E-Newsletter dsfsfa An update from MBP July 2, 2021
Agriculture in the Classroom Manitoba the First Recipient Alexander Cherban Agriculture Industry Development Program (June 30, 2021 Province of Manitoba News Release) The
Manitoba government and the Manitoba 4-H Council have selected Agriculture in the Classroom as the first recipient of the Alexander Cherban Agriculture Industry Development Program, Agriculture and Resource Development Minister Blaine Pedersen announced. “We are pleased to honour the fine work of Agriculture in the Classroom as it helps shape young minds and inspire future leaders in the field,” said Pedersen. “This important work helps shape our youth and help develop a better understanding of the important role agriculture plays in all our lives.” The Manitoba government launched the Alexander Cherban Agriculture Industry Development Program in 2020, which supports activities to strengthen industry development and leadership in the agriculture and food industry. The program is administered by the Manitoba 4H Council Inc. Agriculture in the Classroom – Manitoba’s (AITC-M) project entitled The Foundations of Manitoba Agriculture Educator Primer will provide education and awareness to enhance public trust in agriculture. In print, and online, the project will introduce the foundations of Manitoba primary agriculture production. “We are beyond thrilled to be the recipients of this incredible grant,” said Sue Clayton, executive director,
July 2021 Click here for the digital version!
AITC-M. “This new foundational resource will allow us to make major strides in educating teachers about agriculture in Manitoba, and in turn, expand our reach to more students in the coming years. It’s wonderful to reach students with our programs and resources, but when we can educate teachers, the expanse of our reach multiplies to hundreds or even thousands.” The Alexander Cherban Agriculture Industry Development Program provides up to $50,000 per year for projects from Manitoba non-profit organizations, governments or academic institutions for innovative provincewide initiatives that increase public awareness about the importance of agriculture to the economy, build public trust for agriculture and processing, or support agriculture skills development and promotion of agriculture and food related career opportunities. The deadline for the next intake of the Alexander Cherban Agriculture Industry Development Program is July 31. For more information on Alexander Cherban, the program or how to apply, visit www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/industryleadership/acaidf.html or the Manitoba 4-H Council Inc. website at https://4h.mb.ca/alexander-cherban-acaidp/.
Manitoba Beef Producers congratulates AITC-M for being the recipient of this program funding. MBP is a proud supporter of AITC-M activities.
For reliable information and resources please visit:
FCC Economist Says Farm Debt Under Control, Watch For Higher Interest Rates - PortageOnline.com Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef aims to be part of environmental solution - Canadian Cattlemen
PC: Donalee Jones
MBP is excited to share the story of Brett and Chantel McRae as part of our Season 32 Great Tastes of Manitoba / Before the Plate episodes airing this fall. Our thanks to the family for hosting the television production crew last weekend!
COVID-19 Vaccine: Update on Appointment Booking, Eligibility https://manitoba.ca/covid19/vaccine/finder.html to find a location with available doses.
All people aged 12 and up are now eligible to make their first or second-dose appointment. The date of the second appointment must be at least 28 days after the first vaccination. For more information, visit https://manitoba.ca/covid19/vaccine/eligibilitycriteria.html#second-dose. Individuals can book online at http://protectmb.ca or by calling (tollfree) 1-844-MAN-VACC (1-844-626-8222). Appointments and Walk-Ins From June 29 to Sunday, July 4, the Leila super site in Winnipeg will be offering walk-in Pfizer doses for youth aged 12 to 17. Approximately 330 doses will be available daily. In anticipation of significant demand, individuals in line will be given a colourcoded ticket, which will identify a time-slot later in the same day when they will be able to get their vaccine. Parents, caregivers or other adults who have a booked Pfizer appointment can continue to transfer their appointment to a 12- to 17-year-old youth, through the provincial call centre. All super sites, except RBC Convention Centre, are now offering walk-in appointments. The number of walk-ins may vary by day and by site, but are approximately 10 per cent of all doses available. It is important to note that a limited number of walk-ins are available on a daily basis. Sites will continue to prioritize first-dose immunizations for walk-ins when possible. Fifteen medical clinics and pharmacies are regional hubs for AstraZeneca vaccinations. Individuals can use the online vaccine finder at
A complete listing and searchable map of all vaccine sites, including urban Indigenous clinics and pop-up clinics, is available online at http://protectmb.ca. Eligible individuals can book their appointments at these sites online, or by calling (toll-free) 1-844-626-8222 (1-844-MANVACC). Additional Information To be considered fully immunized, individuals require two doses of vaccine. These can be the same or different brands of vaccine. Individuals who are fully vaccinated can now request a digital or physical immunization card. For more information, visit: https://manitoba.ca/covid19/vaccine/immunizati on-record.html#immunization-cards. People who received a COVID-19 vaccine outside of Manitoba should complete the e-form at https://forms.gov.mb.ca/covid-immunizationrecord-request/ to update their immunization information. This e-form can also be used to request other updates or corrections to a COVID19 immunization. Individuals may also contact their local public health office for assistance, if needed. Manitobans are reminded to fill out a second consent form for their second-dose appointment. To fill out and print the consent forms before your appointment, visit: https://manitoba.ca/covid19/vaccine/resources.h tml#forms. More information about the vaccine campaign in Manitoba is available at www.manitoba.ca/vaccine and http://protectmb.ca. All data in this bulletin is current as of June 29 unless noted otherwise.
