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Manteca Unified School District Releases COVID-19 Safety Plan
MUSD’s COVID-19 Safety Plan (CSP) has been updated to reflect newly released guidelines established by California Department of Public Health (CDPH). The purpose of Manteca Unified’s CSP is to outline all details, actions, considerations, and mitigations in place for the district to safely continue in-person instruction.
Since Manteca Unified was permitted to re-open all schools while San Joaquin County was in the red tier last fall, the state’s health department has determined that schools already open for in-person instruction may continue with in-person instruction with appropriate mitigations, measures, and school closure protocols in place.
MUSD’s CSP includes several updates to its previous version which will further safeguard students, staff, and community. As health and safety remains the district’s top priority, MUSD will continue to implement in-person learning with choices for all, and emphasis on support, inclusion, and equitable learning needs.
Safety Update #1
Face coverings are now required for students in every grade level (TK-12) unless medically exempt. Previously, face coverings were only required for grades 3-12. This new requirement will further protect students and staff on campus as they work to achieve student success.
Safety Update #2
MUSD has acquired OptiClean air scrubbers, an air filtration system installed in every classroom and office to be controlled by the teacher/staff members. The air scrubbers exceed the American Society of Heating, Ventilation, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning standard for the ventilation of healthcare facilities. The units fully filter the room’s air with up to 6 air changes per hour. The quality of these air filters far surpasses the requirements for school facilities and are a notable mitigation measure for the safety of students, staff, and the community.

Safety Update #3
Special protocols have been established which will allow band and choir practice to continue safely outdoors. MUSD has invested in shade tents to protect students while they are outside, and students are required to sanitize their hands before and after participating in band. Students are not allowed to share any materials (instruments, books, music, stands, chairs, etc.) that have not been fully sanitized in compliance with MUSD COVID-19 protocols. Additionally, any student who is uncomfortable with in-person playing is allowed to complete alternative assignments without penalty.
In order to continue sports conditioning and skill building, all students engaging in an athletic activity must now wear a face covering at all times during the activity, even with heavy exertion as tolerated. This new requirement excludes swimmers while in the pool and Track and Field athletes while running. Swimmers and Track and Field runners must put on their face covering immediately following their activity.
This new directive and guidance from CDPH, will help further protect students and staff during inperson learning, while allowing athletes and musicians to engage in extracurricular activities.
To view the entire MUSD COVID-19 Safety Plan, visit www.mantecausd.net/csp.