Web Training

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The ability to learn more quickly than competitors is perhaps the only true competitive advantage. Arie de Geus

manroland AG · 2 · Training Webfed · 01 · english · 05/2008 · printed in Germany

Some of the aforementioned contents and concepts are optional and not automatically part of a training

manroland AG

course. The customer can individually combine these options at the respective option prices. We are

Business Sector Webfed

continually developing the seminars and training contents and adapting them to reflect our research

Training Center

results and practical experience. Therefore, we reserve the right to change seminar features and technical

86219 Augsburg, Germany

data. Only the written order confirmation is binding. The contents of this document, in particular brand names, logos, texts, illustrations and diagrams, are the property of manroland, unless otherwise identified,

Training Center Plauen

and are protected by law. Reproduction or utilization of this document as well as the communication

P.O. Box 10 01 55

of its content to others without explicit written authorization by manroland is prohibited. A civil action

08505 Plauen, Germany

will be brought against offenders. All rights are reserved in the event of the granting of patents, utility models or design.


Value Added Knowledge Success Requires Training

Success Requires Training Fit and on top of the game

It’s the same in the industry as in sports: if you want to be successful, you have to train. Only those who keep their employees and company in top shape will find themselves at the top of the podium. With good training, you can achieve recognition, independence, and security.

Our manroland seminars prepare you for competition and offer you a solid foundation on which to build your success. The objective of the new training concept is to provide practical know-how, imparted directly from experts to users, who then transfer it to the pressroom directly in your operation. True to our philosophy of Value Added Knowledge, we want to invite you to train together with us in order to create a competitive advantage for yourself. Let us support you on your way to the podium. Keeping your eye on the ball. In order to win, a team has to train – routinely and implementing the best methods. n

In our seminars, you work with state-of-the-art learning materials so that you can learn as much as possible in the simplest way possible.


Seminar preparation and follow-up – the warm-up and cool-down – are central aspects


Our multi-step training concept based on interlinked seminar modules supports you in

of our training program that ensure a successful learning process. … because further

developing – and maintaining – your mental fitness.

education ensures not only the personal future of the individual employee, but also that of the entire company. (Dr. Bernd Lieberoth-Leden, former board member at Karmann GmbH)


Together we are strong

Just like the three-man formation in soccer, the „three-P“ cooperation of a company – products, people, and processes – is also a decisive factor for success.

For this reason, it is important to invest in all three areas and to optimize not only the product, but also work processes and employee training. Only a well-trained team controls the course of the game, ultimately gaining the victory.



Product improvement




Maximum success due to



a synergy between product, process, and people

Success Increase in success Maximum success

Guaranteed Success: manroland Training Highlights. At a glance ...

... and in detail


High degree of practical training – Learning by doing for faster progress.


E-Learning – Effective learning with high flexibility.


Virtual classroom – Knowledge transfer and individual support at the click of a button.


Print simulator – Production process in virtual reality.


Standard seminars – The quick and reliable way to comprehensive know-how.


Special seminars – Individual training for individual requirements.


Personnel development – According to company-specific requirements.

Learning by doing for faster progress Even if you have seen how to score a goal a hundred times, you will never learn it yourself without practice. Our training program provides a high degree of practical involvement so that your momentum carries you to the goal successfully. At the seminar, you will familiarize yourself with state-of-the-art technology. Hands-on exercises on printing presses or individual components comprise a large part of the learning process. In the manroland training center, you can directly apply your newly acquired knowledge on real presses. Effective learning with high flexibility Every person is unique, and each has his or her own training method. We provide tutorials

Learning is like rowing

(e.g. via the Internet or e-mail) for seminar preparation and follow-up in order to ensure

upstream. Once you stop,

effective training. Using e-Lessons, you can repeat learning steps and prepare yourself for

you drift back.

new ones. You can also work on applications from a wide range of fields in your own time,

(Benjamin Britten,

whenever and wherever you want.


Knowledge transfer and individual support at the click of a button Questions arise during individual training that just cannot wait for an answer until the next training session. Our solution: a virtual classroom. During the synchronized e-Learning session you can analyze and discuss questions with your trainer and colleagues via a video, audio, and voice connection. You can also learn new seminar contents at any time.


