What is Obstruktive Schlafapnoe And Whether it is Curable?

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What is Obstruktive Schlafapnoe And Whether it is Curable? Obstruktive schlafapnoe is the most common of sleep disorders but at the same time it is potentially serious than others. It happens when throat muscles intermittently relax blocking the airway during sleep. Snoring is a noticeable sign of this sleep disorder. Causes of sleep disorder Obstruktive schlafapnoe happens when the muscles in the back of the throat come to a relaxing position bringing the normal breathing process to a halt. Since the back muscles support soft palate that makes roof the mouth and uvula, a soft tissue hanging from the palate; the tonsils and the tongue, the other muscles rely on throat muscles for functioning. Relaxed muscles close the airway making you snore more loudly in order to open the blocked airway. The brain senses impaired breathing and alerts the body resulting in disruption of sleep. Risk factors for sleep disorder 

Obesity: Fat deposit around the upper airway can close the airway while sleep. Other conditions associated with excess weight like hypothyroidism and polycystic ovary syndrome can also result in sleep disorder.

Narrowed airway: Some people are born with narrow airways. They face sleep disorder throughout life. Also, enlargement of tonsils can cause blockage of airway passage.


Chronic nasal congestion




Family history of sleep disorder

Sex: Frequency of sleep disorder increases in women after menopause.

Complications with sleep disorder 

Excessive daytime sleepiness: Obstructed sleep would result in daytime fatigue and feeling of sleepiness.

Cardiovascular problems: Sleep disorder can result in a sudden drop of oxygen level that can increase the risk of heart failure.

Complications with surgery: Patients with sleep disorder can’t take proper rest after surgery even when they are sedated with tranquilizers.

Eye problems: Certain eye conditions like glaucoma are associated with severe sleep disorder.

If you are suffering from schlafapnoe syndrome or someone in your family or friends has this problem, you should immediately take him to a doctor for a through test and treatment. Luckily schlafapnoe heilbar with lifestyle changes, face masks and surgery that is the last option. Mild cases of sleep disorder can be cured with lifestyle changes or masks. Surgery is suggested as the last option. For more information please visit here: https://www.schlafapnoe.tv/ Germany Adenauerplatz 2 – 4/1, 69115 Heidelberg Telefon: 06221-3929301 Telefax: 06221-3929309 info@schlafapnoe.tv https://schlafapnoe.tv

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