E-Newsletter dsfsfa An update from MBP June 18, 2021
New forecasting tool to help Manitoba farmers better manage extreme weather events (June 15, 2021 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada News Release)
From current drought and dry field conditions to flooding in recent years, extreme weather events continue to create challenges for Manitoba farmers. The Government of Canada is working with the agricultural sector to equip farmers with tools they need to proactively manage and mitigate risks associated with these events. On behalf of the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change (Canada Water Agency) and to the Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages (Western Economic Diversification Canada) and Member of Parliament for Winnipeg South, Terry Duguid, announced an investment of over $1.1 million for the Manitoba Forage and Grassland Association (MFGA). The funding will be used to develop a new forecasting tool that will help farmers and stakeholders better understand and manage extreme weather events within the Assiniboine River Basin. With this funding, the MFGA will create a web-based tool that will provide seven-day, forward-looking forecasts for soil moisture, groundwater and surface water flow. Producers can use this real-time information to adopt risk
management strategies and inform decisions about their operations in the face of extreme weather. The new interactive tool will also show how soil and landscape management strategies could influence moisture and water conditions over the seven-day interval, with the goal of encouraging adoption of beneficial management practices. Quotes "Manitoba farmers understand the major impacts that extreme weather events, such as flooding and droughts, can have. The Government of Canada is committed to supporting resources that help to better understand and manage these risks. With this funding, the Manitoba Forage and Grassland Association will create an interactive tool that provides real-time information to help farmers and industry professionals increase resiliency of the land and communities in the Assiniboine River Basin." Terry Duguid, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change (Canada Water Agency) and to the Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages (Western Economic Diversification Canada) and Member of Parliament for Winnipeg South continued on page 3
Congrats to the grads!
For reliable information and resources please visit:
continued from page 1
New forecasting tool "As a producer-led non-profit organization, MFGA has full respect and understanding of the challenges farmers and producers face with their farm operations every day when it comes to planning around water and dealing with climatic events. MFGA is very grateful to AAFC's AgriRisk Initiatives for the project funding and we are very pleased to be delivering this new interactive forecasting tool for farmers and land managers in the Assiniboine River Basin. Besides the forecasting ability, we are equally excited that the tool will also showcase how beneficial soil and landscape management practices could potentially influence soil moisture, groundwater, and surface water conditions over the seven-day interval."
Manitoba can apply for funding to support water source development under Ag Action Manitoba, which is funded through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership. •
The Canadian Agricultural Partnership is a five-year (2018-2023), $3-billion investment by federal, provincial and territorial governments to strengthen and grow Canada's agriculture and agrifood sector.
The Manitoba Forage and Grassland Association (MFGA) is a producer-led, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the development and promotion of the forage and livestock industry in Manitoba.
MFGA's new forecasting tool will be built by Aquanty, a water resources science and technology firm located in Waterloo, Ontario.
Today's announcement builds on previous AgriRisk Initiatives funding for MFGA, which supported development of a highly-visual water movement model of the Assiniboine River Basin to help predict the effects of flooding, excess moisture and extreme drought on agricultural lands.
Larry Wegner, Chair, Manitoba Forage and Grassland Association Quick facts •
The funding announced today is part of the AgriRisk Initiatives Research and Development Stream. The AgriRisk Initiatives program, under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, supports the development of new risk management tools. The governments of Canada and Manitoba also recently announced that livestock producers who have been affected by dry conditions on pasture in
Manitoba Beef Producers and the
Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation
• Improved water quality • Flood mitigation • Water retention • Reduced rate of runoff
Contact your MHHC rep. with any questions or to apply:
Wildlife and Grasses
• Increased soil health • Enhanced carbon sequestration • Improved drought resilience
Grassland Enhancement Program • Increased plant biodiversity • Increased production of harvestable wildlife species
Working together with Manitoba beef and forage producers to preserve and enhance 6,969 acres of grasslands in southwestern Manitoba
North of Hwy #1: Ian @ 431-235-3058 South of Hwy #1: Kasie @ 204-724-0583 Am I eligible for the Program? We’re looking for: • A beef or forage producer in the Environment and Climate Change Canada Mixed-grass Prairie Priority Place of Southwestern Manitoba who is interested in enhancing and preserving Manitoba’s remaining grasslands. • Willingness to implement beneficial management practices and incorporate a range management plan, with financial incentives provided.
Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation is pleased to partner with Manitoba Beef Producers to support nature-based approaches to climate change. The Conservation Trust is a Manitoba Climate and Green Plan Initiative, administered by MHHC.
Deadline to Apply for 2021 AgriStability Program is June 30 On March 25, 2021, federal, provincial and territorial Ministers of Agriculture agreed to the following changes to the AgriStability program:
AgriStability is a margin based program designed to help producers manage large income declines.
the reference margin limit has been removed retroactive to the 2020 program year
Each year, you must enrol in the program, pay your fee and submit a form by the applicable deadlines.
the deadline to enrol for the 2021 program year has been extended from April 30 to June 30, 2021
You may receive a payment if your production margin in the current year falls below your historical reference margin by more than 30%.
AgriStability is one of the business risk management programs under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership. It protects Canadian producers against large declines in farming income for reasons such as production loss, increased costs and market conditions.
Use the AgriStability Benefit Estimator to help you understand how the program works and to calculate an estimated benefit. For more information on participating, visit Who is eligible? and How to apply.
Province Advises Crown Lands Available For Haying By Livestock Producers (June 7, 2021 Province of Manitoba News Release)
Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development advises that due to dry conditions in parts of the province over the past few years, livestock producers will temporarily be allowed to cut hay on Crown lands not normally designated for agricultural use. Under certain circumstances, non-agricultural Crown lands can be made available for agricultural use. The Agricultural Crown Lands Leasing program will administer the use of available land and provide necessary permits. This year, the department has proactively posted a list of lands available on the website that will be allocated by draw on June 11 including unallocated ACL forage lands. After further review, additional land has been made available. This additional list is now posted with an allocation draw date of June 21. The
available lands can be found at www.manitoba.ca/agriculture/landmanagement/crown-land/. CLICK HERE for a list of available lands. Draw date: June 21, 2021. Note that vacant agricultural Crown land is also available for 1-year permits in Manitoba. CLICK HERE for a listing of unallocated parcels from the 2021 auction and information on how to apply. For more information, contact the Agricultural Crown Lands Leasing program at 204-867-6550 or a local Agricultural Crown Lands District Office. A listing of offices can be found at: www.manitoba.ca/agriculture/landmanagement/crown-land/agricultural-crownlands-district-offices.html.
Applications Being Accepted for Water Source Development for Farms and Ranches improve environmental sustainability of farm operations in Manitoba.
(June 8, 2021 Joint News Release) The
governments of Canada and Manitoba are advising that livestock producers who have been affected by dry conditions on pasture in Manitoba can apply for funding to support water source development under Ag Action Manitoba. Funding is provided through the Managing Livestock Access to Riparian Areas beneficial management practice (BMP) under Ag Action Manitoba – Assurance. Eligible items include: • water source development – constructing new or rehabilitating existing wells or dugouts; • solar, wind or grid-powered alternative watering systems; • permanent fencing to restrict livestock access to surface water and dugouts; and • permanent pipeline development. Ag Action Manitoba – Assurance: Beneficial Management Practices provides targeted incentive programs to agricultural producers and select industry service providers to advance the adoption of BMPs. These practices reduce identified environmental risks, improve agroecosystem resilience, build public trust and
Any projects for water source development occurring after April 1 are eligible. Projects will need to be assessed prior to approval, and may require additional components (e.g. fencing of the dugout, alternative watering systems, etc.) in order to meet the BMP criteria. Applications are now being accepted and will be reviewed on an ongoing basis until Sept. 1. Applications can include retroactive expenses incurred as of April 1. Upon project completion, applicants must submit proof of a valid Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) with their claim (see www.ManitobaEFP.ca for more info). The Ag Action Manitoba Program is funded through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership— a five-year (2018-2023), $3-billion investment by federal, provincial and territorial governments to strengthen and grow Canada’s agriculture and agri-food and agri-products sector. This includes a $2-billion commitment that is cost-shared 60 per cent federally and 40 per cent provincially/territorially for programs that are designed and delivered by provinces and territories. Producers can contact their local Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development office, call the department toll-free at 1-84-GROWMB-AG (1-844-769-6224) for more information on any of these programs and services, or go to www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture under Quick Links.
