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Reg. No. : .................................... Name : .........................................

Third Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, November 2009 (2008 Scheme) 08.306 : COMPUTER ORGANIZATION (RF) Time : 3 Hours

Max. Marks : 100 PART – A

Answer all questions.

(10×4=40 Marks)

1. How is branch instruction sequencing done ? 2. Specify the use of following registers : MAR, MDR, IR, PC. 3. What is meant by addressing modes ? Specify with examples. 4. How is virtual memory implemented ? 5. Explain the I/O interface – SCSI. 6. Explain the sequence of control signals generated for a memory write operation. 7. What is a microprogrammed control unit ? 8. Explain Flash memory. 9. Discuss the use of associative memory. 10. What is the use of Translation Lookaside Buffer in a paging mechanism ? P.T.O.


8237 PART – B Answer any one question from each Module. Module – I

11. a) Explain in detail the various addressing modes used by the PDP-11 processor.


b) What is a subroutine ? What are the steps that occur during a subroutine Call and Ret Instruction ?


OR 12. Explain the basic operation sequence of a processor while executing a complete instruction.


Module – II 13. a) With a diagram explain the functioning of a hardwired control unit. b) With a diagram explain the input and output gating for one register bit.

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OR 14. a) Explain the control sequence for the execution of the instruction Add (R3), R1.


b) Explain the three bus organization of the data path inside a processor.


Module – III 15. What is the principle behind cache memory ? Explain the various mapping schemes used for mapping the primary memory to cache memory. 20 OR 16. a) With a diagram, explain how memory interleaving reduces average memory access time. b) What are the various RAID levels ? Explain. ———————

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