Integrated Township development I Urban living room I Masterplan

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Urban living room Township Master plan At Rancharda,Ahmedabad


Integrated Township Master plan


Studio brief

I am very grateful to CEPT University for providing me the platform to work on the studio which has helped me enhance my undersatnding of the urban setups.

The studio focuses on preparing Master Plans for large green field developments in peri urban areas.To respond to the demand of expansion in the rapidly growing urban centres, governments facilitate such new developments through various development mechanisms. The studio operates within the existing development framework of the Integrated Township Policy which is a typically developer driven activity and involves design on a large tract of land under single ownership.

My heartiest gratitude to my parents who have supported me in all ways they can. I am grateful to Mrs. Purvi bhatt and Ms.sophiya islam, Teaching Assistant who have constantly been active in imparting the best of their knowledge and skills to me and my fellow batchmates. I take pleasure in thanking my friends who have constantly been by my side, helping create a wonderful atmosphere of work at home environment.

The design of the project will involve preparing a three dimensional urban design master plan with strategies of street network and urban block, public open spaces, public amenities and infrastructure, integration of public transport systems, strategies for pedestrian and vehicular priority on streets,defining the building height and bulk, building uses and landscape strategy. Students will be required to prepare an urban design master plan for these developments with anemphasis on creating liveable neighbourhoods that explore the ideas of future living through their designs. The design process will consistently retain its focus on how these ideas can be translated into reality. The studio outcome will also involve preparing effective representation graphics and persuasive communication strategy for the design project.

01 Introduction and background


Township policy Regional context site context Physical features Opportunity and constraints case study

04 Detail design framwork Public open space framework Green district Lake front district Urban block guidelines



Master plan framework

Proposed Master plan

Vision and objectives concept Design strategies

Township master plan Elements of urban form Phasing framework

05 Conclusion Master plan highlights Endnote


Introduction and background

Township policy Regional context site context analysis Physical features opportunity and constraint case study

Township policy

The Gujarat integrated township policy by the Gujarat Urban Development Company (GUDC) (Government of Gujarat) has been designed towards promoting the development of townships with high quality built in environments and services with reliable infrastructure. The aim is to attract investments in knowledge based activities and businesses, in a manner that directly benefits the developemnt of the state. It is proposed that the development of integrated townships be done through private, market initiatives. The Government’s role will be to support and facilitate the market operations and regulating it only to the extent required to realise public policy objectives.

Key features of the policy Globa FSI • • •

ment to the competent authority. Maximum permissile FSI 1.5

45% in case of lowrise building and 30% in case of

Height of building shall be permitted as per GDR.

high rise building

however additional height maximum upto 70m shall be permitted on payment at 7% of the jantri.

To promote economic development To facilitate the creation of efficient, equitable, sustainable urban settlements To facilitate public-private partnerships in urban development To facilitate capacity building in the private sector and in government for urban development

Land distribution •


Additional premium FSI shall be permitted on pay-

Builtup area and height

The main objectives of the Township Policy include: • • • •

Global FSI (GFSI) shall be 1.0

Introduction and backgroud

41.2% total land is reserved 5% SEWSH land

11.2% cross over infrastructure 5% parks and gardens 15% roads

58.8% for devlopment our of which 60% should be residential use.

Regional Context Location: Rancharda, Ahmedabad Site area :150 ha (360 acres)



Site context - Western ahmedabad Development trends Increased development towards the western part caused high demand for housing, and low permissible FSI lead to increased housing demand in the surrounding. Also in the proposed DP of ahmedabad, there is Covering over 150 ha (360acres), the given site is located in the western part of ahmedabad. Fig 01 : Proposed

It is located 18km away from the city center. As observed,western part of ahmedabad is char-

Institutional and logistic

acterised by tremendous development due to the presence of diverse job centers.In particular

zone in DP of ahmedabad.

Kalol, santej, shela and bopal are important job centers present in the vicinity of the site area.


