President Marie Freitas, Area 4
Vice President Melanie Greene, Area 3
Board Clerk Stephen J. Schluer, Area 6
Cathy Pope-Gotschall, Area 5
Eric Duncan, Area 1
Kathy Howe, Area 2
Marisella Guerrero, Area 7
Courtney Amaral, East Union High School
Maddie McGuire, Sierra High School
Daizy Espinoza, Manteca High School
Isabelle Mayorca, Weston Ranch High School
Jerico Chad Santillan, Lathrop High School
Dr. Clark Burke, Superintendent
Roger Goatcher, Deputy Superintendent
Every student works to achieve grade level standards, feels safe and is supported to realize individual success.
Through smart actions and decisions, MUSD will work together using meaningful, measurable and aligned data for all students to achieve mastery of grade level standards in all subjects based on their unique educational pathway in a safe environment inclusive of design, security and climate.
Trying new things is important for personal growth. Visit new places, meet new people, try out new hobbies, or volunteer in your community. Use these opportunities to build relationships and learn new skills.
Keep on top of your busy schedule with a planner or calendar app. Punctuality is important, both in college and the workforce.
Create a budget to manage your monthly expenses. For college students, make sure you know the FAFSA deadlines and complete the application yearly.
Take care of the whole YOU! Mental and physical health go hand in hand. Make healthy choices, eat well, and take time to be in tune with yourself and your emotions.
to use for job applications and other professional communication.
If you are feeling overwhelmed or just a little bit lost, don’t be afraid to ask your parents, your employer, or your school for help.
UC Berkeley | Molecular and Cell Biology
I will never forget the time I spent as a medical intern where I developed a great respect for physicians.
UC Los Angeles | Spanish and Linguistics
I will never forget teachers like Mrs. Teczon, Mr. Edom, and Señora Rossete for fueling my love of learning as well as expanding my worldview.
Stanislaus State University | Pre-Nursing
I am inspired by my parents. Throughout my childhood, my parents worked hard to provide all my siblings with everything that any of us asked for. I truly am grateful to have such loving parents in my life.
United States Army
I plan to become a cardiothoracic surgeon in the United States military to bring those who fought for my freedom back home to dream.
The highlight of my high school career has been being involved in Key Club. Not only have I had the chance to serve my community, but I also made countless friends and learned how to become more comfortable in social situations.
UC Berkeley | Undelcared
I am most grateful for all the people in my life who have encouraged and reassured me throughout my high school years.
UC Santa Barbara | Mathematics
There is only one you in the world, and no matter what, there will always be a place where you’ll thrive and fulfill all your life desires as long as you stay true to yourself!
UC Berkeley | Public Health
The highlight of my high school career was getting the opportunity to visit Washington DC and competing in the JROTC Academic Bowl.
UC Los Angeles | Psychology
Always keep pushing, no matter how hard things may be. Things will happen the way they are meant to.
Cal Poly Humboldt | Environmental Science
I am interested in becoming a field biologist, as I want to physically make a difference in pursuing a more sustainable future.
Principal’s Honorable Mention
Community College | Business and Communications
Always live life to the fullest. You have one shot, so make the most of it!
Student Board Member
Principal’s Honorable Mention
San Joaquin Delta College | Undeclared
I believe we all have potential inside of us; it might just take a while for us to see it.
UC Santa Barbara | Mechanical Engineering
The only failure is not to try - Virgil Abloh
UC Davis | Psychology
I would love to become a district attorney and fight to better my community. One day, perhaps, I will pursue becoming a Supreme Court Justice.
UC Berkeley | Political Science
I am inspired by my parents who always push me beyond my limits and play a big part in all that I have accomplished.
UC San Diego | Economics
I am most grateful to my parents because they gave me the opportunity and resources to pursue my dream goals and career.
UC Berkeley | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Pursue what genuinely interests you and remember that even the worst of situations can be bettered through sustained effort.
Undecided | Computer Science
Getting to go to Six Flags with Key Club was one of the highlights of my high school career!
UC Los Angeles | Physiological Science
Always remember to slow down, inhale and exhale, and take in the moments of life.
UC San Diego | Undeclared
I am most grateful for my family because they always pushed me to be the best person possible, and I would not have been able to do anything without their support.
Stanislaus State University | Pre-Nursing
You can always do more than you believe you can as long as you try.
UC Santa Barbara | Undeclared
You are what you believe yourself to be.
UC Santa Barbara | Computer Science
I am most grateful for Academic Decathlon and my English teachers for helping me grow and learn so much about the world, life, and myself.
