Alternative Funding: Reasons why alt-financiers and your business makes a perfect match
The landscape of the finance industry is changing. There was a time when a small or medium cap businessmen had to bear with the tantrums of traditional funders. However, due to their tight purse strings, which opened far too less and infrequently for those with great credit scores, gave way for alt-financiers like Mantis Funding who understood the problems of SMEs.
Further, the alt-financiers take note of the fact that SMEs are time-sensitive and need immediate funds to run their business smoothly. This is also a reason why opting for alternative financer makes more sense instead of a traditional one. Apart from that, there are more services provided by companies such as Mantis Funding making them a smarter and better option for a businessman to opt for over a traditional funder. Nevertheless, to clear the air, here are a few reasons why this is the right decision for a business:
They know the needs are time-sensitive
Time is money and money is business! As a businessman, one cannot afford to blindsight themselves to an idea or opportunity. These growth opportunities do not present themselves twice. Hence, a businessman needs to be aware of the tiniest possibility which could, possibly, a way to capture the market; however, for that funds are needed.
And, what if the funds are needed urgently? Traditional financiers won’t approve the request that fast; so where to go? In such a case alt-financing firms like Mantis Funding help in disbursing funds that too within two days. If there is more urgency, they consider it a special case and can fast track the application approval to 4 hours! Indeed they do. Thus, preventing the pain of getting caught in the waiting section.
Prevents the SMEs from the brutal loop of toxic debt
The last thing for SME to worry about is their credit score. The credit score is a roadblock in the way of SMEs to expand and grow. The worst part is that this credit score is the basis for receiving any kind of funding from the banks. Thus, the pressure to maintain a good credit score takes a toll on the growth and creates a brutal loop of toxic debt around future growth.
Nevertheless, the presence of alternative financing firms like Mantis Funding has saved many SMEs across the country from this loop. The best thing about these firms is that they review a businessman’s application for funds without needing their credit score!
Fast and efficient documentation There is no hiding the fact that documentation with traditional banks is long and arduous. The wait seems like an eternity and documentation endless. And opportunities don’t see all this, they come in a flash, a businessman needs to pounce on it like a predator to turn the market on its head.
However, the documentation of traditional funders doesn’t provide space for such arrangements and no one wants to lose these chances. So what should they do? This is where alt-financing firms come into the scene. They value the time of their client. For example, firms like Mantis Funding reviews funding applications quickly, and their documentation process is super-fast. From being the last option to a primary choice, alt-funding has traveled a long way. Further, it is becoming a safe and reliable option for many businesses to grow and expand.