Scottish Learning Festival Brochure 2018

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Scottish Learning Festival 2018

Providing multilingual materials for multilingual nurseries and classes

About Mantra Lingua... Mantra Lingua brings stories to life through beautiful, engaging illustrations, innovative audio solutions and interactive learning experiences. Over 200 languages are spoken in Scotland: from Scottish Gaelic, Scots and English, to Italian, Polish and Arabic. Mantra Lingua publishes books in 60+ languages which you can hear as well as read. Mantra Lingua’s bilingual books are a stimulating way for children to learn English whilst maintaining their home language. Our bilingual books, ebooks and learning resources will appeal to children, parents and teachers. Find books for new arrivals, emergent EAL learners, Modern Language learners, and even endangered language learners including Orcadian, Plattdeutsch and our expanding list of Scottish Gaelic languages. Language is indeed our mantra! Mantra Lingua also has a huge range of products that bring sound to paper. To support teachers in multilingual classrooms, our publications encourage emotional communication, social bonding, self-confidence and literacy through storytelling. Our PENpal and ClassroomPEN work alongside our books, and with our free software you can add audio to any of your favourite books, or make your own book where every page speaks in a language of your choice. See our Kamishibai Storytelling Theatre and Story Props that build on the multimodality of Mantra Lingua stories to inspire EAL and SEN children and encourage learning and collaboration .

For great products and fantastic resources, check out our NEW website at:

From then on, the robin, the wagtail, the pheasant, the rabbit and the mouse ate their meal with Mungo and they became the best of friends. Mungo was not lonely any more. Odtąd rudzik, pliszka, bażant, królik i polna mysz jedli swoje posiłki razem z Mungo i stali się najlepszymi przyjaciółmi. Mungo już nigdy więcej nie był samotny.

Mungo Makes New Friends Written by ex EAL Scottish teacher Gill Aitchison, and beautifully illustrated by Jill Newton, Mungo Makes New Friends is a book set in the Scottish Highlands. Join Mungo in his lonely field as he is surprised by new friends! As the seasons change, Mungo’s new friends must go on a great adventure to keep up with him as he travels to his winter stable. This story will resonate with any newcomer and with extensive teacher’s notes, this title is rich in modality and resources: ebooks and dual language books with spoken languages, Kamishibai Storytelling Theatre and Kamishibai Story Props for self expression, role-playing and translanguaging. A book filled with friendship, sharing and suspense, sure to be loved by children and adults alike.

Food, food, healthy food. It brings us together, which always feels good. Share it and pick it, poke it and lick it, there’s nothing quite like it, beautiful food.

Food, food shopping for food. What shall we ask for? It all looks so good! See it and buy it, pack it and try it, there’s nothing quite like it, choosing our food.

Food, food, make our own food. Follow the recipe and cook something good. Mix it and shake it, cook it and bake it, there’s nothing quite like it, making our food.

Food, Food, Fabulous Food! Food is so important and good food comes from all over the world! Designed for the multicultural classroom, children will have plenty to recognise and lots to discuss. This book is great for encouraging literacy with easy to follow, rhythmic text and the supporting teacher’s notes include recipes and discussion points. For those with adventurous taste-buds who would like to learn about other cultures, it will have you tapping your feet AND rubbing your tummies! Publishing date: November 2018 Pre-orders taken with your 10 books + free PENpal spacial offer

Tap Around to Hear the Sound! Series This brilliant ‘Point and Talk’ series encourages children to express familiar experiences with talk, search and, with every page full of sound spots, listen to objects in their home languages. Use your PENpal to discover all the wonderful sounds of the Park, Farm and High Street. An interactive picture dictionary, children can add their voices on every page. Let’s Go to the Park, Let’s Go to the Farm and Let’s Go to the High Street are now available in English with Scottish Gaelic as well as 25 other languages: English with Arabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Cantonese, Czech, Dari, Farsi, French, Hungarian, Italian, Kurdish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Mandarin, Panjabi, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovakian, Somali, Spanish, Tigrinya, Turkish and Urdu. £10.00 each with free audio

Find a hand to hold, when you cross the road.

– Nie musisz chodzić do szkoły, żeby nauczyć się, jak być prawdziwym chłopcem – odrzekli. – Pino, rób to co my! A my cię tego nauczymy. Pinokio był szczęśliwy, bo był z prawdziwymi chłopcami i zupełnie zapomniał o szkole. “You don’t need school to learn how to be a real boy,” they said. “Just follow us, Pino! We’ll teach you!” Pinocchio was happy, now he was with the real boys. He forgot all about school.

