Mansion May 2019

Page 1

Mansion incorporating news from Dow jones’

Setting sail


Sydney’s Northern Beaches

Made to measure Gold Coast apartments

Jamie Durie Milan’s Fuorisalone


12-page interiors section

light fantastic

The Queenslander moves into the 21st century

issue 26 May 2019

Your view for life.


LIMITED LIMITED FULL FULL FLOOR FLOOR OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES NOW NOW REMAIN REMAIN STARTING STARTING AT AT $3.05M $3.05M WITH WITH NEVER NEVER TO TO BE BE BUILT BUILT OUT OUT VIEWS VIEWS •• 33 bedrooms, bedrooms, 33 ensuites ensuites ++ powder powder room, room, separate separate office, office, 238sqm 238sqm of of luxury luxury interiors interiors •• Private Private lift lift to to your your door door •• 45m 45m22 verandah verandah to to live live on on and and enjoy enjoy year year round round •• Magnificent Magnificent views views north north to to Surfers Surfers and and south south to to Coolangatta Coolangatta •• Designer Designer chef chef’s’s kitchen kitchen with with butler’s butler’s pantry pantry •• Rooftop Rooftop heated heated lap lap pool, pool, private private recreation recreation area area

Half Half floor floor 22 beds beds available available from from $1.325M $1.325M



ANOTHER ANOTHER PROJECT PROJECT BY BY OPTIMUS OPTIMUS w ww ww. w.oopt pti im muussddeve evelo loppm meent .com m. .aauu


ONCE I N A L I FETI M E BBEE AA PPAARRTT O OFF TTH HEE FFIIN NEESSTT BBEEAACCH HFFRRO ON NTT LLIIVVIIN NGG EEXXPPEERRIIEEN NCCEE TTH HEE W WO ORRLLDD H HAASS EEVVEERR O OFFFFEERREEDD Saint SaintMoritz Moritzisisits itsown ownextraordinary extraordinaryworld. world.AAplace placewhere whereevery everyneed needand anddesire desire isismet metby bydedicated dedicatedstaff. staff.AAplace placewhere whereevery everyday dayfeels feelslike likeaabeautiful beautifuldream, dream,with withviews views over overthe thewater watertotothe thehorizon, horizon,amenity amenitybeyond beyondimagination imaginationand andluxury luxurywithout withoutlimits. limits. 33——55 BBEEDDRROOOOM M RREESSIIDDEENNCCEESS PPRRIICCEEDD FFRROOM M $$33. .7755 M MIILLLLIIOONN —— $$1144 M MIILLLLIIOONN

Call Calltoday todayfor foraaVIP VIPpreview previewof ofthe thedisplay displaygallery gallery DDEEBBOORRAAHH WWIILLTTSSHHIIRREE —— 00446666 551133 881133 SSAAIINNTTM MOORRIITTZZ. .CCOOM M. .AAUU

OPPOSITE OPPOSITEWrapped Wrapped ininglass, glass,Saint SaintMoritz Moritz delivers deliverspanoramic panoramicviews views totothe thehorizon horizonininevery every direction directionfor foraatruly truly luxurious luxurioussense sense ofofspaciousness spaciousnessand and limitless limitlessluxury. luxury. LEFT LEFTBay Bayviews viewsare arebest best enjoyed enjoyedfrom fromunder underthe the covers. covers.The Thepenthouse’s penthouse’s stunning stunningdesign designsees seesaakingkingsized sizedbed bedfloating floatingabove above the thefloor flooron onaasuspended suspended marble marbleplatform, platform,creating creating an anair airofoffluidity fluidityand and weightlessness. weightlessness. BELOW BELOWStriking Striking architecture architecturebrings bringsthe the penthouse’s penthouse’sprivate privatepool pool into intothe theliving livingspace—an space—an unforgettable unforgettabledesign design feature featuretotocomplement complement the theocean oceanviews. views.




Boasting Boasting livability livability at at its its heart heart and and the the shores shores of of Broadbeach Broadbeach and and Mermaid Mermaid Beach Beach at at its its feet, feet, life life at at Mali Mali Residences Residences will will truly truly be be aa lifestyle lifestyle of of luxury luxury of of the the highest highest standard. standard.

1, 2 & 3 bedroom residences Now Selling from $445,000 Display Display Now Now Open Open –– 17 17 Albert Albert Avenue Avenue Broadbeach Broadbeach Call Call Dean Dean Muldoon Muldoon to to inspect inspect today today –– 0401 0401 070 070 792 792



Bondi, page 30

1 3 l u x u r y kew tudor revamp, currumbin Hill pair, katsalidis with views 1 6 cov E r story

the Queenslander reconfigured for the modern era

2 0 ja m i E d u r i E

milan’s annual celebration of design just gets bigger

2 2 d o l l y l E n z markets brace when elections and policy changes loom 2 8 b r o a d b E a c H cookie-cutter developments make way for bespoke apartments 30 bondi

when a house at the beach is much more than a beach house

3 2 m u r a l a rt

a street artist injects colour into an inner-city brisbane home

3 4 H a w t H o r n an 1870s villa is just waiting to be restored to its former glory 3 8 n o r t H E r n b E a c H E s nautical themes and nature inspire a new project 4 3 m a n s i o n g l o b a l a vast tuscan estate and a house designed by cher 4 4 b a c k p a g E portsea properties with a tennis court are now at a premium 4 7 i n t E r i o r s a canadian family creates a dream holiday home in bondi 5 6 p r o d u c t s serene blues, greys and neutrals create a quiet retreat 5 8 m y s t y l E the fragrant life of grandiflora founder saskia Havekes nExt issuE:

june 8, 2019

o n t H E c o v E r white lace, a classic Queenslander in brisbane’s new Farm built in the 1920s and now restored and extended by architect joe adsett


m a nsionaust r a l i a .c om . au

Mansion AustrAliA

Editor turi condon Contributing editor jonathan chancellor Interiors editor david meagher Art director samantha yates Writers joel robinson milanda rout mackenzie scott Chief sub editor deirdre blayney Picture editor christine westwood Advertising michael thompson tel. 61 2 9288 3630 Frankie lipman tel. 61 2 9288 3678 unsolicited manuscripts will not be considered. printed by ovato print pty ltd, 31 Heathcote road, moorebank 2170, for the proprietor and publisher, nationwide news pty limited (acn 008 438 828), of 2 Holt street, surry Hills, nsw 2010 for insertion in The Weekend Australian on may 11, 2019

Editor’s letter of all the architecture on display around the country, only one style is strongly identified with a place. the much-loved Queenslander has never gone out of fashion. it may have been plastered over and had its deep, shady verandas enclosed over the years, but it has always been a practical and elegant response to the home state’s climate. in recent years, original Queenslanders have been completely and meticulously renovated, while a new wave of architects have put their stamp on the style, writes joel robinson in our cover story. the verandas and airiness remain, but new homes are seeing what was once empty space below rebuilt to create extra room for modern families, driving a resurgence in demand. on the gold coast, cranes are back on the skyline, with new apartment towers under construction. this time the projects are smaller, mid rise or boutique style, some with one apartment per floor, and aimed at full-time residents or as second homes that can be locked up while the owner travels. broadbeach in particular is seeing a number of these bespoke projects. columnist jamie durie has been further afield at milan’s design week. after 58 years of showcasing global designers for a week in april, the event is still throwing up fresh offerings. meanwhile, new yorker dolly lenz muses on what elections and changes in policy do to property markets. donald trump may not face voters until november next year, but the imminent federal election here and possible changes to tax policy have made markets nervous and delayed decision-making. in our interiors section, milanda rout talks to the architects of an unusual holiday house. a canadian couple have spent their first summer in the new apartment after falling in love with bondi beach. they wanted a holiday house where they could rinse the sand off their feet at the front door and have enough beds to sleep 12 as family and friends visit for the summer. we hope you enjoy this issue of Mansion Australia. Turi Condon Editor

t H E w E E k E n d aust r a l i a n | m ay 1 1 - 1 2 , 2 0 1 9

simon griFFitHs

Design masterpiece; Noosa River masterstroke Infinity. When luxury has no limits, just an unquestionable benchmark of rare elegance by the riverside. Three penthouse-style, house-sized masterpieces harmonise form and function with exquisite craftsmanship in a contemporary coastal


design, across a meticulously intelligent layout, opening out on each level to a sprawling terrace, glass-walled infinity-edged pool and spectacular views of the Noosa River, foreshore park and beyond. Gympie Terrace Noosaville

Exclusively marketd by

For more information call Nic Hunter 0421 785 512 or visit




Price Guide: From $4.7m

Subject to council approval. Every effort has been made to accurately describe the details of this development however this is a guide only. All marketing material, including models, illustrations and plans are indicative only. All details were correct at the time of printing and are subject to change without notice. This material is representative as a guide only and does not constitute an offer or inducement.

a noosa Heads trophy home on the river has been listed for sale. adrian Reed and darren neal of Reed & co. noosaville have the fivebedroom listing, with Reed envisaging that it will be one of the most significant ones of the year. The property was last sold in 2005, for $6.46 million. Since then there have been 12 higher sales across the noosa Shire, five of them last year. The north-facing mansion, at 54 noosa Parade, has a 20m water frontage. Its riverfront facilities include a boat ramp and a drive-through boat garage. There’s a spa and infinity-edge pool, and plenty of alfresco entertaining spaces.



kEw da R L I nGH U R S T

A redesigned three-level property in Sydney’s Darlinghurst has been sold for $4.6 million. It was owned by architect Jonathan Richards, a former director of SJB Interiors, who last year set up Richards Stanisich with colleague Kirsten Stanisich. The project won a commendation in the 2018 Australian Interior Design Awards, with Richards acknowledging it was very much a collaboration with his wife, Olivia Beynon. Dating from the 1890s, the building had a reworking of its floorplan by Promena Projects and its space rationalised to meet the needs of a young family of four. Located on West Avenue, it comes with a four-bedroom house-like main residence plus two ground-floor studio apartments. It was sold by BresicWhitney agents Shannan Whitney and Melinda Antella.

m ay 1 1 - 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | T H E w E E k E n d aUST R a L I a n

Tudor revamp Stratford, a reimagined 1920s Tudorstyle home on Sackville Street, kew, has been listed for sale with $11 million to $12.1 million hopes. Hardware merchant James macneil moved into the grand two-storey, five-bedroom home in 1925. Recent renovations have created new internal spaces, lifted the ceilings, replicated fireplaces and reintroduced diamond leadlight windows. The home has a Herringbone theme throughout in its wood panelling and timber borders. Even the expansive 2300sq m gardens have been revitalised. melbournia Group agent kevin Phuong says the adjoining 940sq m tennis court block could be available separately for around $6 million. But if sold in one line, Stratford could challenge the suburb record, set in 2007 when the 130-year-old La Verna down the road sold for $12 million.

m a nSIonaUS T R a L I a .c om . aU


wallis wallisisland island

ccuurrrruum mbbi inn PPEErrttHH

adjoining adjoininghomes homeson onlush lushcurrumbin currumbinHill, Hill,atatthe thesouthern southernend endofofthe theGold Goldcoast, coast,have havebeen been listed listedfor forsale saleby byrob robcinelli cinelliand andleanne leanneFrohmuller FrohmullerofoflJ lJHooker HookerPalm Palmbeach. beach. Just Just5km 5kmnorth northofofcoolangatta coolangattaairport, airport,atat23a 23akatta kattaavenue, avenue,isisaathree-level three-levelhome homedesigned designed by byarchitect architectshane shanedenman, denman,the thewinner winnerofofthe the2006 2006raia raiabest bestHouse Housesouth southEast EastQueensland Queensland award. award.the thenarrow narrowdesign designmakes makesfull fulluse useofofviews viewsfrom fromevery everyangle, angle,with withextensive extensiveglass glassand andsliding sliding balcony balconydoors. doors.there thereare arepolished polishedtimber timberfloors floorsover overthe thethree threelevels, levels,and andthree threebedrooms bedroomsand andthree three bathrooms. bathrooms.the thehome homecomes comescomplete completewith withtwo-car two-carstacker stackerparking. parking. over overthe thepast past1515years yearsitithas hasgenerated generatedan anaverage averagerental rentalincome incomeofof$120,000 $120,000aayear. year.rock rockmusician musician sting stingonce oncestayed stayedthere, there,pronouncing pronouncingthe theproperty property“peaceful, “peaceful,beautiful beautifuland andinspiring”. inspiring”.aaFrench French actress actresswho whorented rentedititwhile whileworking workingon onwhat whatturned turnedout outtotobe bean anunpleasant unpleasantfilm filmwrote wroteininthe theguest guest book book“Even “Evenininhell hellyou youcan cansometimes sometimesfind findheaven”. heaven”. an anadjoining adjoiningfour-level, four-level,six-bedroom six-bedroomhome homeatat23 23katta kattaavenue avenue(pictured (picturedabove) above)isisalso alsoon onthe the market. market.ititwas wasbuilt builtinin1979 1979and andthere therehave havebeen beenseveral severalrenovations renovationsover overthe theyears. years.

