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Recommended use:

Paint in dry form for walls

Company data:

Tratselas Ath.& Co.Unlimited 14th Km Thessaloniki- Exohi P.C 57010 Thessaloniki Tel. +30 2310358916 Fax. +30 2310358709 E-mail: +30 2310358916

Emergency Telephone number:

E-mail: SECTION 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION The mixture has been classified according to the Regulation (EC) Νr 1272/2008 on the classification, labeling and packaging of substances and mixtures. Mixture classification:

Xi IRRITANT R- and S- phrases

R43 S2 S22 S28 S36/37/39 S45

May cause sensitization by skin contact. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not breathe dust. If on skin wash immediately with plenty of water. Always wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection. In case of accident or if feeling unwell, seek at once medical advice (show the label where possible). Ingredients: Portland cement. Special labeling: The product gives a powerful alkaline reaction with water. Thus, protect skin and eyes to avoid dermal and ocular corrosion. SECTION 3. COMPOSITION/ INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Paint in dry form, produced mainly from natural aggregates (80 – 85% w/v), Portland cement and other additives. Component

CAS Number


Rate % (w/w)

Portland cement


Xi R36/37/38.R43

14-16 %

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SECTION 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Eye contact: Inhalation:

Rinse with plenty of water keeping eyes open. If symptoms persist, ask for prompt medical attention/advice. If breathed in, keep the source of the dust away from the exposed person. If symptoms persist, ask for immediate medical advice.


If swallowed, rinse mouth with plenty of water. Do not induce vomiting. Ask for medical advice.

Skin contact:

Immediately wash with water and soap, and then rinse thoroughly. If irritation develops or persists get medical advice.

SECTION 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Fire extinguishing agents: Use the appropriate fire extinguishing agents taking into consideration the existing surrounding conditions. Special exposure hazards arising from the product or preparation itself: none reported. Special fire fighting recommendations: not available SECTION 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal precautions: Avoid skin and eye contact. Keep dust emission levels to the minimum. Ensure appropriate equipment. If necessary, use protection equipment. Environmental precautions: Eliminate the release and keep the material in dry form, if possible. Prevent uncontrolled seepage into the ground water, drains, sewers, waterways and soil, as it may increase the pH. Cleaning up: Keep material in dry form, if possible, and remove it by mechanical means. SECTION 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling precautions: Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep dust emission levels to the minimum. Ensure adequate equipment. If necessary, use protection equipment. Storage requirements: Store in the original container, in close, dry place, at normal temperature. The product should be used within 6 months from the date of the receipt. Special end use: Consult the relevant instruction manual for the product. SECTION 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS AND PERSONAL PROTECTION Control parameters. None defined. Exposure controls Personal precautions General protection and hygienic precautions: Keep away from food and drinks. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Do not eat or drink while at work. In case of accident take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Wash hands thoroughly before eating or drinking, before breaks and at the end of workday. Respiratory protection: Not required under normal use (well ventilated areas). In case of extensive exposure to dust, wear suitable respiratory equipment -use filter mask type P2 for single use. Hand protection: Wear protective nitrile impregnated gloves bearing the CE labeling. Eye protection: Use face protection. Put on tightly a protective mask- safety goggles. Emergency eyewash facilities should be nearby, at workplace Body protection: Use protective work wear.

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Dry- powder


According to the product code


Not defined

Danger of explosion

No explosion hazard arising from the product itself

Application temperature

From +5 C to 25 C

pH (by adding water)



竕・ 12

Chloride content

竕、 0,01%

Solvent content

Organic solvents 0% solids 100%

SECTION 10. REACTIVITY AND STABILITY DATA Thermal decomposition/ conditions to be avoided: Not observed. If used according to the required specifications the product will not decompose. Dangerous reactions: No dangerous reactions observed. Dangerous decomposition products: No dangerous decomposition products known. SECTION 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION None toxicological effect on humans according to current data. SECTION 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Persistence and degradability: The product biodegradation is a difficult process. Bioaccumulation: No data available Mobility: No data available. Other adverse effects: The product contains substances which alter the pH and may have a harmful effect on fish and bacteria. Thus, should not be allowed to reach aquatic environment unneutralized. SECTION 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Product: The end product can be disposed of as aggregate 窶田onstruction waste. Wash thoroughly with water the used tools after finishing the application. Product package: Rinse well with water the empty containers and then recycle. SECTION 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION The product is not classified as dangerous for shipment by any transportation means, under current provisions of the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) and under the International Rules for Transport of Dangerous Substances by Railway (RID) of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code IMDG and of the International Transport Air Association (IATA) regulations. SECTION 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION The specifications of the product fulfill the requirements of EU directives and harmonized standards: 89/106/EEC Directive on Product Engineering EU as amended by 93/68/EEC and the Hellenic Organization of Standardization EN 998-1 (CE) Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation: REGULATION (EC) No 1272/2008 on the classification, labeling and packaging of substances and mixtures

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SECTION 16. OTHER INFORMATION Related R-phrases: R36 R37 R38 R43

Irritating to eyes Irritating to respiratory system Irritating to skin May cause sensitization by skin contact

This safety data sheet has been prepared and drawn in accordance with Regulation EC 453/2010

DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY The safety information herein is based on data considered accurate and reliable to the best of Kourasanit knowledge and experience gained through the on-site application of the product (in vivo) as well as through laboratory research (in vitro). It is to be noted that there are no express or implied warranties from the part of the company for the suggestions and the recommendations related to the use of the product, since they do not keep control of the conditions in each case. Therefore, the buyers, users, appliers are absolutely responsible for the use, application and suitability of the product based on the project specifications and conditions. The company reserves the right to differentiate without any notice the technical features of its products due to the development of the production and the research.

The present safety data sheet does not refer to detailed specifications. Thus you are kindly requested to see the relevant technical data sheet.

Issue Date: January 2011 The present document cancels any other related prior issue and applies till a new one is delivered.

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