Delivered to 14,000 Homes and Businesses - Issue 96
IN THIS ISSUE Reader Competition WIN tickets to Olly Murs at Sandown Park GARDENS The Best Of The Season’s Colours MOTORING Remember Your Emission Sticker
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Hello... This month it is looking and feeling a lot like summer and we have got features to get you in the mood! Our gardens feature will inspire you to choose the best of the season’s colours and our motoring feature will be of interest to any travellers planning to drive through Paris this summer. Our cover story features X Factor superstar Olly Murs, the ‘Troublemaker’ himself, who is performing at Sandown Park Racecourse next month, and we have family tickets for you to win! Enjoy July with us, whatever the weather brings this month and catch up with our great lifestyle features and local community content, specific to your hometown, village or hamlet. Don’t forget you can contact our community writers by emailing featuresdesk@mantramagazines.co.uk if there is something you would like to see in the magazine next month. It’s over to you! The RH Team
Contents 6
Community News 16
Olly Murs Comes to Sandown Park 20
Remember Your Emission Sticker 24
Style And Decorating Tips For Children’s Bedrooms 32
The Best Of The Season’s Colours 36
Do You Fear The Dentist?
Nikki Relffe-Arnold, nikki@mantramagazines.co.uk Heather Porter, Nadine Lindsay, info@mantramagazines.co.uk
Mantra Magazines Ltd
David Arnold & Koo Hussain production@mantramagazines.co.uk
CONTACT Unit 14E, Borers Yard, Borers Arms Road, Copthorne, RH10 3LH
www.rhuncovered.co.uk @RHUncovered RH Uncovered
MANAGING DIRECTOR Matthew Arnold, mjarnold@mantramagazines.co.uk
ACCOUNTS Mandy Notridge, Credit@mantramagazines.co.uk
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Jacob White, jacob@mantramagazines.co.uk
ARTICLE WRITERS Jacob White, jacob@mantramagazines.co.uk Shelley Welti, shelley@mantramagazines.co.uk Nikki Relffe-Arnold nikki@mantramagazines.co.uk
COMMUNITY WRITER Georgia Lambert featuresdesk@mantramagazines.co.uk
01342 718348
Bringing Darfur Back To Life With Kids For Kids
Kids for Kids is a charity based in Dorking which adopts remote villages in the Darfur region of western Sudan, where children are living in poverty. By Georgia Lambert
he star of BBC sitcom Absolutely Fabulous, Joanna Lumley OBE has been a supporter of Kids for Kids for many years. Joanna Lumley OBE, says: “Goat milk will save a child from starvation, and this is what Kids for Kids do best.They lend both donkeys and goats and save children’s lives. If I can help bring attention to the silence that surrounds Darfur, I will be thrilled. The children don’t have toys – they are lucky if they have water to drink. We can, we will, make a difference because we must.” Kids for Kids help children that the world all too often forgets. Children in Darfur, live lives of inexcusable and unimaginable hardship. The region sees the poorest families survive on less than £50.00 a year, and, inflation is soaring. Since the creation of South Sudan and the loss of oil, the price of essentials has rocketed, meaning that mothers cannot afford to feed their children wholesome meals. Prolonged malnutrition is
known to damage growth, weaken bones, teeth and destroys brain cells. The future is bleak for these people, but Kids for Kids is there to make a difference, the key project of Kids for Kids is a goat loan, which will enable families to help themselves. Goat’s milk is full of nutrients, minerals and vitamins with life-changing benefits. It helps prevent osteoporosis, reduce IQ damage, boost the immune system and it has a chemical composition similar to human milk, making it the perfect substitute for breast milk. Goat loans are just one way the charity helps - Kids for Kids also provide projects suitable to the region which have both an immediate and a long-term impact – they are lifting families out of abject poverty and transforming entire villages.
To date, Kids for Kids have adopted more than 82 villages across North Darfur, improving 364,000 lives in one of the most remote and inaccessible regions of the world, where violence is still a daily hazard on the long walk to clean water. The grassroots integrated projects have been running for 16 years, and they provide immediate help to families, providing milk for their children to drink, a blanket to sleep under, a mosquito net to protect them from malaria and the access to farm tools. The team at Kids for Kids are improving the lives of the villagers by providing health care, veterinary care, planting trees and most importantly, access to clean water. The charity’s midwives are saving countless lives and have dramatically reduced the incidence of female genital mutilation. Patricia Parker MBE, founder of Kids for Kids, said: “Children are hungry, thirsty and at risk. We know we can change their lives, for good, with your help.”
