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Reg. No. : .................................... Name : .........................................
Third Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, June 2009
(2003 Scheme) 03-302 : BIO-PROCESS CALCULATIONS (B) Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
Instruction : Specify all the nomenclature. PART – A
Marks : 30
Answer all questions. All questions carries equal marks divided equally among parts if any. 1. Distinguish between stored forms of energy and energy in transit, in a thermodynamic sense. 2. Define standard heat of reaction and standard heat of formation of a compound. 3. Draw the batch growth curve of an organism. Discuss each phase. 4. Differentiate between facilitated diffusion and active transport. 5. What is the role of NADH, NADH2+ in producing cellular energy ? 6. What is carmelization ? 7. Which gas is used to sterilize equipment ? 8. Explain considerations in medium formulation. 9. Briefly describe the activated sludge process and its recent innovations. 10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of continuous fermentation processes over batch processes ?
Marks : 60
Answer any one question from each Module. All questions carry equal marks : MODULE – I 1. a) If 100 g of Na2SO4 is dissolved in 200 g of H2O and the solution is cooled until 100 g of Na2SO4 - 10 H2O crystallized out, find a) The composition of the remaining solution b) The grams of crystals recovered per 100 g of initial solution.
b) Differentiate between i) Lower heating value and higher heating value of fuels ii) Internal Energy and Enthalpy iii) Adiabatic and isothermal operations.
OR 2. a) If the standard heat of formation for H2O (l) is –285.838 KJ / g mol and the heat of evaporation is 44.012 kJ/g mol at 25ºC and 1 atm, what is the standard heat of formation of H2O (g) ?
b) Explain adiabetic reaction temperature and state its practical application.
c) Write the energy balance for a steady state flow process with no chemical reaction. How will this equation change for adiabatic conditions ?
MODULE – II 1. a) The conversion of glucose to lactic acid has an overall Δ G’ of –52,000 cal/ mole. If anaerobic, the cell synthesises 2 moles of ATP per more of glucose. 2 ADP + 2Pi → 2 ATP ΔG ′ = 7700 Cal / mole (per mole of ADP)
i) Calculate ΔG′ for the overall coupled reaction ii) Calculate the energy efficiency of the anaerobic cell. b) Discuss oxygen consumption during aerobic fermentations, what does critical dissolved O2 concentration indicate ? OR
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2. a) Describe the changes in ATP during oxidative phosphorylation. Give explanation for efficiency of the process. 10 b) What do you understand by chemostat culture ? Is it a steady state operation ? What is the relation between specific growth rate and dilution rate ? 10 MODULE – III 1. a) Discuss kinetics of death rate of microorganism. Derive the relation between death rate constant and viable cell mass. b) How are gases sterilized ? OR
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2. a) What considerations are taken for designing an industrial fermentation process and the fermenter. 15 b) Elaborate the methods used in i) Mechanical cell disruption ii) Non mechanical cell disruption.