MBP E-Newsletter: September 22/2023

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E-Newsletter dsfsfa

Voting Opportunities for the 43rd General Election in Manitoba: Advance Polling Runs Sept. 23-30

(From Elections Manitoba) Manitoba voters have many convenient ways to vote in the upcoming provincial election.

Advance Voting

Advance voting runs for eight days, from Saturday, Sept. 23 until Saturday, Sept. 30. During advance voting, Manitobans can vote at any one of 300 advance polling locations in the province. Hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Saturday and noon to 6 p.m. Sunday with some exceptions. All locations and hours can be found on Elections Manitoba’s website.

There are over 300 advance voting locations throughout the province including every local election office. With advance polls at locations like The Forks, Health Sciences Centre and Richardson International Airport in Winnipeg, Thompson’s City Centre Mall, Brandon Regional Health Centre, plus shopping centres and university campuses across the province, voters will have many convenient options for voting in advance.

Voting on Election Day

Voters can vote at any poll in their electoral division on election day, Oct. 3.

Voters can find their suggested election day and advance polling places on their voter information card or on the Elections Manitoba website. All polling locations and hours are available at the Elections Manitoba website.

Absentee Voting

Voters who will be away on election day and during advance voting can apply for absentee voting. Voters can apply online or at the local election office. The deadline to apply is Sept. 30 at 8 p.m. but voters are encouraged to apply early so they have enough time to receive and return their ballot.

Homebound Voting

Those unable to go in person to a polling place due to a disability may apply to vote at home. Caregivers may also apply to vote at home. Applications are available online or from the local election office. Applications must be received at the local election office by 8 p.m. on Oct. 2.

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An update from MBP September 22, 2023 mbbeef.ca

Provincial election

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Voting With Assistance

In addition to homebound voting, Elections Manitoba provides several services to assist voters:

•Voters may request a language or sign language interpreter. Voters should contact their local election office as early as possible to request this service.

• Polling places have braille ballot templates.

•Voters may bring someone 16 years or older to help them vote or ask a voting officer for help.

•Voters may use their own assistive devices, including smart phone apps, to vote.

•If a voter is unable to go inside the polling place because of a disability, voters can vote from their vehicle.

ID to Vote

All voters require ID to vote, either one piece of government-issued photo ID with their address on it or two other pieces of ID. There are many

options. A complete list of acceptable ID is available on the Elections Manitoba website.

Voters are encouraged to bring their voter information card, which can be used as one piece of ID.

Voters can find information about where to vote, ID requirements, accessible voting, local election office locations and more at www.electionsmanitoba.ca.


https://electionsmanitoba.ca/en/Voting/MyVoti ngInfo.

Elections Manitoba is the independent office of the Legislative Assembly responsible for the administration of provincial elections and byelections.

"Family is everything to our operation… I don’t honestly think that we would be doing what we’re doing without the family dynamic."
Click here to see their story!
Amanda Hamilton-Seward, Amaglen Limousine, Darlingford

For immediate release

September 22, 2023

Winnipeg, MB

Produced on the Prairies

Two Manitoba icons are joining forces! Manitoba Ag Days and Great Tastes of Manitoba are excited to announce a partnership that will help bring stories of agricultural innovation and accomplishment to audiences across Canada.

In celebration of the 35th anniversary season of Great Tastes of Manitoba, the producers of Manitoba’s most watched cooking show will partner with Manitoba Ag Days to create a series of documentaries about the community of passionate people who work in Manitoba’s agricultural and agri-food sector. There is no shortage of stories to tell when it comes to the food, beverage, fuel, fibre, equipment, technology and brain trust that the local agriculture and agri-food sector offers to the world.

“Produced on the Prairies” will premiere at the 2024 Manitoba Ag Days event and will be followed by broadcasts on CTV Winnipeg and The Rural Channel in fall 2024.