For more information about Kids for Kids, visit: www.kidsforkids.org.uk
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01342 718348
Girl Power In Horley With Girl Guiding Since 1909 around 250 million Girl Guides have been changing lives and building a better world through leadership development, community action, service to others, peer education and advocacy. By Georgia Lambert
irl guiding is a liberal, modern organisation for young women. It is no longer about homemaking and learning how to be a good hostess. Gone are qualifications such as the laundress badge where one discussed different washing methods, or the 1938 minstrel badge where one had to play the national anthem from memory. Today, Girl Guiding is seen as the ultimate feminist organisation, and for good reason - girls take what they learn in guiding them as they grow up. They develop the skills, values and the confidence they need to reach their potential – as students, friends and citizens, and they become the women they want to be while having lots of fun. The Rainbow programme is about learning, by doing, and is perfect for girls aged 5-7 years-old - it is about having the space to try different things and meet new people. For girls aged 7-10, Brownies is an exciting adventure. For those aged 10-14, being a girl guide gives the opportunity
to take responsibility, organise, develop skills previously learnt in Brownies and learn new and transferable skills. From abseiling to cooking, to completing the prestigious Baden Powell Challenge Award, to filling up your Guide blanket with as many badges as possible. Throughout the guiding adventure, the girls are supported by inspiring volunteers who give their time, expertise and enthusiasm to help them thrive. Guiding would not be possible without the 100,000 dedicated volunteers nationwide. They are not paid for what they do, they give their time because they are passionate and care about enriching the lives of girls. The guiding leaders make a huge difference in their local communities so that girls
can attend a programme that enables them to try new things, have fun and speak out on issues that matter to them. The Horley Guide leaders are an example of committed volunteers who give their time in many different ways. They consult with the girls to plan and run weekly meetings, arrange special trips and events, manage budgets, source equipment, carry out group administration, and attend regular meetings and training events. The Horley leaders say they have as much fun helping, as the girls do taking part. Lasting friendships are formed between the volunteers, and all sections of Guiding are thriving in Horley, with many Rainbow, Brownie and Guiding units and there is scope to open three more units in the town if they had more volunteers. There are several exciting events happening this summer for all guiding sections - this month, there is an opportunity to take part in Surrey Scoutabout – a camp for Guides and Scouts, and in September, there will be a Water Fun Day at the Paxmead River Base.
For more information on how to volunteer with Horley Girlguiding, or to register your daughter with Girlguiding UK, visit: www.girlguiding.org.uk/interested For more information about Girlguiding in Surrey East, visit: www.girlguidingsurreyeast.org.uk If you would like to speak to Girlguiding about volunteering in Surrey East, call Christine Philpot on: 07906 595415
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Changing Lives Through Performing Arts In Surrey
The Orpheus Centre is an independent, specialist college in Surrey that works to increase the confidence and skills of disabled, young adults through the performing arts.
By Georgia Lambert
he centre has been awarded the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service the highest award a voluntary group can receive in the UK. The students at the centre receive a diverse and holistic learning programme, with access to creative arts, independent living skills, functional skills and employment programmes - and are aged between 18 and 25 with learning and, or physical impairments. The centre also provides students with high-quality supported housing flats and person centred domiciliary care and support, including help with personal care and other practical household tasks. The centre currently has 27 tenants living in their supportive housing and more than 20 students accessing their learning programme on a full or part-time basis, with more students nationwide taking part in the short courses available. The centre was founded by Sir Richard Stilgoe in 1998, in the mid-1990’s the musician and
songwriter, and neurologist Dr Michael Swallow started piloting music weeks for disabled people. These were so effective that Sir Richard Stilgoe decided to start a place where disabled young adults and volunteers could work together for longer than a week – to change their own and other people’s lives by creating music and performing in public. The centre was opened at Sir Richard’s former family home in Godstone, Surrey. Orpheus started with five disabled students who learnt to cook, manage budgets, do laundry and go shopping. They also wrote songs, devised dances - they continuously broke down pre-conceived thoughts about disabled people wherever and whenever they performed. In the past 16 years, Orpheus has transformed the lives of hundreds of people and their families. Their students have performed across the country including the London 2012 Paralympics, Buckingham Palace and Glastonbury.
