in communities with the highest risk of the virus will be added to Manitoba’s eligibility criteria, including: • all adults aged 18 or older who live there; and • people with specified front-line, public-facing roles in those communities, such as teachers. The province will also expand eligibility to include front-line police officers and firefighters. “This is a targeted approach to ensure those most affected by COVID-19, who are often racialized or marginalized people, have access to the vaccine sooner,” said Dr. Joss Reimer, medical lead, Vaccine Implementation Task Force. “Our approach will also help protect those who serve these communities on a daily basis, recognizing their increased risk of exposure as well as their importance to the community’s overall safety and wellness. I encourage everyone to make an appointment as soon as you are eligible, to

protect yourselves and the people around you.” Vaccine supply remains limited and there will not be enough vaccine to immunize everyone in these categories immediately. Manitoba will announce the first eligible communities on Apr. 21, along with specific guidance on jobs that will be included. Further details on when police and firefighters can book their appointments will be provided next week. Community-based eligibility will continue to expand as vaccine supplies allow. Reimer noted this expansion is consistent with the guidance set out by the National Advisory Committee on Immunization, specifically “stage 2” priority groups. Once eligible people in priority communities are immunized, the province will expand criteria to include all Manitobans in NACI “stage 2”, which includes: • adults in or from Indigenous communities (underway); • residents and staff of congregate living facilities (underway); • adults 60-69 years of age (underway); • adults in racialized and marginalized communities disproportionately affected by COVID-19 (details to be provided next week, beginning with those living or working in specific communities); • police and firefighters who are among the first to arrive and provide assistance at the scene of an emergency (details to be provided next week) and; • frontline essential workers who cannot work virtually (details to be provided next week, for specified roles and in specific communities). For more information about Manitoba’s COVID-19 immunization campaign, visit protectmb.ca.

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POP-UP COVID-19 IMMUNIZATION CLINICS A number of pop-up clinics will be available in the coming weeks to provide access to the COVID-19 vaccine. People who meet the province’s eligibility criteria for immunization can call toll-free 1-844-626-8222 (1-844-MAN-VACC) to make an appointment at these locations. All clinics run 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. unless noted. Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority 

Whitemouth: April 19 at Whitemouth Community Hall

St. Laurent: April 19 at St. Laurent Recreation Centre

Pine Falls: April 19 at Pine Falls Legion, 7 Tamarack St.

Teulon: April 20 at Anglican Church Hall, 60 Second St. SE

Gimli: April 20 at Gimli Recreation Centre, 45 Centennial Rd.

Fisher Branch: April 20 at Fisher Branch Ukrainian Hall

Ashern: April 20 at Ashern Centennial Hall

Lundar: April 21 at Lundar Legion, 50 Third Ave.

Beausejour: April 21 at Brokenhead River Community Hall

Eriksdale: April 23 at Eriksdale Recreation Centre

Lac du Bonnet: April 23 at Lac du Bonnet Community Centre

Riverton: April 23 at Riverton Hall

Northern Regional Health Authority 

The Pas: April 21, 23, 24 and 28 at Roy H. Johnston Arena, 523 Smith St.

Flin Flon: April 23, 26, 27 and 28 at Flin Flin Community Hall, 2 North Ave.


-2Prairie Mountain Health 

Russell: April 20 and 21 at George P. Buleziuk Centre, 106 Shell River Ave.

Swan River: April 20 at Swan River Veterans Hall, 119 Sixth Ave. N

Glenboro: April 21 at Kinsmen Hall Fairgrounds

Virden: April 21 at Tundra Oil and Gas Place, 900 Fifth Ave N.

Dauphin: April 22 (12:30 to 8:30 p.m.) and 23 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) at Ukrainian Orthodox Hall, 304 Whitmore Ave. East

Deloraine: April 22 (10:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.) at Winchester Community Hall, 119 Lake St. N

Neepawa: April 23 at Yellowhead Centre Hall, 175 Mountain Ave.

Southern Health–Santé Sud 

Steinbach: April 19, 20, 21 and 22 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) at Pat Porter Active Living Centre, 10 Chrysler Gate

Gladstone: April 20 at Gladstone Stride Hall, 79 Fifth St.

Portage la Prairie: April 21 and 22 at Herman Prior Senior Services Centre, 40 Royal Rd. North

Morris: April 23 at Morris Multiplex, 380 Stampede Grounds

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority 

Winnipeg: April 19, 20 and 21 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on all dates) at #1-1680 Notre Dame Ave.

