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Reg. No. : ................................. Name : .....................................
Combined First and Second Semester (S1 S2) B.Arch. Degree Examination, June 2009 (2008 Scheme) HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE – I Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
Instructions: 1) Answer all questions. 2) Illustrate all answers with neat sketches. I. Write short notes on the following : a) Great pyramid at Giza. b) Optical correction. c) Sun temple, Konark. d) Viharas. e) The great stupa at Sanchi. f) Ekasala and Dwisala. g) Orthodox Syrian church, Chenganur. h) Limgara temple Bhubaneswar.
(8Ă—5=40 Marks)
II. a) Discuss the evolution of Egyptian civilization and its manifestations in the built form. OR b) Describe the Acropolis and Agora in a Greek city.
III. a) Describe the architecture and planning principles of Mohanjadaro and Harappa. OR b) Compare and contrast vedic period and Buddhist architecture.
15 P.T.O.
IV. a) Enumerate the design principles and construction of Madhura Meenakshi temple. Illustrate with sketches. OR b) Out line the form and architectural character of Rathas in Mamallapuram. Illustrate with sketches. 15 V. a) Explain the evolution of traditional Kerala architecture from Ekasala to Nalukettu. OR b) Compare and contrast the evolution of religious architecture in Kerala with reference to early Temples, Churches and Mosques.