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E-Newsletter dsfsfa

Funding to support these projects comes from three endowments, totaling $204 million, that were made to The Winnipeg Foundation between 2018 and 2020. These Trusts are dedicated to land, water, and wildlife conservation.

(April 17, 2023 MHHC Statement) The Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation (MHHC) Board of Directors recently approved more than $10 million in conservation funding for Manitoba-based conservation organizations. Manitoba’s Watershed Districts have been approved to receive up to $7.57 million, with an additional $2.79 million in new grants to support 19 projects delivered by 15 of Manitoba’s leading conservation organizations. These projects are supported by endowments made by the Province of Manitoba and will benefit all Manitobans and work to achieve MHHC’s Vision of “Manitoba landscapes – Alive with people and nature”. The total

“The GROW and Conservation Trusts are building a legacy that will benefit all Manitobans. The funds are invested in local projects that conserve and enhance natural infrastructure and support the implementation of our made-in-Manitoba green plan,” said Environment and Climate Minister Kevin Klein. “With these long-lasting partnerships that we’ve developed, we are inspiring new ideas and projects that may not have been possible until now.”

Establishment of the Conservation Trust, the GROW Trust, and the Wetlands GROW Trusts in Manitoba resulted in permanent revenue sources for new conservation activities.

The Trusts focus on restoring natural areas in the rural continued on page 2

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