UC Berkeley | Business Administration
Being active in school programs was the highlight of my high school experience. I’ve met so many amazing people through our band, FFA, and Hispanic Youth Leadership Council programs. High school will be a sweet memory I can look back on once I get older because of our school’s amazing students and staff.
University of Pennsylvania | Political Science
It’s important to value yourself over your next upcoming assignment or project. What stays with you the longest and follows you into the future is you and your mental health. To become the best version of yourself, you have to put yourself first.
San Joaquin Delta College | Computer Science
I will never forget Ms. Coyan and the support and encouragement she showed me throughout all four years of my high school career.
UC Santa Cruz | History and Sociology
We are more united by our commonalities than divided by our differences. To make change, we have to work together.
I am thankful for my friends and family who encouraged me and cheered me on. I am most thankful to have been born a Buffalo!
I am most grateful for my parents who left their lives in Mexico and brought me to this country at the age of seven so I could have opportunities they did not have access to. I will never be able to express the amount of gratitude I feel.
The highlight of my high school career was winning the VOL Tennis Doubles title with my partner Emma Ngo while my best friend Katie Kim won the VOL Individuals title on the same day.
University of Southern California | Human Biology
I am most grateful for my family. Their love, support, and efforts to provide me with all they can has helped me achieve everything.
San Joaquin Delta College | Health Careers
I am inspired by my older sister Melissa because she has been a constant figure in my life and has taught me perseverance and determination.
San Joaquin Delta College | Psychology
The highlight of my high school career has been playing in Manteca High’s band. Partcipating in the District and County Honor Bands every year has been such a joy.
Grand Canyon University | Biology/Kinesiology
I am most grateful for the friends, family, and teachers who have encouraged me to always do my best and constantly remind me of how proud they are of me.
Modesto Junior College | Computer Science
My goal is to play football for as long as I can and someday play at the Division 1 level. My dream job would be making and designing video games for a large platform.
UC Santa Barbara | Russian
I will never forget my grandparents, Carmelina and Terry Johnson, supporting and making sacrifices for me.
UC Irvine | Chemical Engineering
Set your sights high and don’t be afraid of failure. We’ve all worked hard to make it through four years of high school; there’s nothing stopping us from doing it again in college.
UC Berkeley | Chemistry
Sometimes it’s difficult in the moment, but your hard work right now will pay off in the future.
UC Davis | Anthropology
I am most grateful for the opportunities I have been given to push myself out of my comfort zone and improve myself as an individual, while forming invaluable friendships along the way.
UC Irvine | Biomedical Engineering
Work hard. Stay consistent. Be competitive. Win the game.
UC Irvine | Biochemistry
To my peers: balance is the key to success; remember to give equal attention to all areas of your high school career, whether grades or extracurriculars. High school is what you choose to make of it.
UC Los Angeles | Psychobiology
I am most grateful for my parents who instilled in me the importance of finishing my education.
UC San Diego | Human Biology
The highlight of my high school experience has definitely been the amazing friends I made during my senior year and the fun memories we made.
Cal Poly Pomona | Civil Engineering
Always set new goals because they help you grow as a person and reach the best version of yourself. Without goals, it is harder to make progress and reflect on the journey you took to get where you are.
UC Davis | Computer Engineering
The highlight of my high school career was attending elective classes that gave me career skills in all kinds of different fields.
UC Davis | Biology
The highlights of my high school career are my academic achievements as well as the beautiful memories I made with my amazing friends at the school events we attended.
Honorable Mention
Arizona Christian University | Biology
I am most grateful for the teachers, administrators, and other employees at Sierra High who have invested their time and effort into helping me succeed and supporting me in all that I do. No kind words, extra time, or helping hand has gone unnoticed or unappreciated.
Honorable Mention
UC Davis | Genetics and Genomics
Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. It’s normal to make mistakes or be scared because that’s what makes us all human.
Scripps College | Media Studies
I will never forget the night I performed an original song at my school’s talent show. Being able to share my art with the Weston Ranch community was extremely rewarding and is an experience that will stay with me.
UC Irvine | Linguistics, Anthropology, and Music
My dream job is to be a linguistic anthropologist, which would allow me to travel a lot and learn/research more about other cultures and how they communicate.
UC Davis | Psychology
Thank you to every person that told me to keep going. The encouragement, support, and unconditional love has kept me confident and grateful for each day well spent.
UC Berkeley | Molecular Biology
Be proud of who you are: your body, mind, and personality. Everything about an individual is unique to them and them only, so always be thankful to the parts that make you, you.
UC Santa Barbara | Physics
I am inspired by the peers that surround me at school. Seeing how dedicated they are to what they are most passionate about has motivated me to try to became a better version of myself.
University of the Pacific | Computer Science
Do not simply chase success, but become its master.
