Mansion magazine August 2019

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Mansion incorporating news from Dow jones’


fresh stArt Listings heat up for spring Plus

12-page Interiors section High anxiety

Apartments under scrutiny

Port Douglas

FNQ playground on the move

Jamie Durie Wave of inspiration

Issue 28 H August 2019



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2 4 - 2 6 WO O D RO F F E AV E , M A I N BE AC H , G O L D COA S T

P RI C E D F RO M $ 2 .2 M - $ 3 .7 M

W W W.W H I T E M A I N B E A C H . C O M . A U


“The White House” ~ 34 Pacific Parade, MISSION BEACH ‘The ‘The White White House’ House’ is is an an award award winning winning luxurious luxurious beachfront beachfront home home situated situated on on the the absolute absolute beachfront beachfront at at Mission Mission Beach Beach offering offering great great views views to to the the Coral Coral Sea Sea and and Dunk Dunk Island. Island. Designed Designed over over 22 levels levels with with aa spacious spacious floor floor plan, plan, perfect perfect for for aa family family or or couple. couple. Situated Situated in in aa very very quiet quiet cul-de-sac. cul-de-sac. The The house house is is white white and and bright bright and and features features limed limed louvres louvres throughout. throughout. As As you you come come through through the the front front door door you you are are presented presented with with expansive expansive ocean ocean views views and and the the soft soft sands sands of of Mission Mission Beach Beach just just aa few few meters meters away. away. Gaze Gaze out out to to Dunk Dunk Island Island and and the the Coral Coral Sea Sea or or ponder ponder what what you you will will create create in in the the gourmet gourmet Miele Miele kitchen. kitchen. The The kitchen kitchen features features an an industrial industrial size size 90cm 90cm oven, oven, combi combi microwave, microwave, huge huge double double door door fridge fridge and and dishwasher, dishwasher, all all by by Miele. Miele. The The 88 seater seater dining dining area area offers offers an an alfresco alfresco feel feel featuring featuring bi-fold bi-fold doors doors onto onto the the poolside poolside BBQ BBQ terrace. terrace. On On the the ground ground level, level, there there are are two two bedrooms bedrooms with with aa shared shared bathroom. bathroom. Upstairs Upstairs are are another another 22 bedrooms bedrooms and and aa second second living living area. area. The The master master room room features features an an over-sized over-sized limestone limestone bathroom. bathroom. The The second second bedroom bedroom also also has has an an ensuite ensuite bathroom. bathroom. Each Each bedroom bedroom has has large large cupboard cupboard storage. storage. Views Views from from upstairs upstairs are are spectacular spectacular looking looking out out to to both both Dunk Dunk and and Bedarra Bedarra Islands. Islands. Only Only meters meters to to the the beach. beach. Stroll Stroll along along the the beach beach path path to to the the quaint quaint shopping shopping village village of of Mission Mission Beach Beach for for aa morning morning coffee. coffee. A A property property with with very very impressive impressive style. style.

44 BEDROOMS BEDROOMS -- 33 BATHROOMS BATHROOMS -- POOL POOL -- ABSOLUTE ABSOLUTE BEACHFRONT BEACHFRONT -- 813m2 813m2 || REF: REF: 1911 1911 || Price Price $2.7 $2.7 Million Million

Contact Contact Agent Agent Steve Steve Wiltshire Wiltshire ~~ Mission Mission Beach Beach Real Real Estate Estate || 0419 0419 674 674 409 409 and and (07) (07) 4088 4088 6611 6611 ~

Mission Mission Beach Beach Real Real Estate Estate

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Barangaroo: Interiors, page 47 1 3 l u x u r y adelaide Hills Georgian, Elizabeth Bay penthouse, noosa golfing 1 6 cov E r story

trophy homes are back, with listings gearing up for spring

2 0 ja m i E d u r i E

a house in sydney’s mosman plays with lightness and solidity

2 2 d o l l y l E n z Protecting property against natural disasters is now a priority 2 6 t H E m a k E r s Brisbane-based uaP makes works for artists around the world 2 8 H i G H a n x i E t y luxury apartment buyers put builders under the microscope 3 0 ru r a l

victoria’s mornington Peninsula is a magnet for horse-lovers

3 2 c r E m a an apartment development with a vision for an integrated lifestyle 3 4 P o r t d o u G l a s the sun is shining on the tropical playground’s market 3 6 G o l d c o a s t For waterfront owners wanting more space, the only way is up 3 8 G a r d E n a P a r t m E n t s luxury developments are embracing greenery 4 0 s t r a d B r o k E i s l a n d straddie’s homes are at the cutting edge of design 4 3 m a n s i o n G l o B a l clifftop in nz, irish mansion, private thames island 4 4 B a c k P a G E Palm Beach is the ultimate hangout for sydney sybarites 4 7 i n t E r i o r s one family trades suburban space for glamorous cBd living 5 6 P r o d u c t s dusty pinks, ruby hues and lush velvet see out the winter months 5 8 d E s i G n c l a s s i c s isamu noguchi’s sinuous glass-topped coffee table nExt issuE:


Editor lisa allen Contributing editor jonathan chancellor Interiors editor david meagher Art director samantha yates Writers joel robinson sam duncan rosanne Barrett mackenzie scott Chief sub editor deirdre Blayney Picture editor christine westwood Advertising michael thompson tel. 61 2 9288 3630

september 14, 2019

on tHE covEr the trophy home at coolong road in sydney’s

vaucluse, on 1650sq m of manicured gardens, has been listed with hopes of fetching $55 million



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unsolicited manuscripts will not be considered. Printed by ovato Print Pty ltd, 31 Heathcote road, moorebank 2170, for the proprietor and publisher, nationwide news Pty limited (acn 008 438 828), of 2 Holt street, surry Hills, nsw 2010 for insertion in The Weekend Australian on august 10, 2019

Editor’s letter who would have thought Queensland’s north stradbroke island would become a magnet for the very rich and the most private of buyers? these days up to 40 per cent of straddie’s houses are bespoke designed by such celebrated architects as Brit andresen, Gabriel Poole and Haig Beck. and few would have predicted that three-level houses would become de rigueur in certain south East Queensland circles, with owners keen to cash in on the spectacular views. Elsewhere in our august edition, rosanne Barrett tackles the rising popularity of the bespoke contemporary artworks produced by Brisbane group uaP, which is not only distributing to sydney, melbourne and Perth but also into in new zealand, and as far afield as Qatar and Portugal. the world of real estate never ceases to amaze, particularly when a prolific developer such as the ralan Group, which has enjoyed years of strong apartment sales on the Gold coast and in sydney’s suburbs, collapses overnight, owing creditors $500 million. so who is to blame? it seems state government real estate surcharges applied to foreign buyers, led by nsw – which is adding 8 per cent to purchase prices – is dampening the enthusiasm of overseas purchasers – not only in medium-density markets but also among upper-echelon buyers. But despite the bad news, which includes Bureau of statistics revelations of a 26 per cent slump in building approvals over the past year, agents reckon there will be a pick-up in the market – particularly in the luxury sector – come september 1. most are reporting that since the may 18 federal election there’s been more interest in property and many more people attending open inspections, as well as an increase in sales turnover. let’s hope the agents, developers and researchers contacted to help us put this issue together are correct and this spring brings a much-needed rebound in prices and listings. Lisa Allen Editor

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A luxury home completed in 2013 at Palm cove, 30km north of cairns, has been listed with record Far north Queensland hopes. the Buchans Point home, a five-year project of Jetstar airline pilot executive david Probert and his wife sharron, has an $8 million guide. the pair bought the block in 2002 and built to a design by architect Roger mainwood of tPg Architects. overlooking Ellis Beach, the four-bedroom home sits under a zinc-topped roof with interiors from sydneybased stephen collins. Ray white Port douglas agents Jason monk and mark Flinn are marketing the property.

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Next level

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The Ken Woolley-designed Paddington House, which won the Australian Institute of Architects’ highest honour for residential design in 1983, has been listed for sale. Phillips Pantzer Donnelley agents Catherine Dixon and Kane Dunkley have a $3.85 million guide for the three-bedroom, two-bathroom home for its auction on August 31. On a 355sq m block with garage, the three-storey modernist home has been updated since Woolley sold it to the Melhuish family for $390,000 in 1987. It retains its dramatic barrel-vaulted ceiling and bright entertainment levels across a whole floor. A north-facing terrace has city views. The home, at 8A Cooper Street, was completed in 1980 and is one of three homes Woolley built for his own use in Sydney.

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the luxury Perth home of Ross and Lory merlino, co-founders of furniture maker merlino, has sold for $7 million. the couple commissioned the Imperial Homes build in 2013, having paid $2.585 million for the Attadale holding in 2006. A three-level mansion now stands on the 1075sq m elevated parcel with views. the ground floor has a sunken lounge with its own kitchenette that opens to an outdoor living area. there’s a barbecue kitchen, pool and spa, sauna and deck. this level also has a 10-seat home theatre. on the first floor is the main living space and kitchen, as well as the master bedroom. the basement level has a fully self-contained apartment, garaging for seven cars and a gym. mont Property selling agent matthew Podesta says the home was one of the finest to come to market in Perth. It beat the previous suburb record of $5.1 million, set last year by a home built in 2010.

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Luxury Luxury

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the thelargest largestsingle-level single-levelapartment apartmentin insydney, sydney,on onthe the40th 40thlevel levelof ofthe theHorizon Horizon building buildingin indarlinghurst, darlinghurst,has hasbeen beenrecreated recreatedby bymelbourne’s melbourne’smim mimdesign, design,which which was wascommissioned commissionedby bythe thegraham grahamfamily familyto toredesign redesignthe theluxury luxuryapartment apartment looking lookingacross acrossevery everyangle angleof ofsydney. sydney.the thewhole-floor whole-floorsub-penthouse, sub-penthouse,spanning spanning 565sq 565sqm mof ofinternal internalfloor floorspace, space,has hasfour fourbedrooms, bedrooms,each eachwith withaamarble marbleensuite, ensuite, as aswell wellas asself-contained self-containedquarters quarterswith withaaliving livingroom, room,kitchen, kitchen,bedroom bedroomand and bathroom. bathroom.there thereare arethree threeseparate separateliving livingareas, areas,as aswell wellas asaamedia mediaroom. room. Herringbone Herringboneoak oakfloors floorsand andcote coted’azur d’azurmarble marblefeature featurethroughout throughoutthe the apartment, apartment,which whichalso alsohas hasthe thelatest latestin inmod modcons, cons,including includingkeyless keylessentry, entry,facial facial recognition recognitionand andautomated automateddoors. doors.Entry Entryisisthrough throughaamarble marbleand andbrass brassprivate private lift liftlobby. lobby.belgravia belgraviaPrivate Privateagents agentsadam adamross rossand andtrent trentiverson iversonare aremarketing marketingthe the apartment apartmentwith withaaguide guideof of$17.5 $17.5million millionto to$19.25 $19.25million. million.

An Anultra-modern ultra-modernhome homeininHighgate HighgateHill, Hill,an aninner innersuburb suburbofofBrisbane, Brisbane,has hasbeen been listed listedfor forsale. sale.The TheDerby DerbyStreet Streethome, home,built builtjust justunder underaadecade decadeago, ago,was was bought boughtfor for$2.2 $2.2million millioninin2010 2010by byretired retiredgeologist geologistMichael MichaelHawkins Hawkinsand andhis his lawyer lawyerwife wifeAmarzaya AmarzayaGantumur. Gantumur.The Thecouple couplerenovated renovatedbefore beforemoving movingin, in, creating creatingaalibrary libraryarea areaand andadding addingaabathroom, bathroom,aagym, gym,wine winecellar cellarand andaawet wetbar bar area. area.Offering Offering500sq 500sqmmofofliving livingspace spaceand andlift liftaccess accesstotoeach eachofofthe thethree threelevels, levels, the thecontemporary contemporarymansion mansionhas hassix sixbedrooms, bedrooms,three threebathrooms bathroomsand andaamedia media room. room.There’s There’sItalian Italianlimestone limestoneflooring, flooring,hand-chiselled hand-chiselledlimestone limestoneon onthe thewalls walls and and24-carat 24-caratgold goldtaps tapsininthe theJapanese Japanesespa spabath. bath.The Themain mainliving livingarea areaopens opens onto ontoaalarge largeveranda verandawith withviews viewstotoMount MountCoot-tha. Coot-tha.Below Belowisisaaplunge plungepool. pool. Another Anotherliving livingspace spaceopens openstotoan anoutdoor outdoorentertaining entertainingarea. area.Ray RayWhite WhiteWest WestEnd End agent agentLuke LukeO’Kelly O’Kellyisismarketing marketingthe thehome, home,which whichfronts frontsbushland. bushland.