Frequently Asked Questions BMP: Managing Livestock Access to Riparian Areas (503) Q1. When is the deadline to apply? A: Applications must be received no later than 11:59 pm Wednesday, September 1, 2021. Applications will be accepted continuously up to that date and will be reviewed on a weekly basis. They will be assessed by technical reviewers based on the environmental benefit assessment index, program priorities and project planning.
Q2. Do I have to complete my project this fall? A: Yes. The project must be completed and claims submitted by November 5, 2021.
Q3. If I have already done a water source development project this spring, am I eligible? A: Any projects for water source development occurring after April 1, 2021 are eligible. However, projects will need to be assessed prior to approval, and may require additional components (e.g. fencing of the dugout, alternative watering systems, etc.) in order to meet the BMP criteria.
Q4. What do I need to include with my application? A: Please answer the questions provided in either the Farmers Application Form or ISP Application Form, and refer to the BMP Specific Questions listed in either the Farmers Guidebook or ISP Guidebook to assist you. Ensure that you explain the proposed project in detail, current practices on the farm, and the environmental benefit of the new practice. Include an aerial map of the pasture with the location of the existing and proposed water sources identified as well as any fencing (existing and proposed).
Q5. Do I need a valid Environmental Farm Plan Statement of Completion? A: You can submit an application without a valid Statement of Completion, however, if your project is approved, you will be required to provide proof of a valid EFP by November 5, 2021 when you submit your project claim for reimbursement. Environmental Farm Plan workshop dates and locations will be listed at www.ManitobaEFP.ca .
Q6. Are confined livestock operations eligible? A: No. This BMP is focused on livestock in pasture-based systems.
Q7. Do I have to dig a dugout to a specific size? A: All dugout work, including new construction or rehabilitation of an existing location, should follow the dugout construction guideline.
Q8. Can I drill a new well in my yard? A: Drilling a well in the yard is eligible if it is primarily intended for watering livestock on pasture and is the most cost efficient means of doing so. It can be used for supplying water to the yard as well, assuming the pastures are next to the yard. Only the well and pasture components are eligible for funding, not any components used for inyard water.
Q9. Do I need any permits? A: Applicants must meet all regulatory requirements. This may include: A Water Rights License is required for all livestock operations extracting more than 25,000 litres of water (25 m3 or 5,499 Imperial gallons) per day. If developing a new water source, a permit must be obtained in advance of starting work. Approvals from the rural municipality or Crown. Any other standards or approvals as required by law.
Q10. Can I pump / pipe / haul water from an existing water source into a dugout that has gone dry? A: Piping or hauling water from any water source (well, dugout or wetland) into a dugout that has run dry is not eligible.
Q11. Do I have to fence my dugout? A: Dugouts must be fenced to ensure livestock do not have direct access to the water within, which will prevent contamination and protect water quality.
Q12. I just need a water trough or water storage tank. Is this eligible? A: No - watering system components such as watering bowls, troughs or storage tanks are only eligible as a part of a water source development project. However, if your project includes development or rehabilitation of a water source (ex: well or dugout) or management of a riparian area (ex: exclusion fencing), watering system components are eligible.
Q13. How deep does a pipeline need to be? A: Summer pasture pipelines permanently installed underground, and which can be properly winterized before freezing are eligible (ex: installed with a pasture pipeline plow). Above-ground pipelines are ineligible. Projects must be for permanent solutions only.
Q14. Can I apply for a project on a pasture that I rent? A: Yes. Either the landowner or renter can apply. If the renter applies, they must identify the landowner and provide contact information with their application. For pastures on Crown Land, you must get approval from your local Farm Production Extension Specialist – Crown Lands.
Q15. If I have more questions, who can I contact? A: Farmers can visit their local ARD/MASC Service Centre or call toll-free 1-844-769-6224.
COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility Update an urban Indigenous clinic led by community organizations in Winnipeg, Brandon, Thompson and Portage la Prairie. A complete listing and searchable map is available online at https://protectmb.ca. Eligible individuals can book their appointments at these sites online, or by calling (toll-free) 1-844-626-8222 (1-844MAN-VACC). (Province of Manitoba News Release) Effective June
18, 2021, people who received their first dose on or before May 23 can book a second-dose appointment. Manitobans are strongly reminded to only book their appointment based on the date of their first dose or other provincial eligibility criteria. For more information, visit https://manitoba.ca/covid19/vaccine/eligibilitycriteria.html#second-dose. All people aged 12 and up are eligible to book their first-dose appointments. Individuals can book online at https://protectmb.ca or by calling (toll-free) 1-844-MAN-VACC (1-844626-8222). Vaccine Administration Appointments A total of 15 medical clinics and pharmacies will soon act as regional hubs to offer second-dose AstraZeneca vaccinations. Beginning next week, individuals will be able to use the online vaccine finder at https://manitoba.ca/covid19/vaccine/finder.html to find a location with available doses. Due to Pfizer supply issues from the federal government, appointments are not generally available for youth (aged 12-17) at this time, until more Pfizer doses become available. Young people aged 12 to 17 must continue to receive Pfizer for both doses, as this is currently the only vaccine approved for use in this age group. Pop-up clinics have been scheduled throughout the province in June. Indigenous people can also attend
Additional Information To be considered fully immunized, individuals require two doses of vaccine. These can be the same or different brands of vaccine. Individuals who are fully vaccinated can now request a digital or physical immunization card. For more information, visit: https://manitoba.ca/covid19/vaccine/immunizatio n-record.html#immunization-cards. People who received a COVID-19 vaccine outside of Manitoba can now contact covidimmunizationrecordsinformation@gov.mb.ca to update their immunization information. This email address can also be used to request other updates or corrections to a COVID-19 immunization. Individuals may also contact their local public health office with this information if needed. All Manitobans are encouraged to share their vaccine story, an immunization experience to be celebrated or their thanks to the people who made it possible. Your ‘A Million Thanks for One Million Doses’ message can be shared at https://engagemb.ca/protectmb. Manitobans are reminded to fill out a second consent form for their second dose appointment. To fill out and print the consent forms before your appointment, visit: https://manitoba.ca/covid19/vaccine/resources.ht ml#forms. More information about the vaccine campaign in Manitoba is available at www.manitoba.ca/vaccine and continued on page 10
continued from page 9
COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility Update https://protectmb.ca. For regular updates, visit https://protectmb.ca and sign up for the weekly enewsletter. All data in this bulletin is current as of June 17 unless noted otherwise. See PDF on page 11 for availability of AstraZeneca.
School-Aged Children Allowed To Return To Child-Care Programs, Day Camps Following End Of School Year (June 18, 2021 Province of Manitoba News Release) As
the school year in Manitoba comes to an end, school-aged children will be able to return to their child-care programming and day camps will be permitted beginning on July 1, Families Minister Rochelle Squires announced today. “We know a parent’s ability to work may depend on the availability of child care, and many parents use the day camps across the province as child care in July and August. By opening child care centres and day camps, we hope to provide options and flexibility to those who may need it,” said Squires. “I would like to thank all of those parents, as well as Manitoba’s early learning and child-care sector, for their flexibility to adapt to the advice from our public health officials as we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.” Summer day camps for children aged 11 and under will be permitted to operate effective July 1. Day camps provide options for families whose children do not attend licensed child-care facilities and help alleviate some of the pressure on these facilities. On May 12, the province made the decision to move all kindergarten to Grade 12 schools to remote learning in the cities of Winnipeg and Brandon. Further announcements were made about schools in other communities in the following weeks in response to increasing cases of
COVID-19. These school-aged children were not able to access child care during remote learning, and this meant 13,198 school-aged child-care spaces were affected during the remote learning period. “Due to the efforts of Manitobans and our vaccine rollout, COVID-19 cases are decreasing, which allows us to open these important services again,” said Dr. Jazz Atwal, deputy chief provincial public health officer. “Parents have had to navigate this pandemic while juggling caring for their children and I applaud them for their efforts during this challenging time.” Currently there are no changes to cohort sizes for licensed child-care facilities, but day camps will be limited to cohorts of 20. These facilities are reminded to implement the measures outlined in the Early Learning and Child Care Practice Guide to ensure a safe and healthy environment for children and staff. For more information on the current public health orders, visit: https://manitoba.ca/covid19/prs/orders/index.htm l.
