Cash Advances May Become Necessary When Outside Factors Keep Customers from Coming In

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Cash Advances May Become Necessary When Outside Factors Keep Customers from Coming In

Construction season is always hard on businesses and especially small businesses. You are frequently housed in a storefront that may be dependent on street parking for your customers. Even if you do have parking and are running your business from a strip mall, frequently construction obstructs the entrance to the parking lot. This is mostly true if your town is doing road construction or sidewalk repairs or replacement.

Though they generally try to ensure that the entry to your parking lot isn’t obstructed, for a driver it is often challenging to get in. Many times customers just avoid the area altogether because of the snarled traffic. You may even have to put up signs alerting your customers that you are still open. Nonetheless, you are pretty much guaranteed to lose some customers for the construction period, especially if they can put off purchasing your product or service for a month or two. Unfortunately, that will have an effect on your bottom line. You may also have trouble attracting new customers for the same reason.

I Was Counting on That Money With fewer customers and few new ones, you will have inventory sitting on the shelves, some of which may still have to be paid for, particularly if you just got a new shipment. Though the town estimates when the construction will be completed, you have seen examples of these promises not being kept and the construction dragging on longer than expected.

These are the rough patches every business goes through, but which are particularly difficult for new businesses. You may not have been in business long enough to set aside the funds you need right now. While some vendors may allow you to negotiate a longer payment period, not all will. The ones that do may still tack on the late payment fee. After all, you haven’t been a customer for very long. This is where a company like Mantis Funding comes in.

It Is Not a Bank Capital funding companies are not banks. They use private funds to help small businesses over the rough periods. For example, to get a Mantis Funding cash advance you simply contact them and explain what you need. Mantis Funding reviews your business to see if you are eligible for a loan. Since they only deal with micro and small businesses, they understand the situation you are in. They look at your revenue stream to see if it’s steady or even growing and the same with your customer base.

After that, they look at all the factors they need they determine how much you need, the interest rate and repayment terms. Within a week you can have the funds you need and you are back in business. To know what type of customer service to expect, look up the capital funding company you are considering. For example, check out Mantis Funding complaintsand see how others are handled when they have an issue.

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