When you build a house you don’t start with the roof. (Chinese proverb)

Production process in virtual reality Only those who have mastered practical implementation of a technique can become champions. Experience is key. That is why we give you the opportunity to virtually test printing techniques on the manroland print simulator, thus enabling you to further your knowledge and improve your skills. This way, you can achieve a particularly high level of training efficiency. The quick and reliable way to comprehensive know-how A solid foundation is just as important in the industry as in sports: without conditioning and the proper technique, you have no chance at winning the championship. In our seminars, you receive fundamental information on a multitude of important operational, maintenance, and process technology aspects. Utilizing the simple modular structure of the individual seminar building blocks, you can choose the training units that you need and develop a completely unique training program. The manroland Training Concept Knowledge

manroland training concept

Traditional training


Increasing learning sustainability and learning speed by combining the three learning levels Face-to-face training Self-paced learning/e-Learning Live training in a virtual classroom

Individual training for individual requirements Perfect your abilities! At our special seminars, which are tailored to your requirements, you can close gaps in your knowledge and develop existing potential. Together, we screen the entire range of printing and press technologies to help you find those aspects that are essential to your company. Even training on older or special presses presents no problems and can be carried out on location or in the virtual classroom via the Internet. Personnel development according to company-specific requirements We provide you with a special training program for your employees within the framework of your company’s personnel development so that you can lead an optimally trained team onto the field. n

The different target groups within your operation receive training that matches their level of knowledge and their specific requirements while taking your company’s future planning into account.


Together with you and in line with your specifications, we determine the contents, scope, location, and time of the training sessions, as well as training certification and control of success.


A test controlling the knowledge gained by your personnel can be performed on request. This test is administered by a neutral institution and precisely ascertains the level of your employees’ knowledge.


A neutral assessment and benchmark covering a large variety of technical sectors gives you an impression of how your personnel’s know-how rates on a scale compared with competitors and the industry.


Training Courses

The manroland Trainings in Detail

I – III (all technical disciplines) Component:

Entire printing press

Seminar title:

Basic course for all technical disciplines

Seminar objective:

The participants are familiarized with the printing press and its peripheral equipment. After the seminar, the participants have a solidly grounded insight into the printing press, are aware of the functions and the interactions of all relevant components, and are optimally prepared for the subsequent technically specific training courses.


According to agreement

Seminar contents (Selection):

n n n n n n n n n n n n

Configuration and construction of the new printing press Production possibilities (number of pages, ink, book types) Technical data, press performance Cylinder sections Inking units, damping units and supply equipment Webbing-up device Turning units and folder superstructures Folder unit Reel splicer Drive and control PECOM operation Interfaces to peripheral equipment

Target group:

Qualified personnel with basic technical knowledge of a printing press

Training level:


Training Courses



Entire printing press

Entire printing press

Entire printing press

Seminar title:

Basic course for press operators and printers

Advanced course for press operators and printers

Workshop/refresher course for printers and press operators

Seminar objective:

The participants are familiar with the entire press system. This knowledge enables them to run the press directly after commissioning.

During the printing technology seminar, printers and press operators receive practical training on the entire press system during regular production, supported by intensive theory.

Participants’ existing knowledge and skills are enhanced for increased efficiency in daily use of the press.


According to agreement

According to agreement

According to agreement

Seminar contents (Selection):

n n n n n

hilosophy of operation and press settings P peration of the control console and auxiliary aggregates O echnical data and production possibilities T older possibilities and panel operation F ractical experience in printing operation P


n n n

Maintenance, setting, and adjustment of the printing press and its components Operation of the control console and auxiliary aggregates Process technology systems and quality awareness Technical data and production possibilities

n n

Troubleshooting Process optimization

Target group:

Press operators and printers with basic technical knowledge of a printing press

Press operators and printers with intermediate technical knowledge or completion of the basic training course

Press operators and printers with comprehensive technical knowledge or completion of the basic and advanced training courses

Training level:





Component Training




Press control console

Printing unit

Seminar title:

Operating the Pecom PPM system

Control console and component training

Operating and setting the printing unit

Seminar objective:

Taking into account the specific customer configuration, the participants master the operating philosophy and functions of the PECOM system, in order to achieve maximum efficiency in day-to-day operation right from the production start.

The participants have mastered the control console as well as the function and operation of all components and control systems.

This training course enables the participants to analyze all printing unit problems and determine the best possible solution.