Ten TenBellevue BellevueTerrace, Terrace,aanewly newlycompleted completedblock blockon onone oneofofPerth’s Perth’smost mostprominent prominent apartment apartmentrows, rows,on onthe thefringe fringeofofKings KingsPark, Park,comprises comprisesjust justsix sixsky skyhomes. homes.The The sculpturally sculpturallyinnovative, innovative,six-level six-levelWest WestPerth Perthcomplex complexhas hasextensive extensiveviews viewsofofthe thecity city skyline, skyline,the theSwan SwanRiver Riverand andthe thePark. Park.The Thelush lushinternal internaldecor decorisisby byClaude ClaudeGiorgi. Giorgi. Heritage Heritagecampaigners campaignershad hadprotested protestedthe theloss lossofofthe thelast lastfreestanding freestandingresidence residence on onthe thecrest crestofofthe theMount MountEliza Elizaescarpment, escarpment,aa99-year-old 99-year-oldmock-Tudor mock-Tudorhome homethat thatthe the complex complexreplaced. replaced.The Theblock blockhas hasone oneapartment apartmentper perlevel, level,except exceptfor forthe thetwo-floor two-floor penthouse, penthouse,which whichhas hasits itsown ownpool. pool.The Thepenthouse penthousesold soldoff offthe theplan planfor for$12.25 $12.25million million inin2015, 2015,setting settingWest WestPerth’s Perth’sapartment apartmentprice pricerecord recordon onsettlement settlementinin2017. 2017.Other Other sales saleshave haveranged rangedbetween between$9.75 $9.75million millionand and$11.85 $11.85million. million.Vivien VivienYap YapatatRay RayWhite White Dalkeith/Claremont, Dalkeith/Claremont,ininconjunction conjunctionwith withAndrew AndrewPorteous Porteousfrom fromWilliam WilliamPorteous Porteous Properties PropertiesInternational, International,has haslisted listedthe thethird thirdfloor floorfor forauction auctionon onJune June12. 12.

HHaam mPPttoonn

View View point point designed designedby byarchitect architectnonda nondakatsalidis, katsalidis, aastriking strikinghome homethat thatcaptures capturesbay bay views viewshas hasbeen beenlisted listedin inmelbourne’s melbourne’s Hampton. Hampton.the themulti-level multi-levelwave wavestreet street residence residenceon onaa1200sq 1200sqm mblock blockhas hasaa spectacular spectacularindoor indoorpool poolin inits itsnorthnorthfacing facingglass glassatrium. atrium.there thereisisaamain main bedroom bedroomwith withdressing dressingroom, room,plus plusthree three other otherbedrooms bedroomsand andaalarge largehome homeoffice. office. the thetimber-topped timber-toppedentertainment entertainment terrace terracehas hasviews viewsof ofPort PortPhillip Phillipbay. bay. matt mattcleverdon cleverdonand andalan alan mcGillivray mcGillivrayof ofnick nickJohnstone Johnstonereal real Estate Estatebrighton brightonhave havethe thelisting, listing,with with aa$5.4 $5.4to to$5.94 $5.94million millionprice priceguide. guide. the theproperty propertylast lastsold soldfor for$2.315 $2.315 million millionin in2008. 2008.ititwas wasfirst firsttraded tradedfor for $600,000 $600,000in in1990 1990and andthe theblock blockcost cost $130,000 $130,000in in1984. 1984.katsalidis, katsalidis,co-founder co-founder of ofFender Fenderkatsalidis, katsalidis,extended extendedthe the original originalperiod periodhome homein in1989 1989for for property propertydeveloper developerHarvey Harveyking, king,with with aamore morerecent recentupdate updateby bythe thevendor. vendor. the thearchitectural architecturalfirm firmrecently recently undertook undertookthe thedesign designof ofaanearby nearby 22-apartment 22-apartmentcomplex, complex,Piper, Piper,for for developer developerPeter Peterbutterss. butterss. 14 14

mmaanns si o i onnaauus sttrraalli a i a. c. coomm. a . auu

ttHHEEwwEEEEkkEEnnddaauus sttrraalli a i ann | | mmaayy1 1 -1 1- 21 2, ,2 2001 91 9

Luxury Luxury wa waHHrroooonnGGaa

Japanese Japanese accent accent

bbrri issbbaannEE

Deco Deco gem gem ascot’s ascot’slancaster, lancaster,which whichexudes exudesall allthe theelegance eleganceof of brisbane’s brisbane’sart artdeco decoera, era,has hasbeen beenlisted listedfor forauction auctionon on June June1.1.ititwas wasdesigned designedin in1938 1938for forits its825sq 825sqm mkitchener kitchener road roadblock blockby bycelebrated celebratedarchitect architectcharles charlesH. H.Griffin, Griffin, who whosaid saidhis hishouses housesconveyed conveyedaa“feeling “feelingof ofsolidity” solidity” he hefelt feltwas wasmissing missingfrom fromQueenslander-style Queenslander-stylehomes. homes. ray raywhite whitenew newFarm Farmagent agentchristine christinerudolph rudolphsays says the thefour-bedroom four-bedroomresidence residencehas hasbeen beenmeticulously meticulously cared caredfor forby bythe thevendors, vendors,chartered charteredaccountants accountants carmela carmelaand andPaul Paulbalbuziente, balbuziente,for foralmost almosttwo twodecades. decades. the thecouple coupleisisdownsizing downsizingclose closeto tothe thewater. water. Griffin Griffinwas wasfamous famousfor fordesigning designinghomes homeswith withaacream cream textured texturedfinish finishabove aboveaared redbrick brickbase, base,and andwith withred red wunderlich wunderlichroof rooftiles. tiles.set setbehind behindwrought wroughtiron irongates, gates, lancaster lancasterfeatures featuresoriginal originalcornices, cornices,double doubleFrench French doors, doors,leadlight leadlightwindows windowsand andcrystal crystalchandeliers. chandeliers.

aamid-century mid-centuryinfluenced influencedresidence residencedesigned designedby byEd Edlipmann lipmannand andnestled nestledon onaalush lushwahroonga wahroonga block blockisison onthe themarket. market.with with365sqm 365sqmof ofinternal internalspace, space,the thefour-bedroom, four-bedroom,four-bathroom four-bathroomHillcrest Hillcrest street streetoffering, offering,just justoff offwater waterstreet, street,has hasbeen beenlisted listedby byamanda amandaand andnorman normanmighell mighellthrough throughJesse Jesse Zammit Zammitatatbelle belleProperty Propertywith with$4.6 $4.6million millionprice priceexpectations. expectations. the thecouple couplepurchased purchasedthe theproperty propertyin in1998, 1998,then thenrebuilt rebuiltin in2001 2001with withthe theassistance assistanceof ofspecialist specialist Japanese Japanesegarden gardendesigner designerken kenlamb lambof ofimperial imperialGardens. Gardens.its itsgrand grand6m 6matrium atriumentrance entrancefeatures features aaJapanese Japaneseinternal internalcourtyard courtyardcomplete completewith withpond pondand andwaterfall. waterfall. amanda amandaresearched researchedboth bothJapanese Japaneseand andmid-century mid-centuryarchitectural architecturaldesign, design,and andin insearch searchof oftheir their own owninspiration inspirationthe thepair pairdiscovered discoveredthat thatboth bothFrank Franklloyd lloydwright wrightand andle lecorbusier corbusierhad hadaafascination fascination with withJapanese Japanesearchitecture. architecture. the theproperty’s property’sgarden gardenfeatures featuresornamental ornamentaldeciduous deciduousexotic exoticplants plantsand andtrees treesto toprovide provideseasonal seasonal changes changesin incolour colourand andfoliage. foliage.the theinteriors, interiors,too, too,have havedistinct distinctJapanese Japaneseelements, elements,including includingshoji shoji screens screensbetween betweenrooms. rooms.the therear reargarden gardenhas hasan an11m 11mpool pooland andan anirrigation irrigationsystem systemsourced sourcedfrom from aa30,000-litre 30,000-litreunderground undergroundconcrete concretewater waterstorage storagetank. tank. the the1015sq 1015sqm mcul-de-sac cul-de-sacproperty propertyhad hadbeen beeninitially initiallylisted listedwith with$4.9 $4.9million millionhopes. hopes.

ssoouuttHHEErrnn HHi iGGHHllaannddss

Murcutt Murcutt landmark landmark Beacon BeaconHill, Hill,one oneofofthe themost mostdistinguished distinguished achitecturally achitecturallydesigned designedhomes homesininthe theNSW NSW Southern SouthernHighlands, Highlands,has hashit hitthe themarket marketwith with hopes hopesofofmore morethan than$6 $6million. million. The Thelate latejudge judgeRoddy RoddyMeagher MeagherQC QCand andhis his late lateartist artistwife wifePenny Pennybought boughtthe the40ha 40haproperty, property, subdivided subdividedfrom fromtheir theirfriend friendJames JamesFairfax’s Fairfax’s Retford RetfordPark ParkEstate, Estate,for for$260,000 $260,000ininthe theearly early 1980s 1980sand andthen thencommissioned commissionedarchitect architectGlenn Glenn Murcutt Murcutttotodesign designaaweekender. weekender.Murcutt, Murcutt,assisted assisted by byAndrea AndreaWilson Wilsonand andJames JamesGrose, Grose,chose chosetoto build buildthe thehouse houseatatthe thebase baseofofthe thegrassy grassyslope slope totoshelter shelterititfrom fromstrong strongwinds windswhile whileleaving leavingthe the natural naturalshape shapeofofthe therelief reliefunaltered. unaltered. With Withviews viewsininall alldirections, directions,the the40ha 40haOld Old South SouthRoad Roadestate estateisisnamed namedafter afteraaWorld WorldWar WarIIII radio radiobeacon beaconthat thatonce oncestood stoodon onits itshighest highestpoint point tototransmit transmitsignals signalsfrom fromSydney SydneytotoCanberra. Canberra.

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The Thehill hillnow nowfeatures featuresaaHui HuiSelwood Selwoodsculpture sculpture commissioned commissionedby bygallery galleryowner ownerRobin RobinGibson. Gibson.ItIt was wasunveiled unveiledatataasoiree soireewhere whereMeagher’s Meagher’sguests guests walked walkedup upthe thehill hillininblack blacktie tieand andsandshoes sandshoestoto watch watchthe thesun sunset setover overpre-dinner pre-dinnerdrinks. drinks. Completed Completedinin1992 1992and andininMurcutt’s Murcutt’sclassic classic light lightand andopen openpavilion-style, pavilion-style,the thenorth-facing north-facing home homeisissurrounded surroundedby byleafy leafygums. gums.ItItcomprises comprises four fourlarge largebedrooms, bedrooms,multiple multipleopen openliving livingareas, areas, aagourmet gourmetkitchen, kitchen,aaseparate separatestudio/office studio/officeand and aaresort-style resort-styleheated heatedpool. pool.The Thehouse househas hasbeen been altered alteredsince sinceits itscompletion. completion. There Thereare areseveral severalcorrugated corrugatediron irontanks, tanks,with with aarainwater rainwaterstorage storagecapacity capacityofof33,000 33,000litres. litres. The Theproperty, property,with withfully-fenced fully-fencedgrazing grazing land, land,horse horsepaddocks, paddocks,arenas arenasand andstables, stables,isis only onlymoments momentsfrom fromBowral Bowraland andMittagong Mittagongtown town centres, centres,150 150km kmsouth southofofSydney. Sydney. After AfterMeagher’s Meagher’sdeath deathinin2011 2011atatthe theage ageofof 79, 79,the theBowral Bowralproperty propertywas wasleft lefttotohis hishorseriding horseriding daughter daughterAmy AmyGerstl, Gerstl,who whohas hasititlisted listedwith withBen Ben Olofsen OlofsenofofThe TheAgency AgencySouthern SouthernHighlands. Highlands.

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15 15

fresh take New New iterations iterations of of the the Queenslander Queenslander have have reconfigured reconfigured the the classic classic climate-friendly climate-friendly design design to to suit suit aa modern modern lifestyle lifestyle bbyy jjooEELL RRoobbIInnSSoonn

16 16

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TTHHEEwwEEEEkkEEnnddaaUUS STTRRaaLLI a I ann | | mmaayy1 1 -1 1- 21 2, ,2 2001 91 9

Q Rhondda, Rhondda,aarenovated renovated Queenslander Queenslanderinin Paddington, Paddington,Queensland Queensland

mmaayy1 1 -1 1- 21 2, ,2 2001 91 9| | TTHHEEwwEEEEkkEEnnddaaUUS STTRRaaLLI a I ann

