Automatic Car Wash Machine and Its Benefits!

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Automatic Car Wash Machine and Its Benefits!

Why Automatic Car Wash Considered as Best Choice? If you are a resident of India, you might be noticing people’s inclination towards owning a car and making it a prized possession. You are likely aware of the fact of how important cars are turning to people. They are love and can be seen everywhere and of every segment. Cars fall under different shapes, sizes, class segment and even needs to be treated differently when it comes to its maintenance. Few of the well-kept car looks appealing while those cars whose maintenance in terms of the car wash is neglected can be a victim of spots and marks leading to loss of people attending.

Anywhere you rotate your eyes you will see endless roads covered with cars. For keeping the car in a healthy condition, being a car owner you need to get your car regularly maintained. The easiest way of dealing with the task of regular car maintenance is taking your car at the doorstep of any car washing outlet. One of the best ways to protect the external look of the car you need to have a thorough and consistent car wash. With noticeable advancement in science and technology, maintaining cleanliness of your car is no longer an expensive or time-consuming task especially with the evolution of amazing car wash practice termed as an automatic car wash system. In 1946, Automatic car wash was introduced in North America. You know this new and advanced way of the car wash is not just amazingly convenient but even far more effective when compared to the self-serve or manual car wash. The design and appearance were similar to the automatic car washes of recent days, implementing a conveyor belt style approach. Before, automatic car washes were designed in long building form which had the appearance of a tunnel. All the cars were pulled then

through the designed tunnel-like structure over a conveyor, further being cleaned with the help of series of bristles which rotated, wiping pads and water spraying nozzles. The car owners register a substantial number of complaints related to traditional automatic car washes claiming that they were too harsh while cleaning the exterior of the car. In few of the cases, grinding dirt and another contaminant into the clear coat actually, leaves scratched paint surface. Automatic car wash method has moved on to a long way since its introduction. Now, in the present scenario you can expect deep clean and thorough shine by investing in automatic car wash service, without taking tension of damage caused to the vehicles. The benefit of an Automatic Car Wash: Like a normal car wash owner, even I would not invest in getting any service without knowing its advantages or being aware of its disadvantages. So, below are certain advantages of using an automatic car wash that will be beneficial for both; environment and you. Most the people might not realize the favor that you are doing to the environment. Using an automatic car wash in place of the manual car wash at home, you are actually taking care of your environment. In fact, there are countries where washing car at the doorstep is against the law like few places in Canada. Few of the environmental benefits achieved from the automatic car washes are:

• Less consumption of water • Less waste • Environmental-friendly products • Recycled water An in-depth discussion about the benefit caused by automatic car wash: • WATER CONSUMPTION:

Automatic car washes are quite efficient when you talk about water usage. Having repeated the same work task of regular basis, automatic car washes use an efficient water quantity to get your car wash done. When you get your car washed at your home you will surely end up wasting buckets of water even if you take care of preserving water. It is estimated that an average automatic car wash uses less than ¼th water quantity when compared to manual car wash done at home. • TECHNOLOGICAL IMPROVEMENTS: Most of the drivers over the road still connect automatic car washes with the ancient automatic car washes dated back to the days of the 70s. Those systems featured few fairly abrasives bristles brushes and pads and less soft car cleaning products. So, if you are comparing automatic car wash then and now, today's car wash technology has covered a long way. Soft foam, brushes and other technologies that don’t hold dirt and debris, ensures that the car paint task remains intact and scratch-free. The cleaning method used today much more, user, vehicle and environmentally friendly which justifies its base for trust. EMPIRICAL EVIDENCES: Many kinds of research have gone into creating better technology and converting automatic car washes more efficient. Researches and studies highlight that wide improvements have been brought in the last few decades with advancement in technology that brings out the best-automated cleaning process. These researches have concluded that home DIY car wash that people think safe, let me tell you that is more harmful to both; car and environment. Less effective car washing products and uneven pressure of water will definitely lead to scratched car painted surface. Along with it, the water runs off flows back to the sewage system or local supply along with the residue of car wash chemicals. ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION: An automated car wash machine is much environmentally friendly than a car wash done at home for two basic reasons: • Waste runoff The first error is the wastewater running off during the home wash. All the water consumed while a home wash. All the water consumed during a car wash done at home will flow down into the public water systems. This dirty water constitutes harmful chemicals and other contaminants found in the product you used for car washing.

• Water usage Washing the car at the doorstep of home uses more water than an automated car wash machine. Not only excess of water is wasted at the manual home car wash but it even enhances your water bill. An automated car wash uses the water reclamation system for regulating the water amount being for a car wash. In the end, you must understand every aspect and prospects has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, get your car treated best with best car cleaning products available at the platform of Manmachine Works. For more details get connected to us through 93-133-57889.

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