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Module – II 14. State necessary conditions for transfer function. Why there is restriction on poles in s-plane location ? Explain. 10 15. Find the relationship between Z-parameter and Y parameters. Hence write π section in terms of Y - parameters. 10 16. Z parameters of two port network are Z11 = 6 Ω , Z22 = 4 Ω , Z12= Z21= 3 Ω . Compute ABCD parameters. Find equivalent T section.


Module – III 17. For the coupled circuit, find the ratio of output voltage to source voltage.

18. a) Define the terms Q factor and selectivity. b) Establish the relationship between quality factor and resonant frequency of RLC tuned circuit. 19. Compare the frequency response of Butterworth and Chebyshev filter of second order. How the filter order is determined from filter specifications ? _______________


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PART – B Answer two questions from each Module. Module – I 11. Find the Thevenin equivalent circuit for the network.


12. The network contains a single current I = 12 < 90° amp. Determine the voltage V2 at node 2. Apply the reciprocity theorem and compare the results. 10

13. A series RL circuit with R = 50 Ω and L = 10 H has a constant voltage V = 100 V applied at t = 0 by the closing of a switch. Find a) the equations for i, VR and VL, 10 b) the current at t = 0.5 seconds and c) the time at which VR= VL.



(Pages : 3)

Reg. No. : .................................... Name : .........................................

III Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, June 2009 (2003 Scheme) 03-305 : NETWORK ANALYSIS (TA) Time : 3 Hours

Max. Marks : 100

PART – A Answer all questions. 1. Compare Norton’s and Thevenen’s Theorems. 2. State and explain maximum power transfer theorem. 3. What are the basic signal representations ? 4. Explain pole-zero plot. 5. What are the different types of attenuators ? 6. What are Bode plots ? 7. What is Bessel-Thompson response ? 8. What is Image Impedance ? 9. What are single tuned and double tuned circuits ? 10. Explain resonance in parallel circuits.

(10×4=40 Marks)


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