Branch C08.302 HUMANITIES (MPUE)

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(Pages : 3)

Reg. No. : ..................................... Name : ..........................................

Third Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, November 2009 (2008 Scheme) 08.302 : HUMANITIES (MPUE) Time : 3 Hours

Max. Marks : 100

Instruction : Answer Part – I and Part – II in Separate answer book. PART – I Economics Time : 2 Hours

Marks : 70 PART – A

I. Write short notes on :

(10×3=30 Marks)

a) Appropriate Technology. b) Production Possibility Curve. c) Law of Demand. d) Opportunity Cost. e) Inflation. f) Global Financial Meltdown. g) Sustainable Development h) Poverty. i) Elasticity of infinity. j) Short and Long Term Demand Forecasting. P.T.O.




PART – B II. a) Discuss the static and dynamic functions of money. OR b) Explain the concept of Returns to Scale. Illustrate different types of returns to scale. III. a) Discuss the salient features of New Industrial Policy - 1991. OR b) How are population growth, poverty and land pressures interrelated ? Explain how these problems can create a vicious cycle of events ? (20×2=40 Marks)

PART – II Accountancy Time : 1 Hour

Marks : 30

Answer any two questions : 1. a) Explain the importance of accounting in the modern business world. b) What is a Journal ? Explain the different steps involved in the preparation of Journal. 2. Write short notes on : a) Ledger accounts b) Cash book c) Accounting packages.




3. From the following Trial Balance of a trader as on 31st December 1994 prepare Trading and Profit and Loss account and a Balance Sheet. Trial Balance as on 31st December 1994. Particulars Capital Purchases Purchase returns Sales Sales returns Stock on 1st January 1994

Dr. Amount Rs.

Cr. Amount Rs. 40,500

45,000 3,000 72,000 2,000 15,000

Cash in hand






Commission received


Discount earned


Wages Carriage on purchases

1,500 500

Sundry creditors


Sundry debtors






Land and building

30,000 1,22,500

Stock on 31st December 1994 is Rs. 21,000.


1,22,500 (2Ă—15=30 Marks)

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