Partnership With 211 to Provide Transportation Options for COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments

(April 15, 2021 Province of Manitoba News Release)

The Manitoba government is launching a new partnership with United Way’s 211 Manitoba to help connect seniors and people with mobility issues to transportation services that can get them to their COVID-19 vaccination appointments, Health and Seniors Care Minister Heather Stefanson announced today. “We are pleased to offer another option for seniors and people with mobility challenges who may need a little help to get to their vaccine appointment,” said Stefanson. “Seniors can call a single number, no matter where they live in the province, to find out what transportation services might be available. This will help make the process simpler and easier, while providing a valuable service to Manitobans who need it, so they can get their vaccine and protect themselves against the COVID-19 virus.” United Way’s 211 Manitoba is a free service that provides information and referral to a full network of community-based social, health and government services. Beginning today, 211 Manitoba is ready to connect seniors and people who have mobility issues with whatever transportation services are available to help them get to their vaccine appointment. This work is being done in partnership with Transportation Options Network for Seniors (TONS). “For many people, knowing where to turn for help can be challenging and overwhelming. We

know that 211 Manitoba provides a valuable service for Manitobans, especially during times of community crisis,” said Connie Walker, president and CEO of United Way Winnipeg. “Now, seniors and others with mobility impairments can speak directly with a service navigator who will listen to their needs and work with them to identify transportation options and other resources in their community.” Once an eligible person has a confirmed COVID19 appointment, they can call 211 with the date, time and location. The 211 navigators will help them identify available options and connect them with the transportation provider they choose. Individuals are responsible for the cost of their transportation service, which could include handi-transit, taxi or a shuttle service. “As a provincewide not-for-profit organization with vast knowledge of the transportation options and resources across Manitoba, we are pleased to support this project,” said Samantha Rodeck, executive director of TONS. “We value the opportunity to connect seniors and those with additional mobility needs to transportation options that enhance quality of life and are necessary for aging in place.” The minister noted the goal of this service is to reduce barriers to attending a vaccine appointment by providing a single window that helps ensure eligible people are aware of all their transportation options. For more information about this transportation service and Manitoba’s vaccine campaign, visit https://protectmb.ca.

COVID-19 Vaccine Update Appointments are not yet available for Winnipeg (Leila) or Steinbach. Eligible individuals can book their appointment at a super site online at https://protectmb.ca with an email address and their health card number. Appointments for super sites or pop-ups can also be made by calling (toll-free) 1-844-6268222 (1-844-MAN-VACC). On April 14 the provincial government announced that Manitoba’s seventh super site is expected to open in Steinbach in May. It will be located at 294 Lumber Ave. and able to administer more than 420 vaccinations daily, based on vaccine supply. Eligibility Criteria Eligibility to be immunized at a super site or pop-up clinic has been expanded to include individuals aged 57 or older and First Nation people aged 37 or older. Anyone who has been in Manitoba for one month or more can receive the vaccine at no cost if they meet provincial eligibility requirements. Provincial guidance on who is eligible to receive the AstraZeneca/Covishield vaccine, which is available through medical clinics and pharmacies, is online at https://protectmb.ca. Appointments Appointments are currently available at super sites in Winnipeg (RBC Convention Centre), Brandon, Thompson, Selkirk and Morden.

At this time, only first-dose appointments are available and the province will provide more information about planning for second doses in the weeks ahead. When attending a vaccine appointment, people are reminded to bring their completed consent form (available online at https://protectmb.ca), wear a short-sleeved shirt, wear a mask, and bring their health card or other form of identification. To help support good physical distancing on site, people should arrive no more than 15 minutes before their scheduled appointment time. More information about the vaccine campaign in Manitoba is available at www.manitoba.ca/vaccine and https://protectmb.ca. For regular updates, visit https://protectmb.ca and sign up for the weekly e-newsletter.


SCHOLARSHIP ***Due to ongoing disruptions arising from the COVID-19 pandemic (and the related impacts on high schools and post-secondary institutions) MBP has pushed the application deadline for its 2021 scholarship competition into November instead of the usual June intake deadline. This application intake process is for students who will be undertaking post-secondary studies in the 2021-22 academic year. Manitoba Beef Producers is pleased to make available six $500 scholarships annually for MBP members or their children attending a university, college, other post-secondary institution or pursuing trades training. Preference will be given to those students pursuing a field of study related to agriculture or to those acquiring a skilled trade or pursuing a career that would be beneficial to the rural economy. Completed applications and supporting documents must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. Friday, November 5, 2021. A selection committee will review the submissions. Winners will be notified by December 14, 2021. The scholarship criteria is as follows: Eligibility: • Must be at least 17 years of age as of January 1, 2021. • Must be an active Manitoba beef producer or the child of an active Manitoba beef producer. Note: This can include beef producers returning to school after a period of time in the workforce. • Post-secondary program or trades training must be a minimum of one year in duration. Items You Are Required to Submit: • Completed application form; • A typed 600-word (maximum) essay discussing “What the beef industry means to my family, my community and Manitoba.” Also include the reasons you enjoy being involved in agriculture.*; • A copy of your transcript (either high school, or a recognized college, university or trade school); • Proof of enrolment in a recognized institution (current transcript, or your acceptance letter, or a letter of intent indicating your intended institution and field of study). • A list of community involvement (e.g. 4-H, community clubs, volunteer work, etc.); and, • The names of two references, including their addresses and telephone numbers. Submissions and ALL documentation must be sent no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, November 5, 2021 to: Manitoba Beef Producers Scholarship Committee 220 – 530 Century Street Winnipeg MB R3H 0Y4 E-mail: info@mbbeef.ca Fax: (204) 774-3264 For more information, please contact Manitoba Beef Producers at 1-800-772-0458 or email info@mbbeef.ca. *Scholarship winners’ essays will be published in MBP’s newspaper Cattle Country.

