RH Uncovered Horley Edition September Issue

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Delivered to 14,000 Homes and Businesses - Issue 98


IN THIS ISSUE Reader Competition WIN tickets to Dunkirk (1958): Screening On The Beach CHILDREN Private Schools In Focus GARDENS Restore The Lawn!

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This month it is back to school and with it the beginning of a new, fresh season! To get you in the mood for the change of seasons we have fabulous features on education and garden care! As we return to the routine of packing school bags, our children feature this month is a focus on private schools and the views of head teachers and parents on the benefits of a private education. Our gardens feature gives you top tips on how to restore your lawn after the summer months where it might have taken a battering from children playing out, busy family gatherings and general al fresco living during the school holidays. If that is not enough our cover story features the screening of the 1950s classic Dunkirk and a 1940s themed day at the beautiful Sussex beach of Camber Sands, and we have tickets for you to win! Enjoy September with us, make the most of the final throws of summer, settle down and catch up with our lifestyle features and local community content, specific to your hometown, village or hamlet. Do not forget you can contact our community writers by emailing featuresdesk@mantramagazines.co.uk if there is something you would like to see in the magazine next month. It’s over to you! The RH Team

Contents 6




Community Articles, News & What’s On 16


Dunkirk (1958): Screening On The Beach 18



Private Schools In Focus 22


When Your Children Spread Their Wings 26


Food & Drink Uncovered 32


Motoring Money Saving Tips 34


C’est Chic! 42


Restore Your Lawn!



David Arnold & Koo Passfield production@mantramagazines.co.uk

CONTACT Unit 14E, Borers Yard, Borers Arms Road, Copthorne, RH10 3LH



www.rhuncovered.co.uk @RHUncovered RH Uncovered Matthew Arnold, mjarnold@mantramagazines.co.uk

ACCOUNTS Mandy Notridge, Credit@mantramagazines.co.uk



Mantra Magazines Ltd



Nikki Relffe-Arnold, nikki@mantramagazines.co.uk Heather Porter, Nadine Lindsay, info@mantramagazines.co.uk

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Jacob White, jacob@mantramagazines.co.uk

ARTICLE WRITERS Jacob White, jacob@mantramagazines.co.uk Shelley Welti, shelley@mantramagazines.co.uk Nikki Relffe-Arnold nikki@mantramagazines.co.uk

COMMUNITY WRITERS Jacob White, Groegia Lambert featuresdesk@mantramagazines.co.uk

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Helping Adolescents At The Marsden The Royal Marsden Hospital is a specialist cancer treatment hospital in London. Helping Adolescents at the Marsden (HAM) is a charity that supports the Royal Marsden Hospital by providing better facilities for patients aged 16 to 25 receiving treatment in their care. By Georgia Lambert


he HAM fundraising committee was founded in April 2004 and consists of a group of families living within surrounding areas of Outwood, South Godstone, Redhill, and Horley. Two of the young people within the group, Karli at the time aged 19 and Danny, then aged 17, had both undergone intensive cancer treatment at the Royal Marsden Hospital in Sutton. They both thought themselves to be at an in-between age – too old for the paediatric ward and too young for the adult wards. While receiving care Danny told the charity he would like a pool table to make his hospital experience more enjoyable, and HAM fundraised for one. Since then, fundraising has snowballed, and there are now better facilities for young people. It was for this reason that HAM decided to raise money to help others in a similar situation, to try and make their time spent in hospital less traumatic and more comfortable. HAM works with the Teenage Cancer Trust, CLIC Sargent and the Royal Marsden Cancer Campaign to provide a better hospital environment for teenagers and young adults with cancer. In 2010, HAM was very proud to donate £160,000

The guitar HAM bought for the young woman who wanted to learn

towards the Chill Out Zone at the Royal Marsden’s new Oak Centre in Sutton. Their medical facilities are second to none, but it also aims to provide vibrant surroundings for young people. HAM is actively fundraising and has funded iPads, laptops, Playstations, Kindles and an electronic keyboard. They are also able to pay for Jimmy Teens TV, which is a video service for young cancer patients, enabling them to share their experiences through video diaries, short films, music and animation. They have purchased two

iPads for the Critical Care unit in Fulham Road to assist with communication when patients are unable to talk due to tracheostomy procedures. So far, HAM has raised a staggering £250,000, and this money has gone towards anything that makes life a little more bearable during treatment. Although Helping Adolescents at the Marsden no longer has a capital project to fundraise for, they now award grants to individual people to help with the hidden costs. For example, transport, childcare costs, shopping vouchers, and sometimes wishes - one young woman was delighted to be given a guitar and lessons to learn how to play it. HAM also supports and contributes funds towards the CLIC Sargent Youth Achievement Award – a social event that recognises the achievements of young people who have been dedicated to their studies while going through cancer treatment. On Saturday, November 4 HAM invites you to join them at a Firework Spectacular at the Old Reigatians, Rugby Club, Park Lane, Reigate. There will be a firework display, outside bars and food and Radio Susy Roadshow will be covering the event - all proceeds go to HAM.

For more information about November’s Firework Spectacular and the work of Helping Adolescents at the Marsden, visit: www.h-a-m.org.uk/



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Sallyann And Finch Step Out For MacMillan Cancer

