Short on Cash to meet Payroll? Use Merchant Cash Advance
Have you even been in a situation where you have not had enough cash on hand to meet the payroll requirements for your employees? There is a quick and feasible financial solution available for you to handle this scenario. This alternate funding option is called a Merchant Cash Advance and Mantis Funding LLC is among the leading cash advance providers in the market. The solution they offer is specially designed to meet cash needs of a small or medium sized business such as yours.
What can cause periods of cash shortage in a business? Short-term cash shortage is quite common for small businesses at various phases of their growth. Cash flow can be less at times even when your business is doing reasonably well. An unexpected large expense in your business such as equipment repair or maintenance could be the culprit for the cash shortage situation. If you have a seasonal business, cash flow will be significantly less during lean periods.
However, you will still need to pay your employees regardless if you want to retain them. Another reason for small businesses facing short term cash shortage could be the wait period between invoicing and receiving the payment due from vendors or customers. If you are facing a cash shortage in your business due to these reasons mentioned here or any other reason, a merchant cash advance from Mantis Funding LLC would be the best possible funding solution available for you.
What other options are available? You could consider applying to a bank or other money lending institutions for working capital needed for your business. However, although these are the traditional sources of providing long-term or short-term funding solutions, the process to get the final approval can take up to a few months. So, it may not be the best option for your immediate cash needs. Banks also take many factors into consideration while reviewing applications such as your credit score and will need you to provide collateral for the amount.
Why opt for Merchant Cash Advance? A cash advance from Mantis Funding LLC is typically processed in just a few working days. The application process in itself is quite simple and can be done online. You will also need to provide proof of business and consistent revenue over a few months. The amount of advance that you apply for can be a small or a large amount based on the current business need that you are looking to cover.
The company does not require collateral against the advance amount and are also not interested if you are technically considered a high-risk or a low-risk client based on credit scores. Mantis Funding reviews applications for cash advances based on past and current volume of sales generated by your business.
By opting for a merchant cash advance from Mantis Funding LLC, you can make sure you stay within the legal boundaries and fulfill your payment responsibilities towards your employees. Happy employees equal a good working atmosphere for you and the people in your organization!
Contact Us Mantis Funding 225 Clematis Street, West Palm Beach, Fl 33401 Email: Phone: 877-494-1499