print value brochure

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06 – 09

Process-compliant system components

10 – 13

Workflow management

14 – 17


18 – 21

1,440° service. PRINTVALUE offers 1,440° service round the press. Why specifically 1,440° is quickly explained. The degree figure is composed of four individual 360° services, each of them aimed at a perfect printing system. Starting with printservices and complemented by printcom, printnet, and printadvice, the separate areas of competence add up to a unique portfolio of services centered around the press. How many ° may we offer you?

Welcome to PRINTVALUE, the 1,440° service from manroland.

„PRINTVALUE stands for our determination to be a competent partner in all phases of the print and investment process.“

PRINTVALUE is manroland’s early reaction to the growing requirements in industrial print

Each contract area offers you 360° service and 100 percent competence. printservices

production. To best serve manroland customers in their fierce competition, the company

currently supports printing companies in close on 200 countries. printcom has comprehen-

has systematically extended its service portfolio. Today, with PRINTVALUE, manroland pro-

sive system competence based on decades of experience and continuous research and

vides a unique spectrum of services: on-site service, keeping customers supplied with

development work. printnet is the only workflow solution offering computers, press control,

original spare and wear parts, delivering operating material of all kinds – just-in-time. The

and networking from one source. printadvice is backed by the 35-year-plus professional

service strategy aims to sustainably optimize all production processes by reducing costs

experience of EUROGRAFICA as consulting partner of the printing industry. How many ° you

and boosting press efficiency. The advantages manroland customers can enjoy are optimum

wish to make use of is entirely your individual decision. PRINTVALUE offers you exactly the

maintenance of the complete systems together with long-term planning and financing

customized services that will make your company strong for the future. This brochure gives

reliability for the duration of the contract.

you an initial idea of the possibilities. Our partners in the individual segments will be happy to inform you in detail.

Gerd Finkbeiner, Chairman of the manroland Executive Board


360째 performance.

Upgrades – reacting flexibly to requirements. – Process analysis – Training – Project management – Maintenance and Service Contracts

Changing market conditions or technological modifications necessitate an upgrade even between investment phases. printservices offers diverse retrofit possibilities to increase production efficiency and product value. Upgrades are available for all printing systems and printnet products.

RemoteService – quick help if service is needed. In case of trouble, RemoteService provides quick and individual solutions for all sheetfed and web offset presses. The call for service is actuated by pushbutton directly on the control console. Together with the request for service, data that are important for fault analysis

Process analysis – utilizing performance potential to the full. An important step in increasing the productivity of a press is to optimize the processes.

– Upgrades – RemoteService – Spare and wear parts

are transferred to the service technician. Additionally, photos of the press can be taken by webcam and used together. The efficiency of online diagnosis can even be improved by including further experts in the service session, such as the suppliers of the aggregates in question. More than 70 service bases are available round the clock, worldwide. Downtimes and travel costs are reduced, and press availability is increased.

printservices supports printing companies with consultancy services, showing solutions

Because investments need to keep pace with development.

for efficiency improvement. Highly qualified and trained printing experts closely observe

Service contracts – optimized for any specific requirements.

the printing process and analyze the production data. On the basis of extensive evaluation,

The ProServ service packages are modularly structured and cover all service sectors from

losses are pointed out and solutions offered until the targeted productivity has been

inspection to safety checks and variable care concepts through to needs-oriented mainte-


nance. Some faults can be easily remedied via telediagnostic others can be quickly taken care of, on the basis of a thorough analysis, by on-site service.

Training – making use of the complete performance spectrum. manroland presses feature high operator convenience. However, a printer who wants to

Spare parts – originals for highest functionality.

utilize the complete potential of a manroland printing system needs the best in training

The original spare and wear parts from manroland ensure that the press will lastingly

and development of personnel. Our trainers are experienced press operators and absolute

availability. Even more, growing demands increasingly often call for stepping up its pro-

achieve top printing quality and productivity. The high quality of the spare parts is given by

specialists on their particular manroland press. The training can be conducted at manroland

ductivity after installation. To maintain the competitive strength of manroland custo-

internal quality control and certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001. At our central stores

or, of course, on your own premises. Or virtually: e-learning and Web-based training are

in Germany, Asia and the USA, original parts are kept available that we supply to any desti-

mers over the entire life cycle of the press, printservices offers a complete 360° service

especially efficient training methods, and they are rapidly increasing in importance.

nation in the world within the shortest possible time. In this, we are supported by the

A press today must perform to higher requirements than ever before. From the first to the last day of production, it is expected to produce consistently at a high level of

portfolio ranging from project management to classic repair and through to process

world’s largest logistics partners

optimization. For a successful future.


360째 production reliability.