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SITES WITH ASTRA ZENECA VACCINE The following medical clinics and pharmacies in the province will receive AstraZeneca vaccine to provide second doses to individuals who cannot or will not receive a different type of vaccine. Sites will update their information at https://manitoba.ca/covid19/vaccine/finder.html when they are ready to begin making appointments. Location Name Brandon Clinic Pharmacy Dauphin Clinic Pharmacy Ashern Pharmacy Gimli Express Care Clinic Safeway Pharmacy The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy Loblaw Pharmacy Manitoba Clinic Safeway Pharmacy Costco Viva Care Kenaston Prairie Health Apothecary Loblaw Pharmacy Sobeys Pharmacy
Address 4 42 Mctavish Ave. E. 622 Third St. SW 43 Main St. 50 Centre St. 318 Manitoba Ave. 1 330 Fischer Ave. 3 602 Saskatchewan Ave. W 175 Cargill Rd. 790 Sherbrook St. 3393 Portage Ave. 1499 Regent Ave. W. 1665 Kenaston Blvd. 600 St. Anne's Rd. 2132 McPhillips St. 1 178 PTH 12N
City Brandon Dauphin Ashern Gimli Selkirk The Pas Portage la Prairie Winkler Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Winnipeg Steinbach
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
COVID-19 IMMUNIZATION POP-UP CLINICS Pop-up clinics have been scheduled throughout the province in June. Clinics run from 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted beside location. To book an appointment at a pop-up clinic, call (toll-free) 1-844-626-8222 (1-844-MAN-VACC). Northern Regional Health Authority The Pas – Roy H. Johnston Arena, 523 Smith St., June 2 and 5 Flin Flon – Flin Flon Community Hall, 2 North Ave., June 3, 4, 10, 11 12 and 17 Prairie Mountain Health Killarney – Shamrock Centre, 725 Broadway Ave., June 1, 16 and 29 Deloraine – Winchester Community Hall, 119 Lake St. N, June 3, 25 and 27 Neepawa – Yellowhead Centre Hall, 175 Mountain Ave., June 3, 17, 23, 24, 28 and 29 Swan River – Swan River Veterans Hall, 119 Sixth Ave. N, June 3,17, 22, 27, 28 and 29 Russell – George P. Buleziuk Centre, 106 Shell River Ave. S, June 8, 15, 24, 28 and 29 Virden – Tundra Oil & Gas Place 900 Fifth Ave S. June 9, 23 and 28 Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority Riverton – Riverton Community Hall, June 2 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) St. Laurent – St. Laurent Rec Centre PTH 6, June 2 Ashern – Ashern Centennial Hall #1 June 3, 15 and 30 (8:30 to 4:30 p.m.) Lundar – Lundar Legion, 50 Third Ave, June 4, 25 and 29 (8:30 to 4:30 p.m.) Beausejour – Brokenhead River Community Hall, 320 Veterans June 10 and 24 Stonewall – Stonewall Legion 459 Main St, June 15 Victoria Beach – Bictoria Beach Senior Centre, Ateah Road, June 16 Pinawa – Pinawa Alliance Church 1 Bessborough Ave., June 16 and 23 Whitemouth – Whitemouth Community Hall First Street, June 17 Teulon –Teulon Anglican Parish Hall, 60 Second St. SE. June 18 and 25 Eriksdale – Eriksdale Recreation Centre, 2 First Ave., June 24 Southern Health – Santé Sud Portage la Prairie – Herman Prior Senior Services Centre, 40 Royal Road Rd. North, June 3, 10, 17, 18,19, 24 and 25 (12:30 to 8:30 p.m.) Morris – Morris Multiplex 380 Stampede Grounds, June 16, 23 and 30 Buffalo Point – Buffalo Point Conference Centre, Point Road June 24
Program Open to Help Farmers and AgriBusinesses Develop and Adopt Clean Technologies (June 16, 2021 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada News Release) Farmers and agri-businesses in
the Prairies and across Canada are leaders in climate-smart agriculture, finding new ways to make their operations more sustainable. To help them continue towards a low-carbon economy, the Government of Canada is supporting the research, innovation and adoption of clean technologies, including dedicated support for farmers to help reduce grain drying costs. On behalf of the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister and Special Representative for the Prairies, the Honourable Jim Carr, announced that the new $165.7-million Agricultural Clean Technology Program is now open to applicants. This new program provides farmers and agribusinesses with access to funding to help develop and adopt the latest clean technologies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and enhance their competitiveness. It will allocate $50 million specifically for the purchase of more efficient grain dryers. The new program has two funding streams: •
The Adoption Stream will support the purchase and installation of proven clean technologies and solutions that show meaningful reductions in GHG emissions.
