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Reg. No. : ................................. Name : .....................................
Third Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, June 2009 (2003 Scheme) 03 307 : Building Drawing I (C) Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Instruction : Drawing sheets to be supplied. PART A Answer all questions. Each questions carries 5 marks. 1. Explain basic design principles of stair. 2. List different roofing materials and their fixing over steel truss. 3. Explain the advantages of computer aided civil engineering drawing. 4. Sketch symbols in drawing for a) Church
b) Railway line
c) Rubble masonry
d) Glass PART B
Answer one question from each module. Each question carries 40 marks. Module I 5. Draw the plan of odd and even courses of, a) Two brick wall in English bond. b) One brick wall in Flemish bond.
6. Draw the plan; elevation; section and fixing and locking arrangements a) an wooden ventilator, glazed, 600 mm × 450 mm. Give all dimensions b) Flush door, best quality ply wood and teak wood frame 1000 mm×2100 mm. Give all dimensions. Module II 7. Draw the elevation of a king post truss 8 M clear span. Wall thickness two brick wall, plastering 9 mm thick both side. Draw the details of any two joints. 8. Draw the elevation of a steel truss 16 M clear span. Use steel angles and plates, rivet connections asbestos roofing 1/5 slope.