– Silicones – Coatings – Inks – Anilox rollers – Screen rollers – Wash-up brushes

– Lubricants – Printing plates – Prepress chemicals – Other products

Because consistently high printing quality allows only minimal variables.

– Blankets – Sleeves – Washing agents – Dampening solution – Additives – Blanket plates

Cost reduction – along the entire process chain.

Specialized – in all offset applications.

printcom economizes on everything except quality. Savings can be realized as early as in

The large product portfolio ensures high flexibility in application. For sheetfed, commercial

material procurement, by minimization of organizing times. A local network enables

web and newspaper printing, printcom offers the right components for a stable printing

printing companies to reduce storage charges through coordinated and requirement-specific

process whatever the case may be.

logistics. Additional savings result from increased availability of the printing system. What all this boils down to is: process-compliant system components optimize the overall system, cutting material, energy and environmental costs.

printcom – advantages by system. Process-compliant system components optimize the complete printing process and accordingly offer many advantages:

Printing is the perfect interplay of individual system components. Even the slightest

Quality – tested and certified.

fluctuations in the quality of individual products can decisively change the printing

The quality of process-compliant system components is constantly tested and improved

Speed-up of commissioning with start-up sets

result. printcom provides stable conditions in the press. Using tested and certified pro-

in intensive cooperation with best-in-class partners. A manroland research and develop-

Optimized printing quality

cess-compliant system components, printcom makes an important contribution to

ment department tests the components for their use in manroland printing systems. Their

Increased availability of the printing system

mastery of the printing process in industrial production. In an internal research and devel-

practical worth has been proven in numerous projects and installations. The high quality

Minimized organizing times in procurement

opment department, the products are tested for their use on manroland printing

standards of the system components lead to an improvement in the quality of the printed

Reduced production costs

systems. They have proved their worth in practical application with numerous projects

product, giving the printer a competitive edge.

High flexibility in application

and installations – for 360° production reliability.


360째 workflow performance.

Commercial web – digital workflow from the very start. Gain time. Today, the efficiency of commercial web printing companies increasingly depends on their ability to produce reliably to short deadlines with the use of automation. The central requirements are digital networking and optimization of the production process as a whole, from job recording to prepress and printing through to postpress. printnet enables department- and location-spanning networking of all systems involved in production. On your marks, get set, go: Digitization of the entire production process on JDF basis Integration of the systems in prepress, press, and postpress

Newspaper printing – integrated production in publishing and printing companies. Digital media have made competition tougher for newspapers. Growing demands by readers and advertisers have radically changed the market. To remain a leader in the newspaper market, a company needs not only the courage for new titles, new formats, and

Because a network architecture creates room for new jobs. printnet makes printing faster. With 360° workflow performance, the printnet offering

new design but also, and above all, a technologically modern environment in which these requirements can be flexibly and efficiently implemented. Automation and networking

end solution. Specially oriented to the requirements in newspaper, commercial web and sheetfed printing, printnet offers individual solutions from complete networking stepwise in the direction of full automation. Make room for new jobs.

– ClosedLoop – Material handling webfed – Tracking – Monitoring – Management tools

Automation of the production processes, improving flexibility Optimized load distribution over available resources Maximum transparency of the complete production workflow Producing at different sites

Sheetfed printing – software for the real world of production. The future has started. More than 2,000 sheetfed printers to date work with printnet

of work processes in publishing and printing companies plays a crucial role, particularly in

workflow solutions. In combination with the new JDF standard, printnet makes for cost-

newspaper production. printnet offers a workflow system that perfectly supports news-

efficient and flexible printing processes. Automated work sequences, high operating

paper companies in their modernization process, with state-of-the-art technology through-

reliability, and documentation of order processing result in high throughput speed and

out, from ad taking to delivery. Confront digital media with digital workflow solutions:

perfect quality. Automatic transfer of job data in JDF format makes this information immediately available as a print order for further processing. printnet also offers a work-

for networking and integration makes printing plants faster. From data acceptance to graphics, prepress, and printing through to postpress, printnet provides a unique end-to-

– Order management – Planning – Job preparation – Press presetting

Networking business and production processes across all boundaries of location

flow solution for printing companies not yet using JDF. From CIP3 data generated in

and organization

prepress, printnet realizes automated job preparation. Welcome to reality:

Realizing new business models Creating maximum production transparency

Producing more efficiently by optimizing order processing and planning

Optimizing production structures, improving their flexibility

Optimized processes primarily by reduction of makeready time at the production system

Reducing production and personnel costs Later editorial and ad deadlines

Transparency of costs as basis for process optimization

Consistent and documented quality Improvement of customer loyalty, e. g. by professional order processing Automation through ClosedLoop automatic control systems and press presetting


360째 development potential.