Introduction and backgroud

Institutional and logistic area are zoned in vicinity of site area supporting further commercial and residential development. As remains the trend in ahmedabad of development of institutional zones followed by commercial and residential, the site has an added advantage. 11

1 Integrated Township Master plan

Site Context

Physical features

Job centers

Immediate context

Water shed

climate analysis

The site is in close proximity to institutional anchors and to existing residential development from which the proposed development can be benefitted with employment opportunity.

The site has negligible slope, major portion of the site are at lower elevation (+46m) acting as catchment areas.

The existing vegetation pattern acts as natural buffer and has a impact on micro climate.

Job centres around our site increase the potential of development in the neighborhood. We see various Institutes and a few industries in the vicinity making it viable for the commercial development to bloom. Also, the development of IT hubs and other job centres, people prefer to settle near the work area with good amenities. Apartment being highest selling housing typology in the precinct area which is near to SP ring road, bopal, shilaj village. It is observed that there no prominenet public gathering space found in the radius of 5km of the site.


Introduction and backgroud


Integrated Township Master plan

Site Context






Water bodies on either side form good nat-

ural features and form potential anchor for the site

Existing access points connect well with the

The immediate nearby context has diverse

surrounding cotext.

tial development, which confirms our claim

surrounding area and the township to the

uses like institutional and existing residen-


to provide for mixed use development.

Constraints 2


3 1 4

3 2


Image 01 :Along the main 40m DP road.Image

The site’s ecosensitive nature and topo-

02: Near the Dholka branch canal.Image 03:

graphical constraints need to be considered

Along the Indus university road.Image 04 : Overlooking the site vegetation.


Introduction and backgroud


There are existing missing links and

indirect connections to the surrounding growth centers that can be observed.

Integrated Township Master plan

Case study

Urban vision

Brainport Smart District location: Helmond’s Brandevoort district, Netherlands. Site area : 150 ha Year : 2018

Key learnings Diversity:Brainport Smart District has a flexible grid that will develop around the demands of its inhabitants. The programmatic mix has diverse mix that offers different activities and lifestyle.

Perimeter Block:When putting together all layers each block has its own public space and defines the each block by providing social interaction space other than central park.Each block functions as a micro district it has residential, commercial use like retail and offices and public space which shorten the distance between living and working in order that creates more convenient and stressful environment. Mobility: Master plan vision discourages motorized vehicle by encouraging shuttle service. Solar panels on buildings and wind mills are used for energy generation.

Site (150 ha)

Site is outskirts of Helmound district which is primarily agricultural land. It has an railway line to the south and college in the east

Land Parcels

Site is divided into 10 parcels which has diverse program mix. Within each strip production and consumption streams are closed.

Productive spaces

A central park is perceived as quality public realm and farming land surrounding the built environment is parceled into different lots.

Master plan

fig:2 view showing the envisaged residential street character and its surrounding built form.


2 Introduction and backgroud


Integrated Township Master plan


Master plan frameworks Vision and objectives concept Design strategies • Open space • Network • Built form



Township Master plan



The vision focuses on developing a vibrant community through the creation of diverse neighbourhood and inclusive public realm

Creating mixeduse neighbourhood to foster visual and physical interaction

Well connected and safe mobility for all

03 Existing site – Agricultural land


Incorporating strategies to devise compact and mixed-use neighborhoods

Creating comfortable connections to diverse places within township

Utilizing different hierarchies of public spaces, to encourage inclusivity at all levels.

Master plan framework



A Walkable network pathways and green pockets to create a sense of community.