A brave and battling couple from Horley took part in the Cotswold Challenge in July to raise money for MacMillan Cancer. Tackling a route of 25km, Sallyann and Finch Richardson took on a tough course which Finch completed, but sadly due to an injury just days before Sallyann had to retire. By Jacob White


he pair took on health conditions as well as difficult terrain as part of the Cotswold Challenge on Saturday, July 1 in honour of Sallyann’s best friend Loretta’s dad who passed away following a battle with cancer in July 2016, Sallyann says she wanted to show her support to Loretta’s dad Martin. Sallyann, 37, and Finch, 41, were scheduled to take part in the 50km but due to Sallyann’s health – she has fibromyalgia and arthritis they decided on the 25km. Fitness fanatic and charity challenger, Sallyann signed up for the Cotswold Challenge, making it her fifth charity walk in three years. 16 years-ago, she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and was told she might have to limit activities. Sadly, all too often friends who did not understand fibromyalgia stopped inviting her out or talking to her because every time they invited her out, she did not have the energy after work to go out. Fibromyalgia has more than 280 symptoms and is largely an individual illness because it causes such differing ailments including chronic widespread pain, dizziness, pins and needles and depression to name just a few of the symptoms which can damage the careers and personal relationships of sufferers. Today, thanks to supportive doctors, specialists and pain clinics, Sallyann has learnt that she can do anything if she puts her mind to it, and that real friends understand that having a full-time job tires you out enough and understand when you cannot go out, and support you. Sallyann, says: “I am crazy to do these walks, so if just one person decides to get up and walk for five minutes or decides to think more positivity and realise that there is support out there for them, then my walk has done what it’s meant to!” Battling Sallyann, said: “I sadly had to pull out at 16km as before the walk I had dropped an object



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on my toe which put me in A and E. I was allowed to walk on it, but during the hike I ended up with my achilles tendonitis kicking in to the point where I couldn’t walk and had my knee and leg swell up.” Looking ahead to the future, Sallyann, said: “Although I did not finish, Finch did and I am very proud. St John’s Ambulance were amazed that with my fibromyalgia and foot injury that I participated and kindly gave me a medal and t-shirt for my determination and amazing effort.’ “We both hit our fundraising targets of £200.00 and although this was supposed to be my last walk, due to my disappointment that I didn’t complete the full 25km we have both signed up for the Jurassic coast 25km 2018 for pancreatic cancer”.


Dig Deep For MacMillan If you would like to donate to Sallyann and Finch’s fundraising efforts, visit their JustGiving page: www.justgiving.com/ fundraising/sallyann-richardson37  01342 718348


The Therapy Garden The Therapy Garden is a horticulture and education charity using gardening to generate positive change amongst people. They work with adults and teenagers with a range of learning difficulties, physical disabilities and mental health challenges, as well as offering school-age teenagers interventional education opportunities. By Georgia Lambert


ased in the village of Normandy, Surrey, the charity was established in 1998 by a resident with the aim of using the healing power of horticulture to connect with vulnerable members of the community. Some people use gardening as a way of calming, and a few hours in the garden can leave you tired but somehow renewed inside. Recent research from the National Gardens Scheme revealed more than a third of the people said being in a garden makes them healthier, while 79% believe access to a garden is essential for quality of life. The Therapy Garden is an idyllic and peaceful one-acre site at the heart of the picturesque village of Normandy. The garden has received prestigious awards such as the Guildford in Bloom gold award as well as scooping Surrey Wildlife’s Garden Gold award. The tranquil garden has been designed with accessibility in mind and includes wheelchair-friendly pathways, raised vegetable and ower beds, sensory areas and quiet spaces. Activities take place in their heated classroom or their centre, and there is a refreshment area. At the Therapy Garden, there are different projects available for gardeners - The Green School that offers secondary school age students with additional educational needs, the opportunity to achieve extra qualifications while being active outdoors. As well as qualifications, students gain practical, hands-on skills like learning to grow plants and vegetables from seeds to harvest and how to



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work in a team. Students take part in a range of horticultural activities such as growing, harvesting, maintaining gardens and selling produce in their shop - they work with horticulturists and volunteers to develop social skills and gain confidence. The Cultivating Skills project offers social and therapeutic horticulture to adults with a range of physical disabilities, learning difficulties and mental health challenges such as depression and anxiety. Attendees take part in a range of activities at their own pace, in a peaceful and supportive environment. The relationship between gardening and human health and wellbeing is widely acknowledged, and in recent years, there have been increasing calls for social and therapeutic agriculture to be prescribed by health professionals. The Therapy Garden could not exist without their dedicated team of volunteers. They have varied responsibilities within the charity including, supporting students and clients working in the garden on projects, garden maintenance, carpentry and building maintenance tasks, fundraising support and volunteer drivers and chaperones to transport students and clients to and from the garden. The Therapy Garden volunteers recently received the Queens Award for Voluntary Service for 2017 - this is the highest award achievable within the voluntary sector and it is the equivalent to an MBE. If you would like to know more about the Therapy Garden or how to become a volunteer, visit: www.thetherapygarden.org.


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WHAT’S ON Saturday, September 2 2017, Sunday, September 3 2017 and Wednesday, September 6 2017, 1.00pm - 5.00pm Woodbury Cottage Open Garden For NGS Woodbury Cottage, Colley Lane, Reigate RH2 9JJ Cottage garden open to the public for the National Garden Scheme. Entry is £4.00 for adults, child enter free. For more information, call: Bob or Shirley on: 01737 244235 Friday, September 8 2017 Live Music With The Radiators The Castle, Millers Lane, Outwood RH1 5QB A session of live music from band The Radiators. For more information, call: 01342 842754, email: thecastleoutwood@ gmail.com or visit: www.castleoutwood.co.uk Tuesday, September 12 2017, 7.00pm - 8.00pm Learn To Meditate Effectively with Evolution Wellness Evolution Wellness, Horley Wishing to learn to decrease stress, sleep better, and improve concentration and wellbeing? Learn to meditate with Evolution Wellness - 10 week course starts in Horley, taught by experienced and qualified instructors. For information, call: 07475 636183, email: info@evolutionwellness.co.uk or visit: www.evolutionwellness.co.uk

Saturday, September 30 2017 - Sunday, October 1 2017 OcktobeerFest The Castle, Millers Lane, Outwood RH1 5QB A celebration of beer. For more information, call: 01342 842754, email: thecastleoutwood@gmail.com or visit: www. castleoutwood.co.uk Friday, October 6 2017, 7.00pm Murder At The Manor Reigate Manor, Reigate Hill, Reigate RH2 9PF A Murder at the Manor evening. Tickets are £30.00 a person. For more information, call: 01737 240125, email: functions@ reigatemanor.co.uk or visit: www.reigatemanor.co.uk

