Electronics & Communication 08.303 NETWORK ANALYSIS (TA) - Copy

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Third Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, November 2009 (2008 Scheme) Branch : Electronics & Communication 08.303 : NETWORK ANALYSIS (TA) Time : 3 Hours

Max. Marks : 100 PART – A

Answer all questions 1. Find the expression for the current in an RC series circuit with R =10Ω, C = 100μf when a voltage u (t) = 100+100 sin 300 t is applied to this. 2. State and explain initial and final value theorem. 3. What are transmission parameters ? Find the transmission parameters of the network V1 = 4 I1 + I2, I1 = V 2 – 3 I2. 4. Briefly explain propagation constant and characteristic impedance. 5. Explain the terms Resonance, Bandwidth and Q factor. 6. Plot the following functions : a) 5 u (t+4) b) δ (t+5) c) –5 r (t–2) d) –4 u (t–5) 7. Plot XL, XC and R as functions of frequency ω for a series RLC circuit. 8. Explain how a given T-network is converted to π network and vice-versa. 9. Define standard test signals and give their Laplace transforms. P.T.O.




10.What is the voltage VAB across the resistor shown ?

(10 ×4 = 40 Marks) PART – B Answer any two from each module. MODULE – I 11. Replace the active network shown below with a Norton’s equivalent circuit at the terminals AB.




12. Find the value of RL in the network that will absorb maximum power and specify the value of power.

13. Determine the Laplace transform for the following: a) 1) Voltage u (t) = 10 u (t) – 10 u(t – 2) 2) current i (t) = e–t – e–(t–2) b) State and prove the initial and final value theorems, for Laplace transforms. (2×10 = 20 Marks) MODULE – II 14. Obtain the transmission parameters of the circuit given below and find whether the network is (a) reciprocal (b) symmetrical

15. In the circuit, the switch is closed at t = 0. Find the expression for the current supplied by the battery. What is the value of current at t = 0 and t = ∞ ?




16. Find ‘y’ parameters and ‘h’ parameters for the network having the following ‘z’ parameters Z11 = 23 Ω Z12 = Z 21 = 20 Ω Z22 = 15 Ω

(2 ×10 = 20 Marks) MODULE – III

17. What are the steps in designing a Butterworth filter ? Illustrate. Define passband, stopband and cutoff frequency. 18. For the circuit given below find (a) iR(f) (b) iL(t) (c) ic(t) and (d) resonant frequency.

19. Explain resonance in series RLC circuit. Show the variation of I, Z, XL and XC with frequency. What is meant by Bandwidth, Q factor and selectivity ? Derive the relation between them. (2 ×10 = 20 Marks)

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