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Par Par for for the the course course aanew newnoosa noosahome homedesigned designedby bycube cube Homes Homesco-owner co-ownerJared Jaredclout clouthas hasbeen been listed listedon oncompletion. completion.clout cloutgot gotto towork work on onthe theglossy glossywhite whitehome homeaayear yearago ago after afterpaying paying$700,000 $700,000for foran an815sq 815sqm m land landparcel parcelin inoasis, oasis,aaprivate privategated gated community communitywith withonly only24 24houses houseson onthe the noosa noosasprings springsgolf golfcourse. course.ititmelds meldsinto into the thegraham grahamPapworth-designed Papworth-designed18-hole 18-hole golf golfcourse, course,rated ratedamong amongaustralia’s australia’sbest. best. clout’s clout’sdesign designfocused focusedmainly mainlyaround around the theposition positionof ofthe thegolf golfcourse. course.“For “Forme me ititwas wasextremely extremelyimportant importantfor forthe theentire entire living livingroom roomto tohave havethe thebackdrop backdropof ofthe the golf golfcourse,” course,”he hesays. says.“the “thechallenge challengewas was also alsoto todesign designthe themaster mastersuite suiteto tohave have views viewsof ofthe thefairway fairwayas aswell.” well.” aaglass glassbalustrade balustraderuns runsalong along the theproperty’s property’sboundary boundaryto toensure ensure uninterrupted uninterruptedviews viewsof ofthe the18th 18thfairway fairway and andsurrounding surroundingbushland. bushland. set seton onsprings springscrescent, crescent,one oneof ofjust just two twostreets streetsin inoasis, oasis,the thehome homehas hasfour four bedrooms, bedrooms,aagrand granddressing dressingroom roomand and aawine winecellar. cellar.the theresort-style resort-styleoutdoor outdoor area areahas hasaapool, pool,spa spaand andday daybeds. beds. century century21 21noosa noosaagent agentrachel rachelsellman sellman isisasking askingfor foroffers offersover over$2.5 $2.5million. million. 14 14

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adEl aidE Hills, sa

Georgian style

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Trophy update broadlees, a 1920s mansion in crafers west in the adelaide Hills, has been listed for sale at $3.8 million-plus after a recent upgrade and extension. the georgian-style home with mediterranean influences was designed by architect walter bagot. Harcourts williams agent dee-anne Hunt is marketing the estate, which last traded for $2.85 million in 2013. it was built for Eva and lily waite, daughters of Peter waite, the first chairman of Elder, smith and co (now agribusiness company Elders). until Peter’s death in 1922, the family had been based at the 1890s urrbrae House. the sisters donated that property to the university of adelaide and built broadlees. the two-storey mansion behind its original wrought iron gates has 14 rooms, including six bedrooms and two bathrooms. there are two cellars, and original features include the jarrah and parquetry floor, high ceilings and several fireplaces. landscape gardener Elsie marion cornish advised Eva on the gardens. covering 7.3ha, they appeared in Australian Home Beautiful and South Australian Homes & Gardens in 1932 and 1936. the grounds also include three stables with a round yard, three fenced paddocks and four day yards.

A Kingscliff beachfront reserve trophy home designed by architect Virginia Kerridge and built by Ron Sutton more than a decade ago has been listed for sale. Sutton used stacked stone, raw concrete and a weathered timber exterior to create the five-bedroom residence complete with louvre windows and 3m high glass doors. The North Point Avenue home has since been updated, with a new exterior and gardens. An outdoor dining space with barbecue overlooks the pool. On the ground floor is a media room and the upper-level master retreat has its own balcony. LJ Hooker Kingscliff agents Nick and Carol Witheriff are selling the home with concept plans for a third-level roof deck with ocean views. There are $3.325 million hopes. The house initially belonged to Harvey Norman boss Katie Page, who sold it for $2.675 million in 2017.

E l i z a b E t H bay, ns w

Designer views The two-level penthouse crowning a Burley Katon Hallidaydesigned block on Elizabeth Bay’s Billyard Avenue dress circle has been listed by fund manager Michael Hill, who is hoping for a fresh record for the complex. The apartment, which dates back two decades, has five bedrooms and six bathrooms across 425sq m of internal space, as well as 375sq m of wraparound balconies and terraces with harbour views. The development was completed in the late 1990s after East Asia Property Group paid $8.5 million for Cardigan, the mansion of solicitor Cedric Symonds and his socialite wife Elizabeth. It knocked down the building in 1996 and replaced it with a six-apartment development with a pool and private jetty. The penthouse first traded for $7.1 million in 2001 when bought by David Wilkenfield, a ballet clothing manufacturer. He doubled his money in five years, selling for a record $14 million in 2006 to former Deutsche banker Hal Herron. Herron, however, lost $2 million when he sold to Investec Bank chairman David Gonski for $12 million in 2012. Gonski only held the apartment for two years, selling it in 2014 for $12.5 million. It has been listed by Clint Ballard from Ballard Property, who secured the last sale.

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spring break

With With buyer buyer confidence confidence on on the the rise rise again, again, the the prestige prestige market market isis anticipating anticipating big big demand demand in in the the selling selling season season to to come come

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16 16

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Vaucluse trophy home on Coolong Road, Below: Laurent, in Queensland’s Paddington

he 2019 spring listing season is being eagerly anticipated, with increasing suggestions that the trophy home market could emerge from its slumber. christie’s international agent ken jacobs says spring will be the litmus test for whether the positive sentiment generated by the outcome of the federal election translates into new listings and buyer activity at the prestige end. jacobs says he is confident that this spring will see more activity and stability in pricing than was the case last spring. “buyer confidence across the board is substantially better since the federal election,” he says, adding that it will be local buyers who drive the market, given that the state and federal governments’ stamp duty surcharge on non-resident purchasers makes property less attractive to foreign and expat buyers. jacobs has the prime listing of the Vaucluse trophy home of Garrick Hawkins, the boss of ceres agricultural company, and his wife Evelyn, who are uk bound. He describes the coolong road manor between Vaucluse beach and neilson Park as one of the finest estates in the suburb. the house, which sits on 1650sq m of manicured gardens, was designed by andre Porebski. marketed with hopes of $55 million, the sprawling 1165sq m, six-bedroom mansion comes with interiors by designer thomas Hamel. the entire entry level, with a striking domed skylight, is dedicated to living and entertaining, with a full-length terrace connecting the formal and casual living spaces with the gun-barrel panorama of the harbour. there’s a library and home office on this level, with ornate vaulted ceilings, timber joinery and French doors opening to the front garden and koi pond. the master wing on the floor above has its own sitting room, his and hers dressing rooms and an ensuite with a freestanding solid marble bathtub. the lower ground floor includes a billiards room with cocktail bar, a rumpus room, a wine cellar and a photographer’s dark room. on the water level is a health retreat, gym and sauna that opens to 21m of harbour frontage, one of the largest on the peninsula. it has a private jetty, slipway, boathouse, deepwater mooring, barbecue pavilion and a heated saltwater pool. corelogic research director tim lawless says the most expensive quartile of the housing market is leading the recovery trend. “the middle to upper end of the sydney and melbourne markets are showing the stronger trajectory in housing values after recording deeper declines during the down phase,” lawless says. “with borrowing capacities recently increasing as a result of lower mortgage rates, and a reduced serviceability floor, existing owners may increasingly be looking to upgrade. despite value declines across the board, more expensive housing stock has generally recorded greater declines, which may be offering home owners the opportunity to upgrade into a more expensive property.” Elsewhere on the sydney harbourfront, other listings have emerged. on the rose bay waterfront is a collins avenue home rebuilt by architect susan rothwell that comes with $20 million hopes through sotheby’s. the five-bedroom home on its 705sq m parcel has been listed by the family of the late susan Feller, who bought the property three decades ago for $4.15 million. Each of the three levels has harbour views. Expansive floor-to-ceiling retractable glass doors and plantation shutters open to sandstone paved terraces. ray white woollahra agent Gavin rubinstein says he thinks the number of quality listings will be lower than last year. “i don’t foresee an influx of new listings in spring and

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Top: Swimming pool and dining room of Irving Road, Toorak Bottom: Washington Street, Toorak

i think stock levels will remain low,” he says, adding that he is seeing depth and strong buyer interest in the $5 million to $10 million range. as a result [of low-quality listings], prices will probably edge upwards, driven by a lack of choice.” kay & Burton agent Grant samuel is seeing the same in melbourne, with some vendors a little cautious so stock “may be a little lower than previous years”. He predicts a strong spring, however. “the early data suggests that more buyers are attending opens and clearance rates are increasing,” samuel says. He says some opens in the sub-$2 million bracket are seeing 70 to 80 groups attend – numbers not even seen at the height of the market. “a large number of buyers who were sitting back are now back in force,” he says. “this positive sentiment will in turn drive the premium property market where buyers are less reliant on credit.” samuel says buyer confidence is certainly improving. “Buyers realise we have hit the bottom and that it was a brief time there,” he says. “no one knows how long it will take to get back to the highs of 2017. However, most feel that we are back on the rise.” samuel and colleague darren lewenberg have toorak’s biggest early spring listing, the home of former st kilda football club director and lawyer John Gdanski and his property developer partner, Gaby tomkin. they have $11.5 million to $12.5 million hopes for the English-style residence on irving road, which last traded in 2015 for $8,437,500 when it was known as the trophy home Benyar. Built in the 1930s on 1060sq m, the four-bedroom, five-bathroom home has interiors by the late stuart rattle. toorak’s most recent sale was when the former competition boss Graeme samuel sold, having sought $8 million. it was bought by the Jreissati family. rt Edgar toorak agents oliver Booth and abby innes are marketing a toorak home designed by the late architect wayne Gillespie with a guide of $6 million to $6.6 million. the washington 18

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street property features a grand entry with Gillespie’s signature large main skylight. the four-bedroom residence on 650sq m has a formal sitting room and study opening to a northern courtyard garden. Expat interest is tipped to rise this spring given the low dollar. agents are also hopeful that some funds will come out of the share market, which is at record levels. trophy home sales have slowed to a trickle in 2019 compared to last year, but generally in sydney and melbourne, spring is when the number of transactions ticks up sharply. there have only been 14 trophy home sales above $10 million in the woollahra municipality so far this year. over the same time last year agents had secured 28. From september to christmas last year, however, eastern suburbs agents secured a further 26 sales. across the harbour at mosman it is much the same story. there have been only the two sales there so far this year, the latest being the $11 million-plus sale of the Burran avenue home of Peter Bartter, a co-founder of the Griffith-based poultry giant Bartter Enterprises. in the same period last year agents had secured 14 sales, with a further five during spring. Perth has seen three sales at $5 million or over credited to agents, whereas last year there were two. there have only been two reported sales over $10 million so far this year in stonnington, in melbourne’s southeast, compared to 11 over the same period last year. the spring selling season last year notched up nine sales above $10 million. Boroondara in the eastern suburbs had three sales over $10 million from January to september 2018, followed by just one other sale over $10 million over the spring months. this year they’ve had no reported sales above that so far, but rt Edgar agent oliver Booth says melbourne is in for a big spring. “while stock levels may be down from this time last year, i am confident prices will increase due to a lack of supply and increase in buyer demand,” Booth says. He adds that there is a shortage of

good quality family homes in top locations, with buyers after these types of properties. “overall, buyer confidence is stronger than in the first six months of 2019 as the federal election and low interest rates have encouraged buyer activity and confidence back into the market,” he says. there’s confidence, too, in the Brisbane trophy home market. ray white new Farm agents matt lancashire and Josh Brown recently secured $3.98 million for laurent, a striking ultra-modern home in Paddington, before their expressions of interest campaign even closed. it was bought by a local Brisbane family, but there were three offers – two locals and one expat buyer looking to move back to Brisbane from the uk. designed by Joe adsett architects and developed by Graya construction and Frank developments, the new six-bedroom home is designed around a courtyard with pool and kitchen. a rooftop terrace crowns the four-level property. lancashire says there’s been increasing demanding for high-end homes, but many agents across the country are finding there is not enough stock. “i currently have 17 buyers looking to buy above $10 million-plus,” lancashire says. “Buyer confidence in this sector is extremely positive and the main factors include the strong coalition government – and even though interest rates don’t affect this part of the market, it’s helped confidence and the new market has been set.” ken Jacobs notes that the mindset of trophy home sellers is “influenced by price and perception”. He says that in the recent down market, perceptions that a listing might be a distress sale led most vendors to hold off until an upswing in the cycle. “Based on the perception that the market has bottomed, we should see more quality properties coming to the market,” he says. Jacobs says the availability of finance at the top end isn’t much of an issue, but “many substantial clients are offended by the requirement by the banks to supply petty details of no true relevance”.

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Jamie Jamie Durie Durie m moossm maann