Saturday, September 16 2017 Mussels Night - All You Can Eat The Castle, Millers Lane, Outwood RH1 5QB An all you can eat night. For more information, call: 01342 842754, email: thecastleoutwood@gmail.com or visit: www. castleoutwood.co.uk Sunday, September 17 2017, 10.00am Memory Walk At Tilgate Park Tilgate Park, Tilgate Drive, Crawley RH10 5PQ To register, pay a minimum £5.00 reg. fee at: www.justgiving. com/fundraising/tilgateparkmemorywalk. For a paper sponsorship form, call Crawley Wellbeing on: 01293 585350. Wednesday, September 20 2017, 2.00pm - 4.00pm Healthy Heart Day Information Session Sunrise Of Banstead, Croydon Lane, Banstead SM7 3AG A session dedicated to heart health. For more information, call: 01737 888598, or visit: www.sunrisebanstead.co.uk Saturday, September 23 2017 Spanish Tapas Night The Castle, Millers Lane, Outwood RH1 5QB Spanish tapas night. For more information, call: 01342 842754, email: thecastleoutwood@gmail.com or visit: www. castleoutwood.co.uk

WHAT IS BRIDGE? LEARN NOW! With Horley Bridge Club ◆ FREE 4 Weeks Introduction ◆ FREE 12 Weeks Tuition Offer  Andrew 07771 723 907  manorhousehive@btinternet.com Horley Bridge Club , 289 Court Lodge Road, Horley, Surrey RH6 8RG



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London Temple Garden Tours

West Park Road, Newchapel, Surrey RH7 6NB | Phone: 01342 837 952 The gardens here at the Temple are some 28 acres excluding the buildings, and are traditional English country gardens with wonderful walks through the parkland. We have woodland walks on well maintained and wheelchair freindly paths. with Bluebells, Wood Anemones, not to mention the trees - Oaks, Atlantic Ceders, Lime Trees, and Yew Trees, the list goes on. We are happy to cater for local school groups, youth organisations, senior citizen organisations, W.I’s, horticultural/gardening clubs, religious groups and any individuals with an interest of the above. Find us on the web www.lds.org/placestovisit Follow the London Temple Visitor’s Centre on Facebook

Open all year round

Tours available Tuesday - Friday from 9am - 7pm & Sunday 3pm - 6pm • Free Guided Tours • Free Entrance • Free Parking • Free Buffet Lunch For Groups of 10+ Reservations Necessary

Thank you for your kind hospitality and interesting garden tour. Also to thank your staff who were so kind and welcoming. - Wallington & Carshalton Horticultural Society Having only glimpsed the grounds from passing the entrance, we were thrilled to see the beautifil gardens inside the gates

- Hilltop WI, Turners Hill

Thanks for your hospitality, beautiful grounds and wonderful lunch.

- Reigate Trefoil Guild


YOUR LOCAL NEWS UNCOVERED RH Uncovered is all about living local and loving local. Send your news and events to featuresdesk@mantramagazines.co.uk Horley Town Centre Set For A Makeover The centre of Horley is set for a makeover as £630,000 has been allocated to a project to improve the town’s High Street. The improvement works will see parking and pavements upgraded, new lighting, seating and better disabled access. The bulk of the funding for the scheme was agreed by Reigate and Banstead Borough Council’s executive committee at a meeting in July and work could begin as early as spring of next year if designs are agreed. The plans will be drawn up now that funding has been agreed and it is anticipated that detailed designs will be ready by this autumn, with construction beginning on site in the spring and completion being by next summer. The works will be funded by £530,000 from the borough council’s capital programme, and £100,000 from Surrey County Council. The county council, as the local highways authority, will design, procure and manage the works.

Charlwood’s Billy Back Behind The Wheel Weeks After Crash Charlwood’s teenage racing driver Billy Monger has taken the decision to get back behind the wheel just weeks after a crash at Donnington Park on Easter Sunday which forced him to have both legs amputated. The 18-yearold was treated on the track for around 90 minutes before being taken to hospital by air ambulance. In July, just 11 weeks after the crash, the Formula 4 racer returned to the cockpit of a car at Brands Hatch, with the help of Team BRIT, which helps disabled drivers and injured servicemen compete in motorsport. Billy and his family spoke to Team BRIT about his potential future in racing, and tested their hand control technology in the car. A JustGiving page was set up after the crash, and has since raised more than £840,000 at the time of publishing, which will act as a trust of funds that can be used for the benefit of the teenager. To donate to Billy’s fund, visit: www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/billymonger23 Airline Announce Largest Ever Cabin Crew Job Drive Budget airline easyJet has announced they are looking to recruit more than 1,200 new cabin crew staff, more than half of which will be based at Gatwick. The news comes as the airline continues their growth and follows their announcement earlier in the year that it was looking to recruit more than 450 pilots. The airline currently employs more than 6,900 cabin crew who look after around 70 million passengers each year. Tina Milton, easyJet’s head of cabin service, said: “We’re delighted to be opening recruitment for more than 1200 cabin crew positions today. easyJet is a fantastic company to work for with everyone across the airline working together as one team to ensure we provide the highest standard of service for our customers. Being cabin crew is a very rewarding role – our teams are extremely professional and energetic with a real sense of fun. We’re looking forward to welcoming more people into our growing team.”

Copthorne Players Perform Little Shop Of Horrors Brace yourselves for two hours of wickedly funny entertainment as the talented team from Copthorne Players returns to Chequer Mead in this musical send up of 1950s sci-fi B movies. The show features one hit song after another, with a lot of surprises and some fabulously scary moments as the misadventures of geeky Skid Row florist Seymour Krelborn are revealed. Audrey 2 promises fame, fortune and the girl of his dreams if he will just Feed Me,

which Seymour does, and the beastly botanical grows into a giant, bad mannered, vulgar carnivore. Laced with dark humour, this tongue-in-cheek spoof is complimented by a hit Alan Menken score that gleefully combines rock, Motown and Broadway. Tickets are £15.00 for adults and concessions are £13.50. For bookings and more information, visit: www.chequermead.org.uk or call: 01342 302000.

Competition Time!

