Letters To Santa 12/23/14

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Letters To Santa

Many kids from Manteca, Ripon and Lathrop wrote letters to Santa and we will publish them, as they were written, daily through Dec. 24th. These letters are from Mrs. Berhorst’s fifth-and sixth-grade class at New Haven Elementary. Dear Santa, Hi my name is Tatum and I go to New Haven School. Our Teacher Mrs. Berhorst is having us write a letter to you so I thought I would tell you she is having a baby girl an I think it would be nice if you got her dipers or clothes for Christmas. I think it is super I get to write a letter to you! How are your elves? I hope you have a fun Christmas delivering presents and eating cookies and milk. Thank you again and have a wonderful Christmas! Love always, Tatum Andreetta Dear Santa, The reason why I am writing you is to tell you… how extraordinary you are, and maybe to tell you what I want for Christmas. But, first I just have to ask how do you deliver all those presents in less than 24 hours? Maybe that is why you eat so many cookies that night. (Not that I have a problem with that!) Santa you deserve a big THANK YOU! Some people just do not appreciate all of the work you, your elves, and your reindeer do for all of the kids around the world. I will make sure that I have some GOOD desserts out for you on Christmas Eve! Do you mind me asking… What is your favorite dessert? Again Santa, thank you for all of the things you do for me and the kids all around the world. Right about now you are probably thinking when is this little girl going to tell me what she want she wants for Christmas? Well….this is what I want for Christmas…. The first thing is and IPod touch 5, 32 GB, and the color I want is pink. The reason why I want an iPod is… my old one (well it is not actually mine. I just play with it like it is mine) is sooooo slow. It has a tiny screen and the new one has a way better camera. The next thing on my list is an Instagram account. I want an Instagram account because it is the latest trend for social media and all of my friends have one. They always talk about things that are on Instagram and I always feel left out. The last thing I want is heart earrings and bow earrings (if my ears do not get infected and I have to take them out.) The reason why I want these earrings is because my ears are newly pieced and I do not have any earrings. I could keep going but I already sent a letter in so I don’t want to waste your time reading the things I want that I already told you about. I hope this letter makes your day!  HAVE MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! Love, Stephanie Franzia Dear Santa, I believe in you and I think you are really nice to kids. Every year I leave cookies and milk out for you, and when I wake up presents are under the three and the cookies and milk are gone. You always bring me nice presents and I am thankful for that. I hope you will do the same for me and my family this year. I appreciate

it when you make everybody in my family happy. Thank you for all you do for us. It is very thoughtful of you to bring us presents. Your presents are always really fun to play with. The presents you bring me, most of the time, are what I really wanted. Thank you! Sincerely, Corwin Snyder Dear Santa, For Christmas this year I just want anything. I like movies, pandas, and drawing, but for Christmas I really want my family to be happy and not angry. I also want my brother to get a present, even if he calls me funny names. Maybe for Christmas I would like to get a few books. Thank you Santa. Sincerely, Allana Chau Dear Santa or Saint Nick, My name is Joshua Lucas. I bet you and your elves have been busy. What I want is… a PS4 but of course you don’t have to get it for me. Bye Santa. Have a great X-mas. Sincerely, Joshua R. Lucas Dear Santa, Thank you for every thing and that I hop you have a verry good chrisma and that I hope you have a good thanksgiving. Thank you!!! Sinciry, Cassie Derma Dear Santa, I hope you like my cookies and milk and our Christmas lights. I can’t wait for my family to come over and eat and play. For Christmas I want a BMX Scooter or rc car. Thank you. Sincerely, Manny Rattu Dear Santa, For Christmas I want the I Phone 6 + and the Xbox 1. For my mom, Please bring a Rang Rovr. For my baby brother Please leav a scootrr. My other brother would like call of duty Advanced warfar. Thank you! Sincerely Jose Aceves Dear Santa, This year I know that I have been naughty and nice, and I’m working on that. You’re probably thinking that I’m just another child wanting more and more presents each year, but actually I’m the opposite. Now, since I’m older I’m wanting less each year. I already have what I want… my family. That’s why I’m only asking for three items…. Well, two items. The first one is the Infinity game which seems really cool. The second is some Lego Friends. Lastly, I want my family to enjoy Christmas and to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Thank you soooooo much. I’ll make sure to give you extra cookies. Thanks again! Love, Molly Schmidke (P.S) Don’t worry I’ll leave extra carrots for the reindeer. Dear Santa, I have been nice and naughty all year. What I want is a pro scooter, iphone 5S. Christmas day is going to be a good day. I am going to leave milk and cookies for you. I hope you enjoy them. Make sure you leave the presents under the tree. Merry Christmas! Sincerely, Tyler Williams Rivera

