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Reg. No. : ................................ Name : .....................................
Final Year B.A. Degree Examination, March 2009 (Part – III) Group – III : ECONOMICS Paper – III : Indian Economy (Old Scheme – Prior to 2005 admn.) Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
Instruction : Answer may be written either in English or in Malayalam. I. Choose the correct answer. Write only the alphabet. 1) Colonial exploitation of the East India Company started in a) 1865
b) 1757
c) 1600
2) In 2001 urban population in India was a) 27.78%
b) 19.63%
c) 35.02%
3) In India, the national income estimates are prepared by a) The Central Statistical Organisation b) The Planning Commission c) The National Sample Survey Organisation 4) The new agricultural strategy was put into practice for the first time in India in the Kharif season of 1966 was termed as a) HYVP
5) The year for ‘Plan-break’ in five year plans a) 1991
b) 1966
c) 1980
(5×1=5 Marks)
II. State whether true or false. 6) India is a developing economy. 7) The period for the Fifth Five Plan was from 1969-70 to 1974-75. P.T.O.
8) The First Industrial Policy Act was passed in 1948. 9) The Green Revolution in India pertains to agricultural sector. 10) Drain of wealth was a major cause of increasing poverty in British-India. (5×1=5 Marks) III. Fill in the blanks : 11) All India sex-ratio was _______________ in 2001. a) 1058
b) 920
c) 933
12) The First and Second Plan placed great emphasis on expanding _______________ a) Irrigation
b) Modernisation
c) Human development
13) The _______________ is a fiscal policy measure. a) Taxation
b) Import duty
c) Bank rate
14) The Industrial Policy Resolution of 1956 aims to control _______________ a) Private sector b) Public sector c) Tertiary sector 15) Poverty rate in India in 2008 is _______________ a) Below 20%
b) Below 30%
c) Below 60%
(5×1=5 Marks)
IV. Define any four of the following : 16) Net National Product. 17) Mixed farming. 18) Female infanticide 19) Mixed economy. 20) Balance of payment.
(4×1=4 Marks)
V. Answer any seven of the following in not more than half a page each : 21) Over population 22) Brain drain. 23) Poverty line. 24) Prime Ministers Rozgar Yojana (PMRY). 25) Nehru-Mahalanobi’s Model of Five Year Plans. 26) Urbanisation. 27) Co-operative Banks. 28) New Economic Policy since 1991. 29) Inflationary gap. (7×3=21 Marks)
30) Planned economy.
VI. Answer any six, each more than one page. 31) What is colonialism ?
32) Explain unemployment problem in India. 33) Define National Income. Explain the difficulties in the estimation of income in India. 34) What were the objectives of the First Five Year plan (1951-56) ? 35) Write briefly about the land utilisation pattern in India. 36) Explain briefly the various export promotion measures adopted by Govt. of India. 37) Write briefly about the population density of India. 38) Write a brief note on commercialisation of agriculture under British rule in India. 39) What is National Literacy Mission (NLM) ? 40) What is structural unemployment ? Explain with examples in India.
(6×5=30 Marks)
VII. Answer any three of the following not exceeding three pages each. 41) Define National Income. What are the various methods of measuring National Income ? 42) Explain the major objectives of Planning in India. 43) Discuss the New Industrial Policy of 1991. 44) Explain the different aspects of the problem of poverty in India since independence. 45) Discuss the recent trend of India’s Balance of Payments position. 46) Discuss the effects of colonial rule and partition on the Indian Economy. (3×10=30 Marks)
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