ueenslander ueenslanderhomes homesdate datefrom fromsoon soonafter afterthe thecolonial colonial settlement settlementofofbrisbane, brisbane,and andthe thetype typeofofresidence residencebuilt builtthen thenisisstill stillprominent prominenttoday. today. From From the the 1840s, 1840s, wise wise climate climate consideration consideration for for its its homes homes became became an an integral integral part part ofof Queensland’s Queensland’slifestyle. lifestyle.The Thedetached, detached,high-set high-sethouses houseshave havebecome becomeiconic iconicininthe thestate statefor forwhich which they theywere werenamed. named.Through Throughthe thedecades decadessince sincecolonial colonialdays, days,they theyhave havebeen beenbuilt builtininthe thepopular popular architectural architecturalstyles stylesofofthe thetime, time,including includingVictorian, Victorian,Federation, Federation,arts artsand andcrafts, crafts,art artnouveau, nouveau,and and the theInterwar Interwarand andpost-world post-worldwar warIIIIstyles. styles. but butnowadays, nowadays,while whilethe thedesign designelements elementsmaintain maintainthe theQueenslander’s Queenslander’straditional traditionalbeginnings, beginnings, the themodern modernstyle styleofofhome homehas hasevolved evolvedinto intostrikingly strikinglyfresh freshofferings offeringsacross acrossbrisbane. brisbane. many manyowners, owners,recent recentbuyers buyersand andlooming loomingvendors vendorsare arecalling callingon onarchitects architectsand andconstruction construction companies companiestotoeither eitherrenovate renovatetheir theirQueenslander Queenslandertotobring bringititinto intothe themodern modernday dayor orreplace replaceititwith with aanew newone. one.Even Evenwhen whenrebuilding, rebuilding,they’re they’rewanting wantingtotoretain retainthese thesesame samecore coreprinciples. principles. Identifiable Identifiableimmediately immediatelyby byits itsdistinctive distinctivetimber timberfacade, facade,and andunder underan aniron ironpitched pitchedpyramidpyramidstyle styleroof, roof,Queenslanders Queenslandershave havealways alwaysbeen beenraised raisedoff offthe theground groundon ontimber timbersupports. supports.The Theexternal external stairs stairs led led toto the the second second level, level, which which was was wrapped wrapped inin aa verandah. verandah. The The under-house under-house area area was was sometimes sometimesenclosed enclosedtotoprovide provideextra extraliving livingarea. area. Their Theirmain mainfeature feature––the thewide wideverandas verandason ontwo, two,three threeor oreven evenfour foursides sidesofofthe thehome home––was wasan an adaptation adaptationtotothe thesubtropical subtropicalclimate climateand andwere weredesigned designedtotocatch catchthe thebreeze. breeze. brisbane brisbanearchitect architectjoe joeadsett adsetthas hassensed sensedsomething somethingemerging emergingininbrisbane brisbanethat thatisisunprecedented, unprecedented, with withhigher higherexpectations expectationsfrom fromhome homeowners ownerswho whohave havemore morewealth. wealth. “what “whatwe weare areseeing seeingisisan anincredible incredibledemand demandfor forlarge largefamily familyhouses, houses,and andwithout withoutenough enough vacant vacantland landininthe theinner innercity, city,our ourclients clientshave haveno nochoice choicebut buttotowork workwith withexisting existingQueenslander Queenslander and andcharacter characterhouses housesininneeding needingtotocreate createaalarge largefamily familyresidence,” residence,”he hesays. says. “a “afirst firstinspection inspectiontypically typicallyreveals revealsaa100-year-old 100-year-oldtimber timberdwelling dwellingthat thatisisgenuinely genuinelyinindisrepair, disrepair, totothe thepoint pointwhere wherethe theonly onlysalvageable salvageableparts partsare aresometimes sometimesthe theroof roofand andsome someparts partsofofthe thefloor floor structure. structure.It’s It’san anincredibly incrediblydifficult difficultchallenge challengetotonot notonly onlydesign, design,but butalso alsototobuild.” build.” adsett adsett was was recently recently called called on on toto design design aa restoration restoration and and extension extension ofof aa classic classic colonial colonial Queenslander Queenslanderininnew newFarm. Farm.The Theproperty, property,built builtininthe the1920s, 1920s,had hadsold soldfor for$1.305 $1.305million millioninin2017. 2017.ItIt was wasbought boughtby bydevelopers developersHcG HcGProperty, Property,having havingbeen beenconfigured configuredas asaaduplex duplexwith withsix sixbedrooms bedrooms across across two two levels. levels. HcG HcG called called inin adsett adsett and and the the result result isis white white Lace, Lace, aa starkly starkly picturesque picturesque Queenslander Queenslanderwith withrenovated renovatedfacade facadeand andaamodern modernextension extensionatatthe therear. rear. The The upper upper level level ofof the the former former duplex duplex has has been been reconfigured reconfigured toto contain contain three three ofof the the five five bedrooms, bedrooms,including includingan anexpanded expandedmaster masterbedroom bedroomwith withensuite ensuiteand andwalk-in walk-inwardrobe. wardrobe.on onthe the lower lowerlevel, level,the thekitchen kitchenhas hasbeen beenmoved movedtotogreet greetthe theoutdoor outdoorliving livingand anddining diningdeck, deck,overlooked overlookedby by aamulti-level multi-levellight-filled light-filledvoid. void.The Theoutdoor outdoorliving livingarea areaflows flowstotothe thegarden gardenand andswimming swimmingpool. pool. Ray Raywhite whitenew newFarm Farmagents agentsmatt mattLancashire Lancashireand andjahkoda jahkodaFerguson Fergusonare aremarketing marketingthe thehome. home. adsett adsettsays saysthe theneeds needsofofaafamily familyininthe the21st 21stcentury centurymakes makesthe theliving livingenvironment environmentininthe themodernmodern-

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day Queenslander very different from that of a past generation. “whereas the Queenslander house was about living above the ground in an elevated and well-ventilated timber dwelling, nearly every client is seeking to raise their home and build in underneath, and place living areas downstairs to connect to the outdoors,” he says. “Placing the living areas downstairs affords a better connection with the outdoors, and a lifestyle centred around a pool, garden and outdoor living spaces.” He says the bedrooms are generally upstairs in the smaller rooms afforded by the old house. ray white clayfield agent Penny Halliwell says buyers are primarily attracted to Queenslanders for their distinctive architecture, which is loved and respected. “there is a real nostalgia for these homes, and people who have never lived in a timber home are equally attracted as those who have grown up in them,” she says. “i think it’s the simplicity of a period home built from basic materials for a hot climate that still resonates today – the wide verandahs, external front wooden steps, the corrugated roof, timber flooring and high ceilings.” Halliwell adds that advancements in technology, most notably air conditioning, has somewhat taken away the necessity of having most rooms open to verandas. she also says that an increased desire for security has played a part in the evolution of the verandas, which now sometimes feature grilles. “we are now a very multicultural society and it becomes apparent that both new homes and the traditional Queenslander are highly sought after, whether it’s the marriage of the old and new in a renovated home or a brand new modern Queenslander,” she says. Queensland maroon and Brisbane Bronco nrl star darius Boyd went with the modern Queenslander look when knocking down and rebuilding his Hendra home, which he has now listed for 18

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Clockwise from top left: The interior of The Russet House; the house’s rear, overlooking the garden; Darius Boyd’s Hendra home; White Lace

sale. He called in Graya construction and Base architecture to design and build the jet-black home, which is being marketed with a $1.99 million price tag through mcGrath. Boyd paid $810,000 for the original post-war timber home in 2016. completed nearly two years ago, the new home has four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a living area that opens to an outdoor kitchen and entertaining area overlooking the swimming pool. the russet House in Paddington was also a major rebuild. it spans four levels, and has five bedrooms, four bathrooms, a pool, an underground four-car garage and several outdoor decks, including a rooftop terrace with views of the city from its 445sq m holding. the mezzanine on the second level overlooks an open-plan kitchen. the home was sold quietly by ray white new Farm agents matt lancashire and Josh Brown to international model Erin mcnaught and her dJ husband, Example, for $2.8 million. it was on the market for just a day, having taken two years to build. the home, dubbed the russet House due to its copper and russet-toned finishes, was designed and built by tim stewart architects and Graya construction, responsible for some of Queensland’s most contemporary houses in recent times. it was sold by rob Gray, one of the brothers who make up Graya constructions. Gray and his wife meghan paid $986,000 for the modest 1920s home before it was completely rebuilt over two years. Graya constructions also built two neighbouring homes on

rockbourne terrace, also in Paddington, and listed both at the same time late last year. there was stronger interest in the reimagined Queenslander rhondda than in its contemporary neighbour woodrock, highlighting the continuing strong market for Queenslanders and their characteristics. rhondda fetched $2.99 million in just 40 days through ray white new Farm agents matt lancashire and Josh Brown. woodrock, with a designer swimming pool with a viewing window, is still for sale. designed by myers Ellyett, rhondda was brought into the 21st century by setting a central courtyard off the kitchen, integrating the outdoor space into everyday living. it has five bedrooms, two living areas over two levels, and guest quarters. rob Graya says clients who want to keep the Queenslander characteristics of their home always ask for the roofline profiles, beautiful timber doors and windows to be retained. “sundecks are generally loved due to the breeze and natural light they bring into the home,” he says. For the 21st century Queenslander, people want updates such as a butler’s pantry, entry mudrooms and homework desks near the kitchen. it can easily cost north of $700,000 when knocking down and rebuilding a custom-designed Queenslander. Graya says that if the home is already there, a renovation could cost far less. “if you have the option to knock down, generally people won’t redesign the same home,” he says. “a renovation is generally a decision made due to the local laws or not wanting to waste the good bones already there.” there are a number of restrictions in place to protect Queenslanders from being destroyed or removed. in many areas across Brisbane heritage streetscape regulations are in place, meaning whatever is rebuilt needs to be in keeping with the surroundings, at least when it comes to the facade.

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Jamie Jamie Durie Durie m mi illaann

Design Design driven driven Fuorisalone, Fuorisalone,the thecollection collectionofofevents eventssurrounding surroundingmilan’s milan’ssalone salone del delmobile mobileand andanimating animatingthe theentire entirecity cityfor forone oneweek weekininapril, april,has has grown growntotobecome becomethe theworld’s world’smost mostimportant importantdesign designhappening. happening. in inthe thepast past58 58years, years,the theoverall overallevent eventhas hasgrown grownastonishingly. astonishingly. in in2018, 2018,salone salonedel delmobile mobilemilano milanoattracted attractedalmost almosthalf halfaamillion million attendees attendeesfrom from188 188different differentcountries countriesover overaasix-day six-dayperiod period––26 26per per cent centmore morethan thaninin2017. 2017.more morethan than2000 2000exhibitors exhibitorsshowcased showcasedtheir their products, products,and and650 650designers designersunder under35 35exhibited exhibitedatatsalone salonesatellite. satellite. Fuorisalone’s Fuorisalone’s website website notched notched up up 22 million million views views from from 143 143 countries. countries. Hotel Hotel revenue revenue was was €38 €38 million million ($60 ($60 million) million) for for that that week, week,with withmore morethan than23,000 23,000manufacturers, manufacturers,2000-odd 2000-oddbrands, brands, and and 150,000 150,000 professionals professionals and and members members ofof the the trade trade actively actively involved involvedininthe theevents. events. Euroluce, Euroluce,an anall-inclusive all-inclusivelighting lightingbiennale biennalethat thatincludes includesindoor indoor and and outdoor, outdoor, residential, residential, commercial commercial and and decorative decorative lighting lighting systems, systems,isisscheduled scheduledon onalternate alternateyears. years.itithas hasboasted boastedsuch suchnames names as asPatricia Patriciaurquiola, urquiola,the thelate lateZaha ZahaHadid, Hadid,renzo renzoPiano. Piano. salone salonesatellite satelliteisisdedicated dedicatedtotoemerging emergingyoung youngdesigners designerswhose whose ideas ideasare areyet yettotobe bepicked pickedup upby bythe thetalent talentscouts scoutsand anduber uberbrands brands that thatunderpin underpintoday’s today’scorporate corporateluxury luxurydesign designinfrastructure. infrastructure. with withmost mostevents eventsoccurring occurringininmore morethan than25 25halls hallsspread spreadover over almost almost250,000sq 250,000sqm, m,the thetrick trickisistotobalance balanceyour yourweek weekbetween between them themand andthe theside sideevents eventsthat thatpop popup uparound aroundthe thecity. city.Venues Venuescan can range rangefrom fromaaback-lit back-litalleyway alleywaytotothe thetop-end top-endinternal internalcourtyards courtyardsofof the the rimadesio rimadesio showroom, showroom, which which specialises specialises inin architectural architectural fixtures fixturesand andhigh-end high-endgadgetry, gadgetry,with withaasprinkling sprinklingofofloose loosefurniture furniture that thatisismore morelike likeart. art. my my standout standout event event this this year year was was inin Via Via savona. savona. norwegian norwegian Presence, Presence,curated curatedby byacclaimed acclaimedcreative creativestudio studiokråkvik kråkvik&&d’orazio, d’orazio, presented presented aa selection selection ofof furniture furniture and and objects objects that that explored explored community communityand andsustainability. sustainability.Half-moon Half-moonstools stoolsininstone, stone,acrylic acrylic and and wood wood combined combined aa flat-pack flat-pack design design solution solution with with aa modern modern functional functionalinterpretation interpretationofofthe thecommon commonstool. stool. one oneofofthe themore moreelegant elegantpieces, pieces,with withaafocus focuson onraw rawmaterials, materials, was wasaabeautiful beautifullounge loungeby byaacompany companycalled calledkrafted. krafted.aawide wideseating seating platform platformininan anelliptical ellipticalshape shaperesting restingon onfine finestiletto stilettoheels, heels,with withaa precarious-looking precarious-lookinglumber lumbersupport supportthat thatisissurprisingly surprisinglycomfortable, comfortable, delivered deliveredaaunique uniqueoccasional occasionallounge loungethat thatlooked lookedtoo toogood goodtotosit siton. on. another another highlight highlight was was aa Hans Hans wegner-style wegner-style armchair armchair by by rastad rastadand andrelling. relling.the theBambi Bambi57 57walnut walnutisisaasumptuous sumptuouspiece pieceofof design designthat thatcradles cradlesboth boththe thelumbar lumbararea areaand andthe theforearms forearmsatatthe the perfect perfectheight heightwhile whileallowing allowingaarelaxed relaxedposition. position. Hermès Hermèsput puton onaamouthwatering mouthwateringdisplay displayofofwallpapers, wallpapers,fabrics fabrics and andfurnishings furnishingsininan anintimate intimatesetting settingininthe theBrera Breradesign designdistrict. district. Playful, Playful,sky-blue sky-blueinternals internalsformalised formalisedwithin withinaaEuropean Europeanframework framework were werejuxtaposed juxtaposedwith withvivid vividred, red,orange orangeand andmagenta magentafurnishings, furnishings, echoed echoedby byan anintricate intricatetextile textilegazebo gazebothat thatdrew drewvisitors visitorsinto intolush lush inner-city inner-citycourtyards courtyardsredolent redolentwith withluxury. luxury. rossana rossanaorlandi orlandiwowed wowedagain againthis thisyear yearwith withher herindoor/outdoor indoor/outdoor gallery gallery featuring featuring an an impressive impressive array array ofof furniture, furniture, lighting lighting and and décor décorcreated createdwith withrecyclable recyclableplastic plastic––beautifully beautifullycurated curatedobjects objects filtered filteredthrough throughan aneco-ethical eco-ethicalfunnel. funnel. uber uber designer designer and and spanish spanish icon icon Patricia Patricia urquiola urquiola produced produced collections collectionsfor formultiple multiplebrands brandsthis thisyear, year,but butwhat whatstood stoodout outwas was outdoor outdoor lighting lighting created created for for Flos Flos for for 50th 50th anniversary. anniversary. dubbed dubbed caule, caule,the thePortuguese Portugueseword wordfor forstalk, stalk,the thelights lightsemulate emulateaaflower flower stem, stem,bent bentover overtotodirect directthe thelight lightdownwards downwardsso sothe thesource sourceisishidden. hidden. ii also also interviewed interviewed Paola Paola lenti’s lenti’s main main designer designer ofof 23 23 years, years, Francesco Francesco rota. rota. Born Born inin milan, milan, he he was was educated educated atat artcenter artcenter college collegeofofdesign designininswitzerland. switzerland.He Hetells tellsme methe thestory storyofofthe thebirth birth ofofthe therope ropedesign designmedium mediumthat thathas hasmade madelenti lentithe theglobal globalempress empress ofofoutdoor outdoorfurniture. furniture.(“my (“myfather fatherand andiiwere weresailors, sailors,and andone oneday dayii thought, thought,maybe maybethis thismight mightbe beaagood goodmaterial materialtotoplay playwith….”) with….”) of of lenti, lenti, he he says: says: “she “she gives gives me me aa lot lot ofof freedom freedom and and yes, yes, occasionally occasionallywe wefight, fight,but butour ourworking workingrelationship relationshipisisvery verystrong. strong. what whathas hascome comeout outofofthis thisamazing amazingrelationship relationshipisisininmy myopinion opinion the themost mostbeautiful beautifuloutdoor outdoorfurniture furnitureininthe theworld.” world.” 20 20