Permanent Permanent wave wave the the roof roof ofof almora almora House, House, atat the the base base ofof the the Balmoral Balmoral rock rock escarpment escarpmentininsydney’s sydney’smosman, mosman,has hasbeen beenseemingly seeminglydraped drapedover over itit like like aa giant giant concrete concrete handkerchief. handkerchief. the the building’s building’s elegant, elegant, lightweight lightweightform formdoesn’t doesn’tseem seemrobust robustenough enoughtotosupport supportsuch suchaa romantic romanticstone-like stone-likecrown. crown.ititisisaaplayful playfulembellishment, embellishment,but butthe the longer longeryou yousit sitand andabsorb absorbwhat whatisisactually actuallyaawell-considered well-consideredfeature, feature, the themore moreyou yourealise realisethat thatthe thehouse housewears wearsititwell. well. the thetrick trickhas hasbeen beentotocreate createthe theillusion illusionofofaasolid solidconcrete concrete roof. roof.ititoffers offers“a“athermal thermalattribute attributetotothe theclimate climateofofthe thehome homeby by incorporating incorporatingaacavity cavityinto intothe thewaves wavesunder underaaskillion skillionroof roofthat that has has been been ventilated ventilated by by solar solar powered powered fans”, fans”, says says tim tim Greer Greer ofof tonkin tonkin Zulaikha Zulaikha Greer Greer architects. architects. “the “the ripples ripples are are unique unique inin their theirshape shapeand andform.” form.”such suchcreative creativeuse useofofconcrete concreteharnesses harnessesthe the material’s material’splasticity plasticityininthe theservice serviceofofdesign, design,as aswell wellas aslending lendingaa sense senseofofpermanency. permanency.aabonus bonusininthis thisproject projectisisthe thetextural texturalfinish finish left leftbehind behindby bythe theslatted slattedtimber timberformwork formworkafter afterititwas wasremoved. removed. the thesuccess successofofthis thishome homeisislargely largelyattributable attributabletotothe thearchitect’s architect’s pursuit pursuitofoflight, light,and andwith withlight lightcome comeall allthings thingsnatural naturalthat thatrely relyon onitit totothrive. thrive.injections injectionsofofgreenery greeneryand andpunctuation punctuationfrom fromunexpected unexpected light lightsources sourcessoften softenthe theconcrete concreteforms formsand andprovide provideaamuch-needed much-needed bio-balance. bio-balance.Greer Greersays saysthe theowners owners“knew “knewon onthe theshortest shortestday dayofofthe the year yearjust justwhere wherethe thesun sunwould wouldbe beatat10am”. 10am”. most mostpeople peoplewould wouldfind finditithard hardtotosleep sleepunder undercontinuous continuouswaves waves ofof concrete, concrete, but but the the owners owners ofof this this home home have have enjoyed enjoyed both both its its thermal thermaland andsculptural sculpturalqualities. qualities.they theyhave haveallowed allowedthemselves themselvestoto be bewrapped wrappedininaaconcrete concretecocoon cocoonthat thatimparts impartsaasense senseofofsecurity, security, privacy privacyand andacoustic acousticcontrol controlthey theyhad hadnever neverenjoyed enjoyedbefore. before.this thisisis the therole roleofofan anastute astutearchitect architect––totodeliver deliverthe theclient clientunexpected unexpected luxury, luxury,and andaabalance balanceofofaspiration aspirationand andfunctionality functionalitythat thatlets letsthem them feel feelititwas wasaajoint jointdecision decisionfrom fromstart starttotofinish. finish. “this “thishome homewas wasreally reallyabout aboutcreating creatingaasequence sequenceofofexperiences,” experiences,” says saysGreer. Greer.“that’s “that’sthe themagic magicand andit’s it’swhat whatiilove loveabout aboutarchitecture.” architecture.” it’s it’sdifficult difficulttotopunch punchnatural naturallight lightinto intoaamulti-level multi-leveldwelling. dwelling.its its designer designerneeds needstotobe beconstantly constantlyaware awareofofthe thesun’s sun’sposition positionas asyou you move movethrough throughaalabyrinthine labyrinthinelayout layoutatatall allhours hoursofofthe theday, day,and andofof how howititmakes makesyou youfeel. feel.the theentry entrytotothis thishome, home,and andits itsfaçade, façade,isis elegantly elegantly dressed dressed inin fine fine timber timber lacework lacework that that adds adds aa feminine feminine quality qualitytotothe theconcrete concreteforms formsthat thatlie lieininits itsshadows. shadows. the therear rearlandscape landscapeisissupported supportedby byaavery verydeliberate deliberatepunch punchofof corten cortensteel steelwith withits itsnaturally naturallyoxidised oxidisedPilbara Pilbarapatina. patina.this thisbrings brings aalovely lovelywarmth warmthtotoaaspace spacethat thatisisoften oftenforgotten forgottenabout aboutininthe thebig big picture pictureofofborrowed borrowedbackdrops. backdrops.strategic strategicframing framingwith withoversized oversized architraves architraveshas hasbeen beenused usedtotocontrol controlviews viewsand andprivacy. privacy.

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the therooms roomshave havebeen beenblessed blessedwith withfloor-to-ceiling floor-to-ceilingglazing glazingthat that drenches drenchesthem themininsunlight sunlightand andallows allowsthe theoccupants occupantstotodrink drinkininthe the view viewofofthe thegarden. garden.the thestairwell stairwelland andcommon commonareas areasare areclad cladinin artworks artworkscollected collectedby bythe theowners ownersover over30 30years, years,and andwhose whosevalue value seems seems compounded compounded by by their their placement placement within within the the monolithic monolithic concrete concretevolumes volumesofoftheir theirsurroundings. surroundings. the thehandrails handrailsininthe thehalls halls––almost almost300mm 300mmwide wide––resemble resemble long, long,sleek sleekdining diningtables tablesinintheir theirown ownright; right;they theyoffer offeraabalustrade balustradeinin the the form form ofof an an altar altar on on which which toto celebrate celebrate the the journey journey down down seemingly seeminglyendless endlesswalkways. walkways.Greer Greersays saysthat thatthey theyimpart impartaagreater greater sense senseofofsecurity securityby byadding addingdepth. depth. one oneofofmy myfavourite favouriteaspects aspectsisisthe theinterjection interjectionon onthe theground ground level level ofof the the landscape landscape retaining retaining wall, wall, which which pushes pushes through through the the envelope envelopeofofthe thebuilding buildingtotobecome becomeaabanquet banquetseat seatininthe theinterior.’s it’s aaclever cleverway waytotodance dancewith withthe theoutside outsidetopography topographywhile whilemaking making honest honestuse useofofits itsutility. utility. one one ofof the the main main courtyards courtyards isis flanked flanked by by aa large large mirror mirror installation installation fixed fixed toto the the rear rear ofof the the interior interior sink sink and and benchtop, benchtop, effectively effectivelydoubling doublingthe thewidth widthofofthe thecourtyard courtyardand andobscuring obscuringthe the visual visualbulk bulkofofthe theunit unittotolend lendaafeeling feelingofoflightness lightnessand andgenerosity. generosity. an anexisting existingpink pinkfrangipani frangipanihas hasbeen beenwell wellembraced, embraced,having havingearned earned its itsplace placeininthe thelayout layoutatatthe theage ageofofalmost almost20 20years. years.Plumeria Plumeriaacutifolia acutifolia isissemi-deciduous, semi-deciduous,losing losingmost mostofofits itsleaves leavesininwinter winterbut butoffering offeringaa wide widerange rangeofofcolours coloursfrom fromdeep deepreds redstotooranges, oranges,yellows yellowsand andpinks pinks (the (theevergreen evergreenPlumeria Plumeriaobtusa, obtusa,known knownas asthe thesingapore singaporegraveyard graveyard flower, flower, produces produces crisp crisp white white flowers flowers that that do do best best inin aa protected protected microclimate microclimateor orininwarmer, warmer,more moretemperate temperateenvironments.) environments.) natural natural veneered veneered wooden wooden joinery joinery flush-mounted flush-mounted into into the the concrete concretewalls wallsadds addswarmth warmthand andhonesty honestywith withsome someopen openshelving. shelving. the the concrete concrete overhead overhead has has been been softened softened by by the the application application ofof matt mattwhite whitepaint, paint,and andthe thefine finetexture textureofofthe thewoodgrain woodgrainformwork formwork isisbest bestseen seenininthe thesoft softwaves wavesrippling ripplingnorth northtotosouth southwhen whenthe thelight light plays playsupon anexample exampleofofsolar solarpassive passivearchitecture, architecture,the thehome home has hasalso alsomade madesmart smartuse useofofthe thethermal thermalattributes attributesofofits itsdense densein-situ in-situ formwork formwork and and substantial substantial expanses expanses ofof glass glass toto admit admit maximum maximum amounts amountsofoflight lightand andenergy. energy. this thisisisthoughtful thoughtfularchitecture architecturethat thatholds holdsboth bothits itsvalue valueand andits its integrity. integrity.ititsubtly subtlyexudes exudesan anair airofofpermanence permanenceand andlongevity longevitynot not often oftenseen seenininthe thepresent presentparade paradeofofoverblown overblowndesigns designsall alltreading treading the thesame sametrack. track.iiwonder wonderififsimpler simplerlayouts layoutswere wereadopted adoptedininthe the future future by by the the mainstream mainstream homebuilding homebuilding monoculture monoculture what what quantifiable quantifiableimpacts impactsthey theymight mighthave haveon onthe theway waywe welive liveand andcohabit cohabit with withthe theenvironment environmentand andthe theresources resourcesititprovides. provides.

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existing pink frangipani ‘Anhas been well embraced,

having earned its place in the layout at the age of almost 20 years

BrEtt Boardman x 6


Far left: Extensive glazing allows the garden in. Main picture: The waved concrete roof and the 20-year-old frangipani. This page from top: Some of the artworks on show, wide balustrades and sweeping walkways and the clever intrusion of the garden retaining wall to form banqueting benches

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Dolly Lenz

Local aspect

witH jEnny lEnz

H a rcou rt s w i l l i a ms

Dee-Anne Hunt Potential purchasers often bring up the possible threat of bushfires if they are looking to move to the adelaide Hills region. the regulations now are very thorough for new builds and extensions, with consideration given to materials used and the bushfire rating of the site. as part of the approval process, the country Fire service will report on fire-fighting equipment required and give the property a fire rating. it is now a requirement for a water connection point for the cFs as well as a turning circle. often buyers remember the ash wednesday bushfires of 1983, in the heart of the adelaide Hills. thankfully fire-fighting practices have improved and awareness has lowered the risk. discussing the current owner’s bushfire plan prior to putting the property on the market is also helpful. steve Pratt of websters insurance brokers, who insures many of the lifestyle properties i sell, says that while not all insurance companies will offer insurance in bushfire areas “it is still a competitive market so insurance is available at a reasonable cost”. some suggestions are to keep a fire buffer between native vegetation and your home, with lawns, European trees and fire-retardant plants. Ensure there’s a water source, a fire-fighting pump and hoses. avoid leaf-litter build-up. Home owners are very aware of the importance of being prepared. r ay w H i t E sH E rwo od

Cameron Crouch

A home in the luxury gated development The Case in Malibu, which has several fireproofing features

r i sk m a naGE m E n t

Home guard an unfortunate feature of some of the world’s most desirable luxury real estate markets is that they have all been affected by natural disasters in recent years. as the popularity of cities such as sydney, los angeles, and miami has increased, so too have the frequency and severity of natural disasters such as wildfires, earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis. Built near coastal waters or perched high on mountainous forested terrain, luxury properties are especially susceptible to these natural hazards. the consumer has certainly taken note – the question of what steps have been taken to protect and fortify such properties against disaster, a question largely ignored just two years ago, is now as common as asking how many bedrooms or what type of finishes the property offers. in california, the camp Fire and woolsey Fire of 2018 destroyed an estimated 20,000 homes and caused more than $us15 billion ($22 billion) worth of damage. one of the hardest-hit areas was the tony oceanfront community of malibu, where homes sell for upwards of $us100 million. in response to the 2018 fires, developers of luxury spec housing began promoting fireproofing technologies as a main selling point to attract cautious buyers. the luxury gated development the case in malibu, where homes are priced between $40 million and $100 million, has taken fireproofing enhancements to a new level by installing water cannons, fire-retardant walls and a 24-hour guard tower to protect the community. 22

m a nsionaust r a l i a .c om . au

miami, with its white sand beaches and stunning ocean views, has long been a popular spot for the ultra rich, but it also finds itself constantly in the path of potentially devastating storms. developers are responding by adding a slew of hurricane measures to protect their buildings and provide residents with the reassurance that they can withstand the strongest of storms. one such development that was put to the test during Hurricane irma was the renowned Porsche design tower in sunny isles Beach, Florida. this ultra-luxury oceanfront condo was designed to withstand category 5 hurricanes, and even included a vehicle elevator that allowed owners to safeguard their prized car collections within their apartments, high above potential damaging floodwaters. when shopping for luxury real estate, today’s informed consumer has become increasingly sensitive to the impact of natural disasters. as the frequency of these disasters increases and a new norm sets in, developers must innovate and prioritise protective measures in order to calm their customers’ fears and close deals. if they can put safety and sustainability at the forefront of their developments, these locales will remain among the most desirable markets for the luxury real estate consumer. Dolly Lenz heads New York-based Dolly Lenz Real Estate and last year sold more than $US500 million worth of luxury US and international homes.

i’ve personally bought on the Brisbane river since the floods. the consensus in our marketplace is that the floods should never have happened and most people believe it’s highly unlikely to ever happen again. most owners abide by the Brisbane city council legislation but they’re not really factoring in any extra mechanisms for potential floods. where they can, they try to build mainly outside of where the last flood reached and are concentrating garages/storage on the ground level and bedrooms/living areas on the highest level. we provide all potential buyers with Brisbane city council information, flood maps and the local Floodwise reports, but we urge anyone looking to buy on the river to carry out further due diligence. the insurance premiums did increase after the floods but have levelled out across the board since then. they’re now very similar to other areas. owners have learned from the city’s flooding history and are aware of the potential risk. most of them are well-prepared for an unlikely future flood. using concrete and hardy materials that are easy to hose down and repaint would be the recommendation. Having sandbags on standby will also ensure you’re well prepared. Prices along the Brisbane river are at an all-time high right now. they did drop for a couple of years after the last major flood, but they’ve now returned to premium levels. c H r ist i E ’ s i n t Er nat iona l r E a l E stat E

Darren Curtis many of my buyers are aware of bushfire risks in certain areas, so while they may be concerned they understand that is part of the picture. For prospective buyers, research around fire trails, local firefighters and past events in the area is always important. added to this, we would ask our client (the seller) if they are aware of any responsibilities and precautions that need to be taken, or to provide an accurate history of anything that has occurred in the area. it is highly likely the appropriate measures have been taken. Vendors would have had to comply with local regulations when building near forests or bushland. clearly the use of fire-proof materials is essential – less wood, more steel. technology has come along significantly in recent years and many builders will now be fully aware of what’s required to make sure the risks of fire and damage is minimised.

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Port Douglas 4087 1800

Unit 27, 35 Mowbray St, Port Douglas

View Call to arrange a viewing Auction 14 September @ 10.00am Port Douglas office 8/56 Macrossan Street

CAYMAN VILLAS - RARELY ON THE MARKET - DECEASED ESTATE Top floor generously sized 145m2 holiday unit which is private & has a great balcony with leafy views. Fully self-contained & furnished, this understated elegant apartment has modern open plan living & entertaining areas. Very popular with guests who enjoy the standard of luxury & the prized location being within walking distance to the beach, Marina & the cosmopolitan main street.

David Co on 0417 709 667�






‘Kuramar’, Port Douglas Hinterland Magnificent Rural and Lifestyle Offering

Offers Over $2.500.000 Julatten via Port Douglas Surrounded by 220 acres of fenced green pasture is this majestic ‘Garth Chapman’ designed Queensland style homestead. A cattle ready property with 11 well watered paddocks and a central gated laneway. Steel yards are near new and can hold 200 head. Incredible sunrise and sunset views await you as do sensational low maintenance established gardens.