For more information about The Orpheus Centre, visit: www.orpheus.org.uk, or the centre’s Facebook page: www.facebook.com/theorpheuscentre/
YOUR LOCAL NEWS UNCOVERED RH Uncovered is all about living local and loving local. Send your news and events to featuresdesk@mantramagazines.co.uk Surrey Secondary School Name Revealed The name of the new secondary school due to open in Merstham has been revealed. The school, due to open in September 2018 on the site of Chart Wood School in Taynton Drive, will be called Merstham Park School. The proposal to open the school was approved in September 2015 but was delayed from its initial opening date of September 2017 because a suitable site could not be found. Chart Wood, which currently has bases in Merstham and Dorking will relocate staff and students to its Dorking site. Sarah Lynagh, business support manager for GLF Schools, the academy chain behind the school, said: “We wanted a name which makes it clear that our school is to serve the entire community, and we hope that Merstham Park does that.” She added Merstham
Primary School in London Road South is to join GLF in September, joining Lime Tree Primary and Salfords Primary.
Horley’s Improv Community Launches In Crawley
St John’s Hall in Crawley and are open to anyone older than 17 – no acting or improv experience is necessary. The Dingbats improv workshops are the first of their kind in the area and founder Ed Pithie believes that they not only offer a different way to have a laugh with others, but also have a lot of hidden benefits. Ed said: “In the same way that people take up martial arts, not to fight crime or avenge their master, but to get fit, improv has endless personal benefits other than teaching
Popular theatrical improv community, Dingbats, which started up in Horley nearly three years ago, has launched a new workshop in Crawley. Building on the success of their comedy workshops at The Archway Theatre, Dingbats are taking a different approach to their Crawley sessions, focusing on developing the skills needed to create improvised plays. The sessions take place bi-weekly at
Doors Opened At New Horley Recording Studio The doors have opened to a new recording studio in Horley and it is hoped they will attract high calibre performers. The studio is opening in phases, the first of which was in May, with three rehearsal rooms opened up, with a second phase to follow later in the year, with two large production rooms set up. The Hive Rooms was established by four friends – Pete Cranham and Ben Dare, both from Redhill, Joe Perry, from Horley, and Salfords resident Guy Hassell - they have known each other and played in bands together for nearly 10 years. Guy Hassell said: “What
RH Uncovered
started out as a frustration about the industry soon transformed into a business idea founded on our own experiences of finding decent places to rehearse, record and produce.” It is hoped that groups travelling in from Gatwick, as well as London musicians and Brighton performers, can make use of the setting. For more information about The Hive Rooms, visit: www.thehiverooms.com/ Horley Welcomes Annual Tennis Tournament Horley is the new home of a tennis event staged in memory of a Crawley man who died in a car crash. The one-day tournament, organised by Horley resident Tom Elliot, this year took place on Sunday, May 28, in memory of 23 year-old Stewart Stephens who died in 2005. Each year more than 50 players take part. you a performance skill. ItIt’s not about being the next Romesh Ranganathan or even about how good you are at acting, as long as you can listen to each other and are happy to have a go.” The Crawley workshops cost £9.00 a session. In addition to workshops, Dingbats organise social events for members and friends. If you are interested in joining the new Crawley workshops, email: contact@dingbatsimprov.com or visit www.dingbatsimprov.com
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Are you looking for more local work? You can feature your business in RH Uncovered and be delivered every month to almost 14,000 homes in the RH6 postcode! Our rates start at just ÂŁ35.00 per month for our eighth page*. Call today on 01342 718348 for details. *Price based on our 8 month rate and subject to VAT