We have teamed up with Copthorne Players to offer you the chance to WIN a pair of tickets to see Little Shop of Horrors. For more information on how to win, visit our website: www.rhuncovered.co.uk



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Are you pregnant? Maybe you have a little one?


he babytodd Bump, Baby & Toddler Show is back and welcoming West Sussex families to enjoy the show with FREE ENTRY on the 1st October. The show embraces the opportunity to showcase a great variety of exhibitors who are keen to share their products, services and information at this relaxed and enjoyable event. With FREE parking, workshops, taster sessions, goody bags for the first 100 families and show exclusive

promotions, this is one not to be missed for any local family with a baby on the way or for those who have already welcomed their little one. The Copthorne Effingham Gatwick Hotel is the new home for the show offering a bigger selection of exhibitors and fantastic family friendly facilities including the Refreshment Hub for lunch, activities for children, stocked baby changing facilities and baby feeding area for those preferring a little more privacy. The show organiser, Sarah O’Connell, said: “The event

was created for families to indulge in everything for them and their babies or toddlers. It offers an opportunity to meet the individuals behind the local businesses and services, in order to help advise and share the work that they are so passionate about. Families can meet the people, try the products and learn about options available to them.” For more show information visit the show’s Facebook page @babytoddevent and pre-register via the website www.babytodd.co.uk


The Golden Era Of British Cinema Comes To Sussex!

Dunkirk (1958): Screening On The Beach This September, commemorate the enduring British wartime spirit of heroism amid severely chaotic conditions as STUDIOCANAL brings a very special late summer event to Sussex, a restored showing of Leslie Norman’s 1958 epic Dunkirk as allied forces evacuated France in the face of great adversity. By Jacob White


he special event on the beaches of Camber Sands on Wednesday, September 20 and Thursday, September 21 will be the premiere screening of a new restoration of the 1950s classic starring John Mills, who also appeared in Ice Cold In Alex, Goodbye Mr Chips, and Great Expectations, Richard Attenborough star of Brighton Rock, and The Great Escape, and a cast of genuine army officers. Directed by Leslie Norman, whose other work includes The Long, The Short And The Tall, Dunkirk is acclaimed as one of the most authentic representations of conflict, and was filmed on the exact beaches of Camber Sands that the screening will take place. The event is in association with The Luna Cinema and The Vintage Festival, and is part of the BFI’s Britain On Film Collection: Coast and Sea As well as the screening, event-goers will enjoy an evening of themed 1940s entertainment including food and drink of the era, 1940s dance



RH Uncovered

classes and set dressing, music and re-enactments. Gates open at 5.30pm, and the screening begins at 7.30pm. The screening will be preceded by archive films, including a montage of footage from the local coastal area at the time of the production. Dunkirk follows the events leading up to Operation Dynamo, where the British Army attempted to rescue fellow soldiers and allied troops from Nazi occupied France. Seen from the dual perspectives of a jaded journalist in search of propaganda and a weary soldier desperately trying to give his troop some hope, Dunkirk never shies away from the brutality of war and the bravery of its soldiers. The new restoration of Dunkirk is released on DVD, Blu-ray and EST, with new extras on Monday, September 25 2017 from STUDIOCANAL as part of their Vintage Classics Collection – showcasing iconic British films, fully restored and featuring new content. For more information and to book tickets to the Camber Sands event visit: www.scnl.co/DunkirkPremiere


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The Fallen Hard and Heavy Tidings Before the Dunkirk evacuation operation was completed, the prognosis had been very gloomy, Prime Minister Winston Churchill warned the House of Commons on May 28 to expect “hard and heavy tidings”. Subsequently, Churchill referred to the outcome as a miracle, and the British press presented the evacuation as a disaster turned to triumph so successfully Churchill had to remind the country, “we must be very careful not to assign to this deliverance the attributes of a victory. Wars are not won by evacuations.” .

Lights, Camera, Action!

For more information and to book tickets, visit: www.scnl.co/ DunkirkPremiere or for the latest news and for other coverage visit The Luna Cinema Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ TheLunaCinema/

The British Expeditionary Force (BEF) lost 68,000 soldiers (dead, wounded, missing, or captured) from May 10 until the surrender of France on June 22. Heavy equipment had to be abandoned, leaving behind in France 2,472 guns, 20,000 motorcycles, and almost 65,000 other vehicles. Six British and three French destroyers were sunk, along with nine other major vessels. In addition, 19 destroyers were damaged. More than 200 British and allied sea craft were sunk, with a similar number damaged. The Royal Navy’s most significant losses in the operation were six destroyers The RAF lost 145 aircraft, of which at least 42 were Spitfires, while the Luftwaffe lost 156 aircraft in operations in the nine days of Operation Dynamo.

The Royal Navy claimed the destruction of 35 Luftwaffe aircraft during the period from May 27 to June 1 and damage to 21 other aircraft. For every seven soldiers who escaped through Dunkirk, one was left behind as a prisoner of war. The majority of these prisoners were sent on forced marches into Germany. Prisoners reported brutal treatment by their guards, including beatings, starvation, and murder. Many of the prisoners were marched to the city of Trier, with the march taking as long as 20 days. The prisoners were then sent by rail to prisoner of war camps in Germany. The majority (those below the rank of corporal) worked in industry and agriculture for the remainder of the war. Today, the missing dead of the BEF are commemorated on the Dunkirk Memorial.

Competition Time!

We have teamed up with STUDIOCANAL to offer you the chance to WIN a pair of tickets to see Dunkirk (1958): Screening On The Beach. For more information on how to win, visit our website: www.rhuncovered.co.uk


Private Schools In Focus

Choosing a school for your child is likely to be the most important decision you will make as a parent. Choose the right school and you can put your child on the path towards enjoying learning and in the future, a successful career – but, where do you start? By Jacob White Independent schools, private schools and public schools are essentially the same – whatever you call them, they have no funding from government and rely on tuition fees, gifts, endowments and charity-backing. There are many good private schools locally and the private education sector is proving to be an increasingly popular choice for parents, gone are the days when private schools were just for an elite few. Why choose a private education for your child? Higher standards of education, more chances in life, strong discipline, smaller classes and, better results are some of the reasons. Whatever the reason, the most important thing is to choose the right school for Of the reasons parents choose a private education, excellent sporting facilities, the opportunity to study classical subjects like Ancient Greek and Latin and networking opportunities are some given.



your child - what is a good school for one child may not be right for yours. Choosing is a process of elimination, it is vital to view several. If the first school you visit feels right make sure you see others to confirm this, create a list of what you would like when you start looking at all the schools locally.