MBP 2021 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION PLEASE PRINT Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Mailing address: _______________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _____________________________ Email: __________________________________________ Date of birth: _____________________________ Parents’ names if you are under 18: _______________________________________________________ Are you a beef producer? _____________________________ Are you the child of a beef producer? ________ If yes, what is their name(s)? __________________________ Institute of current enrolment: ________________________________________________________________ Current or intended program of post-secondary study or skilled trades training: __________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Duration of post-secondary program or skilled trades training: _________ year (s)

Essay: Please submit a typed 600-word (maximum) essay* on the topic “What the beef industry means to my family, my community, and Manitoba.” Also include the reasons you enjoy being involved in agriculture. *Note: Scholarship winners’ essays will be published in Manitoba Beef Producers’ newspaper Cattle Country. Please return the completed application form, transcript, and proof of enrolment in a post-secondary institution or an apprenticeship program or a letter of intent to pursue further studies, a list of your community involvement, the typed essay and, your references no later than 4:30 p.m., Friday, November 5, 2021 to: Manitoba Beef Producers Scholarship Committee 220 – 530 Century Street Winnipeg, MB R3H 0Y4 Email: info@mbbeef.ca Fax (204) 774-3264

Manitoba Joins eTick Program to Help Protect Against Tick-Borne Illnesses

(Government of Manitoba News Release) The

Manitoba government has joined the eTick platform for expert advice to help Manitobans determine their risk of Lyme disease, Manitoba Health and Senior Care Minister Heather Stefanson announced April 9. “More and more Manitobans are exploring nature and the outdoors during the pandemic. While this is a safe, healthy way to connect during the pandemic, we also want people to pay attention to reduce their risk of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses,” said Stefanson. “The eTick program will ensure people can access rapid tick identification and distribution maps, while enhancing the surveillance of tick species in Manitoba.” Developed by Bishop’s University and funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada, Manitobans can use eTick when they find ticks on animals, humans or in various habitats. They can submit a picture to have the tick identified by experts, which will let them confirm if the tick they found belongs to a species capable of transmitting the bacteria responsible for Lyme disease.

In addition to learning what species of tick users have found, identified specimens are mapped to better outline the distribution and seasonality of the various tick species. This information will help Manitobans understand where and when ticks have been found in precise areas of Manitoba. A new mobile application has been developed to facilitate and streamline the submission of tick observations in Manitoba. It is now available for free download under the name eTick on the App Store and the Google Play Store. Users also still have the option of submitting their observations directly on the eTick website at www.etick.ca/. Blacklegged ticks, which can carry anaplasmosis, babesiosis and Lyme disease, are most commonly found within and along the edge of forests and in areas with thick, woody shrubs and other vegetation. These ticks are typically found between April and November (from snowmelt through snowfall), with adults most active in the spring and fall months. Stefanson reminded Manitobans that when outside, it is still important to practise physical distancing according to current COVID-19 public health guidelines. For more information, visit www.manitoba.ca/covid19. To learn more about blacklegged ticks, tick disease and prevention, visit: www.gov.mb.ca/health/publichealth/cdc/tickbo rne/ .

Important Changes to AgriStability for 2020 and 2021 On March 25, 2021, federal, provincial and territorial Ministers of Agriculture agreed to the following changes to the AgriStability program: •

the reference margin limit has been removed retroactive to the 2020 program year

the deadline to enrol for the 2021 program year has been extended from April 30 to June 30, 2021

AgriStability is one of the business risk management programs under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership. It protects Canadian producers against large declines in farming income for reasons such as production loss, increased costs and market conditions. AgriStability is a margin based program designed to help producers manage large income declines. Each year, you must enrol in the program, pay your fee and submit a form by the applicable deadlines. You may receive a payment if your production margin in the current year falls below your historical reference margin by more than 30%. Use the AgriStability Benefit Estimator to help you understand how the program works and to calculate an estimated benefit. For more information on participating, visit Who is eligible? and How to apply.

Environmental Farm Plan Workshops (Source: Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development) Environmental Farm Plans (EFP) are an essential part of every farm operation. These workshops will guide producers through the EFP workbook to help assess and identify the environmental assets and risks on their farm operations, and develop an action plan to address the identified risks. Workbooks and support material will be provided to those who attend. EFPs must be renewed every five years to remain valid. If you are unsure if your EFP is valid, please contact KAP to inquire: (204) 697-1140. No workshops are planned for the 2021 Field Season (May to November) as we transition to the new electronic platform. If you require an EFP workshop, please send an email to ManitobaEFP@gov.mb.ca to be placed on a waiting list. If your needs are immediate, please send the email with "URGENT" in the subject line and you will be contacted personally.

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