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Clockwise Clockwisefrom fromfar farleft: left:Paola PaolaLenti Lentihammock; hammock;Hermès Hermèswallpapers; wallpapers; Kråkvik Kråkvik&&D’Orazio D’Oraziostools; stools;Rastad Rastadand andRelling RellingBambi57 Bambi57Walnut Walnutchair; chair; Rosanna RosannaOrlandi OrlandiThe TheWilhelm WilhelmLamp; Lamp;and andPatrcia PatrciaUrquiola’s Urquiola’sCaule Caulelights lights

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Dolly Lenz

Local aspect

witH jEnny lEnz

r ay w H i t E Grou P

Dan White Federal elections disrupt real estate markets more in the lower number of properties being marketed than in the results of those sales, which often defy the uncertainty that comes with the campaign. marketing campaigns are often rescheduled to fall outside the final weeks of an election campaign, and vendors, purchasers and even agents use an election as a reason to delay decisions. However the outcome of an election is unlikely to have an immediate influence on the reasons people buy or sell property. the last federal election, in june 2016, saw a 10 per cent or so reduction in sales volume in may and june, and due to the uncertainty over the result, volumes continue to be subdued by about 6-7 per cent until october that year. the market picked up in november and december, and continued to build through 2017. negative gearing has been a bigger issue this time because both prices and sales in all the large markets have been in decline for some time, so a policy designed to take out an important segment of buyers when prices are already under pressure is a huge issue. corEloGic

Tim Lawless

Vancouver has been a leading proponent of measures to rein in housing price increases Politics

Winds of change it is still too early to predict what impact the next us presidential election may have on the country’s real estate market. with the number of democrat candidates proliferating but the nomination still some way away, true election coverage has not begun in earnest. However elections always have the potential to affect consumer confidence, and so can significantly affect the real estate market. campaign proposals by either party, such as revising capital gains tax rates or changing mortgage policy, will have an immediate impact. where the issues do not directly affect real estate, the key factor is uncertainty over future economic conditions. if things are going well, a possible change in administration would be a negative for the market. and closely contested elections tend to stifle activity as market participants hold back before committing. First home buyers need to believe the jobs market will remain healthy, while high-end buyers want to be confident that economic conditions warrant trading up or that a new investment has growth potential. Globally, the headwinds that have been buffeting the market are being exacerbated by government actions. responding to complaints about ever-rising home prices, governments from Vancouver to london, from sydney to new york, have been enacting new regulations and tax levies designed to increase costs for foreign buyers and investors, hoping to exert downward pressure on prices and improve housing affordability for residents. Politically speaking, increasing taxes on non-voting foreigners and affluent investors is also the least painful way to raise revenue. whatever the motive, the consequence will be a decline in demand for real estate. Vancouver, which has seen unprecedented price appreciation due to an influx of mainly chinese buyers, has been a leading proponent of aggressive measures. targets include foreign nationals, speculators, house flippers, and so-called “satellite families” whose primary 22

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earner resides in the home country while the rest of the family lives abroad for education and employment. the levies include a 20 per cent tax on foreign buyer purchases, a 5 per cent property transfer tax when the property is sold, and a 2 per cent speculator tax. the uk government has proposed a new 1 per cent stamp duty land tax (sdlt) surcharge on non-uk residents in addition to the existing 15 per cent sdlt, bringing the maximum rate to 16 per cent on the sale of the property. as well, a 3 per cent charge is assessed on all investors and those who already own a home. the government has said the funds raised would be used to address homelessness. in australia, nsw and Victoria have also been addressing the explosion in prices, brought on by foreign investment, with increased levies. and in the run-up to the federal election, the labor Party has proposed to change tax breaks for property investors. new york, which recently proposed levying an annual tax on non-resident buyers but ultimately settled for a higher mansion tax on the purchase of high-end homes, has also joined the effort to increase the cost of home ownership for certain buyers. these measures will dampen demand, thus putting downward pressure on prices. in the short term they will increase government revenue but critics suggest that effect will be short lived as people choose to buy elsewhere, resulting in a decline in long-term economic activity. we have a growing list of clients assessing the impact of these measures on their portfolios and the benefits of shifting their buying to low-tax jurisdictions. imposing new taxes on real estate may just hasten people’s resolve to vote with their feet. Dolly Lenz heads New York-based Dolly Lenz Real Estate and last year sold more than $US500 million worth of luxury US and international homes.

looking at previous election cycles, it seems the impact on the housing market is relatively minor. the trend is much more aligned with the stage in the property cycle, which in turn reflects factors such as local economic conditions, interest rates, credit availability, and stimulus measures such as first home buyer incentives. the last federal election fell amid the implementation of macro-prudential credit policies and cuts to the cash rate, which had a much greater impact on market activity. as we approach the next federal election, the housing market remains in a downturn. credit is much tighter, consumer sentiment around housing is low, and supply levels are relatively high in some sectors. despite low mortgage rates and reasonably strong labour market conditions, these factors will continue to dampen the market. what has changed since the last federal election is that housing market conditions have shown a sharp deterioration and investor participation is well below average. For investors, a raft of disincentives have accrued over the past few years, including a roll-back of depreciation benefits, higher supply levels, low yields and dim prospects for capital gains. Halving the capital gains tax concession and winding back negative gearing is likely to see investment activity slip further. Qu EEnsl a n d so t H Eby ’ s i n t Er nat iona l r E a lt y

Paul Arthur any national election creates an element of uncertainty in property markets, resulting in a wait-and-see attitude. Post election, the gears start to turn and we return to normal, barring any major policy change that could affect buyers, particularly the investment sector. labor’s proposed changes to negative gearing are among the most hotly contested issues for this federal election. For many, there is confusion about what it will mean. depending on where you sit on the property ladder, the planned changes would affect how you view property purchases – either positively (new home buyers and developers) or negatively (investors with significant portfolios). For many, the biggest issue is the health and state of the economy – and the downstream effect it creates for all australians. with household debt at historic highs, any significant downturn could seriously derail our quality of life. there are few levers to pull should the parties need to react and stimulate the economy, as traditionally done. we are in uncharted waters in many respects and will need calm, confident decisions to avoid plunging into recession.

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Rural Private Country Estate in the Caldera of Iconic Mount Warning ‘Rosehill Park’, 149ha* (370* acres), Tweed Valley, NSW • A magical 370* acre hideaway in the caldera of Australia’s iconic Mt Warning, north-west of Byron Bay, just 35min* from Gold Coast International Airport • The estate consists of an architecturally designed homestead, managers residence, conference centre, boutique spring water bottling operation, rich grazing pastures, mango & cabinet timber plantations, packing shed, beautifully manicured grounds, & numerous waterways • An abundant flow of naturally purified energised springwater, aquifers, a serene lagoon with a canoe gazebo & fountain + 12 dams. Purpose designed cattle & equestrian facilities

Auction 7 June 10:30am L26, 111 Eagle St, Bne Stewart Baericke 0400 904 907 Ray White Rural Murwillumbah Darren Curtis 0406 761 840 *approx.

Broadbeach joEl robinson


he number of cranes on the Gold coast skyline has surged, with 30 of them now constructing apartment projects on the Glitter strip – seven more than six months ago, according to the latest rider levett bucknall crane index. but the director of rlb’s Gold coast office, jim krebs, notes there has been a fall in the value of the new residential construction projects, reflecting a shift towards smaller mid-rise towers. the newly installed cranes include Vue apartments and Elysian in broadbeach, while cranes were removed from the 40-level Qube in broadbeach, where every light was switched on for half an hour on one night in january to celebrate the finished product. developers have been offering a bigger apartment size, with blocks no longer modelled on a hotel with units squeezed in on every level. the change was reflected in a recent urbis report that found since 2017 the average sale price for boutique offerings has jumped $100,000 to more than $700,000. the trend is for four apartments per floor, which allows each to occupy a corner of the building and offer two different viewpoints. the other trend is for whole-floor apartments. 31bb, named after its address at 31 broadbeach boulevard, has committed to this grander scale. the $65 million woods bagot-designed project has 22 apartments across its 20 levels. just eight remain. selling agent andrew bampton says buyers are typically aged 45 and over, and are either downsizing or “rightsizing”. “they are not retiring from life but are looking for a lock-andleave lifestyle with no maintenance, in proximity to dining and entertaining options,” he says. the other key buyer group is a 28

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similar age, however they are setting the apartment up as a second residence. “People from brisbane, sydney and melbourne have taken a keen interest in 31 broadbeach,” bampton says, adding that the development is owner-occupier only. 31bb (pictured opposite, bottom) is slated for completion next year by optimus developments, headed by andrew karpati. a 305sq m, three-bedroom, three-bathroom beach offering takes up the ground floor, while the top floor is occupied by the now sold four-bedroom penthouse. both apartments have their own pools. the residents’ communal amenities sit on level 20, which has a 15m heated lap pool. on launch, the full-floor 280sq m residences, which have three bedrooms and three bathrooms, started from $3.05 million. in recent years, broadbeach has seen billions in investment proposals, led by the upgrade to the star Gold coast casino. more than $2 billion will be spent, with up to seven towers rising on the site. this follows the $670 million expansion and renovation of Pacific Fair shopping centre. broadbeach was included in the second stage of the Gold coast light rail. there are around 6500 apartments at broadbeach, which is set for the imminent launch of its highest beachfront residential tower, the 54-floor, 170m class broadbeach. it will sit next to the area’s current tallest building, the eastern oracle tower and have 46 apartments, including 34 full-floor three-bedroom apartments. there will be five two-level sky homes and a three-level penthouse. the building might not be the tallest one in broadbeach, as veteran developer john Potter has plans for a 68-storey twin super-tower for completion in 2022.

Vue broadbeach (opposite, top) by andrews Projects is nearing completion and is almost sold out. the $75-million First avenue tower has achieved a 90 per cent sales rate, with its penthouse fetching $5 million. the elliptical building has 71 apartments over 25 levels, with a typical four apartments per floor. the remaining apartments are two and three bedrooms, with open plan living spaces and ocean views. “we are seeing a trend of local over-50s looking to downsize and brisbane buyers looking for quality lock-up weekenders,” sales executive kyle robertson says. Proximity to the broadbeach bowls club was a major drawcard for one retired couple, who will be downsizing from their large clear island waters home. Vue broadbeach is the sixth high-rise project for local familyrun developer andrews Projects. its first is in broadbeach, which will be followed by Encore, a $78 million apartment building on britannia avenue with 86 residences across 25 storeys expected to be completed by late 2020. mali, the new 55-apartment block developed by dankav, has only three apartments per floor on six of its levels. the curved bda architecture-designed building on the border of broadbeach and mermaid beach has a residents’ pool on level nine, halfway up the 17 level tower. it is set to be completed in mid-2020. Elysian, a $79 million spyre Group project, will have a typical four per floor configuration across the 21-level luxury tower, set on the beachfront reserve opposite Pratten Park. Elysian will have 61 apartments, including two half-floor sub-penthouses starting at $3.4 million and two full-floor four-bedroom, four-bathroom penthouses priced at $4.7 million. sprye has installed new

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Custom built

Gold Gold Coast Coast developers developers are are tailoring tailoring apartments apartments to to suit suit the the needs needs of of aa diverse diverse range range of of buyers buyers

technology my my butler, butler, aa 24/7 24/7 virtual virtual concierge concierge and and community community technology portal.its itsbasement basementcar carparking parkingalso alsofeatures featurestechnology technology––the theGold Gold portal. coast’sfirst firstresidential residentialhi-tech hi-techautomated automatedvehicle vehiclestorage storagesystem. system. coast’s there have have been been amalgamations amalgamations by by some some off-the-plan off-the-plan buyers, buyers, there includingaasydney sydneycouple couplewho whohad hadnot notbeen beentotothe theGold Goldcoast coastininmore more including thanaadecade decadebut butwill willsoon soonbe beable abletotovisit visitanytime, anytime,having havingamalgaamalgathan matedtwo twoapartments apartmentsinto intoaafour-bedroom, four-bedroom,three-bathroom three-bathroomholiday holiday mated residence.Elysian Elysianbroadbeach broadbeachisis80 80per percent centsold, sold,with withconstruction constructionby by residence. Hutchinsonbuilders buildersexpected expectedtotobe becompleted completedininearly early2020. 2020. Hutchinson cbrEdirector directorofofresidential residentialprojects projectsnicholas nicholasclydsdale clydsdalesold sold25 25 cbrE apartmentsininthe thefirst firstthree threemonths monthsofofmarketing marketingininearly early2018. 2018.its its apartments threebedrooms bedroomsare arepriced pricedfrom from$1.340 $1.340million. million. three morrisProperty PropertyGroup’s Group’skoko kokoatatbroadbeach broadbeach(pictured (picturedopposite opposite morris page)will willhave havefour fourapartments apartmentsper perfloor floorthroughout throughoutits its31-level 31-leveltower. tower. page) the100-apartment 100-apartmentboutique boutiquedevelopment developmentatat12-14 12-14Elizabeth Elizabethavenue avenue the willinclude includefive, five,three-bedroom three-bedroomhalf-floor half-floorsub-penthouses. sub-penthouses.the thelevellevelwill fiveresident-only resident-onlyresort-style resort-styleamenities amenitiesinclude includeaapool, pool,spa spaand andyoga yoga five lawn.Half Halfofofthe the94 94two-bedroom two-bedroomapartments apartmentshave havebeen beensold. sold. lawn. chris litfin litfin atat knight knight Frank Frank Queensland Queensland isis handling handling the the chris marketingfor forthe thedeveloper developerbarry barrymorris. morris.He Hesays saysowner-occupiers owner-occupiers marketing havebeen beenspurring spurringthe thetop topend endofofthe theGold Goldcoast coastmarket. market. have “while once once luxury luxury would would have have been been totally totally categorised categorised as as “while penthousesand andsub-penthouses, sub-penthouses,now nowititisiswrapped wrappedininthe thelocation location penthouses andthe theamenity amenityofofthe theoffering,” offering,”he hesays. says. and since2002 2002there therehave havebeen beenaround around125 125sales salesabove above$2 $2million millioninin since broadbeach, topping topping out out inin 2015 2015 atat $8 $8 million million inin oracle, oracle, which which broadbeach, accountsfor foraround aroundaaquarter quarterofofthe theluxury luxurysales. sales. accounts