Dear Santa, I would like a mocking jay pin and an Xbox One. These are some gifts I would want. The other things will be on my wish list located in my stocking. I would also like to see The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies if I have not seen it by Christmas. Thank you for all the toys I have gotten through the years. Sincerely, Andrew Rice

your sleigh is. Could you please tell me! I think you should by my family stuff at JCPenney’s and Macy’s. is it cold up in the North Pole? Do you have to wear loads of clothes to keep you warm. Santa what I want for Christmas is just clothes. Thank you for all the gifts you gave me through the years. Sincerely, Itandehui Huerta

Dear Santa, Evert year I give you reindeer eight carrots, I give you cookies and milk. I always like what you give me for Christmas. This year I would like 1. DSI games 2. Any crafts 3. Chapter books Have a good Christmas! Sincerely, Emma Smith

Hello Santa, This is Isabella. Christmas is my favorite holiday. It’s my favorite holiday, because I get to spend time with my family. I think I know a lot about you. Your favorite food is cookies and milk, but I don’t give you milk. My mom says, “Don’t you think he’s had a lot of milk?” So we give you water instead. I wonder if your reindeers ever get tired. Hopefully, all of my sisters are good enough this year, including me, so that you can come by my house this year. Sincerely, Isabella Meli Sandoval

Dear Santa, I personally think I should get toys instead of coal, because I feel like I’m a very giving person. I know you check that list twice, but can you check it three times just for me please. This year for Christmas I would like a volleyball, an American girl doll and new bedding (zebra print). Also, I would like Maleficent and The Fault in our Stars movies and books please. I would like an art kit, some drawing supplies and straight teeth. Another thing I want are some jeans and tops. You are a great guy but I like Jack Frost better in Rise of the Guardians, no offense or anything, I’ll put out 2 glasses of milk and twenty-four cookies for you on Christmas Eve night. Thanks for reading my letter. Love, Vanessa Nicole Burrows Dear Santa, How do you get around the world and back before morning and why do you not let kids see you at are house. I think you should layback on cookies and milk but my family will leave you some. Why is your slae red? I am going to see you this year because in going to basspro shop. Here is what I want for Christmas: itunes card and a game called Call of Duty: Advanced warfare. I would also like to be able to control the TV when my brother is in our room! I want the Red and black Jorands, please, sincerely Dylan Smith

Dear Santa, I wish that I could get a puppy. I know it’s a lot to ask but ‘I’ve been good this whole year. Maybe a Poodle, because it would good for my poodle to have somebody to play with. But you don’t really have to get me anything Sinserly Audra Haden Severns Dear Santa I’m one of your believers and I love what you do for us kids. I will have a lot of snickerdoodles and a glass of milk for you. I want a new video game this year for Christmas, like a baseball game. I love your beard, it’s so cool! I also want a Skateboard. I always count down until the day you come in the winter time. I hope you come down my chimney this year. Sincerely, Brendan Rapisura Dear Santa Claus, Thank you for hard work and delivering presents to us. Your hard work has made children all over the world happy. I don’t know what I want for Christmas this year, but I hope you have a fun and safe Christmas. Merry Christmas! Sincerely, Kaylee Yang