The Research and Innovation Stream will support pre-market innovation including research, development, demonstration and commercialization of agricultural clean technologies.
The two-step intake process to apply launches today. Applications will be accepted on a continuous basis until funding has been fully committed or otherwise announced by the program. For more information about eligibility and to apply, visit Agricultural Clean Technology Program: Research and Innovation Stream or Agricultural Clean Technology Program: Adoption Stream. In Budget 2021, the Government of Canada also announced its intention to return a portion of the proceeds from the price on pollution directly to farmers in backstop jurisdictions (currently Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario), beginning in 2021-22. It is estimated farmers would receive $100 million in the first year. Returns in future years will be based on proceeds from the price on pollution collected in the prior fiscal year, and are expected to increase as the price on pollution rises. Further details will be announced later in 2021. Quotes “We have been listening to farmers and producers in the Prairies and across Canada. The Agricultural Clean Technology Program will help our farmers and agricultural businesses adopt new technologies so they can continue to lead the way. We also recognize that many farmers use natural gas and propane in their operations, which is why the Government of Canada has made grain drying a priority focus under the program. We will continue to make investments in our people, our products, and our processes to make Canadian agriculture more competitive and resilient in the years to come." - The Honourable Jim Carr, Minister and Special Representative for the Prairies continued on page 14
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Program Open to Help Farmers and AgriBusinesses Develop and Adopt Clean Technologies Quick facts •
The agriculture sector has generated approximately 10% of Canada’s total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions annually since 1990. Canada’s agricultural industry is already making contributions in the fight against climate change, as farmers and agri-businesses continue to make their operations more sustainable. Thanks to innovative best practices and technologies, agricultural production in Canada has doubled over the last 22 years while emissions have remained relatively stable. The new $165.7-million Agricultural Clean Technology Program will focus on three priority areas: green energy and energy efficiency; precision agriculture; and the bioeconomy. The program will allocate $50 million specifically for the purchase of more efficient grain dryers for farmers across Canada and $10 million towards powering farms with clean energy and moving off diesel. The program’s two-step application process includes first submitting a Project Summary Form, which will help to determine a project’s eligibility and alignment with program criteria and priorities. Those successful at this stage will be invited to submit a full application. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada estimates that this program has the potential to reduce up to 1 megaton of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide
equivalent) from the Earth’s atmosphere. •
The new program is part of the government’s strengthened climate plan, A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy, which is a key pillar in the government’s commitment to create over one million jobs, restoring employment to pre-pandemic levels.
As part of this climate plan, the Government of Canada launched the $185 million, 10-year Agricultural Climate Solutions (ACS), to help develop and implement farming practices to sequester carbon and tackle greenhouse gas emissions. Budget 2021 committed an additional $200 million to support the adoption of practices that will accelerate emission reductions in the sector.