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Against the tide Creative Creative thinking thinking produced produced aa functional functional family family home home where where the the beach-house beach-house vibe vibe took took second second place place to to workability workability

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Bondi Bondi jjoonnaattHHaann ccHHaannccEElllloorr

Clockwise Clockwisefrom frommain mainpicture: picture:The Theview viewover overBondi BondiBeach Beachfrom from the thebalcony; balcony;the thecourtyard courtyardwith withcircular circularplunge plungepool; pool;open-plan open-plan kitchen kitchenand anddining diningarea; area;the thelibrary librarythat thatdoubles doublesasas aaguest guestroom; room;and andthe thelarge largeliving livingarea area

nick nick tobias tobias –– whose whose architectural architectural practice practice started started when when he he was was just just 22 22 and and still still studying studyingatatthe theuniversity universityofofnsw nsw––and andhis hiswife, wife,the theauthor authormiranda mirandadarling, darling,say saythe the design designofoftheir theirnorth northBondi Bondihome homewas wasaajoint jointcreative creativeproject. project. after afterthey theyfound foundthe theproperty, property,they theyspent spentaalot lotofoftime timejust justtalking talkingand andthinking thinking and andbouncing bouncingaround aroundideas ideas“about “aboutwhat whatititcould couldbe”. be”. the thehouse houseisison onthe thenorthern northernheadland headlandofofBondi BondiBeach, Beach,just justaashort shortwalk walkfrom fromthe the beach beach on on Ben Ben Buckler Buckler Point Point amid amid cheek-by-jowl cheek-by-jowl houses. houses. But But despite despite the the coastal coastal setting, setting,tobias tobiasand anddarling darlingdidn’t didn’twant wantaatypical typicalbeach-house beach-housevibe. vibe. “although “althoughthis thisisisBondi Bondiand andit’s it’saabeach, beach,it’s it’salso alsoaavery veryurban urbanplace, place,and andit’s it’sdense dense and andbusy,” busy,”noted notedtobias. tobias. they theywanted wantedthe thefunctionality functionalityofofaabeach beachhouse, house,with withsurfboard surfboardracks racksand andan an outdoor outdoorshower, shower,but butatatthe thesame sametime timethey theywere wereaiming aimingfor forsomething somethingquite quitesmart smartfor for them themand andtheir theirtwo twosons. sons.“if “ifwe wewant wanttotodial dialup upthe theglamour glamouraabit bitfor foraadrinks drinksor oraa dinner dinnerparty, party,then thenwe wecan cando dothat,” that,”tobias tobiassaid. said. the the43 43year yearold, old,who whoheads headsthe thefirm firmtobias tobiasPartners, Partners,and anddarling darlingbought boughtthe the 1980s-era 1980s-erahouse houseand andripped rippedout outall allits itsinternal internalwalls wallsand andthe thefront frontand andrear rearfacades, facades, leaving leavingjust justthe theexternal externalwalls wallson onthe theside, side,the thefloor floorslabs slabsand andthe theroof. roof.the thehouse houseisis spread spreadover overthree threelevels, levels,with withthe thelower lowerground groundfloor floorhousing housingaagarage, garage,craft craftroom room and andcinema cinemaroom. room.on onthe themiddle middlelevel levelthere thereisisaalarge largeliving livingarea areawith withaaterrace terracetoto take takeininthe theview, view,aamusic musicroom, room,and andan anopen-plan open-plankitchen kitchenand anddining diningarea areathat thatopens opens onto ontoaarear rearcourtyard courtyardwith withaacircular circularplunge plungepool. pool. upstairs upstairsisisaalibrary librarythat thatalso alsodoubles doublesas asaaguest guestroom, room,as aswell wellas asaamaster masterbedroom bedroom suite suiteand andthe thechildren’s children’sbedrooms. bedrooms. the thehouse houseisisaalot lotmore moreopen openplan planthan thantheir theirprevious previoushome, home,the thehistoric historicGodsall Godsall House House––aa1920s 1920sProfessor Professorleslie lesliewilkinson wilkinsondesign designon onVictoria Victoriaroad, road,Bellevue BellevueHill Hill that thatsold soldfor for$9 $9million millioninin2015. 2015. tobias tobias and and darling darling were were very very clear clear about about how how they they wanted wanted their their Brighton Brighton Boulevard Boulevardhome hometotowork, work,“even “evenmore moreso sothan thanhow howwe wewanted wanteditittotolook”, look”,says saystobias. tobias. “that’s “that’ssomething somethingthat thatcomes comesback backtotous usininaagood goodway wayevery everyday, day,because becausewhen when something somethingdoesn’t doesn’twork workthe theway wayyou youwant wantitittotothen thenititcan canbe bereally reallyannoying annoyingevery every day, day,irrespective irrespectiveofofhow howititlooks.” looks.” sydney sydney builder builder Horizon Horizon and and architects architects tobias tobias Partners Partners worked worked together together toto transform transformthe theoriginal original1980s 1980sbuilding buildingfrom fromaabeach beachhouse houseinto intoaafour-bedroom, four-bedroom, modern modern home. home. itit was was completed completed three three years years ago. ago. Features Features include include aa copper copper fireplace, fireplace, terrazzo terrazzo flooring flooring and and beeswax beeswax plaster plaster walls. walls. the the schuco schuco glazing glazing was was imported importedfrom fromGermany. Germany. the thecouple’s couple’sdiverse diverseart artcollection collectionranges rangesfrom fromaaPapua Papuanew newGuinean Guineanmask, mask,totoaa piece piece by by claire claire Healy Healy and and sean sean cordeiro cordeiro depicting depicting the the challenger challenger space space shuttle shuttle explosion explosionthat thatisismade madeentirely entirelyfrom fromlEGo. lEGo. there’s there’s also also an an acoustic acoustic lined lined cinema cinema room, room, draped draped inin blue blue velvet, velvet, with with blue blue carpet carpetand andblue bluewalls. walls.aanorth-facing north-facingcourtyard, courtyard,designed designedby bydaniel danielBaffsky Baffskyofof360 360 degrees, degrees,contains containsthe theheated heatedplunge plungepool poolwith withEnviroswim Enviroswimfresh freshwater watersystem, system,cut cut into intothe therock. rock. the thefamily familyhad hadplans planstotolive liveininthe thehouse housefor forthe thelong longterm termso soititwas wasdesigned designedtotobe be adaptable adaptableas asthe theboys boysgot gotolder. older.their theirbedroom bedroomisiseffectively effectivelyone onebig bigroom roomthat thatcould could have haveaawall walladded addedbetween betweenthe thetwo twosleeping sleepingareas areastotocreate createtwo twoprivate privatebedrooms. bedrooms. raine raine&&Horne Hornedouble doubleBay Bayagents agentsric ricserrao serraoand andalex alexlyons lyonsare aremarketing marketingthe the property propertywith withaa$17 $17million millionprice pricetag. tag.aasale saleatatthat thatprice pricewould wouldtop topthe thenorth northBondi Bondi house house price price record, record, set set last last year year when when kkr kkr fund fund manager manager david david lang lang and and his his wife wifedearbhail dearbhailbought boughtthe theclifftop clifftophome homeofofnaB naBexecutive executivespiro spiroPappas Pappasand andhis his wife wifenicolette nicolettefor for$14 $14million. million. tobias tobiashas haswon wonaanumber numberofofawards awardsduring duringhis hiscareer. career.the thenearby nearbydeepwater, deepwater,aa contemporary contemporarytrophy trophyhome homeperched perchedon onthe theocean oceanrocks, rocks,won wonthe theaustralian australianinstitute institute ofof architects architects –– nsw nsw architecture architecture awards awards prize prize for for new new houses houses inin 2016. 2016. itit was was commissioned commissionedby byhis hiswell-travelled well-travelledin-laws, in-laws,michael michaeland andmanuela manueladarling-Gansser, darling-Gansser, who’d who’dalso alsomade madethe themove movefrom fromBellevue BellevueHill. Hill.michael, michael,the thechairman chairmanofofcaledonia caledonia investments investmentsand andscion scionofofthe theestablishment establishmentpastoral pastoraland andmining miningfamily, family,and andhis hiswife wife (also (alsoaawriter), writer),spent spent$14 $14million millionon onan anapartment apartmentblock blockinin2011. 2011.on onthe therock rockshelf shelf known known as as mermaid mermaid rocks, rocks, the the building building comprised comprised 10 10 apartments apartments that that had had been been consolidated consolidatedatataacost costofof$14 $14million millionbetween between2006 2006and and2008. 2008. with with aa robust robust outer outer shell shell and and an an internal internal design design with with aa sense sense ofof intentional intentional restraint, restraint,the thenew newhouse househas hasbecome becomeaarelaxing relaxingplace placetotoaccommodate accommodatefamily familyand and friends. friends.itithas hasbeen beenaffectionately affectionatelydubbed dubbedaacontainer, container,given givenit’s it’saacuriosity curiositycabinet cabinetfor for the thecouple’s couple’smost mosttreasured treasuredpossessions. possessions.

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Left: Steen Jones outside the property that became his canvas. Below: The artist at work on the exterior

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Street smart

Artist Steen Jones has given an inner-city home a riotously colourful edge


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and swallows, is influenced by traditional american tattoos sported by sailors in the 1950s. His art appears on walls throughout australia, the us and Europe, and he has also collaborated with Bonds underwear and Vans shoes. the artworks may appear out of place in their minimalist, industrial-style home, but that is exactly what the dunns wanted. “Because the elevator shaft has no doors on it, we wanted people to feel as they were going up to an art space,” says Peter. adds luisa, “i liked the element of surprise with the lift, so that sealed the deal for me. that’s what i love about this place, that there are little areas with the element of surprise. we wanted it to feel like an art gallery in some way. the elevator – it is unexpected.” the dunns, who are both award-winning photographers, purchased their teneriffe property in 2013 and moved in last month after downsizing from the suburbs. originally a textiles shop and residential apartment, the space was remodelled into a home and photography studio, with the elevator connecting each of the levels. several pieces by the australian artist david Bromley also feature throughout the property, including a large butterfly mural on the front facade, complementing Jones’s work.

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Few people enjoy being confined in small spaces and steen Jones is no exception. standing at over two metres tall, the street artist spent more than 30 hours crouched in a residential elevator shaft to deliver a multi-level piece of art. kitted out with masking tape, a face mask and safety glasses, and with a GoPro strapped to his head, Jones spent three days painting the elevator and shaft of a home in the inner-Brisbane suburb of teneriffe. “it was pretty tough,” he says with a laugh. “i’m very claustrophobic and i’m scared of heights as well – very badly. i definitely didn’t want to do it, but i’ve worked too hard for too long to not take these opportunities, so i just said yes. i’m really proud of it; it came out really good.” the elevator shaft is a riot of colour, with hues that morph from black to purple to bright greens, blues and yellows as the lift ascends. among the multitude of skulls and flowers that adorn the walls are the names of each member of the dunn family, who live in the home. it was part of a larger job Jones completed for luisa and Peter dunn, including a mural that entirely covers the property’s rear wall. Jones says his style, which often features skulls, flowers, hearts

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Zetland, a grand Hawthorn home built in the 1870s, was one of the first homes to signal the emerging standing of the area. While in need of renovation, it retains its period features