Integrated Township Master plan

Design Strategy

Network stratergy

Open Space Network


PUTTING THE PUBLIC REALM FIRST Foundational organizing feature of

A fine grain network of roads and con-

the plan is the network of open space

nections with frequent intersections are

and cultural amenities that define

made for easy mobility. Primary street

the public real. Creating the Green

network is proposed to link the growth

corridor along the low lying contours

centres which runs north-south.A effi-

of the site to avoid water runoff and

cient and convinient transit options to

creating strong connection to the wa-

and from the township is proposed as a

ter bodies that exists next to the site.

part of sustainability stratergy. in order

Therby connecting different district by

to prioritise the public realm experience

hierarchy of green spaces that offers

a shared street along the green corri-

a wide variety of active and passive

dor is intended as a pedestrian first

recreational opportunities.


Protecting natural resources by creating green edges 22

Creating a strong connection with the surrounding ecology through central green spine.

Creating hierarchy of public spaces with pedestrian spines. Master plan framework

This primary network is envisioned to form the city level connection. 23

Connecting the township to the larger context

Connecting the existing access points of the site

Shuttle service like E-rickshaws are provided at the 5min walking distance. Integrated Township Master plan

Design Strategy

Zoning stratergy Mixed use zoning

By taking clue from the existing context, commercial is proposed along the 40m DP road for its viability.Mixed use zone along the primary street and institutional zone reponding towards its edge. A diverse range of zones are put together considering the publim realm and network structure.

Potential areas for commercial, mixed use and institutional areas. 24

Adding multiple active zones along the primary network.

Creating hierarchy of public spaces with pedestrian spines. Master plan framework


Integrated Township Master plan


Master plan Township Master plan Elements of urbna form Phasing

Township Master plan at Rancharda, Ahmedabad

The proposed master plan highlight the vision

of Vibrant Community achieved through various aspects.This 360-acre development offers a wide variety of housing choices, retail and cultural facilities with employment opportunities, an urban school, and a 60-acre green corridor act as urban living room.An expan-

Commercial edge

The main commercial buildings are zoned near the DP road. considering the area attracts the people to the township.

Perimeter blocks

Each block has its own internal green space with clear definiti of public and private realm.


sive public realm program weaves together a unique fabric of residences, offices, shops, restaurants, civic uses that inculcate the habit of healthy living by enhancing microclimate and improved air quality.

Proposed Maser plan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Lakefront park Library School Sports facilities Private open space Public open space Open ground shared street Waterfront trail Public amenity buildings

fig:3 Proposed Township master plan 28


Green corridor

The central green spine for the cruz of the site creating

the city level open space for the recreational is envisaged as a new regional destination

Public amenities


Amenities along the green corridor for the potential



anchor encouranging neighbourhood cohrence.



Insitutional zone

The area along the lake edge is created as a institutional zone and is integrated with the green corridor.




Affordable housing

Along the primary road, this edge form EWS housing which is also laid out in the same urban form as the residential blocks.

Proposed Master plan






Integrated Township Master plan 500m

Elements of urban form 18% streets

Cross over infrastructure Primary street 24m - 18m Secondary street 15m - 6m

Street network

Open space program

Vehicular streets

Public realm: promoting urban nature

Maximum accessibility to the diverse places and various amenities

Vibrant , public urban spaces.


The whole of the network is designed for low speed environments where pedestrians and cyclists are prioritised and planted with regular street trees.

Public open

The proposed secondary and tertiary street network continue to have the subtle deflections and offsets that characterise the surrounding area with slow vehicle traffic. Shared streets and green trail of a total 10km run all along the township to promote a healthy lifestyle and human scaled environment that links the central spine, plazas

Private open


Public open space

Central green spine embracing the ecology by creating a green corridor and sustainable opportunities for people to experience the landscape which forms the urban living room. Each block has a high density along Primary Street and lower density towards the open space.Providing balance of everyday neighbourhood amenities and recreational activities through hierarchy of green spaces in the neighbourhood. The pedestrian spine connect the blocks to the central green corridor by connecting important anchor points along it.