Because decisions for the future are made in the present. 1,440° service begins even before the investment in a printing system. printadvice is the umbrella covering the full range of consultancy services for sheetfed and web customers. Investment consulting, production plant design, organization, management, system design, and process optimization. As competence behind the comprehensive printadvice consultancy service stands EUROGRAFICA Systemplanungs GmbH, for more than 35 years partner for consultancy and planning in the graphic arts industry. Opt for systematic and competent consultancy service that fulfils your requirements 360°.

Strategic investment concepts – there is a method to success.

Organization and management – courage to change.

printadvice provides a sound foundation for investment decisions. Over many years of

Increasingly often, changing market conditions necessitate groundbreaking decisions.

international project experience, methods and processes have been developed that serve

Today’s printing industry thus faces the challenge to compensate for rising production

to analyze and evaluate the efficiency of printing systems. As a first step, based on an

costs while ad revenues are declining. In this respect, internal restructuring takes a central

analysis of print jobs and production, technically realistic production concepts are worked

role. New structures encourage an organization to commit itself to sustainable improve-

out. These take into account especially the appropriate key technologies, existing and

ment of performance and to efficiency of production. printadvice develops and uses strate-

future organizational structures, as well as the company’s strategic orientation in the market.

gically planned processes of change aimed at achieving higher productivity and active

Based on individual order structure and local costs, the production systems singled out

cost management. Organizational planning is a process that challenges the conception of

are then evaluated as to their efficiency. With the aid of computer simulations, printadvice

leadership and supports decision makers in the company in executing key measures. It is

finally determines the optimum machinery or best investment alternatives. These pro-

only by perpetual change that we can react to economic developments. In the search for new

and in executing integration processes for partial or complete redesign of systems gives

duction systems and their efficiency form the basis for a sound investment decision in the

performance strategies in the printing industry, change management is the answer. The

us the necessary expertise. printadvice can coordinate customer-specific production

context of the company’s specific strategy.

experience of printadvice contributes to making these measures succeed.

requirements as well as necessary system sequences. We recognize work and material-flow

Production plant design – how growth is generated.

System integration – individually successful.

integration of production.

With printadvice, a company’s growth takes shape. The range of competences applied

What printing system fits you exactly depends on various

by the specially trained architects and engineers covers the entire planning work, from

parameters. printadvice gives printing systems the in-

analysis of building structures to strategic concept planning and detailed construction

dividuality they need in order to offer the most productive

planning. Our experience has shown that every such construction project has to be planned

solution in the competition for readership and advertisers.

individually. From the very beginning, the production team is integrated into the planning

In the planning of production sites, printadvice places

process on-site, so as to ensure that the special requirements of the eventual products will

great importance on largely integrated solutions that not

be met. The printadvice team has already completed numerous projects in collaboration

only take work sequences, technical systems, and their

with the local experts, and is accustomed to cooperate with local partners in different areas

linkages into account but the human being as well. Our

of planning.

experience in press specification, project management,

parameters, and we accompany our customers from the decision-making process to

– Investment concepts – Production plant design – Organization and management – System integration – Process optimization

Process optimization – all remains better. Every printing process has the potential for optimization. For many years now, printadvice has been carrying out projects for optimizing processes in printing companies. Our experienced process experts work on measurable and sustainable implementation of the project objectives involved. Focal points of process optimization are process analyses, cost reduction, productivity enhancement, quality optimization, technological problem solutions, training, and qualification.


Contact Sheetfed offset: Jörg Studer; e-Mail:; telephone: +49 - (0)69 83 05 - 33 53 Web offset: Dr. Eduard Hoffmann; e-Mail:; telephone: +49 - (0)821 424 - 3918

Contact Gerhard Janssen; e-Mail:; telephone: +49 - (0)69 83 05 - 11 93

Contact Sheetfed offset: Christian Gugler; e-Mail:; telephone: +49 - (0)69 83 05 - 24 09 Web offset: Günther Glas; e-Mail:; telephone: +49 - (0)821 424 - 21 85

Contact Thomas Schonbucher; e-Mail:; telephone: +49 - (0)821 217 36 - 0

1,440° for you. We will be glad to inform you in detail about the ° of service that is ideal for the development of your company. Simply call us or write us an e-mail. Thank you for your interest in PRINTVALUE.

manroland AG · 3 · PRINTVALUE · 01 · English · 05/2008 · printed in Germany

We are continuously developing our products and services and aligning them with our research

manroland AG

manroland AG

results and practical experience. We therefore reserve the right – also in your interest – to update



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Sector Sheetfed

Sector Webfed

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