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Faded glory

A Victorian villa imbued with history is waiting for an update Zetland, an intact Hawthorn home dating from the 1870s, has been listed for sale and is in need of a full-scale renovation. a slate-roofed Victorian villa on Yarra street designed by architect william J. Ellis, it contributed to the emerging standing of the riverside precinct. it was an early sign of the affluent housing push that consolidated Hawthorn as a most desirable garden suburb. Zetland was listed on the Victorian Heritage register in 1980 and on the national register in 1991. the 1870s were a busy time for Ellis, who was putting the finishing touches to the Fitzroy town Hall tower. there were also alterations for studley House, kew, for riverina squatter James mcEvoy, and work for brewer Edward latham on the carlton brewery site. Ellis ran a successful architectural practice until the 1880s, concluding with the design of the italianate Queenscliff hotel, ozone, formerly known as Baillieu House, and designing manresa, the catholic presbytery at the church of immaculate conception on Burwood road, Hawthorn. He also designed Bankside, the home next door to Zetland, which last sold in 2005 for $1.76 million. it had a $900,000 renovation approved in 2012. Zetland, built on 980sq m, has a rare seven-arch arcaded ornamental ironwork veranda and balustrading. its seven rooms, four of them bedrooms, retain their period features, including a wide arched hallway, marble open fireplaces, timber floors and even servants’ bells. at the rear of the property is the original Hawthorn brick stable, which has been converted into a garage. Hawthorn had been the station of British pastoralist John Gardiner, one of the graziers known as the overlanders who began operations in 1836 triggered by major mitchell’s australia Felix report. the first land sales – large allotments with river frontages and elevated positions – occurred in the 1840s. Hawthorn Village was surveyed in 1852 by surveyor General, robert Hoddle. a punt across the Yarra from the richmond side saw the village expand rapidly during the 1850s, its suburban development enhanced by the opening of the railway to Hawthorn in 1861. the population tripled from 6000 in the early 1880s to more than 19,500 by the early 1890s. By 1890, the year Hawthorn became a city, it ranked with st kilda as having the most private schools per head of population. Zetland is of historical significance as a prominent house within the prestigious st James Park subdivision of the grounds of sir James Palmer’s grand 1840s estate, Burwood, later known as invergowrie and more recently the home of former australia Post boss ahmed Fahour. invergowrie is one of melbourne’s oldest bluestone residences. the subdivision on Yarra street, one of Hawthorn’s earliest streets, resulted in two adjoining allotments passing from entrepreneur George coppin to detective charles Black, who commissioned two similar houses. accountant John robertson, who with his wife robina had eight children, bought one of them, lerwick, in 1876 after Black’s death and named it Zetland. Valued at £60 on completion, it was in robertson’s name until 1914, when it was valued at £66. it had peaked at £95 in the late 1880s before the depression hit. kay & Burton Hawthorn agents sam wilkinson and Geoff Hall have a $3.4 million to $3.7 million guide for the may private auction. “these types of homes capture buyers’ emotions,” wilkinson says. “it is a wonderfully unique opportunity.” Elberfeld, another early Victorian villa, won an award in the 2018 Boroondara urban design awards after a redesign by architect Jane riddell. located on nearby lisson Grove, the modernised 1876 home has a rear floating pavilion amid John Patrick landscaped gardens with a low-maintenance Japanese aesthetic. council records show the renovations were costed at $1.3 million after the home was bought for $3.1 million in 2014. 34

m a nsionaust r a l i a .c om . au

t H E w E E k E n d aust r a l i a n | m aY 1 1 - 1 2 , 2 0 1 9


94 Minimine Street

Just 6km to Brisbane’s CBD, 94 Minimine Street is elevated with stunning city views and boasts unmatched privacy afforded by its enormous inner city 1783m 2 of secure estate and almost 1000m 2 of superbly constructed luxury home. This residence has been designed with entertainment at its core and no expense has been spared. From the foundations to the materials to the clever landscaping design; all facets have been created with an emphasis on functionality and enjoyment with minimal time spent on maintenance.


TENDER Closing Tue 28 May at 5pm INSPECT Contact agent

CHRIS RICE 0414 694 111





Elevating Elevating luxury luxury living living on on the the world world stage stage Garages Garages in in thethe sky, sky, high-tech high-tech home home automation automation and and hotel-style hotel-style concierge concierge services services areare among among thethe features features of of a brand a brand new new Melbourne Melbourne development development designed designed to to bring bring Australia’s Australia’s luxury luxury apartment apartment market market in in line line with with thethe best best in in thethe world. world. Neue Neue Grand Grand is is a lavish a lavish 20-storey 20-storey tower tower of of 1919 ‘whole-floor’ ‘whole-floor’ residences residences onon StSt Kilda Kilda Road, Road, each each with with a sprawling a sprawling 360-square 360-square metre metre floorplan floorplan that that includes includes a glassa glasswalled walled garage garage forfor residents residents to to display display their their luxury luxury cars cars next next to to their their living living rooms. rooms. The The sky sky garages garages areare a first a first forfor thethe southern southern hemisphere hemisphere and and headline headline a suite a suite of of state-of-the-art state-of-the-art features features introduced introduced byby developer developer Growland Growland to to elevate elevate Melbourne’s Melbourne’s luxury luxury apartment apartment market market to to match match that that of of Singapore, Singapore, New New York York and and Miami. Miami. Growland Growland chairman chairman and and founder founder Bruce Bruce Chan Chan says says demand demand forfor ‘ultra‘ultraprestigious’ prestigious’ apartment apartment projects projects is is growing growing internationally, internationally, and and that that Melbourne Melbourne is is long-overdue long-overdue forfor a boutique a boutique residential residential development development at at thethe toptop end. end. “We “We areare setting setting a new a new standard standard forfor residential residential living living that that puts puts this this project project onon

thethe world world stage, stage, comparable comparable with with some some of of thethe most most extravagant extravagant buildings buildings around around thethe globe,” globe,” hehe says. says. Each Each of of thethe three-bedroom three-bedroom apartments apartments will will occupy occupy itsits own own level level of of thethe building, building, which which was was designed designed byby award-winning award-winning architecture architecture firm firm Rothelowman Rothelowman and and will will launch launch officially officially next next month. month. This This ‘whole-floor’ ‘whole-floor’ concept concept has has permitted permitted apartment apartment living living at at a far a far greater greater scale scale and and level level of of privacy privacy forfor residents, residents, according according to to MrMr Chan, Chan, offering offering spatial spatial dimensions dimensions equivalent equivalent to to that that of of a free-standing a free-standing house house asas well well asas panoramic panoramic views views across across Melbourne. Melbourne. AsAs forfor thethe sky sky garages, garages, residents residents will will drive drive their their vehicle vehicle into into thethe GermanGermanengineered engineered automated automated parking parking system system from from thethe ground ground floor, floor, where where licence licence plate plate recognition recognition technology technology will will permit permit secure secure entry. entry. They They will will then then exit exit thethe vehicle vehicle and and travel travel upup to to their their residence residence in in a private a private lift,lift, while while thethe automated automated high-speed high-speed parking parking system system simultaneously simultaneously sends sends thethe carcar skywards skywards and and slides slides it into it into thethe apartment’s apartment’s double-space double-space display display case. case. Interiors Interiors have have been been designed designed to to serve serve

asas thethe perfect perfect canvas canvas to to showcase showcase these these luxury luxury cars, cars, asas well well asas Neue Neue Grand’s Grand’s position position in in thethe heart heart of of central central Melbourne. Melbourne. Retractable Retractable glass glass doors doors create create a seamless a seamless transition transition between between thethe large large openopenplan plan kitchen kitchen and and dining dining zone zone and and thethe outdoor outdoor terrace, terrace, while while thethe lounge lounge area area is is surrounded surrounded byby floor-to-ceiling floor-to-ceiling glass, glass, offering offering views views across across thethe city city and and thethe bay. bay. Entry Entry is is viavia a private a private lobby lobby using using aa secure secure identification identification system, system, and and heating, heating, cooling, cooling, lighting lighting and and blinds blinds areare controlled controlled byby cutting-edge cutting-edge home home automation automation software. software. Shane Shane Rothe, Rothe, founding founding principal principal of of Rothelowman, Rothelowman, says says Neue Neue Grand Grand was was aimed aimed at at discerning discerning downsizers downsizers looking looking forfor new new residences residences that that retained retained thethe opulence opulence and and scale scale of of their their former former homes. homes. “The “The ability ability to to showcase showcase premium premium cars cars is is a rare a rare opportunity opportunity in in Australia,” Australia,” hehe says. says. “These “These apartments apartments will will also also taptap into into a new a new middle-aged middle-aged professional professional market market made made upup of of people people who who areare downsizing downsizing earlier earlier forfor thethe convenience convenience of of lifestyle.” lifestyle.” Convenience Convenience was was key key to to establishing establishing Neue Neue Grand’s Grand’s position position at at thethe toptop of of

prestige prestige property property market, market, and and according according to to Growland Growland CEO CEO Ronald Ronald Chan, Chan, thethe driving driving force force behind behind thethe decision decision to to install install a hotela hotelstyle style concierge concierge service service in in thethe grand grand lobby. lobby. “We “We know know that that forfor buyers buyers in in this this luxury luxury market, market, convenience convenience is is king, king, which which is is why why wewe have have developed developed a suite a suite of of six-star six-star hotel-style hotel-style services services to to make make residents’ residents’ lives lives easier,” easier,” hehe said. said. The The suite suite of of services services includes includes day-to-day day-to-day personal personal admin admin tasks tasks such such asas managing managing deliveries deliveries and and booking booking taxis, taxis, and and extends extends to to coordinating coordinating household household staff, staff, personal personal trainers, trainers, stylists stylists and and beauty beauty therapists therapists asas well well asas event event planning planning and and petpet care. care. Neue Neue Grand Grand residents residents also also have have access access to to a state-of-the-art a state-of-the-art gymnasium, gymnasium, private private dining dining room room and and club club lounge, lounge, asas well well asas thethe landscaped landscaped gardens gardens and and terraces, terraces, further further adding adding to to thethe services services and and amenities amenities onon offer. offer. “Everything “Everything about about this this project project raises raises thethe barbar forfor luxury luxury apartment apartment living,” living,” MrMr Chan Chan says. says. “We’re “We’re proud proud to to bebe thethe ones ones to to bring bring it to it to Australia.” Australia.” For For more more information information onon Neue Neue Grand, Grand, visit visit

Northern Beaches

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Ship shape

A A luxury luxury housing housing project project with with aa nautical nautical theme theme takes takes its its inspiration inspiration from from the the natural natural environment environment and and its its relaxed relaxed but but upmarket upmarket peninsula peninsula location location

mitala mitala newport, newport, aa collection collection of of four four luxury luxury freestanding freestanding houses houses on on the the sydney sydney northern northernbeaches beachessuburb’s suburb’sdress dresscircle, circle,isisset setto tobe becompleted completedlater laterthis thismonth. month. the the designer designer homes homes with with aa nautical nautical theme theme are are on on mitala mitala street, street, overlooking overlooking Pittwater. Pittwater. they they are are the the work work of of architect architect mark mark Hurcum, Hurcum, who, who, along along with with aa local local family, family,paid paidjust justover over$6.1 $6.1million millionfor forthe thesprawling sprawlingPine Pinelodge lodgeestate estatein in2017. 2017. Pine Pinelodge, lodge,on onaa3665sq 3665sqm mplot, plot,had hadbeen beenheld heldby bythe theGee Geefamily familyfor for60 60years. years.there there was wasan anold oldsandstone sandstonecottage cottageon onthe theholding, holding,along alongwith withaatimber timbercabin, cabin,pool, pool,boatshed, boatshed, timber timber jetty, jetty, ramp ramp and and pontoon. pontoon. all all the the buildings buildings were were demolished demolished and and replaced replaced with with four fourstylish, stylish,modern modernhomes, homes,each eachwith withaadifferent differentfloorplan floorplanand andfacade. facade.constructed constructedby by cutting cuttingEdge EdgeBuilding, Building,they theysit sitin ingardens gardenslandscaped landscapedby bycameron cameronlester. lester. Hurcum Hurcumsays saysthe thesite siteisisideally ideallysited sitedin inaaprotected protectedenclave enclaveat atthe thesouthern southernend endof of Pittwater. Pittwater.“unlike “unlikemany manyPittwater Pittwaterwaterfront waterfrontsites, sites,the thewaterfront waterfrontisiseasily easilyaccessible,” accessible,” he hesays. says.“it “itisisaagreat greatlocation locationfor foractivity activityand andcontemplation. contemplation. “the “the amenity amenity isis apartment apartment like, like, with with one-level one-level living living and and lift lift access, access, but but with with house house amenity amenity in in terms terms of of privacy, privacy, guest guest and and family family accommodation, accommodation, aa large large threethreecar cargarage garageand andabundant abundantstorage. storage.Each Eachdwelling dwellinghas hasaalow-maintenance low-maintenancegarden gardenand and its its own own lap lap pool. pool. these these buildings buildings are are about about place place and and environment,” environment,” he he adds. adds. “the “the nautical nauticalenvironment environmenthas hasinspired inspiredthem. them.the theaim aimwas wasto tocreate createbuildings buildingsthat thathad hadthe the feeling feelingof ofliving livingon onaaluxury luxuryyacht yachtin inaasecluded secludedand andprivate privateharbour.” harbour.” mitala mitala newport newport sits sits between between and and within within walking walking distance distance of of the the royal royal motor motor Yacht Yachtclub cluband andthe theroyal royalPrince Princealfred alfredYacht Yachtclub. club.three threeof ofthe thefour fourhomes homes––6, 6,6a 6a and and 88 –– have have been been listed listed for for sale sale through through lJ lJ Hooker Hooker Palm Palm Beach Beach agents agents Peter Peter robinson robinsonand anddavid davidEdwards, Edwards,in inconjunction conjunctionwith withlJ lJHooker Hookeravalon avalonagents agentsclaudio claudio marcolongo marcolongo and and david david watson, watson, as as well well as as domain domain residential residential agents agents Peter Peter Grant Grant and andnik nikVuko. Vuko.they’re they’reasking askingfor foroffers offersaround around$5 $5million millionfor forthe thenon-waterfront non-waterfront6a 6a and and 8a, 8a, while while number number 6, 6, one one of of the the two two waterfront waterfront homes, homes, will will be be priced priced at at $10 $10 million. million. Hurcum Hurcum isis keeping keeping the the fourth fourth home home as as his his own. own. “He “He loves loves the the design design and and location locationso somuch muchhe hedecided decidedthat thatisiswhere wherehe hewould wouldlike liketo tolive,” live,”robinson robinsonsays. says. Each Each residence residence isis configured configured differently, differently, but but each each can can be be set set up up with with four four bedrooms. bedrooms.the thekitchen, kitchen,living livingand anddining diningareas areasin inthe thenon-waterfront non-waterfronthomes homesare areon on the thesecond secondlevel levelto totake takeadvantage advantageof ofthe thewater waterviews. views.the thewaterfront waterfrontnumber number6, 6,with with its its primary primary living living space space on on the the ground ground floor, floor, opens opens to to aa terrace terrace complete complete with with aa heated heated lap lap pool pool that that looks looks across across its its private private landscaped landscaped surrounds. surrounds. aa path path cutting cutting through throughthe thefour fourhomes homesleads leadsto toaacommunal communaljetty jettywith withdeep-water deep-watermooring. mooring. 38 38