Abundant water supply - drought proof. Income possibilities include cattle… farm stay… BnB… subdivision... Contact Exclusive Agent Callum Jones on 0437 981 195 for full details and to arrange your private inspection 3 Bed + Study I 2 Bathroom I 220 Acres I 300m2 Shed get Social with us for Port Douglas property news & alerts




Villa 139 @ The Mirage, Port Douglas Ultimate Beachfront & Golf Front Position

Expressions of Interest: Close 4pm 29 9th August This beautifully renovated retreat is the perfect northern winter escape for your family. Never before rented and it is the first time offered for sale in decades. This truly is a once in a lifetime opportunity to secure the best. Being one of just two within a select group of villas is incredibly rare. Considered the ultimate position within the Mirage Resort. Boasting an East & North aspect.

Port Douglas Mirage Villas offer timeless design… quiet… space… privacy… security… quality Contact Exclusive Agent Callum Jones on 0437 981 195 for full details and to arrange your private inspection Four Bedroom I Three Bathroom I Two Car I 277m2 get Social with us for Port Douglas property news & alerts



Clockwise Clockwisefrom fromright: right:The TheMCA’s MCA’sLorraine LorraineTarabay; Tarabay; Walking WalkingBoy Boyby byRonnie Ronnievan vanHout; Hout;Lindy LindyLee’s Lee’sThe TheLife Life ofofStars; Stars;Emily EmilyFloyd’s Floyd’sparrot; parrot;and andAi AiWeiwei’s Weiwei’sGilded GildedCage Cage

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An An Australian Australian company company isis bringing bringing the the vision vision of of artists artists from from around around the the world world to to fruition fruition

roGEr d’souZa d’souZa roGEr

nn aa warehouse warehouse inin aa quiet quiet suburb suburb ofof Brisbane, Brisbane, men men inin high-vis high-vis vests vests are are focused focused on on their their machines, machines, polishing polishingsteel steelpanels panelsuntil untilthey theyreflect reflectlike likemirrors. mirrors.overhead, overhead,aa gantry gantrycrane craneglides glidesfrom fromthe theroof, roof,delivering deliveringparts partsand andgrunt grunttotothe the high-end high-end art art and and design design manufacturing manufacturing firm firm uaP uaP –– formerly formerly urban urbanart artProjects Projects––an anaustralian australiancompany companythat thatisiscreating creatingart art pieces piecesand andmonuments monumentsfor forartists artistsaround aroundthe theworld. world. From From this this 2000sq 2000sq mm warehouse, warehouse, the the artworks artworks under under construction constructionare arebound boundfor forpublic publicand andprivate privatespaces spacesininsydney, sydney, melbourne, melbourne,Brisbane Brisbaneand andPerth, Perth,but butalso alsonew newZealand, Zealand,Portugal, Portugal, Qatar Qatarand andchina. china. Founder Founderand andcreative creativedirector directordaniel danieltobin tobinsays saysuaP uaPworks works with withartists artiststotoachieve achievetheir theirvision visionininaapractical practicalform, form,for forpublic public commissions commissionsand andalso alsosome someprivate privateartworks. artworks. “we “weenable enablecreatives creativestotodo dowhat whatthey theywant wantdo,” do,”he hesays. says.“we “we figure figureititout. out.some someofofthe thereally reallybig bigartists artistsaround aroundthe theworld worldhave have their theirown ownstudios, studios,but butwe’re we’reaadefault defaultstudio studiofor formany manyarchitects architects and andartists.’s it’sgreat.” great.” this thisQueensland-based Queensland-basedbusiness businessisisresponsible responsiblefor forthe thecuration, curation, design, design,creation creationand andmanufacture manufactureofofart, art,including includingrecent recentworks worksfor for international internationalartists artistsai aiweiwei weiweiand andidris idriskhan, khan,and andcollaborations collaborations with withdesigners designersZaha ZahaHadid Hadidarchitects architectsand andFrank FrankGehry. Gehry. “Public “Publicart artdone donewell wellspeaks speakstotoall allthose thosegreat greatthings thingsabout abouthow how aaculture cultureand andaasociety societyworks,” works,”tobin tobinsays. says.“it’s “it’san anintangible intangibleatat

joHn joHn FEdEr FEdEr


The art makers

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cHarliE Xia Xia cHarliE

rroossaannnnEE BBaarrrrEEtttt

aauuGGuus stt1 0 1 0- 1- 1 ,1 ,2 2001 91 9 | | ttHHEEwwEEEEkkEEnnddaauus sttrraalli a i ann

times, times, but but we we talk talk about about itit as as humanising humanising public public spaces spaces and and architectural architecturalspaces.’s it’sbringing bringingthe theideas ideasofofan anartist artistinto intothose those spaces, spaces,which whichcan canmake makethem themmuch mucheasier easiertotoinhabit inhabitas asaahuman human being, being,connecting connectingpeople peopletotoplaces.” places.” the thedeputy deputychair chairofofsydney’s sydney’smuseum museumofofcontemporary contemporaryart, art, lorraine lorraine tarabay, tarabay, knows knows how how art art can can alter alter aa space. space. the the former former investment investmentbanker bankerand andcollector collectordisplays displaysaasignificant significantart artcollection collection across acrossher herPoint PointPiper Piperhome. home.ititincludes includesaauaP-built uaP-builtperforated perforatedraw raw steel steelartwork artworkby byesteemed esteemedaustralian australiancontemporary contemporaryartist artistlindy lindy lee leetitled titledAAGalaxy GalaxyofofWorlds WorldsInside InsideThis ThisMountain, Mountain,positioned positionedininan an art-lined art-linedentryway. entryway. “it’s “it’san anambitious ambitiouspiece piecefor foraaresidential residentialcontext contextbecause becauseofofits its scale scaleand andbecause becauseit’s it’smade madeofofraw rawsteel,” steel,”says saystarabay. tarabay.“i“ilove loveititthat that way.’s it’sfun funtotolive livewith withart. art.often oftenthe therooms roomstake takethe thecues cuesfrom fromthe the art artand andare aredesigned designedaround aroundthe theart. art. “it’s “it’san aneclectic eclecticcollection, collection,and andit’s it’snice nicetotobe beable abletotopush pushthe the boundaries boundaries and and show show people people what what can can be be presented presented around around the the home homeand andhow howtotolive livewith withit.” it.” lindy lindy lee’s lee’s work work explores explores notions notions ofof being being and and nothingness nothingness using usingdifferent differenttextures texturesand andshadows. shadows.tarabay tarabaysays saysthat thatthe thecreative creative collaborations collaborationsbetween betweenaustralian australianartists artistsand andmaker makeruaP uaPhelps helpstoto put putthe thelocal localart artcommunity communityon onthe theglobal globalstage. stage. uaP’s uaP’s work work ranges ranges from from small-scale small-scale art art pieces, pieces, such such as as the the lindy lindylee leeor oranother anotherprivate privatecommission, commission,totoaa1m 1mtall tallEmily EmilyFloyd Floyd cast castaluminium aluminiumparrot. parrot. they theyalso alsocreate createhuge hugecity-shaping city-shapingworks workspeople peopleinteract interactwith with daily. daily.these theseinclude includethe thetrio trioofoffaceted facetedfibreglass fibreglassbridges bridgesofofsydney’s sydney’s westfield westfield centrepoint; centrepoint; the the Frank Frank Gehry-designed Gehry-designed sculptural sculptural lighting lightingfor foruts utssydney; sydney;canberra’s canberra’swhite whitebrass brassnational nationalworkers workers memorial memorial toto people people who who died died inin the the workplace; workplace; and and Eastland Eastland melbourne’s melbourne’sstriking strikingfloating floatingentrance. entrance. in inuaP’s uaP’shometown hometownofofBrisbane, Brisbane,itithas hasbuilt builtmany manyofofthe thecity’s city’s most most striking striking elements: elements: the the shimmering shimmering carpark carpark façade façade atat the the domestic domesticairport airportfeaturing featuringmore morethan than117,000 117,000aluminium aluminiumpanels; panels; the the4000sq 4000sqmmfaçade façadeofofcut-metal cut-metalbutterflies butterfliesofofthe thewintergarden wintergarden arcade; arcade;and andthe thebubbling bubblingcolumns columnsofofthe thecity’s city’snew neww wHotel. Hotel. uaP uaPart art++design designprincipal principalElishia Elishiawhitchurch whitchurchsays saysits itsdesign design and and project project management management teams teams can can build build whatever whatever concept concept an an artist artistmight mightdevise. devise. “we “welove lovethat thatchallenge,” challenge,”she shesays. says.“if “ifsomeone someonesays, says,‘i‘iwant wanttoto build buildan anoctopus octopusand andiiwant wantitittotobe beknitted’, knitted’,we wego, go,’oh ’ohthat thatsounds sounds like likegreat greatfun’. fun’. “we “weoften oftenpush pushand andstretch stretchthe thelimits limitsofofan anartist’s artist’spractice. practice. an anartist artistmight mightbe beworking workingininprint printor oraamedium mediumthat thatisisnot notso so three-dimensional, three-dimensional,but butthey theysee seethe thepotential potentialofofwhere where[that [thatidea] idea] might mightgo.” go.” amid amid the the constant constant buzzing buzzing and and industrial industrial noise noise ofof welders, welders, fabricators, fabricators,foundry-makers foundry-makersand andboilermakers, boilermakers,the thewarehouse warehouseisisaa hive hiveofofactivity activityfor formajor majorupcoming upcomingworks. inone onespace, space,stainless stainless steel steelpanels panelsare arebeing beingmade madethat thatwill willeventually eventuallytower towerinto intoaa17m 17mtall tall foyer foyerinstallation installationtototake takepride prideofofplace placeininsydney’s sydney’snew newoffice officetower tower atat60 60martin martinPlace. Place. lindy lindylee leecreated createdthe theshining, shining,backlit backlitstructure structurewith withhundreds hundreds ofof cut-out cut-out circles. circles. itit will will complement complement four four sculptures sculptures also also being being created createdfor forthe thedevelopment. development. aa6m 6mtall tallcast castaluminium aluminiumhyper-realistic hyper-realisticstatue statueofofaawalking walkingboy boy by byartist artistronnie ronnievan vanHout Houthas hasjust justbeen beendispatched dispatchedtotoauckland. auckland. work workisisalso alsounder underway wayon onaacast castaluminium aluminium14m 14mby by10m 10mwater water feature featurebound boundfor formelbourne’s melbourne’scollins collinsstreet, street,aawork workthat thathad hadtotogo go through throughprototype prototypetesting testingfor forwater waterflow. flow. separately, separately,aahigh-pressure high-pressurewater waterjet jetcutter cutteralso alsoslices slicesthrough through bronze bronzefor foraafuture futurewar warmemorial memorialfor forBrisbane’s Brisbane’sanZac anZacsquare. square. manufacturing manufacturinghas hasalso alsostarted startedon onstructures structuresfor forthe thecity’s city’sQueen’s Queen’s wharf wharf development, development, where where uaP uaP has has curated curated the the art art for for the the multibillion-dollar multibillion-dollarBrisbane Brisbaneriverfront riverfrontprecinct. precinct. tobin tobinsays saysthe thecompany companyrecently recentlyacquired acquiredaafoundry foundryininthe theus, us, further furtherspurring spurringits itsglobal globalbusiness. business. “our “ourwork workisiseverywhere,” everywhere,”he hesays, says,pointing pointingtotoaamajor majorpiece piece destined destinedfor forQatar. Qatar.“we “wehave havesome somevery veryhigh-level high-levelclients clientsand andthe the artists artiststhey theywork workwith.’s it’svery veryexciting excitingfor forus.” us.”

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An apartment in Crown Residences at One Barangaroo, top, and the St Moritz development at St Kilda, bottom

lisa allEn

A sure thing

Quality is now top of the list for prospective apartment buyers luxury apartment buyers have started scrutinising the credentials of builders and developers in the wake of construction defects scandals, such as the one that hit sydney olympic Park’s opal tower on christmas Eve and the mascot towers complex a mere six months later. Hundreds of concerned unit owners and tenants have swamped apartment representative strata community australia with calls, given mascot towers residents are facing a potential repair bill of up to $10 million for their crumbling 132-unit tower block. apartment interiors specialist iain Halliday of BkH says the flight to luxury and quality apartments is inevitable. “i feel sorry for the apartment owners that were affected, [but] i think in the future investors and purchasers will closely scrutinise who the developer and building contractors were for their respective projects before they purchase,” says Halliday. “it’s inevitable that people will take it more seriously; it is of concern what has happened.” in melbourne, marshall white Projects director leonard teplin says buyers are now questioning apartment block construction techniques before they proceed with million-dollar purchases. “Buyers of luxury apartments are typically downsizers, who are generally more astute than your average buyer,” he says. “they have heard the horror stories about poor quality builds or finishes that are not what was promised and so they’ve done their research by the time they inquire on a project. typically they’re at the 70 per cent point of their buying journey before we hear from them.” the present climate is a real opportunity for developers who are creating quality product and keeping their promises. “word of mouth is more powerful than it’s ever been,” says teplin. But on its st kilda site, tim Gurner’s all but sold out $540 million st moritz development – also known as melbourne’s newest tower of power – where opulent apartments cost from $1.2 million to $30 million, things are different. at the wealthy end of the sector it’s not so much a flight to quality as a demand for luxury, as buyers seek to upscale from their existing homes with an appetite for globally leading materials, amenities, experiences and services not akin to anything on the local market, Gurner says. “at this end of the market, purchasers simply won’t move from their existing homes if the product is anything short of world class, so we are always striving to find the best global luxury standard and then test the local market with a level of luxury and amenity that many didn’t even know they wanted until they saw it. in sydney, crown residences at one Barangaroo’s Erin van tuil is marketing the off-the-plan apartments in the 82-unit luxury complex where the entry-level price is $9.5 million for a two-bedroom apartment. she says crown has worked closely with award-winning architecture firm wilkinson Eyre and international design company meyer davis, alongside a respected construction partner. “the coming together of all of these elements produces buyer confidence and a real appreciation for crown residences,” she says. mirvac’s head of residential stuart Penklis says buyer inquiries have definitely been increasing, particularly on completed projects, where purchasers are able to see and experience what they are purchasing. “Buyers have become much more discerning over the past year or more and that works in mirvac’s favour,” says Penklis. mirvac has developed the Finery apartment block in waterloo, as well as a st leonards project that is 99 per cent sold, while completion of its marrick & co in inner-city marrickville is imminent. “there appears to be a far greater understanding that the underlying value of any property is dependent on the quality of the design and construction, and that puts mirvac in a favourable position for both off-the-plan and completed sales,” Penklis says. 28

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22 Peregian Esplanade Peregian Beach Auction on SitE Saturday 7th September at 3pm

those familiar with Peregian Beach will already be aware of this gorgeous Reitsma designed property as it stands out proudly with a spectacular use of timber, walls of glass & a soaring sky pool. Holding a premiere position & elevated on the site to gain endless ocean views over the tree tops, it is still a level walk to the beach or Peregian Square, a fantastic place for shopping, restaurants & entertainment. Strategically designed for living over a single level, bespoke finishes and high-end materials create a faultless, contemporary residence.