UC Berkeley | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Thank you to the teachers I’ve had who openly enjoy their job and their students. They made learning an activity I wanted to participate in, school a place I looked forward going to, and studying something I sought outside the classroom.
UC Davis | Comparative Literature
I am most grateful for my friends and family. Without their encouragement, I would not be the person I am today, and for that, I am forever grateful.
United States Air Force
The highlight of my high school career was being in JROTC, cheer, and theatre. Leading a team and performing under all those lights was an indescribable experience.
San Jose State University | Pre-Nursing
Be gentle and kind to yourself and strive to become the best version of yourself that you can be. Grow from your mistakes — don’t dwell on them!
Principal’s Honorable Mention
Solano Community College | Sports Medicine
I am most grateful for my family and academic counselors because they were always there to keep me on track and push me to work toward my goals.
Principal’s Honorable Mention
UC Berkeley | Undeclared
To the future cougars of Weston Ranch, remember that it starts with you, but it’s not about you. Make sure you get involved because high school really does go by fast.
Student Board Member
San Joaquin Delta College | Undeclared
Try to be grateful for the opportunities that are given to you and don’t take them for granted.
San Joaquin Delta College | Criminal Justice
You have a future, and your best days are ahead of you. Sometimes the mountain you’re climbing can obscure the view you’re about to enjoy.
Never give up and turn everything in!
San Joaquin Delta College | Real Estate
I will never forget the people who got me through high school and those who made it memorable.
San Joaquin Delta College | Business Administration
Even if you think you might fail, it’s best to keep trying because you can always change the outcome of what you think will happen.
San Joaquin Delta College | Undeclared
I am most grateful for the teachers and staff at Calla — they are the reason I’m graduating on time! I am also very grateful for my family; I love them with all of my heart.
San Joaquin Delta College | Business Administration
The highlight of my high school career has been the people I’ve met!
Modesto Junior College | Psychology or Social Science
I am most grateful for Ms. Suzuki; she helped me through a rough patch in my life. She has always been here to help me.
San Joaquin Delta College | Mechanics
To my peers: don’t miss school and do your best to push forward in your studies.
Modesto Junior College | Programming
I will never forget meeting my friends for the first time. We’ve all become so close during our time at Calla.
Paul Mitchell Cosmetology School
Even though we’ve grown up, we still have more growing to do. I am grateful for all of the moments that have brought me here.
San Joaquin Delta College | Aeronautical Engineering
Even though life can be difficult sometimes, you’ll pull through and realize it wasn’t so difficult after all.
Chase your dreams!
I will never forget Mrs. Bryson for making my senior year better than I would have ever thought!
The highlight of my high school career was my academic achievements. I know I can accomplish anything that I put my mind to, even during the toughest times of my life.
Not Pictured
This past year, the Calla High School community lost an admirable leader and a champion for students in their principal Dan Beukelman. He had a true passion for student equity in public education.
Mr. Beukelman dedicated himself to students in the firm belief that a solid education is a game changer. He began his tenure in Manteca Unified as a teacher at Sierra High. He served the district for 23 years, with the last 15 in leadership positions. Seving as Calla’s principal since 2017, Mr. Beukelman worked with students facing various life struggles ranging from the need to work to help support their families to trying to make up credits after a long illness.
Mr. Beukelman will always be remembered for his unwavering commitment to education and students in need.
I continue to be amazed and humbled to see the positive impact our high school students make in many unique ways.
Whether you knew it or not, each accomplishment you made in high school has helped build your self-confidence to become the person you are now.
Our students take different—and often multiple—paths toward their life goals, and each path is as valuable as the next in its own unique way. Some have chosen career technical education and hands-on classes that provide miles of experience along their chosen road. These students often earn recognition through Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America, Future Farmers of America, HOSA Future Health Professionals, and Skills USA programs as they compete against local and regional peers. We know these students leave us ready for the workforce because their coursework has prepared them with rigor.
Other students focused on a path that furthers their education. Many aggressively challenged themselves with advanced placement courses while seeking college acceptance in California or at prestigious schools across the nation.
Whether on the court or on the field, many students have athletically grown over the past four years. They have walked the paths of triumph and defeat while learning life-long lessons of teamwork, self-sacrifice, and the sheer joy of giving their all.
In the great words of Dr. Seuss, “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who’ll decide where you go.” So, enjoy the moment, your new freedom and look towards your future and see the potential. Build upon each accomplishment, no matter how big or small, that made you who you are today, and channel your self-confidence to embark on new paths.
Congratulations, Class of 2023! May you go off into the world and welcome opportunities to learn and face challenges, unafraid to fail as you continue to grow and discover yourself.
Clara Schmiedt Executive Director of Secondary Education