Pinocchio and the Real Boys “Pinocchio always did as he was told, even if others made him do bad things. Until one day, they went too far. Pinocchio began to think for himself and learn to take responsibility for his actions.” This classic tale is lovingly re-told and boldly illustrated by Magda Brol, multi-lingualism advocate, in her debut picture book for Mantra Lingua. The quirky illustrations will startle and surprise and invite children to explore behaviour with plenty of questions to encourage discussion. Pinocchio and the Real Boys is PENpal sound enabled where the text is read out loud, page by page, in English and the home language. Pinocchio is available in 24 dual language books: English with Arabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Cantonese, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Mandarin, Nepali, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Romanian, Somali, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Urdu, or Vietnamese. £9.50 each

stories need “notInteractive be digital; amaze the whole class with their own creations made spontaneously. Easy!

Storytelling Theatre: Kamishibai With so many languages spoken today, a great way to encourage everyone to participate is to take away the familiar text and storytell yourself - and include the whole class! Role play, make-believe, co-author, appreciate social bonding, collaboration, social etiquette... the benefits are huge. These Storytelling Props extend the multimodality of our titles. This is a growing list for Nursery to Juniors, and great for EAL, ML, SEN... Kamishibai Storytelling Theatre £60.00 +vat Story Cards from £17.00 +vat

Kamishibai Story Prop Cards With inviting stories and helpful teachers notes, choose from our fantastic range of Story Prop Cards including: The Three Billy Goats Gruff Buri and the Marrow The Musicians of Bremen The Giant Turnip Goldilocks and the Three Bears Keeping up with Cheetah Lima’s Red Hot Chilli Pepper Pinocchio and the Real Boys Don’t Cry, Sly! The Very Hungry Caterpillar The Pearl Necklace - the story of an escape The Ugly Duckling How the Apple Grows The Little Mouse is Looking for a Friend... ...and many more! Buy 5 titles for £65.00 +vat



Keeping Up With Cheeta h

3 Cheetah made friend s with Ostric But Ostrich h. didn’t want to hear Cheetah’s jok es.

Learning ab out frie and jokes thr ndship, difference ough storyt elling

Did you know that Ostriche fastest anim s are the als What else do on two legs? you know ab Ostriches (fa out ct or fiction)? Can you thi nk of a joke abou Ostriches bu rying their he t ads in the sand?

This beautifu lly illustrate d, friendship, despite differ dynamic story is abou t the value ence. Laug learns to be of true h alo happy with who he is, an ng with Hippopotamu good friend s as he s should be d chase Ch eetah who appreciated Use Kamish realises tha as they are! ibai Props to t give childre the story, an n d encourag e great jokes cues to think about the themes of !

4 Cheetah made friend s with Giraf but Giraffe fe, was Cheetah’s jok too tall to hear es. How tall do you think a Giraf Why do you think they ha fe can be? ve such long necks? Can you thi nk of a joke about havin long neck? ga

1 Best friend s Hippopotam Cheetah lov us and e telling jok es together. Can you thi nk up a jok e about a Hippopotam us? What do yo u think a Hip popotamus laugh soun ’ ds like?

Hippopotam us What are yo is brilliant at wallowing. u good at?

How do you think Hippo potamus fel when Chee t tah be friends an said he didn’t want to ymore?

6 Cheetah enjoyed run ning with Hyena, but Hyena laugh ed all the tim and didn’t wa e it Cheetah’s jok for the funny bits of es. Do you know what sounds Hyena’s ma ke? Be as noisy as you can be! Using the CR PEN record mode you can add yo ur own soun ds to this pa ge.

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What joke do you think Ch told Hippopo eetah tamus?

5 Hippopotam us loved to wallow in mud. It was his favourite thing to do. Much bette r than runnin g! Would you like to wallo w in mud? What do yo u think it wo uld feel like a hot day? on

2 Hippopotam us couldn’t run as fast as Cheetah . So Cheetah didn’t want be Hippopo to tamus’ friend any more. Do you know how fast a Cheetah can run? What does a Cheetah’s long tail do help him run to fast?

Cheetah Kam

8 Cheetah told Hippopo tam new joke an d Hippopotam us his and laughed us laughed .

Can you ma ke a joke bo ok with your friends with all the best jokes you know?

What do yo u like doing with your friends?

First publish ed by Mantr a Lingua Ltd Kamishibai . version © 20 18 Mantra Lin gua Ltd. All rights res erved. No pa rt of this pu without writte blication ca n permission n be reprod rights@ma of the Publish uced ers, Mantra m Lingua UK Ltd.

7 Cheetah realised tha t he could run by himself bu t telling jokes fun if some was only one listened . Can you se e Hippopotam us? Cheetah is sad that he lost a good friend. What do you think he should say to Hippo potamus? What do yo u think Hippo potamus should say to Cheetah ?

View our we

Use the Co ntrol Panel with the CR PEN and Blu etooth wire At any time free speake you can int r. roduce other Kamishibai languages Control Pane and music l. You can bu in various lan to your story y a pad of Co guages. Fo wit h the r details on website: uk these and oth ntrol Panels as well as .mantralingu au; de.m er learning usa.mantra resources vis dio antralingua.c . it om; our ; Visit the Ka mishibai we bpage for vid eos and hin ts on multili ngual storyt elling.