What is important to you and your child? This includes location, before and after school provision, sport facilities, help with learning difficulties, support for gifted and talented children, after-school clubs available or its religious outlook. Continued on the next page

“We encourage children to be aspirational, tenacious, courageous, curious and independent both within and beyond the classroom. We want our pupils to love learning and acquire the resilience, confidence and creativity which will allow them to seize the opportunities their futures bring.” Mr Mark Tottman, Headmaster at Dunottar School

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CHILDREN High Quality Maths Tuition up to GCSE Enjoying numbers & maths for over 30 years! Experienced & Friendly Tutor from Horley Call Mike Bradley on 07518 353 719 References available (fully CRB checked)


Contact schools and arrange a personal visit or go to an open day, take your child with you – they will see things from a child’s perspective. Talk to the children at the school – are they happy and motivated? Do not forget to talk to parents – they can give you an honest opinion of what day to day life is like in the school but most of all, go with your gut instinct – did your child feel at home there? Did you leave feeling positive? You need to also consider finances, what will you be expected to pay? Consider, also, routine and family life, do they offer Saturday school and do school holidays fit in with your life? Do you consider boarding? If you are considering boarding there are additional things to consider, do you choose full or flexi-boarding? How much contact do you

Private schools do not have to follow the National Curriculum, however, like state schools, they are inspected to ensure they are up to standard. Reports are published online by the organisation who inspects them including - Ofsted, the Independent Schools Inspectorate, the Bridge Schools Inspectorate or the School Inspection Service. get with your child and how many boarders the same age and gender stay? If you decide to apply and can pay the fees, what next? Most senior schools use the Common Entrance exam, those at prep schools are coached to sit these exams but you can get a tutor to help your child.

I have three girls at Burgess Hill Girls, all having moved from a good state school. Besides the small class sizes, outstanding after-school clubs, and the fabulously professional teaching staff, the biggest benefit is seeing my three grow in confidence beyond any hope or expectation. Wayne Robbins, Parent Did you know? A private education is now available from just 12 months-old! Many prep schools offer baby rooms. Those educated wholly in the private sector can typically attend nursery until they are four, pre-prep from four to eight and prep school from eight to either 11 or 13 followed by senior school through to 18 and off to university.



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When Your Children Spread Their Wings

Being a parent is the worst job! Children, for 18 years or so run you ragged, and then they head off to university or a home of their own as they please! Suddenly, you are redundant and your nest is empty! However, a sudden empty nest when your children spread their wings can be challenging. By Jacob White Understand Empty Nest Syndrome e have some ways you can ease Empty nest syndrome is a psychological condition the burdens that come with the that affects largely women, producing grief when challenging times ahead: one or more of the children leave home. Most Preparing For Departure common when children leave for university, or If you are expecting your child or children to be when children marry and leave home to live leaving, take time to check that they are aware of with their partner - empty nest syndrome can how to care for themselves. Make sure they know lead to a feeling of redundancy, feeling lost, and how to wash their clothes, cook and appreciate unsure about the future - feeling sad and crying the value of money. Whilst these improve with is normal. practice, it is important to talk them through it. Get The Support You Need Think Positively If you find that you are not coping and feel a They will feel a range of emotions from being deep sense of emptiness, or an inability to get terrified to excited about their upcoming new your life back on track after the children leave, experiences. If they are worried about the it is important to get help. You may be suffering prospect of leaving, reassure them by telling them from depression or a similar psychological that the unknown is worse than reality. Help issue - speak to a professional, cognitive therapy them understand that once in their new routine, or other types of therapy that enable you to it will be familiar and fun. Let them know that talk through your concerns. Treat yourself – do the family home is their permanent base, for not neglect yourself, have a massage, go to the whenever they need or want to return home. cinema, buy chocolates! Talk to your partner This provides you both with a secure sense of about your feelings. belonging and safety. Start Looking After Yourself Look At The Ways Of Staying In Touch Once satisfied that you have set your child on the You will feel a sense of loneliness and emptiness right path, note all the things you had promised when they are gone because you cannot just yourself you would get around to – now is the turn around and have a conversation with them. time to start doing them! Build new friendships Staying in constant communication is important or revive lapsed ones. Friends are an important for maintaining a sense of family togetherness. part of your transition from parent full-time to Today, staying in touch is easier than person-at-home-without-kids. Take up a new it was for past generations – think about the hobby or return to education or restart your following - buy prepaid mobile phone minutes so career – either pick up where you left off or start that they do not have to be concerned about the a new one! Consider volunteering, if you are not cost of calling you, schedule a weekly call-in time, ready to go back to work volunteering is a good and use email or text for all the in-between times. way to transition back into the workforce at a These are great mediums because you can say pace that suits you! things without being too emotional.




RH Uncovered


 01342 718348

Rediscover the love of your life Unless you are a single parent, you will be left with your partner and this can be a difficult time if you discover that there is a problem with your relationship you had not faced because having the children around helped to cement your relationship. If your children were the only bonding force in your relationship, you and your partner may need to work on your relationship. Acceptance that this is a difficult time of transition can allow both of you to forgive the uncertainties and messiness of growing together as a couple without children again, this as an opportunity to rediscover each other. Focus On The Positives

Focus on the positive changes - although, this does not remove the importance of your sadness and the transition you and your children are going through, it does help you to see things positively. Some of the positives include – the fridge will not need filling so frequently, romance with your partner may increase, there will be less washing and ironing to do, lower water and electricity bills, you can run across the landing naked, join the National Trust and most of all, enjoy the sense of accomplishment that you have raised a child who is capable of going out into the world!

