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Reminder: Agricultural Crown Land Lease Auctions to be Held Online Feb. 6-10

The Manitoba government’s agricultural Crown land lease and permit auctions will be held online Feb. 6 to 10, Agriculture Minister Derek Johnson announced January 9.

Leases and permits are available to farmers and ranchers to provide additional land base for agricultural activities. The Agricultural Crown Lands Leasing Program supports the sustainable expansion of livestock in Manitoba, contributes to ecological goods and services, and supports mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

A number of agricultural Crown land parcels will be available to rent for haying, grazing or cropping. The official listing of agricultural Crown lands available for rent can be found at: http://resd.ca/leases_and_permits/LPprope rties.aspx#agLeasePermit.

The online auctions will be hosted by Garton’s Auction Service with further information to follow at https://gartonsauction.com/.

For more information about the upcoming auctions, visit www.manitoba.ca/agriculture/landmanagement/crown-land or contact a Manitoba Agriculture Services Corporation (MASC) service centre. For more information on MASC locations visit: https://masc.mb.ca/masc.nsf/locations.html.

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