This Year I Plan To Use Alternative Financing To Make My Christmas Sales Shine Bright!
Just a few weeks, and we enter the Xmas vacation zone! It’s big business time for a lot of industries, such as retail, hospitality, manufacturing, and more. And it’s a high demand time for my liquor store too! This year I am pulling out all stops to make the most of the holiday season, and the New York-based alt-lender Mantis Funding is helping me with an extremely fair funding deal.
My business has slowed down a tad recently as a large mega liquor store has opened up just a few miles away, and while my local customer base has remained loyal, I feel the need to up my game and explore new opportunities. Christmas seemed like the best time to test some new ideas! So armed with a Mantis Funding cash advance, I have laid out some plans to increase my business reputation and sales in the coming few weeks. Here’s
1 – Buy more stock – first and foremost; I plowed in money to buy up more diversified stock. A large part of X-mas sale is for specialty wines; people like to splurge on the good stuff for parties and gifting. 2 – Dress up my store – as a lot of my business is rooted in my neighborhood, I have decided to spend a bit extra on making my store look good! Folks around here love showing off their Xmas decorations; a well-done storefront will undoubtedly be appreciated by
3 – Offer freebies/event – to strengthen the community bond; I also plan to use some of the money to host a Christmas themed barbeque for everyone in the neighborhood. Also, a part of my X-mas sales is going to be donated to upgrade the local playfield. 4 – Sell online – While focusing on my main customers is my primary strategy, I am also investing in an online wine delivery business. Modeled after the legendary Gary Vaynerchuk, I am offering a monthly catalog of curated wines from across the world. The new venture will provide lots of information on wines from different areas and a chance to
5 – Spend more on promotions – online, print, and radio – this year, I am spending more on brand building. Instead of operating as just another liquor store, I am going to use this opportunity to showcase community connections and establish a reputation as a supplier of high quality, diverse brands.
I feel if we, business owners, don’t take risks and plan BIG, we will stagnate and get eaten up by the bigger players. We also have to work hard to stay relevant in today’s one-click online buying consumer market. One way to do this is to showcase our place in the neighborhood and become a contributing part of the community that forms our most loyal client base. For this, you have to think of innovative and interesting ways to present your brand – all of which costs
Mantis Funding cash advance made it possible for me to put my ideas into practice. They made the whole financing process super fast, extremely straightforward, and hassle-free – all in all, I have no Mantis Funding complaints at all! I urge all small business owners to take a look at the alternative financing sector – the lenders here offer pretty decent rates and provide unsecured financing even to clients with a poor credit score. In my