“In past seasons, we have primarily showcased folks who work in food production - livestock and grain farmers - from across the province. We’ve compiled over sixty stories about farms and agricultural communities and everyone we’ve met has been so welcoming and genuine in their passion for what they do” says Great Tastes of Manitoba’s Senior Producer, Donalee Jones. “Now, to be able to share the stories, not just about the food produced on the prairies, but of all the ways in which agriculture impacts the life of an average Manitoban, is a very exciting opportunity.” Viewers will get an exclusive behind the scenes look at a world of agriculture that goes well beyond the farm gate. One in twenty jobs in Manitoba is in the agriculture and agri-food sector.

Great Tastes of Manitoba is a farm-to-table cooking series hosted by popular Winnipeg media personality, Dez Daniels. In every episode Dez is joined by a local food expert who shares recipes made with the nutritious and affordable ingredients produced by Manitoba’s farmers. In addition to the delicious recipes, viewers will be taken on a behind the scenes journey into the world of agriculture where they will be introduced to farmers and agricultural communities in our province. Great Tastes has been a staple in the hearts and homes of Manitobans since its establishment in 1991. The series is produced by Frank Digital with funding provided by the Government of Canada and Manitoba Agriculture through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership and Manitoba's farmers and ranchers through their non-profit industry associations: Manitoba Beef Producers, Hello Canola, Manitoba Chicken, Manitoba Crop Alliance, Manitoba Pork, Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers, Manitoba Turkey Producers.

Manitoba Ag Days is Canada’s largest indoor farm show. The 47th annual event will take place Jan 16 – 18th in Brandon, Manitoba. The three-day exposition includes world class speakers, and over 550 exhibitors. During the show, the 540,000 square foot Keystone Centre is transformed into a hub for all things agricultural. “Manitoba Ag Days takes great pride in bringing the ag community together. We strive to create a welcoming environment where farmers can come together to do business, face-to-face, with ag manufacturers, companies and retailers. They can find the latest technology and services to build their businesses.” explained Manitoba Ag Days General Manager, Kristen Phillips.

“It is great to see these two organizations that are so passionate about agriculture come together to celebrate all of the people, products, economic development, job opportunities that are Produced on the Prairies.” said Brad Crammond, Co-Chair of the Manitoba Ag Days Board of Directors. “We can’t wait to share the first episodes at Manitoba Ag Days in January!”

For more information or media inquiries please contact:

(204) 526-0574




Respiratory Virus Update: Bulletin #1: Information re: COVID-19 and Seasonal Flu Vaccinations

(September 19, 2023 Province of Manitoba News Release) Manitoba Health is providing an update to Manitobans about respiratory viruses expected to circulate in the province over the coming months, as well as the provincial plan for COVID-19 and seasonal flu vaccinations.

COVID-19, flu and other respiratory viruses will be circulating this fall and winter. Manitobans can take important steps to help protect themselves, their families and their community. This should include vaccination against flu and COVID-19, as well as good handwashing, cough and sneeze hygiene, staying home when sick and choosing to wear a mask.

Manitobans are reminded the respiratory virus season is expected to put demands on the health-care system because COVID-19, the flu and other respiratory viruses can result in serious and life-threatening illness for some people. Contingency planning is ongoing in case there is a significantly increased health threat from a new variant or pathogen.

Public health officials recommend all previously immunized people aged six months and older receive an updated COVID-19 vaccine this fall. This vaccine should be given six months since a person’s last dose or infection, whichever is later. Public health also continues to recommend the COVID-19 vaccine for anyone who has not been previously immunized.

Updated vaccines will be available this fall and have been formulated to provide better protection against XBB.1.5, which is an offshoot of the omicron variant. To date, Health Canada has approved an updated Moderna vaccine for those six months of age and older and is reviewing updated Pfizer and Novavax vaccines.

Public health officials also recommend all eligible people (aged six months and older) receive a seasonal flu vaccine. The vaccine is formulated every year to protect against the strains of flu virus expected to circulate.