According to agreement

According to agreement

According to agreement

Seminar contents (Selection):

n n n n n n

unctions and operation F efinition of ink and paper classes D ressMonitor P chematic and folder superstructure web path S ptimization process O onsoleSystem C

n n n n n

Function and operation of the control console Control systems Aggregates Components Demonstration and practical exercises

n n


n n

Function of hydraulic, pneumatic, and electronic systems Comprehensive demonstration of buzzle wheels, registers, and damping unit functions. Adjustments of ink fountain, rollers, oscillation, and damping unit Process and manual operation of PPL/APL Service, maintenance, and cleaning

Target group:

Job preparation employees, production employees with cost responsibilities

Printers and press operators with basic technical knowledge of a printing press

Printers and press operators with basic technical knowledge of a printing press

Training level:

Basic, Advanced, Workshop

Individual element

Individual element

Component Training




Print simulator

Seminar title:

Operating and setting the folder

Print simulator training

Seminar objective:

Following the practical training, the participants are competent in handling the folder and have learnt practical solutions for folder product optimization.

The participants are able to manage the entire printing process in a system-oriented, efficient, and cost-effective manner.


According to agreement

According to agreement

Seminar contents (Selection):

n n n n


asic settings and adjustments of the folder B hange-over with all production types with web travel C older product optimization F unctions of the folder control panel, adjustments and F manual change-over omponent adjustments of the folder superstructure C

n n n n n


Structure, function and control Factors influencing the printing process Control and measuring elements in printing technology Basic settings at press start Standardized printing and managing the production process Localizing and correcting faults when taking over the press

Target group:

Printers and press operators with basic technical knowledge of a printing press

Printers and press operators, graphic arts industry employees

Training level:

Individual element

Individual element


Training Courses



Entire printing press

Entire printing press

Entire printing press

Seminar title:

Basic course for mechanics

Advanced course for mechanics

Workshop/refresher course for mechanics

Seminar objective:

The participants are familiar with the entire printing press including its components and their functions.

Questions remaining from the basic course are discussed and answered together. The participants are able to perform troubleshooting and fault analysis and correction and carry out necessary adjustment procedures.

Answers to and analysis of individual participants’ questions from the current working environment. The objective is individual problem solving and implementation of learned techniques in day-to-day business.


According to agreement

According to agreement

According to agreement

Seminar contents (Selection):

n n

n n n n n n n

C onfiguration and construction of the printing press P rinting unit (cylinder section, inking and damping units, drive) M aintenance and servicing of the press components T urning units F older superstructures F older unit W ebbing-up device R eel splicer F luid technology

n n n n n n n n n

Adjusting inking and damping rollers Home position of folder unit components Replacement of wear parts Adjustments on reel splicer Adjustments of turning units and folder superstructures Instructions on auxiliary aggregates Mechanical/electrical/electronic links Troubleshooting, fault analysis and correction Practical exercises on participants’ questions

n n n n n n n n

Adjusting ink and damping rollers Adjustments of automatic paper webbing-up device Adjustments of turning units and folder superstructures Settings of folding unit Adjustments on reel splicer Mechanical/electrical/electronic links Troubleshooting, fault analysis and correction Practical exercises on participants’ questions

Target group:

Mechanical maintenance personnel with basic technical knowledge

Mechanical maintenance personnel with intermediate technical knowledge or completion of the basic course

Mechanical maintenance personnel with comprehensive technical knowledge or completion of the basic and advanced courses

Training level:




Component Training



Reel supply/AUROload

Reel splicer/web infeed unit

Printing unit

Seminar title:

Function and adjustment of the reel supply/AUROload

Function and adjustment of the reel splicer and infeed unit

Function and adjustment of the printing unit

Seminar objective:

The participants are familiar with the installation and functions of individual components, settings, and diagnostics possibilities. Participants are also able to replace and adjust components.

The participants are familiar with the functions of the components and can perform necessary inspections and independently solve problems, as well as replace and adjust wear parts.

Familiarization with individual modules and their mechanical functions. Knowledge of the interaction of individual parts as well as detection and troubleshooting of mechanical faults.


