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Appendix C: Virtual Interview Consent Form
Appendix C: Virtual Interview Consent Form
SCAD E-learning Consent to Participate in Research
Study Title: Understanding the needs required to continually live and work in compact residential environments holistically.
Persons Responsible for Research:
Principle Graduate Student Investigator: Emanuel Bazinet, INDS MA Candidate Faculty Advisor: Professor Bonnie Casamassima Study Description: The purpose of this research study is to explore how individuals are coping with the current perpetual condition of working, living, and relaxing within their home during the lockdowns. Time Estimated to Complete Interview: 30-60 minutes Risks/Benefits: Risks to participants are considered to be no more than encountered in everyday life. There will be no costs for participating, nor will you benefit from participating other than to further design/research education and knowledge. This interview should take approximately 30 to 60 minutes to complete. Confidentiality: Your interview responses may be kept entirely confidential if desired. Please select an option below, determining whether your name should be used in any research reports or presentations. Data from this study will be saved on a password-protected computer for two years. Only the Principle Graduate Student Investigator and the Faculty Advisor will have access to the information. Voluntary Participation: Your participation in this study is voluntary. You may choose to not answer any of the questions or withdraw from this study at any time without penalty. Your decision will not change any present or future relationship with the Savannah College of Art and Design or the Graduate Student Investigator or Faculty Advisor. For more information about the study or procedures, contact Emanuel Bazinet at ebazin20@student.scad.edu or Professor Bonnie Casamassima at bcasamas@scad.edu.
Research Subject’s Consent to Participate in Research: To voluntarily agree to participate in this study, you must check the box below and one of the confidentiality statements below. Checking below indicates that you have read this consent form and have had all of your questions answered and that you are 18 years of age or older.
Checking this box indicates that you have read this consent form and have had all of your
questions answered and that you are 18 years of age or older.
I agree to have my name identified within any research reports and/or presentations, along with quotes from my interview without review. I agree to have my name identified within any research reports and/or presentations, along with quotes from my interview with prior review. I prefer to not have my name identified within any research reports and/or presentations.