Private open space

Advantages of Public transport

Pedestrian priority street

Private realm: connected to the blocks

Avg. Block size

400m x 250m

Urban living room

Public transit Shared street 6km Pedestrian trail 4km




500 m

Proposed Master plan


500 m

Integrated Township Master plan

Elements of urban form


Green district Community district Lakefront district

GFSI 1.56

High density 10 - 14 floors

Public realm

Built 22%

Four districts with a green corridor create distintive areas.

Commercial district

Built form

Open 78%

Robust connectivity framework and the valued assets give rise to distinctive districts to the township Where Buildings are organized to take advantage of views and to create landmarks within the district.The diverse range of urban spaces in the township are defined by the array of typoliges, densities and open spaces. The nature of the zones are informed by the exsiting landscape which gives rise to four district. Each district allows flexibility interms of kind programs and functions which offering a high degree of flexibility.

Developable land 61% Public greens 21% Public roads 18% Built Open

commercial Mixed residential Residential

Different typologies and densities creating a diverse urban spaces. Various nodes are created within each district. Community facilities are located in each neighbourhood to further encourage various levels social interaction, and connectivity to the open space network. Their strategic location encourages social interaction between each neighbourhood and strengthens connectivity. various neighbourhoods of ahmedabad are compared. This proposed township provides 78% of public space which makes a desirable place to stay in periphery of the city with required amenities.

Institutional Public amenities

Built Density

Creating landmarks places using built density.

Private realm: connected to the blocks

Built density is regulated considering different districts. Variation of building heights offers transition between two distinctive zones qith that different typology within block is regulated with built density.The perimeter block typology promotes an explicit distinction between the private realm and the public realm. The landmark buildings in the stratergic location which allow a residents an accurate mental map for their

Medium density 6- 10 floors Low density 5 floors and below




500 m

Proposed Master plan


500 m

Integrated Township Master plan

Township Master plan at Rancharda, Ahmedabad

Community facilities

Various nodes are created within each district. community facilities are located in each neighborhood to further encourage walkability, social interaction, and connectivity to the open space network.

Green corridor

At the heart of the project, the central green corridor creats a public destination that extends beyond the township .

Pedestrian spine

Runs all along the site to promote a healthy lifestyle and human scaled environment that links the central spine, plazas and streetscape.


The specific orientation of the building in the block , which “invite” the lake visually into the site, increases the number of building faces that will have views to Lake front.


Proposed Master plan


Integrated Township Master plan

Phasing Framework

Phase 1

Idea behind the phasing is to serve the needs of the poeple and marked based demands. thus phase 1 concentrates more on residential development with few office buildings, mixed use residential buildngs and a pedestrian spine with private open spaces within the each block to attract poeple to settle in the township.


Phase 2

This includes lakefront development and it adjoining luxury residential typology for the people who looking for 5bhk, 4bhk apartments with that commercial property along the primary street This phase also has a development school and its sports facilites with some public amenities.This lakefront park act a dsitination place and also serves the hydrological requirements.

Phase 3

3rd phase includes premium and mediumrange residential buildings near the canal front and part of green corridor. It also includes part development of green space and its recreatinal facilities that attract the attention of people moving to this township. the phase also includes the residential mixed use buildings allowing the poeple to choose with flexible options.

Proposed Master plan


Phase 4

This phase completes the development of the green corridor with port facilities and public buildings that forms the face of the development with different typology like apartment, duplex and luxury villas. This phase also incorporates key amenities like flexible open space and public amenities within the each block to further inviting people to this township.

Phase 5

Last phase includes the development of hospital and retail building along the DP road to serve the commercial needs of township and EWS housing with the required public facilities.The anchor points along the pedestrian spine will be developed in this phase

Integrated Township Master plan


Detail design framework Public open space framework Urban living room Green district Lake front district Urban block guidelines



Integrated Township Master plan

Public open space framework Two key landscape features provide the backdrop that will make this township unlike any other in ahmedabad. The first is a green corridor that stretches from the existing lake at the west of the site to the canal in the east. This green corridor acts as the focus of the development and provides an iconic green space for all residents, works and visitors of the township. The second landscape feature that defines the master plan is a pedestrian spine that majestically weaves the community spaces of all the districts together, providing a stunning foreground for development. Each of the zone offering diverse programs which is open to all groups. vibrancy can be found in multiple forms of runways, such as the bicycle and pedes-

Civic zone

Multipurpose lawn Children parks

Sports park zone Sports fields, Plazas Stepped gardens

Transition zone

Flexible gathering spacefor market & events, space for open cafes

trian runways throughout the spine, a playground, a children park, sports facilities and the multipurpose lawn with a capacity for holding 4,500-people events.