Mantra Lin gua Ltd. Global Hous e, 303 Balla rds Lane London N1 re titles to ex 2 8NP, UK pa nd yo ur Kamishiba Great resou i range of sto rces for sto rytelling tha t build drama ries in many languages . , oracy and listening sk ills.

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Story Props Every publication comes with thick 400gsm cards where there is a teacher’s guide with suggestions, all packed in hard-wearing, transparent, clip-shut envelopes allowing for easy storage and retrieval. The Kamishiabi Storytelling Theatre has a rich Japanese tradition and is well used in Germany and Sweden as a speaking, listening and collaboration tool. All non-Mantra Lingua titles are published by Don Bosco Publication, who have a huge range of titles to build on your Storytelling experiences.

Or...Make your own Story Cards Encourage creativity and imagination and create your own Story Cards! Bring sound to your designs with the Storytelling Theatre Control Panel, stickers and ClassroomPEN.


PENpal Talking Pen There are many ways to learn a language. We use well known and familiar stories to support literacy. With PENpal you can listen to words spoken on every page. What’s more, you can also record you own voice on each page! Listen in your home language, then the target language and practice pronunciation and intonation. Ideal also for language awareness for the whole class. Teachers in Scotland have made their own Talking Resources with PENpal: Flash cards, Collaborative Learning Activities, even a sound enabled city map for new arrivals to hear street names and find their way around the city. Our PENpal connects audio to paper! Single PENpal £80.00 +vat 5 PEN Value Pack £325.00 +vat

Scottish Gaelic Language Starter Kit Need help teaching Scottish Gaelic? Not sure how to pronounce the words? With the Starter Kit - PENpal, Talking Dictionary, 3 books, 100 recordable stickers and free Scottish Gaelic audio files - you can get started with a WOW! Sticker up objects in the classroom, record each name and listen to build vocabulary. Ask a Scottish Gaelic speaker to record on any of your favourite books and share the recording with other classes or schools. All possible with our free software! Starter Kits available in 34 other languages including Arabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Cantonese, Czech, Farsi, French, Hungarian, Italian, Kurdish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Mandarin, Panjabi, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Turkish, Urdu, and many more. Starter Kit £110.00 +vat each

LinguaTALK Spanish Pack

ClassroomPEN and Bluetooth Speaker

Teaching Spanish but worried because you are not a native Spanish speaker?

Play audio or make your own with a simple press of a button. Providing a Bluetooth connection to an external speaker, ClassroomPEN is perfect for whole class or group work. ClassroomPEN can also double up as a microphone, be heard by everyone in the class as your voice plays through the external speaker.

LinguaTALK Spanish is a multisensory structured language course that enables children to progress from word level to text level with confidence. Ideal for the non-specialist teacher as it gives a native-speaker model to follow in a structured learning process. Also for the specialist teacher who may want to enrich her repertoire with new activities. Pack £300.00 +vat

ClassroomPEN comes with a Bluetooth speaker, USB cable, 100 free recordable stickers, 4 sample ‘start arrows’ to make your own publications and instructions. £120.00 +vat

Audio Play Mats and Maps Hard-wearing, interactive, sound-enabled Play Mats and Maps are a fantastic way to engage with children and be active whilst learning. Using the Play Mats, Control panel, a ClassroomPEN and wireless Bluetooth Speaker, activity comes to life as you work together. The Mats can be used as a learning tool for languages, numbers, colours and shapes, or as a fun way to get active! Contact us for design options and prices!

Special Offer for visitors to SLF 2018


Choose from over 1000 dual language books in English with 67 languages and get an award winning PENpal, FREE!

Save when you order 10 books!

Mantra Lingua provide... Multilingual materials for multilingual nurseries and classes with children learning English as a second language. Flexible and easy-to-use materials for children with special needs. Bilingual books and e-books for families who want to learn English. A total of 68 languages ​​are represented in our multilingual materials: Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Aramaic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Burmese, Cantonese, Croatian, Czech, Dari, Dutch, English, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Gujarati, Haitian Creole, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Irish Gaelic, Italian, Japanese, Kalderash, Korean, Kurdish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Malayalam, Mandarin, Mexican Spanish, Mongolian, Nepali, Norwegian, Orcadian, Panjabi, Pashto, Patwa, Plattdeutsch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Schilluk, Scottish Gaelic, Sgaw Karen, Shona, Slovak, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Sylheti, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai, Tigrinya, Turkish, Twi, Urdu, Vietnamese, Welsh, Wolof, Yiddish, Yoruba.

Mantra Lingua UK Global House, 303 Ballards Lane, London N12 8NP e: t: +44 (0)208 44 55 123 w:

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