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The Castle - Outwood

Millers Lane, Outwood, RH1 5QB

01342 842 754

4.0 out of 5.00 on Trip Advisor

“Excellent lunch on a sunny day!”

51 Degrees North

63 Victoria Rd,Russell Sq, Horley RH6 7NL

01293 270710

Air Balloon

60 Brighton Road, Horley RH6 7HE

01293 820188

Blacks Burgers

59-61 Brighton Road, Horley RH6 7HJ

01293 775060

Blue Lake

11-13, Station Road, Horley, RH6 9HW

01293 775888

Curry Inn

5 - 6 Massetts Road, Horley RH6 7PP

01293 784888

Da Peppino

13 Massetts Road, Horley RH6 7PR

01293 772225

RH Uncovered

01342 718348

Looking for a BIGGER slice?

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call us today on 01342 718348 “Live local, love local”



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Dave Dove

78 Brighton Road, Horley, RH6 7JQ

01293 782858

Dijo Cafe & Delicatessen

34 Station Road, Horley RH6 9HL

01293 825442

Fortune Garden

Massetts Road,Horley, Horley RH6 7PP

01293 786168

Horley Fish and Chips

5-7 Consort Way, Horley RH6 7AF

01293 773330

Il Sorriso

2 Consort Way East, Horley RH6 7AU

01293 432227

JaiHo at The Coppingham Arms 263 Balcombe Road, Horley RH6 9EF

01293 782283

Khushboo Indian Cuisine

01293 821495

69 Balcombe Road, Horley RH6 9AB

Kings Head

63 Balcombe Road, Horley RH6 9HY

01293 783417

Le Manger Cafe Bar & Restaurant

5 High Street, Horley RH6 7BE

01293 772079

Lee Garden

35 Station Road, Horley RH6 9HW

01293 783119

Stand out from the crowd with our Highlighted listing! Call us on 01342 718348 to upgrade today Limes Bistro

8 The Street, Charlwood, Horley RH6 0BY

01293 862680

Little Green Cafe

17 Lee Street, Horley RH6 8EH

01293 825085

New Fort Raj

74 Victoria Road, Horley RH6 7PZ

01293 822909

Planet Sweet Reigate Manor Hotel 4.0 / 5.0 on Trip Advisor

82 Victoria Road, Horley RH6 7AB Reigate Hill, Reigate RH2 9PF “Perfect Sunday lunch”

01293 776674 01737 240125

Serendipity Coffee Co

23 High Street, Horley RH6 7BH

01293 774104

Shipley Bridge

Antlands Lane, Burstow, Horley RH6 9TE

01293 785237

Station Cafe

39 Victoria Road, Horley RH6 7NL

01293 821108

Taj Balti House

169 Victoria Road, Horley RH6 7AR

01293 776944

The Curry Bengal

25-29 Station Rd, Horley, RH6 9HW

01293 784255

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Riverford Organic - Reigate

01803 227227

“Delivering vegetable boxes, meat and much more to Reigate and the surrounding areas” The Farmhouse Pub

Ladbroke Road,Langshott, Horley, RH6 9LJ

01293 782146

The Foresters

82 Victoria Road, Horley RH6 7AB

01293 782579

The Fox Revived

Norwood Hill, Horley RH6 0ET

01293 229270

The Greyhound

12 The Street,Charlwood, Horley RH6 0BY

01293 862203

RH Uncovered

01342 718348

Looking for a BIGGER slice?

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call us today on 01342 718348 “Live local, love local”

The Half Moon

73 The Street, Charlwood, Horley RH6 0DS

01293 863414

The Horley Charcoal Grill

171 Victoria Road, Horley RH6 7AR

01293 421873

The Jack Fairman

30 Victoria Rd, Horley RH6 7PZ

01293 827910

The New Emperor Chinese

92 Brighton Road, Horley RH6 7JQ

01293 776688

The Plough and Furrow

Plough Road,Smallfields, Horley RH6 9JW

01342 842212

The Tavern

42 High Street,Surrey, Horley RH6 7BB

01293 775492

Three Horseshoes Inn

Ironsbottom, Sidlow Bridge, Reigate RH2 8PT

01293 862315

4.5 / 5.0 on Trip Advisor

“A very warm welcome & excellent Roast!”

White Lotus Thai Restaurant

167 Victoria Road, Horley RH6 7AR

01293 824474

Ye Olde Six Bells

Church Road, Horley RH6 8AD

01293 825028

Stand out from the crowd with our Highlighted listing! Call us on 01342 718348 to upgrade today



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Heyland & Whittle


Handmade with love, care and attention!

eyland & Whittle is a quality Soap and Home Fragrance manufacturer based in West Sussex, creating beautiful natural products the traditional way. Husband and wife team Paddy Heyland and Ursula Whittle set up their award winning luxury fragrance company in 2003 by joining their names to create the brand and have used the Heyland family crest as their logo. Inspired by nature, step through the door of the Heyland & Whittle factory and the glorious signature fragrances greet you.

They use the traditional cold-processed method to produce the finest handmade soaps and only the very best natural ingredients. Their soaps are sulphate and paraben free. Teams of skilled, dedicated workers hand pour wax candles and fill reed diffusers with care and precision. Candles are the traditional, quick and atmospheric way to fill the room with your chosen Heyland & Whittle fragrance. Say hello to a new range of Scentsational candles - Strawberry, Pineapple, Mandarin, Vanilla Custard, Garden Pea, Coconut Milk, Black Olive, Tomato & Herb –

generous (250g) Sustainable wax candles fragranced with aromas of fruits and vegetables as found on the supermarket shelves. Eye catching, bold design, innovative, quirky, true fragrance “it is, what it says on the tin!” Sold by top retailers including John Lewis, Fortnum & Mason and Marks & Spencer, Heyland & Whittle’s quintessentially British ranges of fragranced candles, diffusers and bath and body products can also be found in hundreds of independent British shops as well as in places as far flung as America, Taiwan and Germany. Heyland & Whittle are proud to fly the British flag!

