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Greetings producers and industry stakeholders . I thought 2020 was going to be one for the record books in terms of challenges, but 2021 posed just as many . I do not mean to sound pessimistic or overly negative to start my report, but looking back on the year it’s hard not to think of the challenges the industry faced . However, there were lots of positives as well, and many opportunities I see for the industry moving forward . In this report, I am going to highlight some of the main areas of focus in 2021 from my perspective . Additional topics are covered in the complete Annual Report .
As all in the agriculture sector know, drought was the main challenge of 2021 . We started out the year with an extreme lack of snowfall . This resulted in a lack of spring runoff to fill up dugouts and other important water sources for cattle during the summer months . Soil moisture was also very inadequate to start off the growing season . MBP started advocacy efforts very early . Our initial focus was on water availability . We were pleased when Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development opened up BMP 503 to allow producers to develop other sources of water their livestock .
Following the first few weeks of spring, it was clear the rains wouldn’t come in a sufficient amount to recharge pastures and improve crop/hay growth . This is when MBP shifted its focus from water to feed availability . In a joint industry effort, short-term changes were made by Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC) to encourage grain producers to convert their drought-damaged crops to feed . This change was beneficial for many producers . MASC also triggered the Hay Disaster Benefit for producers enrolled in forage insurance programs very early, which was helpful and demonstrated the severity of the drought . Business Risk Management programs are very important for producers to consider, and MBP continuously provides feedback on the suite of programs available through MASC and others, such as Livestock Price Insurance (formally Western Livestock Price Insurance) .
Advocacy for AgriRecovery was the main focus of our drought relief efforts over the summer . Working in collaboration with the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) and our counterparts in various provincial and national cattle groups, the beef sector was able to attain a substantial amount of AgriRecovery money committed by provincial and federal governments . We were happy to host Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau and other respected officials from provincial and federal governments to help bring the issue to front of mind . In mid-summer when the drought was at its peak, some producers were forced to sell off a portion of their herds . When we stressed the need for AgriRecovery, MBP sought a two-pronged approach . One was a per head payment to assist in the extraordinary costs associated with maintaining a producer’s herd and the second was a program to help support producers rebuild to pre-drought levels . MBP was pleased to see a multi-pronged program launched, and has continued to seek adjustments to the current program to make it most responsive for producers .
Many ag sector programs are supported through the Canadian Agriculture Partnership which ends in March 2023 . Consultations are well underway for the Next Policy Framework (NPF) which will be the new framework for various program funding streams . MBP, CCA, and other provincial and national cattle associations have been heavily involved in providing feedback on sectoral priorities . The federal, provincial, and territorial agriculture ministers have met multiple times to determine the main areas of focus for the NPF and MBP will continue to provide feedback on this . Climate change is a common policy theme in many government departments, and there will be a big focus going forward on efforts to reduce its impact in the agriculture sector . Tackling climate change challenges is also important to the beef industry, such as threats caused by severe droughts and floods . Beef production has the opportunity to be a major champion in this area given the ecosystem services it provides .
I also believe the environmental benefits beef production provides are key to leveling the playing field between beef and other commodities . For example, if producers can see a financial return for maintaining grassland habitats we may see a slowdown in conversion of native grasslands to commodity grain-producing land . For years MBP has been involved in many environment-related files, with a recent one focusing on grassland enhancement support to producers with funding from the Conservation Trust . I look forward to many other potential funding streams for producers to access . This type of effort by producers and its tie-in to initiatives like the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef has many layers of benefit . It helps maintain precious habitats which have many societal benefits and it also improves public trust in the beef sector .
A main focus of Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development is protein . The province’s goal is to make Manitoba a hub for high quality plant and animal-based protein options . Early in the year, I took part in the Manitoba Protein Summit, an event to drive collaboration and innovation in protein advancement . Over the year, I have been involved in multiple engagements about the protein strategy, recommending what would be beneficial to the beef sector, such as recognition of ecological goods and services .
I cannot look back on 2021 without commenting on the COVID-19 pandemic’s continued impacts . It still affects how we are able to meet and advance files, but we have gotten very good at virtual platforms in the meantime . I was happy to see the vaccines role out and provide us a sense of normality over parts of 2021 . We were very happy to hold some of our fall district meetings in person . I want to greatly thank our board of directors for all they have done, and the leadership of our president Tyler Fulton over the course of the last year as we dealt with pandemic impacts and drought issues . I also greatly thank the team at MBP with whom I have the privilege to work . Without their hard work and dedication to the sector, we would not have seen even close to the amount of support provided for drought impacts .
On a personal front, it was another busy year in the Callum house . We welcomed a second boy to the family, Sullivan . Big brother Cohen has been a great help to mom and dad during this transition from one child to two, which is as busy as they say . They have been very supportive of me as I worked on the drought crisis and many other files throughout 2021 .
Here’s to a great year in 2022, and hopefully the snow keeps building up towards the spring . I am very honoured to continue to work on behalf of Manitoba beef producers on many different opportunities and challenges . CARSON CALLUM, MBP GM