Update on Fire Danger in the Province greatest threat at this time of year, the possibility of human-caused fires is also a concern. The public is asked to be extra careful with any fireworks displays, campfires or any other activity that could start a wildfire.
(June 30, 2021 Province of Manitoba News Release)
The Manitoba Wildfire Service advises that due to continued dry conditions and hot weather, the fire danger across south and central regions of Manitoba are approaching high to extreme, while danger levels in the north are moderate and continue to increase as well. The public is reminded to use extreme caution around fire, especially in wilderness areas over Canada Day and into the weekend. Fireworks and sky lanterns are prohibited in provincial parks and a permit is required to use them anywhere in the Burn Permit Area. Permits can be obtained at any Manitoba Conservation and Climate office. Campfires are only allowed within an approved pit. The province detected 13 new fires since June 27 and additional lightning starts are anticipated. The majority of the new fire starts were east of Lake Winnipeg. Two new fires are being actioned in the Western Fire Region, northeast of Cedar Lake. In addition, there are multiple wildfires in northwest Ontario with smoke visible from the Whiteshell, Nopiming and Atikaki provincial parks. These fires are not a threat to Manitoba, but continue to be monitored. Work continues on a large wildfire (EA 044) north of the RM of Grahamdale. Provincial fire crews remain assigned to the area and smoke from this fire may be visible at times from PTH 6. Although lightning-caused fires are the
Many municipalities have already proactively implemented burning restrictions this spring, so be sure to check with local municipal offices for more information or view the interactive Current Municipal Burning Restrictions at www.manitoba.ca/wildfire/burn_conditions.ht ml. The province will not issue any burning permits within or areas bordering any municipality where the burning restrictions are already in place. For areas where ATV/UTV use is allowed, riders are reminded they can play a role in protecting Manitoba’s forests. Anyone using an ATV is asked to stay on developed trails, do not ride or idle in tall grass and avoid dry areas. Ensure the ATV has a working spark arrestor, check areas around the engine and exhaust frequently, and carefully remove and extinguish any debris from these areas. Operators are also reminded to be prepared by carrying a fire extinguisher, axe and shovel and regularly check behind you as you ride to ensure nothing has ignited. For further information on Manitoba Wildfire Service, situation updates, restrictions and other important wildfire links go to www.gov.mb.ca/wildfire/ or follow the Twitter account at https://twitter.com/mbgovnews. To report a wildfire, call 911 or the T.I.P. line (toll-free) at 1-800-782-0076.