According to agreement

According to agreement

According to agreement

Seminar contents (Selection):

n n n n n

O peration and visualization S afety devices L oading and unloading the reels D iagnostics P arameterization

n n n n n n n n n n

Construction/functions Reel drive Reel tensioning system Splice preparation Loading, unloading, lateral displacement Splicing arm Pneumatic system Maintenance Problem solving Settings during web travel

n n n n n n n n n n n n

Tensioning system Impression ON and OFF positions Lateral register Circumferential register Mechanical home position Drive of printing unit Damping unit Inking unit Ink fountain Fountain roller Adjustments of film roller Special tool kits/gauges

Target group:

Mechanical maintenance personnel

Mechanical maintenance personnel

Mechanical maintenance personnel

Training level:

Basic, Advanced, Workshop

Basic, Advanced, Workshop

Basic, Advanced, Workshop


Component Training




Turning unit/folder superstructure

Folding unit

Seminar title:

Function and adjustment of the dryer

Function and adjustment of the turning unit/folder superstructure

Function and adjustment of the folding unit

Seminar objective:

The participants become familiar with the functions, components, and operation, and adjustments of the dryer. Furthermore, efficient fault analyses can be carried out.

Familiarization with the functions and modules and their mechanical interaction. The participants can detect and correct mechanical faults effectively and also perform troubleshooting (messages on control console).

The participants are familiar with the functions and construction of the folding unit and can perform maintenance and fault correction on its components.


According to agreement

According to agreement

According to agreement

Seminar contents (Selection):


n n n

n n

O verview of components: dryer housing, thermal afterburner, dryer section, exhaust air ventilation, dryer doors, etc. G as section, fresh air, air transfer, exhaust air system E lectrical components and communication X -View monitor: information, operation, and fault analysis in level 1 (user level) and level 2 (maintenance level) L ocation of components in dryer O verview of component designations

n n n n n n n n n n n n

Overview of turning unit Cutting device Draw roller drive Measuring roller (option) Cut-off register roller Turner bars Web break detectors Explanation of special tools (setting gauges) Lead-in draw element on former (drive) Adjustment of former Lead-in rollers Cut-off register (former ribbon)

n n n n n n n n n n n

n n n n

Cutting cylinder (adjustment of cut, replacement of blade) Construction of collecting and folding cylinder Lap device Adjustment of diameter Adjustment of tucker blade Adjustment of pin system Torsion bar springs (replacing and tensioning) Product change-over Construction of folding jaw cylinder Basic setting of folding jaw Adjustment of folding jaw cylinder relative to collecting and folding cylinder Mechanical home position of folder Adjustment of delivery fan/stepping wheel Explanation of special tools (setting gauges) Conveyor belts

Target group:

Mechanical maintenance personnel

Mechanical maintenance personnel

Mechanical maintenance personnel

Training level:

Basic, Advanced, Workshop

Basic, Advanced, Workshop

Basic, Advanced, Workshop

Component Training



Webbing-up device

Seminar title:

Function and adjustment of the webbing-up device

Seminar objective:

Effective, reliable usage and maintenance of the webbingup device and modules. The participants can independently correct faults and perform troubleshooting (messages on control console).


According to agreement

Seminar contents (Selection):

n n n n n n

O verview of the webbing-up device W ebbing-up chain (loading system) W ebbing-up guiding system D rive stations of the webbing-up device S witching points I nstallation locations of the various proximity switches

Target group:

Mechanical maintenance personnel

Training level:

Basic, Advanced, Workshop


Training Courses



Entire printing press

Entire printing press

Entire printing press

Seminar title:

Basic course for electronics engineers

Advanced course for electronics engineers

Workshop/refresher course for electronics engineers

Seminar objective:

In the basic course, practical exercises on the configuration, carrying out adjustments, and troubleshooting are performed after the theoretical part. The participants become familiar with the basic configuration of the control and drive system.

The knowledge from the basic course is expanded. Adjusting and maintenance procedures are trained directly on devices. During training, the focus is on fault analyses, diagnostics, and correction.

Answers to and analysis of individual participants’ questions from the current working environment. During training, the focus is on fault analyses, diagnostics, and correction.


According to agreement

According to agreement

According to agreement

Seminar contents (Selection):

n n n n n

n n n

n n

C onfiguration and construction of the printing press T echnical specifications, press performance C ircuit diagrams I ntroduction to bus systems E lectronic configuration of modules, computers, and control consoles F ault analyses, diagnostics software E thernet network I /O modules, component computer, central control computer S ensors and actuators S afety functions


n n n n n n n n

Overview of bus systems and connected modules/ stations Fault analyses, diagnostics software Ethernet network Component computer, central control computer Sensors and actuators Safety functions Instructions on function, handling, Teleservice Mechanical/electrical/electronic links Practical exercises on participants’ questions

n n n n n n n

Fault analysis, diagnostics software Ethernet network Component computer, central control computer Sensors and actuators Instructions on function, handling, Teleservice Mechanical/electrical/electronic links Practical exercises on participants’ questions

