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MIC Implementation Committee Meetings
The staff hosted its first two Implementation Committee meetings for the Mansfield Innovation Corridor in January at Ben Barber and in March, virtually. Texas A&M Texas Engineering Experiment Station, a partner of the MIC, helped facilitate the meeting.
The committee is a collaboration between industry, education, and community partners, with the goal of implementing programs and partnerships that will support future business and innovation in Mansfield and DFW.
Chisholm Flats
In late 2021, the landowners on the northeast corner of Lone Star Road and Highway 287, known as Chisholm Flats (David Berzina and Bob Jonas), brought plans to city staff of small pad sites along Lone Star, directly across from Texas Health Hospital.
Considering their zoning, and the fact that SUPs are required for drive-thrus, staff was able to request we sit down and discuss this site with a much grander vision in mind.
Staff mentioned that we had all of the economic development tools available to make this a win-win and truly special place for the community. T hose conversations transformed their concept plans into a true mixed-use development with substantial restaurant and civic plaza space that would likely be a destination for entertainment.