Main Paper – I Poetry (For 2005 Admission)_1

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Reg. No. : ................................... Name : ........................................

B.A. Supplementary Degree Examination, August/September 2009 Part – III : ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Main Paper – I : Poetry (For 2005 Admission) Time: 3 Hours

Max. Marks: 100

I. Annotate any five of the following passages: 1) Then can I drown an eye, unused to flow, For precious friends hid in death’s dateless night, And weep afresh love’s long-since-cancelled woe, And moan the expense of many a vanished sight. 2) On some fond breast the parting soul relies, Some pious drops the closing eye requires. 3) It was a miracle of rare device, A sunny pleasure dome with caves of ice ! 4) My tongue had taught thee comfort, touch had quenched thy tears. 5) I fall upon the thorns of life, I bleed. 6) How strange now, looks the life he makes us lead ! So free we seem, so fettered fast we are; I feel he laid the fetter; let it lie ! 7) In the city centre, far from the station’s lively squalor, A kind of life goes on, in cinema and hi-fi coffee bars. 8) My eye has permitted no change. I am going to keep things like this.

(5×4=20 Marks)

II. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon ! This sea that bares her bosom to the moon; The wind that will be howling at all hours, And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers; For this, for everything, we are out of tune; P.T.O.


7021 It moves us not – Great God ! I’d rather be A pagan suckled in a creed outworn; So might I, standing on this pleasant lea, Have glimpses that will make me less forlorn; Have sight of proteus rising from the sea; Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn. 1) What does the speaker mean by ‘a sordid boon’ ? 2) Why does he feel that we are out of tune ? 3) Who is a pagan ? 4) Why would he ‘rather be a pagan’ ? 5) Who are Proteus and Triton ?

(5×2=10 Marks)

III. Write a paragraph of about eighty words on any five of the following: 1) Describe Kubla Khan’s pleasure dome and its surroundings. 2) How does Keats seek to escape to the world of the nightingale ? 3) What are the impacts of the westwind on the waves, the leaf and the cloud ? 4) What is Andrea’s attitude to his wife’s infidelity ? 5) How does Frost justify his choice of the second road ? 6) Why does Yeats pray that his daughter be not bestowed with excessive beauty ? 7) Comment on the reference to the superstition of the Indian rustics in ‘Night of the Scorpion’. 8) ‘Hawk Roosting’ is a poem on powermania’ – Comment. (5×4=20 Marks) IV. Trace the evolution of thought in Shelley’s ‘Ode to the Westwind’. OR How does Eliot treat the theme of death and rebirth in ‘Journey of the Magi’ ? (1×20=20 Marks) V. Examine the poem ‘No More Hiroshimas’ as a reminder of the folly and futility of war. OR Show how ‘Night of the Scorpion’ is a typical poem on Indian rustic life. (1×20=20 Marks) VI. Write on any two of the following, each in a paragraph of about eighty words: 1) Poetic truth and scientific truth 2) The elegy 3) The significance of rime in poetry. (2×5=10 Marks) _____________________

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