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MUSD Compliance with the Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Act
MUSD Compliance with the Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Act
Also known as the “Williams Act”, this act ensures that all students have access to base programming in a safe environment.
Education Code requires a governing board to determine compliance through a resolution that informs if each student in the district has sufficient textbooks and/or instructional materials aligned with Board adopted curriculum.
At the September Board Meeting, the MUSD Board of Education determined that 100% of MUSD schools had sufficient, standardsaligned textbooks and instructional materials by the eighth week of school!
This determination is based on a comprehensive data report collated by schools and MUSD’s instructional materials team led by supervisor Kimi Davis-Olivas. “We have to make sure teachers have their teaching materials and students have their curriculum and devices in hand,” expressed Kimi. “We keep 3-5 textbooks [across all core subjects] on the shelf at schools at all times.”
Students having complete access to materials is a foundational piece in MUSD’s guiding vision—every student works to achieve grade level standards— and aligns with the District’s equity policy.
The instructional materials team is continually assessing data to learn where student need is. “We assess inventory, availability, lost, stolen or damaged textbooks, at any school and in any class,” explained Kimi. These assessments allow MUSD to have a 3% excess in inventory to remedy for any potential insufficiencies during the school year. This planning and preparedness allowed the District to quickly and fully meet student needs as students transitioned back to inperson learning in November 2020.
Mid-way through each year, a projected growth evaluation is performed for the following school year and new instructional material is ordered to ensure uninterrupted sufficiency.
In the 2021-22 school year, total funds allocated for textbooks and instructional materials totals $1.8M to be used toward the purchase of standards-aligned, core instructional materials, $4.7M toward student/teacher devices, and $4.5M toward core instructional media and software.