Monique Sommer 0433 641 158

3 Adrian Reed 0409 446 955


Below: Two views of the recently sold Arcadia at Merricks. Main pictures: Lakelands Thoroughbred Farm in Balnarring

jonat H a n c H a nc El l or

Riding high Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula is a magnet for horse-lovers in search of space for four-legged friends

the mornington Peninsula is home to some of the country’s most impressive equine properties. champion horse trainers lloyd williams and the Freedman brothers have all had operations there, and well-known breeder david Haines also operates in the area. Peninsula sotheby’s agent rob curtain says buying land for fourlegged friends to canter on is expensive nowadays. “not many horse properties would make sense under 20 acres,” he says, adding that bare land of that size is going to cost around $4 million plus. curtain says he’s seen more owners and buyers moving permanently to the peninsula in recent years. “the hobby farm market is exceptionally strong across the merricks, red Hill and Flinders area. it’s the land attraction first, and then if there are facilities included for the right buyers it is certainly attractive.” curtain recently sold Pine lodge, a 33ha estate at merricks 30

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north on two titles with its own racetrack and major horse infrastructure, after asking $7.5 million. the most recent equestrian listing on the mornington Peninsula is lakelands thoroughbred Farm in Balnarring, which is on the market for the second time in three years. it’s been listed by elite horse rider andrew cooper, recently crowned Equestrian Victoria’s Eventing rider of the Year, who has lately been training, breaking in and re-schooling performance horses as well as coaching riders. the 25ha estate surrounded by rolling hills and wineries last traded for $2.375 million in 2016. it is split into 36 paddocks, with the standout feature a luxury eight-stable complex with tack room and two wash bays adjacent to a 60m by 40m arena. Hedging separates the equestrian facilities from the country-style home, which has five bedrooms, two bathrooms and a home office. wide glass windows

and French doors lead to a merbau wraparound veranda and the alfresco dining space overlooks a 9m swimming pool. Homes and acreage mt Eliza agents Penny Verco and Grant Perry have a guide of $3.699 million to $3.999 million. Verco says buyers of equestrian estates vary. “they are generally equine-loving families ranging from professional equestrians, thoroughbred breeders and trainers, to those families wanting to provide their children with excellent training facilities while at the same time enjoying a magnificent outdoor lifestyle,” she says. the listing comes on the back of the sale of arcadia, a modern equestrian estate at merricks that recently sold for $4.85 million after having a guide of $5 million to $5.5 million. the 4.3ha property was the work of melbourne builder tony Paul and wife kate sutherland, who bought it for $1.435 million in 2007. on the parcel was a 1970s ranch-style house, and they built a 20m x 60m sandbased manège, a three-stable block, tack room and wash yards. there’s also a hay shed with two-horse shelter, and five paddocks. the 1970s home was replaced in 2015 after melbourne architect steven whiting created what has been described as a true expression of the australian vernacular. under soaring vaulted ceilings and behind an exterior clad in grey ironbark, the two-storey home with heated pool has five bedrooms, a media room, gym and study. kay & Burton selling agent andrew Hines, who sold the home with cass Hines, says there is around a 50/50 split between fulltime residents and owners of equestrian estates who have managers. “the great thing about the mornington Peninsula is it’s not far from melbourne,” he says. “Both private and professional horselovers have great facilities on their properties.” He says budget often comes down to passion. Penny Verco says land suitable for equestrian purposes is limited. “some buyers will choose an acreage property that is very suitable for horses even if the house is not quite what they were hoping for,” she says. ten-acre properties are probably the most popular, she says. “many ‘horsey’ people will build an arena before they improve the house and this may result in a property that appeals mainly to equestrian people when they come to sell. However, very rarely would a property sell for a discount to the replacement value as there is always a good market for such properties.”

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This show-stopping jewel exudes coastal luxe to the max. Striking geometric architecture merges with contemporary beach house style. An enviable alfresco lifestyle takes centre stage around the massive decks with oversized outdoor kitchen, and dazzling pool. With sweeping Coral Sea views and a 5 minute walk to the sand, what’s not to love?

Auction Saturday 31 August 11am

French-style wrought iron doors open to reveal voluminous marble-tiled spaces with mighty ceiling heights, curvaceous lines and light drenched voids that encapsulate the verve and connection to the dress circle location, 2-minutes to the sand. Ocean views from every room and wide terraces which optimise the seascape’s brilliant colours.


Agent Rebekah Offermann 0413 044 241

Agent Rebekah Offermann 0413 044 241



The interiors of The Eighth, designed by Miriam Fanning. The developer says the facilities will make a resident feel like an owner of the whole building

jonat H a n c H a nc El l or

Heady brew

A new high-rise development is about catering for the way people want to live sensing a global evolution in lifestyle, workplace and wellness trends, the construction company crema has launched a $150 million redevelopment project in south melbourne that will be the first highrise to feature private lift access into individual lobbies across all 36 of its residences. not far from the future anzac station, the island site will be transformed into an 18-storey building designed by architect Peter kennon of studio kennon, formerly of Elenberg Fraser. to be known as the Eighth, it is between kings way and st kilda road on the former Pink Palace brothel site on Palmerston crescent. “Each floor within the residential tower comprises no more than four generous corner apartments, with all having private lift access into curated private lobbies – it is a first in melbourne,” says nicolas crema, the young developer of the company, which has been going for 67 years. “this space also acts as the zone that the building concierge can have access to, to leave your dry cleaning, parcels and deliveries,” adds kennon, referencing the traditional idea of processing into a home via a garden path and a veranda. nicolas crema and kennon bonded over their mutual frustration with residential developments that claim to offer a superior lifestyle but lack an understanding for the way people 32

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really want to live. miriam Fanning from mim design is creating the project’s interiors. “our shared vision has resulted in a building that has intuitive, easy living in its dna,” crema says. “it will be a place that encourages social interaction and collaboration, while giving residents the opportunity for solace and restoration.” the building will feature a hotel-inspired grand lobby with concierge, flanked by a café and a European-themed restaurant and wine bar. its level-18 rooftop will include a los angeles-inspired pool and bar area with views across the cBd, Port Phillip Bay and albert Park lake. the first four floors will have 3000sq m of office space. crema will retain the fifth floor to operate the Eighth club, a 600sq m lifestyle club with a business lounge and café, lounge and meeting facilities, and a day spa and wellness studio with steam rooms, turkish hammam, hot beds, experience showers and an ice bath. Free membership will be available to residents with the public having paid access. the developer will retain management rights of the entire building to ensure it is run in line with its expectations. “the need for constant connectivity, the ever-increasing blurred lines between life, work and play and the explosion in global wellness trends are just some of the recent phenomena that have

reshaped lifestyle values for many,” says crema. “the opportunity to create a place that responds to this shift and encourages and enhances these new lifestyle values is an exciting prospect. “as a resident, you will feel like an owner of the whole building, not just your private residence. like members of a club, residents will have access to facilities that fit seamlessly into their lives. we wanted a place where people’s lives organically spill over the edges of their private residences and into other areas of the building.” For crema, spending time in transient cities such as new York, london, sydney, singapore and Hong kong reinforced his view that many people are looking to enhance their everyday lifestyle and enjoy a strong sense of belonging to something. He expects the lifestyle he’s curating at the Eighth to appeal to a broad demographic. crema’s recent sales experience with the development at derby Place, kew, also reaffirmed his intention to deal directly with off-theplan buyers as salesman, developer and builder. “it provides them with assurance that we are able to deliver on our promises,” he says. the development is being marketed by damon krongold of kay & Burton, with prices from $1.45 million to $4.65 million. there have been 14 sales, with three buyers securing adjoining apartments.

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T Port Port Douglas Douglas

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he hetrophy trophyhome homesales salesdry dryspell spellininPort Portdouglas douglas has hasbeen beenbroken brokenwith withaabig-ticket big-ticketsale saleofofaaproperty propertyon onmurphy murphystreet, street,one oneofofthe themost most sought-after sought-afteraddresses addressesininPort Portdouglas. douglas.the theholiday holidayhome homeofofthe thelate latemelbourne melbournevet vet dr drstephen stephencoles colessold soldafter afterQueensland Queenslandsotheby’s sotheby’sagent agentbarbara barbarawolveridge wolveridgehad had been beenseeking seekingmore morethan than$5 $5million. million. For Forsoutherners, southerners,Port Portdouglas douglassits sitson onthe thebucket bucketlist listas asthe theperfect perfectblend blendofofsea sea change changeand andtree treechange, change,and andwolveridge wolveridgesays saysthe thestrongest strongestinterest interestininthe thehome, home, which whichisison onthe thelower lowerfringe fringeofoftown, town,came camefrom frommelbourne melbournebuyers. buyers. the thethree-level three-levelresidence residencehad hadbeen beenextensively extensivelyrenovated renovatedafter aftercoles colesbought boughtititfor for $2.75 $2.75million millioninin2016 2016from fromwhitehorse whitehorseresort resortdevelopers developersbarry barryand anddi dimcGinn, mcGinn,who who built builtititinin1996. 1996.itithas hasfive fivebedrooms bedroomsand andfive fivebathrooms, bathrooms,with withwhite whiteplantation plantationshutters shutters and andphantom phantomscreens screensthroughout. throughout.there’s there’saaswimming swimmingpool poolininthe thetropical tropicalgardens gardens and andviews viewsover overthe thetreescape treescapelooking lookingout outacross acrossthe thewater. water. last lastyear’s year’strophy trophyhome homemarket marketininPort Portdouglas douglaswas wasthe thequietest quietestinin10 10years, years,with with the theFar Farnorth northQueensland Queenslandtownship townshipseeing seeingaatop topsale saleofof$1.8 $1.8million millionfor foraavilla villawithin within the themirage miragecomplex complexon onFour Fourmile milebeach. beach. murphy murphystreet streetisisone oneofoffar farnorth northQueensland’s Queensland’smost mostcoveted covetedaddresses. addresses.aahillside hillside stretch stretchatatthe thetip tipofofPort Portdouglas douglaswhere wherethe theGreat Greatbarrier barrierreef reefmeets meetsthe thewet wettropics tropics rainforest, rainforest,itithas hasonly only30 30homes. homes.the thestreet streetrecord recordwas wasset setininbusy busy2017 2017when whenformer former retail retailFood FoodGroup Groupboss bosstony tonyalford alfordpaid paid$6.4 $6.4million. inthe thesame sameyear yearcaroline caroline Frykberg, Frykberg,widow widowofofthe thelate latesports sportsbroadcasting broadcastinglegend legendian ianFrykberg, Frykberg,sold soldtheir theirretreat retreat on onthe thestreet streetfor for$5.1 $5.1million. million. set settotosell sellher herslice sliceofofmurphy murphystreet streetluxury luxuryisislegendary legendaryrock rockpublicist publicistPatti Pattimostyn, mostyn, who whoisisasking asking$6.5 $6.5million millionfor foraathree-level three-levelhome homeswathed swathedininglass. glass.mostyn, mostyn,famous famousfor for working workingwith withthe thelikes likesofofFrank Franksinatra, sinatra,George Georgemichael, michael,sting stingand andElton Eltonjohn, john,has has listed listedthrough throughthe thePink Pinkagency’s agency’scallum callumjones. jones.the thehilltop hilltophome homeshe shebought boughtinin2013 2013 with withher herlate latehusband, husband,concert concertproduction productionpioneer pioneerEric Ericrobinson, robinson,was wasrebuilt rebuiltinto intoaa striking strikinghome homedesigned designedby byacclaimed acclaimedarchitect architectcharles charleswright wrightand andoffering offering200-degree 200-degree sweeping sweepingviews viewsover overFour Fourmile milebeach beachand andthe thePort Portdouglas douglasmarina. marina.the themaster mastersuite suite and andthird thirdbedroom bedroomhave havetheir theirown ownprivate privatebalcony balconyoverlooking overlookingthe thetropical tropicallandscape landscape and andthe thesecond secondguest guestbedroom bedroomopens opensonto ontothe theextensive extensivepool pooldecking. decking. callum callumjones jonesisisalso alsoasking asking$6.5 $6.5million millionfor forthe thenearby nearbyVilla Villatanamera tanameraon onisland island Point Pointroad. road.the thefour-bedroom, four-bedroom,five fivebathroom bathroomresidence residenceperched perchedon onFlagstaff FlagstaffHill Hill recently recently underwent underwent aa refurbishment refurbishment since since being being sold sold for for $3.9 $3.9 million million inin 2017 2017 by by singapore-based singapore-basedHowe Howerobinson robinsonPartners Partnerssenior seniorpartner partnertimothy timothymadley madleyand andhis his wife wifejacqueline. jacqueline.the thecouple couplespent spent$900,000 $900,000for forthe the2000sq 2000sqmmblock blockinin2001, 2001,and and planned plannedand andbuilt builtthe thehome homeover overfour fouryears. years.the thename nametanamera tanameracomes comesfrom fromthe the malaysian malaysianphrase phrasefor for“red “redearth” earth”and andalludes alludestotothe thered redclay clayofofFlagstaff FlagstaffHill. Hill.tanamera tanamera isisbeing beingsold soldby byalford, alford,who whoretains retainsnext nextdoor. door. the the Far Far north north Queensland Queensland record record was was set set inin 2017 2017 when when property property developer developer 34 34

