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Reg. No. : .................................... Name : .........................................
Third Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, June 2009
(2003 Scheme) 03-304 : FLUID FLOW OPERATIONS (B) Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
Instructions : 1)Part A – Answer all questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 2) Part B – Answer any one question from each Module. PART – A 1. Determine the capillary rise of distilled water at 40°C in a 6 cm diameter glass tube. 2. Classify the fluids with the following shear stress distribution.
Shear rate, rad/sec
Shear stress, kPa
Shear rate, rad/sec
Shear stress, kPa
3. A cube of size 1 cm3 with density 0.8 gm/cc is placed in water. What portion of the cube will be above water surface ? 4. In two-dimensional incompressible steady flow around an air foil the streamlines are drawn so that they are 10 mm apart at a great distance from the air foil, where the velocity is 40 m/s. What is the velocity near the air foil, where the streamlines are 7.5 mm apart ? P.T.O.
5. A pipe carrying water has one section with 2.0 m diameter and another section with diameter 3.0 m. At section 1, the velocity is 3.0 m/s. Find the velocity and discharge at section 2. 6. One kilogram of hydrogen is confined in a volume of 150 Lat - 40ºC. What is the pressure ? 7. Estimate terminal settling velocity of particles of size 0.161 mm whose density is 2800 kg/m3, which is falling in water at 30ºC. Take the viscosity of water as 0.801 cP and density as 995.7 kg/m3. Assume the drag coefficient to be 10. 8. Write brief notes on pipe and tubing. 9. Briefly explain the principle of working of centrifugal pumps. 10. How do you compare an orifice meter with a venturi meter ? PART – B Module – 1 11. a) A continuous gravity decanter is to separate chlorobenzene with a density of 1109 kg/m3, from an aqueous wash liquid having a density of 1020 kg/m3. If the total depth in the separator is 1 m and the interface is to be 0.6 m from the vessel floor, i) What should be the height of the heavy - liquid overflow leg ? ii) How much would an error of 50 mm in this height affect the position of the interface ? 13 b) When do you prefer to use micromanometers ? Describe the working of a micromanometer with the help of a neat sketch. 12. a) Define meta centre of a floating body. b) Show that pressure at a point in a static fluid is independent of direction.
Module – 2 13. a) An inverted u-tube of 20 cm diameter is being used as a siphon to draw water from a tank. Mark the water surface in the tank as point 1. The centre of the cross section at the middle of the u-bend is marked as point 2 and the centre of the cross section at the exit point of the siphon is marked as point 3. The vertical distance from the water surface to the point 2 is 2 m. Point 3 is 1.5 m below the water surface. The discharge from the siphon is 150 L/s. Find the losses from point 1 to point 3. Also find the pressure at point 2 if two-thirds of the lossess occur between point 1 and point 2. b) Derive a relationship between the pressure drop, viscosity of the fluid, average velocity and pipe dimensions for horizontal laminar flow of an incompressible fluid through circular pipes. 14. Write notes on : a) Stream line and stream tube b) Streak line and path line c) Non-Newtonian fluids d) Boundary layer separation e) Velocity distribution in turbulent flow. Module – 3 15. It is proposed to pump 10,000 kg/h or toluene at 114ºC and 1.1 atm abs pressure from the reboiler of a distillation tower to a second distillation unit without cooling the toluene before it enters the pump. If the friction loss in the line between the reboiler and the pump is 7 kN/m2 and the density of toluene is 866 kg/m3, how far above the pump must the liquid level in the reboiler be maintained to give a net positive suction head of 2.5 m ? If the pump is to elevate toluene 10 m, the pressure in the second unit is atmospheric, the friction loss in the discharge line is 35 kN/m2 and the velocity in the pump discharge line is 2 m/s, calculate the power required to drive the pump. 16. For flow through packed beds derive the Erugan equation stating the simplifying assumptions used. Briefly discuss the application of the equation. (20×3=60 Marks) ————————