COMMUNITY Saturday, July 8 2017, 7.30pm Reigate & Redhill Choral Society Summer Classics St Mary's Church, Chart Lane, Reigate RH2 7RN A performance of Dvořák Stabat Mater. Tickets £16.00 on the door (£14 in advance / £10 under 21s). Thursday, July 13 and 27 2017, 10.00am Maria's Good As New Sale Crawley Hospital, West Green Drive, Crawley RH11 7DH As good as new sale. For more information, call Maria on 01293 403432 or email chlof2003@hotmail.com Thursday, July 27 2017, 1.30pm Reigate Arthritis Care Support Group Session and Talk Woodhatch Centre, Whitebeam Drive, Reigate RH2 7LS Exercise class starts at 1.30pm, followed by members discussing what aids and gadgets help them. All welcome, for more information, call Sylvia on 01737 242193 Saturday, July 15 2017, 7.00pm Concert In Support Of Chestnut Tree House All Saints Church, Vicarage Rd, Crawley Down RH10 4JJ Concert raising money for Sussex children's hospice including choral and instrumental music. Tickets are not required for admission, donations welcome. For more information, call Janet Rayner on 01342 714882 Saturday, July 8 2017, 11.30am - 3.00pm Crawley Down Village CE School Summer Fair Crawley Down CE School, Hophurst Drive RH10 4XA Summer fair featuring BBQ, bar, raffle and bouncy assault course and castle. For more information, call Jane on 01342 713171 or email jane.summers@yahoo.co.uk
Saturday, July 1 2017, 6.30pm Phoenix Choir Of Crawley Concert St Wilfrid's Cath Sch, Old Horsham Rd, Crawley RH11 8PG Concert featuring popular opera choruses and prom favourites, with guests Martineau Brass. Tickets £12.00 (£6.00 for under 18s). For more information, call 01293 515287 or email www.phoenixchoircrawley.org Saturday, July 1 2017, 3.50pm Hooves & Grooves: ABBA Revival Lingfield Park Resort, Racecourse Road, Lingfield RH7 6PQ Afternoon and evening of entertainment with 7 races and live music for approximately 1 hour after the racing (around 9:45pm). Advanced tickets from £20.00. For information, visit www.lingfieldpark.co.uk or, call 01342 834800 Saturday, July 22 2017, 3.50pm Hooves & Grooves: Ladies Evening - Wannabe Spice Girls Tribute Lingfield Park Resort, Racecourse Road, Lingfield RH7 6PQ Afternoon and evening of entertainment with 7 races and live music for approximately 1 hour after the racing (around 9:45pm). Advanced tickets from £20.00. For information, visit www.lingfieldpark.co.uk or, call 01342 834800 Saturday, July 29 2017, 3.50pm Hooves & Grooves: The Ultimate Michael Jackson Tribute Show Lingfield Park Resort, Racecourse Road, Lingfield RH7 6PQ Afternoon and evening of entertainment with 7 races and live music for approximately 1 hour after the racing (around 9:45pm). Advanced tickets from £20.00. For information, visit www.lingfieldpark.co.uk or, call 01342 834800
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London Temple Garden Tours
West Park Road, Newchapel, Surrey RH7 6NB | Phone: 01342 837 952 The gardens here at the Temple are some 28 acres excluding the buildings, and are traditional English country gardens with wonderful walks through the parkland. We have woodland walks on well maintained and wheelchair freindly paths. with Bluebells, Wood Anemones, not to mention the trees - Oaks, Atlantic Ceders, Lime Trees, and Yew Trees, the list goes on. We are happy to cater for local school groups, youth organisations, senior citizen organisations, W.I’s, horticultural/gardening clubs, religious groups and any individuals with an interest of the above. Find us on the web www.lds.org/placestovisit Follow the London Temple Visitor’s Centre on Facebook
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Thank you for your kind hospitality and interesting garden tour. Also to thank your staff who were so kind and welcoming. - Wallington & Carshalton Horticultural Society Having only glimpsed the grounds from passing the entrance, we were thrilled to see the beautifil gardens inside the gates
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Thanks for your hospitality, beautiful grounds and wonderful lunch.
- Reigate Trefoil Guild
Olly Murs Comes To Sandown Park
The ‘Troublemaker’ himself, Olly Murs, the 2009 X Factor star with four multi-platinum albums under his belt is coming to Sandown Park Racecourse on Thursday, August 10 to wow the crowds with his hits!