Lady Practitioners, Free home visit ADVERTORIAL

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After being established for more than 8 years Good Wills is pleased to introduce

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£10 OFF appointments booked by 30/09/2017

We strongly advise you ensure anyone offering these types of services are regulated and always ask to see proof of membership

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Lady Practitioners Free home visit

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Motoring Money Saving Tips

I read that drivers should seek cheap fuel - not only will you use more fuel trying to find a mythical petrol station, but the chances are that the fuel you buy will do more harm than good to your vehicle. So here are more credible money-saving tips that I found. By Ben Morley Do Not Buy Cheap Tyres They are cheap for a reason. Assuming that your car is in fine fettle, these will not last as long and are proven to have a less than desirable effect on handling, they will increase your car’s stopping distance and can even increase fuel consumption. A quality tyre, sporting the EU grade rating of A - A, being the tyre that decreases energy loss through the tyre - G being the worst. Research has proven that a quality eco tyre can increase fuel economy by 2.5 MPG (Miles Per Gallon). Check Tyre Pressures Regularly Under inflated tyres can drastically increase the fuel consumption of your vehicle, in a similar way to that of a poor quality tyre. While you will spot a badly under inflated tyre visually, one that is a couple of PSI (Pounds Per Square Inch) lower than recommended can still cost you more in fuel over the course of a year. Most friendly garages should check your tyre pressures free of charge. Do Not Bump Up And Down Kerbs Lots of people do it, but it is a bad habit. Not only can it cause damage to the metal wires inside the tyre carcass, or even the wheel itself, it is also not very kind to your suspension components, accelerating wear and potentially costing more in the long run. De-frost Your Screen Manually In The Winter We have all done it – flick the windscreen wipers on to clear the screen of frost - do not do it. Wiper blades are becoming a relatively expensive item, sometimes costing upwards of £20.00 to replace, and will wear out very quickly on ice, if not tear off completely. Thus potentially leading to damage to the windscreen. Stick a scraper in the car and spend an extra couple of minutes on those icy mornings.

Check Your Car Before Taking It For MOT Sounds silly, but the number of cars that fail their MOT due to not having any screen wash, or having a bulb out. It takes two minutes to top up the screen wash. While some garages might sort these minor things for free pre-test, not all garages are that nice.

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on production of this voucher, Quote RH6 Uncovered, offer ends 30th September 2017 *

Air Con Regas £54 including VAT on production of this voucher, Quote RH6 Uncovered, offer ends 30th September 2017 *

£10 OFF MOT (When incorporated with a full service) on production of this voucher, Quote RH6 Uncovered, offer ends 30th September 2017 *

*Offers not to be used in conjunction with any other offer


C’est Chic!

Are you planning to revamp your home? We have some inspiration for you with innovative ways to beautify your home in true vintage style. Simple changes can add value to your home through décor projects. Did you know that you could use a collection of vintage mirrors of different shapes and sizes to accessorise a blank wall and brighten your living space? Or geometrically shaped lights could lift the ambiance of your room to a new level? Remember, vintage is the new modern, so say chic! By Jacob White


rends in interior design are in constant change, here is our list of vintage looks hot right now!

Comfort Seat Create a living room that pampers you and your guests – bring in comfort and style with a cosy sofa and add a comfy and luxurious faux fur throw to increase the grandeur of your daily living space.


Mirror Image You do not want to place your plush sofa against a bland wall, instead, try adding an assortment of vintage mirrors – different shapes adds a cutting edge look and makes the wall come alive.

Storage Walls Looking for something elegant and rustic? Why not choose an antique-styled wall unit? When sat alongside modern furniture it provides a smart and stylish contrast but practical too!

Lighten Up! Lights really do set the mood and ambience of a room – try geometrically-shaped lights, especially effective over a dining room table, or in a hallway – when off they still look like a work of art!

Picture Perfect Pictures, whether paintings or photos say so much about us – they are décor and a gallery of our memories. Place in vintage frames and sit back and admire your happy memories.

Work It! Do you work from home? Heavy and robust desks from days gone by are a chic addition to any living room! All you need is to find matching accessories such as a desk lamp, and you are away!

Timing Is Everything Whether in the hallway, over the fireplace or in the kitchen – a classic time piece is essential to bring chic into a home. Metallic works best in living rooms while use wooden for hallways and kitchens.

What Is In Store? Storage is important for any home but storage and style should go hand-in-hand, why not mix old and new? Think about adding a vintage wooden cabinet which makes a real statement!

Book Up! Are you a book lover? Antique bookends are the perfect accessory for your beloved page turners! Heavy and often uniquely designed, bookends are proudly a shout-out chic accessory.


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Tim Burberry

Plumbing & Heating


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Restore The Lawn!

Is your lawn in need of some TLC? If during the school holidays your lawn doubled up as Wembley, Lords or Centre Court at Wimbledon, how can you revive your lawn with some tender love and care? By Russell Cobley Lawn Feed And Weed Treatment If you have not given your lawn a feed and weed treatment, it is not too late. Lawns need a balanced supply of nutrients all year round to help them look lush and green. You can purchase an autumn lawn feed from garden centres. If you have any weeds present you still have time in early autumn to get rid of them by hand, or by using a dedicated lawn weed killer product. Just be careful not to over apply the feed and weed products, otherwise, you can cause long term lawn damage. Renovation Many lawns have a layer of organic matter on the soil surface, which limits water and nutrients from reaching the roots and encourages moss. If you have more than 2cm of thatch or moss consider raking or mechanically scarifying it out. Water daily if no rainfall is present, and for larger areas, it is advised to use a more efficient petrol scarifier. For moss, use a moss control product before lawn scarification. The soil under the lawn will have become compacted from the summer use. Compaction means the grass roots cannot



for larger areas to repair. You can use a spade to cut and slice out the patchy turf, add top soil to level then lay the new piece of turf. Remember to water daily until the roots establish in a few weeks.