Target group:

Qualified electronics personnel with basic technical knowledge

Qualified electronics personnel with intermediate technical knowledge or completion of the basic training course

Qualified electronics personnel with comprehensive technical knowledge or completion of the basic and advanced training courses

Training level:




Component Training



Field bus system

Ethernet/MICE Switch

Circuit diagrams

Seminar title:

Adjustments and fault correction in the field bus system

Ethernet process communication with the MICE Switch

Working with electrical circuit diagrams

Seminar objective:

The participants learn the function of the bus structure and Interbus modules. Special emphasis is placed on the participants independently setting and checking I/O signals as well as correcting faults in the bus system.

The participants learn the function of the LAN network. Special emphasis is placed on the participants independently configuring the MICE Switch as well as detecting and correcting network faults.

Becoming familiar with the circuit diagram layout and effective work with the circuit diagram. The participants are trained in quick detection of electrical equipment and networks as well as recognition of electrical equipment data such as manufacturer, type, order data, etc.


According to agreement

According to agreement

According to agreement

Seminar contents (Selection):

n n n n n


P hysical structure of Interbus I nterbus hardware and function I nterbus structure in component M aster module: mode of operation U ser software CMD - Configuration of bus systems - Monitoring, display of process data - Diagnostics messages and statistics B acklash-free disconnection of connected modules

n n n n n n n n n n

Network topology Physical structure of the network Transmission protocol Switching technology Data transmission lines of a network loop Network addressing Ethernet structure of printnet Ethernet - network - circuit diagram Configuration of MICE Switch Diagnostics of MICE Switch

n n



Circuit diagram types Circuit diagram layout - Overview diagram, flow of the current - Nomenclature, cable list Overview of identification of electrical equipment - Functional unit, installation location, electrical equipment Practical exercises with the circuit diagram - Current paths, cross-references, cross-component connections

Target group:

Qualified electronics personnel

Qualified electronics personnel

Qualified electronics personnel

Training level:

Basic, Advanced, Workshop

Basic, Advanced, Workshop

Basic, Advanced, Workshop


Component Training



Computer system

Diagnostics systems

Drive technology

Seminar title:

Troubleshooting and adjusting the computer systems

Effective work with diagnostics tools

Functions and maintenance of the drive system

Seminar objective:

The participants are familiar with the structure, function, and commissioning of the component computers. Troubleshooting on the Unit Controller and quick fault correction are an integral part of the course.

The participants receive an overview of functions, architecture, and application of diagnostics tools. Additionally, the participants can reliably perform applications and evaluations.

The participants gain a deep insight into the drive system, are familiar with its functions, and can easily replace components and perform troubleshooting.


According to agreement

According to agreement

According to agreement

Seminar contents (Selection):

n n n n n n n

R ack – description/equipment O perating systems A pplication software L oading/saving programs and settings U ser software for Soft SPS L oading/saving Soft SPS projects F ault diagnostics on Unit Controller

n n n n n n

Structure and functions Modular structure of the diagnostics system Directory structure: backup directory, documentation Applications on the diagnostics system Restoring a Unit Controller memory medium Use of Com Port Server - Configuration of a central encoder module - CMD diagnostics

n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n

Motors Encoders Frequency converters Drive controllers Configuration of control cabinets Calibration functions Diagnostics system Parameters for troubleshooting Data files and memory functions Practical exercises Redundancy function Control axis function and application Data communication between the press and drive system Data communication between the control axis and drives Registers, group functions

Target group:

Qualified electronics personnel

Qualified electronics personnel

Qualified electronics personnel

Training level:

Basic, Advanced, Workshop

Basic, Advanced, Workshop

Basic, Advanced, Workshop

Component Training



Various components

Seminar title:

Specific adjustments of components

Seminar objective:

The focus is on detecting, localizing and correcting faults in a component. The checking and adjusting of components is also part of the course.


According to agreement

Seminar contents (Selection):

n n n n n n

P ower supply C ontrol panels E lectrical adjustments F unctions of the fluid system S ensor-actuator adjustments S ingle-fault system safety

Target group:

Qualified electronics personnel

Training level:

Basic, Advanced, Workshop


Training Courses



Prepress and printing

Seminar title:

Basics of process technology

Seminar objective:

Through training on machine settings and general knowhow, participants gain comprehensive knowledge of process management along with basic knowledge of prepress and printing technology.


