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It has been a busy and exciting semester for the My Mansfield Internship Program! Each member of the Spring 2023 cohort shadowed a department that allowed them to work on projects tailored to the student’s interests and goals . These departments included the City Manager’s Office, Planning and Development, Water Utilities, Emergency Management, and Parks and Recreation .

Deborah, the Emergency Management intern, aided in the completion of registering Mansfield in the State of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry.


This allows Mansfield to be compliant with SB968, a bill the state passed in 2021. As part of this project Deborah made a request to the state for us to be able to access this database.

She then downsized the database for the city’s purposes and mapped all registered individuals into the EOC incident management software. This will allow emergency response teams to visually see where registered people are located and if a disaster might be impacting them.

Over 12 weeks, students worked diligently with their department mentors to complete various projects, including (but not limited to):

• Legislative bill tracking & updates

• Community event planning

• Irrigation checks and water testing

• Creating promotional marketing material

• Ordinance and Pattern book review and editing

• Development and elevation review

• Community environmental education

At the conclusion of the semester, interns presented their work to other executive staff and the city management team. As the Spring 2023 cohort graduates the program, we want to thank them for all their hard work and wish them the best in their future endeavors.

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