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Clockwise Clockwisefrom fromleft: left:The TheMitala MitalaNewport Newporthouses houses––8A’s 8A’sbalcony; balcony;6;6; two twoviews viewsof of6A; 6A;and andaafront frontview viewof of8A 8A

Peninsula Peninsula locals locals say say that that other other than than one-off one-off homes, homes, there there hasn’t hasn’t been been aa housing housing project project in in the the area area since since John John david’s david’s Palm Palm Beach Beach triplex triplex the the Boatshed, Boatshed, an an early early 2000s 2000s collaboration collaboration between between walter walter Barda Barda and and thomas thomas Hamel. Hamel. that that villa villa project project on oniluka ilukaroad, road,snapperman snappermanBeach, Beach,has hascurved curvedroof rooflines linesthat thathint hintat atthe thebow bowof ofaaship ship and andwon wonthe thevilla villadevelopment developmentof ofthe theyear yearaward awardat atthe theHousing Housingindustry industryassociation’s association’s national nationalawards. awards.roderic rodericdavid davidoversaw oversawthe thedevelopment. development. newport’s newport’shighest highestsale saleprice pricehas hasstood stoodsince since2008, 2008,when whenBrook Brookadcock, adcock,founder founderof of adcock adcock Private Private Equity, Equity, spent spent $14.6 $14.6 million million on on aa Prince Prince alfred alfred Parade Parade dress dress circle circle property propertyon onPittwater. Pittwater. australian australiangolfer golfercraig craigParry Parryisislikely likelyto tobe bespending spendingmore moretime timearound aroundnewport, newport, having having recently recently listed listed his his Birchgrove Birchgrove harbourfront harbourfront home home for for $10 $10 million. million. Parry Parry first first bought bought onto onto mitala mitala street street in in 2003, 2003, spending spending $3.21 $3.21 million million on on aa five-bedroom five-bedroom home home with withaapool. pool.aayear yearlater laterhe hebought boughtthe thehouse housebehind behindititfor for$835,000, $835,000,taking takinghis histotal total street streetfootprint footprintto tomore morethan than1900sq 1900sqm. m.His Hishouse housesits sitsnext nextdoor doorto tothe thenew newproject. project. the the headlines headlines about about new new homes homes on on Pittwater Pittwater have have centred centred on on model model Jennifer Jennifer Hawkins Hawkinsand andpartner partnerJake Jakewall’s wall’shome, home,which whichcost cost$2 $2million-plus million-plusto tobuild, build,following following their their$4 $4million millionoutlay outlayfor forthe theland. land.the thefour-storey four-storeycontemporary contemporaryhome, home,designed designedby by koichi koichi takada, takada, sits sits on on 3260sq 3260sq m m with with landscaping landscaping by by secret secret Gardens. Gardens. itit has has aa swimming swimmingpool, pool,and andaasunken sunkenlounge loungeon onaalower lowerlevel levelthat thatisisvirtually virtuallyon onthe theforeshore. foreshore. around aroundthe thecorner cornerin inavalon avalonseveral severalsubstantial substantialhomes homeshave havebeen beenquietly quietlybuilt builtin in recent recent years, years, including including one one for for entrepreneur entrepreneur dick dick smith. smith. nearby, nearby, Hurcum Hurcum designed designed dakota dakota House, House, an an ultra-modern ultra-modern waterfront waterfront with with jutting jutting aeroplane-like aeroplane-like wings wings in in gardens gardensby byJamie Jamiedurie. durie.aahome homehe hedesigned designedin innarrabeen narrabeensold soldlast lastyear yearfor foraasuburb suburb record record$7.55 $7.55million, million,more morethan than$2 $2million millionhigher higherthan thanthe theprevious previousrecord recordprice. price.

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Natural beauty of Sydney Street transforms Stonnington living


efined efinedby byits itsmasterful masterfuluse useof ofcurves, curves,No. No.66

commitment commitmentto topremium premiumquality qualityisisevident evidentininthe thedesign design

Sydney SydneyStreet, Street,Prahran Prahranisisaapiece pieceof ofpure pure

of ofthese thesemasterfully masterfullycrafted craftedresidences, residences,which whichwill will

sculpture sculpturethat thatebbs ebbsand andflows flowswith withits itsnatural natural

deliver deliveran anair airof ofunderstated understatedluxury luxuryacross acrossall alllevels levelswith with

provides providesaadirect directconnection connectionwith withnature natureto tocomplement complement

surrounds. surrounds.InIncollaboration collaborationwith withWood Wood

uncompromising uncompromisingrigour. rigour.

and andframe frameexpansive expansivebalcony balconyviews viewsto toboth boththe thenorth northand and

Marsh MarshArchitecture, Architecture,the theundulating undulatingform formof ofthe thefaçade façade

“The “Theinternal internalpalette palettefeatures featuresaamuted mutedand andsophisticated sophisticated

Orrong OrrongRomanis RomanisReserve Reserveininthe theheart heartof ofleafy leafyStonnington. Stonnington. Dedicated Dedicatedfaçade façadeplanting plantingsoftens softensthe theedges edgesand and

south. south.

establishes establishesaasoft, soft,graceful gracefuland anddynamic dynamicpresence presencefor forevery every

selection selectionof ofsoft softcolour colourtones tonesand andtextures textureseffortlessly effortlessly

occupant. occupant.

hand-applied hand-appliedwith withaacrafted craftedtouch. touch.Polished Polishedplaster plaster

amenities amenitiesserving servingto tosimplify, simplify,enrich enrichand andbeautify beautifytheir their

provides provideswarmth warmthand anddepth depththroughout throughoutevery everyapartment, apartment,

daily dailyroutines. routines.With Withan anaverage averagespace spaceof of175sqm 175sqmper per

V-Leader’s V-Leader’sone oneof ofaakind kindmasterpiece masterpiecewill willfeature feature16 16

where wherefloor floorplans planshave havebeen beenthoughtfully thoughtfullycarved carvedout outto to

apartment, apartment,ininaddition additionto totwo twolevels levelsof ofsecure securebasement basement

premium, premium,boutique boutiqueapartments apartmentsacross acrosssix-storeys six-storeysfor for

allow allowresidents residentsto toexperience experiencemoments momentsof ofluxury luxuryevery every

parking parkingand andwith withenviable enviablepark parkand andcity cityviews, views,Sydney Sydney

buyers buyerswho whocommand commandonly onlythe thehighest higheststandards standardsinin

single singleday.” day.”

Street Streetoffers offersaatruly trulyindividual individualexperience experiencefor forits itsresidents residents

The Theanticipated anticipatedlaunch launchof ofMelbourne-based Melbourne-baseddeveloper developer

architecture architectureand anddesign. design. V-Leader V-LeaderManaging ManagingDirector, Director,Andy AndyZhang, Zhang,said saidthe the development developmentisisinspired inspiredby bythe thebeauty beautyof ofnature. nature.

Floor Floorto toceiling ceilingglass glassfollows followsthe thedynamic dynamicmovement movement of ofthe theexpressed expressedslab slabedges edgesand andinvites invitesdaylight daylightinto into every everyapartment. apartment.The Theentry entrycanopy canopysweeps sweepsup upcreating creatingaa

Residents Residentsof ofSydney SydneyStreet Streetwill willenjoy enjoyaamyriad myriadof of

whilst whilstoccupying occupyingthe thesite sitewith withbold boldconfidence confidenceand andelegant elegant simplicity. simplicity. “At “AtV-Leader, V-Leader,people peopleare areatatthe theheart heartof ofeverything everythingwe we

“The “Theproject’s project’sessence essenceisiswitnessed witnessedaesthetically, aesthetically,

welcoming, welcoming,playful playfulsense senseof ofplace placewhile whilethe thefluted flutedcolumns columns

do. do.Our Ourdesire desireisisto tocreate createplaces placesthat thatdeliver deliverenduring enduring

experienced experiencedstructurally structurallyand andfelt feltatmospherically atmosphericallyas asan an

arch archlike likeelongated elongatedplant plantstems stemsinspired inspiredby bythe thesite’s site’snatural natural

value valueand andaabetter betterfuture futurefor forall. all.

homage homageto tothe thevegetation vegetationencompassing

beauty. beauty.

“Sydney “SydneyStreet Streetisisaatrue trueextension extensionof ofits itssite, site,sculpted sculpted

Eckersley EckersleyGarden GardenArchitecture Architectureisisatatthe thehelm helmof ofSydney Sydney

“Our “Ourcommitment commitmentto todesign designexcellence excellenceisisthe thedriving driving force forcebehind behindSydney SydneyStreet Streetthat thatwill willrevolutionise revolutionise

around aroundthe theexisting existingtrees treesto tocreate createaapiece pieceof ofarchitecture architecture

Street’s Street’sinspired inspiredand andmeticulous meticulouslandscaping landscapingperfectly perfectly

modern modernapartment apartmentliving livingininPrahran Prahranand andintroduce introduceaanew new

completely completelyunique uniqueto toits itssetting. setting.V-Leader’s V-Leader’sunrelenting unrelenting

positioned positionedon onaasecluded secludedresidential residentialstreet streetoverlooking overlooking

benchmark benchmarkwithin withinthe thepremier premierStonnington Stonningtonlifestyle.” lifestyle.”



2 billion clicks, taps and swipes a month say this is the only place

Source: Adobe Analytics, site & app (Jan’18 - Mar’19).

Originally published on


A piece of history


This 13th century estate just 30-minutes drive from Florence overlooks surrounding forests, vineyards, olive groves and the chianti classico Hills. The villa was renovated a decade ago in keeping with the period aesthetic. The 1900 sq m estate sits on more than 5ha of land. There are five buildings, with 28 bedrooms and 28 bathrooms. Amenities include an outdoor playground, table tennis, three swimming pools, a chapel built circa 1647, and four formal landscaped gardens, with the residences surrounded by terracing. There are also vineyardss available for winemaking, and the villa has a wine cellar in the basement. The €12.7 million ($20 million) estate is on the market through Riccardo Romolini of Agenzia Romolini Immobiliare Srl, christie’s International Real Estate. Jon n EL L E M A n n I nG

A classic Tudor manor home in dorset, England, dating from the 15th century is on the market for £7.5 million ($13.7 million). Athelhampton was originally owned by a noble family, the Martyns, and is believed to have been built in 1485, according to camilla Elwell of Savills, who holds the listing with Luke Pender-cudlip of knight Frank. Years later it ceased to be used as a primary home so was never developed and its classic Tudor architecture was preserved. “Quite often, homes of this age were redeveloped in the Georgian or Victorian times,” Elwell says. “but the house was let out to farmers, so it was just a farmhouse.” It was eventually restored in 1891 by a new owner inspired by the Arts and crafts movement. He also added the gardens to the 12ha estate. current owner Patrick cooke and his wife Andrea have opened the gardens to the public, and also run a wedding venue business from the property. “The gardens are very structural,” Elwell says. “There are lots of walls, fountains and balustrades, and they have 12 topiary pyramids. The property certainly lends itself to [business] but it’s not compulsory.” She says the 12-bedroom home has been well maintained and kept up to date with bathroom and kitchen fixtures, central heating and ensuite bathrooms in most of the bedrooms. And it still has the original great hall with its carved ceilings. “It’s an amazing piece of history – which is so rare to come to the market – but it’s in good condition, which is a huge plus,” Elwell says. c A SE Y FA R M ER

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This 883sq m house in the gated Hualalai Resort at kailua-kona, Hawaii, owned by billionaire businessman and philanthropist bob Parsons, was designed by cher, says Rob kildow, director of residential sales at Hualalai Realty. “It was never her intention to live there,” he says. “Apparently, she loves to design homes.” Priced at $US10.995 million ($15.4 million), the home has panoramic views of the ocean and the ke’olu Golf course. The master is the only bedroom in the main house, with the guest bedrooms in an entry courtyard, “so you have individual little guesthouses”, kildow says. Amenities at the resort, which has 330 homes on 865 acres, include tennis, golf, a swimming pool, private beach club and six restaurants. bI L L c A R E Y

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Portsea Jonat H a n c H a nc El l or

Anyone for tennis? Veteran real estate agent Gerald delany stood overlooking the netted tennis court at melaluna at Portsea in Victoria during its open for inspection over the Easter break. “there was a time when anywhere you went you’d hear the pinging sound of ball on racquet,” the kay & Burton agent said. indeed, the newspapers of years past claimed Portsea had more tennis courts per capita than anywhere in australia. the Victorian participation rate for tennis was put at 6.8 per cent when last counted – 0.8 per cent greater than the national figure – but a steady decline is emerging across the state as well as nationally. and also, it seems, in Portsea. Gone are the days when a tennis court was a must-have. sure, they remain highly regarded by some as a place to entertain, but those longweekend tennis competitions have almost vanished. the more recent colwyn cup is still hosted by the Becks at sorrento, however. in the heyday of the 1960s there was Peter and kath lynch’s Franklin cup, limited to the 44

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ratepayers of Portsea or sorrento, who cast aspersions when canterbury’s susan Peacock (as she then was) played one year. more than 100 players competed across the peninsula, finally gathering in the late afternoon at the shared court of four Franklin road neighbours, including cedric and Jayne Bright, rich and Joan Faulkner, and theo scales and his wife, sheila, a former miss australia (1937). the entry fee was two bottles of champagne. the less reserved dustbowl cup of architect and former melbourne lord mayor richard meldrum and his wife colleen on the then unsealed campbells road became popular in the 1970s. the prize was a jar of jellybeans. and veteran property player Jonathan “Jonno” Edgar was known for his tournament and parties on the lawn. His australia day weekend Portsea Battler’s cup was a social calendared institution, with society photographer rennie Ellis’s snapshots on file at the state library of Victoria, including one of delany in his classic Panama hat.