According to agreement

Seminar contents (Selection):



n n

n n n

Parameters in printing technology and basic knowledge of measuring technique Press operation, influencing factors, and methods of resolution Printing procedure and technical effects in process Exposure light sources, plate and exposure unit technologies Workflow from image digitalization to printing plate Exposing a set of plates Standardized printing

Target group:

Trained press operators, individuals being retrained or changing careers

Training level:


Component Training






Seminar title:

Process optimization and quality assurance in prepress

Process optimization and standardization in the printing process

Increasing efficiency with PECOM

Seminar objective:

The participants can independently carry out the necessary steps for process optimization while maintaining the defined procedures for quality assurance.

The participants are familiar with the complex interaction between prepress and printing as well as the procedures for systematic standardization of the printing process.

Through this seminar, participants acquire the essential process knowledge and can thus obtain the best possible presetting prior to a printing job.


According to agreement

According to agreement

According to agreement

Seminar contents (Selection):

n n n n

D escription of fault sources in the production process L ocalizing faults C ontrol mechanisms and tools for quality control S tandardization methods

n n n n

rocedure for process optimization P easuring and controlling equipment, evaluation tools M xplanation of the quality-relevant production steps E ractice P

n n n n

efinition of terms D I nfluencing factors in process technology roduct description and component presetting P I nk presetting and optimization

Target group:

Prepress employees

Prepress/printing shift supervisors, press supervisors

Job preparation employees, production employees with cost responsibilities

Training level:

Individual element

Individual element

Individual element


Component Training





Seminar title:

Influencing parameters for efficient quality assurance

Color Management

Seminar objective:

The participants are familiar with the most important components and influences for quality assessment in the prepress and printing areas.

Participants are able to introduce Color Management processes into production processes and are familiar with the techniques for generating ICC profiles.


According to agreement

According to agreement

Seminar contents (Selection):

n n n n n

C TP, exposure unit technologies, workflow P SO P arameters in printing technology M easuring technique S olution methods and best practices

n n n n

Physical and physiognomic basics on color perception Monitor profiling and proof matching Concept and mode of operation of ICC Color Management Color Management equipment and application in practice

Target group:

Prepress/printing shift supervisors, press supervisors

Prepress employees

Training level:

Individual element

Individual element

Management Training



Human Resources

Maintenance planning

Cost calculation

Seminar title:

HR in a printing company

Fundamentals of reliability maintenance (RCM)

Costs structures and determining hourly rates

Seminar objective:

The participants know the fundamentals of personnel assessment including how to generate a performance profile specifically for a printing company. The main focus is on efficient recording of performance parameters.

The participants learn fundamentals of reliability maintenance (RCM) and its possibilities. The objective is to become familiar with new approaches and possibilities of maintenance.

The objective is to understand the cost structures in a printing company and be able to create an operational accounting sheet. The participants can understand the influences affecting an hourly rate.


3 days

3 days

2 days

Seminar contents (Selection):

n n

n n

n n n

C reation of specific performance profiles R ecording and evaluation of employees’ knowledge and skills C reation of a training data base C ategorization of deviation determined from performance profile B udget calculation for training purposes T rain-the-trainer concept H R data base for employees, recording of actual and target values

n n n n

n n n

Generation development of maintenance Expected availability Fundamentals of RCM Drawing diagrams of efficiency standards for system components Assessment of availability risks Information sources and early detection of system faults Introduction of new maintenance concepts

n n n

Costs types in a printing company Structure of the operational accounting sheet Structure of the hourly rate calculation

Target group:

HR department employees of a printing company

Employees responsible for maintenance

Commercial employees of a printing company, controlling, accounting

Training level:

Individual element

Individual element

Individual element


Management Training



Production planning

Cost calculation

Cost calculation/controlling

Seminar title:

Efficient production planning

Cost-effective production, cost calculation

Indices and technical controlling

Seminar objective:

The seminar participants learn how to efficiently evaluate and organize production planning. The target is to provide the participants with new approaches that can be applied in practice.

The participants learn how to analyze production costs and organize production efficiently and economically. The objective is to identify cost drivers in their own company and reduce these if possible.

This seminar imparts the fundamentals of practical application of indices to participants, which they use as control factors in the value creating chain.