Associated links •
Agricultural Clean Technology Program: Research and Innovation Stream
Agricultural Clean Technology Program: Adoption Stream
Helping farmers and food processors adopt clean technologies to reduce emissions and enhance competitiveness
A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy
Agricultural Climate Solutions
Feed Regulatory Modernization Consultation
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has launched a 90-day public consultation from June 12 to September 10, 2021, to gather feedback on the proposed changes to the Feeds Regulations, 1983. We are seeking feedback from the public, academia, other government departments, and organizations or individuals with an interest in livestock feeds in Canada. You can participate in this consultation in different ways: •
• •
Read the proposed regulations in Canada Gazette Part I and submit your comments using the online regulatory consultation system
manufacturing technologies, emergence of new pathogens and disease agents, heightened consumer awareness of food safety, climate change, and increased globalization of trade. Amendments to the Feeds Regulations are required to establish a feed framework that includes hazard analysis, preventive controls, traceability, increased record-keeping requirements, and licensing. These changes will better align with international regulatory frameworks and best practices. This will enable the CFIA and regulated sectors to better understand and manage risks that livestock feeds pose to animal health, human health and the environment, and will support proactive practices for managing those risks. The ultimate objective is to develop a modernized risk- and outcome-based regulatory framework for feeds that:
Read the proposed documents incorporated by reference
protects public, animal and plant health, and the environment
Read the fact sheets and guidance documents to better understand the proposed regulations
reduces unnecessary regulatory burden, overlap and redundancy for stakeholders
addresses gaps, weaknesses, and inconsistencies
better aligns regulatory frameworks with the strategic objectives of the CFIA and the government's priorities related to economic prosperity and border security
supports fair and competitive trade in the market
allows for innovation and flexibility through outcome-based regulations
Join a webinar
Background Information from the CFIA The proposed amendments to the federal Feeds Regulations, 1983, would be a major update and aim to improve livestock feed and food safety in Canada, reflect international standards and keep up with industry innovation, science and technology. Feed and livestock production sectors in Canada and abroad have evolved considerably since 1983, operating in an environment influenced by several changing factors such as: nutritional advancements, feed manufacturing and distribution changes, innovation in feed
Environmental Farm Plan Workshops Update (Source: Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development) Environmental Farm Plans (EFP) are an essential part of every farm operation. These workshops will guide producers through the EFP workbook to help assess and identify the environmental assets and risks on their farm operations, and develop an action plan to address the identified risks. Workbooks and support material will be provided to those who attend. There is no preparation required for this workshop.
EFPs must be renewed every five years to remain valid. If you are unsure if your EFP is valid, please contact KAP to inquire at (204) 697-1140. Due to COVID-19, all EFP workshops will be taking place virtually via Online Meetings until further notice. To register for an EFP workshop, click on the link Register now! for the date of your choice below. Once registered, you will then receive an email with a link to access the meeting. Workbooks are mailed and you should receive yours approximately 1 week prior to the workshop. You can also visit this link to register:
https://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/environment/ events-and-deadlines/index.html Upcoming Environmental Farm Plan Workshops
1:30 July 14, 3:30 2021 PM
Register now!
June 30, 2021
Aug. 11, 2021
1:30 3:30 PM
Register now!
July 28, 2021
Aug. 25, 2021
1:30 3:30 PM
Register now!
Aug.11, 2021
1:30 Sept. 3:30 8, 2021 PM
Register now!
Aug.25, 2021
Important Changes to AgriStability for 2020 and 2021 On March 25, 2021, federal, provincial and territorial Ministers of Agriculture agreed to the following changes to the AgriStability program: •
the reference margin limit has been removed retroactive to the 2020 program year the deadline to enrol for the 2021 program year has been extended from April 30 to June 30, 2021
AgriStability is one of the business risk management programs under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership. It protects Canadian producers against large declines in farming income for reasons such as
production loss, increased costs and market conditions. AgriStability is a margin based program designed to help producers manage large income declines. Each year, you must enrol in the program, pay your fee and submit a form by the applicable deadlines. You may receive a payment if your production margin in the current year falls below your historical reference margin by more than 30%. Use the AgriStability Benefit Estimator to help you understand how the program works and to calculate an estimated benefit. For more information on participating, visit Who is eligible? and How to apply.
Verified Beef Production Plus Learn online and win! VBP+ enables beef cattle producers to publicly demonstrate their commitment to responsible stewardship of both cattle and the environment. Getting VBP+ certified verifies the responsible practices on your beef cattle operation to your customers - consumers, retailers, and buyers. There are currently over 1.6 million beef cattle under the management of certified VBP+ operations in Canada. • VBP+ training is web-based and can take place at your leisure around daily chores. • Manitoba producers who complete the online training by July 31, 2021 will be entered in a draw for a cattle vaccine cooler valued at $219.
No pre-registration required. For more information please call Melissa Atchison at (204) 264-0294 or email: verifiedbeefmanitoba@gmail.com • No pre-registration is required. Contact Melissa