grow very deep, leading to the less drought tolerant lawn as well as decreased overall grass health and appearance. To reduce compaction, it is advised to annually aerate the lawn with a hollow tine aerator machine - forking over the lawn does not relieve compaction. To thicken up the lawn, spread quality grass seed over the lawn, especially after scarification and aeration, then water daily via a sprinkler if no rainfall. In a couple of weeks, you will have lovey green shoots appearing. For smaller patches, thinly spread some top soil, add grass seed, lightly rake over then water daily. For larger areas turf can be a better approach with autumn an ideal time due to the increased rain and soil moisture to get the turf to establish. Great for either a new lawn or

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Mowing And Leaves Reduced sunlight and temperatures mean slower grass growth. Time to raise the mower up a height or two and aim to cut off the tops each time. If you have trees nearby, keep any leaves off the lawn as they will cause the grass to turn yellow or kill it off in a few days. Cut back overhanging vegetation blocking the sunlight to the lawn as it will lead to a greener, less patchy area and limit moss appearing. If you are unsure of the DIY approach, or lack time, consider contacting a local lawn care company, who typically offer a free lawn survey and quote to undertake your autumn renovation.

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INDEX Advertising Agency, Mad Ideas Advertising Agency, 46

Gift Shop, Heyland & Whittle, 29

Aerial Installers, Norsat, 38

Hardware Stores , Smallfield Supplies, 39

Architect, J N A Architects Ltd, 40

Health and Wellbeing Centre, Centre for Health, 24

Art Classes, Art Class, 12

Heating Services, Storaheat, 41

Bathroom Restoration , Renubath, 41

Hypnotherapist, Becky Wells Ltd, 23

Blinds, Penumbra Blinds & Solar Control Ltd, 39

Hypnotherapist, Sarah Stanley Hypnotherapy, 23

Bridge Club, Horley Bridge Club, 12

Interiors Blinds, Interior Blinds UK Ltd, 35

Building Suppliers, Mitchells Building Centre, 38

Kitchens Bedrooms & Bathrooms, KBB Designs, 9

Car/Vehicle Services, VDS Performance, 32

Landscaping, Branching Out Landscapes, 43

Care Home, Barchester Health Care, 5

Landscaping, P.L.A Landscaping, 43

Carpentry Services, JSM Carpentry, 37

Lawncare and Garden Services, Lawn Tiger, 43

CCTV/Home Security, Icore Media Ltd, 37

Locksmiths, Lees Locks, 41

Charity, Furni Store, 13

Oven Cleaning, Crystal Clean Ovens, 41

Childrens groups, Babytodd, 15

Painter and Decorator,

Choral Society, East Grinstead Choral Society, 13

Steve Noblett Painting & Decorating, 41

College of Further Education, Reigate College, 21

Pest Control, Pest Lady, 45

Conservatories, Unbeatable Conservatories, 11

Plumbing, D and S Plumbing Services, 39

Cosmetic Surgery,

Plumbing and Heating, Tim Burberry Plumbing & Heating, 36

The McIndoe Centre, part of Horder healthcare, 25

Private School, Dunottar School, 19

Curtains & Blind, Elizabeth Designs, 39

Property Maintenance, Davies Property Maintenance, 40

Decorators, B J H Decorating Services, 40

Property Maintenance, M P Property Maintenance Services, 40

Dental Practice, A & N Denture Clinic, 24

Public House and Restaurant,

Dental Practice, The Dental Care Centre, 24

The Castle Outwood (Inn the Country Ltd), 26

Double Glazing, Cloudy 2 Clear, 7

Religious group, London Temple Visitor Centre, 13

Electrician, Boss Electrical Services, 41

Residential Property Surveys, Brickbox Surveys, 3

Electrician, CKD Electrical, 41

Restaurant, The Curry Bengal, 1

Electrician, M A Thomas Electrical, 41

Roof & Gutter Cleaning, PCS Property Services, 40

Estate Agents, White & Sons - Horley, 48

Roofing, G & S Roofing Ltd, 35

Fencing, G & T Fencing, 44

Secondary School, Oakwood School, 21

Foot Health Practitioner, Footcare Focus, 24

Skip Hire, R B Mini Skips, 44

Garage doors, G.M Garage Doors, 40

Solicitor, Burstow Solicitors (BLS), 46

Garage Services, Auto Services Horley, 33

Solicitor, Good Wills Law Limited, 31

Garage Services, Brockham Motor Company, 33

Tiling Services, Steve Lewis Tiling Services, 41

Garage Services, Fergussons Auto Services, 2

Tree Care and Fencing, D R Newland Treecare & Fencing, 44

Garage Services, Knox Motors, 32

Tree Surgeons, Floran Tree, 45

Garden Design , New Dawn Garden Design, 45

Tree Surgeons, Townscape Tree Works, 45

Garden Design & Landscaping, JD Property Services, 43

Tuition, Mike Bradley Tuition, 20

Garden Machinery Sales service, Horace Fuller Ltd, 44

Will Writing Service, Good Wills, 46

Garden Maintenance and Landscape Contractors,

Window Cleaning, Charlwood Window Cleaners, 40

Copthorne Garden Services, 44 Disclaimer: Mantra Magazines Ltd does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the quality, accuracy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of any information, product or service represented within our magazine or web site. Anyone using the information provided by Mantra Magazines Ltd, whether medical, legal, business or other, does so at their own risk, and by using such information agrees to indemnify Mantra Magazines Ltd from any and all liability, loss, injury, damages, costs and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) arising from such use. No Implied Endorsement. If using the products or services from any business found within our magazines, we strongly recommend that you verify the legitimacy of the business including any claims made, insurance details or membership of trade bodies. Mantra Magazines Ltd does not endorse or recommend any article, product, service or information found within said articles. The views and opinions of the authors who have submitted articles to Mantra Magazines Ltd belong to them alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of Mantra Magazines Ltd or its staff. Links to other web sites from Mantra Magazines Ltd or its website are provided for convenience only. Mantra Magazines Ltd is not responsible for the content or availability of any external or 3rd party sites and does not warrant or guarantee the products, services, or information found on these sites. Mantra Magazines Ltd

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