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Competitive Events at East Union

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) and its 200,000 members are celebrating “National FCCLA Week” February 10-14, 2020. The theme of this year’s celebration is “Your Story.” During National FCCLA Week, members plan and carry-out activities, and encourage others to do the same, to affect positive change and demonstrate how Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) education can help them achieve the “Ultimate Leadership Experience.”
Students from the East Union High School Chapter kicked off the week of events early last Tuesday, February 4th, when the Manteca Mayor and City Council signed and presented the chapter with an FCCLA Week Proclamation during the City Council Meeting. Four students were present and were given pins from Mayor Cantu as he and the Council shook their hands and congratulated them.
The following Saturday, February 8th, the Region 6 Spring Qualifying Meeting for STAR (Students Taking Action with Recognition) Competitive Events was held at East Union High School. Sixteen schools from all over the Central Valley including East Union, Weston Ranch, Lathrop, and Sierra High School gathered to show off their skills learned in Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Education.

The Lancer Battalion JROTC Program and East Union High School Choir opened the First General Session with the presentation of the colors and the singing of the National Anthem. Teachers and staff from MUSD as well as alumni, friends, and local industry professionals served as evaluators for 98 registered competitors.
Twenty-two students from the East Union High School Chapter, under advisor Savannah Wegner, attended the meeting, including some brandnew members, and 11 competitors from the host site will be moving on
to State in events including Culinary Arts, Culinary Display, Baking and Pastry, Child Development and Sports Nutrition. East Union students earned five 1st place, one 2nd place, and two 3rd place medals and one “Best in Show” ribbon for a three-tier gold French inspired drip cake called “Amour” designed and created by Carmen Rodriguez. These winners and the other qualifiers are now eligible to compete at the State Leadership Conference in Fresno, California held April 25-28, 2020. In addition, one student, Nicole Romo, was elected as a Region Officer to serve in the 2020-2021 school year. From the Sierra High School Chapter, 16 members competed in the event with support from 3 advisors including Amy Lee.
Sierra High student and current Region Advisor Kailey Monday was elected to serve as President for Region 6 in the 2020-2021 school year. Sierra High students earned six 1st place medals in events including Chapter Service Project, Fashion Construction, Public Policy Advocate and Child Development and five 2nd place medals in Culinary Display, Culinary Arts, and Fashion Construction. Nine students and two parents from Lathrop High School attended the event with FCCLA advisor Erlinda Selga. Two teams and 2 individuals competed in 4 events: Food Innovations, Entrepreneurship, Child Development, and Fashion Construction.
Five of the students placed 1st in their event and one placed 3rd. All six qualified to move on to the state competition. Raul Mora, principal at East Union High, commented after the events that he is grateful for the strong presence of student leadership FCCLA brings to East Union. Educator and East Union FCCLA advisor Savannah Wegner “culminated a wonderfully ran event and award opportunity for our students who are fortunate to have her.” FCCLA is a dynamic and effective national Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work, and societal issues through FCS education.