Applications Being Accepted for Water Source Development for Farms and Ranches improve environmental sustainability of farm operations in Manitoba. Any projects for water source development occurring after April 1 are eligible. Projects will need to be assessed prior to approval, and may require additional components (e.g. fencing of the dugout, alternative watering systems, etc.) in order to meet the BMP criteria. (June 8, 2021 Joint News Release) The
governments of Canada and Manitoba are advising that livestock producers who have been affected by dry conditions on pasture in Manitoba can apply for funding to support water source development under Ag Action Manitoba. Funding is provided through the Managing Livestock Access to Riparian Areas beneficial management practice (BMP) under Ag Action Manitoba – Assurance. Eligible items include: • water source development – constructing new or rehabilitating existing wells or dugouts; • solar, wind or grid-powered alternative watering systems; • permanent fencing to restrict livestock access to surface water and dugouts; and • permanent pipeline development. Ag Action Manitoba – Assurance: Beneficial Management Practices provides targeted incentive programs to agricultural producers and select industry service providers to advance the adoption of BMPs. These practices reduce identified environmental risks, improve agroecosystem resilience, build public trust and
Applications are now being accepted and will be reviewed on an ongoing basis until Sept. 1. Applications can include retroactive expenses incurred as of April 1. Upon project completion, applicants must submit proof of a valid Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) with their claim (see www.ManitobaEFP.ca for more info). The Ag Action Manitoba Program is funded through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership— a five-year (2018-2023), $3-billion investment by federal, provincial and territorial governments to strengthen and grow Canada’s agriculture and agri-food and agri-products sector. This includes a $2-billion commitment that is cost-shared 60 per cent federally and 40 per cent provincially/territorially for programs that are designed and delivered by provinces and territories. Producers can contact their local Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development office, call the department toll-free at 1-84-GROWMB-AG (1-844-769-6224) for more information on any of these programs and services, or go to www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture under Quick Links.
Frequently Asked Questions BMP: Managing Livestock Access to Riparian Areas (503) Q1. When is the deadline to apply? A: Applications must be received no later than 11:59 pm Wednesday, September 1, 2021. Applications will be accepted continuously up to that date and will be reviewed on a weekly basis. They will be assessed by technical reviewers based on the environmental benefit assessment index, program priorities and project planning.
Q2. Do I have to complete my project this fall? A: Yes. The project must be completed and claims submitted by November 5, 2021.
Q3. If I have already done a water source development project this spring, am I eligible? A: Any projects for water source development occurring after April 1, 2021 are eligible. However, projects will need to be assessed prior to approval, and may require additional components (e.g. fencing of the dugout, alternative watering systems, etc.) in order to meet the BMP criteria.
Q4. What do I need to include with my application? A: Please answer the questions provided in either the Farmers Application Form or ISP Application Form, and refer to the BMP Specific Questions listed in either the Farmers Guidebook or ISP Guidebook to assist you. Ensure that you explain the proposed project in detail, current practices on the farm, and the environmental benefit of the new practice. Include an aerial map of the pasture with the location of the existing and proposed water sources identified as well as any fencing (existing and proposed).
Q5. Do I need a valid Environmental Farm Plan Statement of Completion? A: You can submit an application without a valid Statement of Completion, however, if your project is approved, you will be required to provide proof of a valid EFP by November 5, 2021 when you submit your project claim for reimbursement. Environmental Farm Plan workshop dates and locations will be listed at www.ManitobaEFP.ca .
Q6. Are confined livestock operations eligible? A: No. This BMP is focused on livestock in pasture-based systems.
Q7. Do I have to dig a dugout to a specific size? A: All dugout work, including new construction or rehabilitation of an existing location, should follow the dugout construction guideline.
Q8. Can I drill a new well in my yard? A: Drilling a well in the yard is eligible if it is primarily intended for watering livestock on pasture and is the most cost efficient means of doing so. It can be used for supplying water to the yard as well, assuming the pastures are next to the yard. Only the well and pasture components are eligible for funding, not any components used for inyard water.
Q9. Do I need any permits? A: Applicants must meet all regulatory requirements. This may include: A Water Rights License is required for all livestock operations extracting more than 25,000 litres of water (25 m3 or 5,499 Imperial gallons) per day. If developing a new water source, a permit must be obtained in advance of starting work. Approvals from the rural municipality or Crown. Any other standards or approvals as required by law.
Q10. Can I pump / pipe / haul water from an existing water source into a dugout that has gone dry? A: Piping or hauling water from any water source (well, dugout or wetland) into a dugout that has run dry is not eligible.
Q11. Do I have to fence my dugout? A: Dugouts must be fenced to ensure livestock do not have direct access to the water within, which will prevent contamination and protect water quality.
Q12. I just need a water trough or water storage tank. Is this eligible? A: No - watering system components such as watering bowls, troughs or storage tanks are only eligible as a part of a water source development project. However, if your project includes development or rehabilitation of a water source (ex: well or dugout) or management of a riparian area (ex: exclusion fencing), watering system components are eligible.
Q13. How deep does a pipeline need to be? A: Summer pasture pipelines permanently installed underground, and which can be properly winterized before freezing are eligible (ex: installed with a pasture pipeline plow). Above-ground pipelines are ineligible. Projects must be for permanent solutions only.