Lakefront zone

Promenade, lakefront park, shared street.

Detail design framework






Integrated Township Master plan 500m

Public Open space Framework

Block size of 440m X 380m in Green district

Shared street forms the transition space.

This edge of the green district is further detailed out.

Shared street Plaza Public green space


Detail design framework


Integrated Township Master plan

Public open space

There are places to meet and interact, play, explore, recreate and unwind.

Edge condition


Detail design framework


Integrated Township Master plan


Detail design framework


Integrated Township Master plan

Green district

Street section

Block detail I Streetscape

Tertiary street 9m - 6m

Shared street alonng the green corridor

Vehicular access to each parcel

Access the block without a car

Retail and office space

5bhk ,4bhk apartments

Active street uses along the street.

Low rise premium apartment along the green corridor

24m Primary street

9m Residential street

Green district:This Blocks offers wide range of accessibility through

different mode of transport. vehicular access through tertiary street of 9m and shared street for pedestrians and cyclist.


The Urban Block itself will have a good mix of uses by having active street uses in ground floor and combinational of three residential blocks which are highly flexible in itself and incorporating the flexible flat types. The clearer form, orderly placed building, legible streets, and its layout that allow a residents an accurate mental map for their neighbourhood and the township itself. 24 primary street

3bhk ,2bhk apartments

1bhk apartment

Mid rise apartment facing internal open space.

Mixed use residential along the primary street. Detail design framework

Resdential street 9m


Integrated Township Master plan

Green district

Block detail I Streetscape Compact urban form

This block provides all the amenities in 5min walking distance from their home. Each home or place of work is less than a two minute walk to recreation areas and open space.

High rise core

Mixed use Podium buidings along the primary street to maximise the FSI and by creating balance urban form.

4 parcel different parcel give rise to diverse and flexible typologies withing the block.

Block is surrounded by different hierarchy of public roads for easy access.

Pocket greens

Each parcel will have a central green spine with recreational facilities like clubs.

Mixed use parcel

Low rise apartments

Residential parcel

FSI : 2.5 Built : 26% Open: 74% • Public open space: 28% • Private open space: 46%

Premium apartments along the green corridor for greater views. 50

Detail design framework


FSI : 2.6 Built : 29% Open: 71% • Public open space: 31% • Private open space: 40%

Integrated Township Master plan

Green district Urban design guidelines

Setbacks and step backs As per the regulations, primary street will have 7.5 m front margin and 6 m side and rear margin.

Internal open space

Built to line

minimum of 35% of the parcel shall have a central open space in each parcel.

Pivate green space

Public open space (Green corridor)

Organising built to line along primary streets of 24m.Arcade shall be provided along the ROW of 24m. Arcade shall have a continuous minimum clear width of 3.5m.

Building facing the primary street shall have a step back of minimum 6m after three floors height.

Guideline for Public realm

Guideline for built form

There shall be uninterrupted (no built structures) stretch of green along the ecological corridor which shall constitute of parks, plazas, children play area.

Public green space

Step back

Guideline for Parking No street parking for motorized transport shall be given adjoining the Green corridor.

Massing directional emphasis Maximum Building height along the 24m road is G+12. Encouraging and concentrate density along the primary streets. Building height will reduce from primary street to the green corridor. Maximum building height along the green corridor is G + 4 or Stilt + 5. 52

On street parking provided along the green corridor is on chargeble basis.