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Travelling north The The Queensland Queensland holiday holiday playground playground has has increasing increasing appeal appeal for for those those wanting wanting aa tropical tropical idyll idyll without without end end

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Clockwise Clockwisefrom fromleft: left:Patti PattiMostyn’s Mostyn’sGlass GlassHouse, House, exterior exteriorand andview; view;Heritage HeritageLane; Lane;Villa VillaTanamera; Tanamera; the therecently recentlysold soldMurphy MurphyStreet Streethome home

michaelYates Yatessold soldhis hiswharf wharfstreet streetproperty propertyfor for$6.8 $6.8million milliontotomelbourne-based melbourne-based michael ParagonFinancial FinancialGroup Groupdirector directordean deancook cookand andhis hiswife wifelarah larahthrough throughwolveridge. wolveridge. Paragon theresidence residencewas wasdesigned designedas asthree threepavilions pavilionsby byarchitect architectalex alexGencur, Gencur,inspired inspiredby by the theplantation-style plantation-stylearchitectural architecturalvernacular vernacularofofthe thebritish britishwest westindies. indies. the thepriciest priciesthouse housefor forsale salethrough throughwolveridge wolveridgeserved servedas asthe thesetting settingofofthe the1987 1987 the filmTravelling TravellingNorth, North,starring starringleo leomckern mckernand andjulia juliablake. blake.on onwharf wharfstreet, street,ititisisthe the film homeofofjohn johnand andmarilyn marilynmorris morris––known knownas asmr mrand andmrs mrsPort Portdouglas douglas––who who home boughtititmore morethan thanthree threedecades decadesago agoand andupdated updatedititaround around10 10years yearsago. ago. bought Homeson onthe thewater wateror oroverlooking overlookingthe thetown townare arewhat whatfetch fetchthe thestellar stellarprices pricesininPort Port Homes douglas,but butaarare rareacreage acreageon onthe theborder borderofofcraiglie, craiglie,just justoff offcaptain captaincook cookHighway, Highway, douglas, hasbeen beenlisted listedfor for$4.5 $4.5million. million.set setprivately privatelyatatthe theend endofofaapalm palmtree treelined lineddriveway driveway has justoutside outsidethe thetown’s town’sentrance, entrance,the thecontemporary contemporaryfour-bedroom four-bedroomhome homesits sitson onaa4.6ha 4.6ha just estatebacking backingon ontotothe theworld worldHeritage-listed Heritage-listedrainforest. rainforest.ititwas wasdesigned designedby bydriscoll driscoll&& estate carveyfor forthe thenelson nelsonfamily, family,who whopaid paid$750,000 $750,000inin2011. 2011.on onthe theupper upperlevel, level,accessed accessed carvey byaalift, lift,isisthe themaster mastersuite, suite,with withaavast vastwalk-in walk-inwardrobe, wardrobe,home homeoffice officeand andensuite. ensuite.itit by hasviews viewsover overthe thecoral coralsea seaand andPort Portdouglas. douglas.the theground-floor ground-floorliving, living,kitchen kitchenand and has diningarea areaopens openstotoan analfresco alfrescodining diningarea areawith withinfinity infinityedge edgepool. pool.callum callumjones jonesisis dining marketingthe theproperty, property,whose whoseinteriors interiorswere weredesigned designedby byleroy leroybelle. belle. marketing

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G Gold Gold Coast Coast

m maacckkEEnnzzi iEE ssccootttt

Gold Goldcoast coastbeachfront beachfrontor orcanal-front canal-frontowners ownersare aresmart smartenough enough–– and andcashed cashedup upenough enough––totoensure ensurethey theymake makethe themost mostofofthe theview. view. as assuch, such,like liketheir theirwealthy wealthylondon londoncounterparts counterpartswho whoare areburrowing burrowing underground underground toto build build swimming swimming pools pools and and saunas, saunas, Gold Gold coast coast homeowners homeownershave havealso alsotaken takentotobuilding buildinglower lowerand andhigher higher––ininsome some cases casesup uptotothree threestories. stories. demand demandfor forprime primeland landon onthe thecoast coastisison onthe therise, rise,forcing forcingprices prices up upand andmaking makingland landsubdivisions subdivisionsmore morepopular. popular.this thisisisparticularly particularly prevalent prevalentclose closetotothe thewater, water,where whereviews viewsare areparamount. paramount. demand demandfor forthe theextra extralevel levelhas hasbeen beengrowing growingsteadily steadilysince sincethe the 2008 2008financial financialcrisis. crisis.Jim Jimtaylor, taylor,director directorofofunique uniqueHomes Homes––Gold Gold coast, coast, has has been been building building three-storey three-storey homes homes since since 2008. 2008. until until then then he he did did not not build build any any tri-level tri-level homes homes but but he he isis now now doing doing several severalaayear. year. “on “onthe theGold Goldcoast, coast,and andsome someofofthe thesites sitesininBrisbane, Brisbane,the theprice price ofofthe theland landhas hasgone goneup upconsiderably,” considerably,”he hesays. says.“People “Peoplewant wantaanice nice home homeon ontheir theirland landand andtotofit fitthe thehome homethat thatthey’d they’dlike likelends lendsitself itselftoto doing doingaathree-storey. three-storey. “You “Youcan canget getanother anotherliving livingarea areaup upininthat thatthird thirdlevel, level,and andifif you’ve you’ve got got any any views views ofof the the surrounding surrounding areas areas –– canals, canals, city, city, mountains mountains––that thatthird thirdlevel levelputs putsanother anotheradvantage advantagethere thereyou youdon’t don’t get getwith withthe thetwo-level.” two-level.” alan alan Hayes, Hayes, co-director co-director ofof Hamilton Hamilton Hayes Hayes Henderson Henderson architects, architects, said said that that subdivision subdivision has has created created the the challenge challenge ofof “shotgun “shotgunlots”. lots”.these thesenarrow narrowand andlong longplots plotspresent presentaachallenge challengetoto those thosewanting wantingspace spaceand andhave haveininpart partcreated createdthe thetrend trendfor forthreethreelevel levelhouses. houses. Hayes Hayessays saysititisisinteresting interestingthat thatmuch muchofofthe theavailable availablebeachfront beachfront land landisiszoned zonedfor forhigher-density higher-densitydevelopment, development,but buthomeowners homeownersare are snapping snappingup upthese theseprime primelots lotsfor forsingle singledwellings. dwellings. However, However,andrew andrewBell, Bell,director directorofofray raywhite whitesurfers surfersParadise, Paradise, doesn’t doesn’t see see the the multilevel multilevel structures structures becoming becoming aa trend trend anytime anytime soon. soon.that thatsaid, said,he heagreed agreedthat thatlocation locationwill willbe bethe thebiggest biggestdrawcard drawcard for forany anyfuture futuredesigns, designs,saying sayingititwould wouldmost mostlikely likelybe beseen seenaround around 36 36

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Scaling up

With With Gold Gold Coast Coast space space at at aa premium, premium, the the desire desire for for aa lot lot of of house house on on little little land land isis fuelling fuelling the the trend trend to to build build triple-storey triple-storey dwellings dwellings

the thepremium premiumsuburbs suburbsofofmermaid mermaidwaters, waters,sovereign sovereignislands islandsand and Paradise Paradisewaters. waters. “location “locationis,is,no noquestion, question,the thetop topmust-have. must-have.You Youwill willsee seethem them ininhigh highdemand demandwhere wherespace spaceisislimited, limited,but butit’s it’snot notcommon,” common,”Bell Bell says. says.“it’s “it’sreally reallyquite quiterare.” rare.” Habitat Habitatstudio studioarchitects architectsdirector directorwayne wayneGreenland Greenlandsays saysthis this placement placementamong amonghigher-density higher-densitybuildings buildingsisisalso alsoan aninfluencing influencing factor factoron onthe thedesign, design,with withhomeowners homeownerslooking lookingtotocreate createaasense senseofof scale scalesimilar similartotothat thatofofneighbouring neighbouringapartment apartmentblocks. blocks. the theGold Goldcoast-based coast-basedarchitect architecthas hasdesigned designedaround around25 25tri-level tri-level homes homeson onthe theGold Goldcoast coastand andininthe thenewcastle newcastleregion regionofofnsw. nsw. “they “theywill willpush pushtotokeep keepthat thatsame samescale scaletotofit fitininwith withthe therest restofof the thestreetscape,” streetscape,”Greenland Greenlandsays. says. to tomake makethe themost mostofofthe thenarrow narrowlots, lots,Hayes Hayessays saysititisisimportant important totobreak breakup upspace. space. “People “Peoplewho whoare arebuilding buildingthese thesethree-storey three-storeyhomes homesare arelooking looking totomake makeaadesign designstatement,” statement,”he hesays. says.“they “theyare areoften oftenall allabout aboutthat that indoor/outdoor indoor/outdoor connection connection and and capturing capturing the the sea sea breeze. breeze. they they might might split split the the house house into into parts parts toto create create an an outdoor outdoor space space or or courtyard courtyardtotobreak breakdown downthat thatscale.” scale.” while whilemomentum momentumisisslowly slowlyincreasing, increasing,taylor taylordoesn’t doesn’tplan planon on building buildingaabusiness businessaround aroundthe thedesign designanytime anytimesoon. soon. “the “thedemographic demographicisisthat thatsort sortofofpeople peoplewith withaagrown-up grown-upfamily, family, possibly possiblygrandchildren,” grandchildren,”he hesays. says.“this “thisdoesn’t doesn’tlend lenditself itselftotohuge huge inquiry. inquiry.we’re we’renot notswamped swampedwith withpeople peoplewho whowant wanttotodo doit;it;it’s it’sonly only aafew fewaayear yearwho whowould woulddo dothat.” that.” Bell Bell says says that that three-storey three-storey homes homes are are tricky tricky toto sell sell as as they they eliminate eliminatesegments segmentsofofthe themarket market––namely namelythe theelderly elderlyand andyoung young families, families,who whodo donot notwant wanttotobe betrekking trekkingup upand anddown downmultiple multiplesets sets ofofstairs. stairs.He Headds addsthat thatthe theadditional additionalspace spaceisisno nolonger longeraamust-have must-have ininmodern modernliving. living. “You “Youdon’t don’tneed needthe thesame samerooms roomsyou youdid did20 20years yearsago. ago.People People now nowdon’t don’thave havepeople peopleover, over,you youdon’t don’tneed needaaformal formallounge. lounge.the the need needfor forthree threelevels levelstotoaccommodate accommodatethis thisisisno nolonger longerthere.” there.”

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Habitat HabitatStudio StudioArchitects’ Architects’Magpie MagpieResidence Residenceatat Burleigh Burleighheadland, headland,described describedasas‘a‘asustainable sustainable residence residencefor foraagrowing growingfamily’ family’

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Garden Garden apartments apartments

Urban Eden

City City developments developments cloaked cloaked in in foliage foliage are are in in big big demand demand

From Fromurban urbanforests foreststotogreen greenwalls, walls,new newluxury luxuryapartment apartmentprojects projectsare areadding addinggreenery greenery inindistinctive distinctiveways. inorder ordertotodraw drawdownsizers downsizerswho whoare areused usedtotoliving livingininsuburban suburban homes homes with with spacious spacious gardens, gardens, developers developers and and designers designers are are going going beyond beyond the the traditional traditionalrooftop rooftopbarbecue barbecuearea areaor orpotplant-covered potplant-coveredbalcony. balcony. new new designs designs tap tap into into the the idea idea ofof “biophilia” “biophilia” –– humans’ humans’ love love of, of, and and desire desire toto connect connect to, to, the the natural natural world. world. and and green green spaces spaces are are often often structured structured toto improve improve wellbeing wellbeingand andhelp helpresidents residentsinteract. interact. Garden Gardendesigner designerPaul Paulbangay, bangay,known knownfor forlandscaping landscapingluxury luxuryestates estatesas aswell wellas ashighhighend endapartments, apartments,says saysthe thefocus focuson onfoliage foliageisisbecoming becomingmore moreimportant importantas ascities citiesdensify. densify. “australians “australianstraditionally, traditionally,20 20years yearsago, ago,were wereliving livingon onquarter-acre quarter-acreblocks, blocks,or oratat least leasthad hadaacourtyard courtyardor oraasmall smallgarden,” garden,”he hetells tellsMansion MansionAustralia. Australia.“now “nowthe thetrend trendisis totoget getinto intoapartments apartments––the thegarden’s garden’sgetting gettingsmaller smallerand andpeople peoplestill stillwant wantthe thesame same feeling feelingfrom fromthe thegarden. garden.aakey keycomponent componentofofthat thatisisthe thegreenery.” greenery.” downsizers downsizersininparticular particularare aredemanding demandinglarge largeterraces terracesand andplant plantlife, life,which whichmust must be beeasy easytotomaintain maintaincompared comparedwith withthe theextensive extensivelawns lawnsthey theypreviously previouslytended. tended. bangay bangay has has designed designed an an urban urban forest forest that that will will spread spread over over three three storeys storeys ofof the the melbourne melbournecbd cbdapartment apartmenttower towerParagon, Paragon,being beingconstructed constructedby bymalaysian malaysiandeveloper developer 38 38