Dear Santa Clause, What I want for Christmas is a Ever after High doll. It would be generous of you if you gave it to me for Christmas. Thanks Santa hope you have a good day on Christmas. That’s what I want for Christmas. Your sincerely Leslie Ruiz Dear Santa, I think you should cut your beard a little shorter. Just kidding Santa! I think you are about 269 years old. Rudolph is very cute looking! Is his nose still red? I think you should exercise a little and Mrs. Claus will be happy and appreciate it. I also think that you should retire because I’m afraid you’ll fall off your sleigh. I forgot what the color of

Dear Santa, Thank you for all the

things you have done over the years. Another year has come and here some stuff I want this year. Well. I just a laptop and clothes. I would also love to see my family in LA. I would want to spend time with my family in Disneyland and California Adventure. To see all the lights set up while at the Hollywood Tower would be amazing! That’s mostly what I want for Christmas. Merry Christmas! Maiya Baleua Dear Santa Claus, I have been a really generous girl. This year I want… Wait! First get a pen and notebook please. This year I want a couple children’s books. I also want a whiteboard and expo markers. I also want clothes (pants & long sleeve shirts). I also want a computer. There are a couple more to come. I want more jewelry. I want more shoes. I also want more dresses. I really home I’m on the nice list. Anyway, hope you get lots of cookies. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. Thank you lots Santa! Love, Brooke Grabowski Dear Santa, I hope every elf, every reindeer, and you are ready for Christmas. I would like a lap top with a decal with 2 hands making a heart on the back. I would also like either an egg chair or a salon chair, if you can, please give my mom a Camaro, a box of white chocolate, and a big teddy bear. I would also like to give my dad a new chair, another Harley sweatshirt, and a new pair of camo boots. I really hope you can give my mom, dad, and me my awesome gifts. I hope I am on the nice list. I hope you have a great Christmas! Love, Shyanne Swift Dear Santa, I don’t want too much this year, but I don’t want nothing either. First, I want Madden 15 for my Xbox One and a controller. Next, I want to have a very good time at Christmas Eve and of course Christmas. Finally, that everyone in the world has a good time and food. That’s all I want for Christmas this year. Thank you for always going to my house and the cookies and milk are ready. Sincerely, Andrew Medrano

Dear Santa, Thank you for all the wonderful Christmases you have given me throughout the years. You are my favorite holiday man because you are cozy. I like your sense of style, your very generous, kind, and you like cookies; just like me. I don’t know if I am naughty or nice, I think I am bot. I talk about Christmas every month of the year, because I love Christmas so much. I hope you come and visit me this year. Sincerely, Marissa Gallegos Dear Santa, I do not believe in Santa but if you are out there then I want a PS4 and a Windows Surface Pro 3. I also want Call of Duty Advanced Warfare for an Xbox 360 please. That is it. Thank you!!! Sincerely, Bradley Phippen Dear Santa Claus Thank you for giving everyone gifts. This Christmas I want a letter back from you, and a Who was Harry Houdini book. I would also like a straight jacket and I would like rubber cement. I would also like a magnet ring. I hope I’m on the nice list. Thanks! Sincerely, Noah Dulay Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a flat screen T.V. and an iPhone 6 Please. For my brother Damien could you Please bring a new toy Dragon from the movie. I would like and Xbox One with Video games lastly. I want a new friend. Sincerely, Alex Amador Dear Santa, For Christmas I’m really looking forward to giving you a present: milk and cookies. Hopefully, you like snickerdoodles! Those are my favorite. I know that a lot of kids are asking for stuff, but I only want a few things for Christmas. For Christmas I want bizus, a clear penny board skateboard, bedos, punching gloves. I also want Raymond to forgive me even though I don’t know why I just want him to be my friend again. ThanK you! Sincerely, Kaitlyn Carter

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