By Jacob White
lly Murs is among the stars performing at Sandown Park this summer, following in the footsteps of last year’s stellar performances which included Bryan Adams, Jess Glynne and Busted. The 33-year-old Essex boy is the most successful male artist to come from TV talent show X Factor. With four number one singles to his name and the accolade of total record sales standing at in excess of 10 million. The open-air concert at Sandown Park will be an event that organisers call a special value-for-money
experience unlike any other as those in attendance will not only be able to see a show-stopping headlining performance from one of the world biggest stars but also a race day with a six race card – this is a great chance to see some of the finest performers in both the equine and musical fields. Sandown Park Racecourse was founded in 1875 and the course has gone on to provide the backdrop to some of the greatest moments in horse racing. Today, it is home to world-class customer facilities featuring an array of award-
winning restaurants catering for all tastes from fine dining to bistro food and is part of The Jockey Club group which itself welcomes more than two million visitors each year. Speaking about Olly Murs performance at the racecourse, London Region Director for Jockey Club Racecourses, Phil White, said: “We are really looking forward to having Olly Murs perform at Sandown Park Racecourse. I know he is used to arenas but I am sure his heart will skip a beat when he feels the energy of the crowd at the racecourse – it’s sure to be a fantastic atmosphere!”
Competition Time!
We’ve teamed up with Sandown Park Racecourse to offer you the chance to WIN a family ticket (two adults and two children) to see Olly Murs in action on Thursday, August 10. For more information on how to win, visit our website: www.rhuncovered.co.uk
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01342 718348
Five Minutes With Murs
Ahead of his appearance at Sandown Park Racecourse, Olly Murs gave us his take on his music and the show.
For more information about Sandown Park Racecourse, visit: www.sandown.co.uk
What do you think has been the appeal to make you the most successful artists to have appeared on X Factor? Olly, said: “I’d like to think that I’ve done some great songs and, think people love what I do. The 24 Hrs album is probably the most heartbreaking, most honest album I’ve done but I think with previous albums you know I have a lot of fun, my albums are happy, still got lots of that vibe on it.” You have done a run of outdoor shows this summer, how do they vary in terms of what you put into them and what you get out of them, from the indoors to the outdoors? Olly, said: “It’s really fun being outside and you know the show that we’re doing at Sandown Park is a different gig for me, I’ve never done anything like this before, I’ve done racecourse gigs before in the past but not this sort of size. I can’t wait I mean, what’s better? Go to a racecourse, I can go there during the day I can, have a flutter on a couple of the races and do a gig in the evening. Perfect.” Have you got any kind of pre-stage ritual that you perform before you go on? Olly, said: “Me and the band have a little huddle up before the show and we sing one of our songs, well not a song, a song that we’ve got as a team and we’ve been doing it for the last six/seven years so it’s a bit of a ritual but I’m sure we’ll be sinking a few shots before the show as well just to get into the racecourse spirit.”
For more information about shows at Sandown Park Racecourse, or at any other venues which form part of The Jockey Club estate, visit: www.thejockeyclublive.co.uk
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and have recommended you to others” Law Firm, East Sussex
Remember Your Emission Sticker Are you planning a self-drive European holiday this summer? If you are driving in France and intend to visit Paris, you will need an emission sticker. By Ben Morley
ou will no doubt remember last month that President Donald Trump withdrew the US from the Paris Agreement on climate change. However, what you might not recall is hearing that you need to display a special sticker in
your windscreen if you intend to drive your car through France’s capital city. The measures were announced at the end of 2016 as part of the country’s attempts to clean up the air quality after several days of extremely bad quality air recorded last year. Use of these stickers, known as Crit’Air, is now in force, but if you were not aware that you should have one, and did not buy one you could be facing a fine of up to £117.00 for not doing so. Police have been advised to be lenient in the short term, these windscreen stickers can be ordered online, something you should be doing if you are considering driving through Paris at any time. The stickers cost £3.50 (around €4.00) and are broken down into six categories ranging from full electric vehicles through to all-singing supercars and big diesel vehicles. What you need to know is, the website for buying the stickers is only in French at the moment, so you might be relying heavily on Google Translate if you want to buy one. However, there is talk of launching one for non-French speaking motorists this summer. Hopefully, this launch will take place by the time that you read this article. Exemptions
If your car is older than 1997 you will not be allowed into Paris, Monday - Friday, 8.00am - 8.00pm. After these hours you can beat the system by driving through Paris, in an old car, without a sticker.