Edgar built melaluna, a property with tennis court currently for sale through delany, after its two blocks of land cost $7000 in the early 1970s. the duffy street subdivision saw Edgar’s neighbour, the legendary adman Brian monahan, build next door. the 4020sq m melaluna estate is on the market for the first time since 1985, when it was bought by the Heffernan family for $375,000. it’s been listed by anthony Heffernan, son of the late state liberal politician turned property developer Vin Heffernan and his wife nancy. the price guide is $4 million to $4.4 million. the four-bedroom bluestone house, which was cool on the unseasonably hot 30 degree Easter open for inspection, also comes with a pool. the north-south championship-sized tennis court is surrounded by moonah trees and has a sports pavilion (pictured above). the first thing delany, who is marketing the home in conjunction with Greg Hocking agents leonard Persichetti and mia Heffernan, told

prospective buyers was that the tennis court could be subdivided off. rt Edgar Flinders agent ilze moran is seeking buyers for a near cliffside 910sq m holding with tennis court and pavillion cottage designed by architect Geoffrey Brown. it has a $4.25 million to $4.5 million price guide for the block, which was separated in 2004 from the longtime clifftop retreat of James Baillieu shackell. the current abode takes up less than a sixth of the block so the tennis court seems set to go. moran recently sold the nearby retreat with tennis court of the late collingwood football and tV legend lou richards for $3.65 million. richards and his late wife Edna richards had paid $35,000 in 1981 for the 2400sq m holding with a five-bedroom house. it was sold by his daughters to christopher and daniela caleo. moran, who had expected $3.5 million to $3.8 million, said all its prospective buyers were intent on keeping the court.

t H E w E E k E n d aust r a l i a n | m ay 1 1 - 1 2 , 2 0 1 9

Coastal Coastal

Interiors Mansion AustrAliA

Place in the sun

A holiday bolthole built to order

Blue yonder

Soothing tones for a relaxing vibe

Perfumed garden Saskia Havekes follows her nose

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Open-plan Open-planliving livingspaces spacesflow flowtotoan anoutside outside terrace terracethat thatoverlooks overlooksBondi BondiBeach Beach

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sand castle

An An unusual unusual apartment apartment in in Sydney’s Sydney’s Bondi Bondi takes takes the the concept concept of of aa family family holiday holiday home home to to aa new new level. level. With With some some key key design design elements, elements, the the former former empty empty shell shell isis now now aa sublime sublime outpost outpost for for its its Canadian Canadian owners owners SSt toor ryy bbyy mmI ILLaannddaa RRooUUTT PPhhoot tooggr raapphhs s bbyy PPEETTEERR ccLLaaRRkk SSt tyyl il n i ngg bbyy SSw wEEEE LLI Imm

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B The Thekitchen kitchenwith withits itsblack blackgranite graniteisland island block blockand andextra-long extra-longbench bench

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eachside eachside luxury luxury with with aa bath bath atat the the front front door door toto wash washoff offyour yoursandy sandyfeet feetand andenough enoughbunk bunkbeds bedstotosleep sleep12 12inincomfort comfortand andstyle. style.that that was wasthe thebrief briefgiven giventotoarchitects architectsatatredgen redgenmathieson mathiesonfor foraabrand brandnew newthree-bedroom three-bedroom apartment apartmentoverlooking overlookingBondi BondiBeach. Beach. itit was was aa unique unique request request for for the the sydney sydney studio, studio, which which was was used used toto designing designing primary primaryresidences residencesfor forpeople peoplewho whocome comehome homefrom fromthe theoffice officeevery everyday. day.But Butnot notthis this apartment. apartment.the theowners ownersofofthe the240sq 240sqmmabode abodewere werecoming comingback backfrom fromthe thebeach beach every everyday day––this thiswas wastheir theirholiday holidayhouse. house. “the “theclients clientsare areaacanadian canadiancouple coupleand andthey theycame cametotosydney sydneyand andfell fellininlove lovewith with Bondi,” Bondi,”redgen redgenmathieson mathiesondirector directorPhillip Phillipmathieson mathiesontells tellsMansion MansionAustralia. Australia.“they “they bought boughtititas asaasydney sydneybase. base.they theylive livemost mostofofthe theyear yearinincanada canadaand andthey theycome comeout out for foraustralian australiansummers. summers.itithad hadtotohave haveaabeachside beachsidevibe vibetotoit,it,which whichwas wasaalittle littlebit bit different differentfrom fromsomeone someonewho whoisisgoing goingtotolive livethere therepermanently.” permanently.” the thecouple couplebought boughtthe theapartment apartmentininaabuilding buildingon oncampbell campbellParade Paradeas asaashell shell––itit had hadonly onlythe theouter outerwalls wallsand andwindows windows––and andthen thenwent wenton onthe thehunt huntfor forsomeone someonetoto create createtheir theirholiday holidayhome. home.they theycame cameacross acrossredgen redgenmathieson mathiesonafter afterappreciating appreciating the thejob jobthe thestudio studiodid didon onthe theoffice officefitout fitoutofofreal realestate estatecompany companythe theagency agency(which (which sold soldthem themthe theproperty). property).“they “theydidn’t didn’tknow knowanything anythingabout aboutarchitects architectsand andinterior interior designers designersininsydney sydneyand andititwas wasthrough throughthis thisintroduction introductionwith withthe thereal realestate estatecompany company that thatwe wemade madethe theconnection connectionwith withthem,” them,”says saysmathieson. mathieson.“that “thatwas wasfantastic fantasticfor forus.” us.” the theapartment apartmentwas wasessentially essentiallyaablank blankcanvas canvasfor forthe thedesign designteam, team,with withaafew fewkey key requests requestsfrom fromthe theclients. clients.“the “thebrief briefwas wasbeachside beachsideluxury luxurywith withbig bigopen openspaces, spaces,and and the theother otherthing thingthey theywanted wantedwas wastotobe beable abletotoaccommodate accommodateaalot lotofofextended extendedfamily family [from [fromcanada] canada]for forperiods periodsofoftime,” time,”he hesays. says.“the “theapartment apartmentactually actuallysleeps sleeps12 12people people through throughthree threebedrooms. oneofofthe therooms roomsisisaabunk-room bunk-roomthat thatsleeps sleepseight eightpeople. people.itit actually actuallyhas hastwo twolots lotsofofQueen-size Queen-sizebunks bunksininit.” it.” mathieson mathiesonsays saysititwas wasaachallenge challengetotofit fitthat thatmany manypeople peopleinto intoonly onlythree threerooms, rooms, but butthe theowners ownerswanted wantedtotokeep keepas asmuch muchopen openspace spacefor forthe theliving livingareas areasas aspossible. possible. and andgiven givenititwould wouldonly onlybe beaafull fullhouse housefor foraafew fewweeks weeksofofthe theyear, year,ititwas wasnot notworth worth the thecompromise compromiseon onspace. sothey theysolved solvedthe thedilemma dilemmaby bycreating creatingaabunk bunkroom. room. “these “theseare arenot notyour yourordinary ordinarybunks bunksthough though––they theyare areQueen-size Queen-sizebeds bedswith with curtains, curtains,downlights downlightsand andshelving. shelving.“it “itisisaadifferent differentapproach approachfrom frombunks bunksyou youmay may have have grown grown up up with with as as kids,” kids,” mathieson mathieson says, says, laughing. laughing. “all “all the the bedrooms bedrooms have have ensuites ensuitesand anddressing dressingrooms roomsas aswell.” well.”

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Above: The bunk room, which sleeps eight people Left: The terrace pergola allows space and privacy

the other unusual request from the couple – but entirely in keeping with the beach house theme – was a place to get the sand off when they returned from the beach. “so we designed a timber footbath for when you arrive in the apartment lobby space so you can wash your feet off,” says mathieson. despite the fact the space was an empty shell and essentially a blank canvas for mathieson and his team, there were some challenges with the 18-month project. First, as the rest of the building was finished, the plumbing points were already installed, which predetermined the locations of the bathrooms and kitchen. “we used a few tricks in some of the bathrooms,” he says. “we installed a step up to where the toilet and shower were so we could get plumbing across and underneath the floor. that meant we could get a better configuration so you did not end up with zigzagging corridors to get from the bedrooms to the bathrooms.” the owners very much liked the concept of open-plan living, as well as a seamless transition from the inside spaces to the exterior terrace that overlooks Bondi Beach. mathieson and his team achieved this by constructing a pergola on the terrace to ensure shade and privacy. “there is also this big kitchen element; there is a big black granite island block, and there is a really, really long kitchen bench that appears to continue outside to where the barbecue is on the terrace,” he says. after buying the property in 2017 and going through an 18-month design and construction process, the couple had their first sydney summer in the property at the end of last year. “they had the family out from canada and that was pretty exciting for them,” says mathieson. “they love the huge living space and how it flows out onto the terrace. they just love that indoor/outdoor element.” 54

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A Brisbane resident designed his own Skyhome & saved $125,000

Mr Nelson Duan recently bought a 254sqm twolevel skyhome at Dwell Newstead by combining two apartments on levels 9 and 10. His new, fully customised design was created by Dwell’s in-house team of architects and designers saving the buyer time and money.

On the first floor, Mr Duan’s home is an entertainer’s dream, with a modern open plan design that

“It was a fantastic experience! We clicked straight away

incorporates a chef’s kitchen and separate dining and

and in only a few days they were able to deliver a fully

living areas, while a 6-metre void with floor-to-ceiling

customised home design with no fuss and no extra cost

glazing welcomes stunning views and natural light.

from architects and interior designers”, explained

A massive media room, which can also work as guest

Mr Nelson Duan, future resident of Dwell Newstead.

quarters with its own bathroom and built-in robe, and a working sized laundryroom complete the first floor.

It was a fantastic experience! We clicked straight away and in only a few days they were able to deliver a fully customised home design with no fuss and no extra cost from architects and interior designers.

From the initial meeting last November, it took less than one month to complete Mr Duan’s dream home design,

The second floor works as a private retreat with its

incorporating every element on his wish list.

own entrance and secluded from the social areas. The master bedroom with ensuite and walk-in-robe,

“Thanks to Dwell’s flexibility I was able to incorporate

plus two more bedrooms with a shared bathroom

a 6-metre void, adding an entrance with a huge wow

and a study/work station with mesmerising views of

factor and a unique personality to my home, as well as

the city complete the second floor. With construction

plenty of natural light and a glass facade that frames

completion expected November 2019, this is an

stunning city views”, said Mr Duan.

exclusive opportunity valid until May 31st!

We got a custom designed skyhome for 34.27% less than the average penthouse price per sqm in Newstead*

MR NELSON DUAN Future resident of Dwell Newstead



$7,086 per sqm $10,780 per sqm* *Based on recent sales in Newstead

Visit the Sales Display at Shop 3, 48 Skyring Terrace, Newstead (onsite visitor parking). Contact Stephanie Campbell: 0419 140 923 or



Etc. sa m yat E s





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55 77

Blue Blue horizon horizon Neutrals, Neutrals,azure azurehighlights highlightsand andgrey greytones tones create createthe theultimate ultimateininrestful restfuldecor decor 1.1.t at ba lbel e 5.5.b ebde dl ilni n en en

illum Illumwikkelsø wikkelsøcoffee coffeetable tablewith withwalnut walnut sheridan Sheridanreilly Reillyvintage vintagewashed washed ororoak oaklegs legsand andsmoked smokedororclear clearglass glasstop. top. chambray chambraypillowcases pillowcasesininmix mixand and match matchcolours.

2.2.l ilgi h gh t t 6.6. mm i ri r o ro rr

&tradition &traditionFlowerPot FlowerPotpendant, pendant,designed designed Eyeshine Eyeshinesmall smalloval ovalmirror mirrorwith with ininthe the’60s ’60sbybyVerner VernerPanton, Panton,ininblack black steam-bent steam-bentbeech beechframe framebybyanki anki blue bluelacquered lacqueredsteel. Gneib GneibforforGebruder Gebruderthonet ThonetVienna. Vienna.

3.3.C hC ha iari r

mad madQueen Queenarmchair armchairbybymarcel marcel 7.7.t rt r ay ay Talismantray Traybybyindia Indiamahdavi mahdaviinin wanders wanderswith withfabric fabric(removable) (removable)oror talisman lacqueredwood woodand andleather leatherwith witha a leather leathercover. lacquered “benevolent “benevolenteye” eye”design designininblack, black,blue blue 4.4.C aC n an dd l el e and andgreen. salta Saltacitrus-scented citrus-scentedcandle, candle,270g, 270g,from from Ch a iari r the theles LesBelles Bellesmatières matièrescollection collectionbybycire cire 8.8.C h Brusselsoccasional occasionalchair chairininteal teal trudon. Brussels velvet velvetwith withpolished polishedbrass brassframe. frame.

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My Style s a s k i a H av E k E s foundEr, gr andiflor a

nick cubbin

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m a nsionaust r a l i a .c om . au

launching a fragrance collection was an idea i had for a very long time. i wanted to try to capture my muse and all-time favourite flower, magnolia grandiflora. i met with fragrance historian michael Edwards, who guided me in the right direction to commence my journey into the vast and fascinating world of perfume. i have always been most inspired by the natural world. i look to plants and how they grow for my spark and flint. i’m always ignited by and intoxicated with how all parts of nature smell, and i share this fascination with perfumers. i’m overwhelmingly inspired by the creative spirit in painting, fashion, music, dance, architecture, ceramics, chefs, millinery – the list goes on – and the work that comes with taking on the challenge of being the messenger/conduit between humans and nature. at the moment i’m working on a celebratory fragrance with christophe laudamiel for grandiflora’s 25th anniversary next year. t H E w E E k E n d aust r a l i a n | m ay 1 1 - 1 2 , 2 0 1 9

When in Rome...

Location shot: Spanish Steps

Rome, Italy Via Delle Carrozze 44

(By The Spanish Steps)

For sale


EURO €770.000 AUD $1,250,000

Peter Mosedale 0408 177 207

2 beds

2 baths

122 sqm

In the heart of Rome city centre, this quiet home in a period building is for those wanting to experience the real Italy. Features include large entrance hall, exposed wooden beams, terracotta floors, central heating, air-con, spacious kitchen, large main bedroom. Located on 5th floor with access to the strata terrace overlooking Rome’s major monuments. Opportunity to rent prior to purchase, deductible from sale price. For full details and photos visit:

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