Q14. Can I apply for a project on a pasture that I rent? A: Yes. Either the landowner or renter can apply. If the renter applies, they must identify the landowner and provide contact information with their application. For pastures on Crown Land, you must get approval from your local Farm Production Extension Specialist – Crown Lands.
Q15. If I have more questions, who can I contact? A: Farmers can visit their local ARD/MASC Service Centre or call toll-free 1-844-769-6224.
Feed Regulatory Modernization Consultation The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has launched a 90-day public consultation from June 12 to September 10, 2021, to gather feedback on the proposed changes to the Feeds Regulations, 1983. We are seeking feedback from the public, academia, other government departments, and organizations or individuals with an interest in livestock feeds in Canada. You can participate in this consultation in different ways: •
Read the proposed regulations in Canada Gazette Part I and submit your comments using the online regulatory consultation system
Read the proposed documents incorporated by reference
Read the fact sheets and guidance documents to better understand the proposed regulations
pathogens and disease agents, heightened consumer awareness of food safety, climate change, and increased globalization of trade. Amendments to the Feeds Regulations are required to establish a feed framework that includes hazard analysis, preventive controls, traceability, increased record-keeping requirements, and licensing. These changes will better align with international regulatory frameworks and best practices. This will enable the CFIA and regulated sectors to better understand and manage risks that livestock feeds pose to animal health, human health and the environment, and will support proactive practices for managing those risks. The ultimate objective is to develop a modernized risk- and outcome-based regulatory framework for feeds that: •
protects public, animal and plant health, and the environment
reduces unnecessary regulatory burden, overlap and redundancy for stakeholders
addresses gaps, weaknesses, and inconsistencies
better aligns regulatory frameworks with the strategic objectives of the CFIA and the government's priorities related to economic prosperity and border security
supports fair and competitive trade in the market
allows for innovation and flexibility through outcome-based regulations
Join a webinar
Background Information from the CFIA The proposed amendments to the federal Feeds Regulations, 1983, would be a major update and aim to improve livestock feed and food safety in Canada, reflect international standards and keep up with industry innovation, science and technology. Feed and livestock production sectors in Canada and abroad have evolved considerably since 1983, operating in an environment influenced by several changing factors such as: nutritional advancements, feed manufacturing and distribution changes, innovation in feed manufacturing technologies, emergence of new
Environmental Farm Plan Workshops Update (Source: Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development) Environmental Farm Plans (EFP) are an essential part of every farm operation. These workshops will guide producers through the EFP workbook to help assess and identify the environmental assets and risks on their farm operations, and develop an action plan to address the identified risks. Workbooks and support material will be provided to those who attend. There is no preparation required for this workshop.
EFPs must be renewed every five years to remain valid. If you are unsure if your EFP is valid, please contact KAP to inquire at (204) 697-1140. Due to COVID-19, all EFP workshops will be taking place virtually via Online Meetings until further notice. To register for an EFP workshop, click on the link Register now! for the date of your choice below. Once registered, you will then receive an email with a link to access the meeting. Workbooks are mailed and you should receive yours approximately 1 week prior to the workshop. You can also visit this link to register:
https://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/environment/ events-and-deadlines/index.html Upcoming Environmental Farm Plan Workshops
1:30 July 14, 3:30 2021 PM
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June 30, 2021
Aug. 11, 2021
1:30 3:30 PM
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July 28, 2021
Aug. 25, 2021
1:30 3:30 PM
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Aug.11, 2021
1:30 Sept. 3:30 8, 2021 PM
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Aug.25, 2021
Verified Beef Production Plus Learn online and win! VBP+ enables beef cattle producers to publicly demonstrate their commitment to responsible stewardship of both cattle and the environment. Getting VBP+ certified verifies the responsible practices on your beef cattle operation to your customers - consumers, retailers, and buyers. There are currently over 1.6 million beef cattle under the management of certified VBP+ operations in Canada. • VBP+ training is web-based and can take place at your leisure around daily chores. • Manitoba producers who complete the online training by July 31, 2021 will be entered in a draw for a cattle vaccine cooler valued at $219.
No pre-registration required. For more information please call Melissa Atchison at (204) 264-0294 or email: verifiedbeefmanitoba@gmail.com • No pre-registration is required. Contact Melissa