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brake and suspension upgrades and more, for those seeking a little bit extra from their cars and hope to launch an online tuning shop in the near future. Cars have become more complicated in recent years with a huge increase in the amount of electronics used, around 40% of a new vehicles cost can be attributed to electrical systems. This presents us as garage owners a few problems and accentuates the need to attend regular training days throughout
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eyland & Whittle is a quality Soap and Home Fragrance manufacturer based in West Sussex, creating beautiful natural products the traditional way. Husband and wife team Paddy Heyland and Ursula Whittle set up their award winning luxury fragrance company in 2003 by joining their names to create the brand and have used the Heyland family crest as their logo. Inspired by nature, step through the door of the Heyland & Whittle factory and the glorious signature fragrances greet you.
They use the traditional cold-processed method to produce the finest handmade soaps and only the very best natural ingredients. Their soaps are sulphate and paraben free. Teams of skilled, dedicated workers hand pour wax candles and fill reed diffusers with care and precision. Candles are the traditional, quick and atmospheric way to fill the room with your chosen Heyland & Whittle fragrance. Say hello to a new range of Scentsational candles - Strawberry, Pineapple, Mandarin, Vanilla Custard, Garden Pea, Coconut Milk, Black Olive, Tomato & Herb –
generous (250g) Sustainable wax candles fragranced with aromas of fruits and vegetables as found on the supermarket shelves. Eye catching, bold design, innovative, quirky, true fragrance “it is, what it says on the tin!” Sold by top retailers including John Lewis, Fortnum & Mason and Marks & Spencer, Heyland & Whittle’s quintessentially British ranges of fragranced candles, diffusers and bath and body products can also be found in hundreds of independent British shops as well as in places as far flung as America, Taiwan and Germany. Heyland & Whittle are proud to fly the British flag!
Style And Decorating Tips For Children’s Bedrooms Are you in need of some inspiration to tackle your child’s bedroom? If so, fear not, we have got a few ideas up our sleeves! By Amiee Thomas child’s bedroom can be a difficult Amiee Thomas who task to manage; there are so many studies at the University options to choose from. Do you go of Southampton joined with a theme like their favourite football team RH Uncovered for a one or do you keep it basic? Do you decorate for week internship gives your children now or do you decorate so that her take on decorating the bedroom can last them years? It can be for children’s bedrooms. quite daunting so we have compiled ideas to help you. air balloons, just grab some string and paper and get creating. Ceiling hangings are a great way to Themes are a great idea to give a child’s give the bedroom some flare without using up bedroom personality and charisma. However, too much space. as we all know, children can change their likes Another great accessory can be as simple as and hobbies incredibly fast. Meaning that their a painting, have your child choose their favourite bedroom can become outdated rather quickly colours and get creative, although most children the solution to this issue is to keep it subtle. are not Picasso, a canvas attacked with colour If your child loves cars and racing, then can look brilliant, as well as giving their bedroom steer clear of the expensive car bedframes and some individuality. wallpaper that need replacing a couple of years The best piece of advice to follow when later. Soft furnishings are an easy way to do this. decorating a child’s bedroom is to think in the For example, a car shaped lamp or bedding can long-term. Go with your child’s personality and give your child the bedroom they love, without include a little bit of them wherever you can, the hassle of redecorating the whole bedroom but be cautious of the expense of redecoration when they change their minds. as your child grows up. Keep a blank canvas and Other easy ways to include a theme in a then go mad on the extras. A theme, colour child’s bedroom can be with cushions, pictures or paintings on the walls, or through a colour scheme. schemes and furniture can all make a bedroom perfect for your little one. If your child loves Manchester United then going with red is a great idea, add a few extra touches, like bedding and the theme is complete. Although, bright red walls can be a bit much, red furniture or a feature wall can give you the same feel without being overbearing keep it subtle. A fun way to decorate your child’s bedroom and get them involved in the process can be through making accessories. Making accessories can be affordable, exciting and great decorative pieces for a child’s bedroom. Some great accessories can be easy to make, for example, making ceiling hangings such as airplanes or hot
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The Best Of The Season’s Colours The summer is all about bright, lively and vibrant colours - your garden should be no different! We have a rundown of the bedding plants that can give your summer garden a serious splash of colour! By Jacob White
ummer bedding plants do not just have to be petunias and marigolds! As well as popular bedding plants you can choose from a large range of annual bedding plants. Here is our rundown of the bedding plants which can turn your garden from drab to delightful this summer! Sweet peas These make a fantastic cottage garden! Let the sweet peas scramble up obelisks or wigwams where they can reach heights of 1.8m (6”), or try dwarf sweet peas for groundcover at the front of beds and borders. With their rich and delightful fragrance, and wide range of colours, sweet peas are excellent summer bedding plants and can provide bunches of gorgeous fragrant cut flowers throughout summer! Antirrhinum Much-loved for their flowery spikes and long-flowering period, Antirrhinums have mouth-like flowers which open when squeezed. Available in a range of colours, snapdragon plants vary in height, from dwarf plants no taller than 25cm (10”) to large plants such as Antirrhinum Royal Bride which reach around 90cm (35”). Dwarf snapdragons can be used in borders and patio containers, and if you are looking for bedding plants that attract bees, Antirrhinums are a great source of nectar.
