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Sixth Grade Teacher at Stella Brockman Elementary Named California’s Amplify Ambassador!
Last year, Manteca Unified adopted Amplify Science as our base NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) aligned science curriculum for grades 6-8. The Amplify Ambassador program is a way for the publisher to recognize exceptional teachers who are implementing Amplify curriculum. Ms. Hoyer’s title allowed her to participate in a virtual event where she shared some of her strategies and lessons with other educators in California. According to Lisa Snyder, the MUSD science coordinator who nominated Ms. Hoyer for the title, Ms. Hoyer played a “critical role representing 6th grade teachers on the science curriculum adoption committee last year.
“Her input on what 6th grade teachers need in a science curriculum helped guide the curriculum evaluation process which led to our ultimate adoption of Amplify Science for grades 6-8,” said Lisa Snyder. “Ms. Hoyer spends countless hours with her 6th grade teacher team at Stella Brockman to structure lessons that integrate Amplify Science with ELA, showing students (and teachers) that science does not happen in a box but rather is a part of what we do every day! She is the ultimate professional and MUSD is lucky to have her!”
Photos taken in this article have been taken in 2019, and does not display current COVID-19 safety guidelines.

Ms. Lisa Hoyer (center) is featured here (prior to face covering requirements) with fellow teachers Holly Page (left), and Debbie Robles.
“I’m excited to work with the team of Ambassadors in California as we share innovative and creative ways to teach the Amplify curriculum, especially through digital means, as we all navigate the demands of this challenging year. Some of our upcoming Ambassador projects will involve authorship in the program, mentoring of other Amplify educators, and recording introductory and instructional videos for use on the platform.” - Ms. Lisa Hoyer