Manitoba also recommends the high-dose flu vaccine for all people aged 65 and older. This vaccine provides older people who are at greater risk of severe illness with a stronger immune response and better protection against infection and serious symptoms.

Vaccination against COVID-19 and seasonal flu is particularly important for people at higher risk of severe outcomes including:

• adults 65 years of age or older;

• residents of long-term care homes or other congregate living settings;

• individuals with underlying medical conditions that place them at higher risk;

• individuals who are pregnant or breastfeeding;

• individuals in or from First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities;

• members of racialized and other equitydeserving communities; and

• people who provide essential community services.

More detailed lists of people at risk from COVID19 and seasonal flu are available at www.gov.mb.ca/covid19/vaccine.html and www.gov.mb.ca/health/flu/index.html

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Respiratory Virus Update: Bulletin #1: Information re: COVID-19 and Seasonal Flu Vaccinations

All individuals 65 years and older are eligible to receive one dose of pneumococcal vaccine (Pneu-P-23), regardless of risk factors or previous pneumococcal vaccination. For more information, individuals should speak with their health-care provider.

Like previous years, the first doses of flu and COVID vaccines shipped to Manitoba will be used to immunize higher-risk populations including First Nations communities, people living in personal care homes or in hospital, as well as health-care workers.

Based on vaccine approvals and deliveries, the province expects the general public may begin to access vaccines by early to mid-October. Vaccines will once again be available at many convenient locations across the province including pharmacies, medical clinics, public health offices and immunization clinics organized by regional health authorities or in partnership with community organizations. Most locations will be posted on the province’s online vaccine finder as details are confirmed at www.gov.mb.ca/covid19/vaccine.html#finder Information will also be available from local public health offices and posted in communities in the coming weeks.

It is safe and effective for people to receive more than one vaccine at a time. Manitobans

who wish to be vaccinated will be able to make a single appointment and receive all vaccines they are eligible for. A single, streamlined consent form for flu, COVID-19 and pneumococcal vaccines will also be introduced this year.

People who have questions about COVID-19 or seasonal flu immunizations should speak with their health-care provider or call Health LinksInfo Santé at 1-888-315-9257 (toll-free) or 204788-8200.

Rapid tests and PCR testing are only recommended for people who are high risk for serious outcomes as they need to know if they have COVID-19 to receive early treatment options such as antivirals. However, rapid test kits continue to be available at no cost at many locations across the province. For more information about testing, including an online map of locations where rapid tests may be available, visit www.gov.mb.ca/covid19/testing.html.

A weekly epidemiology update on COVID-19 and seasonal flu is posted every Friday to help Manitobans stay informed at: www.gov.mb.ca/health/publichealth/surveill ance/influenza/index.html

Celebrating Manitoba Agriculture!

pleased to feature the

The Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre was packed with visitors on September 17 as Discover the Farm kicked off the provincial Farm and Food Awareness Week. MBP was Guardians of the Grasslands grazing simulation video game, kimchi meatball samples, and the new display that promotes hands-on understanding of how the beef industry interacts with many parts of the larger ecosystem. Special thanks to MBP District 2 Director Nancy Howatt, Chef Anna Borys (Great Tastes of Manitoba), and Dr. Kim Ominski (University of Manitoba) for spending part of their day chatting with the 900+ visitors to our space. (Photo credit: David Hultin/ MBP)


Canadian Beef Recipe Contest

Canada Beef is celebrating 50 years of championing all things beef.

To mark the occasion, we’re launching the Family-fave Recipe Contest, highlighting how Canadians share their love for Canadian beef.

Share your FAMILY-FAVE beef recipe!

ENTER NOW for your chance to win beef-centric prizing PLUS cash reward.*


Enter between Aug 29, 2023 (10:00 am ET) until Sept 30, 2023 (midnight).

FULL RULES @ Canadabeef.ca/recipecontest

Get inspired! Check out the new Canadian Beef Information Gateway, for cooking know-how and recipes for over 70 cuts of Canadian Beef!