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Begonia A versatile summer bedding plant, they are loved for their flamboyant and colourful blooms. They also boast an ability to thrive in both sun and shade. Flowering throughout the summer and up to the first frosts, they can be upright or trailing and are suitable for beds, hanging baskets and window boxes. Californian poppy This annual is sown directly in beds and borders, and will happily self-seed and create colour year after year. Traditionally orange, there is now a plethora of colours including yellow and red. The blooms are borne above blue-green foliage, and are attractive to bees. Thriving in dry soil, simply scatter the seeds where you want them to flower and they take care of themselves. Cosmos The saucer-shaped flowers are a source of late nectar for pollinating insects. The Cosmos’ fern-like foliage adds texture to bedding schemes and works well in an informal cottage-style bed or border. These summer plants are available in shades of pink, red and white with Cosmos Sulphureus offering yellow, orange and red. Cosmos plants begin blooming in mid-summer and flower until autumn.
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Do You Fear The Dentist? Most people will say they do not look forward to a dental appointment but for some there is a deep feeling of anxiety and fear which is keeping them away – in fact, a British Dental Health Foundation survey found that for 36% of those who did not see a dentist regularly, fear was the number one reason. By Jacob White
o you, or does someone you know, suffer from dental anxiety or dental phobia? Some people with the condition are putting themselves at risk of serious illness with a higher risk of gum disease and early tooth loss. There are professional out there to help even the most nervous to say “argh!” no more.
Causes Pain Of those who had not seen a dentist for 12 months, 6% reported fear of pain; this fear is common in those aged 40 or older as their early visits to the dentist were at a time before advances in dentistry. Helplessness and loss of control Like many phobias about situations there is often a feeling for a sufferer that they have no control of a situation. They sit still in a dentist chair and feel unable to predict what is going to happen next. Embarrassment The mouth is an intimate part of the body; people can feel ashamed or embarrassed by having a stranger looking inside. This may be a problem if you are self-conscious about the look of your teeth.
There is not a clearly defined boundary separating anxiety and phobia, everyone has fears and concerns and copes in different ways. However, some of the signs of dental phobia include: • You feel tense or have trouble sleeping before a visit to the dentist
What To Expect On A Dental Visit
If you have not been to a dentist for some time, they will want to take a full health history. On follow-up visits if your health status changes tell your dentist. Here is what to expect on a visit: Thorough Clean A dental hygienist or dentist will remove built-up plaque and tartar that can cause gum disease, cavities, bad breath and other oral health problems. Dental Examination Your dentist will perform an examination of your teeth, gums and mouth, looking for problems. X-Rays These can diagnose problems otherwise unnoticed, such as damaged jawbones and tumours.
Ways To Ease Fear
• Find an understanding dentist – ask friends and family for recommendations • Pick an appointment early in the morning so you have less time to dwell on it
• You get increasingly nervous in the waiting room
• Take a friend with you – a dentist won’t mind if they accompany you on your visit
• The sight of dental instruments and nursing staff increases your anxiety
• Agree a sign with the dentist to signal that you need a break and want them to stop
• You panic or have trouble breathing when objects are placed in your mouth
• Take a personal listening device to listen to music which can help you relax
Sedation Clinics: If you are visiting a dentist and need treatment, ask your dentist whether they offer a form of sedation. If they cannot offer sedation they can refer you to a sedation clinic. The sedation clinics are specifically for nervous dental patients. They can provide either inhalation sedation through a small mask or an injection into your hand or arm – you will be awake during treatment but you will be calm throughout and you probably will not be able to remember the treatment!
