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Reg. No. : .................................... Name : .........................................
Final Year B.A. Degree Examination, March 2009 Part – III – Group – III : ECONOMICS Paper – III : Indian Economy (New Scheme – 2005 admn. onwards) Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
Instruction: Answers may be written either in English or in Malayalam. I. Choose the correct answer. Write only the alphabet. 1) The factors influencing the quality of population are a) Life expectancy
b) Level of literacy
examquestionpapers.com c) Level of technical training
d) Growth rate of population
2) Green Revolution in India refers to a) Service sector
b) Agricultural sector
c) Milk production
d) Financial sector
3) The ex-officio-Chairman of the Planning Commission is the a) President
b) Prime Minister
c) Lok Sabha Speaker
d) Defence Minister
4) Qualitative Credit Control do not include a) Open market operation
b) Bank rate
c) Cash Reserve Rate
d) RBI directives
5) Most of the unemployment in urban areas a) Open and undisguised
b) Seasonal and disguised
c) Frictional and cyclical
d) None of the above (5×1=5 Marks) P.T.O.
II. State whether true or false : 6) Underemployment is a situation under which employed people are contributing to production less than they are capable of. 7) Indian plans do not lay down investment targets for both public and private sectors. 8) Kissan Credit Card System (KCCS) introduced in 1998-’99 is an innovative mechanism for facilitating access to short-term credit to farmers. 9) ‘World Trade Organization’ is replaced by General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. 10) Monitary policy of govt. of India is not related to taxation.
(5×1=5 Marks)
III. Fill in the blanks : 11) New Agricultural technology consist of _____________
examquestionpapers.com a) Mechanisation
b) Globalisation
c) Liberalisation
d) Privatisation
12) The targets of growth rates fixed were achieved in ________ Five Year Plan. a) Third
b) Fourth
c) Second
d) Ninth
13) The New Industrial Policy of the Govt. of India announced on ___________ a) July 24, 1991
b) January 26, 1991
c) July 24, 2000
d) January 26, 2002
14) The Reserve Bank of India was passed in __________ a) 1947
b) 1934
c) 1950
d) 1949
15) Kerala ranks ___________ in gender related Development Index. a) First
b) Second
c) Fourth
d) Tenth
(5×1=5 Marks)
IV. Define any four of the following : 16) Subsistence agriculture. 17) Multinational Corporations. 18) Great Mineral Region. 19) Birth rate. 20) Optimum population.
(4×1=4 Marks)
V. Answer any seven of the following in not more than half a page. 21) Rural and urban migration. 22) Land reform measures in India. 23) Nature of economic policies prior to 1991 in Kerala. 24) Role of public sector enterprises in Kerala.
25) Emergence of Tertiary Sector in Kerala. 26) Regional disparity in India. 27) Multinational Corporation in India. 28) Second Generation Reforms in India. 29) Nehru – Mahalanobi’s model.
30) Industrial policy and development during the post-reform period. (7×3=21 Marks) VI. Answer any six of the following each in not more than one page. 31) What do you mean by Kerala model of development ? 32) Explain the role of industrial sector in the development of Indian economy. 33) Discuss the impact of gulf-migration on Kerala economy. 34) Explain the various poverty alleviation and employment generation programmes currently in force in India.
35) What are the main features of economic policy in India ? 36) Explain the role of Reserve Bank of India in currency control. 37) What are the main functions of WTO ? 38) Explain the role of tertiary sector in Kerala’s economic development. 39) Explain the different elements of industrial growth during pre-reform period. 40) What are the important features of National Population Policy of 2000. (6×5=30 Marks) VII. Answer any three of the following not exceeding three pages. 41) Give a brief account of financial sector reforms in India in the post reform period. 42) Explain the features and structure of Indian Economy.
43) Explain the trends in economic growth during the post liberalisation period in India. 44) Discuss the different agricultural strategy and the impact of Green Revolution in India. 45) Discuss the twin problems of poverty and unemployment during 1947-1991 and to what extent they affect the different strategies of Indian economy. 46) Examine the reasons for the industrial backwardness in Kerala and suggest suitable measures to solve this problem. (3×10=30 Marks) ———————