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beulah beulahinternational. international.the theoasis oasiscreated createdwill willoffer offeraaspace spacefor forresidents residentstotorelax relaxsurrounded surrounded by bytropical tropicalfig figtrees treesand andother othersubtropical subtropicalplants plantsthat thatrespond respondwell welltotolow lowlight lightlevels. levels. “we’re “we’regetting gettingthe thefeeling feelingalmost almostofofaasubtropical subtropicalforest,” forest,”bangay bangaysays. says.“all “allthe the internal internalwalls wallswill willbe becovered coveredininlush lushmaterial. material.we’re we’rehoping hopingthat thatyou youdon’t don’tnotice notice the thecity cityso somuch.” much.” bangay’s bangay’sprevious previousapartment apartmentprojects projectsinclude includethe theprivate privategarden gardenatatParque Parqueon onstst kilda kildaroad roadand andthe theterraces terracesatatthe themanhattan manhattandevelopment developmentinintoorak. toorak. on onthe theGold Goldcoast, coast,the thegarden gardendesign designofofone oneapartment apartmentblock blockwas wasinspired inspiredby byaa beach-house-in-the-sky beach-house-in-the-sky aesthetic. aesthetic. the the wharf wharf road road project project inin surfers surfers Paradise, Paradise, designed designedby byarchitects architectsrothelowman, rothelowman,features featureswhole-floor whole-floorapartments apartmentswith withocean ocean views viewsand andvertical verticalgarden gardenbeds bedsdown downthe theface faceofofthe thebuilding. building. the the garden garden provides provides shade shade for for the the main main façade façade ofof the the north-facing north-facing building, building, helping helpingitittotostay staycool, cool,rothelowman rothelowmanprincipal principalJeff Jeffbrown brownexplains. explains.ititisisshaped shapedtoto reduce reducewind windand andshelter shelterplants plantsso sothey theygrow growmore moreeasily easily––and andresidents residentscan canopen open their theirwindows windowswithout withoutbeing beinghit hitby byaastrong strongbreeze. breeze. “there’s “there’saathousand thousandapartment apartmentbuildings buildingson onthe theGold Goldcoast coastand andmost mostofofthem themare are anonymous anonymous glass glass tubes,” tubes,” brown brown says. says. “we “we wanted wanted toto move move away away from from that that toto

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br E t t b oa r dm a n

Opposite: Paragon in Melbourne. Clockwise from below: Cleveland & Co, Sydney; Wharf Road, Surfers Paradise; ICON at Discovery Point, Sydney

something more humanised. to be able to step out of the lifts and look across a garden to a view of the ocean was really grounding.” maintenance is an important consideration when designing green space within a building, as are weight, structure and waterproofing. “it’s not as simple as putting green things on the side of a building in a render,” says brown. as part of the six-star hotel-style service at wharf road, a gardener will care for residents’ plants. in sydney, Frasers Property has added a green wall to its project icon at discovery Point following the success of a similar installation at inner-city central Park as well as in a retail space in melbourne. the green walls can help cool a building and reduce the “urban heat island” – a phenomenon in which city areas are warmer than the surrounding suburbs due to human activity, heat-absorbing material and a lack of shade. in addition, if a precinct is cooler and more walkable, residents are more likely to get outside and connect with their neighbours, says Frasers general manager of sustainability, Paolo bevilacqua. and he also highlights the benefits of plants for human health. “there’s a number of studies that show plants can help reduce toxicity in the space, which obviously has a human benefit,” bevilacqua says. “but there’s also mental health and wellbeing – the benefits plants bring to making people happier and more productive.” meanwhile, a key issue for designers is to avoid adding gardens to buildings just for the sake of it, says sJb architects director adam Haddow. “the biggest challenge is to fit it [the greenery] in in a way that is meaningful, so that they’re not just gardens in a building,” Haddow says. “there’s a softness to a garden that the built form often doesn’t have, so what does that softness offer to your appreciation and your quality of life?” the communal rooftop garden at the cleveland & co apartment block in sydney – which sJb designed and where Haddow lives – offers a way to bring residents together, with its sun decks and areas to sit and congregate. with landscaping by black beetle, the “thrive and die” garden also changes with the seasons. “Everything blooms and goes crazy during spring,” Haddow says, “and then it dies off in autumn and becomes a bit dormant during winter.”

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Stradbroke Island

Clockwise from below left: North Lane, Shaun Lockyer’s transformation of a ‘Straddie shack’; Lockyer’s beach house; Drew Heath’s Cypress House

rosa nn E ba r r Et t

Isle of style

on southeast Queensland’s north stradbroke island, the best homes are among the most discreet, nestled into the trees of their bush and beach setting. up to 40 per cent of the houses dotted through the island’s 700-person township, Point lookout, are bespoke designs. these include homes from celebrated architects brit andresen, Gabriel Poole, Haig beck and donald spencer. leading brisbane-based architect shaun lockyer has visited the spectacular sand island, an hour’s ferry ride from the mainland, for almost two decades. “the place itself is one of the best kept secrets in australia,” he says. “it’s a bit off the grid, and it has not changed and developed in the way noosa or the sunshine coast has. the character of the place, the intensity of the place, the spirit of the place is completely unchanged.” known as straddie or by its indigenous name, minjerribah, the island is shifting its focus from the historical sandmining industry to tourism. Hollywood a-listers matt damon and chris Hemsworth were recent visitors, and Point lookout now has a series of architecturally innovative dwellings, built on a foundation of fibro beach shacks. lockyer says the island’s natural beauty and its laidback lifestyle attracts people wanting an antidote to the highstress urban life, but the community retains its undeveloped charm. “overwhelmingly, people want unobtrusive and simple,” he says. “when you’re building a house there, you want to have the house that ages as quickly as possible and blends in. [clients] take pictures of old fibro shacks that are almost unliveable and say, ‘i want that’. it’s the type of place where you don’t want to be the person who has the biggest house on the island. no one wants to be that person.” lockyer’s own straddie beach house, in a complex originally designed by architects donovan Hill, combines the interior with the subtropical outdoors using a courtyard space and an outdoor shower. timber slats blend the house with its beach setting. southeast Queensland architect Paul butterworth’s awardwinning banksia and Pandanus retreat houses are among the halfdozen projects he has worked on in Point lookout, decades after he holidayed there as a child with his surfer father. He says the relatively unspoiled nature of the community and the need to use local construction skills and materials meant the designs were “fairly raw”. “it’s an excuse for designers to reconnect with the poetic and ask the tough questions about what is necessary,” he says. “organically 40

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brEtt boardman

scott burrows x 2

‘Straddie’ harbours some very sophisticated architecture but owners like to keep a low profile

over time [the style] has evolved [from beach shacks] and become more well-appointed, however the scale has stayed pretty small. Everyone lives on decks, daybeds and hammocks. there is a whole different language that we can get away with.” sydney-based drew Heath designed and built the awardwinning triple-pavilion, split-level cypress House above beautiful cylinder beach. He says despite the difficult conditions – steep and sandy sites, strong winds and subtropical heat – it is not hard to design a house on straddie. “it’s designing in paradise,” he says. “there’s a community of architecturally designed buildings but the important thing is it fits within a community of like-minded people.” the australian institute of architects has listed the 1998-built mooloomba House by andresen o’Gorman as nationally significant, noting its “uncompromising commitment to semi-

outdoor informal living”. it is a small timber-and-tin home open to the elements, with a sand courtyard and a striking lookout affording beach views. celebrated contemporary architects lockyer, butterworth, Heath, John Hockings and shane thompson are adding to the island’s architectural history. there are no high-rises, and local government guidelines reinforce the desire for unobtrusive design. natural materials must be used for houses, which must be low-rise and sit “in a detached form, interspersed and sympathetically sited”. ray white north stradbroke island principal rae Green says properties on north stradbroke island are among the most tightly held in the country, with an average retention of 18 years. “it’s a generational thing; houses just change from grandparents to their kids, to their kids,” she says, adding that previously straddie has had the highest capital growth in australia.

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Penthouse living for downsizers The owners of a new Artisan Residences penthouse in YarraBend are counting down the months until they can move into their stylish and customised home Megan Rose didn’t picture herself living in a penthouse due to a fear of heights. But her future home at YarraBend is an expansive penthouse on the third floor in Glenvill’s Artisan Residences building. “Even our rooftop oasis will only be on the fourth floor, which is doable for anyone with this common and frustrating phobia,” said Ms Rose, an investor who will share the luxury home with husband Gary, a proceduralist GP. The Artisan Residences and its penthouses are a key element of YarraBend, which is taking shape on the former Alphington Paper Mill site. When completed, YarraBend will consist of six precincts, including the Artisan precinct that will house cafes, restaurants and gourmet food stores. The couple’s penthouse will be located above the Artisan Food District that is being curated by Melbourne chef, Scott Pickett. The sale of the penthouse is a milestone for the suburb. “As one of the first truly

available penthouses in the Alphington area, it is an exciting new product for buyers,” said Glenvill sales and marketing director Ashley Bramich. The product has resonated strongly with the downsizer demographic due to the considered design, attention to detail, premium finishes and open-plan living areas. The fact that this is within a boutique apartment building above a curated food precinct only furthers the appeal. The couple are moving to YarraBend because of its proximity to friends in Kew and Hawthorn and the nearby railway link that makes it easy to reach the city. They are also keen to downsize. Having lived in Macleod for the past 14 years, they are looking forward to settling in a more modern home that requires less maintenance. “My husband is looking forward to continuing his tradition of barbequing the perfect steak in the rooftop outdoor kitchen, complete with a drinks fridge. He’s also looking forward to enjoying the

serenity around the gas fire-pit table,” Ms Rose said. “I’m fairly sure my ‘vino central’ will be next to the contemporary fire in the lounge room. I will also have a covered open space on the rooftop terrace that, with the addition of a custom radiant heat strip, we can enjoy regardless of Melbourne’s everchanging weather.” The Roses have worked with Glenvill and Artisan Residences architects DKO Architecture to add custom touches to the penthouse. “We are currently designing an amazing built-in wall unit that will extend the full width of the lounge room and will incorporate a stunning and fully functional gas fire, lowline linear bench seating, storage and a media centre,” Ms Rose said. “I think this will give the penthouse a real ‘wow’ factor.” Mr Bramich said the Artisan Residences penthouses blended contemporary design with an urban edge that meant minimal upkeep for the owners.

“Internally, the design draws from the craftsmanship and the production history of the Alphington Paper Mill, layering metalwork, natural materials and greenery, and celebrating the views of the surrounding parklands,” Mr Bramich said. “This connection to nature is something we’ve incorporated across the entirety of the Artisan Residences building, bringing the outside in through abundant vertically grown planters and ample natural light.” So far, $100 million worth of houses and townhouses have been built and delivered, with $450 million worth of townhouses, lofts, houses and apartments sold across YarraBend. Construction has begun on YarraBend’s first apartment building, Parkview Apartments, on the corner of Heidelberg and Parkview roads and construction of the first stages of The Mills townhouses and lofts is also underway. By 2025, YarraBend is predicted to become the world’s most liveable suburb.

141 Blissetts Road Carool




Magic in the Mountains Located in the sunset highlands of Carool sits your luxurious home with centre stage views sweeping across the coastline, in a place of pure magic. As you enter your home, you are greeted by dramatic visions of majestic mountain ranges and views out to the PaciďŹ c Ocean as far as the eye can see. Nestled on a manicured 25 acre block tucked away from the neighbourhood street, your home is cleverly built over one level - with quality, function and comfort top of mind in every single detail. The pool sparkles beautifully in the morning sun each day and the deck warms nicely too - a perfect spot to sit, coffee in hand, letting minutes drift by. Be inspired to be amongst this natural bushland setting. You really will feel like this is the perfect retreat away from the world.

Contact Agent


By Appointment


Mishy Canning 0410 466 657

LJ Hooker Palm Beach

Originally published on

AUc k L A n d

Promontory perch


The 453ha Abbey Leix Estate in Laois county, Ireland, has been listed for offers above €20 million ($32 million). Its vast grounds hold 10 additional outbuildings and an important collection of trees and woods. A mile-long wooded driveway leads to the house. Since its completion in the late 1700s, the Georgian-style mansion has undergone several additions and renovations. It was restored in 1995 by its most recent owner, international banker and president of the Irish Georgian Society Sir david davies, with a new family room, kitchen and butler’s pantry added. There are nine bedrooms and 10 bathrooms. The property has been listed jointly by Sotheby’s International Realty and colliers International. m I A BEL L E SA L Z A no

“A little bit contemporary, a little bit funky, a little bit fun,” is how new Zealand Sotheby’s International agent Athena wang, who has listed this home along with Prudence Foster for $nZ18 million ($17.2 million), describes its unique aesthetic. completed in 2010 after five years of construction, the palatial clifftop estate is nestled into the lush mahurangi Peninsula and was designed by multi-award winning Hillery Priest Architects. The property sits high on a promontory surrounded by beaches, and boasts views over martins Bay and the Hauraki Gulf to a host of islands. Its 6ha of private, landscaped grounds include an organic orchard and exotic gardens. The 1039sq m home has four bedrooms and five full bathrooms. There are water views from every room, and two terraces with outdoor fires and a pizza oven. The property also features a 20m indoor pool and a gym, a three-car garage, and a separate oversized garage to accommodate boats or even helicopters, as well as a helicopter pad. The house includes an office with library, and an artist’s studio. In the landscaped grounds there’s an organic vegetable garden, imported plants and a number of exotic fruit trees. mahurangi East is about an hour’s drive north of Auckland city.

commanding the eastern tip of the private Pharaoh’s Island on the Thames in the village of Shepperton, Surrey, this 1903 home is only accessible by boat. “There is no bridge, so it’s very private, very secluded,” says listing agent Robert king from Jackson-Stops, Teddington. “The house wraps around the pool, so it’s very good for entertaining. There is also an al fresco dining area on the river.” The 202sq m house has three bedrooms and three full bathrooms. There is also a 77sq m guesthouse with two bedrooms and two bathrooms. Amenities include a heated swimming pool, a garage and two fireplaces. Shepperton has a train station that serves central London. The property has been listed for £2.25 million ($3.96 million).