G+12 max

G+5 max Detail design framework


Integrated Township Master plan

Lakefront district

Street section

Block detail I Streetscape Lakefront Block

The lakefront block has the commercial edges and residential edges interact with lake edges. The commercial parcel has retails in g+3 floors with office space in above floors. 4bhk and 3bhk apartment along lake edge and 2bhk along rear end.


The specific orientation of the building in the block , which “invite” the lake visually into the site, increases the number of building faces that will have views to Lake front. The blocks along the lakefront have strategically located mid-rise residential in order to maximize views from buildings further back from the lake, and to create a low-scale experience of the buildings fronting onto the Lakefront Park. . 30m thoroughfare has the active retail edge in the ground floor and wide pedestrian sidewalk with some outdoor activities like cafes.2.5m of dedicated lane for public transport is given to reduce conflicts.

Selected block of size 240m X 180m

Access to the parcel

Built form

Built uses

Mid rise apartment facing internal open space.

Mixed use residential along the primary street.

30m Throughfare

Detail design framework

30m Throughfare


Integrated Township Master plan

Lakefront district

Block detail I Streetscape

Selected Block size of 240m X 180m in a lakefront district

Block is surrounded by different hierarchy of public roads for easy access.


Detail design framework


Integrated Township Master plan

Orientation of building towards the Lakeview introduce the waterfront living opportunities

waterfront promenade

Shaded walkaway Children play area


Jogging /Cycling track along lakefront

Detail design framework


Integrated Township Master plan

Lakefront district Urban design guidelines

Guideline for Public realm

Public realm orientation


Built to line

The shall be a active retail frontage along the primary street and public activity on the podiums to create a vibrant and active neighbourhood.

Guideline for Built form

Creating a mid block pedestrian visibility, access and connection

Streetscape There shall be continuous street tree canopy and water management landscape along the primary streets.

Mix of use There shall be mix of building use along the primary street

Continuous trees

Massing directional emphasis Maximum Building height along the 30m road is G+14. Encouraging and concentrate density along the primary streets. Building height will reduce from primary street to the akefront. Maximum building height along the lakefront is G + 4 or Stilt + 5.


G+5 max

G+12 max Detail design framework


Integrated Township Master plan


Conclusion Master plan highlights Endnote



Integrated Township Master plan

Master plan highlights


Enhanced community living



Robust connectivity



Human - ecology symboitism

Integrated Township Master plan

Master plan highlights

Enhanced community living If we think about how this will happen, the answer is through careful provision of flexible zoning, different typologies, hierarchy of public and private spaces to cater to variety of preferences that also respond to different pockets

Robust connectivity By focusing on allowing residents to avail access to different modes of transport and, making commuting within and outside the site a smooth and convenient affair

Human ecology symboitism Strike a balance between man and nature by trying to propose development in line with the ecological constraints of topography and sensitive blue edges. Through masterplan the constraints are turned into strengths by providing for an iconic green spine and lake front districts.


End note

Key learnings

This excercise required a new understanding of urban design in city planning which was broken down in stages and each part imparted new perpective doing it so. The first part of the site analysis and it physical features , case study gave the good understanding of the existing conditions of the same along with i able to understand the site potential and its constraints which can be capitalized upon to make the township more liveable. The next part was the Masterplan framework stage gave the uderstanding of the fundamendals of the township planning and how one could take advantage of the site potential assets and lead to the vision development. This included the study and understandig various street networks so as to form suitable blocks. This was followed by understanding programs of various building types to be included in masterplan framework and create a place for people live. The final part was the making Master plan which involved the key learning from previous study and using those as a tool to achieve Street network strategy, Open space strategy ,Block strategy and Built form strategy. Finally the detail design framework allowed to showcase various aspects of how life in the township works and connecting back to the vision and objectives The proces enbaled to take control of huge scale greenfield projects. 68


Integrated Township Master plan


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