1 day

2 days

2 days

Seminar contents (Selection):

n n n

O ptimization of products and production means S afety and risks of production planning D ifferent methods of production planning

n n n

tructure of production costs S Determining the cost drivers Discovering savings potentials

n n n



General definition of meaningful indices Definition of indices in a printing company Using indices as control factors to increase efficiency and for the cost-effective production KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) as performance parameters Definition, recording and reporting on KPIs

Target group:

Shift supervisors, production planners, sales

Printing, mailroom, and prepress department managers, production managers

Technical managers, commercial managers, and shift supervisors, assistants to technical or commercial managers

Training level:

Individual element

Individual element

Individual element

Management Training



Maintenance planning


Seminar title:

Efficient maintenance planning

Production data and reporting tools

Seminar objective:

After the seminar, the participants know how to plan and implement efficient maintenance planning.

The participants receive an overview of the varied and comprehensive (production) data in a printing company and their effective evaluation and presentation.


2 days

2 days

Seminar contents (Selection):


n n n n n n



F undamentals of efficient maintenance planning with a maintenance system C onfiguration and modules of the maintenance systems R esource planning S pare part planning and management R ecording production and maintenance data R eporting, standard und individual reports M aintenance effort and the ratio of preventive and reactive maintenance F undamentals of maintenance data for analytical purposes F undamentals of controlling maintenance effort

n n n n n n n

Fundamentals of efficient reporting Production data planning and data bases Classifying and analyzing production data Filtering and qualifying system data Generating and organizing efficient reports Consolidating system data and user data Medium-term and long-term benchmarking through production data

Target group:

Maintenance planning personnel, maintenance employees

Production planners, printing/mailroom/maintenance or finance/controlling department managers

Training level:

Basic, Advanced

Individual element


Training Step Overview Level Basic

before delivery date*

at the manroland Training Center, optionally at the customer’s location


during commissioning*

at the customer’s location, optionally at the manroland Training Center


after production start*

at the customer’s location, optionally at the manroland Training Center


manroland training courses, as well as numerous training components and modules, are offered on three levels. Basic: With basic training, seminar participants gain an initial insight into the respective technology. The goal of this training is to impart fundamental knowledge and understanding of the technology. Advanced: Advanced training teaches participants how to implement the respective technologies further in the workplace. Questions arising from the basic training are discussed together and answered in greater detail. Workshop: At workshops, individual questions from the current work environment are discussed and analyzed. The workshops are aimed at individual problem solving and implementation of learned techniques in day-to-day business. Individual elements: Seminars identified as individual elements are individual modules. They include stand-alone topics and contents and are not offered as building-block seminars (Basic, Advanced, Workshop).

*Recommended training sequence for new printing presses – for existing systems on request.

Training Courses The manroland courses address all components, covering the entire system. At the end of the course, participants have gained comprehensive knowledge of the production facility’s technology and can operate the systems effectively and reliably. Seminar duration and contents are determined individually based on machine type, system configuration, and the experience of the customer’s personnel.





Basic courses for all technical disciplines Basic course for press operators and printers*

Basic course for mechanics*

Basic course for electronics engineers*

Basics of process technology

Advanced course for press operators and printers*

Advanced course for mechanics*

Advanced course for electronics engineers*

Advanced course according to agreement

Workshop/refresher course for printers and press operators

Workshop/refresher course for mechanics

Workshop/refresher course for electronics engineers

Workshop/refresher course according to agreement

*Recommended training courses for press customers and new press customers

manroland Training Modules/ Component Training Training modules are compact seminar building blocks that focus on the respective component or topic. They can be selected and compiled individually by the customer together with manroland. The training modules are ideal for technical training of new employees. Further seminar modules are available on request.







Reel supply/ AUROload

Field bus system

Process optimization and quality assurance in prepress

HR in a printing company

Press control console

Reel splicer/ infeed unit

Ethernet/MICE Switch

Process optimization and standardization in the printing process

Fundamentals of reliability maintenance (RCM)

Printing unit

Printing unit

Circuit diagrams

Increasing efficiency with PECOM

Cost structures and determining hourly rates



Computer system

Influencing parameters for efficient quality assurance

Efficient production planning

Print simulator

Turning unit/folder superstructure

Diagnostics systems

Color Management

Cost-effective production, cost calculation

Folding unit

Drive technology

Indices and technical controlling

Webbing-up device

Various components

Efficient maintenance planning

Production data and reporting tools

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