Jon EL L E m A n Ion

BI L L c A Ry

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Palm Beach Jonat H a n c H a nc El l or

No chimney in sight seven decades ago, the Bishops, a grazing family from scone, nsw, built a four-bedroom vacation home on sydney’s northern beaches. Billarimba, above, a quintessential late-1940s Palm Beach cottage sitting on the Pacific road hill, has never been offered for sale, until now. the family paid £550 in 1947 for the 1490sq m holding. the price guide now is $5.35 million through lJ Hooker agent Peter robinson. the property features a sandstone courtyard, exposed beams, French doors, polished timber floors, fireplace, and a wide terrace looking across the beach and ocean. a striking gum tree emphasises the hilltop bushland setting. Palm Beach has enjoyed two bumper years, with nearly 60 house sales across the 2km seaside haven annually. the local agent reports improving sale prices during winter this year, a trend that is likely to continue through spring. there are around 1100 properties spread over 31 streets at Palm Beach, about an hour’s drive from the city outside peak hour. in recent years the suburb has seen its entry level price soar. so 44

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far this year it is $1.4 million. in 2017 the cheapest sale was a two-bedroom original 1950s home that sold for $950,000. the top sale that year was $12 million, and last year $18 million. this year there has been a near $21 million sale on snapperman Beach to the roche family, who founded the direct marketing beauty products company nutrimetics international in the 1960s. Palm Haven, a Phillip cox-designed trophy home on a double block, was sold by the Esplin family through lJ Hooker agent david Edwards. puts the median Palm Beach house price at $3.3 million. Palmie is an interesting mix. the increasingly corporate homeowners get annoyed with the influx of daytrippers, whom writer Valerie lawson once noted set up their deckchairs, Eskys full of beer and aromatic lunch dishes and picnic on residents’ front lawns. many daytrippers have been attracted to the area because of its long association with the channel 7 soap Home & Away as the set of summer Bay, but this summer it will be a Brian

Brown-rachel ward drama comedy, Palm Beach, that triggers the influx. Expect to see more empty-nester downsizers making plans. it will be even more difficult to get a table at Barrenjoey House, part of the recently sold Boathouse group. the movie opened the sydney Film Festival in June, with one critic describing its cinematography as “overlit” and more akin to a shampoo or soft drink commercial. However there is no denying the beauty of the locations, including the House and Garden featured sunrise Hill home where most of the drama takes place, which belongs to the architects-turned-property developers susan and garry rothwell. Brown describes the film as The Big Chill meets The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. the Birchgrove-based theatrical couple have owned at nearby whale Beach since they paid $460,000 in 1993 for a home bought from the Buggy family, who were merrylands motor trimmers. occupying a prime peninsula position, Palm Beach offers the choice of the ocean and Pittwater. Buyers are divided between those who want the

surf lifestyle and boating enthusiasts who prefer Pittwater. the longstanding records are oceanside. in 2012, car dealer laurie sutton paid $22 million for kalua, a 1920s plantation-style beachfront trophy home on a 5500sq m dress circle block with a pool, tennis court and views of cabbage tree Boat Harbour. sutton is the third owner. it was first sold by the Hordern retailing family to the Joye family for $330,000 in 1978. kalua was one of the first homes built on the peninsula, guaranteeing its historical significance. Folklore has it that the Hordern family sent their architect to oahu, Hawaii, to copy “stick by stick and stone by stone” the impressive dillingham plantation residence. at the time of kalua’s construction there were no roads in so materials had to be brought by barge from newport. Palm Beach recorded its first $1 million-plus sale in 1981 when the late kerry Packer bought his nearby oceanfront property. His daughter gretel secured the retreat through an internal Packer family transfer in 2015 worth $24 million. Billarimba will be auctioned on september 4.

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Williams Lodge 16-20 Cedar St, Yungaburra AUCTION ON SITE 24TH AUGUST 2PM OPEN HOME: SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 2.00PM - 3.00PM Williams Lodge played an important part in World War 2 and was used for social events for the American and Australian Soldiers and Airman. The dance floor was built by the Army in 1942. Sir Sydney Williams and Sir Edward Williams were both born in the home. Located in the centre of Yungaburra this Heritage listed property is within walking distance to all Amenities and Restaurants.

• Bed & Breakfast, Majestic Wedding Venue or Residence • Set on 3035 m2 of beautiful gardens • 5 Bedrooms: all self-contained • Commercial Kitchen • Formal Lounge and Dining Room • Dance floor / Pool / Car Parking for 7 Cars • Master Builders Awards: Project of the Year & Refurbishment and Renovation of a Historical Building • Being sold fully furnished • View the property at

Living locally and selling locally Mob: 0408 449 808 Yungaburra |

17 Caree Court, Maroochy River - Sunshine Coast QLD On 2 acres of land, this immaculate three bedroom and study, architect-designed single-level house has extensive ocean and rural views over the Coolum hinterland. In an elevated position, you will enjoy cooling breezes and peaceful surroundings. The properly will be featured on the ABC TV show ‘Escape from the City’, in 2019. Featuring a stylish granite kitchen, 10.7 metre magnesium-saltwater heated inground pool and three car garage with 2x2m cold room/cellar. There is also off-street parking for several cars. Other fittings include a/c, ceiling fans, brushbox timber floors, high ceilings, security system, hot and cold outdoor shower, crimsafe, three water tanks, grey-water system and only 10 minutes to Coolum Beach.





For Sale: Private Treaty Price Guide: Offers over $1.1 million Contact Sandra Lawrence Phone: 0456 788 663

Interiors Mansion AustrAliA

City limits Downsizing in style

Fluid lines

Seating, lighting, sculpture

Glass act

Isamu Noguchi’s coffee table

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Light-flooded Light-floodedkitchen kitchen and andeating eatingspace space

cut to size

AA shift shift from from the the suburbs suburbs to to the the city city meant meant aa clever clever rethink rethink to to meet meet the the space space needs needs of of aa family family of of four, four, but but the the move move has has delivered delivered rich rich rewards rewards sst toor ryy bbyy ssaamm dduunnccaann

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tt creates creates an an unusual unusual set set ofof design design challenges challenges when when aa husband husbandand andwife wifeinintheir their40s 40swith withtwo twoprimary primaryschool schoolage agechildren childrendecide decidethey theyare aredone donewith with suburbia suburbiaand andready readyfor forcity citylife. life. the the owners owners ofof aa penthouse penthouse apartment apartment inin alexander, alexander, Barangaroo Barangaroo –– aa luxury luxury 77-apartment 77-apartment wharfside wharfside complex complex with with sweeping sweeping views views across across darling darling Harbour Harbour –– were were looking looking for for aa more more convenient convenient lifestyle lifestyle when when they they decided decided toto pack pack up up their their four-bedroom four-bedroom home home inin the the beachside beachside sydney sydneysuburb suburbofofcronulla cronullaand andmove movetotothe thecBd. cBd. it’s it’saatrend trendwe’re we’relikely likelytotosee seemore moreof, of,architect architectand andinterior interiordesigner designerwilliam williamsmart smartsays. says.“as “as the theamenity amenityand andliveability liveabilityofofour ourcity citygrows, grows,the theattraction attractiontotoliving livingininit,it,instead insteadofofon onmore more spacious spaciouslots lotsininthe thesuburbs, suburbs,begins beginstototake takehold,” hold,”he hesays. says. smart’s smart’sfirm, firm,smart smartdesign designstudio, studio,was wasbehind behindthe theinteriors interiorsofofall all77 77apartments apartmentsininthe thealexander alexander complex, complex,with withaafocus focuson onmaximising maximisingthe thesite’s site’sconnection connectiontotosydney sydneyHarbour. Harbour. the theowners ownersofofthis thispenthouse penthousewanted wantedtotoelevate elevatetheir theirtwo-level, two-level,three-bedroom three-bedroomapartment apartmentwith with an aninjection injectionofofmore moreglamorous glamorousfinishes finishesand andfurnishings, furnishings,and andcommissioned commissionedsmart smarttotodo doso. so.they they were werenot notcutting cuttingdown downon ontheir theirpossessions, possessions,he hesays, says,so sofrom fromthe theoutset outsetstorage storagewas wasthe themost most pressing pressing design designchallenge. challenge. “i“idon’t don’tthink thinkthe thedevelopers developershad hadaafamily familyofoffour fourininmind mindwhen whenthey theybuilt builtthis thisapartment,” apartment,”smart smart says. says.“we “wewanted wantedtotoconceal concealthe thestorage storageand andmake makeititalmost almostinvisible, invisible,allowing allowingthe theart, art,furnishings furnishings and andview viewtotobe bethe thepredominant predominantfeatures.” features.” smart smartturned turnedtotobespoke bespokejoinery; joinery;inspired inspiredby byclassic classictimber timberyachts, yachts,he heused useddanish-style danish-stylewoods woods –– warm warm natural natural oak oak and and cordovan-stained cordovan-stained oak oak –– and and streamlined streamlined curves curves toto create create cleverly cleverly constructed constructed concealed concealed storage storage spaces spaces toto house house the the family’s family’s belongings belongings –– everything everything from from the the television televisiontotoaalego legoset. set. storage storageneeds needsalso alsodetermined determinedthe thedesign designofofthe thebedrooms, bedrooms,with withinbuilt inbuiltdesks desksand andcleverly cleverly integrated integratedspaces spacesfor forclothes clothesand andtoys toysininthe thechildren’s children’srooms roomson onthe theentry entrylevel. inthe themaster master bedroom bedroomupstairs, upstairs,aawall wallofofjoinery joineryunfolds unfoldsatatthe thehead headofofthe thebed, bed,enveloping envelopingthe theroom roomininaarich rich walnut walnutveneer veneerand andproviding providingenough enoughstorage storagetotoensure ensurethe theowners ownerswouldn’t wouldn’tregret regretsaying sayinggoodbye goodbye tototheir theirspacious spaciousfamily familyhome homeininthe thesuburbs. suburbs. 50 50

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Opposite Oppositepage: page:The The apartment’s apartment’sliving livingspace; space; dining diningarea areawith withits its spectacular spectacularview, view,and andthe the Barangaroo Barangaroodevelopment. development. Left: Left:The Thecurved curvedwooden wooden stairway stairwaytotothe thepenthouse’s penthouse’s second secondlevel level

the apartment’s timber yacht-inspired smooth finishings needed contrast, so smart looked to the raw and unpolished history of the old dockyards that are part of the water views visible through the corner penthouse’s extensive full-height glazing. He used matte wood for the staircase and kitchen, with rough tiles in the bathroom to offset the otherwise smooth finishes. the starting point for the penthouse interior was a risky one: a specially commissioned artwork. artist camille Hannah’s expressive brushstrokes feature on the curved custom joinery of the main living area, an extensive whirl of vibrant colours with metallic pigments that set the tone for the apartment’s furnishings. “Because we’d worked with camille before, we had complete confidence she’d fulfil the technical and artistic requirements of this bespoke joinery unit,” smart says. “we began the process by all meeting together and discussing the end goal; because of this, there’s a wonderful harmony between the art, interiors, furniture and context.” the furnishings strike a balance between the apartment’s light finishes and the sophisticated colour palette of the artwork. in the living room, a pair of velvet chairs in purple combines with a creamy sofa and a burnt orange art silk rug. the shapely chairs around the marble dining table are a striking red-orange welted leather. the pendant above picks up on the slick white kitchen joinery and brings a delicate layer to the space. the balcony, similar in proportion to the combined living space inside, is furnished so that when the doors are open it feels like one cohesive space. sheer linen curtains add softness and can be drawn to screen off the western sun. in the master bedroom upstairs, heavy petrol-coloured velvet curtains, as well as brass skirting and trims, deliver a dose of luxury, framing the outlook to a grassed rooftop. the most pleasing aspect of this project for smart, who founded his design studio in 1997, is the rich use of colour. “i feel that the interiors are warm, luxurious and relaxed,” he says. “that’s how we can create resort-style living in an original way. i’ve maintained contact with the family; they love living there and plan to stay a long time.” 54

m a nsionaust r a l i a .c om . au

The master bedroom, above, has walls of walnut veneer, heavy petrol-coloured curtains and touches of brass. Far left: The ensuite

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6 5

Shape up Curves and angles add interest and a touch of intrigue 1. l i g h t s

stylecraft softscape pendant light designed by Helen kontouris, with shade in clear or frosted glass or powdercoated aluminium.


2. s C U l P t U R E

‘life’s Balance’ Elsa sculpture in brass designed by anthony spon smith.

3. s o f a

&tradition mayor sofa designed by arne Jacobsen and Flemming lassen, with oiled or oak base and fabric or leather upholstery.

4. C o f f E E

ta bl E

asplund Petit Palais in stained oak with top in oak veneer, laminate or marble, in two heights (42cm or 55cm).

5. b o o k E n d s

Henry wilson Fin bookends in sand-cast gunmetal bronze, in two sizes.

6. a R m C h a i R

cassina cotone armchair with extruded aluminium frame and fabric or leather upholstery.

7. b E d


& sidE ta bl E

kelly bedside table and bed by Emmanuel Gallina.

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m a nsionaust r a l i a .c om . au


Design classics

Coffee table isamu nogucHi

d av i d m E a g H E r


The table with base in walnut, and below, in black ash


samu noguchi was a Japanese-american sculptor who also designed one of the most famous furniture pieces of the 20th century. the noguchi coffee table has had many imitators over the years and has been copied by various manufacturers all over the world. the table, which debuted in 1947, was first produced by Herman miller and consisted of a carved solid timber base in two parts held together by a pivot rod to form the three legs, topped with 22mm thick biomorphic shaped glass. originally the base was produced in walnut, birch, and cherry. cherry bases were only made during the first year of the table’s production and are now highly sought after. today it is available in walnut and black ash with a slightly thinner glass top – 19mm – and the height of the table has been raised from 380mm to 400mm. since the late 1980s, indexing pins have been installed on the pivot rod with matching slots milled into the legs to ensure that the two leg elements are set up at a 52-degree angle for maximum stability and aesthetic appeal. made by vitra and available from space Furniture, $3815 in black ash. 58

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t H E w E E k E n d aust r a l i a n | august 1 0 - 1 1 , 2 0 1 9

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