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Reg. No. : .................................... Name : .........................................
Third Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, November 2009 (2008 Scheme) Branch : Civil 08.304 : CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
Instruction: Answer all questions. PART – A I. a) What is bulking of sand ? b) Discuss air entrainment and its effect. c) Explain the physical properties of port land cement. d) Discuss the effect of impurities in water on properties of concrete. e) Explain the factors affecting workability. f) Write a short note on Ready mix concrete. g) Discuss the materials used for form work. h) Explain mix proportioning of concrete. What is meant by grade of concrete ? (8×5=40 Marks) PART – B Module – I II. a) Explain the test for grading of aggregates. b) Explain the formation and hydration of portland cement.
10 10
OR III. a) What are admixtures ? Give functions and classification of admixtures. b) Explain heat of hydration and its effect.
12 8 P.T.O.
8206 Module – II
IV. a) How is workability assessed ? What are the recommended values for various work ?
b) Differentiate between segregation and bleeding. Explain methods for minimising them. 10 OR V. a) Explain different methods of curing concrete. b) Explain placing of concrete for under water construction.
12 8
Module – III VI. a) Explain how modulus of rupture of concrete is determined. b) Discuss the factors affecting durability of concrete.
10 10
OR VII. a) Explain the IS method for concrete mix design.
b) Discuss the nondestructive testing of concrete.