How to Enter:

• Enter on-line at canadabeef.ca/recipecontest

• Alternate: Mail In Entry: Print off the Entry Form from canadabeef.ca/recipe contest and fill-in the information to include with your recipe copy and mail to:

Family-fave Recipe Contest

Canada Beef

2550 Argentia Rd

Mississauga, ON, L5N 5R1

*PRIZING – Two Ways to Win:

• 5 recipe prize winners to be selected. Each Recipe Winner will receive a prize of $1,000.00 cash plus one (1) Canada Beef Look What’s Cooking prize pack. Approximate value in total is $1,120.00. PLUS - The 5 winning recipes will be featured in the Winner’s Circle of the Canadian Beef Information Gateway.

• Plus Grand Prize Draw: all Qualified Entries will be entered into a draw for a chance to win One Grand (1) Prize: - 1 (one) Big Green Egg MiniMax barbecue/smoker

- 1 (one) Canada Beef Steak Your Claim prize pack.

Approximate value in total is $1,245.00 *A Qualified Entry has completed the manditory fields in the Entry Form + submitted a recipe as per the Recipe Template.


Canada Beef announces Eric Bienvenue as Incoming President

September 19, 2023

Calgary, AB – Canada Beef and the Canadian Beef Check-off Agency are pleased to announce that Eric Bienvenue will join the team as Incoming President effective Tuesday, October 3, 2023. A strategic leader with nearly 30 years of experience in senior leadership roles in the Canadian pork and poultry industries, Bienvenue brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to Canada Beef.

Canada Beef President Michael Young said Bienvenue’s extensive experience in the animal protein sector will serve him well in his new role. “He brings a solid business acumen, collaborative leadership skills and the drive needed to support the continued success and prosperity of the Canadian cattle and beef sector,” he said.

Under Young’s leadership, the Canadian beef industry has experienced some of the highest beef demand, export volume and values in decades. In 2022, Canadian beef exports reached the second largest volume on record which at 511,000 tonnes missed the all-time record by 10,000 tonnes set in 2002. Canadian beef export value set a new record of $4.6 billion last year.

Bienvenue will be based in Calgary, Alberta and will complete a six-month transition period and mentorship under Young until his retirement in March 2024, following a five-year term as president. Bienvenue will assume the role and title of Canada Beef President upon Young’s retirement.

Russ Mallard, chair of the Market Development and Promotion Committee which provides operational oversite to Canada Beef under the Agency, led the executive search committee with Agency board members Jeff Smith, Trevor Welch, and Chad Ross with support from Young. “The search committee oversaw a rigorous four-month review process that considered several highly qualified candidates,” Mallard said. “We are pleased to welcome Eric to the sector.”

Prior to joining Canada Beef, Bienvenue served for several years as President and CEO of Boire et Frères Inc., Canada’s largest hatchery company and among its biggest chicken producers. Here Bienvenue and his team attained significant achievements in market gain, business ventures, optimization of assets, cost effectiveness, and customer satisfaction.

During his more than 20 years at Olymel S.E.C, Bienvenue held various jobs from line supervisor to Executive Vice President of all pork operations, with responsibilities for 13 plants across Canada and a team of more than 6,500 people. While at Olymel he participated in mergers and acquisitions and led initiatives to improve efficiencies and market and product developments and was responsible for multi-million-dollar projects in Red Deer, Alberta, Cornwall, Ontario, and in Quebec.

Bienvenue has a Master of Business Administration degree from Université de Moncton, a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of New Brunswick, and various leadership certifications from Harvard University and the Institut de Leadership.

A native of St-Valerien, Quebec, Bienvenue enjoys hockey, golf, and traveling. He and his wife Shannon have two children, William, and Catherine.

For more information, please contact: Gina Teel, APR

Communications Canada Beef c. 403.875.3616

Canada Beef Incoming President Eric Bienvenue

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