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INDEX Advertising Agency, Mad Ideas Advertising Agency, 39 Architect, J N A Architects Ltd, 30 Bathroom Restoration, Renubath, 30 Beauty Clinic, Derma Spa Aesthetics, 38 Building Services, R S Leighton, 31 Building Suppliers, Mitchells Building Centre, 33 Care Home, Barchester Health Care, 9 Carpentry Services, JSM Carpentry , 28 CCTV/Home Security, Icore Media Ltd , 27 Conservatories, Icon Roofs Ltd, 10 Conservatories, Unbeatable Conservatories, 5 Construction, C G Construction South East Ltd, 30 Cosmetic Surgery, The McIndoe Centre, part of Horder Healthcare, 40 Curtains & Blind, Elizabeth Designs, 29 Decorators, B J H Decorating Services, 29 Dental Care, The Dental Care Centre, 37 Dental Practice, A & N Denture Clinic, 37 Document Storage & Shredding, S4B, 18 Double Glazing, Cloudy 2 Clear , 7 Electrician, Boss Electrical Services, 31 Electrician, CKD Electrical, 31 Fencing, G & T Fencing, 35 Foot Health Practitioner, Footcare Focus, 38 Garage doors, G.M Garage Doors, 31 Garage Services, Auto Services Horley, 21 Garage Services, Brockham Motor Company, 21 Garage Services, Fergussons Auto Services, 2 Garage Services, Knox Motors, 20 Garage Services, VDS Performance, 22 Garden Design , New Dawn Garden Design, 34 Garden Design & Landscaping, JD Property Services , 29 Garden Machinery Sales service, Horace Fuller Ltd, 35 Garden Maintenance and Landscape Contractors, Copthorne Garden Services, 34 Garden Maintenance and Landscape Contractors, DLM Fencing and Gardening Services Limited, 35 Gift Shop, Heyland & Whittle, 23 Hardware Store, Smallfield Supplies, 29 Health and Wellbeing Centre, Centre for Health, 37
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Hypnotherapist, Becky Wells Ltd, 37 Interiors Blinds, Interior Blinds UK Ltd, 26 Kitchens, Bedrooms & Bathrooms, KBB Designs , 11 Landscaping, Branching Out Landscapes, 33 Landscaping, P.L.A Landscaping, 34 Lawncare and Garden Services, Lawn Tiger, 35 Locksmiths, Lees Locks, 31 Mediation Services, Evolution Wellness, 38 National Trust Property, Wakehurst , 13 National Trust Property, Wakehurst , 15 Oven Cleaning, Crystal Clean Ovens, 31 Painter and Decorator, Steve Noblett Painter & Decorator, 29 Pest Control, Pest Lady, 34 Plumbing, D and S Plumbing Services, 28 Plumbing and Heating, Tim Burberry Plumbing & Heating, 25 Property Maintenance, Davies Property Maintenance, 31 Property Maintenance, M P Property Maintenance Services, 31 Property Refurbishment & Construction, Baileybridge Property Refurbishment & Construction, 27 Public House and Restaurant, The Castle Outwood (Inn the Country Ltd), 14 Religious group, London Temple Visitor Centre, 15 Removals, Packman Removals, 30 Residential Property Surveys, Brickbox Surveys, 3 Restaurant, The Curry Bengal, 1 Roof & Gutter Cleaning, PCS Property Services, 30 Roofing, G & S Roofing, 25 Rubbish Clearance, Junk Genie, 30 Satellite/TV, Norsat, 26 Segway Experience, Segway Unleashed, 13 Skip Hire, R B Mini Skips, 35 Tiling Services, Steve Lewis Tiling Services, 30 Tree Care and Fencing, D R Newland Treecare & Fencing, 34 Tree Surgeons, Floran Tree, 34 Tree Surgeons, SPW Tree Surgeons, 34 Tree Surgeons, Townscape Tree Works, 34 Will Writing Service, Good Wills, 39 Window Cleaning, Charlwood Window Cleaners, 31