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Reg. No. : .................................... Name : .........................................
Combined First and Second Semester (S1 S2) B.Arch. Degree Examination, June 2009 (2008 Scheme) STRUCTURAL MECHANICS – I Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
Instructions: 1) Answer all questions in Part – A. Each question carries 5 marks. 2) Answer one question from each Module in Part – B. Each question carries 15 marks. PART – A 1. Explain Free-body diagram. 2. Explain all the support conditions that can occur in a beam. 3. What is meant by radius of gyration ? 4. What are the assumptions made in the analysis of trusses ? 5. Explain the method of sections in the analysis of trusses. 6. Give definitions for various elastic constants. 7. Define shear force and bending moment. 8. Why do we use I.S. codes ? PART – B Module – 1 9. Three forces 200 N, 300 N and 400 N act along three sides of an equilateral triangle taken in order. Find the magnitude and line of action of the resultant force. 10. Four forces equal to P, 2P, 3P and 4P are acting along four sides of a square ABCD taken in order. Find the characteristics of the resultant. P.T.O.
Module – 2 11. Find the moment of inertia of a hollow section shown in figure about an axis passing through its C.G. and parallel to X-X (horizontal) axis.
12. Find the moment of inertia of a T-section shown in figure about X-X (horizontal) axis passing through the C.G. of the section.
Module – 3 13. A load of 5 kN is to be raised with the help of a steel wire. Find the minimum diameter of the steel wire required if the stress is not to exceed 120 N/mm2. 14. A metal bar, 50 mm × 50 mm in section is subjected to an axial compressive load of 500 kN. The contraction of a 200 mm gauge length is found to be 0.5 mm and the increase in thickness is 0.04 mm. Find the value of Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio. Module – 4 15. A cantilever beam of span 3 m is carrying a u.d.l. of 1 kN/m throughout the entire span and a central point load of 1 kN. Draw the SFD and B.M.D. 16. A simply supported beam of span 6 m is carrying a u.d.l. of 2 kN/m throughout its entire span. It also carries a load of 2 kN at a point 4 m from the left support. Draw the SFD and BMD. ———————